Experiment 8: The Colpitts Oscillator Purpose and Discussion The purpose of this simulation is to demonstrate the characteristics and operation of a Colpitts oscillator. As is the case with other LC oscillators, the Colpitts oscillator is used for higher frequencies, typically between 1 and 500 MHz. It is characterized by the capacitive voltage divider made up of C1 and C2. This feedback voltage is used for the oscillations. Colpitts oscillators can be designed using BJTs, FETs or JFETs. In the design illustrated in Figure 8-1, the loading effect is greatly reduced as compared to a BJT design due to the high input impedance at the gate. As with other LC oscillators, the Barkhausen criteria must be met in order for oscillation to take place. Specifically the gain from input to output must be one and the net phase around the loop must be zero. In the design illustrated in Figure 8-1, the JFET must exhibit an absolute value of open circuit voltage gain greater than or equal to the ratio C1/C2 in order to sustain oscillations. In other words, the gain of the JFET must make up for the attenuation created by the feedback fraction: C2 1 C1 B= . Since AvB = 1, then Av = = C1 B C2 In order to vary the frequency of oscillation, L1 should be varied. If C1 or C2 were chosen instead, the feedback fraction B would be affected. Parts DC 12 V Supply Transistor: Ideal N JFET Resistors: 1 kΩ, 120 kΩ Inductor: virtual 60 µH, 5.1 mH Capacitor: virtual 22 pF, 180 pF Test Equipment • • Oscilloscope Spectrum Analyzer Formulae Frequency of Oscillation fc = 1 L1C1C 2 2π C1 + C 2 Equation 8-1 37 38 Understanding RF Circuits with Multisim Gain Av = -gmrd Equation 8-2 Condition for Oscillation Av ≥ C2 C1 Equation 8-3 Procedure Figure 8-1 1. Connect the circuit components illustrated in Figure 8-1. 2. Double-click the oscilloscope to view its display. Set the time base to 200 ns/Div and Channel A to 10V/Div. Select Auto triggering and DC coupling. 3. Select Simulate/Interactive Simulation Settings, and select Set to Zero for Initial Conditions. 4. Start the simulation. When the oscillator has stabilized, measure the frequency of oscillation. The Colpitts Oscillator 39 5. Compare with theoretical calculations: fc = measured = calculated 6. Stop the simulation and place a Spectrum Analyzer on the workspace. 7. Connect the output lead of the oscillator to the input of the Spectrum Analyzer. 8. Double-click to open the Spectrum Analyzer window. 9. Press Set Span. Set Start = 10 kHz, End = 10 MHz, Amplitude = Lin and Range = 2V/DIV. Press Enter. 10. Restart the simulation. When the oscillation has stabilized, drag the red marker to the position of the spectrum line observed. Note the frequency in the lower left corner of the Spectrum Analyzer window: fc = 11. Calculate L1 necessary to achieve a frequency of oscillation of 8 MHz. Replace L1 by double-clicking on it and selecting Replace. Run the simulation to verify your calculation. 12. Given that gm = 1.6 ms and rd = 12 kΩ, determine whether oscillations will be sustained. Expected Outcome Figure 8-2 Oscilloscope Display of Initial Colpitts Oscillator Oscillations Additional Challenge Re-design the circuit of Figure 8-1 choosing values of C1 and C2 so that Avβ = 10 and the frequency of oscillation is approximately 3 MHz. Replace existing simulated component values by double-clicking on the component of interest. Run the simulation and compare the output data with expected theoretical values. 40 Understanding RF Circuits with Multisim