1 CTA/OCPS CBLT Minutes Friday February 12, 2016, at CTA

Friday February 12, 2016, at CTA
Carmen Balgobin…………….District
Rob Bixler…………………......District
LeighAnn Blackmore……….District
Jason Duke………………………District
Wendy Doromal……………..CTA
Gayle Hodges………………….CTA
Scott Howat…………………….District
Dale Kelly………………………..District
Allison Kirby…………………….District
Sharon Leonard……………….CTA
Michael Marzano…………….CTA
Phyllis Mills……………………..CTA
Maribel Moskover…………..CTA
Clay Phillips……………………..CTA
Kenrick Pratt…………………….CTA
Krista Russell……………………District
Fred Short………………………..CTA
Suzanne Vendena……………District
Patricia Walker………………..District
Tom Winters……………………CTA
Rae Xenja…………………………CTA
Also present: Dennis Kelly, Mark Mitchell, Stephen Bowman, Daniela Mitchell, Tracy Oscasio
Review of Minutes
CTE and waiver with guest Steven Bowman
Cameras in the classroom for PD
Committee Reports
Teacher Evaluation
Athletic Supplements
HS starting time possible changes
Minutes: Minutes were distributed; CTA will look over Jan 7 and 28 and approve at a later time
CTE Wednesday meetings:
The committee surveyed teachers at the Tech centers and the consensus was to keep schedule the way
it is, all meetings will be voluntary since it scheduled as the same time as planning. Friday will continue
to be a “short day” for the rest of the school year. Administrators and teachers will study the class
scheduling to fix the overlap between meetings on Wednesdays and planning for next school year. All
teachers are scheduled for theshort Friday regardless of whether they attended the Wednesday meeting
or not.
Kenrick concerned that it is really not voluntary. Stephen, said it’s in writing and will be posted on the
Tech Centers CTA bulletin boards.
Cameras in the Classroom for PD:
Daniella Mitchell, Director Curriculum, Instruction and Digital Learning guest speaker. The audio
enhancement package we have allows for 360 degree cameras to be in the classroom for teachers to
record classroom activities under the teacher’s control. The purpose is for teachers to reflect on their
teaching and interaction with students. A few schools are interested in this project, and in these schools,
teachers would volunteer for the project to allow the cameras in the classroom. The District is
interested in looking at this long term as a way to illustrate good classroom practices for training. We’d
like to work together on standard operating procedures to see how this would be best implemented.
The teacher would have sole control of the videos.
Questions from CTA:
 Who is the vendor: Audio Enhancement
 Where would the cameras be placed? They are ceiling mounted for 360 degrees.
 What is the necessity of having in every classroom? To improve instruction for students
 Wendy: There violations in deliberate practice for peer observations which are not in contract
language, but principals say it is required. We don’t want this practice to be a requirement
without contract language.
 What schools were selected for the pilot? Sand Lake ES and Mollie Ray ES.
 If these schools already have good instruction, why do you need to place cameras there? If
there is really good instruction happening at these schools, the teachers will be able to share
practices with other teachers who are at other schools, and share their best practices with new
 Statement: Teachers need more time not video camera. If this practice is in the control of
teachers and we have a management directive that the District can commandeer laptops at any
time… is there going to be a waiver?
 Scott: that is why we are here…to set parameters for this practice.
 Carmen Balgobin stated “I am always proud of my teachers. I have many new teachers this year
and I have great teachers who mentor and conduct professional development for their peers.
Dr. Jara was very impressed with the instructional practices he observed through our teacher
leader academy. This practice is voluntary on the part of teachers. The principal can’t access
the videos without the teacher’s permission. The teacher doesn’t record everything, just what is
needed. This practice builds capacity it’s a great way to show best teaching practices.”
 Allison Kirby stated: It would make a huge difference for the teachers at my school to be able to
see videos in professional development trainings.
 Kenrick Pratt: These videos are considered to be public record. How would teachers be
protected? I anticipate that if attorneys for parents would request the video and would get it.
 Scott: Perhaps these videos could be preserved for a set period of time we need totalk with
 Kenrick: What are the limits to this? It’s school equipment. If something happens in the halls,
we get hallway video all the time in discipline cases. If something happened in the classroom,
why wouldn’t District use the classroom video? How much actual control would teachers have?
 Daniella: In order to operate the cameras, teachers must log into Safari. Administrators do not
have access to their password in safari. Administrators cannot hack in. Teachers can turn the
camera on and off. The camera can be set to record for a specific period of time. Teachers can
see if the camera is open or closed.
 Kenrick: A password is for you is access is for me. There is always an override mechanism for
access. Use of recordings: an administrator comes to classroom first period…administrator
strongly recommends that it be recorded. Teacher doesn’t want to but does. Voluntary but
coerced. Not unheard of. Video used for another purpose...implying ER visits. Is there intent to
put up firewall to not be used for disciplinary purposes?
 Scott: That is our purpose here...to put up “Firewalls”. 1: want teachers to volunteer and 2:
want teachers to feel comfortable in using—protecting the teacher. We’d be happy to meet out
at Ocoee MS to demonstrate and tour.
Wendy: What is the funding and cost? The school would have to pay for the camera system
from their school funds
 Rea commented that while she likes the idea of cameras for professional development, at her
school in order to justify Safari, they are required to post, and it takes time to make the posts.
At some point, we have to stop taking so much work home. However, in order to justify
expenditure, you must use it and I am concerned about the amount of time and effort it will
CTA came back after a caucus and stated for the record that they have not agreed to any cameras in any
classroom at any location.
Committee reports:
Budget Committee: Met yesterday, February 11, another meeting in March
Evaluation committee: Met and we setting up another meeting. Most of the discussion was on
setting minimums and maximums on observations, a suggestion that teachers agree to other
observation over the minimum/maximum proposed by CTA. The District is willing to let go of
minimum language for ranges, but no movement from CTA. No recommendations at this date.
o It was stated that the District stands ready to negotiate on the issue of evaluation,
deliberate practice and number of observations.
HR: discussed parameters, clarification of leaves, out of field letter wording. Meetings
scheduled for first Wed of the month
Supplements: met and discussed athletic supplements
Appeals: 29th email to Gloria from Michael to get meeting times together. Have not heard back.
Calendar committee Feb 19
Finance and Comp: nothing new to report
Athletic Supplements:
The committee surveyed athletic coaches and conducted an analysis, looking at working conditions, risk,
injuries and supervision, high profile incidents, etc. Working on ranking supplements according to tiers,
there may be some changes to the current tiering schedule.
Gayle: concerned that non-athletic supplements might be left out of the propoal…need to make it a
package deal.
Clay: The committee is in process of collecting data for non-athletic…look at hard to fill supplements for
both athletic and non-athletics; looking at Clubs, Academics and Organizations and Leadership.
High School Start Times:
Scott handed out the presentation from board workshop on January 27, 2016. In it, six to eight different
models showing the ranges in costing.
All models could have an impact on duty day, teacher pay. It will be a cost factor and will have to be
negotiated with CTA—Model 1 and 2 have 30 more student contact minutes for elementary, 25 more
minutes for middle school. The Board has made no decision at this point. Next steps for Board:
revisit…however, there has been no direction to look at changes start times for next year’s budget.
End of the agenda at 11:50
CBLT dismissed. Next meeting March 16, 2016.