WECC Inherent Risk Assessment Risk Factor Criteria

WECC Inherent Risk Assessment Risk Factor Criteria
Risk Factor
Risk Factor Subcategory
Risk the entity’s violation(s) Violation(s) pose no higher than
pose on the reliability of
minimal risk
the BES.
Violation(s) pose no higher than
moderate risk
Multiple violations of the
same Standard and
No repeat violations
Repeat violations with different root
Area of Concern
No violations associated with an Area of
Violation Cluster
Violations since the
previous audit for
Requirements associated
with an Area of Concern
given at previous audit or
spot check
Violations of different
Standards and
Requirements that are the
result of the same set of
No violation clusters
Violation cluster(s) of less than five
Generating Facilities and
Fuel Type
Entity has just one generating facility
Entity has multiple generating facilities at
same geographical location
Entity has multiple generating facilities in
geographically dispersed location.
Name Place Generation
0-1000 MW
1000-6000 MW
Greater than 6000 MW
Renewable Portfolio
Maintenance Challenges
based on number of
generating facilities, and its
geographical location
Amount of generation that
entity owns or is within its
foot print
Renewable generation in BA
< 10% generation in BA footprint is
renewable generation
10-25% generation in BA footprint is
renewable generation
> 25% generation in BA footprint is
renewable generation
Distributed Generation
The amount of generation
An entity has < 800 MWs of distributed
that is not visible to the entity generation that is not telemetered
but is required to be balanced
An entity has 800-2000 MW of distributed
generation that is not telemetered
An entity has more than 2000 MW of
distributed generation that is not
Ancillary resources
Ancillary Power Plant
Some of the generating units owned by the All the generating unit owned by entity can Entity performs periodic testing to ensure the generating unit can be used
entity can be used for Reserve Sharing
be used for Reserve Sharing Purposes
for Reserve Sharing purposes. The risk should be reduced.
Revised November 20, 2015
Entity does not own any units that can be
used for Reserve Sharing Purposes
Violation(s) pose severe risk
Risk may be lower if higher risk violations occurred before the last
audit, if higher risk violations were mitigated within a reasonable
amount of time, and/or there are no root cause trends (violations
with the same root cause). Consideration should also be given if
entity has performed a root cause analysis and WECC has discussed
the analysis.
Repeat violations with the same root
More weight to be given to repeat violations since the last audit.
Consideration should also be given if entity has performed a root
cause analysis and WECC has discussed the analysis. Another
consideration is whether or not the violation is for a zero-defect
One or more violations associated with Risk may be lower if higher risk violations occurred before the last
an Area of Concern
audit, if higher risk violations were mitigated within a reasonable
amount of time, and/or there are no root cause trends (violations
with the same root cause). Consideration should also be given if
entity has performed a root cause analysis and WECC has discussed
the analysis.
Violation cluster(s) of five or more
Consideration should be given if both O&P and CIP Requirements
were impacted by the circumstances. Consideration should also be
given if entity has performed a root cause analysis and WECC has
discussed the analysis.
The risk can be reduced based on Generator’s equivalent Forced outage
rate. If the Equivalent forced outage rate is less than 5, the risk can be
If an entity has wind and solar forecasting tools that are considered in its
planning studies, the risk of renewable generation integration should be
Risk should be reduced, if entity is taking steps to account of distributed
generation or entity’s operators are being trained to balance the system
for distributed generation that is not visible on their scads system.
WECC Inherent Risk Assessment Risk Factor Criteria
Risk Factor
Risk Factor Subcategory
Reserve Sharing
Managing Reserves
Internal Resources within an entity's
footprint are adequate for maintaining
reserves and Entity is participant of Reserve
Sharing Group
Internal Resources within an entity's
footprint are adequate for maintaining
reserves OR Entity is participant of Reserve
Sharing Group
Blackstart Availability
Entity owns or has access to
Blackstart Resources
Entity owns Blackstart units
Entity operates all Blackstart units for
peaking or other non-Blackstart uses, as
Entity owns Blackstart units
Entity owns Blackstart units but operates all
of them during Blackstart emergencies only
Entity operates some of the Blackstart units
for peaking or other non-Blackstart uses
while other units are only operated for
Blackstart emergencies
General Preparedness
Peak Load to Generation ratio The entity's peak load is 800 MW or less
and availability of Blackstart
An entity has peak load greater than 800
MW and Peak Load / Generation ratio is
less than or equal to 1
Entity has Peak Load greater than 800 MW
and Peak Load/Generation ratio is less than
or equal to 2 and the entity owns or
operates Blackstart resource
Internal Resources within an entity's
If an entity does not have studies to ensure that the reserves will be
footprint are not adequate for maintaining available from reserve sharing pool on that day based on the system
condition, risk can be increased.
An entity does not participate in Reserve
Sharing Group.
An entity has peak load greater than 800
If an entity is a load serving entity, the risk can be reduced even if the load
MW and Peak Load / Generation ratio is
to generation ratio is greater than one.
greater than 1 and entity does not own or
operate Blackstart resource
Entity has Peak Load greater than 800 MW
and Peak Load/Generation ratio is greater
than 2 and entity owns or operates
Blackstart resource
Transfer Paths
Does the entity have a
transfer path?
Entity does not have a WECC transfer path
Entity owns or operates an element of
WECC Transfer Path but does not own or
operate an element of WECC Major
Transfer Path.
Transmission Length
Length of entity’s
transmission lines
Entity has less than 1000 miles of
transmission lines
Entity has between 1000 and 4000 miles of Entity has greater than 4000 Miles of
transmission line
transmission lines
Transmission Voltage
The entity does not own or operate
transmission lines larger than 161 kV
Entity owns or operates transmission lines
greater than 161 kV, but none larger than
One line identified as a Critical Asset
Voltage levels that the entity
owns or operates within its
Critical Transmission Lines Transmission lines identified
as a Critical Asset and amount
of load on the lines.
Revised November 20, 2015
No transmission lines are identified as a
Critical Asset.
If any Blackstart unit experienced a startup forced outage failure while
testing or during any other time it is required to generate, then the risk
for failure during an emergency is much higher and the risk rating may be
Entity owns or operates an element of
WECC Major Transfer Path
Entity owns or operates transmission lines
larger than 345 kV
Review any unplanned transmission outages, Loss of Load events,
Misoperations and Violation History for any common trends related to
transmission portfolio.
Transfer limits on Transfer Paths range from 17MW to 11,200MW with an
interconnection average of approximately 2,023MW. If the path transfer
limit is less than the 2,023MW average, the risk can be reduced to low for
a Transfer Path for medium for a Major Transfer Path.
If entity only has transmission lines less than or equal to 230 kV or if the
entity did not have any sustained forced outages on its transmission lines
since the last audit, the risk may be reduced.
If the entity has less than 50 miles of transmission lines 345kV to 500kV,
the risk may be reduced.
More than one line is identified as a Critical If the entity's transmission system is highly resilient and a line outage
would have minimal impact, risk rating may be reduced. Alternatively, risk
rating may be raised if the entity's system is particularly vulnerable to a
line outage.
WECC Inherent Risk Assessment Risk Factor Criteria
Risk Factor
BPS Coordination
Risk Factor Subcategory
Coordination based on
Number of interconnections
number of
entity has and amount of
coordination required to be
Entity has interconnections with single
Entity has one interconnection with
multiple entities
BPS Coordination
Geographical location
Geographical location of
entity in the Western
Entity’s system is not critical to adjacent
entities as it is not being used as a flow
through system for power flow
Entity’s system is critical to adjacent
entities as it is being used as a flow through
system for power flow
BPS Coordination
Coordination with
Geographical location and
responsibilities as per
Entity is registered as a GO, TO, TP, DP, LSE, Entity is a BA, TOP, or GOP for its own
Generation and Transmission asset
Entity is registered as an RC
Entity is registered as a BA, TOP or GOP,
and entity has other Generation,
Transmission assets not owned by the
entity in its footprint
System Geography System Geography
Type of Terrain
Entity has no areas of challenging system
(e.g. desert or plains with no vegetation)
Transmission lines are exposed to a large
amount of challenging system geography,
wildfire risk, and/or invasive vegetation
(e.g. rugged terrain, high growth rate
vegetation, dense forest)
Load Management Resource Flexibility to
manage load profile
Entity’s ability to adjust the
Entity has not identified any change in load Entity identified a change in load profile
resources as per the changes profile since last audit
since last audit
in the demand.
Entity has sufficient resource mix that can
react quickly to meet sharp changes in net
Entity identified a change in load profile
If an entity monitors load profile in its planning assessments and is
since last audit
prepared to address the challenges faced by it, risk rating may be
Entity does not have sufficient resource mix
that can react quickly to meet sharp
changes in net demand
System Modeling
and Usage
Critical Facility
Identification of critical facilitie Entity’s Planning Authority or Transmission
Planner has not identified critical
transmission or generation facilities that
impact the reliability of entity’s system.
Entity’s Planning Authority or Transmission
Planner has identified one critical facility
within entity’s system that impact the
reliability of BES
Entity’s Planning Authority or Transmission Is PA testing the study models provided by Transmission Planners and
Planner has identified multiple critical
Resource Planners on the periodic basis? If yes, the risk rating may be
facilities within entity’s system that impact reduced.
the reliability of BES
System Modeling
and Usage
Planning Authority
Identification of Planning
Authority footprint
Entity is a Planning Authority and models
the information of its neighboring entities
even though it does not formally identify
the entity in their Planning Authority Area.
Entity is a Planning Authority for itself, but Risk should be reduced if a Planning Authority is modeling neighboring
does not identify entities within its Planning Planning Authority’s information.
Authority Area.
Entity is not a Planning Authority and does
not identify Planning Authority Area it is
required to be under.
Revised November 20, 2015
Entity has a formal Transmission Planning
process and identifies the entities that
should be within its Planning Authority
Entity is not a Planning Authority but is in
agreement with the Planning Authority to
which it should belong to.
Entity has a moderate amount challenging
system geography
(e.g. wet lands, low growth rate vegetation,
lakes, rivers)
Entity has more than one interconnections
with multiple entities
1. If any areas of concern or major events are associated with vegetation
management issues, risk rating may be increased
2. If additional "above and beyond" resources (e.g. LiDAR, drones, or
other monitoring technology) are integrated, risk rating may be reduced
WECC Inherent Risk Assessment Risk Factor Criteria
Risk Factor
System Modeling
and Usage
System Modeling
and Usage
Risk Factor Subcategory
System Modeling
WECC Base Case utilization for Entity uses WECC base case for its planning Entity reviews WECC’s base case but
Entity uses its own base cases for its
system modeling
develops its own base case for its planning planning assessments
Network Application
Real Time Contingency
Entity uses RC hosted RTCA application for Entity uses RC hosted RTCA application for Entity does not have RTCA application.
Analysis (RTCA) utilization
contingency analysis
contingency analysis
Has its own RTCA tool for contingency
Entity uses its own RTCA tools for
contingency analysis
System Modeling
and Usage
Planning Studies in
Operating Horizon
Understand the type of
planning studies performed
by the entity to take pre
contingency actions
Entity performs daily studies for
understanding system conditions and
identifying pre contingency actions to be
Entity reviews its seasonal studies daily but
does not perform actual studies for
understanding system conditions and
identifying pre contingency actions to be
System Modeling
and Usage
Modeling Consistency
Modeling consistency
between planning and
operating horizon
Entity has a formal process to ensure
operation model and planning model have
the same modeling assumptions and both
the models are in sync
Entity does not have a formal process to
Entity does not review its planning and
ensure operation model and planning
operations model to ensure consistency
models have same modeling assumptions within the models
but the models are reviewed periodically to
maintain consistency within the models
Special Protection Scheme Type of SPS that entity has
(SPS)/Remedial Action
and periodic review of SPS
Scheme (RAS)
Revised November 20, 2015
Entity owns or operates SPS classified
Entity owns or operates SPS classified
under Local Area Protection Scheme (LAPS) under Wide Area Protection Scheme
and entity reviews SPS design periodically (WAPS) and reviews its SPS design
Entity owns or operates SPS that is
classified under LAPS and does not review
its design periodically
If an entity participates in regional committees and coordinates its base
case, the risk rating may be reduced.
If an entity has other operational models that assist in real-time reliability
tools like RTCA, State Estimation, real-time voltage and/or transient
stability analysis the risk rating may be reduced.
If an entity is using its own RTCA tool for contingency analysis, risk rating
may be reduced if entity’s RTCA is more granular than Peak RC’s hosted
Entity does not review seasonal studies
daily unless they have significant changes
to the system which requires an entity to
perform studies for understanding system
conditions and identifying pre contingency
actions to be taken
Entity owns or operates SPS classified
under WAPS and does not review its SPS
design periodically
Entity’s SPS is to mitigate post transient
voltage stability and is on a WECC Major
Transfer Path
1. Review the number of Misoperations the entity had for SPS. Review
root causes and corrective actions taken by entity for these
2. Review how many times SPS has operated since the last audit.
3. If the SPS is for Transient Instability issues to mitigate post transient
voltage overload, the inherent risk is high.
4. If the SPS is for Thermal Overload the risk may be reduced to medium if
it is WAPS or low if it is LAPS.
5. Review whether the misoperation is part of a NERC Event Analysis
Program categorized event. If the entity participates, the risk rating may
be reduced.
a. Does the entity participate in the Event Analysis Program?
b. If the event Category 2 or greater, does the entity participate in the
Compliance Self-Assessment program per the annual CMEP?
WECC Inherent Risk Assessment Risk Factor Criteria
Risk Factor
Risk Factor Subcategory
Under Frequency Load
Entity’s participation in
Entity participates in WECC’s Off-Nominal
Shedding (UFLS)
WECC’s Off-Nominal
UFLS Program
Frequency Load Shedding Plan
and frequency of review of its
Entity does not participate in WECC’s OffNominal UFLS program but has its own
UFLS program that is coordinated with its
Balancing Authority
The entity reviews its UFLS program design
Under Voltage Load
Shedding (UVLS)
Entity’s history of UVLS
operation and location
Entity has no UVLS capability
UVLS is used for local equipment protection UVLS is used to prevent voltage collapse or 1. Review the amount of firm load shed by the entity if UVLS operates.
voltage instability.
2. Review whether the entity has operated UVLS since its last audit.
3. Review whether the entity had any Misoperations associated with UVLS
since the last audit.
4. If an entity sheds less than 100 MW of firm load and has not operated
its UVLS and has not had any Misoperations since its last audit, the risk
rating may be reduced.
5. Entity reviews UVLS program design periodically
Equipment Maintenance
Maintenance Schedule
Entity does periodic review and/or
maintenance for its major BES equipment
Entity has a policy for maintaining spares
for critical major BES equipment
Entity does not have a policy for
maintaining spares for critical major BES
Entity does not perform periodic review
and/or maintenance for major BES
Having formal Root Cause Having formal Root Cause
Analysis process
Analysis process
Average Timeframe of
implementation of
Corrective Action Plans
Entity has performed root cause analysis
but root causes have not been identified
for all Misoperations
On an average, the entity implemented
Corrective Action Plans for its
Misoperations within one month
Majority of entity’s Misoperations have
"unknown" root cause
Entity has performed root cause analysis
and identified a root cause for all
Average Timeframe of
On average, the entity implemented
implementation of Corrective Corrective Action Plans for its
Action Plans
Misoperations within 24 hours
Average system
restoration time due to a
Average system restoration
time due to a Misoperation.
On average, partial system restoration time On average, partial and full system
following Misoperation was less than 24
restoration time following Misoperation
was greater than 24 hours
1. If a misoperated device was left out of service but the entity had a
workaround to restore the system immediately, the risk rating may be
reduced even if it takes longer to put the device in to service
Main Causes of
Main Causes of Misoperation Entity had Misoperations due to human
Entity had a repeat misoperation of the
same device due to an insufficient
Corrective Action Plan
1. If an entity had Misoperations on a WECC Major Transfer Path, SPS,
UFLS, or UVLS device, risk rating may be increased
2. If the misoperation happened because of a failure to follow
commissioning procedures, risk rating may be increased
Revised November 20, 2015
On average, full system restoration time
following Misoperation was less than 24
Entity does not participate in WECC’s OffNominal UFLS program but has its own
UFLS program
The entity does not review its UFLS
program design annually
1. Review the amount of firm load shed by the entity if UFLS operates.
2. Review whether the entity has operated UFLS since its last audit.
3. Review whether the entity had any Misoperations associated with UFLS
since the last audit.
4. Review coordination of SPS with neighboring entities.
5. If an entity sheds less than 100 MW of firm load and has not operated
its UFLS and has not had any Misoperations since its last audit and
coordinates it’s SPS with neighboring entities, the risk rating may be
1. Major BES equipment includes Transformers, Circuit Breakers, Circuit
Switchers, Phase Shifters, Generators and Turbines
2. Where equipment failures occur, does the entity conduct root cause
analysis and develop appropriate and reasonable corrective action plans?
On an average, the entity took longer than 1. If the entity had to delay implementing the Corrective Action Plan due
one month to implement Corrective Action to outage scheduling issues, the risk rating may be reduced
Plans for Misoperations
2. Review whether the entity has provided quarterly updates to WECC for
any Corrective Action Plan open for more than 60 days
Entity had Misoperations due to lack of
maintenance or testing procedures
WECC Inherent Risk Assessment Risk Factor Criteria
Risk Factor
Risk Factor Subcategory
Reportable Events Type of reportable event Type of reportable event
Entity had a Category 1 or Category 2 event Entity had a Category 3 or Category 4 event Entity had a Category 5 event since its last
since its last audit
since its last audit. Entity has performed
Self-Assessment for the event.
1. If Corrective Actions were completed on any Category 2 or higher
events and closure letters were sent by WECC to the entity, the risk rating
may be reduced.
Reportable Events Compliance SelfAssessment status for all
Reportable Events Impact of the event on
neighboring entities
Compliance Self-Assessment
status for all events
Entity performed Compliance SelfAssessment for all events
1. If the entity performed Compliance Self-Assessment for all the events
and shared their assessment with WECC, the risk rating may be reduced.
Impact of the event on
neighboring entities
The event only affected one entity
Reportable Events Root Cause Analysis of the Root Cause Analysis of the
Reportable Events Compliance Violation
identified as part of the
Entity did not have events with the same
root cause
Compliance Violation
No compliance violations were found as a
identified as part of the event result of the event
Entity only performed Compliance SelfAssessment for Category 2 and higher
Multiple entities were affected by the event
and entity coordinated the assessment with
the affected entities
Entity did not perform a Compliance SelfAssessment on any events
Entity had multiple events with the same
root cause at the same time
Entity had multiple events with the same
root cause at different times
Multiple entities were affected by the event 1. If the entity has made recent changes to its processes and now
but the entity did not coordinate the
coordinates the assessment with WECC and affected entities, the risk
assessment with affected entities
rating may be reduced.
1. Review whether the entity has a formal Root Cause analysis process
and shares with neighbors and operational WECC committees.
2. If an entity implemented Root Cause analysis process recently, the risk
rating may be reduced.
3. If the entity has a Root Cause analysis program or corrective actions
document, risk rating may be reduced.
A compliance violation was identified and Entity had a repeat compliance violation as 1. If the root cause of the repeat violation is different from the previous
Self-Reported as a result of internal analysis a result of the event that was Self-Reported violation, the risk rating may be reduced.
by the entity or identified during audit
Knowledge loss due to
Annual turnover rate for
annual employee turnover systems operators and relay
for critical positions
Turnover for system operators and relay
technicians is less than 8% annually
Entity reports a high level of redundancy
built into their staffing model
Turnover for system operators and relay
technicians is between 8% and 20%
Entity reports some redundancy built into
their staffing model
Turnover for system operators and relay
technicians is greater than 20% annually
1. Upon review of past audit results, areas of concern, violation history,
and event and misoperation analysis, are any operational or compliance
failures identified as a result of personnel or organizational changes?
2. Does the entity identify any risks related to the retention of
institutional knowledge?
3. Does the entity demonstrate redundancy among critical personnel
(through cross training, apprenticeship programs, over-staffing, etc.) to
mitigate the effects of employee turnover?
4. If the entity is well prepared to handle turnover, risk rating may be
5. If the entity has a history of problems associated with turnover, the risk
rating may be increased.
Quality of new hires
Average years of job experience for newly
hired system operators and relay
technicians is greater than 10 years
Entity has an internal training program to
develop new talent
Average years of job experience for newly
hired system operators and relay
technicians is between 5 and 10 years
Entity reports difficulties in filling vacancies
Average years of job experience for newly
hired system operators and relay
technicians is less than 5 years
1. Does the entity identify any risks related to staffing qualified
2. Upon review of past audit results, areas of concern, and violation
history, are any area of concern/recommendations identified with
training programs?
3. If entity has a history of problems associated with insufficient
knowledge among staff, the risk rating may be increased.
Revised November 20, 2015
Ability to fill vacancies with
experienced personnel,
understanding that most
entities will fill vacancies with
a blend of new and
experienced personnel
WECC Inherent Risk Assessment Risk Factor Criteria
Risk Factor
Risk Factor Subcategory
Impact of Aging Workforce Entity plans to mitigate
impact of aging workforce
Entity identified risks related to aging
Entity identified risks related to aging
workforce and identified formal plans to
workforce but has not identified any plans
meet projected work force needs
for meeting projected workforce needs
Entity did not identify risks related to aging
workforce over the next 5 years
BES Cyber System
Reliability Coordinator BCS Highest risk rating of
Reliability Coordinator BCS.
Entity does not perform the functional
obligations of the Reliability Coordinator
Entity does not perform the functional
obligations of the Reliability Coordinator
Entity has at least one High Impact BCS at a No Considerations.
Control Center or backup Control Center
used to perform the functional obligations
of the Reliability Coordinator. BES Cyber System
Balancing Authority BCS
Risk rating of Balancing
Authority BCS.
Entity has Low impact BCS
Entity has at least one Medium impact BCS
at a control center used to perform the
functional obligations of the Balancing
Authority, per the criteria outlined in
attachment 1: 2.3, 2.6, or 2.9
Entity has at least one High impact BCS at a Review BPS Coordination risk factor. Is there a discrepancy in the risk
control center used to perform the
factor rating and the BCS risk factor? If so, consider modifying this risk
functional obligations of the Balancing
Authority, per the criteria outlined in
attachment 1: 1.2
BES Cyber System
Transmission BCS
Risk rating of Transmission
Entity has Low impact BCS
Entity has at least one Medium impact BCS, Entity has at least one High impact BCS at a Review Transmission portfolio and registered functions risk factors. Is
per the criteria outlined in attachment 1:
Control Center or backup Control Center
there a discrepancy in the risk factor ratings and the BCS risk factor? If so
2.2, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 2.8, 2.9, 2.10 and 2.12 used to perform the functional obligations consider modifying this risk factor.
of the Transmission Operator per the
criteria outlined in attachment 1: 1.3.
BES Cyber System
Generation BCS
Risk rating of Generation BCS. Entity has low Impact BCS
Entity has at least one Medium impact BCS,
per the criteria outlined in attachment 1:
2.1, 2.3, 2.6, and 2.11., but entity has no
High impact BCS
Entity has at least one High impact BCS at a Review Generation portfolio and registered functions risk factors. Is there
Control Center or backup Control Center
a discrepancy in the risk factor ratings and the BCS risk factor? If so,
used to perform the functional obligations consider modifying this risk factor.
of the Generator Operator per the criteria
outlined in attachment 1: 1.4.
BES Cyber System
High Impact
High Impact Details
< 4 High impact bcs
> 4 - 6 High impact bcs
>6 high impact bcs
Physical location of BCS may be evaluated to reduce risk (multiple BCS in
one ESP/PSP may present a smaller attack surface)
BES Cyber System
Medium Impact
Medium Impact Details
< 6 Medium Impact BCS
Physical location of BCS may be evaluated to reduce risk (multiple BCS in
one ESP/PSP may present a smaller attack surface)
BES Cyber System
Low Impact
Low Impact Details
10-15 LIBCS
> 15 LIBCS
Physical location of BCS may be evaluated to reduce risk (multiple BCS in
one location may present a smaller attack surface)
Physical Access
Have you identified any
threats which apply to your
Threats have been assessed and none were Threats have been assessed, and there
Threats have not been assessed
have been threats identified which apply to
identified which apply to your
your PSPs/facilities
Revised November 20, 2015
1. What, if any formal programs has the entity implemented to address
projected workforce needs due to retirements and aging workforce?
a. Are those programs sufficient to address the risk?
2. If analysis determines that the entity is taking appropriate steps to
mitigate anticipated staffing challenges, risk rating may be reduced.
Consider the threats you identified for the entity or if the entity has
identified any of its own threats which apply. What measures have been
taken to mitigate the vulnerability associated with the identified threats.
WECC Inherent Risk Assessment Risk Factor Criteria
Risk Factor
Physical Access
Risk Factor Subcategory
PSP changes
Changes made to the PSP
The entity has not had any PSP changes
since last audit (redesign, add since the last audit
or remove access points, new
PACS, etc.)
Physical Access
PSPs by site
Number of PSPs by site
< 3 sites
Physical Access
PSP design
Geographic dispersion of the
PSPS are within 5 mile radius
Cyber Security
Threats identified and
information received from
other sources
Threats, both internal and external, are
identified and documented
Threats, both internal and external, are
NOT identified and documented
Consider the threats identified for the entity which apply (high, medium,
or low risks?); steps taken to mitigate the risk of identified threats; how
the entity performs an assessment to identify potential threats?
Cyber Security
Cyber Security
Impact and Likelihood
Identified Impacts and
Information used to
determine risk
Potential business impacts and likelihoods
are identified
Threats, vulnerabilities, likelihoods, and
impacts are used to determine risk
Potential business impacts and likelihoods
are NOT identified
Threats, vulnerabilities, likelihoods, and
impacts are NOT used to determine risk
Less risk might exist if an entity knows its impacts and likelihood of
events. This can help focus its defenses around the BCS.
An entity might be more likely to protect BCS if it has an idea of the
threats and vulnerabilities which exist on the BCS; how an entity identifies
and prioritizes risk. Do personnel know their roles for response?
Cyber Security
Monitoring External service
Cyber Security
NERC Alerts
Entity owned devices which
apply to a NERC Alert
External service provider activity is
monitored to detect potential cyber
security incidents
Low impact BCS devices impacted by a
NERC alert
Cyber Security
Loss of EMS/ SCADA
Any loss of EMS/SCADA (full
or partial) experienced by an
entity since the last audit
The entity has not had a loss of EMS/SCADA The entity has had a loss of EMS/SCADA for The entity has had a loss of EMS/ SCADA for Length of the outage (30 min or longer, but no reliability issues might be a
since the last audit
less than 30 minutes since the last audit
30 minutes or more since the last audit
lower risk), effect of the outage, steps entity has taken to prevent a
similar outage. Another consideration to be looked at, and favorably, is
the entity’s participation in NERC’s EA program and cause coding. Did the
EMS/SCADA outage cause any reliability issues or system monitoring
Legacy Systems
The entity’s use of outdated
computer software or
hardware, known as a legacy
system, within the ESP
The entity is not using any legacy systems
Revised November 20, 2015
The entity has had minor PSP changes since The entity has had major PSP changes since Type of change (completely new PACS, total redesign of PSP, removing or
the last audit
the last audit
adding a significant amount of access points) can modify the risk. The
more significant the change the higher the risk could be. Consider the
steps taken to manage the changes and security measures taken during
the change.
3 to 7
more than 7
More than 7 PSPs but they are constraints to the sites, the risk can be
PSPs are within 6- 20 mile radius
PSPs greater than 20 mile radius
Size of the guard force, MOUs with local law enforcement, local law
enforcement response time.
External service provider activity is NOT
monitored to detect potential cyber
security incidents
Medium impact BCS devices impacted by a High impact BCS devices impacted by a
NERC alert
NERC alert
The entity is using legacy system(s), but the The entity is using legacy system(s) that
system(s) is/are still supported by the
is/are not being supported by the vendor
If the entity monitors external activity, it might be more likely to detect
and prevent incoming attacks and threats.
Does the entity have any devices which are part of a NERC alert? Consider
the location of the devices and if the devices have been patched or
otherwise mitigated. Devices which might be protected by other means
may not be vulnerable to the weakness describe in the NERC Alert.
Also consider how the entity uses NERC alerts. Does the entity adapt its
program to handle these alerts?
The entity has a plan to replace the software, the entity is aware of new
vulnerabilities found on the legacy software and addresses them
WECC Inherent Risk Assessment Risk Factor Criteria
Risk Factor
Risk Factor Subcategory
How up-to-date the entity’s
Network changes
Changes to the network (such The entity has not had any network
as hardware/software
changes since the last audit
upgrades, replacement, etc.)
the entity has made since the
last audit
Personal Devices ( BYOD,
How the entity handles
employee devices on the
Revised November 20, 2015
The entity’s EMS/SCADA is at the most
current version
The entity’s EMS/SCADA software version is
supported by the vendor
The entity’s EMS/SCADA is not at the most
current version released by the vendor
The entity’s EMS/SCADA software is not
supported by the vendor
Risk could be higher if EMS/SCADA is not being run on the platform (OS,
hardware, database, etc.) recommended by the vendor. Also should be
considered is entity’s change management system for EMS/SCADA
changes (having a dedicated test environment may lower risk)
The entity has had minor network changes The entity has had major network changes Type of change (new hardware, new OS, OS upgrade (moving from a.0 to
since the last audit
since the last audit
a.1 vs a.0 to b.0)) may lower risk, a smaller Compliance history with CIP003-3 R6 (CIP-010-2 R1) may lower risk. Addititionally, if the entity has
External Interactive Access (EIA) that was impacted by the changes that
may increase the risk, or lower the risk of changes if EIE is not allowed or
modified by the changes in scope.
The entity has a policy which does not allow The entity has a policy which does allow
such devices on the network and has steps such devices on the network and specifies
to ensure no such device exists on the
how these devices will be handled
The entity does not have a policy
The entity's policy does not specify how
such devices will be handled
Separate network for personal devices, alerts when new device is on
network, use of host-based Data Loss Prevention