Limnol. Oceanogr., 36(S), 1991, 1851-1864 0 199 1, by the American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Inc. Effects of iron, manganese, copper, and zinc enrichments on productivity and biomass in the subarctic Pacific Kenneth H. Coale Moss Landing Marine Laboratories, Moss Landing, California 95039-0450 Abstract Natural plankton populations from subarctic Pacific surface waters were incubated in 7-d experiments with added concentrations of Fe, Mn, Cu, and Zn. Small additions of metals (0.89 nM Fe, 1.8 nM Mn, 3.9 nM Cu, and 0.75 nM Zn) were used to simulate natural perturbations in metal concentrations potentially experienced by marine plankton. Trace metal concentrations, phytoplankton productivity, Chl a, and the species composition of phytoplankton and microzooplankton were measured over the course of the experiment. Although the controls indicated little growth, increases in phytoplankton productivity, Chl a, and cell densities were dramatic after the addition of 0.89 nM Fe, indicating that it may limit the rates of algal production in these waters. Similar increases were observed in experiments with 3.9 nM Cu added. The Cu effect is attributed to a decrease in the grazing activities of the microzooplankton (ciliates) and increases in the rates of production. Mn enrichment had its greatest effect on diatom biomass, whereas Zn enrichment had its greatest effect on other autofluorescent organisms. The extent of trace metal adsorption onto carboy walls was also evaluated. These results imply that natural systems may be affected as follows: natural levels of Fe and Cu may influence phytoplankton productivity and trophic structure in open-obean, high-nutrient, low-biomass systems; rates of net production are not limited by one micronutrient alone. Because of the effects of adsorption and complexation, experiments must be carefully monitored for free vs. total metal concentrations, and short-term incubations (1 d) may not be affected dramatically by small perturbations in trace metal micronutrients. Metals are required micronutrients in many of the enzyme and electron transport systems present in all living things. Due to their concentrations, redox behaviors, or complexation, trace metals are known to limit plant growth in many terrestrial systems (Shkolnik 1984), yet their role in limiting phytoplankton growth in the oceans has remained largely speculative. Over the last decade there has been a revolution in our understanding of trace metal Acknowledgments I express my appreciation and thanks to A. Michaels and C. Michaels for shipboard assistance in processing the productivity, Chl a, and autofluorescent samples; to C. Michaels and B. Schreiber for counts of autofluorescent organisms; to M. Silver, A. Michaels, K. Buck, and F. Chavez for discussions throughout the development and review of this manuscript; to M. Gordon, S. Fitzwater, and J. Martin for the use of their sampling van and bottles for the collection of these samples; and to K. Bruland for support throughout the development and execution of this project. Thanks are also extended to the crew and officers of the RV Wecoma for their assistance. This work was supported by ONR contracts NO00 1483-0683 and NOOO14-87-0683to K. Bruland, N0001489- 10 10 to K. Johnson, and NSF grant OCE 89-23057 to K. Johnson and K. Coale. concentrations and distributions in the oceans. We now recognize that trace metals exist at nanomolar and picomolar concentrations in seawater (Bruland 198 3) - orders of magnitude below the concentrations found in terrestrial ecosystems. In surface waters of the North Pacific total concentrations of Fe, Mn, Cu, and Zn are -0.1, 1, 1, and 0.1 nM. Consequently, the hypothesis that these trace metals may limit phytoplankton growth and biomass has become popular in marine plankton ecology. Conversely, some trace metals have been shown to be toxic to organisms at very low concentrations. Therefore, trace metals can have either a positive or negative effect on phytoplankton productivity and species distributions in the oceans. Historically, Cu has been the most intensively studied trace metal with respect to biological effects, not for its role as a micronutrient but as a toxicant to phytoplankton in marine systems. Recently upwelled seawater may contain high levels of free Cu and low levels of chelators, Fe, and Mn, the combination of which is inhibitory to phytoplankton (Steemann Nielsen and Wium- 1851 c 1852 Coale Andersen 1970; Sunda et al. 198 1). Barber has reported experiments in which chelators added to upwelled water have increased phytoplankton growth (Barber and Ryther 1969; Barber et al. 197 1). Although these experiments were mechanistically inconclusive, the effect of added chelator has been attributed to the binding of Cu and a reduction in its free ion activity. Evidence from the culture experiments of investigators using chemically defined media, in which the equilibrium concentration of free ionic metal species can be controlled by adding the trace metal chelators EDTA or NTA, has suggested that cupric ion act.ivities at naturally occurring levels could produce inhibitory effects in some species of phytoplankton (Sunda and Guillard 1976; Anderson and Morel 1978; Brand et al. 1986). Due to the extremely small Cu requirements of phytoplankton and the scientific preoccupation with pollution, there have been few experiments that suggest that Cu is a limiting micronutrient in seawater. Unlike Cu, Fe is potentially limiting to phytoplankton growth and is not known to be toxic to organisms at concentrations found in seawater. There have been numerous reports suggesting that Fe may limit production in the sea. Menzel and Ryther (196 1) demonstrated enhanced rates of 14C uptake in phytoplankton samples from subtropical and tropical regions of the western Atlantic upon the addition of Fe. However, due to the high levels of Fe added in these experiments and the potential for artifacts in the productivity methods used, it is difficult to speculate from these results whether natural inputs of Fe could have any effect on productivity in these regions. There have been only a few experiments with natural assemblages of phytoplankton using realistic levels of Fe to suggest that it limits growth in the oceans. Among these few are a series of experiments by Brand and coworkers (Brand et al. 1983) in which a clear distinction between Fe requirements of neritic vs. oceanic phytoplankton was demonstrated. Brand pointed out that the similarity between trace metal requirements and the pattern of phytoplankton distributions suggests that Zn, Mn, and Fe may be important selective, and therefore ecological, factors in controlling phytoplankton distributions. This result has been supported by Sunda et al. (199 1) who investigated the Fe growth requirements in oceanic and coastal phytoplankton. They measured growth rates of both an estuarine and an oceanic diatom (Thalassiosira pseudonana and Thalassiosira oceanica) and found the oceanic species to be growing at or near its maximum growth rate at 25% the amount needed for the coastal diatom. Recently Martin and Fitzwater ( 1988) reported the first convincing evidence that Fe may limit productivity in the subarctic Pacific. Subsequent experiments indicate that Fe may stimulate phytoplankton growth in North Atlantic, equatorial Pacific, and Antarctic waters (.I. H. Martin pers. comm.; Martin et al. 1990, 199 1; de Baar et al. 1990). The roles of Mn and Zn in controlling phytoplankton productivity are less well known. Both are required micronutrients; Zn may elicit toxic responses in phytoplankton at high concentrations. Sunda and coworkers have reported experiments in which ad’ditions of Mn have been shown to reverse the effect of Cu and Zn toxicity in monoclonal and natural seawater cultures (Sunda et al. 1981; Sunda and Huntsman 1983; Sunda 1987). Brand et al. (1983) have shown that some species may be limited at near natural concentrations of these metals; however, few experiments with natural assemblages of plankton have been perfo#rmed. In this study, the effects of four trace metals (Fe, Mn, Cu, and Zn) on species composition, abundance, and productivity were determined for natural plankton assemblages collected from the subarctic Pacific (Ocean Station P). Small amounts of these metals were added to simulate natural perturbations of these metals in this system. Trace metal concentrations and Cu complexation by natural organic ligands were monitored over time to assess the effective changes in trace metal availability over the course of the experiment. Methods Seawater was collected, treated with met;als, and followed over time to assess effects of added metals on productivity and biomass. Water samples for this study were collected in August 1987 from 20 m at Ocean Trace metal efects in the subarctic Station P (VERTEX 7, leg 2, 50°N, 145”W) at dawn with Teflon-coated Go-Flo bottles (General Oceanics) deployed on Kevlar hydrowire (Philadelphia Resins). Physical disruption and light shock of the phytoplankton were avoided by passing unpressurized seawater through 5/8in. (1.6 cm) Bevaline tubing into a darkened, filtered-air clean van where six, modified, ZO-liter polycarbonate incubation carboys were filled. The ZO-liter carboys were used for the l-week incubations and Z-liter polycarbonate productivity bottles were used for the 24-h incubations. These relatively large carboys and productivity bottles were used to minimize containment effects during the experiment (Gieskes et al. 1979). The carboys and bottles had been sequentially cleaned with ethanol, Micro, detergent, 3 N HCl (glass distilled), and finally, pH 1 quartz-distilled HCl (Q-HCl) in MilliQ water. Carboys and productivity bottles were allowed to retain the last weak Q-HCl rinse for 3 weeks before being rinsed and filled with clean seawater 1 d before the experiment. Prior to the experiment, this seawater was discarded and the carboys were rinsed with sample. This treatment reduced the risk of trace metal and organic contamination and ensured that minimal leachable/exchangeable sites remained on the interior container surfaces. Upon filling with sample, 1 ml additions of trace metal solutions in pH 1 Q-HCl (so as not to significantly alter the pH or NO3 concentrations in the media) were added to the ZO-liter carboys. Fe was added in a 1 : 1.5 Fe : EDTA solution in Milli-Q water to ensure initial Fe solubility yet not alter the overall metal speciation in the incubation media. Six carboys were used in this experiment: five treatments and one control. The treatments were +0.89 nM Fe, +1.8 nM Mn, +3.9 nM Cu, +0.75 nM Zn, +10.2 nM EDTA, and no additions (control). The carboys were incubated on deck and in a running surface seawater bath to maintain surface seawater temperatures under PVC screens. The screening provided spectrally unmodified shading to 30% of the ambient light level, estimated to correspond to the light level at the depth of collection. Four times during the course of the incubations, subsamples for trace metal anal- 1853 ysis, metal complexation, Chl a, and productivity were taken. Samples for species composition and autofluorescence were taken initially and at the end of the experiment. These samples were drawn from the carboys through a modified cap (Fig. 1) by pressurizing the carboy (-0.0 12 bars) with purified air filtered with a 0.2~pm Teflon filter. Samples for total trace metal analysis, Cu complexation, and 14Cproductivity were collected in acid-cleaned, 0.5-liter polyethylene, FEP Teflon and Z-liter polycarbonate bottles, respectively. Trace metal samples were acidified at sea and stored at pH 1.5 (with Q-HCl) for 2 weeks before analysis. Trace metal analysis proceeded according to the methods of Bruland et al. (1979) as modified by Coale and Bruland (1988). Changes in Cu complexation over time were assessed by differential pulse anodic stripping voltametry (DPASV) on board in a clean-air analytical van. Due to limited time and resources, only samples from the control and Cu treatment were analyzed by DPASV. The analytical procedures for the DPASV analysis are reported elsewhere (Coale and Bruland 1988). Primary productivity was measured on samples drawn at or near dawn on days 1, 2,4, and 6. Productivity measurements were made by adding 0.5 ml of a H14C03 standard to Z-liter polycarbonate bottles containing sample from the ZO-liter carboys. The H14C03 solution was made by diluting a 5-mCi standard in UV-oxidized, trace metal-free seawater. Sample activities were -0.02 PCi ml-l. Productivity bottles were incubated for 24 h before filtering (50 ml for >0.45-pm fraction, 500 ml for the > 25pm fraction). Productivity filters (25-mm GFF and 25-pm Nitex) were placed in scintillation vials to which Aquasol was added. All manipulations of productivity samples took place in a darkened lab. Productivity samples were counted by liquid scintillation at UCSC (Univ. Calif., Santa Cruz) on a Packard TM liquid scintillation counter using external standards ratio corrections. Chl a determinations were made on 50-ml samples filtered onto GFF filters and extracted with 90% ethanol for 24 h at 4°C. Analysis was performed on board with a Turner III fluorometer. 1854 Coale Filtered air inport m Sample outport Bevaline tubing Fig. 1. Schematic diagram depicting incubation carboys and cap construction. These modifications to carboy caps facilitate subsampling without contamination. High-purity filtered air (0.2 pm) was delivered through the air inport (~0.2 atm) and sample was caught as it passed from the sample outport. The sample outport did not touch the collection container and the entire cap was protected with clean plastic bags between sampling intervals. Samples for species enumeration were collected and preserved with glutaraldehyde. Samples for counts of autofluorescent organisms (25 ml) were preserved with glutaraldehyde, filtered on black-gridded filters (0.45 pm, Sartorius), and frozen before counting (Booth 1987). These samples were counted for several size classes of autofluorescent algae at 400 x with standard techniques (Caron 1982). In the lab, 100 ml from each treatment were settled (3 d) before counting on an inverted microscope. Three size classes of ciliates and dinoflagellates were thus counted. Cell densities of the abundant, linear, chainforming pennate diatoms were obtained from photographs of settled material with a digitizing pad, cursor, and video imageanalysis software (VIAS version 2.11). C conversions for different taxonomic groups were calculated with C: vol. relationships reported in the literature. Dinoflagellates and autofluorescent organisms: log,& (pg) = 0.758 x [log,,cell vol. (pm3)] - 0.422 (Strathmann 1967); diatoms: 54% of the value as calculated by Strathmann (1967) (Sicko-Goad et al. 1984). These factors are similar to those calculated by Eppley et al. (1970) yet tend to estimate more conservatively the C in diatoms. Ciliates: 0.14 pg C pm-3 (Putt and Stoecker 1989); cyanobacteria: 0.21 pg cell-’ (Waterbury et al. 1987). Error estimates were based on errors propagated in the uncertainty of the counts themselves. Results Trace metals-Results from the trace metal analysis show the effects of adsorption over the time-course of the experiment (Ta- 1855 Trace metal efects- in’the subarctic Table 1. Changes in total trace metal concentrations in the carboys over time. Percent adsorbed is calculated as 100 x measured/(initial metal + addition). Metal lreatment carboy Fe Mn? Cu Zn Total initial metal 0.36 1 1.3 0.3 Addition (nMI Midpoint total +0.89 +1.8 +3.9 +0.75 2.7 2 4.2 0.75 * Values represent increases in Fe as measured in the subsamples taken. This increase the incubation carboy, as described in the text. t Due to poor extraction efficiency, Mn values are only approximate and must remain ble 1). It appears that Fe increased in the incubation carboy over time. However, adverse sea state, wind, and spray conditions on deck could have easily introduced contaminant Fe into the subsamples taken for trace metal analysis as a result of sample manipulations under exposed conditions. Due to the design of the carboy caps (Fig. l), it is unlikely that the incubations themselves were contaminated. The caps remained closed and covered with plastic, and the sample draw is a clean catch with no backwash. Furthermore, the large 20-liter incubation volumes greatly reduce the effects of any small amount of contamination, which is supported by the results of the experiments themselves (see below) and the fact that no other carboy showed elevated levels of Fe. Had Fe contamination been introduced in the other carboys (to the level of 0.9 nM), growth similar to the Fe treatments would be expected. Analyses of Fe in incubation containers showed no evidence for significant Fe adsorption. This result is inconclusive due to subsample contamination, but the contention that only a small amount of added Fe adsorbed to the carboy walls and contamination of the carboy through the sampling caps, as used, was insignificant is supported by shipboard measurements of Fe in similar experiments in the equatorial Pacific (Elrod et al. unpubl.). In these experiments, identical incubation carboys, caps, and apparatus were used. Samples withdrawn four times each day (under better sea conditions) indicated photochemical cycling of Fe between oxidation states (II and III) and -30% net removal of total Fe from the dissolved phase over the first few Midpoint adsorbed w Final total (nM) 3.1 1. 4.4 0.64 216* 30 19 29 is attributed tentative to Fe contamination Final adsorbed (W 248* 60 15 39 in the subsamples and not (see text). days of the experiment (Elrod et al. unpubl.). The Mn results are not quantitative due to the poor extraction efficiency of Mn by this method. However, the estimates reported in Table 1 (based on 10% extraction efficiency) indicate that a significant fraction of the total Mn may be adsorbed to the carboy walls. Similar results in the equatorial Pacific show -20% of the added Mn becomes adsorbed. Cu on the other hand showed an initial loss of 1 nM to the carboy walls and little subsequent change thereafter. About half of the added Zn appeared to be adsorbed initially and changed little thereafter. These results are not surprising given the inherent surface reactivity of these elements in seawater. In any containment experiment at natural pH, the levels of dissolved metals would be expected to change due to adsorption, leaching of the container walls, or photochemical transformations of metal species during the course of the incubation. For experiments such as these, it is important to determine how these concentrations change. The magnitude of the changes observed here are still within what can be considered to be realistic limits for natural changes in the subarctic Pacific. Complexation -The results of the complexation experiments are consistent with previous measurements of complexation in this geographical area (Coale and Bruland 1988) (Table 2). The DPASV technique can discriminate between inorganic forms of Cu and those forms which are bound in organic complexes. I have used this technique to distinguish two organic ligands that show strong affinity for Cu in the northeast Pa- Coale 1856 Table 2. Change in concentrations of ligands showing affinity for Cu and pCu (-log,, of the Cu2bactivity) in the control and Cu treatment. L, represents the concentration of the strong ligand (log Klcond= 11.55); L, represents the concentration of the weaker ligand (log R cond= 8.64). (Derivation of these parameters given by Coale and Bruland 1988.) O--0Fe *-e&h a--aCU A-A Zn o-•oEDTA . - l Control CIarboy Control day 1 day 4 day 7 2.8 2.3 2.3 Cu added day 1 day 4 day 7 0 0 0 7.0 4.4 2.3 13.5 13.4 13.4 4.1 8.4 10.1 10.6 11.1 10.9 lz 01’ 0 o--oFe *-*bin a--nCU A-A Zn q -•EDTA n -m Control 1 2 3 4 5 6 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 Day Pig. 3. Primary production in the total fraction (>O.45 pm) for each metal treatment and control as a function of time (days). Incubation time for each point was 24 h. cific: a very strong ligand (L,) at low concentrations (2 nM) and present only in the surface waters and a weaker ligand (LJ which is ubiquitous throughout the water column (5-l 0 nM). In general, little change in the strong ligand L, was observed in the control carboy, whereas the weaker ligand L2 systematically decreased. Free Cu2+ activity, expressed as pCu (-log,, of the Cu2+ activity), remained nearly constant in the control carboy at 13.4 throughout the experiment. Addition of Cu to the Cu treatment carboy completely saturated the strong ligand, and an apparent increase in production of the weaker ligand L2 was observed. pCu values correspondingly increased from 10.6 to 11 during the experiment. Chl a- Chl a was similar in all treatments (0.23 + 0.05 pg liter- ‘) initially but diverged dramatically between days 2 and 3 (Fig. 2). Interestingly, the control increased by a fac- 0 1 7 Day Fig. 2. Chl a for each metal treatment and control as a function of time (days). tor of two during the course of the experiment, likely due to decreased grazing in the carboys. Final values expressed as percent of the control for each treatment (0.47 pg liter-l) were: Fe, 924%; Mn, 140%; Cu, 281%; Zn, 123%; EDTA, 104%. Productivity- Production measurements are shown in Figs. 3 and 4. Although Martin and Fitzwater (1988) used NO3 uptake rates to estimate production and did not determine production rates of the different size fractions, the initial total productivity measured here (18.4k1.2 pg C liter-l d-l) is similar to that observed by Martin and coworkers at this site (21.9kO.7 pg C liter-’ d-l, Martin and Fitzwater 1988). Production results indicate 18.4+_ 1.2 pg C liter-’ fraction and d-l for the >0.45-pm 0.63kO.13 pg C liter-’ d-l for the >25-ym fraction. Final productivity values, expressed as percent of the final control (29.04 pg C liter-l d-l) for the >0.7-pm size class were: Fe, 360%; Mn, 168%; Cu, 155%; Zn, 134%; EDTA, 134%. For the > 25-pm size class, final productivity values, expressed as percent of the control (2.36 pg C liter-’ d-l) were: Fe, 1,300%; Mn, 2 16%; Cu, 147%; Zn, 97%; EDTA, 112%. Biomass estimates based on microscopic counts, average cell volumes per size class, and published C : vol. relationships are presented together with cell densities and specific growth rates for each size class: ciliates (Table 3), dinoflagellates (Table 4), autofluorescent organisms (Table 5), diatoms and cyanobacteria (Table 6). The errors in these tables represent the uncer- Trace metal eflects in the subarctic o--oFe *-*Mn a---aCU A--A Zn o--oEDTA a--= Control 01 0 1 2 4 3 5 6 7 Day Fig. 4. As Fig. 3, but in the large fraction (>25 pm). tainty in the microscopic samples (W). counts of these Discussion Background-The ecology of the subarctic Pacific is characterized by high plant nutrients (7-l 5 ,uM NO3 in surface waters) yet relatively low, constant standing stocks of Chl a averaging 0.3 pg liter-’ and rarely reaching 1 (Anderson et al. 1977). Seasonal variation in the rates of production with little variation in Chl suggests that there are concurrent variations in C flux or in grazing that maintain the constant low phytoplankton biomass. In such a system, any perturbation of either production or grazing rates may produce large changes in the system. Despite high nutrient concentrations and relatively high primary production, nutrient assimilation rates measured on samples from the subarctic suggest that phytoplankton from this area are nutrient stressed and therefore not likely to be growing at their maximum rate (Falkowski 1980). Although there is wide belief that grazing is the dominant pressure controlling biomass in this region (Frost 1991), it is conceivable that trace metal toxicity or nutritional limitation could contribute to this observed ecological balance. Present study-For every case in this study, biomass and productivity increased between initial and final control samples (except for the dinoflagellates). As these ex- Table 3. Cell densities, biomass estimates, and specific growth rates for each size class of ciliates. Size class &m) <lo Cell densities* (No. ml-l) Initial 0.37kO. 13 +Fe 0.19+0.10 +Mn 0.97kO.20 +cu 0.67kO.02 +Zn 1.5Ot-0.26 +EDTA 0.71kO.18 Control 0.53kO.15 Cellular CT (pg liter-l) Initial 0.02f0.01 +Fe 0.01 kO.01 +Mn 0.05-t0.01 +cu 0.03 kO.00 +Zn 0.08kO.01 +EDTA 0.04~0.01 Control 0.03-r-0.01 Specific growth rates+ (d-l) +Fe -0.19 +Mn 0.28 +cu 0.17 +Zn 0.40 +EDTA 0.19 Control 0.10 IO-30 >30 Total 3.oot-0.30 5.6OkO.50 10.2OkO.70 7.50&0.06 7.9740.59 8.3820.62 11.30+-0.70 0.05kO.05 0.58&O. 10 O.lOfO.10 0.13kO.08 0.46f0.13 0.49kO.13 0.18kO.09 3.67kO.48 6.29k1.18 11.87+- 1.00 8.23-t-0.21 10.06+- 1.31 9.71f1.29 12.53-t-1.03 2.39kO.24 4.4740.40 8.14k0.56 5.99kO.05 6.36kO.47 6.6940.49 9.02t-0.56 0.32-tO.32 3.69k0.64 0.64kO.64 0.83kO.5 1 2.92kO.83 3.11 k0.83 1.14kO.57 2.73kO.56 8.1741.04 8.83+ 1.20 6.85kO.56 9.36kl.31 9.84+ 1.33 10.19k1.14 0.18 0.35 0.26 0.28 0.29 0.38 0.70 0.20 0.27 0.63 0.65 0.37 0.15 0.34 0.23 0.29 0.28 0.35 * Calculated from inverted microscope counts on preserved samples. t Calculated based on average cell volumes for each size class. These volumes were converted to C based on C: vol. ratios reported in the literature (see text). * Calculated using cell numbers for each size class and correcting for an estimated 2.5-d lag period between initiation of experiment and rapid, log phase growth, as seen in the productivity and Chl time-course (aficr Banse 1990). 1858 Coale Table 4. As Table 3, but for dinoflagellates. 10-25 Cell densities* (No. ml-l) Initial 105.00~5.00 -l-Fe 89.2Ok4.60 +Mn 48.3Ok3.10 +cu 53.00+6.00 +Zn 64.5Ok3.50 f EDTA 73.00+4.00 Control 161.00~6.00 Cellullar Ct (pg liter- I) Initial 2.19kO.10 +Fe 1.86kO. 10 +Mn 1.O1kO.06 +cu 3.2OkO.13 +Zn 1.35-10.07 + EDTA 1.53kO.08 Control 3.36k0.13 Specific growth rat& (d- I) +Fe -0.05 +Mn -0.22 +cu 0.11 SZn -0.14 + EDTA -0.10 Control 0.12 >25 Total 68.9Ok3.80 64.8Ot-3.90 7O.lO-t3.70 1lO.OOt-5.00 54.6Ok3.30 52.OOzk3.00 76.7Ok3.80 8.00+ 1.30 7.90+ 1.40 4.10+0.90 9.40+ 1.40 9.10+ 1.30 5.3Ok 1.00 1.10*0.20 181.90+10.10 161.90f9.90 122.5Ok7.70 272.40+ 12.40 128.20+8.10 130.3048.00 238.8Ok 10.00 9.3OkO.5 1 8.75kO.53 9.46-cO.50 14.85kO.68 7.37kO.45 7.02kO.41 10.3520.5 1 3.04kO.49 3.OOkO.53 1.56kO.34 3.57f0.53 3.46 kO.49 2.01 k0.38 0.42kO.08 14.54-t-1.11 13.61k1.15 12.03zkO.91 21.62k1.33 12.18+1.01 10.56ItO.87 14.14*0.7x 0.00 -0.19 0.05 0.04 -0.12 -0.57 -0.03 -0.11 0.12 -0.10 -0.10 0.08 -0.02 0.00 0.13 -0.07 -0.08 0.03 * Calculated from inverted microscope counts on preserved samples. flagellates. t Calculated based on average cell volumes for each size class. These (see kw). $ Calculated using cell numbers for each sire class and correcting for phase growth, as seen in the productivity and Chl time-course (after No distinction volumes was made here between were converted an estimated 2.5-d lag period Banse 1990). periments were performed on deck in transit, there is no way to compare the control to changes in biomass or productivity in situ. One likely explanation for the increase in stocks in all incubations is that the samples were devoid of some grazers naturally present in situ. Such grazers might be numerically rare but normally process relatively large volumes of water. Because the samples were collected near dawn, the vertically migrating zooplankton, in particular, should be under-represented in these samples. In all the settled samples counted, only one copepod nauplius was observed, indicating that decreased grazing by metazoans could have contributed to an increase in productivity and biomass in the control. Whether the natural grazers were undersampled, I suggest that all treatments and controls were similar in this respect and therefore that the differences observed can be attributed to the effects of the treatments. The addition of metals seemed to produce autotrophic and heterotrophic to C based on C : vol. ratios reported between initiation of experiment dino- in the literature and rapid, log dramatic effects in these incubations. I observed the most dramatic increases in Chl a and rates of production in the Fe treatment (Figs. 2,3, and 4), similar to the results of Martin and Fitzwater (1988). Martin and coworkers attribute this effect primarily to diatom limitation by Fe. The biomass and size-fractioned productivity data presented here indicate that at least 40% of the biomass increase in the Fe treatment was due to diatoms. The remainder of the production and biomass was in the < 25 -pm size fraction (i.e. not diatoms). In my samples however, autofluorescent organisms, primarily flagellates (Chrysochromulina spp., Isochrysis spp., Chromulina spp., dinoflagellates, and other haptophytes), made up the bulk of the biomass. The dominant diatoms (Nitzschia spp. and Pseudonitzschia) did increase dramatically (Fig. 5) and contributed -42% of the total biomass in the Fe treatment, which is an upper estimate because it assumes that most of the dinoflagellates 1859 Trace metal efects in the subarctic Table 5. As Table 3, but for autofluorescent organisms (excluding diatoms). Size class &m) 2.5-10 Cell densities* (No. ml-l) 1,328*61 Initial 3,467f85 +Fe l,462t-53 +Mn 1,978+32 +cu 2,244+62 +Zn 1,693f57 +EDTA Control 1,254+40 Cellular Ct (jkg liter-‘) 22.7kl.l Initial +Fe 59.3+- 1.4 25.Ot-0.9 +Mn +cu 33.8kO.5 +Zn 38.4+ 1.1 29.0+ 1.O +EDTA Control 21.420.7 Specific growth rates* (d-l) +Fe 0.27 +Mn 0.03 +cu 0.11 +Zn 0.15 +EDTA 0.07 Control -0.02 IO-20 120 19.847.3 27.4k0.4 11.5k4.7 222+ 11 34+-8 70+11 39+7 8.3k4.7 1.77kO.36 17.2k5.7 17.7k3.1 3.65k2.6 17.225.7 4.17k2.1 1.8k0.7 2.45 kO.04 1.02kO.42 19.8t- 1.0 3.07kO.70 6.2+- 1.0 3.440.7 4.0k2.3 0.86f0.18 8.3k2.8 8.6+- 1.5 1.8f 1.3 8.3k2.8 2.02 1.o 28.5f4.0 62.6+ 1.7 34.4k4.1 62.2t-3.0 43.2k3.0 43.5k4.8 26.9t-2.4 0.09 -0.16 0.69 0.16 0.36 0.19 -0.44 0.21 0.22 -0.24 0.21 -0.20 0.27 0.03 0.14 0.15 0.08 -0.01 Total 1,356+73 3,496,86 1,491+64 2,218_+46 2,282f72 1,78O-t74 1,297f50 * Calculated from epifluorescence microscopy counts on samples filtered at sea. t Calculated based on average cell volumes for each size class. These volumes were converted to C based on C : vol. ratios reported (see fexl). $ Calculated using cell numbers for each size class and correcting for an estimated 2.5-d lag period between initiation of experiment phase growth, as seen in the productivity and Chl time-course (after Banse 1990). were autotrophic; they were, therefore, assumed to be represented in the counts of autofluorescent organisms. Ciliates were likely important grazers in my incubations. Ciliate biomass was variable but lowest in the Cu treatment (Table 3). If low ciliate biomass is indicative of Cu toxicity for grazers, then rates of ciliate grazing would also be adversely affected and their prey would tend to increase (if the prey organisms were not similarly sensitive). Autofluorescent organisms-dinoflagellates and diatoms- which are potential prey items for these ciliates, were more abundant in the Cu treatment. Conversely, where ciliate biomass was high (Mn treatment), other organisms, excluding diatoms, were lower in biomass than in the Cu treatment. Therefore, the potential for species shifts due to differential survival of the grazers is of great importance in these experiments. The effects of Cu on two planktonic ciliates have been studied in metal-ion buffer in the literature and rapid, log systems with EDTA and NTA (Stoecker et al. 1986). Stoecker et al. found that Cu2+ activities as low as 1O- 12.*M decreased longterm growth rates in both species tested and levels as low as 1O-lo M rapidly caused abnormal motility in these species. From the results of Coale and Bruland (1988, 1990) it appears that the surface waters of the subarctic Pacific are poised on the brink of Cu toxicity for ciliates. Any increase in the Cu2+ activity would potentially physiologically impair these organisms. These observations support the hypothesis that added Cu increases phytoplankton biomass via decreasing grazing pressure. These results indicate that ciliates are among the more sensitive forms of plankton to Cu toxicity. Culture experiments of Brand and others (e.g. Brand et al. 1986; Sunda and Guillard 1976) have determined Cu toxicity in a variety of phytoplankton at Cu2+ activities of 10-l l M or greater. Although pCu in the treatment was at this threshold (10.6-l 1.1 1860 Coale Table 6. As Table 3, but for diatoms and cyanobacteria. Diatoms Cell densities* (No. ml-l) Initial 117fll +Fe 2,336*46 +Mn 1,724+41 +cu 1,069+32 +Zn 465+23 +EDTA 475+23 Control 440+21 Cellular Ct (pg liter-l) Initial 2.54kO.24 +Fe 50.7 + 1.o +Mn 37.4f0.9 +cu 23.2kO.7 +Zn 10.1 kO.5 +EDTA 10.3kO.5 Control 9.55kO.46 Specific growth rates* (d-l) +Fe 0.86 +Mn 0.77 +cu 0.63 +zn 0.39 + EDTA 0.40 Control 0.38 Cyanobacteria 327+34 1,143+57 1,137+57 8OOk40 1,002+50 I,71 I+82 637+32 0.07+0.01 0.24kO.01 0.24kO.01 0.17+0.01 0.21 kO.01 0.36kO.02 0.13+0.01 0.36 0.36 0.26 0.32 0.47 0.19 * Calculated from photographs of settled samples using an inverted microscope for diatoms. Cyanobacteria were counted with epifluorcscencc microscopy on samples filtered at sea. t Calculated based on average cell volumes for the diatoms and 0.2 1 pg cell-’ for the cyanobacteria. These volumes were converted to C based on C : vol. ratios reported in the literature (see &xl). $ Calculated using cell numbers for both organisms and corrected for an estimated 2.5-d lag period between initiation of experiment and rapid, log phase growth, as seen in the productivity and Chl time-course (after Banse 1990). see Table 2), the organisms Brand and others used were isolated from temperate and subtropical regimes where total Cu values are lower and therefore possibly more sensitive to increased Cu2+ activities. Sunda (1987) and others have proposed that phytoplankton exhibit differential sensitivity to Cu toxicity depending on the regime to which they are adapted. It could be that phytoplankton from the subarctic are better adapted to higher levels of Cu than their temperate counterparts. Although Cu is not thought to be nutritionally limiting in seawater, Schenck (1984) has observed Cu limitation in dinoflagellates at pCu values > 12.5. pCu values in the control were - 13.4 (Table 2), possibly indicating that the increase in production and biomass in the Cu treatment was in fact due to Cu limitation. Fig. 5. Initial and final diatom biomass for each metal treatment and control. However, others have been unable to reproduce this result, so this notion must remain tentative. Alternatively, it has been suggested that added Cu may have displaced nutritionally limiting Fe from organic ligands, thereby making it more available to phytoplankton. Due to the high ranking of Cu on the IrvingWilliams series and its strong tendency to form complexes with organic ligands, Cu can effectively compete with such sites both in solution and on surfaces, which would make it difficult to distinguish the effects of added metal. As Sunda and coworkers have shown, Mn additions to cultured phytoplankton can alleviate Cu toxicity (Sunda and Huntsman 1983; Sunda et al. 198 1). Morel et al. (1991) have also shown that there may be physiological tradeoffs with respect to phytoplankton trace element requirements. They show that under certain circumstances, Zn deficiency can be compensated by Cd. These synergistic interactions make it difficult to attribute community responses to any one perturbation. The results of the complexation measurements, however, can provide some chemical limits to the availability of metal added. These experiments with Cu indicate that although 4 nM Cu was added, it was rapidly complexed by natural ligands, resulting in a free Cu2+ activity of - 10 pM. Because the ligands showing affinity for Cu also seem to be quite specific (Coale and Bruland 1988), this increase of 4 nM would be expected to displace about 10 pM of oth- Trace metal efects in the subarctic 1861 v 3 100 v 3 75 8u 50 ; 25 t-l Fig. 6. Initial and final C : Chl a ratio for each metal treatment and control. Photosynthetic C was calculated to be the sum of the autofluorescent and diatom C as described in the text. Fig. 7. Initial and final photosynthetic assimilation ratio for each metal treatment and control. er metals. Such an amount is not thought to be significant. Similar specificity by another class of organic ligands has been demonstrated for Zn (Bruland 1989). Although we cannot be certain of which ligands are responsible for this binding, it appears that the ligands we observe showing high affinity for Cu, Zn, and Cd are specific and do not show high affinity for Fe (Coale and Bruland 1988; Bruland 1989). The effect of the added chelator EDTA apparently had little effect, except on the cyanobacteria (Table 5). The apparent stimulation of the cyanobacterial biomass can be attributed to decreases in Cu*+ activity; however, the calculated impact of only 10 nM EDTA on trace metal speciation is relatively small (- 5%) and the increase in DOC due to the EDTA addition is probably negligible (0.1%). If, in fact, cyanobacteria are extremely sensitive to Cu*+ activity, as observed by Brand et al. (1986), then even a small reduction in Cu activity, by EDTA complexation together with an adsorptive loss of Cu to the carboy walls, could help alleviate a toxic condition. Until this result is reproduced, it will remain our tentative interpretation. Fe, Mn, Cu, and Zn treatments all showed increases in biomass, or productivity, or both. Fe had the most dramatic effect on productivity, yet Cu had an similarly dramatic effect on biomass. Because Fe is not thought to be toxic at such low concentrations, the effect of Fe is attributed to Fe limitation (especially of diatoms and small autofluorescent organisms) in these subarctic waters. Furthermore, my estimates of phytoplankton biomass based on size and density (determined by microscopy) suggest a large change in the C : Chl a ratio over the course of the incubation. (Photosynthetic C was estimated from counts of autofluorescent cells plus diatoms; Chl a is known for each treatment). The C : Chl a ratio in the Fe treatment was -r/3 that of the final control value (Fig. 6). The productivity : Chl a ratios in these treatments tell a similar story (Fig. 7). Curl and Small (1965) suggested that a productivity assimilation ratio [pg C fixed (pg Chl a)-’ d-l] between 0 and 72 indicates nutrient depletion, whereas ratios between 72 and 120 indicate borderline nutrient deficiency. I observed initial ratios of 74& 7 and final ratios (except for the Fe and Cu treatments) of 72+ 7. Dramatically lower values were obtained for the Fe and Cu treatments (24 and 34). The low values for Fe and Cu are surprising, because I expected organisms limited by metals to metabolize more efficiently in their presence. N03, P04, and Si04 were all relatively high initially (7.8, 0.79, and 16.7 PM), yet even initial assimilation ratios indicate borderline nutrient deficiency. If low internal ratios were due to a de- 1862 Coale 7 1.0 6 0.9 2 0.8 z 0.7 ; 0.6 Ls 0.5 u . . 0.4 pg 0.3 Y -g 0.2 L 0.1 0.0 &g + + + + 2 + -El u” Fig. 8. Initial and final productivity : C ratio for each metal treatment and control. ficiency in any of the metals added, one would expect to see an increase in the photosynthetic assimilation ratio as the deficiency was corrected, followed by a decline upon depletion of the next limiting nutrient. On the basis of increases in total biomass, N consumption was at most 14% of the original 7.8 PM NO3 -t- NO*, indicating that N was not limiting. Production per unit biomass of the autofluorescent organisms plus diatoms, however, tells a different story (Fig. 8). The initial ratio [pg C liter-’ d-l (pg C liter-l)-l] was 0.59. The final ratio for all other treatments except Fe and Cu was 0.71 kO.03. The final Fe treatment ratio was 0.9 3, significantly above all other treatments, whereas the final Cu treatment ratio was 0.53, similar to the initial ratio. Several physiological scenarios can be constructed to explain these results. Fe, and possibly Cu are required micronutrients in chlorophyll, coproporphyrin, and protochlorophyll synthesis (Shkolnik 1984). It is possible that phytoplankton from the subarctic, enriched with Fe and Cu, will preferentially produce Chl over other compounds, at least initially. Cu and Fe (possibly both) are also required for function of the enzyme superoxide dismutase. This enzyme is present in cells and serves to inhibit breakdown of Chl by superoxide radicals. Increased activity of this enzyme could also lead to higher levels of Chl a in phytoplankton. The beneficial effect of Cu is not un- ambiguous. Since Cu is known to produce toxic effects at extremely low activities, the increases in productivity, Chl a, and biomass were unexpected. However, counts of the ciliates present indicate that Cu may have caused the decline of these grazers, thereby allowing the biomass of phytoplankton to increase. Whereas productivity : Chl a ratios indicate either decreased photosynthetic efficiency or preferential production of Chl, production : biomass ratios indicate that production occurs more efficiently in samples treated with Fe and that production on a per unit C basis in samples treated with Cu proceeds less efficiently. The increase in biomass in the Cu treatment is therefore attributed to decreases in grazing (no increase in plant efficiency) and increases in biomass in other treatments, especially Fe, to increases in photosynthetic efficiency. Because the subarctic is an area in which the rates of production are thought to be tightly coupled to the rates of grazing, one would expect NH3 to be the principal form of N cycled from consumer to producer. If the supply of NH3 could not keep pace with the phytoplankton demand, either through increased rates of production or decreased grazer activity, phytoplankton would switch from NH, and deplete NO,. In this respect the effect of Fe and Cu may be to decouple rates of production and grazing. This explanation has been suggested by A. Michales and supported by N. Price et al. for high-nutrient, low-biomass areas of the oceans (Morel et al. 199 1). Morel et al. (199 1) showed no enhanced uptake rates of NH3, but dramatic increases in NO3 uptake upon the addition of Fe (Fe is also required for NO3 reductase activity). They attributed this result to the higher Fe requirement of diatoms. Results presented here indicate that other small phytoplankton, predominantly flagellates, may be Fe limited as well (Table 5). This dynamic, food-web-scale interaction may be the basis of limitation in these waters. Although Zn is severely depleted in the surface waters and shows a concentration depth profile similar to Si04, of all the metals added, Zn produced the least response. Trace metal eflects in the subarctic This result was initially puzzling until Bruland (1989) reported some of the first studies of Zn-binding ligands in the North Pacific. In that study, he found Zn-specific ligands with conditional stability constants on the order of 10’ l and concentrations of 1.2 nM in surface waters. In the present study, however, only 0.75 nM of Zn was added in the enrichment experiments. The small effect of added Zn in these experiments can be attributed to the binding of Zn by natural ligands present in excess of this addition. These results are in general agreement with those of Martin and Fitzwater ( 1988), indicating Fe limitation of productivity in the subarctic. However, productivity also appears to be limited by Mn (particularly for the diatoms, Table 6) and possibly other metals. If ciliates are growing at subtoxic levels of Cu then phytoplankton could be limited, in an indirect way, by Cu as well. Although the addition of Fe did exhibit the most pronounced effect, there seems to be more than one element that increases biomass and production. These results are contrary to the hypothesis that Fe is the only limiting nutrient in this system. Therefore, Liebig’s law of the minimum does not apply for Fe as suggested by Martin and Fitzwater (1988). Nonetheless, small additions of Fe can dramatically increase the rates of production and stocks of Chl a in this region. Because the photosynthetic assimilation ratio changes and varies dramatically with metal treatments, increases in Chl a alone cannot be used to follow increases in biomass. These results also have implications for measurement of productivity by the 14C incubation method. It appears that very low levels of trace metal contamination may not significantly affect production measurements over the brief incubation periods typically used in productivity measurements (6-24 h). However, substantial effects could be encountered in longer incubations. It appears that there are taxonomic differences in the response of the system to metal additions. Dinoflagellates respond differently than do diatoms, and both are different from cyanobacteria. 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