Extend your Empower Data System Capabilities by using

Extend your Empower Data System Capabilities by using
High Brightness Deuterium Lamps with Intelligent Technology
The new Waters® PerformancePLUS™ High Brightness
Deuterium Lamp with Intelligent Technology helps
you make better business decisions based on
accurate lamp information now accessible through
Empower™ chromatography data software (CDS).
The benefits of the intelligent technology include:
saving time with automatic lamp history updates,
traceability in comprehensive status reports
and easy monitoring of your deuterium lamp
life. Combining these benefits with the longer
lamp life, reliable starting, and stability of the
PerformancePLUS High Brightness Deuterium Lamp
with Intelligent Technology makes this lamp the
smart choice for your ACQUITY UPLC® Tunable UV
(TUV) or ACQUITY UPLC Photodiode Array (PDA)
Detector in your Empower Software system.
Figure 1. Serial number and hours updated automatically.
Save tim e with automatic updates
When the high brightness deuterium lamp with intelligent technology is installed
into a Waters ACQUITY UPLC Detector, it automatically updates the lamp history file
in Empower. This feature saves times – no more manual entering of serial numbers
when you change a lamp, and it eliminates errors and guesswork when entering the
lamp usage hours.
The lamp serial number and the number of hours on the lamp are conveniently
displayed on the detector’s Interactive Display window. See Figure 1.
PerformancePLUS™ High
Brightness Deuterium Lamp
with Intelligent Technology.
Key features of the new Intelligent Lamps:
Automatic updates to lamp history
file in Empower Software
Traceability to enhance
regulatory submissions
Comprehensive status reports can
now include lamp serial number,
hours, and ignitions automatically
Longer lamp life – More initial energy
(2X greater) than conventional
deuterium lamps means a longer
lamp life
Built-in memory device to store
pertinent lamp information
with the lamp
Traceability – Be better prepared for audits
If you work in a regulated environment, Empower Software gives
you a new comprehensive status report for your detector with
all of the pertinent lamp information included. This allows you
to trace a lamp to any assay, a convenient tracking method for
assays submitted to FDA or other regulatory agencies. And the
information is updated automatically by the intelligence feature
so each time the report is run, it is accurate and up-to-date.
See Figure 2.
Easy monitoring of lamp information
Figure 2. Status report showing lamp information highlighted.
Selecting the Lamp History window provides additional
information, such as, the number of good and total ignitions on
the lamp, the installation date, and the number of hours. This
makes it easy to monitor your lamp’s lifetime performance and
helps you better plan any preventive maintenance visits for your
detector. See Figure 3.
Higher energy improves detector performance
The high brightness lamp arc distribution is two times higher
than conventional deuterium type lamps (aperture size: 0.5 mm)
providing you with:
Higher UV intensity
Longer life – 2000 hours plus
Energy Remaining (%) vs Time (hours)
Standard Lamp Initial Energy = 100%
Higher output stability
As shown in Figure 4, the high brightness lamp has higher light
intensity when compared to standard deuterium lamps run for
the same amount of time. The higher energy also provides a
much better signal to noise ratio when compared to a standard
deuterium lamp.
The Waters 2489 and 2998 UV detectors can take advantage of
the higher energy, longer useful lamp life, and improved signal-to
noise ratios provided by these new high brightness lamps.
Energy Remaining (%)
Figure 3. Lamp History window with pertinent data.
High Brightness
Standard Lamps
Time (Hours)
Figure 4. Energy remaining over time.
Ensured warranty coverage for peace of mind
Waters lamps are the only lamps approved for Waters warranty replacement. Damage to a Waters
system resulting from use of alternative lamps is not covered under the Waters product warranty.
Improved sensitivity with lower baseline noise levels
Impurity 1
Impurity 2
Impurity 3
Impurity 4
Impurity 5
Impurity 6
Impurity 7
With UPLC, the fluidic components have much smaller diameters
than HPLC components. The UPLC flow cells allow less light
to pass through simply because the flow cell aperture is a
smaller diameter. The higher energy of the high brightness lamp
compensates for this, and results in lower baseline noise levels,
which improve the sensitivity of your detector.
Provides accurate lamp information
The intelligence feature is made possible by a storage device built
into the lamp’s wires. See Figure 6.
This device automatically records pertinent lamp information: the
lamp serial number, lamp usage hours, and ignitions. If the lamp
is transferred between detectors, the data travels with it. No more
guesswork as to how long the lamp has been running.
Figure 5. Example of ACQUITY PDA chromatogram. Using the high brightness lamp,
an ACQUITY PDA allows quantitation of impurities at levels down to 0.004%.
Integrated device for reliable starting
The new high brightness lamp also has a device built into the
cable that optimizes the triggering voltage profile to enhance
starting reliability. See Figure 6.
Independently certified as part of the detector for safety
Waters ACQUITY TUV, ACQUITY PDA, 2489 Dual-Wavelength
Absorbance Detectors, and 2998 Photodiode Array (PDA)
Detectors are EN-61010-, UL-, and CSA-certified with the Waters
PerformancePLUS high brightness deuterium lamp included as part of
the detector design. Certification requires user-accessible wires that
experience high voltage to be double insulated. Use of alternative
lamps without certification may compromise product safety.
Precision design for superior performance
The new high brightness lamp with intelligent technology includes
all of the proven design features from the standard Waters
PerformancePlus deuterium lamps. Combining these design
features gives you the reliability and superior performance
you expect from Waters.
Figure 6. Waters high brightness lamp with storage device, starting device,
and double insulated wires.
Precision design features and benefits:
Precision alignment for maximum performance
Precision machined base for optimum interface with
Waters detectors
Consistent cathode coating for improved stability
Inorganic ceramic bonding cement to minimize
degradation of lamp intensity
Rigorous reliability testing for reliable performance
High shock resistance for improved performance
Guaranteed minimum lifetime for cost savings
Built-in device for reliable starting
Experienced, worldwide Service – it’s more than just replacing a lamp
During Performance Maintenance visits, Waters Field Service Engineers replace PerformancePLUS
Long-Life Deuterium Detector Lamps. Additionally, they verify and maintain your Waters detector
for optimal performance and prevent the need for more radical part replacement later due to
substandard lamps.
Order now
There are two models of high brightness lamps available. To order a Waters PerformancePLUS™
High Brightness Deuterium Detector Lamps, go to www.waters.com/parts.
Waters Detectors
PerformancePLUS High Brightness
Deuterium Detector Lamp
2489 TUV Detector
2998 PDA Detector
For Trouble-Free System Operation,
Use Only Waters Quality Parts
Waters designs and manufactures Waters Quality Parts to the same strict
regulatory standards as your high-performance Waters systems to ensure:
For ten consecutive years, an
independent quality auditing
firm ranked Waters Global Services
best-in-class in providing expert
technical knowledge, quick
resolution of system issues,
and process support.1
Achievement in Customer Excellence Award, CustomerSat, Inc., 2007-2010; NorthFace ScoreBoard Award ,sm Omega Management Group Corporation, 2001-2006.
Waters Global Services focuses
on optimizing Waters products
with superior service, support,
upgrades, training, and Waters
Quality Parts ®.
Proven Satisfaction
Choose Waters
Global Services
Part Number
PerformancePLUS High Brightness
Deuterium Detector Lamp with
Intelligent Technology
Be assured
Continued system compliance
Maximum lifetime and reliability of both the spare part and your instrument
Contamination free environment
Accurate and reproducible results
For more information or to order parts, go to www.waters.com/wqp.
Waters, ACQUITY, and Waters Quality Parts are registered trademarks of Waters Corporation. Empower, PerformancePLUS, and T he
Science of W hat’s Possible are trademarks of Waters Corporation.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
©2011 Waters Corporation. Produced in the U.S.A.
May 2011 720003959EN LB-PDF
Waters Corporation
34 Maple Street
Milford, MA 01757 U.S.A.
T: 1 508 478 2000
F: 1 508 872 1990