Effect of Exhaust Gas Recirculation and Air Staging on Gaseous and Particle Emissions in a Domestic Boiler Mafalda da Costa Bernardes Figueira Henriques Supervisor: Mário Manuel Gonçalves da Costa Mechanical Engineering Department, Instituto Superior Técnico, Technical University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal Abstract The present study aims to evaluate the effect of two distint methods in the reduction of the emission of gases and particles from a domestic boiler fired with pellets. The methods studied are flue gas recirculation and air staging. Both methods were examined for two boiler thermal loads. The application of RGE led to improvements in NO x emissions, but its effect on the CO emissions was marginal. This method, however, is promising as a strategy to reduce the emission of particles, in particular, ultra-fine particles. This requires, however, further investigation. The air staging proved to be a very effective method to reduce PM 2,5 emissions. In this case, however, it is necessary to give special attention to the CO emissions, which may increase when air staging is applied to the boiler. Keywords: Biomass, domestic boiler, pollutants, flue gas recirculation, air staging 1. Introduction Fossil fuels are the prime energy source in the world. However, when fossil fuels are burned, they release carbon dioxide and other gases into the atmosphere. Some of these gases contribute to climate change, causing several damages, such as the greenhouse effect. Moreover, fossil fuels will deplete within the next years. In order to decrease our dependency on fossil fuels it is necessary to replace it by new energy sources. Biomass has great potential to substitute fossil fuels, being one of the options to mitigate the greenhouse gas emissions. This is because biomass combustion does not add carbon dioxide into the atmosphere as it absorbs the same amount of carbon in growing as it releases when consumed as a fuel [1]. Biomass combustion in small-scale devices is a common source of heating and has become widely used in countries where winter is more severe. However, despite the fact that biomass combustion contributes to mitigate CO2 emissions, it is also an important source of air pollution. Particularly, pellet stoves are a common type of small scale devices that are widely used in urban areas. These burning systems release high amounts of gaseous and solid pollutants into the atmosphere. Solid pollutants are known as Particulate Matter (PM) and consist of airborne particles composed of acids (such as nitrates and sulphates), carbon, organic chemicals, and soil material. Particle emissions are characterized according to their aerodynamic diameter, and can be distinguished into fine particles and coarse particles. The fine particles have an aerodynamic diameter smaller than 2,5 µm, whereas the coarse particles have a diameter higher than 10 µm. Fine particles aer mainly composed of organic matter, elemental carbon (i.e., soot) and fine ash (i.e., inorganic compounds). The organic matter and the soot result from incomplete combustion while the fine ash particles result from the inorganic material in the fuel ashes. The smallest particles can travel high distances in the atmosphere. These particles are associated to serious health problems as they can easily enter through the respiratory system. Furthermore, small scale appliances originate high particle emissions when compared to the fluidized bed systems. Despite the fact that particle emissions may lead to serious health problems, there is no method capable of capturing efficiently the smallest particles. Facing the presented facts, the investigation of new methods capable to reduce the finest particles formation reveals great importance. It is thought that the modification of the combustion process may reduce particle emissions. Nevertheless, there are few studies available dedicated to the particle emissions reduction by modifying the combustion process in small-scale biomass-fired heating appliances. Zandeckis et al. [2] performed a study related to the air staging influence in the combustion efficiency, evaluating the gaseous emissions and the bottom ashes as well. The authors reported that the application of air staging is very effective on domestic pellet boilers. The authors also concluded that CO and particle emissions increase when the thermal input increases. Primary air reduction decreases the CO emissions and also reduces the combustion temperature, diminishing the vaporization of the easiest volatile elements present in the fuel ashes. Becidan et al. [3] investigated the fuel ashes behaviour during biomass combustion with and without air staging. The authors found out that air staging instigates a higher retention of the volatile elements present in the fuel ashes, leading to minor particle emissions. The authors also concluded that the air staging is a promising method concerning the smallest particle emissions reduction. Wiinikka and Gebart. [4] studied the effect of air distribution rate on particle emissions during pellets combustion in an experimental reactor. The small particle emissions diminished with the reduction on the primary air. Due to the lack of oxygen, the temperature was lower and the vaporization of the fuel ashes was reduced. The authors concluded that the vaporization of the fuel ashes was reduced if the primary air supply close to the burner was reduced as well. Lamberg et al. [5] investigated the effects of thermal input and air staging on particles and gaseous emissions in a modern small scale pellet boiler. The authors concluded that CO and particle emissions increased with the increase of the partial load, although the CO increase was more notable. Primary air reduction resulted in a decrease on CO emissions, as well as in a decrease on the temperature in the primary combustion zone. The outcome consisted on the reduction of the vaporization of the inorganic material from the fuel. Secondary air reduction had a negative effect on the particle emissions and caused a higher vaporization of the inorganic matter. Furthermore, incomplete combustion was another consequence of secondary air reduction. A good mixture of the secondary air with the fuel inside the combustion chamber had a strong impact on emissions’ reduction. The present investigation focused on the influence that EGR and the Air Staging application have on the gaseous and particle emissions. EGR is a common technique used to reduce NOx emissions by lowering the temperature inside the combustion chamber and decreasing the O 2 concentration, thus making more difficult the nitrogen oxidation [6] [7]. Air staging is a technique commonly used in large-scale energy production for NOx reduction. This technique consists on creating a rich zone, known as primary combustion zone, where temperature and O2 concentration are low. Subsequently, the primary zone combustion products will be oxidized in an oxygen rich zone. The O2 privation in the primary zone and the poor mixing of fuel and combustion air inhibits the NOx formation. The lower temperature in the primary combustion zone also hinders the NOx formation. 2. Experimental The tests were performed in a domestic wood pellet-fired boiler with a maximum thermal capacity of 22 kW, with forced draught. In Figure 1, a schematic of the experimental set-up can be visualized. The pellets were manually loaded into a hopper with a capacity of 45 kg and were fed to the burner through a screw feeder which worked by impulses. The feeding rate of the pellets was regulated by the boiler load and the pellets consumption was measured with the support of a loss-in-weigh technique. The combustion of the pellets occurred within a hemispherical basket with a diameter of 120 mm. Ignition was accomplished with the support of an electrical resistance placed close to the basket and the air was supplied to the latter one by a dedicated fan through several small orifices located across the basket bottom. Flue-gas concentrations of O2, CO, CO2, HC and NOx were measured with the support of a stainlesssteel probe and of analytical instrumentation. The water flow rate circulating in the inner circuit of the boiler was measured with a rotameter and the inlet and outlet temperatures were measured with thermocouples type K, T 1 and T2. Particles were sampled isokinetically and the total mass concentration was achieved with the support of a low pressure threecascade impactor (LPI) with a flow rate of ≈ 8 L/min. Particles were sampled from the exhaust tube’s centerline while the LPI was positioned horizontally. The LPI allows the collection of three particulate cut sizes during the same sampling: Particles with diameters above 10 µm (PM10), particles with diameters between 2.5 and 10 µm (PM2,5-10) and particles with diameters below 2,5 µm (PM2,5). In order to avoid condensation along the line connecting the probe outlet to the impactor and also inside the impactor, a heating jacket was used during sampling. Particles were collected with microfiber filters, which were dried before and after each test. The filters were weighted in order to determine the quantity of particles captured. Pellets Flue gas 12 bit A/D Termocouple K T1 Probe HC analyzer NOx analyzer O2 analyzer Water network T3 T2 LPI3/LPI13 Air Weighbridge CO and CO 2 analyzers BOILER Condenser Zero gas and span gas Silica gel Water out Water in RS 232 Cotton filter 220 V Diaphragm pump Figure 1. Schematic of the experimental set-up. In the present study, the combustion chamber of the boiler was modified in order to allow recirculating the exhaust gases (Figure 2) and air staging (Figure 3). Figure 2. Schematic of the domestic boiler with Exhaust Gas Recirculation. During the EGR tests, a fraction of the flue gases re-entered into the combustion chamber along with the combustion air. This was achieved by the complete opening of the valve which separates the flue gas pipe from the air intake pipe, which allowed the mixture of the combustion air and the combustion products. In the contrary, the air intake valve was partially closed, thus the percentage of flue gases desired along with the air intake was controlled by the further closing or opening of that valve. The desired EGR percentage was multiplied by the CO2 value which was measured with the support of a probe that was inserted in the flue gas pipe. Afterwards, the probe was inserted in the air intake pipe, and the CO2 was again measured. The percentage of CO2 present in the air intake pipe should be equal to the value obtained when EGR (%) was multiplied by the percentage of CO2, where the latter one was firstly measured in the exhaust gases. In the case of a required higher percentage of EGR, the air intake valve was further closed. Secondary air Secondary air Pellets Primary air Figure 3. Schematic of the domestic boiler with Air Staging. The air staging was accomplished with the support of a supplementary device. The referred device’s shape is presented in Figure 3. The stainless steel structure presents holes in all its structure. The secondary air went through this device, and its flow rate was measured by a second rotameter. Secondary air was fed into the flame through the holes, and the secondary air jets direction achieved 45 degrees with the vertical direction. The primary air entered through the small orifices located across the basket bottom. The amount of air supplied was kept constant. The increase of secondary air flow rate led to a decrease on primary air flow rate which was controlled by the boiler itself. 3. Results and Discussion The main characteristics of the pine pellets composition used in the present work can be visualized in Table 1. The pellets were produced in the north of Portugal. Parameter Carbon Hydrogen Nitrogen Sulphur Oxigen Volatile Fixed Carbon Moisture Ashes SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 CaO SO3 MgO P2O5 K2O Na2O Cl Other oxides LHV Diameter Length Table 1. Characteristics of pine pellets. Value Ultimate Analyses (%wt, daf) 46 6.2 0.5 <0.01 47.3 Proximate Analyses (%wt, ar) 80.5 10.9 7.3 1.3 Ash composition (wt%, db) 20.9 6.2 21.6 26.2 0.3 4.3 4.2 11.5 2.5 0.04 2.3 17.1 Average Dimensions of the pellets (mm) 6 18 3.1. Operating Conditions Tables 2 and 3 summarize the boiler operating conditions for the tests where EGR and air staging were applied, respectively. The variations on the thermal input caused a variation in the excess air and consequently on the flue gase O2 concentration. This was due to the fact that the fan velocity was kept constant, despite of the pellets feeding rate. This situation implies that when the fuel consumption increases, the excess air decreases [8]. Table 2. Operating conditions for EGR tests. Thermal input (kW) Pellts feed rate (kg/h) 13 2,6 17 3,4 Oxidant O2 (%) (vol.%) 20,9 20,39 20,13 19,59 19,30 18,35 20,9 20,09 19,79 19,39 18,31 17,76 17,11 CO2 (vol.%) 0 0,47 0,98 1,31 1,81 2,49 0 0,47 0,91 1,27 2,08 2,67 3,17 Flue gas O2 (vol. %) 17,28 17,2 17,28 17,05 17,59 16,71 16,1 15,6 16,0 16,4 15,9 16,0 16,3 EGR (%) 0 10 20 30 45 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Observing Figure 2 it can be noticed that an increase on EGR produced a decrease on the flue gas O2 concentration. This situation is related to the fact that the increase of EGR incited a higher O2 dilution. It can also be noticed that the increase on EGR is accompanied with a CO 2 increase on the flue gas. Table 3. Operating conditions for Air Staging tests. Thermal input (kW) Pellets feed rate (kg/h) 13 2,6 17 3,4 Flue gas O2 (vol. %) Air Staging (%) 17,4 17,3 17,5 17,1 17,3 16,11 16,31 16,12 16,67 16,44 0 3 6 9 12 0 3 6 9 12 Table 3 shows the operating conditions for the tests in which air staging was applied. For both the thermal inputs the O2 concentration in the flue gas was kept approximately constant. This is related to the fact that air supply was kept approximately constant. 3.2. Effects of EGR and Air Staging on gaseous and particle emissions The effect of both EGR and air staging application on gaseous and particulate emissions can be visualized from Figures 4 to 7. CO and NOx emissions concentration were measured and corrected at 13% O 2. The gaseous and particle emissions were normalized relatively to the baseline which corresponds to the situation where no EGR or air staging were applied. In the present investigation the HC emissions were not taken into account as they were considerable reduced, and therefore could be neglected. 3.2.1 Effect of EGR on the gaseous and total particle emissions PM /PM baseline EGR , 13 kW 1.5 1.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.5 PM CO NOx 0.0 0.0 baseline 10 20 30 45 60 2.0 2.0 PM CO NOx EGR, 17 kW 1.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.0 0.0 baseline 10 20 EGR (%) 30 40 50 60 EGR (%) 2.0 2.0 EGR, 13 kW 1.0 0.5 PM < 2.5 µm EGR, 17 kW PM < 2.5 µm 1.5 PM /PM baseline PM /PM baseline 1.5 CO/CO baseline, NOx/NOx baseline 2.0 2.0 CO/CO baseline, NOx/NOx baseline PM /PM baseline In Figure 4 the effect that EGR has on the CO, NOx and total particle emissions is revealed, for 13 kW, as well as its effect on the finest particle emissions (PM 2,5). Figure 5 shows the effect of EGR application on the gaseous and particle emissions for a 17 kW thermal input. 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 baseline 10 20 30 EGR (%) 45 60 Figure 4. Effect of EGR on gaseous and particle emissions for 13 kW. baseline 10 20 30 EGR (%) 40 50 60 Figure 5. Effect of EGR on gaseous and particle emissions for 17 kW. It can be verified that the effect of EGR on NOx emissions was slightly superior when applying a thermal load of 13 kW. A study performed by Buddeker [8] revealed that the excess air decreases when the thermal input increases. The author also demonstrated that NO x emissions reduction was more significant for higher excess air ratios, i.e., for smaller thermal inputs. The referred fact was related to the high air concentration inside the combustor chamber [9]. The high air concentration led to a decrease in the temperature inside the combustion chamber, thus freezing the chemical reactions which inhibit the formation of new species. Increasing EGR produced a higher O2 dilution in the oxidant. When a thermal load of 13 kW was applied the excess air was elevated, thus the decrease of O2 concentration caused by the increase of EGR might have had a strong contribution on lowering NOx emissions. This is due to the fact that NOx depends strongly on the local O2 concentration [10]. The referred reason, along with the combustion temperature reduction resultant from the raise of the thermal capacity of the burned gases, might have had a strong influence on the NO x reduction. When a thermal load of 17 kW was applied, the initial O2 availability was lower. Therefore the EGR application might have had a smaller influence on NOx emissions. This motive is possibly explained by the fact that EGR application produced a stronger effect solely on the temperature reduction. So, nitrogen oxidation might have had a diminished relevance when compared to the decrease on temperature. For both the thermal inputs, CO emissions demonstrated no reduction with the EGR application. However, CO emissions were superior when a thermal load of 13 kW was applied. Rabaçal et al. [11] verified that for the higher thermal inputs CO emissions tended to decrease. This fact indicated that the incomplete combustion was encouraged by the higher excess air ratios, i.e., by the lower thermal inputs. Lamberg et al. [5] observed that a higher excess air ratio provoked a decrease on temperature, leading to a reduction of the CO oxidation rate. This motive can be explained by the fact that the oxidation rate depends strongly on temperature, which decreases with the excess air increase. Consequently, the oxidation reactions were processed at slower combustion rates, and the complete fuel oxidation was not possible to acquire, leading to the fuel incomplete combustion. The temperature reduction, caused by the EGR increase, might also have had a negative effect on CO emissions due to a more incomplete combustion. Finally, when observing the total particles evolution, it is easily verified that it was similar to the CO emissions behavior. This has already been discussed by Fernandes and Costa. [12]. The similarity between both the pollutants trend evolution suggests that CO emissions might be a good indicator of the boiler efficiency regarding the particle emissions. Thus, the particles evolution behavior might be related to the soot formation, i.e., to the fuel incomplete combustion. The incomplete combustion is probably due to the excess air and to the EGR augment which provoked a temperature reduction. The EGR increase presented a contrary effect of what was desired regarding PM2, 5 emissions, and there was no clear evidence of the PM2,5 reduction with the EGR intensification. Possibly due to a more incomplete combustion, occurred a poorer oxidation of the organic matter, and the soot formation was favored. For the higher thermal inputs, EGR application produces better results regarding the PM2,5 emissions. This fact might be related to the lower excess air, which resulted in a higher temperature inside the combustion chamber, allowing a better soot oxidation. Comparing total particles evolution with the PM2,5 evolution it can be seen that both presented a similar behavior. Such fact suggests that total particles were dominated by particles whose sizes are in the order of the submícrons. 1.5 2.0 Air Staging, 13 kW 1.5 1.0 0.5 1.0 0.5 PM CO NOx 0.0 0.0 baseline 0.03 0.06 0.09 0.12 2.0 2.0 Air Staging, 17 kW PM /PM baseline PM /PM baseline 2.0 1.5 1.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 PM CO NOx 0.5 0.0 0.0 baseline 0.03 Sec. air/Prim. air 0.09 0.12 Sec. air/Prim. air 2.0 2.0 Air Staging, 13 kW Air Staging, 17 kW PM < 2.5 µm 1.5 PM /PM baseline PM /PM baseline 0.06 CO/CO baseline, NOx/NOx baseline Effect of Air Staging on the gaseous and particle emissions CO/CO baseline, NOx/NOx baseline 3.2.2. 1.0 0.5 0.0 1.5 PM < 2.5 µm 1.0 0.5 0.0 baseline 0.03 0.06 0.09 Sec. air/Prim. air 0.12 Figure 6. Effect of Air Staging on gaseous and particle emissions for 13 kW. baseline 0.03 0.06 0.09 Sec. air/Prim. air 0.12 Figure 7. Effect of Air Staging on gaseous and particle emissions for 17 kW. The effect of air staging on gaseous and particulate emissions for both 13 and 17 kW can be seen in Figures 6 and 7, respectively. Similarly to what was said previously, the gaseous emissions were normalized at 13% O2 and were compared to the situation in which no air staging was applied. In Figure 6, it can be observed that the NOx decreasing with the air staging application was not successful when a thermal load of 17 kW was applied, similarly to what had happened when EGR was applied. Once again the results are consistent with those obtained by Rabaçal [13]. The authors observed that, for the same pellet fired-boiler, the NOx emissions increased with the raise of the thermal input, due to the decreasing of the excess air ratio. For the higher thermal inputs, there is a minor availability of O 2 in the secondary combustion zone. This results in a higher combustion temperature which leads to better nitrogen oxidation conditions, originating higher NOx emissions. Air staging did not present improvements concerning the CO emissions when a thermal load of 13 kW was applied. Despite this fact, the combustion efficiency increased significantly for a thermal load of 17 kW, thus presenting a reduction on the CO emissions. Such fact proves, once again, that combustion conditions are more effective when lower excess air ratios are applied. This indicates that the rise on the secondary air does not have a great influence on the fuel oxidation. The same finding was reported by other authors [2], [14]. According to Chaney and Liu [14], the higher the secondary air flow rate is, the bigger has to be the required area for the fuel complete oxidation. Due to boiler’s small dimensions, the mixture between fuel and secondary air became more difficult to achieve. The requirement for a larger combustion area augments with the increase of the secondary air flow rate, resulting in a less efficient combustion process. On the other hand, Lamberg et al. [5] indicated that the increase of the secondary air brings good benefits concerning the emissions due to incomplete combustion. In fact, when applying a thermal load of 17 kW, CO emissions had a significant reduction when the secondary air flow rate was intensified. Possibly, due to the lower excess air present in the combustion chamber, the secondary air flow rate diminished. Moreover, due to the minor excess air ratio, the secondary air flow rate was inferior to that when a thermal load of 13 kW was applied. Thereby, the mixture conditions inside the combustion chamber, when applying a thermal load of 17 kW, might have been enhanced comparatively to the case of 13 kW. However, contrary to what occurred for the tests where EGR was applied, CO and particle emissions evolution present different trends. Such situation can be related to a minor vaporization of the inorganic elements present on the fuel, caused by the temperature reduction in the primary combustion zone. The soot formation reduction, related to a better oxidation, might also have contributed to the particle emissions abatement. Moreover, it was verified that the particles reduction was more efficient when a thermal load of 17 kW was applied. The better mixing of the secondary combustion air with the fuel and the higher temperatures in the secondary combustion zone are possibly the main reasons for the emissions from incomplete combustion reduction, including soot. Contrasting to what occurred when EGR was applied, the variation of PM2,5 emissions shows a different trend from the total particle emissions evolution, as it can be seen in Figures 6 and 7. In fact, when comparing the particle emissions evolution presented in both pictures, it is clear that the decreasing on PM 2,5 is very noticeable, whereas the total particles reduction is less obvious. This difference may suggest that a displacement on the particle mass concentration from the small towards the biggest particles occurred. Wiinikka and Gebart. [4] and Žandeckis et al. [2] verified that the coarse fly particle sizes augmented when higher secondary air flow rates were applied. The authors explained that this situation was due to the increase of the air velocity inside the combustion chamber. The velocity increase provoked an extra force, in such a way that a large fraction of small particles was removed out from the fuel bed. These particles were then carried out by the gas flow, contributing to the coarse fly particles increase. Furthermore, an increase on the secondary air flow rate produces a reduction on the primary air flow rate, leading to a temperature decrease in the primary combustion zone. Similarly, Lamberg et al. [5] verified that the secondary air reduction produced negative effects on the fine particle emissions and on the vaporization of the alkaline metals. The authors state that the primary air reduction causes a secondary air flow rate elevation, thus reducing the temperature in the primary combustion zone.. The temperature reduction could inhibit the vaporization of the alkaline metals present in the fuel ashes. The authors indicated as well that the secondary air increase resulted in a better mixture in the secondary combustion zone. This way, according to the authors, a better mixture in the secondary zone was promoted, thus the gaseous and particle emissions due to the incomplete combustion of the fuel decreased. Due to the temperature reduction, the vaporization inhibition of the inorganic elements from the fuel might have occurred. Hence, these elements might have merged in the glowing particle remaining in the fuel bed. These elements could later be carried out by the fuel gas, contributing to the raise of the coarse fly particles or could remain in the burner, originating the bottom ashes. With the increment of the air staging it can be verified that that the PM2.5 emission decreases significantly. This finding is consistent with the studies performed previously by Wiinikka and Gebart [4], who found out that the fine particle emissions decrease when the secondary air increases with regards to the primary air.. According to the authors, this could be related to the fact that enhancing the secondary air increases the velocity inside the combustion chamber. Also, a better mixture between the fuel and the secondary air might occur, resulting in a better soot oxidation. This fact had possibly a high contribution on the particles reduction. Possibly, the mixture was more effective when the excess air ratio was smaller, which occurred for the boiler thermal input of 17 kW. 3. Conclusions The present work consisted on the study of the effects caused by the application of EGR and air staging in the gaseous and particle emissions resultant from the biomass combustion process in a pellet stove firedboiler, using pine pellets. For that purpose and in order to perform the current research, the burning system was modified and the change of the oxidant admission system was executed. Gaseous emissions were analyzed by means of proper instrumentation. The sampling and classification of the particles was accomplished by a three stage low pressure impactor (LPI). The LPI classified the particles accordingly to their aerodynamic diameter in three different size ranges. It was observed that the strategies applied produced effects on gaseous and particle emissions, due to the reduced temperatures which were achieved inside the combustion chamber. The temperature reduction brought benefits related to the minor vaporization of the inorganic matter present in the biomass ashes. However, the temperature reduction could also have a negative effect associated with the soot emissions that might have increased as a consequence of incomplete combustion. The EGR application showed an improvement on the NOx emissions, but had small effects on the CO emissions. The EGR application as a strategy for particles reduction seemed to be an effective method, in special for the case of particles in the order of the microns. Nevertheless, further investigation in this area is necessary. Air staging was proved to be an effective method regarding the PM 2,5 emissions reduction. However, special attention must be given to the CO emissions that have increased when compared to the situation in which no staging was applied. However, this situation was only observed when higher excess air ratios were applied. This reveals that air staging can affect negatively the combustion efficiency, if applied in an inappropriate way. Furthermore, due to the fact that this method inhibits the vaporization of a part of the inorganic matter from the fuel, it may cause ash agglomeration in the burner, obstructing the primary air passage and affecting the fuel oxidation. In addition, it may promote higher flame instability, resulting in a less efficient combustion. In conclusion, the modification of the combustion process demonstrates a good potential in lowering the particle emissions, without severe consequences in the gaseous emissions. However, attention to external factors must be given, as these may produce perturbations into the combustion process, decreasing its efficiency. References [1] [Online]. Available: http://edugreen.teri.res.in/explore/renew/biomass.htm. [2] A. Žandeckis, V. Kirsanovs, M. Dzikēvičs and D. 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