The Name Plate

Name Plate
Creating a Name Plate:
1. To start Solidworks click on
2. Click on FILE
Then double click on
Then click on NEW
3. Double click on PART
4. Click on SKETCH
5. Click on SKETCH to create a new sketch
6. Double Click on FRONT PLANE
7. To change units to decimal click on the following in sequency:
A. Click on TOOLS
B. Click on OPTIONS
D. Click on UNITS
E. Click on IDS
Then click on OK to close box
8. Click on RECTANGLE
9. With the mouse click at the intersection of the red X and Y arrow
To start the beginning lower left corner of the rectangle.
10. Pull the cursor up and to the right a little then press down to
To form the rectangle .
11. Now we can put the proper dimensions on the rectangle on
Smart dimension.
12. Click on the Upper Horizonal line
And place down
Dimension to
then pull the dimension up
In the MODIFY DIMENSION BOX change the
3.00 then click on the check to accept
13. Do the same process to the left side vertical line and set the dimension to 2.00
14. To extrude the part and make 3D part from a 2D sketch first click on
Under DIRECTION 1 Change extrusing thickness .50
Then click on the green check to accept
15. To put a fillet around all the square corners, click on FILLET
Now we are going to set the fillet radius to .18.
Once the fillet is set click with your mouse on the face of the object
Then click on the green check to accept.
16. Now we will put text on the face of the name plate. Click on SKETCH
17. In order click on:
17a. TOOLS
17c. Click on TEXT
17d. Pick the face of the object with the mouse
NOTE: you may click anywheres on the
With your mouse to place the text
18. Click on the FONT STYLE button
Change the font style to ARIAL BLACK
Change the font height to .38
19.Type in the wording you want at this location then
The wording will appear on the face
Of the object. Once you have finished
Typing in your text Click on the green
Check to accept.
20. Click on FEATURES
21. Click on EXTRUDE CUT
22. In the EXTRUDE CUT panel make these
Depth of cut should be .25
Then click on the green check at the top to
Name plate is complete