Response of a Tropical Reservoir to Bubbler Destratification Goloka Behari Sahoo1 and David Luketina2 Abstract: A one-dimensional reservoir-bubbler model has been developed to examine the mixing and the change in dissolved oxygen pattern induced by bubbler operation in a stratified reservoir. The reservoir-bubbler model is applied to a tropical reservoir, the Upper Peirce Reservoir, Singapore. For this tropical reservoir with low wind speeds, it is found that bubbler operation dominates oxygen transfer into the reservoir water rather than oxygen transfer from all other sources, including surface reaeration. It is illustrated that selection of airflow rate per diffuser, air bubble radius, and total number of diffusers are important criteria in bubbler designs. Higher dissolved oxygen levels in reservoirs are obtained by increasing the bubbler airflow rate that is associated with lower mechanical efficiency 共mech兲 than optimal mech of the bubbler. Determining an appropriate airflow rate is shown to be a tradeoff between increased dissolved oxygen levels and increased operating costs as airflow rate increases. When the reservoir is close to well mixed, the water quality is usually reasonably good but the bubbler operates at a very low mech—thus the bubbler should be turned off. DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲0733-9372共2006兲132:7共736兲 CE Database subject headings: Water quality; Stratification; Bubbles; Reservoirs; One-dimensional models; Dissolved oxygen. Introduction The vertical thermal stratification observed in most lakes and reservoirs is a natural occurrence, which is often characterized by a well-mixed surface layer, separated from the deeper hypolimnion layer by a strong temperature gradient, known as the thermocline. The thermocline acts as a barrier preventing active exchange of temperature, dissolved oxygen 共DO兲, and dissolved nutrients between the reservoir surface and bottom layer. Because of the biological and biochemical oxygen consumption, a stratified reservoir over a long period cannot prevent the hypolimnion from becoming anoxic leading to the increased release of undesirable substances such as nutrients, and iron and manganese from the sediments of the reservoir 共Kilham and Kilham 1990; Kassim et al. 1997; McGinnis and Little 2002兲. Moreover, nutrients originating in local runoff and in the discharges from upstream treatment plants, and mineralization of biomass within itself not only induce a permanent stratification 共Wüest et al. 1992; Schladow and Fisher 1995兲 but also stimulate algal growth causing water quality problems 共Arumugam and Furtado 1980; Sterner and Grover 1998; Burris et al. 2002兲. In order to suppress nutrient release from sediments and to ameliorate the reservoir water quality, oxygen is commonly introduced into the hypolimnion artificially which is combined with artificial mixing 共Wüest et al. 1992; Yang et al. 1993; Burris et al. 2002; McGinnis and Little 2002; DeMoyer et al. 2003兲. 1 Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Univ. of California, Davis, 3108 Engineering III, One Shield Ave., Davis, CA 95616 共corresponding author兲. E-mail: 2 Asian Institute of Technology, School of Civil Engineering, Water Engineering and Management Program, P.O. Box 4, Klong Luang, Pathumthani 12120, Thailand. Note. Discussion open until December 1, 2006. Separate discussions must be submitted for individual papers. To extend the closing date by one month, a written request must be filed with the ASCE Managing Editor. The manuscript for this paper was submitted for review and possible publication on May 24, 2004; approved on October 25, 2005. This paper is part of the Journal of Environmental Engineering, Vol. 132, No. 7, July 1, 2006. ©ASCE, ISSN 0733-9372/2006/7-736–746/$25.00. Artificial destratification of the water column is a common means of addressing these water quality problems with the most popular method of destratification being the air bubble diffuser 共McDougall 1978; Schladow 1992, 1993; Asaeda and Imberger 1993; Yang et al. 1993; Schladow and Fisher 1995; Hornewer et al. 1997; Lindenschmidt and Hamblin 1997; Burns 1998; McGinnis and Little 1998; Simmons 1998; Johnson et al. 2000; USGS 2000兲, which is referred to here as a bubbler. Burris et al. 共2002兲 and McGinnis et al. 共2004兲 demonstrated via experiment that the hypolimnetic oxygenation can be achieved by injecting oxygen into the hypolimnion using oxygen bubble diffuser without disrupting thermal stratification. Though the use of air or oxygen bubble diffuser is a debatable issue, an air or oxygen bubble diffuser should be chosen for reservoir water quality management based on comparative operating costs and total savings from the waterworks which significantly reduces the amount of chemical consumption after improvement of the reservoir water quality. In general, an oxygen bubble diffuser system adds extra cost for oxygen production, storage, transportation, and safety handling in addition to operational cost compared to an air bubbler system. Besides this, an oxygen bubble diffuser system does not dismantle the thermal stratification; thus, the thermocline strongly inhibits the vertical mixing, and thereby cuts off the flow of DO from oxygen rich epilimnion to hypolimnion layer. The surface water in contact with air becomes in equilibrium with the atmospheric oxygen concentration and ceases further oxygen dissolution into the water from the atmosphere. Therefore, the total amount of gaseous oxygen dissolution from atmosphere into water is significantly reduced. On the other hand, the overall goal of the air bubbler is to sufficiently reduce the stratification so that the water body may completely mix under natural phenomena and remain well oxygenated throughout 共Johnson et al. 2000兲. Because DO is transported from water surface to the deeper layer in the case of a well mixed reservoir/lake, the atmospheric gaseous oxygen dissolves more at the air and water interface. Yang et al. 共1993兲, Schladow and Fischer 共1995兲, Simmons 共1998兲, and Burns 共1998兲 demonstrated that the hypolimnetic anoxia in reservoirs were eliminated by means of artificial destratification Fig. 1. Outline of Upper Peirce Reservoir showing aeration points 共 兲 and sampling points 共 丢 兲 关after Sahoo 共2002兲兴 using air bubble plumes and the concentrations of phosphates, ammonical nitrogen, total alkalinity, total organic carbon, iron and manganese, pH values, and algal populations were reduced significantly. The air bubbler system successfully operating in Upper Peirce Reservoir, Singapore for reservoir destratification and water quality management 关see Yang et al. 共1993兲兴 since from 1990 until now has motivated writers to study the scientific details of bubbler effect on reservoir destratification in the Upper Peirce Reservoir. Fischer et al. 共1979兲 reports that reservoir stratification depends on wind speed, inflow water temperature, and solar radiation intensity. A strong stratification is developed for inflow water temperature much lower than the ambient temperature, weak wind speed, and intense solar radiation. On the other hand, strong wind generates a large amount of kinetic energy within the reservoir leading to reservoir destratification 共Fischer et al. 1979; Imberger and Patterson 1981兲. Sahoo 共2002兲 demonstrated by using the surface and bed temperature of nine different reservoirs and lakes around the world that tropical reservoirs experience weak stratification compared to temperate and subtropical reservoirs. Moreover, weak wind speed 共0 to −5 ms−1兲 patterns that occur in tropical reservoir cannot generate sufficient kinetic energy to break the thermal stratification 共Yang et al. 1993; Kassim et al. 1997兲. Weak wind speed patterns imply less oxygen transfer rate at the atmosphere and water interface, thus the only way to prevent stratification and anoxia is that oxygen must be supplied by rising bubbles of an aeration system 共Yang et al. 1993; Johnson et al. 2000兲. Numerical and experimental results described by Asaeda and Imberger 共1993兲, Schladow 共1992兲, Johnson et al. 共2000兲, and Sahoo and Luketina 共2003a兲 showed that a single airflow rate exists for a given stratification at which the mixing efficiency of the destratification is a maximum. Further, as the stratification weakens, the airflow rate must be reduced and vice versa if the bubbler is to be operated at the optimal mechanical efficiency 共mech兲. Note that bubbler mech is the ratio between the rate of change of reservoir potential energy and input compressor energy 关see Sahoo and Luketina 共2003a兲兴. It should be noted that the energy expended by a variable speed compressor is directly proportional to the airflow rate 共Sahoo and Luketina 2003a兲. For the destratification point of view, if the stratification is sufficiently weak, the accepted wisdom is that the bubbler should be temporarily turned off 共Burns 1998; Simmons 1998兲. However, at the optimum bubbler mech, the airflow rate is only sufficient to destratify the reservoir but the airflow rate may be weak to contribute enough DO to meet the biological oxygen demand 共BOD兲, chemical oxygen demand 共COD兲, and sediment oxygen demand 共SOD兲 of the reservoir. Therefore, in such cases, the DO contribution from the bubbler may become relatively more important than optimal mech. The present study examines the real time adjustment of the total airflow rate 共i.e., the airflow per diffuser兲 either to maintain the optimum mech or the desired DO level or a tradeoff between these two. A one-dimensional reservoir model is developed which incorporates the bubbler model developed by Sahoo and Luketina 共2003a,b, 2005兲. The coupled reservoir-bubbler model is applied to a tropical reservoir, the Upper Peirce Reservoir, Singapore, to: 1. Estimate the DO transfer 共gain or loss兲 from different sources 共e.g., air bubble, atmosphere, algae, COD, BOD, and SOD兲; 2. Examine the tradeoff between operating at optimum mech and achieving a desired DO concentration in the reservoir; and 3. Develop reservoir management strategies for water quality improvement using bubblers. Study Area The Upper Peirce Reservoir shown in Fig. 1 is located at 1° 22⬘ 13⬙ N latitude and 103° 47⬘ 36⬙ E longitude, and within the central catchment area at the center of Singapore Islands. The following figures and facts of the Upper Peirce Reservoir and the bubbler system in operation are taken from Yang et al. 共1993兲. The Upper Peirce Reservoir, when full, covers 3.20 km2 of water surface with a maximum depth of about 22 m. The annual average reservoir depths at the water quality measuring Stations 1–5 共see Fig. 1兲 are 5, 13, 16, 18, and 21 m, respectively. Its main source of water is the Tebrau River in Johore, Malaysia. Because industrial waste from Tebrau industrial area flows into the Tebrau River, the river water always becomes polluted and poses an adverse impact on the reservoir water quality. Prior to the operation of a bubbler system on May 25, 1990, the reservoir water quality deteriorated over the years and this caused the Chestnut Avenue Waterworks to completely shut down for 1 week in May 1990 because of high ammonia content in the raw water. A bubbler system with an air compressor rated at 720 m3 / h 共i.e., 200 L / s兲 and with a delivery pressure of 2.6 kg/ cm2 共2.6 atm at 20°C兲 was installed at the draw-off tower in early 1990. Two temporary aeration points located near the draw-off tower were put into operation on May 25, 1990. This was intended to destratify the water before it was delivered to the waterworks. After aeration, no chlorine was required for removal of ammonia as the ammonia was almost completely eliminated. Therefore, two permanent aeration points 共A and B in Fig. 1兲 were installed at the deepest parts of the main body of the reservoir in June 1990. Points A and B were 100 and 400 m away from the draw-off tower, respectively 共see Fig. 1兲. The two aeration points were 500 m apart and each had a 8.0 m long 50 mm diameter stainless steel Grade 304 pipe as a diffuser. A total of eight circumferential slits of 20 mm⫻ 5 mm were made along the length of each diffuser pipe at 1 m intervals. Each diffuser was sunk into the reservoir at the predetermined location 共22 m deep兲 using concrete sinkers attached to each end of the diffuser pipe. The detailed design, and capital, installation and operation costs of the aeration system can be found in Yang et al. 共1993兲. In brief, nearly $2.12 and $5.64 million were saved from chlorine cost from June 1990 to May 1991 and from June 1991 to May 1992, respectively and the total operating cost was $0.06 million. The installation cost of the aeration system was nearly $1.35 million. Data Used Four data sets of water temperature and DO profile at Station 4 of the Upper Peirce Reservoir from April 1990 to July 1990 were extracted from the Yang et al. 共1993兲 paper and used for this study. Since there is no meteorological station near the Upper Peirce Reservoir, meteorological data of the Changi Meteorological Station, the only official principal meteorological station near the Upper Peirce Reservoir, was used in the study. The distance from the Upper Peirce Reservoir to the Changi Meteorological Station is about 12 km. The hourly meteorological data: solar radiation, wind velocity, dry bulb temperature, wet bulb temperature, and relative humidity, and daily sunshine hour data for the year 1990 at the Changi Meteorological Station were obtained from Meteorological Department, Government of Singapore and were used in this study. Reservoir-Bubbler Model Background of Bubbler Model The bubbler aeration technique involves a source of compressed fresh air being pumped to the bottom of the reservoir and continuously released through a diffuser. The rising air bubbles entrain the ambient water and form an air–water mixture plume. As the bubbles rise, there is a continuous increase of buoyancy resulting from their volumetric expansion. For a stratified ambient environment, the entrained air–fluid mixture eventually becomes heavy compared to the surrounding ambient fluid as the plume rises, resulting in the centerline velocity of the plume becoming zero. In more technical terms, the plume detrains all of the entrained water where the downward buoyancy dominates upward momentum flux. The entrained fluid then sinks to its neutral Fig. 2. Schematic of Langrangian layer scheme employed in combined reservoir and bubbler model. Initial density profile 共at left兲 is starting to be modified by entrained water depleting volume of each of layers up to maximum height of rise to produce final profile 共at right兲. Shaded regions represent layers that are starting to increase in volume by insertion of entrained water about its level of neutral buoyancy. Note that insertion occurs below level of maximum rise. Second plume forms above first, and third plume forms above second, and immature plume intersecting free surface forces final detrainment. buoyancy level before forming a lateral outflow 共Johnson et al. 2000兲. The air bubbles, however, continue to rise and form a new plume at the point of detrainment. This entrainment and detrainment process, which is referred to here as a cascade, may be repeated many times until the bubbles reach the surface 关see Sahoo and Luketina 共2003a兲 for details兴. A schematic of the processes of entrainment and detrainment with an air bubble plume is shown in Fig. 2. Based on the bubbler concept of McDougall 共1978兲, Asaeda and Imberger 共1993兲, and Schladow 共1992兲; Sahoo and Luketina 共2003a,b兲 developed a bubbler model that integrates the differential mass, momentum, and buoyancy conservation equations of bubble plume fluid. The estimated entrainment fluxes, the key predictions of the model, are compared with the measured data complied by Milgram 共1983兲 for these experiments and his own as shown in Fig. 3. The data cover a range of water depths from 0.32 to 46.95 m and a range of airflow rates from 0.21⫻ 10−3 to 590⫻ 10−3 m3 / s. It is found that the model prediction agrees with the experimental data with determination coefficient R2 = 0.94. Only two data points in the bottom left corner of Fig. 3 do not fit well on the 1:1 line, where the water column of the experimental tank was 0.32 m and the corresponding airflow rates were 0.21⫻ 10−3 and 0.59⫻ 10−3 m3 / s, respectively. However, a bubble plume system is not used in cases where the water depth is less than around 5 m 共Sahoo 2002兲. In addition to fluid conservation equations, the model integrates the dissolved and undissolved gas conservation equations of bubble plume based on assumptions and formulations made by Wüest et al. 共1992兲, Burris et al. 共2002兲, McGinnis and Little 共1998, 2002兲, and Sahoo and Luketina 共2003b, 2005兲. The model in- Fig. 3. Comparison of measured experimental and model estimated entrainment fluxes. R2 refers to correlation coefficient of all measured and model-estimated values. cludes the effect of buoyancy on stratification, bubble slip and bubble expansion, and the effect of bubble radiuses on gas dissolution. The differential conservation equations 共mass, momentum, buoyancy, temperature, dissolved solids, algae, and dissolved and undissolved oxygen and nitrogen兲 are solved in a onedimensional equispaced Langrangian grid using a fourth order Runge–Kutta scheme. In each time step, the volume of fluid entrained from each layer is computed and removed. The total volume of the entrained water is then inserted back into the layer of neutral buoyancy. Concurrently, DO of each layer and the amount of oxygen transferred 共gain or loss兲 from air bubbles into plume water are computed. Therefore, the total DO of the entrained water is the total entrained DO from all layers and oxygen and nitrogen transfer 共loss or gain兲 from air bubbles into the plume water. Sahoo and Luketina 共2003a,b兲 presented the optimum bubbler design conditions in terms of bubbler operating efficiencies: mech and oxygen dissolution efficiency 共i.e., a ratio between the rate of change of reservoir DO concentration and the difference of saturated and initial DO concentration兲 at different air bubble radiuses, stratification strengths, and airflow rate conditions. However, the above model does not include the effects of the external meteorological forces in the development of thermal stratification and the subsequent reservoir dynamics, and the oxygen exchanges at the atmosphere and water interface due to wind. vertical motions while horizontal variations in density are quickly relaxed by horizontal advection and convection. Horizontal exchanges generated by weak temperature gradients are communicated over several kilometers in less than 1 day, suggesting that the one-dimensional model is suitable for lakes and reservoirs 共Antenucci and Imerito 2000兲. In brief, the reservoir model assumes that the long wave radiation exchanges, sensible heat transfer, and the evaporative heat losses all affect only the surface layer temperature of the reservoir, while only the short wave radiations effectively penetrate below 1 m or so—thus accounting for the change in temperature in the deeper part of the reservoir 共Fischer et al. 1979; Imberger and Patterson 1981; Martin and McCutcheon 1999; Antenucci and Imerito 2000兲. The long wave radiation exchanges, sensible heat transfer, and the evaporative heat losses are estimated using the mathematical formulations and assumptions described in Fischer et al. 共1979兲, Imberger and Patterson 共1981兲, USEPA 共1995兲, King 共1998兲, Martin and McCutcheon 共1999兲, and Antenucci and Imerito 共2000兲. The short wave solar radiations are directly measured. Imberger and Patterson 共1981兲 and Martin and McCutcheon 共1999兲 reported that there are two useful approaches to quantify vertical mixing in lakes and reservoirs for one-dimensional layered models. These are 共1兲 the mixed layer model; and 共2兲 the eddy-diffusivity model. In the present study, the deepening of the epilimnion is estimated using the mixed layer model described by Fischer et al. 共1979兲; Imberger and Patterson 共1981兲; and Martin and McCutcheon 共1999兲. The mixed layer model is the integral thermocline model which takes into account stirring due to wind and wave breaking, current shear due to basin scale internal waves, and convective cooling at the surface. If the deepening is vigorous enough for the mixed layer to reach the bottom, the algorithm is complete and control is returned after incrementing the time step and reinitializing the velocity and energy residual. Below the thermocline, the vertical mixing of heat is estimated using the semiempirical eddy-diffusivity model described by Martin and McCutcheon 共1999兲. In addition to stirring by winds, the mixing in the hypolimnion depends on river inflows and reservoir outflow. For the detailed physics of the effect of inflow and outflow on hypolimnion mixing, the reader is referred to Fischer et al. 共1979兲 and Imberger and Patterson 共1981兲 but briefly the river inflow is inserted at a level where its density matches the reservoir density. Similarly, water is withdrawn from the layers near to the outlet. The reservoir model 关see Sahoo 共2002兲 for details兴 is developed using Langrangian grid and finite difference method to estimate the change in water temperature and DO concentration in the reservoir. Reservoir Model Simulation of Reservoir Temperature A one-dimensional reservoir model to simulate the reservoir dynamics and temperature change due to climatic conditions and river inflow and outflow is developed using the mathematical expressions and assumptions of the one-dimensional DYRESM 共Imberger and Patterson 1981兲. The specific reasons of using the mathematical expressions and assumptions of DYRESM are: 共1兲 it is free of calibration which implied that temporal and spatial process descriptions are fundamentally correct 共Hamilton and Schladow 1997兲 and 共2兲 it has been successfully applied to large number of lakes and reservoirs 共Hamilton and Schladow 1997; Lindenschmidt and Hamblin 1997; USGS 2000兲. The onedimensional assumption of DYRESM is based on observations that density stratification usually found in reservoirs inhibits Simulation of Reservoir Dissolved Oxygen DYRESM 共Imberger and Patterson 1981兲 does not estimate the change of DO in reservoir. The reservoir model 共Sahoo 2002兲 simulates DO along with temperature as a transport constituent. DO in a reservoir is subject to a complex series of interactions with many different substances. The major sources of oxygen, in addition to the air bubble diffuser, are 1. Reaeration at the water-atmosphere interface; 2. The dissolved oxygen contained in the incoming flow; and 3. Oxygen produced by photosynthesis during algal growth. The sinks of dissolved oxygen include 1. Oxygen uptake due to algal respiration; 2. Oxidation of ammonia nitrogen to nitrite nitrogen, COD; 3. Oxidation of nitrite nitrogen to nitrate nitrogen, COD; 4. Carbonaceous BOD decay; and Table 1. Values Used in Simulation of Dissolved Oxygen in Upper Peirce Reservoir Symbols Typical range Definition Source Reaeration rate, wind dependent 共day−1兲. King 共1998兲/USEPA 共1995兲 OR Rate of oxygen production per unit of algal photosynthesis 共mg O/mg algae兲. 1.4–1.8 King 共1998兲 ␣3 Rate of oxygen uptake per unit of algae respired 共mg O/mg algae兲 1.6–2.3 King 共1998兲 ␣4 Rate of oxygen uptake per unit of ammonia nitrogen oxidation 共mg O/mg N兲. 3.0–4.0 King 共1998兲 ␣5 Rate of oxygen uptake per unit of nitrite nitrogen oxidation 共mg O/mg N兲. 1.0–1.14 King 共1998兲 ␣6 Rate constant of biological oxidation of ammonia nitrogen 共day−1兲 0.1–1.0 King 共1998兲 1 Rate constant of oxidation of nitrite nitrogen 共day−1兲 0.2–1.0 King 共1998兲 2 Carbonaceous BOD deoxygenation rate coefficient, temperature dependent 共day−1兲 0.2–0.35 Chapra 共1997兲 DRB Sediment oxygen demand 共SOD兲 rate, temperature dependent 共g / m2 / day兲. 0.06–2.0 Chapra 共1997兲 DRS Local specific growth rate of algae, temperature dependent 共day−1兲 1.0–3.0 King 共1998兲 GRA Local respiration rate of algae, temperature dependent 共day−1兲 0.05–0.50 King 共1998兲 RA Algal biomass concentration 共numbers/L兲 — Yang et al.共1993兲 Ac Concentration of ultimate carbonaceous BOD 共mg/L兲 — Yang et al.共1993兲 LBOD Concentration of ammonia nitrogen 共mg N/L兲 — Yang et al.共1993兲 N1 Concentration of nitrite nitrogen 共mg N/L兲 — Yang et al.共1993兲 N2 a From Simmons 共1998兲, 10,000 numbers of algae per liter is approximated to be 3.2 mg/ L b Average water quality at Chestnut Avenue Waterworks during June 1989–May 1990 共Yang et al. 1993兲. 5. SOD. The equation to describe the rate of change of oxygen 共⌬DO兲 during a time step ⌬t within a layer is shown below. Each term represents a major source or sink of oxygen ⌬DO = 共DOt+⌬t − DOt兲bubbler + 关OR共DOsat − DOsurf兲 atmospheric + 共␣3GRA − ␣4RA兲Ac − DRBLBOD − AbDRS/" algal − 共␣51N1 + ␣62N2兲兴⌬t COD BOD SOD 共mg/L/day兲 共1兲 where DOsurf 共mg/ L兲 = concentration of dissolved oxygen in the surface layer of the reservoir; DOsat 共mg/ L兲 = saturation concentration of dissolved oxygen at the local temperature and pressure; Ab 共m2兲 = plan area of the layer of interest in contact with the bed; " 共m3兲 = volume of the layer of interest; and other terms OR, ␣3, ␣4, ␣5, ␣6, GRA, RA, Ac, LBOD, DRB, DRS, 1, 2, N1, and N2 are defined in Table 1 with their typical values. The oxygen transfer between the surface water and atmosphere takes place based on the second term of Eq. 共1兲. Note that atmospheric reaeration OR is wind dependent and only applies at the surface layer while SOD depends upon the plan area of the bed in contact with the layer being evaluated. Reader is referred to USEPA 共1995兲, King 共1998兲, and Sahoo 共2002兲 for the detailed formulations and assumptions made for the estimation of DOsat and OR. Coupling of Reservoir Model and Bubbler Model The bubbler model was incorporated into the reservoir model. The reservoir and bubbler model work separately, however, they interact with each other every hour. The time step for the reservoir model is 30 min. Every 30 min, the reservoir model estimates the temperature, DO concentration, and thickness of each layer of the reservoir due to effects of river inflows and outflows, and climatic conditions. Every hour, the bubbler model receives the reservoir profile information 共consisting of DO concentration, temperature, and thickness of each layer兲 of the reservoir model; estimates values of DO concentration, temperature, and thickness of each layer due to bubbler operation; and feeds back information of the Equations or value used Equations 1.43 2.3 3.0 1.00 0.1 0.2 0.35 0.06 1.0 0.5 ⬇10,000a,b 2.3b 0.69 0.11b estimated profile to the reservoir model. Thus, the airflow rate of the bubbler remains constant for 1 h. However, for the evolution of different temperature profiles computed by the reservoir model in the next hour, the airflow rate can be different if the bubbler is to be operated at the highest possible mech. Therefore, provisions have been made so that the bubbler airflow rate can be either constant or updated every hour. In the automatically updating mode, different airflow rates are examined using the latest evolved thermal structure of the reservoir. The airflow rate, which produces the optimum mech, is selected for the next 1 h. At the beginning, reservoir layers are of equal thickness, i.e., 25 cm, each having a measured temperature and a DO concentration. Note that water in a layer is assumed well mixed thoroughly, thus thermal and biochemical properties of water in a layer are the same. However, the layer thickness of each layer changes due to the bubbler operation as entrainment and detrainment cause the layers to contract or expand, respectively. Schladow 共1992兲 reported that the bubbler model produces grid independent results for a finer grid spacing 共1 cm兲, although considerably larger grid spacing introduces only a small error. It has been shown in Sahoo and Luketina 共2003a兲 that a grid spacing of 25 cm produces identical results of Schladow 共1992兲. Therefore, in order to maintain an adequate resolution for the reservoir model, the layers thicknesses are restructured every hour as follows: 1. A layer, whose thickness becomes less than 50% of its initial thickness 共i.e., 12.5 cm兲, merges with the lower layer, and 2. A layer, whose thickness becomes more than 200% of its initial thickness 共i.e., 50 cm兲, splits into two layers. The vertical movement of layers is accompanied by a thickness change as the layer plan area changes with the vertical position of the layer in accordance with the reservoir bathymetry. Mixing in the surface layer due to wind stirring and surface cooling is modeled by amalgamation of adjacent layers. Results and Discussions Simulation without Bubbler System The water temperature and DO profile on April 17, 1990 was taken as the initial condition and the parameters of Eq. 共1兲 are Fig. 4. Reservoir simulation without bubbler system using initial measured profiles on April 17, 1990, measured profiles on May 25, 1990 for simulation target, and simulated profile of: 共a兲 temperature; 共b兲 dissolved oxygen concentration along depth adjusted within the range shown in Table 1 so that simulated DO profile on May 25, 1990 will fit close to the measured profile. Because the parameters used in Eq. 共1兲 are not known a priori for the Upper Peirce Reservoir and no experimental data are available at the study site, the parameters were calibrated within the range reported by previous researchers 共see Table 1兲. The simulated and measured water temperature and DO profile on May 25, 1990 are compared in Fig. 4. The simulated temperature profile is found to be a good fit to the measured temperature profile. Note that the annual average river flow rate and water temperature data were used in the study because of unavailability of time series river flow rate and water temperature data. The simulated DO profile is found to fit with the measured DO profile reasonably well for the model parameters shown in the last column of Table 1. These parameters were kept constant for the rest of the analysis presented herein. Simulation with Bubbler Existing Bubbler System The temporary bubbler system using 16 diffusers and an airflow rate of 12.5 L / s per diffuser was put into operation in Upper Peirce Reservoir on May 25, 1990 共Yang et al. 1993兲. Therefore, the combined reservoir-bubbler model was run for 40 days 共i.e., Fig. 5. Reservoir simulation with bubbler system using initial profiles on May 25, 1990, measured profiles on June 4, 1990 for simulation target, and simulated profile of 共a兲 temperature and 共b兲 dissolved oxygen concentration along reservoir depth after 10 days of simulation 共i.e., on June 4, 1990兲. Bubbles system was in operation for 40 days. 960 h兲 using the temperature and DO profiles on May 25, 1990 as initial condition and using the same operational condition of the existing system. Due to some uncertainty about the bubble diameter that the diffuser produces, an average bubble radius of 4 mm was assumed because the circumferential diffuser slit is 20 mm⫻ 5 mm 共Yang et al. 1993兲. The simulated water temperature and DO profiles on June 4, 1990 and July 4, 1990 are compared with the corresponding measured profiles as shown in Figs. 5 and 6, respectively. The simulated temperature profile in Fig. 6共a兲 agrees well with the measured values. Though the simulated temperature in Fig. 5共b兲 overestimates the temperature values, the deviations are well within 3% of the measured values. The temperature at the surface is observed to be uniform due to a mixed layer, which is formed because of wind stirring and surface cooling. It is observed in both cases that the water temperature difference between the surface and bottom layer ⌬T 共°C兲 is significantly reduced and the dissolved oxygen concentration of the hypolimnetic water is significantly increased after 40 days of Fig. 7. Reservoir behaviors when existing bubbler system is simulated for 40 days 共i.e., 960 h兲 using existing airflow rate of 12.5 L / s per diffuser via 16 diffusers. Shown are simulated mechanical efficiency, mech 共%兲, of bubbler 共thick black line兲 and temperature difference between top and bottom layer 共thin black line兲, ⌬T 共°C兲. Fig. 6. Reservoir simulation with bubbler system using initial profiles on May 25, 1990, measured profiles on July 4, 1990 for simulation target, and simulated profile of 共a兲 temperature and 共b兲 dissolved oxygen concentration along reservoir depth after 40 days simulation 共i.e., on July 4, 1990兲. Bubbles system was in operation for 40 days. bubbler operation as noted by Yang et al. 共1993兲. In Fig. 5共b兲, simulated DO values agree well with the values at the upper and bottom part of the reservoir while the DO values deviate from the measured values in the middle part of the reservoir. However, the simulated DO values in Fig. 6共b兲 match closely with the measured values except a few points below the mixed layer and near the reservoir bed. Possible reasons for these deviations could be: 共1兲 unavailability of distribution of algae, COD, and BOD along the reservoir depth; 共2兲 unavailability of time series water quality data of river inflows; and 共3兲 it is shown in Figs. 6共a兲 and 7 that the reservoir is not fully mixed. Note that the annual average reservoir water quality parameters given in Yang et al. 共1993兲 were used to predict the reservoir DO. The epilimnion layer 关2 m in Fig. 6共b兲兴 is well mixed and is uniform in DO 共6.5 mg/ L兲. Analyzing the hourly simulated DO profile, it was found that the neutral buoyancy levels of the plume detrainments were found to be approximately between 4 and 10 m from the surface. Therefore, increased DO concentrations were observed at depths between 5 and 10 m depending on the reservoir temperature profile. Because the reservoir profile after 40 days simulation is not fully mixed, a DO depression was observed between the epilimnion 共2 m兲 and the average neutral buoyancy level 共5.5 m兲. Another important feature of Fig. 6共b兲 is that the DO profile of the reservoir is approaching homogeneity after 40 days of bubbler operation. The average DO values of various sources and sinks of Eq. 共1兲 are demonstrated in Fig. 9 and existing case 共Symbol E兲. Fig. 9 and the existing case 共E兲 illustrate that the DO contribution from the bubbler system is more significant than the wind contribution at the surface due to wave breaking and stirring. Wüest et al. 共1992兲 and Sahoo and Luketina 共2003b, 2005兲 showed that DO dissolution from air bubbles is optimum for the cases of bubble radius 共R兲: 0.80⬍ R 艋 1 mm. The mech of the existing bubbler system is found to be lower than the optimal mech, mostly being less than 1% 共see Fig. 7兲. This is because a relatively high constant airflow rate 共i.e., 12.5 L / s per diffuser兲 was applied despite ⌬T 共°C兲 共the temperature difference between the surface and the bottom layer兲 being very low during some days 共see Fig. 7兲. Therefore, cases are considered here where the bubbler is operated at the optimal mech. This means that the airflow rate adjusts in response to changing ⌬T 共°C兲. For reservoir management using the bubbler, this can be achieved by introduction of an automatic aeration system which would adjust the airflow rate automatically when the temperature probes suspended in the reservoir/lake detect critical stratification 共⌬T兲 and ⌬DO level. The reservoir management using the automatic bubbler system is found in Burns 共1998兲 and Simmons 共1998兲. Proposed Bubbler System for Reservoir Managements The performances of seven alternate bubbler designs or scenarios, proposed in Table 2, were examined for 40 days simulation. The effects of changes in airflow rate, bubble radius, and the number of diffusers on bubbler mech, reservoir DO, and ⌬T are compared in Table 2. The work of Sahoo and Luketina 共2003a兲 suggests that several hundred diffusers would be required for the bubbler to operate at or near optimal mech. However, for practical purposes, a air-bubble-diffuser system having 100/ 150 diffusers is assumed here. A 1 mm bubble radius is used since Wüest et al. 共1992兲 and Sahoo and Luketina 共2003b, 2005兲 demonstrated that the bubbler system would transfer maximum oxygen if it operates with bubble radius 0.80⬍ R 艋 1 mm, and it is relatively difficult to produce uniformly R ⬍ 1 mm for practical purposes. In some scenarios, the airflow rate is fixed; while in others, the optimum mech is evaluated every hour based on the newly evolved temperature profile and the airflow rate corresponding to the optimum mech is applied for the next hour. It should be noted that Table 2. Comparison between Eight Cases Existing Bubbler design specification and its operation efficiency E Proposed scenarios for reservoir management strategy S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 Bubble radius 共mm兲 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Numbers of diffusers 16 16 100 100 100 150 150 150 Variableb Variablec Variabled Fixed Fixede Airflow behavior Fixed Fixed Variablea Average airflow rate 共L/s兲 for 960 h 200 200 18.27 51.58 100.39 150.47 150 133.44 0.49 0.49 3.74 2.02 1.40 1.15 1.07 1.20 Average mech 共%兲 Depth average DO 共mg/L兲 after 40 days simulation 4.36 5.41 4.31 4.33 5.67 5.78 5.91 5.75 1.27 1.43 1.11 0.7 0.68 0.33 0.56 0.49 ⌬T 共°C兲 after 40 days simulation 14.34 16.14 12.54 7.91 7.68 3.73 6.33 5.54 N2 共⫻10−5 s−2兲 after 40 days simulation a Airflow rate is determined every hour based on the newly evolved temperature profile. The bubbler is run at optimal mechanical efficiency, mech 共%兲. The bubbler is turned off when the temperature difference between the top and bottom layer, ⌬T 共°C兲 falls below 0.2°C. b Airflow rate is determined every hour based on the newly evolved temperature profile. The bubbler is run at optimal mechanical efficiency, mech 共%兲, however, if the airflow rate falls below 0.5 L/s due to very low ⌬T 共°C兲, the bubbler will be operated at 0.5 L/s. The bubbler will be operated continuously. c Airflow rate is determined every hour based on the newly evolved temperature profile. The bubbler is run at optimal mechanical efficiency, mech 共%兲, however, if the airflow rate falls below 1.0 L/s due to very low ⌬T 共°C兲, the bubbler will be operated at 1.0 L/s. The bubbler will be operated continuously. d Same as Variablec . Only the number of diffusers is different. e Airflow rate is fixed. However, the bubbler is turned off whenever the ⌬T 共°C兲 falls below 0.2°C. Scenarios 2, 3, 4, and 5 assume that a variable speed compressor is available. However, for the case of a constant speed compressor, energy could be saved by turning off the bubbler when the stratification is weak as noted by Simmons 共1998兲 and Burns 共1998兲. This is examined in Scenario 7 by turning off the bubbler when ⌬T falls below 0.2 共°C兲. On application of Scenario 7, the total off hours of the bubbler system is found to be 106 during a 960 h simulation period. Therefore the time average airflow rate during the simulation is estimated as 133.44 L / s 共Table 2兲. The temperature and DO profiles for the existing bubbler system and seven scenarios are shown in Fig. 8. The temperature profiles for the existing case and Scenario 1 are similar though the temperature only near the reservoir bed is found to be higher 共Fig. 8兲. The ⌬T of Scenario 2 is found to be less than ⌬T of the existing case. ⌬T is further reduced in Scenarios 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7; and is lowest for Scenario 5 共see Fig. 8 and Table 2兲. The temperature profiles of Scenarios 4, 5, 6, and 7 are relatively homogeneous compared to the other four cases. Sahoo and Luketina 共2003a兲 demonstrated that oxygen transfer is directly proportional to the airflow rate and inversely proportional to the bubble radius. Since the bubble radius in Scenario 1 共1 mm兲 is smaller than bubble radius of the existing case 共4 mm兲, the DO profile of Scenario 1 is found to be higher than the existing case. However, the DO profile of Scenario 2 is lower than the DO profile of Scenario 1 and the existing case because Scenario 2 uses a very low airflow rate. For the same reason, the DO profile of Scenario 1 is higher than the DO profile of the existing case, and Scenarios 2 and 3. For Scenarios 4, 5, 6, and 7, the depth averaged DO values are higher than the depth averaged DO value of Scenario 1 共Table 2兲; however, the DO profile of the upper half of the reservoir for Scenario 1 is found to be higher than the DO profile of the upper half of the reservoir for Scenarios 4, 5, 6, and 7 共Fig. 8兲. Because the reservoir is relatively well mixed for Scenarios 4, 5, 6, and 7 than the other four cases, DO profiles of Scenarios 4, 5, 6, and 7 are also relatively homogeneous compared to the other four cases 共Fig. 8兲. For this reason, though the bubbler contribution from Scenarios 4, 5, 6, and 7 are much higher than Scenario 1 as illustrated in Fig. 9, the DO profile of the upper half of the reservoir for Scenarios 4, 5, 6, and 7 is lower than the DO profile of Scenario 1. The mech of the existing case and Scenario 1 are found to be the same 共Table 2兲. This is expected as Sahoo and Luketina 共2003b兲 demonstrated that the mech is invariant to bubble radius R in the range 0.67⬍ R ⬍ 5.1 mm. Moreover, the mechanical efficiencies are lower 共only 0.49%兲 because a relatively high constant airflow rate is applied during the simulation although ⌬T attains low values at times, i.e., the reservoir is relatively homogeneous. Since the input energy goes unutilized in a homogeneous case except for adding oxygen to the reservoir, the mech is reduced. The mech for Scenario 2 is found to be significantly higher than mech of the existing case and Scenario 1 共see Fig. 8兲 because the bubbler is turned off when ⌬T falls below 0.2 共°C兲 and the airflow is adjusted every hour in response to ⌬T when ⌬T is greater than 0.2 共°C兲. In Scenarios 3, 4, 5, and 6, the bubbler is operated continuously even though ⌬T may be very small, i.e., the reservoir may be quite homogeneous. The ⌬T is reduced further and the DO levels increase as the total airflow rate increases. However, the mech is reduced because the bubbler uses the minimum airflow rate even though ⌬T is lower; hence the input energy is unutilized except for adding oxygen to the reservoir. In the case of Scenario 7, the bubbler is turned off when ⌬T falls below 0.2 共°C兲. For this reason, the mech of Scenario 7 is found to be higher than Scenarios 5 and 6. Total DO contribution to the reservoir ambient water from the various sinks 共BOD, COD, and SOD兲 and sources 共bubbler, atmosphere, and algae兲 during a 960 h simulation are shown in Fig. 9, which also shows the time-averaged mech of bubbler systems for all scenarios. It is seen that in terms of oxygen contribution to the reservoir water, the bubbler dominates nearly 600–1,100 times the atmospheric contribution and 100–300 times the algal contribution. Because of low wind speed patterns that occur in Upper Peirce Reservoir, the surface reaeration contribution to reservoir water is found to be low. This means that the dissolved oxygen concentration in the reservoir can be reasonably increased only by operating an air-bubbler system at a higher airflow rate than that associated with optimal mech. It is clear from Fig. 9 and Table 2 that for all the proposed scenarios, the bubbler DO contribution increases as airflow rate increases to around 50 L / s while the mech decreases. When the airflow rate is increased beyond 50 L / s, the time-averaged mech Fig. 8. Mixing and DO patterns of reservoir when the bubbler is operated for 40 days. Shown are simulated 共a兲 temperature and 共b兲 DO concentration profiles of existing case 共thick black line兲, Scenario 1 共medium black line兲, Scenario 2 共thin black line兲, and Scenario 3 共thick gray line兲, respectively; and simulated 共c兲 temperature and 共d兲 DO concentration profiles of Scenario 4 共thick black line兲, Scenario 5 共medium black line兲, Scenario 6 共thin black line兲, and Scenario 7 共thick gray line兲, respectively. Notes on all scenarios are given in Table 2. decreases rapidly while the time-averaged DO concentration increases gradually. The existing case has a lower DO than the proposed 4, 5, 6, and 7 scenarios because the existing case uses a relatively large bubble radius 共4 mm兲. Table 2, and Figs. 8 and 9 show that all proposed scenarios are found to be better than the existing case in terms of mech, lower airflow rate consumption, and hence higher energy savings, and higher destratification rate 共i.e., lower ⌬T and lower reservoir stability frequency N2兲. The stability 共i.e., buoyancy兲 frequency N2 is defined as N2 = −共g / r兲共d / dz兲, where r 共kg m−3兲⫽reference density and g⫽9.81 共m s−2兲. However, in terms of DO contribution, Scenarios 1, 4, 5, 6, and 7 are found to be better than the existing case. For Scenarios 4, 5, 6, and 7, the reservoir is relatively homogeneous, and the DO values of the hypolimnion layer are well above 4 mg/ L. Other important features of Table 2 and Fig. 9 are that although the total airflow rate of Scenario 1 is higher than Scenarios 4, 5, 6, and 7 and all proposed scenarios use a bubble radius of 1 mm, the performance efficiencies in terms of total DO contribution and overall destratification of Scenario 1 are lower than those of Scenarios 4, 5, 6, and 7. Schladow 共1992兲 and Sahoo and Luketina 共2003a兲 demonstrated that for a high airflow rate per diffuser compared to ambient stratification, the bubbler mech and mixing effectiveness reduce because the plume entrainment rate reduces. Most of the input energy is wasted making turbulence at the surface as illustrated in Asaeda and Imberger 共1993兲. Similarly, Sahoo and Luketina 共2003b兲 showed that oxygen dissolution efficiency decreases for a high airflow rate compared to ambient stratification, because the air bubbles move faster, thus air bubble contact time with the ambient water decreases. Besides this, Scenario 1 Fig. 9. Total dissolved oxygen contributed to or consumed from ambient water for 960 h 共i.e., 24 days兲 of reservoir-bubbler model simulation for scenarios described in Table 2 and a case without bubbler system. Positive and negative values represent sources 共bubbler, algae, and atmosphere兲 and sinks 共BOD, COD, and SOD兲, respectively. Shown are 960 h average mechanical efficiencies, mech 共%兲, 共thick black line with hollow diamond兲 of bubbler systems. E* and E represent cases without bubbler system and with existing bubbler system, respectively. uses a bubbler system with 16 diffusers and an airflow rate of 12.5 L / s per diffuser; thus, the performance efficiency of the bubbler system is found to be lower. In addition to air bubble radius and airflow rate per diffuser, selection of the total number of diffusers of the bubbler system is an important parameter in bubbler design. It should be noted that the energy expended by a variable compressor is directly proportional to the airflow rate 共Sahoo and Luketina 2003a兲, i.e., the relative operating cost of a compressor is directly proportional to the airflow rate. Therefore, for a constant speed compressor, Scenario 7 is found to be optimum in terms of mech and low airflow rate consumption, though the DO contribution is slightly lower. Although Burns 共1998兲 did not go through all these analyses, he reported having an air-bubblediffuser system installed with the above mentioned concept. However, for a variable speed compressor, the proposed Scenario 5 is found to be the most appropriate. Conclusions 1. 2. 3. This paper describes a reservoir-bubbler model and examines the different bubbler design criteria based upon the effects of bubbler operation on mixing and dissolved oxygen pattern in the Upper Peirce Reservoir, a tropical reservoir in Singapore, where a bubbler system is in operation. It is illustrated that the coupled model can predict the temperature stratification and dissolved oxygen level in a reservoir with acceptable accuracy. Application of the coupled reservoir-bubbler model to the reservoir shows that the existing bubbler system installed in the reservoir is not running at optimal mech. It is shown that the selections of airflow rate per diffuser, bubble radius, and total number of diffusers are important 4. 5. 6. 7. design criteria of a bubbler system. Some scenarios are examined in terms of bubbler mech and total DO contribution. However, the overall bubbler design depends on the reservoir size and stratified area of interest, ambient climate, and water quality of river inflows. For the tropical reservoir case considered here with low wind speed patterns when compared to all other sources, including surface aeration, the bubbler operation dominates oxygen transfer to the reservoir water. High airflow rates contribute the most oxygen, however, the operating cost increases as airflow rate increases. This means that a bubbler should never be operated at an airflow rate lower than that associated with the optimum mech unless the reservoir is close to well mixed. When the reservoir is close to being well mixed, the water quality is usually reasonably good but the bubbler operates at a very low mech—thus the bubbler should be turned off. If only a fixed speed compressor is available with an airflow rate that is higher than Scenario 7 showed, it is better to turn off the bubbler when the stratification is weak 共⌬T⬍2°C兲. This will result in substantial energy savings with only a small reduction in DO levels. If improving water quality 共in terms of high DO levels兲 is the primary objective, then the airflow rate can be determined using a figure similar to Fig. 9 in order to increase the DO concentration to a desired level at an appropriate operating cost. Such figures can be produced using modeling methods where a bubbler and reservoir model are combined. The reservoir-bubbler model presented here has not been validated for other reservoirs. 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