EBMs and EMICs Andrey Ganopolski Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research • what are EBMs and EMICs? • do we still need simple climate models? • do you need to know something about these models? SIMPLE INTERMEDIATE COMPLEX Earth’s Global Energy Budget „Classification“ of climate/Earth system models Simple: EBMs EBM (Energy Balance Models) Intermediate: EMICs EMIC (Earth system Models of Intermediate Complexity) Complex: GCMs (General Circulation Models) Incoming Solar - Reflected = Outgoing Longwave Radiation Global Energy Balance Model (EBM) RI 4 r 2 T 4 r 2 S 0 (1 p ) S0=1360 W/m2; p TBB = 255K = -18oC Tobs= 287K=15oC T=33oC – greenhouse effect Sensitivity of global EBM R F (Radiative Forcing) dT 4 T dR 3 1 0 . 26 K Wm 2 F2xCO2=4 W/m2 → CS=1oC Modified Global EBM m Ts 4 S0 (1 p ) 4 m=0.64 dT 3 4 mTs dR 1 K 0.3 Wm 2 m=m(Ts) (Sellers, 1968) Budyko’s type EBM S0 A BT s (1 p ) 4 B ≈ 2 W/(m2K) dT K 0 .5 dR Wm 2 → CS ≈ 2oC Zonally averaged (1-D) Budyko-Sellers EBM T=T() 0 I R 2 FT Budyko-North EBM dT d (1 x 2 ) s dx dx 0.3, Ts 15 0C p 0 T C 0 . 6 , 15 s 0 S ( x)(1 p ) A BT D x=sin() A, B, D - constants EBM assumptions • No distinction between ocean and land • Planetary albedo depends only on the surface temperature • Outgoing longwave radiation depends only on the surface air temperature • Combined atmospheric sensible, latent and oceanic heat fluxes ~ surface temperature gradient Earth’s Global Energy Budget 2-D seasonal EBM T=T(,t) T C S ( , t )(1 p (T )) A BT D 2T t Amplitude of annual temperature cycle model observations Earth climate hysteresis („snowball Earth“) sin(latitude) Poles Equator Solar constant 2-D Energy Moisture Balance Model T=T(,t), Q=Q(,t), T C S ( , t )(1 p (T )) A BT DT 2T L( P E ) t Q c DQ 2Q E P t Improvement ??? Sellers (1969) Atmosphere sensible Atmosphere latent Ocean Total atmosphere-ocean intermediate complexity + climate model h-index: 44 Why we „invented“ EMICs? 1970th CLIMBER-2 1980th 1990th 2000th atmosphere now upper ocean deep ocean ice sheets carbon cycle glacial cycles 0.1 1 10 100 1000 time scales (yrs) 10,000 100,000 1000,000 EMICs Zoo EMBM (2D) ADSM (2.5D) Q-G AGCM (3D) ATMOSPHERE CLIMBER-2: ADSM + ZAOM CLIMBER-3: ADSM + OGCM UVic: EMBM + OGCM GENIE-1: EMBM + Q-G OGCM LOVECLIM: Q-G AGCM + OGCM OCEAN ZAOM (2.5D) QG-OGCM (3D) OGCM (3D) CLIMBER-2.3 structure Universal vertical structure in CLIMBER-2 Universal meridional, zonal mean structure in CLIMBER-2 Zonally averaged atmospheric characteristics Simulation of the last 800 Kyr Orbital forcing (W/m2) GHGs radiative forcing (W/m2) D (Antarctic Temperature) (%o) 18O (ice volume) (%o) Paleodata/model Forcings (input) (orbital forcing + GHGs) Simulations of the last 400 Kyr orbital forcing + GHGs yrs. BP © CLIMBER 1. Global cooling of 6oC, tropical cooling ~ 2oC 2. Weakening and shoaling of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation 3. Strong impact of changes in the oceanic heat transport on regional and global temperatures 1. Global cooling of 6oC, tropical cooling ~ 2oC 2. Weakening and shoaling of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation 3. Strong impact of changes in the oceanic heat transport on regional and global temperatures Brandefelt & Otto-Bliesner (2009) 1. Large (up to 3oC) summer warming over the NH continents 2. Amplification of high latitude warming due to the vegetation feedback 3. Strong vegetation-precipitation feedback in subtropics 1. Large (up to 3oC) summer warming over the NH continents AO AOV 2.00 mm/day 1.60 2. Amplification of high latitude warming due to the vegetation feedback 3. Strong vegetation-precipitation feedback in subtropics 1.20 0.80 0.40 0.00 0.00 Braconnot et al. (2007) 1. Large (up to 3oC) summer warming over the NH continents 2. Amplification of high latitude warming due to the vegetation feedback 3. Strong vegetation-precipitation feedback in subtropics CLIMBER2 IPSL ECHAM-5 4. Strong synergy between vegetation and oceanic feedbacks TOV >> TO+TV Conclusions Simple (intermediate) models are useful as exploratory tools They facilitate understanding and good for teaching BUT they have serious limitations and have to be used with great caution!