PHASE 4– going further (practicing new skills/mastering learning) Welcome to Mr Redgate’s Magic store! Here I have lots of things for sale. Hand selected children differing amounts of money and offering them various items for certain amounts. Do you have enough? Could you buy anything else? How much change do you need? Opportunities for assessment Can children recognise what they can buy? Can they identify the number sentence to accompany the transaction? Planned experience: Class shops—Create 3 differentiated class shops with different amounts and prices. Allow children to take it in turns to be the shopper/shopkeeper. Can children record their payments and how much (if any) change they should receive and record number sentences TA/Teacher Roles: TA—Assist Y1 in recognising and recording the numbers required following any transaction Date: WB—5.10.15 Subject Focus: Maths Planned experience: Y1—Investigate diff ways of making 6p, rePHASE 3 - considering and connecting cording ways by drawing coins on a piece of card. After chn find a few ways, introduce being more sys(introducing new learning) Class shop with price tags: 4p, 7p, 9p tematic, e.g. what’s the biggest value coin I could use? and 10p. Discuss what coins could be Let’s find ways using that. And the next biggest value? Etc. Y2— Chn choose 2 items from a sheet of priced used to pay for each. Use counting on.. Is there another way I could pay? objects with a total of less than 20p, find the total, then find the change from 20p. They record number Explain that now you want to buy a sentences. pencil for 10p but you haven’t got a TA/Teacher Roles: TA—Y1 encouraging children to 10p coin. How else could I pay? Y2— start off by using certain coins. Asking relevant qus Show children the class shop items again but with prices: 4p, 5p, 6p, 7p, 9p, 10p, 11p, 13p and 15p. Tell children that they can spend 20p. What could you buy? If you buy the 10p pencil, how much more can you spend? If children decide to buy 2 things but not to spend all of their 20p, which pair of items can they buy? Choose two items and model how to add these. How do we find out how much we have left? Opportunities for assessment Can children recognise different ways to make an amount/can children recognise change/relation to number bonds PHASE 1- tuning in and finding out (discovery, inquiry & exploration) Coins on their table as well as ‘big paper’ chn to experiment with the coins. If someone gave you 1 of these coins, which would you rather have? Why? The numbers on the coins tell us how much they are worth. ‘Silver’ coins are worth more than brown ones. Give each pair of chn a pot of coins, one each of 1p, 2p, 5p and 10p. Show a large coin. Chn hold up the same coin from their pot. Y2 -Show the 2p coin. This is worth the same as 2 pennies. Show 5 pennies. The numbers on the coins tell us how much they are worth Planned experience: but that the 1 on the pound coin reY1—Give each pair of chn a pot of 10 pennies, and fers to 1 pound, not 1 penny. How one each of 2p, 5p and 10p coins. They draw each many pennies/10p is it worth? Count coin and by the side write how many pennies they to confirm. Hold up two coins. Chn could swap it for. write the total amount of money on Y2— Give each pair a pot of one of each coin: in pairs their whiteboards chd to take 2 coins with eyes closed. Discuss the two coins. Write a number sentence; together count on to Opportunities for assessment Can chn recognise numbers on coins? Can add the two coin amounts together. TA/Teacher Roles: TA to assist Y! in recognising coins children recognise different ways to make an amount? and equivalents Planned experience: Y1—Give pairs a sheet with coins 1p, 2p, 5p and 10p drawn in one set, and 1p and 2p in the other chn choose one from each set to add together and write the addition. Repeat. Y2— Challenge children to find as many different ways of making 10p as they can, using no more than five coins. Encourage them to work systematically beginning with the 5p coin first. TA/Teacher Roles: TA—assist Y2 in identifying the differing ways of creating 10—ext 20 (noticing any number bonds?) KLQ: How do you know how much a coin is worth? PHASE 2 - sorting out and pondering (reflecting on previous phase) Show chn coins. Recap their values. Ask chn if we choose 2 of them, what’s the most amount of money we could make? And the least? . Point out that we need a system so that we are sure we have found ALL the possible amounts. We could create an ordered list Work together to begin an ordered list, e.g. 20p + 10p = 30p etc.. Y1—Show the large coins again. I need 3 pence, but there isn’t a 3p coin. What could I do? Talk to your partner. Agree you could use a 2p coin and a 1p coin. Record 2p + 1p = 3p. Repeat for finding 4p, 6p, 7p, 11p and 12p. Opportunities for assessment Can children recognise the different ways to create certain amounts? Using coins