➤ safetycalendar JUNE 2–4 ➤ Europe/U.S. International Aviation Safety Conference. European Aviation Safety Agency and Hellenic Civil Aviation Authority. Athens, Greece. Ross Inwood, <athens2009@easa.europa.eu>, <www.easa. europa.eu/conf2009>, +49 221 89990 2041. JUNE 28–JULY 3 ➤ ISAP9: 4th International Summer School on Aviation Psychology. University of Graz and Austrian Aviation Psychology Association. Graz, Austria. Wolfgang Kallus, <wolfgang.kallus@uni-graz.at>, <www.unigraz.at/isap9>, +43 316 380 5129. JUNE 3–4 ➤ Flight Simulation Conference: Towards the Edge of the Envelope. Royal Aeronautical Society. London. <conference@ aerosociety.com>,<www.aerosociety.com/ conference/indexconf.html>, +44 (0)20.7670.4345. JULY 7–9 ➤ Deicing Conference. Airports Council International–North America and Air Transport Association of America. Cincinnati. <meetings@aci-na.org>, <www.aci-na. org/conferences/detail?eventId=142>, +1 202.293.8500. JUNE 8–13 ➤ Human Factors in Flight Safety: Risk Management and Accident Investigation. European Association for Aviation Psychology and the Swiss Air Force. Interlaken, Switzerland. Sonja Streun, <sonja.streun@vtg.admin.ch>, <www. eaap.net/courses>, +41 44 823 25 42; Brent Hayward, <bhayward@dedale.net>. JUNE 9–10 ➤ Managing Human Error in Complex Systems: An Introduction to HFACS and HFIX. Wiegmann, Shappell, & Associates. Las Vegas. Scott A. Shappell, <shappell@ errorsolutions.com>, <www.hfacs.com/services_ hfacs.html>, +1 405.640.5479. JULY 13–15 ➤ Symposium on Regional Aviation Safety Agencies (RASA). African Civil Aviation Commission, European Aviation Safety Agency and AviAssist Foundation. Livingstone, Zambia. Dominika Vielhauer, <dominika.vielhauer@easa.europa.eu>; Mesfin Fikru, <mesfinfikru@yahoo.com>; <www.aviassist.org>. JUNE 9–11 ➤ Aviation Ground Safety Seminar. National Safety Council, International Air Transport Section. Bournemouth, England. B.J. LoMastro, <B.J.LoMastro@nsc.org>, <www.nsc. org>, +1 630.775.2174. JULY 13–17 ➤ Safety Management System Principles Course. MITRE Aviation Institute. McLean, Virginia, U.S. Mary Page McCanless, <mpthomps@mitre.org>, <mai.mitrecaasd.org>, +1 703.983.6799. JUNE 9–11 ➤ CAE Flightscape Users Conference. CAE Flightscape. Ottawa. <info@ flightscape.com>, <www.flightscape.com/about/ conferences.php>, +1 613.225.0070. JULY 13–22 ➤ Safety Management System Theory and Application Course. MITRE Aviation Institute. McLean, Virginia, U.S. Mary Page McCanless, <mpthomps@mitre.org>, <mai.mitrecaasd.org>, +1 703.983.6799. JUNE 15–21 ➤ International Paris Air Show. Gifas (Groupement des Industries Françaises Aéronautiques et Spatiales). Paris Le Bourget. <siae@salon-du-bourget.fr>, <www.paris-airshow.com>, +33 (0)826.465.265. JUNE 15–18 ➤ Human Factors Initial and Train-the-Trainer Courses. The Aviation Consulting Group. Phoenix. Bob Baron, <tacg@ scccoast.net>, <www.tacgworldwide.com/ humanfactorstraining.htm>, 800.294.0872, +1 954.803.5807. JUNE 22–25 ➤ Airport Emergency Planning and Exercise Implementation. Avsec Center.org. Fort Pierce, Florida, U.S. <training@avsec-center. org>, <www.avsec-center.org>, +1 214.889.7570. JUNE 25–27 ➤ 14th Annual Flight Attendants Conference. National Business Aviation Association. New Orleans. Jay Evans, <jevans@nbaa.org>, <web.nbaa.org/events/ fac/2009>, +1 202.783.9353. 6| JULY 8–9 ➤ Safety Management System Overview Workshop. ATC Vantage. San Francisco. <registrations@atcvantage.com>, <www.atcvantage.com>, +1 727.410.4759. JULY 16–17 ➤ Implementing LOSA and TEM Into Your Organization Course. Morning Star Aviation Consulting. Denver. David Bair, <DLBair@ comcast.net>, <www.regonline.com/builder/site/ Default.aspx?eventid=127619>, +1 720.981.1802. AUG. 3–6 ➤ Air Safety and Security Week. Air Line Pilots Association, International. Washington. <crewroom.alpa.org/ safety/?tabid=2427>, +1 703.689.2270. AUG. 18–20 ➤ Human Factors in Aviation Maintenance Course. Southern California Safety Institute. San Pedro, California, U.S. Rick Anglemyer, <rick.anglemyer@scsi-inc.com>, <www.scsi-inc.com/HFAM.html>, 800.545.3766, ext. 103; +1 310.517.8844, ext. 103. AUG. 26–27 ➤ Safety Management System Overview Workshop. ATC Vantage. Denver. <registrations@atcvantage.com>, <www. atcvantage.com>, +1 727.410.4759. SEPT. 2–3 ➤ 21st FAA/ATA International Symposium on Human Factors in Maintenance and Ramp Safety. U.S. Federal Aviation Administration and Air Transport Association of America. San Diego. Sherri Brooks, <sherri.brooks@gmail.com>, <www.airlines.org/ operationsandsafety/events/2009hfsymposium. htm>, +1 304.872.5670. SEPT. 9–11 ➤ Sixth Annual FAA International Aviation Safety Forum. American Association of Airport Executives. Washington. Jacky Sher Raker, <jacky.raker@aaae.org>, <www.aaae. org/meetings/meetings_calendar/mtgdetails. cfm?MtgID=90902&RecID=723>, +1 703.824.0500. SEPT. 14–17 ➤ Bird Strike North America Conference. Bird Strike Committee Canada. Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. Carol Liber, <events@theplanner.net>, <www. birdstrikecanada.com/CanadaConference.htm>, +1 604.276.7471. SEPT. 14–18 ➤ ISASI 2009: Accident Prevention Beyond Investigations. International Society of Air Safety Investigators. Orlando, Florida, U.S. Sharon Morphew, <sharon.morphew@scsi-inc. com>, <www.isasi2009.org/index.html>. SEPT. 21–24 ➤ 52nd Annual Non-Destructive Testing Forum. Air Transport Association of America. Atlanta. Mark Lopez, <mlopez@airlines. org>, <www.airlines.org/2009NDTForum>, +1 202.626.4125. SEPT. 29–OCT. 1 ➤ Third International Helicopter Safety Symposium. International Helicopter Safety Team. Montreal. Somen Chowdhury, <schowdhury@bellhelicopter. textron.com>, +1 450.971.6500, ext. 2787; Kay Brackins, <kay@vtol.org>, +1 703.684.6777; <ihst. rotor.com/Default.aspx?tabid=1507&nnpg2918=1 &language=en-US>. Aviation safety event coming up? Tell industry leaders about it. If you have a safety-related conference, seminar or meeting, we’ll list it. Get the information to us early — we’ll keep it on the calendar through the issue dated the month of the event. Send listings to Rick Darby at Flight Safety Foundation, 601 Madison St., Suite 300, Alexandria, VA 223141756 USA, or <darby@flightsafety.org>. Be sure to include a phone number and/ or an e-mail address for readers to contact you about the event. flight safety foundation | AeroSafetyWorld | June 2009