Strategic Interaction between Hedge Funds and Prime Brokers Eric Jondeau UNIL & SFI EHL, June 30, 2016 Nataliya Gerasimova and Eric Jondeau Hedge Funds and Prime Brokers EHL, June 30, 2016 1 / 31 Motivation Hedge fund (HF): very reactive, large fluctuations, high leverage Leverage implies vulnerability Leverage is generated by prime brokers (borrowing) and off balance-sheet positions (derivatives) Prime broker (PB): very concentrated industry I I Top 3: 41.1% of HF 50% of HF have 1 PB, 3% of HF have more than 2 PB Prime brokers provide financing and services Interaction between HF and PB: mutually risky to each other I I I Large loss of HF → large loss of PB (asset liquidity risk) PB can withdraw capital from HF (funding liquidity risk) Main interaction: leverage decision Nataliya Gerasimova and Eric Jondeau Hedge Funds and Prime Brokers EHL, June 30, 2016 2 / 31 Motivation Model Interaction between PB decision and HF financing strategy 1 representative PB and 1 representative HF Both are risk neutral and maximize the expected RoE for next period HF obtains financing for long and short positions through margin account (collateralized) Model determines optimal decisions of HF and PB HF: amount of free cash and long/short balance PB: amount of free cash, margin rates, rehypothecation rate Equilibrium lending rate: risk-free rate + risk premium Nataliya Gerasimova and Eric Jondeau Hedge Funds and Prime Brokers EHL, June 30, 2016 3 / 31 Motivation Literature Performance of hedge funds and their service providers: Olaru (2006), Klaus and Rzepkowski (2009), Cumming et al. (2013), Hespeler and Witt (2014), Mirabile (2015), Chung and Kang (2016) Leverage of hedge funds: McGuire and Tsatsaronis (2008), Duffie et al. (2009), Dai and Sundaresan (2010), Ang et al. (2011), Lan et al. (2013), Buraschi et al. (2014), Farnsworth (2014) Leverage of intermediaries and funding liquidity risk: Adrian and Shin (2010), Dudley and Nimalendran (2011), Liu and Mello (2011), Adrian and Shin (2014), Adrian et al. (2014) Nataliya Gerasimova and Eric Jondeau Hedge Funds and Prime Brokers EHL, June 30, 2016 4 / 31 Motivation Financing HF Long Positions Reverse REPO REPO rehyp. collateral collateral Hedge Fund cash cash security cash Security Market Nataliya Gerasimova and Eric Jondeau Money Market Fund Prime Broker cash Bank Hedge Funds and Prime Brokers EHL, June 30, 2016 5 / 31 Motivation Financing HF Short Positions Securities Loaned Securities Borrowed cash Hedge Fund cash security security cash security Security Market Nataliya Gerasimova and Eric Jondeau Security Lender Prime Broker cash Bank Hedge Funds and Prime Brokers EHL, June 30, 2016 6 / 31 Motivation Framework HF optimization problem PB optimization problem Equilibrium lending rate Nataliya Gerasimova and Eric Jondeau Hedge Funds and Prime Brokers EHL, June 30, 2016 7 / 31 Hedge Fund Mechanics of Leveraging: Long Positions Main steps: HF buys nt+ shares at price pt + ... with nt+ µ+ t of its own equity (margin: µt ) ... and nt+ lt of PB loan Securities are deposited as collateral Balance sheet: P + Lt = j nj,t pj,t : long position financed through buying on margin P + + + Mt = j nj,t µj,t : margin account on long positions Nataliya Gerasimova and Eric Jondeau Hedge Funds and Prime Brokers EHL, June 30, 2016 8 / 31 Hedge Fund Mechanics of Leveraging: Short Positions Main steps: HF sells nt− shares at price pt borrowed from the PB − ... with nt− µ− t of its own equity (margin: µt ) HF sells the securities on market ... and receives proceeds in cash, deposited as collateral Balance sheet: P − St = j nj,t pj,t : short position P + − − Mt = j nj,t µj,t : margin account on short positions Nataliya Gerasimova and Eric Jondeau Hedge Funds and Prime Brokers EHL, June 30, 2016 9 / 31 Hedge Fund HF Balance Sheet Liabilities and Equity Assets Free cash (Ct ) Debt (Dt ) Cash proceeds (Pt ) Short securities (St ) Long securities (Lt ) Equity (NtH ) Nataliya Gerasimova and Eric Jondeau Hedge Funds and Prime Brokers EHL, June 30, 2016 10 / 31 Hedge Fund Margin account Long positions Initial margin: Mt+ = µL,t Lt = Lt − Dt + At t + 1: Mt+1 = Lt+1 − Dt+1 + Maintenance margin: Mt+1 ≥ mL,t Lt+1 Short positions Initial margin: Mt− = µS,t St = Pt − St − At t + 1: Mt+1 = Pt+1 − St+1 − Maintenance margin: Mt+1 ≥ mS,t St+1 Portfolio margining + − Mt+1 = Mt+1 +Mt+1 = max(Lt+1 −Dt+1 +Pt+1 −St+1 , mL,t Lt+1 +mS,t St+1 ) Nataliya Gerasimova and Eric Jondeau Hedge Funds and Prime Brokers EHL, June 30, 2016 11 / 31 Hedge Fund HF Optimization Program H /N H − 1 risk neutral ⇒ max RoE, rNH,t+1 = Nt+1 t control variables I cash holdings: (1 − αt )NtH I risky strategy: F long position: αt γt NtH F short position: αt (1 − γt )NtH simple investment strategy: exposition to market risk I rL,t+1 = βL rM,t+1 I rS,t+1 = βS rM,t+1 Nataliya Gerasimova and Eric Jondeau Hedge Funds and Prime Brokers EHL, June 30, 2016 12 / 31 Hedge Fund Parametrized HF Balance Sheet Assets (rF ) (rF ) (rL ) Free cash Cash proceeds Long securities Liabilities and Equity (1 − αt ) αt (1 − 1 1+µ γt ) µS,tS,t αt γt µL,t 1−µL,t µL,t Margin debt αt γt (rD ) Short securities 1 αt (1 − γt ) µS,t (rS ) Equity 1 (rNH ) - Free cash - Long account - Short account (1 − αt ) αt γt αt (1 − γt ) (scaled by NtH ) Nataliya Gerasimova and Eric Jondeau Hedge Funds and Prime Brokers EHL, June 30, 2016 13 / 31 Hedge Fund Impact of a Market Crash When market goes down, sequence of HF actions (increasing cost): 0 -10 -20 Regular margin call -30 Using free cash only Buying back short positions -40 -50 Selling long positions -60 Default -70 Hedge fund rN H (M C ) r7M (F C ) r7M (SS) r7M (DE) r7M -80 -90 -100 -40 -35 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 rM (in %) Nataliya Gerasimova and Eric Jondeau Hedge Funds and Prime Brokers EHL, June 30, 2016 14 / 31 Hedge Fund HF Decisions as a Function of µM 1 Margin multiplier (,$ ) 1 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.01 20 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 Return on equity (in %) 0.7 0.01 0.8 Fraction of long positions (. $ ) 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 Probability of default (in %) 0.6 15 0.4 10 5 0.01 0.2 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 Gross leverage 4 0 0.01 0.015 2 3 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 Lending rate (in %) 1.8 2 1.6 1 0 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 1.4 0.01 0.015 7M Nataliya Gerasimova and Eric Jondeau 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 7M Hedge Funds and Prime Brokers EHL, June 30, 2016 15 / 31 Hedge Fund HF Decisions as a Function of σM 1 Margin multiplier (,$ ) 1 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.2 14 0.22 0.24 0.26 0.28 Return on equity (in %) 0.7 0.2 3 12 2 10 1 8 0.2 0.22 0.24 0.26 0.28 Gross leverage 4 0 0.2 Fraction of long positions (. $ ) 0.22 0.22 0.26 0.28 0.24 0.26 0.28 Lending rate (in %) 2 3 0.24 Probability of default (in %) 1.8 2 1.6 1 0 0.2 0.22 0.24 0.26 0.28 1.4 0.2 0.22 <M Nataliya Gerasimova and Eric Jondeau 0.24 0.26 0.28 <M Hedge Funds and Prime Brokers EHL, June 30, 2016 16 / 31 Hedge Fund HF Decisions as a Function of µL = µS 1 Margin multiplier (,$ ) 1 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.2 12 0.3 0.4 0.5 Return on equity (in %) 0.7 0.2 0.3 11 Fraction of long positions (. $ ) 0.3 0.4 0.5 Probability of default (in %) 0.2 10 0.1 9 8 0.2 4 0.3 0.4 0.5 Gross leverage 0 0.2 2 3 0.3 0.4 0.5 Lending rate (in %) 1.8 2 1.6 1 0 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 1.4 0.2 7L = 7S Nataliya Gerasimova and Eric Jondeau 0.3 0.4 0.5 7L = 7S Hedge Funds and Prime Brokers EHL, June 30, 2016 17 / 31 Hedge Fund HF Decisions as a Function of mL = mS 1 Margin multiplier (,$ ) 1 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.15 12 0.2 0.25 0.3 Return on equity (in %) Fraction of long positions (. $ ) 0.7 0.15 0.8 0.2 0.25 0.3 Probability of default (in %) 0.6 11 0.4 10 9 0.15 4 0.2 0.2 0.25 0.3 Gross leverage 0 0.15 2 3 0.2 0.25 0.3 Lending rate (in %) 1.8 2 1.6 1 0 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 1.4 0.15 mL = mS Nataliya Gerasimova and Eric Jondeau Hedge Funds and Prime Brokers 0.2 0.25 0.3 mL = mS EHL, June 30, 2016 18 / 31 Prime Broker Sources of PB Revenues PB makes money from HF through 3 channels: the difference between the borrowing rate and the lending rate for HF long positions the difference between cost and revenue of financing HF short positions the remuneration on the interbank market Nataliya Gerasimova and Eric Jondeau Hedge Funds and Prime Brokers EHL, June 30, 2016 19 / 31 Prime Broker PB Actions Buying on margin PB provides [αt γt (1 − µL,t )/µL,t ]NtH of cash to the HF Its own financing: I I [ρt αt γt (1 − µPL,t )/µL,t ]NtH from rehypothecation [αt γt ((1 − µL,t ) − ρt (1 − µPL,t ))/µL,t ]NtH from the (unsecured) interbank market Short selling PB borrows securities from another broker and deposits [αt (1 − γt )(1 − µPS,t )/µS,t ]NtH as collateral It lends the securities to the HF and receives [αt (1 − γt )(1 − µS,t )/µS,t ]NtH as collateral (cash proceeds) The difference, [αt (1 − γt )(µS,t − µPS,t )/µS,t ]NtH , is invested on the (unsecured) interbank market. Nataliya Gerasimova and Eric Jondeau Hedge Funds and Prime Brokers EHL, June 30, 2016 20 / 31 Prime Broker PB Optimization Program P /N P − 1 risk neutral ⇒ max RoE, rNP,t+1 = Nt+1 t control variables I cash holdings: (1 − αtP )NtP I rehypothecation rate: ρt I margin rates: µL,t , µS,t , mL,t , mS,t I own securities: APt NtP determined by regulatory limit on leverage: Debt ≤ ϑ Equity If HF liquidates its positions, PB also has to liquidate (with a cost) Nataliya Gerasimova and Eric Jondeau Hedge Funds and Prime Brokers EHL, June 30, 2016 21 / 31 Prime Broker PB Balance Sheet Liabilities and Equity Unsecured borrowing Assets Unsecured cash (rI ) αt (1 − γt ) µS,t −µP S,t µS,t P NtH + (1 − αP t )Nt Collateralized Agreements: (Securities borrowed) (rF ) αt (1 − γt ) 1+µP S,t µS,t NtH Receivables from HF: (Reverse repo) 1−µL,t µL,t αt γt 1−µL,t −ρt (1−µP L,t ) NtH µL,t Collateralized Financings: (Securities loaned) αt (1 − γt ) ρt αt γt Own securities portfolio Equity P P AP t = αt N t NtP αt γt (rM ) 1+µS,t µS,t 1−µP L,t µL,t - Free cash - Other Nataliya Gerasimova and Eric Jondeau NtH (rF ) Payables to MMF: (Repo) NtH (rD ) (rI ) Hedge Funds and Prime Brokers NtH (rC ) (rNP ) P (1 − αP t )Nt P αP t Nt EHL, June 30, 2016 22 / 31 Prime Broker Impact of a Market Crash 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 Hedge fund rN H Prime broker rN P (M C ) r7M (F C ) r7M (SS) r7M (DE) r7M -80 -90 -100 -40 -35 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 rM (in %) Nataliya Gerasimova and Eric Jondeau Hedge Funds and Prime Brokers EHL, June 30, 2016 23 / 31 Prime Broker Equilibrium Lending Rate Lending rate = risk-free rate + risk premium rD,t = rF ,t + RPt RPt covers the expected loss of the PB due to a HF default: RPt H (1 + rD,t )DtH − (Dt+1 |HF default) Et DtH [αt (1 − γt ) + µS,t (1 − αt γt )]µL,t (1 + rD,t ) − (1 + rF ,t ) αt γt (1 − µL,t )µS,t = = − (1 + (DE ) βL µM,t ) 1−φ (DE ) (1 + θ)αt (1 − γt )µL,t (DE ) + (1 + βS µM,t ) F (log(1 + r¯M,t )) 1 − µL,t αt γt (1 − µL,t )µS,t RPt depends on I HF decisions (α and γ) I PB decisions (µL and µS ) Nataliya Gerasimova and Eric Jondeau Hedge Funds and Prime Brokers EHL, June 30, 2016 24 / 31 Results Calibration Symbol Value Liquidation cost for long positions Liquidation cost for short positions φ θ 5% 2% Sensitivity of long positions Sensitivity of short positions Prime broker βL βS 1.1 0.2 Liquidation cost for long positions Liquidation cost for short positions φ0 θ0 2.5% 1% P µP L = µS P mL = mSP 20% 10% ϑ 10 µM σM rF rC rI 2% 22.5% 1.5% 1.55% 1.75% Hedge fund Initial margin rate Maintenance margin rate Maximum leverage ratio Market return and interest rates Expected market return Market volatility Risk-free rate General collateral rate Short-term interbank rate Nataliya Gerasimova and Eric Jondeau Hedge Funds and Prime Brokers EHL, June 30, 2016 25 / 31 Results Benchmark ϑ = 10 σM = 22.5% HF decision variables α∗ γ∗ PB decision variables 0.923 0.902 µ∗L = µ∗S mL∗ = mS∗ αP∗ ρ∗ Rates and expected returns 0.264 0.18 0.736 0.698 (% per year) ∗ rD,t 1.552 Et [rNH,t+1 ] 11.458 Et [rNP,t+1 ] 3.351 Probability of default (in %) (DE ) Pr[rM,t+1 < r¯M,t+1 ] Nataliya Gerasimova and Eric Jondeau 0.373 Hedge Funds and Prime Brokers EHL, June 30, 2016 26 / 31 Results Balance sheet of HF at equilibrium Assets Free cash 1153 Liabilities and Equity Margin debt 34898 Cash proceeds 6498 Short securities Long securities 47390 Total Nataliya Gerasimova and Eric Jondeau 55040 5142 Equity 15000 - Free cash - Long account - Short account 1153 12492 1356 Total 55040 Hedge Funds and Prime Brokers EHL, June 30, 2016 27 / 31 Results Balance sheet of PB at equilibrium Assets Unsecured Cash 1246 Liabilities and Equity Unsecured borrowing 1806 Securities borrowed 6171 Securities loaned Receivables from HF 34898 Securities portfolio Total Nataliya Gerasimova and Eric Jondeau 2559 44873 6498 Payables to investor 26473 Equity 3478 - Free cash - Other 3478 919 Total Hedge Funds and Prime Brokers 44873 EHL, June 30, 2016 28 / 31 Results Alternative parametrizations Benchmark ϑ = 10, σM = 22.5% Hedge fund’s decision variables Alternative 1 ϑ=5 Alternative 2 σM = 23% α∗ 0.923 γ∗ 0.902 Prime broker’s decision variables 0.945 0.924 0.936 0.958 µ∗L = µ∗S 0.264 mL∗ = mS∗ 0.180 αP∗ 0.736 ρ∗ 0.698 Rates and expected returns (% per year) 0.254 0.154 0.677 0.556 0.292 0.197 0.695 0.709 1.648 11.832 3.590 1.550 11.414 3.167 0.893 0.348 ∗ rD,t 1.550 Et [rNH,t+1 ] 11.458 Et [rNP,t+1 ] 3.351 Probability of default (in %) (DE ) Pr[rM,t+1 < r¯M,t+1 ] Nataliya Gerasimova and Eric Jondeau 0.373 Hedge Funds and Prime Brokers EHL, June 30, 2016 29 / 31 Results Strategic Interaction More regulation on PB (decrease ϑ) I PB reduces margin rate I HF increases leverage I Prob of default increases ⇒ More risk Riskier market return (increase σ) I PB increases margin rates I HF decreases leverage I Prob of default decreases ⇒ Less risk Nataliya Gerasimova and Eric Jondeau Hedge Funds and Prime Brokers EHL, June 30, 2016 30 / 31 Results Extensions impact of Basel III ratios redemption risk from HF investors investment strategy of the HF .... 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