THE GENETICS OF MATING TYPE IN A SYNGEN OF GLAUCOMA* PAULA LEE CHO Zoology Department, University of Illinois, Urbana 61801 Received October 12, 1970 REEDING in Ciliates takes the form of conjugation. In the mating reaction, animals unite in pairs, undergo meiosis, fertilize each other, and separate. Then both exconjugants of each pair multiply by repeated fissions. Conjugation occurs when cells of complementary physiological classes (mating types) are 1954). Within a particular taxonomic species of Ciliate, mixed ( SONNEBORN there may be several sets of complementary mating types (syngens) which cannot interbreed among themselves. Cells within each syngen constitute a po1957). The distinction between cells tentially common gene pool ( SONNEBORN of different mating types has a physiological basis and may not be morphologically identifiable. The purpose of this paper is to report on the genetics of mating-type determination in strains of the Glaucoma chattoni-scintillans group. Some of these strains conform to CORLISS’ (1953a) description of either G. chattoni or G. scintillans, but some are intermediate (CHO 1971). In a previous study on these forms, PHILLIPS and ABRAHAM (1969) reported two mating types in syngen 1, and observed that a pair of exconjugant clones (a synclone) usually has identical mating type: mating types I and I1 appeared in an approximately 1 : 1 ratio in successive generations. They inferred that this pattern reflected a simple genic mating-type inheritance in which the mating-type phenotype is determined directly by the genotype. Fragmentary results on crosses in syngen 2 suggested that expression of the mating-type phenotype might involve epigenetic factors which modify or limit genotypic pluripotency. In Japan, NAKATA also observed mating types in Glaucoma scintillans (NAKATA 1969). He confined his crosses to mating types V and VI1 of his syngen 1. (There is no correspondence between the numbering of the Japanese syngens and the American syngens; and no attempt could be made to determine the relationship since NAKATA’S lines were lost prior to publication.) He also observed that exconjugants of the same pair were alike in mating type. i.e., showed synclonal uniformity. However, the mating types of the F, generation were VI and VI1 in a ratio of approximately 1:1. The mating type V phenotype was not recovered in the F, progeny. The present study attempts to extend our understanding of the mode of This report is part of the research conducted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the University of Illinois, Urbana. The work is supported hy Grant GhI-07779 from the U. S. Public Health Sellice to D. L. NANNEY. Genetics 6 7 : 377-390 March, 1971. 3 78 P. L. CHO mating-type inheritance in the American syngen 1. The results are similar to and ABRAHAM and of NAKATA in showing that mating type is those of PHILLIPS inherited in a synclonal pattern. Further work shows that the inheritance of multiple mating types is under direct genic control at one locus with a series of alleles arranged in order of dominance. MATERIALS A N D METHODS Five syngens were found among the collections. Their mating relationshps are shown in Table 1. Strains 4 and 8 (mating types I and 11) of syngen 1 were collected from Urbana, Illinois. Strains of syngen 2 were collected from Ottawa, Illinois. These were described by PHILLIPS and ABRAHAM (1969). Strains of syngen 3 were collected from Brown County, Indiana and identified by Dr. DAVIDNANNEY. A strain of mating type I1 (ST6) of syngen 1 was isolated from another collection in the vicinity of Urbana, Illinois by the author. The author also collected strain CL (mating type I1 of syngen 1) from Crystal Lake in Urbana. In another collection at the same location, the strains of the three other mating types of syngen 1 (111, IV, and V) were identified. Strains of syngens 4 and 5 were collected at yet another date by the author at the same site. To set up cultures, a few grains of rice were added to each 57 g bottle collected to enrich the growth of Ciliates. One day later, single cells were isolated from each bottle and grown in 0.15% Cerophyl medium (pH adjusted to 7.0 with NaOH) inoculated with Aerobacter aerogenes the day before. Clones which grew well were placed in test tubes with 2 ml of the medium two days later. Stocks were kept in these small test tubes at room temperature. Weekly transfers were made to maintain them. A parallel series of stocks was preserved at 15°C and was fed once a month. Periodic checks on viability and mating ability when these cold-room stocks were returned to room temperature revealed no apparent difference. To initiate mating, one drop of cells of each of two mating types growing exponentially was added to a depression slide. 0.3 ml of the medium diluted 1:l with demineralized water was added. Pairs were observed 16-20 h r later. A micropipette was used to pick out pairs of conjugating cells. Each pair was placed i n the center depression of a 3-spot depression slide. 0.15 ml of the culture medium diluted with 3 parts of water was added. 18-24 hr later, when all the conjugating pairs had separated, one exconjugant was delivered to each side depression on the slide and 0.3 ml of the 50% medium was added. The depressions were checked for growth every 3 or 4 hr. When cell divisions were observed, undiluted medium was added to fill the depressions. Cells which had undergone true conjugation were usually unable to mate again for several cell generations. In order to hasten the onset of maturity, a series of single-cell transfers of each line was made every other day and the line was tested for maturity at each transfer. The test for maturity involved mixing a log phase culture of the line concerned with each of the five testers in separate depressions. A control was maintained to which no tester was added. 0.3 ml of the 50% medium was added to each depression. The slides were examined for pairs after 18 hr and again every 3 hr later up to 27 h r to allow for detection of mating despite differences in time of initiation of mating. Since conjugating pairs stayed together for about 8 hr, this periodic examination should uncover any pairs formed and serve as a check on false positive observation. If pairs were observed in the control, the line was classified as a selfer and the test was repeated on further transfers. The line was classified as a particular mating type (X) if it mated with all four other mating types but not with X. A sample of each line isolated from nature was stained with a silver-impregnation technique of Chatton-Lwoff (CORLISS 1953b) to identify the genus. In order to study the nuclear events taking place during conjugation, samples of cells were taken from a mating culture at I-hr intervals and stained with Schiff’s reagent using the technique developed by DIPPELL (SONNEBORN 1950). The cells were counterstained with fast green to give better contrast. 379 M A T I N G T Y P E IN GLAUCOMA RESULTS Zdentification of the five syngens: Some Glaucoma cells were isolated from every collection. However, not all the strains mated. This is not surprising since mating occurs only when mature cells of complementary mating types from the same syngen are mixed. If only one type of a certain syngen is collected, no mating would be expected to occur between it and any other strain. At least three additional syngens have been identified in this study (see Table 1 for details). Syngens 1 and 2 had been described by PHILLIPS and ABRAHAM (1969). In addition to the two mating types (I and 11) of syngen 1 they deTABLE 3 Mating reactions of the five syngens of Glaucoma Syngcn 3 2 1 Nun]b e r 4 5 Mating Type I I1 Strain 4 8 I11 IV V CLB CLF ST6 CLH CLI CLN CLO CLP CL I I1 111 I I1 111 I - 5 pairsldepression 10 or more pairs/depression I1 CL3 CL8 CL72 CL5 CL15 CL19 CL6 CL18 CL21 CL7 CL9 CLlO CLll CL17 CL22 CL23 CL25 - I + I1 CLA CZC S F 1 SF2 SF8 M 1 1 1322 M23 CLI CL4 CLD CLJ M12 CL7 CL24 CLE CLK M13 C1.14 M14 CL: 5 CLL CLM M4 1 CL23 M4 2 14.43 syn5 I1 +I- 1 I11 I + 380 P. L. CHO scribed. three other mating types were isolated: 111, IV, and V. The three mating types previously described for syngen 2 were not reencountered. Three mating types are here first reported in syngen 3. Three mating types were also found in syngen 4, but only two in syngen 5. Further collections might well add new mating types to most of these syngens and new syngens as well. Some intersyngenic mating reactions were observed. In all cases, however, intersyngenic mating reactions were much weaker than intrasyngenic reactions. The number of cells which actually formed pairs was small. When these pairs were isolated, they were found to be nonviable. but as will be seen, intrasyngenic crosses also yield many nonviable pairs. Siluer impregnation technique: The silver-stained slides of the cells confirmed that they were Glaucoma by CORLISS’ criteria (CORLISS1953a). The buccal overture was tilted to the right at an angle to the meridians. The oral membranelles consisted of an undulating membrane with three adoral zone membranes and were arranged as described by KLUC (1968). The number of meridians varied from 27 to 37. A detailed cortical analysis of some of the strains is being presented elsewhere (CHO1971). Feulgen technique: A timed study was made to observe the nuclear events during and after conjugation. The nuclear events are very similar to those in Tetrahymena pyriformis described by NANNEY (1953a). The vegetative cell has one macronucleus and, in close proximity, one micronucleus. When conjugation occurs, the two cells attach at the anterior ventral surface close to the oral apparatus. The micronucleus moves anterior to the macronucleus, enlarges, and elongates to form the “crescent” stage. ’The nuclei undergo their first prezygotic division during which the chromosomes appear as fine lines inside a clear area. At metaphase of this division, the number of chromosomes (“tetrads”) appears to be less than ten. This stage is followed by the second prezygotic division which results in four nuclei. Three of the four prezygotic nuclei of each cell move posteriorly and eventually disintegrate. The fourth one attaches to the membrane between the cells and undergoes another division. One of the daughter nuclei remains at the membrane (the migratory nucleus) and then migrates to the other cell, whereas the other (the stationary nucleus) passes posteriorly and remains close to the macronucleus. Fertilization is accomplished by fusion of the stationary nucleus with the exchanged migratory nucleus. The two exconjugants should have the same nuclear genetic constitution. The zygote nucleus undergoes two postzygotic divisions. The two nuclei at the posterior end retain their staining property and develop into micronuclei. Further movements result in the two micronuclei being situated between the two macronuclear anlagen. The old macronucleus becomes irregular in shape and begins to degenerate. Eventually the two exconjugants separate. Each exconjugant thus contains two macronuclear anlagen and two micronuclei. One of the micronuclei disintegrates while the other undergoes a third postzygotic division, resulting in two micronuclei which, with the two macronuclei, are distributed equally at the next cell division. Each of these two cells initiates a caryonide (asexual progeny with macronuclei of common descent). 381 M A T I N G TYPE I N GLAUCOMA TABLE 2 Viability of exconjugants B?th Observed Expected exconjugants One erconjugant live lives 1 0.4 8 Both exconluganis die 51 50.5 9.1 x2 Nonconiugants . - 10 = 1.03, 0.3 < P Total exconjugants . . 60 60.0 < 0.5 Results of the crosses: The mode of mating-type inheritance was found to be synclonal; that is. both exconjugant clones exhibited the same mating type at maturity. This synclonal inheritance was consistent both with the observations and ABRAHAM (1969) on syngen 1 and also with those of NAKATA of PHILLIPS (1969). The viability in these mating experiments was very low. Depending on the individual cross, it varied from 0-15 %. Most death occurred without division taking place after the exconjugants separated. Table 2 shows that death occurred randomly among the exconjugants. That is, there is no excessive number of pairs in which both exconjugants die, nor is death predominantly unilateral. After conjugation, some exconjugant clones went through an immaturity period during which they were unable to perform conjugation when mixed with and ABRAHAM (1969) found no competent cells of other mating types. PHILLIPS immaturity period in crossing strains of mating types I and I1 of syngen 1. In the present study of crosses among three other mating types, a variable immaturity period was found (Figure 1 ) . A small proportion (2%) of the cells ' w : 90- 80- P, 3 70- $ 60- 0 50- \ r, c 40- U 30 - P, < < 20- IO 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 Number of Cel I Divisions FIGURE 1.-Percentage fissions ( N = 96). of cells reaching maturity at each transfer. One transfer equals ten 3 82 P. L. CHO TABLE 3 Results of crosses between CLP (mating type I l l ) and CLC (mating t y p e V ) Mating Type 11 1. F, 58 + 4* 2. F, a. CP156a x CP161 10 0' b. C P 1 2 x CP13 2flf 3. Backcrosses of parent with F, a. CLC (mating type V) x CP161 (mating type 11) 5 0* b. CLC x CP156a (mating type 111) 0 + + Mating Mating Type 111 Type 1V 72f I * 0 7 (2)t + 1' + 4' 2 1 6 (1)t 11 8 0 6 f0' 0 4 + I' 5' 10 + Selfers 1 5 * Addition due to selfers which stabilize to become this mating type. -f The number in parentheses represents selfers which died without stabilization. were mature as soon as they could be tested after conjugation. Half of the cells became mature between 10 and 30 fissions. Another 40% became mature during the next 70 fissions. 10% were still immature after 100 fissions. Using strains CLP (mating type IIJ), CLL (mating type IV), and CLC (mating type V) as the parents, three sets of crosses were set up: 1. CLP (mating type 111) x CLC (mating type V) , see Table 3. a. I n the F, generation, no mating type V clone was recovered. Combining the data in which both exconjugants were viable with those in which only one was viable. 58 pairs were mating type I1 and 72 pairs were mating type 111. Two of the seven selfing clones died without stabilization, four stabilized to become mating type 11, and one stabilized to become mating type 111. b. I n the F, generation, two different crosses were made. In one cross (b) , no mating type V clone was recovered. Type I11 was produced in excess. A similar cross (a) using two different F, clones yielded three mating types: 11,111,and V. c. In a backcross to CLC (the mating type V parent) a type I1 F, gave types I1 and V in about equal frequencies. A type I11 F, in a similar backcross produced types I11 and V. 2. CLP (mating type I11 x CLL (mating type IV) ,see Table 4. a. In the F, generation, only types I1 and IV appeared. Of the 15 selfers, three Stabilized to become mating type 11, and 12 stabilized to become mating type IV. b. In the F, generation, pairs isolated from selfers of the F, generation contained types I1 and IV. Crosses between F, pairs yielded similar results. c. Backcrosses were made to CLP (the mating type 111parent). The backcross with a type I1 F, clone yielded all mating type 11clones. One backcross to a type IV F, clone yielded mating type IV clones and a selfer which stabilized to become mating type 11. Another similar cross with a different type IV F, clone yielded both types I1 and IV clones. 3. CLL (mating type IV) x CLC (mating type V), see Table 5. a. In the F, generation, only types I1 and IV were recovered. Of the 6 selfers, one died without stabilization and the other five stabilized to become mating type IV. 383 M A T I N G T Y P E IN GLAUCOMA TABLE 4 Results of crosses between CLP (mating type Ill) and CLL (mating type IV) Mating Mating Type 11 1. F, 28 Type IV + 3* 34 Selfers + 12* 15 2. F, a. Selfers b. Cross between F, pairs 3. Backcrosses of parent with F, a. CLP (mating type 111) x LP9e (mating type 11) b. i) CLP (mating type 111) x LP9a (mating type IV) ii) CLP x LP5b (mating type IV) 4+O* 9+l* 2 + 1' 6 + 1' 2 1 8 0 0 O+l* 1 4+O* 4 1 0 * Addition due to selfers which stabilize to become this mating type. b. From the F, selfer (CL47s), type IV clones and selfers stabilizing to become mating type IV were obtained. Different crosses between different F, clones were attempted (mating type I1 x mating type IV) . However, only one viable progeny (type IV) was obtained out of 1000 pairs isolated. Selfers: Two kinds of selfers may be distinguished. The first kind was found among cells which divided early (within 24 hr) after conjugation. Most of the selfers were in this category. Table 6 shows the results of one experiment in which 13 of the 14 selfers found were among the early dividers. Most of these TABLE 5 Results of crosses between CLL (mating type IV) and CLC (mating type V ) Mating 1. F, Mating Type I1 Type IV Selfers 14 f O* 20'+ 5' 6 (I)+ 2. F, (selfers CL47s) 0 1 +9* 9 * Addition due to selfers which stabilize to become this mating type. + One selfer died without stabilization. TABLE 6 Number of selfers among cells which divided early and those which diuided late Early dividers Late dividers Total Selfers Nonselfers Total 13 39 52 1 57 58 96 110 14 x2 = 13.38, one df, P > 99.95 384 P. L. C H O selfers stabilized within 10 cell divisions; a few stayed immature for 10-20 fissions. Their mating type. when stabilized. remained the same as the parental line from which they derived, i.e., their mating types were parental rather than synclonal. (These selfers were regarded as nonconjugants in reporting the above Results of crosyes.) In order to study the characteristics of these early selfers, 12 lines were isolated from each strain. 2-4 out of the 12 lines in each series died. The rest of the 12 lines all had the same mating type at stabilization. The second kind of selfer was found among the late dividers. (These were the selfers reported under Results of crosses.) After stabilization. their mating-type characteristics resembled those of their coconjugants which were usually nonselfer;. The two exconjugants thus ended up with the same mating type (synclonal inheritance patterns). When 12 lines were isolated from each strain of selfers, 2-4 out of 12 died while again all the rest had the same mating type at stabilization. DISCUSSION Znheritance of maling type: The inheritance of mating type in Ciliates often involves a complex system in which the genotype circumscribes the range of mating-type potentiality. Cellular differentiation then confines a cell to one mating type. This pattern of expression, once established, may be maintained as a “hereditary” trait throughout fission; under special circumstances, unexpressed potentialities may, however, be brought to expression. The most prominent example for this kind of mating-type inheritance is found in the group A caryonidal system in syngens 1. 3, 5, 9, and 11 of Para1937, 1939) as well as Tetramecium aurelia (KIMBALL1937; SONNERORN hymena pyriformis, syngens 1. 3, and 7 (ALLEN1956; BYRD1959; NANNEY 1956,1959; NANNEY and CAUGHEY 1953,1955; NANNEY, CAUGHEY and TEFANKJIAN 1955; PHILLIPS 1969). After conjugation or autogamy, two macronuclear anlagen are formed from each syncaryon and are distributed to the two daughter cells (caryonides) . At maturity, caryonides have ordinarily been determined to exhibit one of the mating types limited by the genotype. There is no more tendency for the two caryonides to have the same mating type than expected on a chance basis. The frequencies of the different mating types are dependent on the genotype and are affected by temperature. In the group B syngens of Paramecium aurelia, i.e., syngens 2, 4, 6. 7, 8, 10, and 12 (NANNEY 1954, 1956; SONNEBORN 1954; TAUB 1959), caryonidal inheritance of mating type is obscured by the major role of the cytoplasm. Excon jugant clones generally retain the same mating type following conjugation Changes of type ordinarily occur only when cytoplasmic exchange takes place. In the simpler systems of genic inheritance, there is a one-to-one correspondence between the mating-type geno ty-pe and phenotype. Generally, the genotype determines the mating-type phenotype directly without the intervention of epigenetic effects. Genic inheritance involving loci with codominance was found in E u p l o f ~ patellu s (KIMBALL1942). A system of dual alleles with dominance at M A T I N G T Y P E IN G L A U C O M A 385 multiple loci was found in Pnramecium bursaria (BOMFORD 1965; SIEGEL1963). Dual alleles with dominance at a single locus was found in Paramecium cau1964). Mating-type inheritance under direct genic datum, syngen 3 ( HIWATASHI control involving multiple alleles which may be serially arranged in order of dominance has been established or indicated in Tetrnhymena pyriformis, syngens 2 and 8 ( ORIAS1963) Euplotes unnnus (HECKMANN 1961, 1963), Euplotes crassus (HECKMANN 1964), and Euplotes minuta (NOBILI1966). The following analysis demonstrates that Glaucoma also shows genic inheritance of mating type. The crosses have some puzzling features. and analysis is hampered by the low viability, but a system of mating-type inheritance may be deduced. The synclonal pattern of mating-type inheritance indicates that the mating types are controlled directly by the genes. A one-locus scheme with dominance can account for the observations. More specifically. we may postulate that each mating type is represented by a different allele and that the mating type TV allele (mtrv)is the most dominant, with mating type I1 (mt"). mating type IT1 (mtll') and mating type V (mt") following in order of decreasing dominance. When two nonidentical alleles are present in the same organism, only the more dominant is expressed. The position of mating type I in the hierarchy is not discernible by this study. This interpretation is qualitatively consistent with all the data, with one striking exception. Strain CLP behaves in crosses as if it were mt"/mt". The rules place mt" higher in the dominance sequence than mtnr,yet CLP is phenotypically type 111.We will return to this anomaly later. I n the first cross, involving CLP (mating type 111) x CLC (mating type V). the postulated parental genotypes are mtl'/mtr" and nit'/mt", respectively. TWO types of progeny are produced in the F, generation: mt"//mtv and mtl"/mtT'.The former expresses mating type I1 and the latter mating type 111. No mating type V cells should be found in the F, generation. The results show 58 mating type I1 clones, 72 mating type I11 clones, and seven selfers, but no mating type V cells. Crosses between F, cells would represent (mt"/mtv x mt"'/mt"). The F, cells should be mt"/mtv. mtlr/mt'll,mtIr1/rntv,and mtv/mtv.The phenotypes expected are mating type 11. mating type 111, and mating typc V in the ratio 2: 1: 1. All three mating types were recovered in one of the crosses between F,'s. even though type V did not occur among 16 pairs in the other cross. In backcrosses of the type I1 F, to the type V parent, the progeny should be mP/mtv and mtv/mt'; five mating type I1 pairs and four mating type V pairs were obtained. In the similar backcross of the type I11 F,, the expected mating types are mtl"/mtv and mtv/mt'. Observed are six mating type I11 pairs to 10 mating type V pairs. The second series of crosses in Table 4 is also consistent with the hypotheses. Starting with the CLP (mtrl/mt"') and CLL ( mtl'/mtl") parents, the F, generation should consist of mt"/mtrT,mtrr/mtnr, mtTr/mt1", and mt"'/mt". The first two classes would yield mating type I1 cells, whereas the last two classes would yield mating type IV cells. 28 mating type I1 pairs and 34 mating type IV pairs were obtained in the F, generation. There are four different possible combinations in the F, generation. In the first 386 P. L. C H O one (mt"/mt" x mtf1/mtIT') , the progeny would be mtN/mt" and mt"/mtrv and phenotypically mating type I1 and mating type IV. Phenotypically identical results would be produced in the crosses of (mt"/mt" x mtl"/mtIv) and (mtrJ/ mt'" x mt"/mtrV).Only in the combination of (mtIr/mtl" x mP"/mt1') would % of the progeny be mating type 111 in addition to mating type IV and % mating type 11. Thus, in this limited combination of F, crosses, only 13 mating type I1 and eight mating type IV pairs were recovered. In the backcrosses with the m P / m P parent, there are two possible combinations with the mating type I1 cells. The first is (mtrr/mt" x mtrr/mt"') yielding all mating type I1 progeny. This was indeed observed in the results. The other combination, the anomalous parent mtl'/mt"' (I11 phenotype) x F, mtrl/mtrrr (I1 phenotype). would yield % mating type I11 progeny. In the other backcross of F, mating type IV cells with the mtrl/mtrl'parent, the first combination (mtr'/mt'" x mt"/mtlv) would yield only mating type I1 and mating type IV progeny. This was indeed observed. The other combination (mtI'/mt"' x mt'"/mt'') would yield mating type I11 progeny. The third series of crosses was made with CLL ( mP1/mtrv)x CLC (mtv/mtv). Two mating types are expected in the F, cells, namely mtrr/mtv(mating type 11) and mt''/mt' (mating type IV). The results showed 14 mating type I1 cells to 20 mating type IV cells. It was not possible to obtain enough viable cells from the F, crosses and backcrosses to conduct a meaningful analysis of the F, generation. It is interesting to note that crosses made on syngen 1 by PHILLIPS and ABRAHAM (1969) also fit this scheme, although the position of the mt' gene in the dominance scale is not known. Assuming that mtl is recessive to mtrl,the parental genotypes are (mtr/mtlx mtl/mtr'),the F, and F, cells would both contain mtl/mt' and mt'/mt'' cells in the ratio of 1: 1. This was indeed observed. On the other hand, if mtl is dominant to mt", then with the parental genotypes of (mt'/mt" X mtr'/mP'), the F, and F, cells would be mtl/mtl' (mating type I) and mt"/mt" (mating type 11) which would also be consistent with their results. The anomalous mating type of strain CLP: The breeding analysis of strain CLP establishes it as a heterozygote, nd1/mt1Ir, and all the data are consistent in indicating that the mt" allele is dominant. Yet CLP manifests type 111. Two kinds of explanation are a priori possible. Perhaps a 5-eversal of dominance" has occurred, either because of pecularities of the strain's genetic constitution or circumstances of the cell's environment at some point in its history. Alternatively, the anomaly might not be resolved in the realm of genetic physiology but in a cytogenetic aberration. Breeding results bear on the micronuclear genotype. Although micronuclei and macronuclei are ordinarily concordant genetically, SONNEBORN (1947) was able long ago to artificially construct cells which were micro-macro heterocaryons in Paramecium aurelia. More recently, COLEand SIEGEL(1969) explained some peculiarities in the genetics of Paramecium bursaria on the basis of such naturally occurring heterocaryons. ALLEN(1967) has also found systematic maintenance of parental macronuclei with recombined micronuclei in some crosses in Tetrahymena pyriformis. Perhaps CLP has a macronucleus lacking the MATING TYPE I N GLAUCOMA 387 higher allele, and only a micronucleus with the mt“ allele. This situation would account for the observations. Selfers: The “early” selfers in Glaucoma exhibited selfing shortly after conjugation. It lasted for a few fissions after which the parental mating type was again established. This behavior can most easily be interpreted in terms of a phenomic lag combined with “nonconjugation.” In this scheme, early selfing is due to an exchange of cytoplasm between cells of different mating types during an abortive conjugation. As fissions proceed, the parental macronucleus resumes activity and the exchanged cytoplasm is diluted out to progeny cells; the expression of mating type regains stability and selfing disappears. Massive cytoplasmic exchange at conjugation occurs regularly in Tetrahymena pyriformis (MCDONALD 1966) and can be induced in Paramecium aurelia (SONNEBORN 1947). Its occurrence in Glaucoma has not been examined. The “late” selfers in Glaucoma could be explained in more than one way. Since only the dominant mt allele is expressed at maturity, the dominant allele might actually repress the action of the recessive allele. The dominance pattern could reflect a polarized allelic repression. If so, selfing might be a transient developmental event. If, during maturation the recessive allele is occasionally turned on prematurely, before the dominant allele is activated, the recessive allele could be expressed for a brief period. After activation of the dominant allele, a transition period would be expected during which the clone would contain cells of both mating types and/or ambivalent cells. Later, all cells of the clone would express the dominant allele. The “late” Glaucoma selfers are clearly different from several other kinds of selfers known in Ciliates. They are transient selfers and are therefore distinct from the “persistent” selfers of the AA strains of Tetrahymena pyriformis (ELLIOTT and NANNEY 1952) and many other Ciliates. Their pattern of stabilization sets them apart from the “assorting” selfers studied so extensively in syngen 1 of Tetrahymena pyriformis (ALLEN1956; ALLENand NANNEY 1958; NANNEY and ALLEN1959; NANNEYand CAUGHEY 1953, 1955). The Glaucoma selfers of a particular clone all stabilize to the same genetically rationalized type. To explain them, one does not have to resort to genetic or epigenetic hereditary factors in either the macronucleus or the cytoplasm (cf. SIEGEL1970) . The closest parallel is perhaps certain kinds of selfers in syngens 5 and 7 of Paramecium aurelia (BLEYMAN1967; TAUB 1966), and a developmental interpretation in some form seems most appropriate. The author wishes to express her sincere thanks to Dr. DAVIDL. NANNEY for stimulating discussion of this work and for valuable criticisms during the preparation of the manuscript. SUMMARY Five syngens were found among strains of Glaucoma (Ciliata) collected in Illinois and Indiana. Study of syngen 1 revealed a synclonal pattern of matingtype inheritance. The mating-type trait appears to be controlled by one gene ( m t )with five alleles serially ordered for dominance. 388 P. L. CHO LITERATURE CITED ALLEN,S. L., 1956 Stabilization of unstable nuclei in Tetrahymena pyriformis. (Abstr.) Ge1966 The chemical genetics of the Protozoa. pp. 617-694. In: netics 41: 632. -, Chemical Zoology, vol. 1. Edited by M. F. FLORKIN and B. SCHEER.Academic Press, New York. -, 1967 Cytogenetics of genomic exclusion in Tetrahymena. Genetics 5 5 : 797822. ALLEN,S. L., S. K. FILE and S. L. KOCH,1967 Genomic exclusion in Tetrahymena. Genetics 5 5 : 823-837. ALLEN,S. L. and D. L. 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