Page 1 Search - How do I? By doing this... Search multiple property

Select grid
Select search type and search template
Select listings
Enter search criteria
Click Results
Click Details
By doing this...
Results - How do I?
Search multiple
property types
Select Cross Property from the
Search Type list.
Only show properties
Select a status from the Status list.
with a particular status
Search for active
listings only
Select Active in the Status field and
deselect all other statuses.
Only show the
selected listings
Search by map area
Click Select map area.
Select multiple values
in a search criteria list
Click each value. Click a value to
deselect it.
Select all values in
a search criteria list
Double-click anywhere in the list.
Double-click again to deselect all.
Specify a value range
for a search field.
Click Show advanced search
options. Select the Between
operator for the search criteria field.
Search - How do I?
Show search criteria’s
long description
Click Short code. Click Description
to display the short codes again.
Save a search
for a client
Select Save Search from the Action
list and click the Arrow button.
Open a saved search
Click the name of a search in the
Saved Searches area.
Make a copy of a
saved search
Open the saved search, then select
Save As from the Action list and
click the Arrow button.
Change notification
settings for your
saved searches
Click Prospecting Manager.
Add new fields to the
search template
Click Add more search criteria..
Create a new
search template
Stop a search
while it’s running
From the Action list, select Template
Manager and click the Arrow button.
Click the browser’s Stop button.
By doing this...
Home - How do I?
By doing this...
Select Show Selected from the
Filter list.
See my new leads
Click New leads in the Message
Center area.
Sort the results
Click a column header. Click the
header again to reverse the sort.
See my new
e-mail messages
Click New messages in the
Message Center area.
Narrow the results
by price range
Click the Price arrow and use the
See new
prospecting matches
Click New prospecting matches in
the Message Center area
Select all listings
Click the check mark column header.
Click it again to deselect all.
Quick search
by ML number
See a quick
listing report
Click the listing. Click the listing
again to hide the report.
In the Find a Listing area, select the
ML# option, type the ML# in the field
and click the Arrow button.
Quick search
by address
In the Find a Listing area, select the
Address option, enter a full or partial
address and click the Arrow button.
View new
hotsheet matches
Click a section name in the Today’s
Hotsheet area.
Change my home
page hotsheet criteria
Click Change my criteria in the
Today’s Hotsheet area.
Update my home
page hotsheet results
Click Refresh in the Today’s
Hotsheet area.
Create a new task
Select Add To-do or Add
Appointment from the Action list,
then click the arrow button.
View tomorrow’s tasks
Click Next Day in the To Do’s and
Appointments area.
View the
Message of the Day
In the Resources area, click
Message of the Day.
View Web Resources
Click a category in the Resources
area, then click a link.
Add links to my own
Web Resources
Click Settings, then click
Personalize Home Page Resource
Links in the Personalize section.
See a full listing report Select the listings, then click Details.
E-mail listings
to client
Select the listings, then select Send
Email from the Action list and click
the Arrow button.
Begin a CMA
Select the listings, then select
Create CMA from the Action list and
click the Arrow button.
Show the listings’
location on a map
Select the listings, then select Map
View from the Action list and click
the Arrow button.
Create driving
directions for
a buyer’s tour
Select the listings, then select
Driving Directions from the Action
list and click the Arrow button.
Export the listings
Select the listings, then select
Export Data from the Action list and
click the Arrow button.
Change the
column layout
Select Column Manager from the
Action list and click the Arrow button.
Select the default
column layout
Click Settings, then click Personal
Defaults in the Personalize section.
How do I?
By doing this...
Set up my
Agent Web Site
Click Settings, then click Agent
Web Page Setup from the
Personalize section.
Add or modify my
e-mail templates
Click Settings, then click E-mail
Templates from the Personalize
Add a client record
Click Clients, then click Add New
View client records
Click Clients, select the clients, then
click Details.
Create a CMA
Click CMA, then click New CMA.
Print a CMA
Click CMA, select the CMA, click
Report, then click Print.
Change my contact
information and
e-mail address
Click Settings, then click Contact
Information in the Personalize
Look up an agent or
office’s contact info
Click Search, then select User from
the Search Type list.
Upload my picture
to use in reports
Main Features of MLXchange
Home Page
View new leads, messages,
prospecting matches, hotsheet results,
and your list of To Do’s and
Manage your incoming e-mail.
Track contact information for your
clients, print labels and send mass
Find listings that match your client’s
criteria. Save searches and be
automatically notified of new property
matches. Print and e-mail listing
Click Tools, then click Member
Images in the Images section.
Find tax records (where available).
Change my password
Click Settings, then click Change
Password in the Personalize
Watch the market for new and changed
Choose my list of
favorite reports on the
Listing Details page
Click Settings, then click Edit
Favorites in the Personalize section.
Create professional CMAs and
presentations for your clients.
Choose my default
template, column
layout and report view
for each search type
Click Settings, then click Personal
Defaults in the Personalize section.
Create flyer-style reports for general
use and statistical reports such as NAR
home sales report.
Choose my default
start-up page
Click Settings, then click Personal
Defaults in the Personalize section.
Modify or create
my own reports
Click Reports, then click Report
Manager .
Access financial tools, listing
maintenance, and upload images.
Run a statistical report
Click Reports, then click Statistical
Access financial tools
Click Tools, then choose an item
from the Financial Functions menu.
Manage your MLX Professional Agent
Web Site, and modify your personal
contact information, search defaults,
home page resource links, and favorite
Access online help.
Version 2.0
Quick Reference Guide
MLX Professional