WEST CENTRAL FLORIDA (Bradenton area) by Marguerite Klem TOP BUTTERFLY NECTAR FLOWERS A number in front of a flower name indicates a particularly recommended plant (1 = most recommended). Numbers in "BLOOM SEASON" correspond to the month (4 = April, 5 = May, etc.). Abbreviations: A = alien species, N = native species. FLOWER N N A N N N A N A BLOOM ATTRACTED HEIGHT COLOR SEASON BUTTERFLIES Verbenas 6-12" Verbena Purple coneflower 1-3’ Echinacea purpurea Mexican sunflower 6’ Tithonia rotundifolia Seaside goldenrod 2-8’ Solidago sempervirens Climbing aster 6-7’ Aster caroliniensis False heather 6-12" Cuphea hyssopifolia Blue porterweed 3-5’ Stachytarpheta jamaicensis Butterfly bush 6’ Buddleia davidii Butterfly weed Asclepias tuberosa Golden dewdrop Duranta repens Hibiscus Hibiscus denudatus 1-3’ 3-11 COMMENTS pink, lavendar pink 6-10 Gulf Fritillary Skippers many orange 6-11 many deadhead (remove dead flowers) stake stems yellow 8-10 Monarch maintains itself Gulf Fritillary Skippers Gulf Fritillary needs pruning; attracts more bees requires sun pale purple 8-11 lavendar blue 12-6 all pink,purple all orange all to 18’ lavendar all 10-12’ red all Gulf Fritillary, Zebra Skippers Giant Swallowtail deadhead (remove Zebra, Gulf Fritillary dead flowers); Red Admiral, White Peacock needs water Monarch, Zebra Longtail Skippers Monarch major nectar & Queen caterpillar plant Zebra, Giant Swallowtail easy to grow; Eastern Tiger Swallowtail important nectar Sulphurs, Zebra source Gulf Fritillary, Red Admiral Monarch Gulf Fritillary requires sun WEST CENTRAL FLORIDA (Bradenton area) TOP BUTTERFLY NECTAR FLOWERS (continued) FLOWER A N A BLOOM ATTRACTED HEIGHT COLOR SEASON BUTTERFLIES Lantana 2-3’ Lantana montevidensis lavendar all Malay ixora Ixora coccinea Pentas Pentas lanceolata 3-4’ red all 3-5’ red,cerise lavendar all 3-4’ white all Spanish needles Bidens alba Stokes aster Stokesia laevis 12-18" purple,blue all COMMENTS American Snout, Zebra grows out from Gulf Fritillary, Red Admiral center; prune but White Peacock, Monarch always leave some Skippers in bloom Gulf Fritillary requires sun Monarch Giant Swallowtail, Sulphurs may be grown as a Zebra, Gulf Fritillary hedge or in Red Admiral, White Peacock clumps; may need Monarch, Skippers replanting every few years Miami Blue, Zebra Gulf Fritillary, Skippers Zebra deadhead (remove Gulf Fritillary dead flowers) NECTAR FLOWERS THAT DON’T WORK IN THIS REGION Abbreviations: A = alien species, N = native species. FLOWER N Black-eyed Susans Rudbeckia Black foot Melampodium Blue sage Eranthemum pulchellum Dwarf pink pentas Pentas N Firebush Hamelia patens N N N N Fire spike Odontonema strictum Gold lantana Lantana ouatifolia Indian blanket Gaillardia pulchella Mexican sage Salvia leucantha Partridge pea Chamaecrista fasciculata Ruellia Ruellia caroliniensis Scarlet sage Salvia coccinea Van Hout’s sage Salvia vanhoutii COMMENTS no butterflies attracted pretty cerulean blue but butterflies not attracted see "NECTAR FLOWERS" for regular pentas variable; no butterflies attracted in some gardens; but attractive to butterflies in other gardens no butterflies attracted no butterflies attracted skippers at flowers but no caterpillars on plants no butterflies attracted no butterflies attracted WEST CENTRAL FLORIDA (Bradenton area) TOP CATERPILLAR FOOD PLANTS Numbers indicate a particularly recommended plant (1 = most recommended). Abbreviations: A = alien species, N = native species. NAME HEIGHT BUTTERFLY CATERPILLARS N 3 Butterfly pea vine Silver-spotted Skipper Clitoria mariana Long-tailed Skipper N 6 Cassias 5-20’ Cloudless Sulphur Cassia Orange-barred Sulphur A Dill 3-4’ Eastern Black Swallowtail Anethum graveolens A Fennel 3’ Eastern Black Swallowtail Foeniculum vulgare A Grapefruit, lemon 10-30’ Giant Swallowtail Citrus maxima, limon A 4 Mexican milkweed 1-3’ Monarch Asclepias curassavica N 1 Passion vine vine Zebra Passiflora incarnata Gulf Fritillary N Passion vine vine Julia Passiflora morifolia Gulf Fritillary N 2 Pipevines vine Polydamas Swallowtail Aristolochia N Ruellias 1’ White Peacock Ruellia (nudiflora, occidentalis) N 5 White-flowered milkweed 2’ Monarch Asclepias perennis COMMENTS grow in sun or semi-shade fast growing; weak stemmed (stake) grow near nectar source such as purple lantana keep moist remember: do not spray both caterpillar & nectar source plant throughout the year grow in semi-shade grow in sun or half sun COMMON BUTTERFLIES FOR YOUR GARDEN & YARD A number in front of a butterfly name indicates a particularly likely species (1 = most expected to be seen). Numbers in "FLIGHT PERIOD" and "CATERPILLAR SEASON" correspond to the month (4 = April, 5 = May, etc.), with < meaning earlier in the month, m the middle of the month, and > late in the month. NAME 3 Pipevine Swallowtail Battus philenor 3 Polydamas Swallowtail Battus polydamas FLIGHT CATERPILLAR CATERPILLAR PERIOD SEASON FOOD PLANTS 1-12 1-12 pipevines 1-12 1-12 pipevines 3 COMMENTS WEST CENTRAL FLORIDA (Bradenton area) COMMON BUTTERFLIES FOR YOUR GARDEN & YARD (continued) NAME 2 Black Swallowtail Papilio polyxenes 1 Giant Swallowtail Papilio cresphontes 2 Spicebush Swallowtail Papilio troilus Great Southern White Ascia monuste 2 Cloudless Sulphur Phoebis sennae 1 Orange-barred Sulphur Phoebis philea Miami Blue Hemiargus thomasi 1 Zebra Heliconius charitonius 1 Gulf Fritillary Agraulis vanillae Pearl Crescent Phyciodes tharos 1 Red Admiral Vanessa atalanta 3 Common Buckeye Junonia coenia 3 White Peacock Anartia jatrophae 1 Monarch Danaus plexippus 3 Queen Danaus gilippus Silver-spotted Skipper Epargyreus clarus Long-tailed Skipper Urbanus proteus Fiery Skipper Hylephila phyleus FLIGHT CATERPILLAR CATERPILLAR PERIOD SEASON FOOD PLANTS COMMENTS 1-12 1-12 parsley family (dill) 1-12 1-12 citruses 3-12 3-12 1-12 1-12 1-12 1-12 spicebush, camphor tree, sweet bay, prickly ash mustard (cabbage) family; nasturtium cassias 1-12 1-12 cassias 1-12 1-12 balloon vines 1-12 1-12 passion vines 1-12 1-12 1-12 1-12 passion vines (but red kind not accepted) asters 4-10 4-9 nettles, false nettles 1-12 2-11 1-12 2-11 snapdragons, plantain, ruellias, verbenas ruellias 1-12 1-12 milkweeds 1-12 1-12 1-12 1-12 1-12 2-11 1-12 1-12 milkweeds, milkvines Butterfly pea, beggar’s-ticks Butterfly pea and other legumes Bermuda grass 4 breeds year-round, fewer in summer WEST CENTRAL FLORIDA (Bradenton area) LOCAL & UNUSUAL BUTTERFLIES FOR YOUR GARDEN & YARD Numbers in "FLIGHT PERIOD" and "CATERPILLAR SEASON" correspond to the month (4 = April, 5 = May, etc.), with < meaning earlier in the month, m the middle of the month, and > late in the month. NAME FLIGHT CATERPILLAR CATERPILLAR PERIOD SEASON FOOD PLANTS COMMENTS none to list. GENERAL COMMENTS ABOUT GARDENING IN THIS REGION USDA ZONE: 10 The soil is sandy; gardens can be enriched with potting soil and mulch. The summer heat and high humidity is continuous from July through September, with afternoon showers in summer. Copyright 1996 by the North American Butterfly Association, Inc. All rights reserved. 5