.nt _.i na HISTORIC STRUCTURIS IITVENTORY of Historic ----!,-9. -lgt-!t?!Z----------99!el-8999er-14_7og0q-424 Louisiana Division A. I , ^'/a'Jl ? , \ -9 r.e ^^ !=- t l' t'2 <--.c,1* __(qgl)_14_2_-8160 29-00778 . LOCATION INFORiIIATION: Town/vicinity Pari sh No. Address Pari sh PHOTOGRAP}IS: space below mount two photos: one -;' preservation ASSESSMENT In the -- of the facade and one of aa,rrr.farf another primary ^- ' Sepafate sheet and attached 3. TOPOGRAPH sect Name /.7 n '(" T /*_ Si ze 4. OI'INERSHIP: 1e Name 12 Address -:t" f '7 Phone 5. HISTORICAL DATA: Hi stori c l,lame Hi storic Use Original 0wner Archi tect/Bui I der 6. COI'IDITION: \/ \ ()X Good Fai r Deteri orated Remar ks 7. I INTEGRITY: Una'l L a. j Minor alterations tered st l'la jor al terati a' Hajor alterations ons RELATED FEATURES: Hi s tori c Hi stori c fenci ng garden/l andscapi 9. THREATS TO BUILDING None )l l{el I /ci stern Cemetery Other ng OR SiTE: Deteri orati on Development Road construction _ ,{, 1o Vandal i sm Zoni ng 0ther lc. PR II-,IARY REFERENCES Interviews Documents Publ i shed l{orks : / 7.a I )',; 29-00778 B. PHYSICAL DISCRIPTION ffies 'zt' . .7fi-12"'' //l as compleLely as possible using the fol lowing categories and ines. lJhere appl icable, note the location of examples of features as general guidel each feature. 1 . COIISTRUCIION/MODIFICATION OATE: ARCHITTCTURAT STYLE: For exarnple: Greek Rerv'ival, Italianate, Queen Anne, Colon'ial Revival, Bungalow, etc. or corybfnations and influences thereof tJVIRALL BU I LDI I.IG SHAPE/14ASS I I.IG : of stories, plan shape, bays, wjngs, Note nurnber 4. BASIC TLOOR PLAN DESCRIPTION: For example: shotgun, bungalow, 5. FOUNDATI ON: Note type ( pi ers, slab, etc.) dogtlot, asjmetric, and i 6. etc. open connrercjal space, offjc€, material (wood, masonry, concrete, etc.) ' .,. ^: . WALL CONSTRUCIION: For example: log, balloon fram:ing, bousil'lage, brick, etc. TXTER I OR I1ATER I ALS : For erarnple: clapboard, shingle, stucco, etc. 8. 8A. ROOF CHARACTERISTICS: l'lote shape (gab1e, ROOF FEATURES: I'lote dorrners AB , hip, shed, etc.) and materjal (slate, tin, tjle, asbestos, etc.) towers, cupol as , parapets, etc. P.OOF TRIM: l{ote cornices, entablature, denti I s, vergeboards, brackets, exposed rafters, tc. 9yrn, etc 9. I,II NDOI'IS: Hot.-iii. (casement, double nulg, French), panes shutters, colored panes, stained glassr €tc, i0. (6/d, 3/1, 1/l), trim/surrounds, DOORS: Note type, trimfsurrounds, shutters, fanlights, pediments, pilasters, transoms, etc. 11. PORCHES, GALLERIES AND PORTICOS: Note 'l ocat i on , ma qrJs teri al z1 /,. f A rt , I I A. DECORATIVE PORCH/GALLERY/PORTI CO F#fURES Note columns/posts, 12. : capitals, b{ustradA, spindles, brackets, etc. OTHER DECORATIVE DETAILS: For dxgmple: patterned shingles, quoins, half-timbering, etc. 't 3. l'lAJ0R STYLIsTIc ELEi4ENTS/ARTIcuLATIoN For example: 6othic buttless€s, open .|4. INTERI0R DETAILS (if ARCHITECTURAL SIGNIFI not already descr.ibed) accessibte): CANCE of other buildinqs wjthin D. (if cirri.g.niy, Italianate towerr €tc. (descri be important archi tectu* community) features and evaluate in (explain the role owners played'in the building relates to the development of the cormuni ty) local or state history and HISTORICAL SIGNIFICANCE terms hovr