Page 01 Intrinsic Safety MTL Instruments Is Zener Barrier MTL700 Series The MTL700 Series, noted for its robust moun ng and earthing arrangements and its field‐proven circuitry, has become virtually an "industry standard" during its life me. 1 or 2 channels in same slim package Electronic protec on prevents blown fuses All models short‐circuit proof Fixed tagging & cable‐screen earthing accessories Cer fied to worldwide standards. MTL7700 Series The MTL7700 Series follows closely in the footsteps of the MTL700 but as a DIN rail moun ng barrier providing quick and easy installa on without the need for special hardware. Removable terminals are used for ease of installa on, maintenance and for providing a loop disconnect by simply unplugging the terminals from the side of the module. Isolator MTL5500 Series The MTL5500 Series modules are versa le yet simple to apply; use the latest technology and yet are well proven. These contras ng a ributes stem from the progression of MTL's exper se in the design and manufacture of isolators for intrinsic safety and the applica on of innova ve technology to achieve the required separa on and segrega on of the circuits. The MTL5500 (DIN‐rail moun ng) and MTL4500 (backplane moun ng) isolators share a common design, differing only in the mechanical moun ng and connec on methods. MTL4500 Series Improving upon the widely adopted, enormously successful, "industry standard" MTL4000 Series was a big challenge but the innova ve MTL4500 Series includes several new features for backplane moun ng isola ng interfaces. This new family easily integrates with the I/O equipment of all major instrumenta on and DCS suppliers in the same secure manner as its predecessor. Rapid install‐and‐release mechanism Highest packing density on the market 3‐port isola on with low power dissipa on INSTRUMINDO PRIMA SENTOSA Page 02 Intrinsic Safety MTL Instruments MTL4600 Series Building on the base of MTL4500 series solu ons, the MTL4600 offers a high level of signal isola on for installa ons where mul ple loops on a common connec on are not desirable. Signal isola on provides excellent protec on against surges, common faults and noisy environments. It also eliminates the risk of earth loops between different areas of the plant, which, if not isolated, can cause significant errors or failures under fault condi ons. MTL4600 isolators are fully compa ble with all exis ng backplanes used with MTL4500 series and many control systems. The form factor and signal types offer the user a common approach for both IS and non‐IS signals. MTL5000 Series Many modules in the MTL5000 range have now been superceded by their equivalent in the MTL5500 series. For new applica ons the MTL5500 modules are recommended, these offer all the benefits of greater efficiency, new mul channel modules and new func onality. A number of the products in the MTL5000 series will con nue to provide key func onality as part of MTL's DIN rail isolator range. Configuration Tools and Software The PCS45/PCL45USB configurator allows MTL converters to be configured from a standard PC running a Microso ® Windows® opera ng system. It comprises PC so ware, provided on a CD (PCS45), and an ATEX cer fied interfacing link (PCL45USB). Converters can be configured from the safe area, while on‐line, and configura ons can be saved to disk and printed out when required. It is suitable for use with MTL4000, MTL4500, MTL5000 and MTL5500 series products. MTL E-Series MTL’s E Series is a range of high quality galvanic isolators, including some non‐IS models, in 19‐inch Eurocard format. All MTL Eurocard interface devices conform to the DIN41494 Eurocard standard and also to NAMUR EMC standards. The IS versions are ATEX, PTB or TÜV cer fied to CENELEC standards. The Eurocard range provides all common func ons, including HART® compa bility, so that most installa ons can be designed easily around the 19‐inch cards. They operate with a 24V ac/dc supply or are loop powered. * High quality galvanic isolators, including some non‐is models, designed to DIN 41494 Eurocard standard. MTL2000 Series MTL2000 Series isolators are DIN‐rail or surface moun ng devices that are mechanically compa ble with the earlier MTL3000 Series units. The series includes: IS relays for bringing back status or command signals from switches or proximity detectors and an IS relay to switch hazardous‐area loads. 230Vac or 115Vac supply 250V input/output power supply isola on No high‐integrity earth required Broken line and earth fault protec on INSTRUMINDO PRIMA SENTOSA Page 03 Intrinsic Safety MTL Instruments IS Indicators MTL646 / 647 Series The MTL646/7 text displays are located in the hazardous area where they display alphanumeric data & graphics from a safe area host controller. This is transmi ed by a serial data link passing through an MTL5051 isola ng interface. This serves the dual purpose of isola ng the IS indicator and conver ng RS232 or RS422 serial data to the MTL signal level and vice versa. Bi‐direc onal communica on permits operators to acknowledge messages and to request process ac on when necessary. The MTL647 field moun ng The MTL646 panel moun ng unit MTL660 Series The MTL660 Series indicators are loop powered units and the low voltage drop across their input terminals allows them to be installed in almost any 2‐wire, 4‐ 20mA loop. Large liquid crystal displays make the process variables easily visible at a distance. Process units are configured into the display area. Instant readout of percentage or loop current is available at the push of a bu on. Field moun ng units are housed in a rugged aluminium IP67, NEMA 4X case. GRP op on is available for highly corrosive atmospheres. TI Multiplexers MTL830 Series Multiplexers MTL830 Series mul plexers with Modbus outputs avoid the need to isolate each instrument loop. Reduce the cost of installed wiring by up to 50`% by communica ng the status of mul ple hazardous‐area sensors over dual‐redundant data highways. Save on the cost of installing hazardous‐area cabling Reduce installa on me, space and weight Rapid problem detec on with status repor ng systems Sensor‐failure detec on and fail safe drive op ons Serial‐data outputs to host control system AI to Modbus controllers Redundant data highway facility INSTRUMINDO PRIMA SENTOSA Page 04 Process I/O™ MTL Instruments Zone 2 Installation range Bus Interface Modules (BIM’S) An MTL8000 node uses a Bus Interface Module (BIM) to communicate with the host controller via a local area network (LAN). Different BIMs can be chosen to operate with a range of popular fieldbus protocols. The BIM mounts on a carrier and receives all of its communica on and power links from it. The BIM uses the RS485 communica ons standard. Other alterna ves are RS422, by changing switches (where available) on the carrier, or RS232 by fi ng an in‐line converter. MTL8000 Railbus Isolator A Railbus Isolator is required only in nodes that contain IS field wiring. The Railbus Isolator mounts on its own carrier and is placed in the line of carriers immediately before the first (2/1) carrier that will carry IS field wiring. It is usually followed by an 8920‐PS‐DC IS module power supply (on its own carrier) which provides power for the 2/1 I/O modules. MTL8000 2/x Power Supplies Good power supply management is at the heart of the MTL8000 system. AC and DC power supply units are available to suit the available resources. All units are designed to endure the harsh environmental condi ons that are frequently found in process plants and, naturally, they meet rigorous EMC and electrical safety standards. Power supply connec ons are minimised and simplified to ensure that power provision requires the minimum of wiring effort. MTL8000 series power supplies are designed to support redundancy when required and many are fi ed with "health" signal outputs for early warning of problems. MTL8000 2/1 Modules All I/O modules are connected to a high speed Bus Interface Module (BIM) via a proprietary bus system called "Railbus" and one BIM can control up to 32 modules. The module carrier provides the transmission medium for the Railbus and by plugging a module onto a carrier, connec ons are made between the module and the bus. The connectors on the carrier also provide the power supply links to the module. Addi onally, 2/1 modules can use intrinsically safe wiring to send and receive signals into hazardous areas. MTL8000 Module Carriers and Cables Carriers are the building blocks on which the MTL8000 system is assembled. They distribute the basic power supply services to the modules, and provide the communica ons route between the Bus Interface Module (BIM) or Controller and the I/O modules. Most carriers can be mounted on DIN rail or directly to a flat surface and may be joined end‐to‐end to extend the size of an installa on. Mul pin connectors at the end of each carrier carry the system power supply and internal 'Railbus' communica ons across to the next carrier. INSTRUMINDO PRIMA SENTOSA Page 05 Process I/O™ MTL Instruments MTL8000 Field Terminals A field terminal is a replaceable unit used to terminate field wiring and link it directly to the I/O module. By separa ng the terminal block from the module, a damaged terminal block doesn't mean replacement of the module. Any required field device power can be provided via the module to the field terminals, so no further patching is required. The modules have recommended field terminal types, not only to maximise usability but also to maintain safety, by preven ng the wrong type of module from being connected to the field devices. Other key benefits include. MTL8000 Software The 8455 so ware is one of the methods for configuring Profibus and Modbus Bus Interface Modules (BIMs) in an MTL Process I/O™ node. It runs on a PC, under the familiar WindowsTM opera ng system. The PC can be linked to the BIM using either a local cable link or via a secondary LAN connec on, where available. The BIM is the interface between the I/O modules and the host controller, and must be configured to permit correct opera on. The BIM needs to be told the iden ty of each I/O module fi ed and values of relevent parameters. Parameters must also be defined for LAN communica on with the host controller. Zone 1 Installation range MTL8000 1/1 Power Supliers The Power supply modules convert locally available 24Vdc to a high‐frequency bus that in turn powers the I/O modules and their field circuits. The power supplies are compact, lightweight and efficient and mount directly onto the Node Services Carrier. Supply redundancy is supported by adding a second unit. Power supplies may be changed while energised in the hazardous area. MTL8000 1/1 Field Enclosure Enclosure type 863‐EN‐16 is designed to accommodate a complete MTL8000 1/1 node with up to 16 I/O modules in a Zone 1 hazardous area. It has integral moun ng arrangements for the 870‐CA‐16 Node Services Carrier (not supplied) and provision for all wiring and accessories, including moun ng brackets for two 895‐FL‐PS power supply filters. Generous internal space is provided for rou ng and termina on of field wiring. MTL8000 1/1 IS isolator The 856‐IS‐DP provides a barrier between RS485 and RS485‐IS to interface Standard Profibus DP and Intrinsically Safe Profibus DP. With two IS channels it enables two BIM modules to operate in redundant mode and will support up to 13 MTL8000 1/1 nodes on the segment. INSTRUMINDO PRIMA SENTOSA Page 06 Process I/O™ MTL Instruments MTL8000 1/1 Modules A wide range of I/O modules is offered including AI, AO, DI, DO, temperature input func ons and pulse frequency. Each module handles 4 I/O channels (DI: 8 channels) in a slim, 20 mm wide package. The DI module is addi onally so ware‐configurable to operate with a combina on of NAMUR switch inputs and ultra low‐power solenoid outputs. The temperature input module can accept inputs from thermocouples or RTD sensors. MTL8000 1/1 Node Services Carrier The Node Services Carrier accommodates primary and redundant power supplies, primary and redundant BIMs and up to 16 I/O modules, providing up to 128 DI channels or 64 AI/TI/AO/DO channels per node. The carrier is supported by a strong, lightweight extruded aluminium pla orm, which provides excellent mechanical stability and ruggedness. MTL8000 1/1 Bus Interface Module (BIM) The Bus Interface Module (BIM) supports connec on to Profibus‐DP masters. The LAN medium is implemented as intrinsically safe RS485, supported via an IS interface in the safe area. Mul ‐dropping of nodes is possible in both the safe and hazardous areas ‐ up to 13 remote I/O nodes may be mul ‐dropped in the hazardous area from one intrinsically safe interface unit. Each BIM has a single Profibus LAN. INSTRUMINDO PRIMA SENTOSA Page 07 HART Interfacing MTL Instruments HART Multiplexers MTL4850 SIL3 multiplexer The MTL4850 HART Mul plexer offers a smaller footprint solu on ideally suited to both retrofit and new project applica ons. Termina on boards, carriers and integrated backplanes are available to enable the MTL4850 to interface to various instrumenta on applica ons. The MTL4850 Hart Mul plexer is now SIL3 rated Func onal Safety Management company. MTL4840 Series The MTL4840 HART connec on system is the system of choice for unrivalled flexibility. Based on 16 channel modularity the system can be easiliy expanded to cover up to 7936 HART devices on one network. The flexibility of the MTL4840 and its ability to communicate with any of the Instrument Management So ware (IMS) packages on the market today allows MTL to offer the op mum solu on for any applica on ‐ both general purpose and Intrinsically Safe. HART Software Powerful instrument management so ware is being widely adopted by the process industry to provide detailed process and maintenance informa on for a broad range of HART® field devices. Customised Solutions One of the simplest and most cost effec ve methods of integra ng HART CONNECTIONS into a tradi onal point to point Process I/O solu on is to install a customised HART connec on board in place of the normal DCS Field Termina on Panel.MTL manufacture a wide range of customised backplanes and HART connec on units to replace the standard DCS termina on boards and provide direct pickup of the HART signal.The MTL HART connec on units have all the features of the standard DCS termina on board with the addi on of the HART mul way connector which links the board to the HART backplane. INSTRUMINDO PRIMA SENTOSA Page 08 Fieldbus MTL Instruments Fieldbus Power Supplies Redundant Fieldbus Power Supplies MTL fieldbus power supplies are designed to provide redundant power for up to eight FOUNDATION™ fieldbus H1 segments and are suitable for use with all fieldbus systems. They are op mised for use in general purpose and hazardous area High Energy Trunk architectures which, with the appropriate FieldPlus wiring components, supports fieldbus devices using all hazardous area protec on techniques. Single-segment Fieldbus Power Supplies The F101, F102 and F104 fieldbus power supplies each provide power for a single FOUNDATION fieldbus™ H1 segment. Galvanic isola on, power condi oning and segment termina on are incorporated. The F10x Series modules should be adopted for all new installa ons requiring single‐segment, non‐redundant power in small to medium scale applica ons such as batch processing. Redundant FISCO Power Supplies Since their introduc on in 2002, the MTL simplex FISCO power supplies and wiring components have become the defini ve solu on for intrinsically safe fieldbus, and have been chosen by influen al end users to protect major hazardous area networks worldwide. Plant operators have been able to take advantage of the benefits of a fully live‐workable field network without the onerous restric ons on segment loading and maximum cable length that were imposed by earlier IS techniques Classic single-segment Power Supplies The MTL5995‐PS isolated fieldbus power supply is a compact, DIN‐rail moun ng unit providing plug in connectors to simplify installa on and maintenance. The FPS‐DT or the FPS‐D dual fieldbus power supply powers two independent fieldbus segments. They consist of a Dual Coupler base and two plug‐in Isolated Power Modules. Simplex FISCO Power Supplies In a FISCO fieldbus network, the en re field circuit – including the trunk and all spurs ‐ is intrinsically safe. The fieldbus power supply includes an intrinsic safety barrier, and provides condi oned power to the fieldbus segment in the hazardous area. The fieldbus instruments together with the power supply and any associated wiring components, must be cer fied as intrinsic safety apparatus and must comply with FISCO requirements. INSTRUMINDO PRIMA SENTOSA Page 09 Fieldbus MTL Instruments Classic redundant fieldbus power supplies The F600A Series has now been superceded by their equivalent in the 9180 Series. For new applica ons, the 9180 Series is recommended, this offers benefits of greater efficiency, mul channel modules and superior func onality. The F600A Series op on provides mul ‐segment fieldbus power using the FPS‐IPM power modules. Where indicated below, "Drawings" are dxf files of the product that may be included in AutoCAD® or equivalent CAD so ware packages. Fieldbus Wiring Components Fieldbus Surge Protection The FS32 represents the leading edge of surge protec on design. With its space saving profile The TP32 and TP32‐T are specifically designed to protect process transmi ers and devices on Fieldbus The MA4000 is universally suitable for protec on power supplies in hos le environments. FP32 devices provide surge protec on along the Trunk or Spurs of fieldbus systems from damaging… The MA15 Series of surge protec on devices protects electronic equipment and computer networks against the… New! Redundant Intrinsically Safe Fieldbus Barriers Now, for the first me, MTL gives users the choice of specifying redundant Fieldbus Barriers for fieldbus segments that are cri cal to the ‘up‐ me’ of the process. Unique, patented redundant configura on for super‐high system availability Complete enclosure systems for up to 6 intrinsically safe spur connec ons Failure alarm direct to host control system via integrated fieldbus device Live‐pluggable system components, without 'gas free' constraints Fieldbus Power Hub The F11 is the next genera on of the popular power hub. Ideal for fieldbus device or system demonstra ons, bench‐top calibra ons and test setups. The power hub is a mini fieldbus segment in a box ‐ just add devices. A typical use for the power hub is to configure, precommission, test or calibrate Fieldbus devices INSTRUMINDO PRIMA SENTOSA Page 10 Fieldbus MTL Instruments Instrinsically Safe Fieldbus Barriers MTL’s 9370‐FB Series Fieldbus Barrier establishes a new benchmark for fieldbus networks in hazardous areas. It retains the major benefits of the High Energy Trunk technique while removing the drawbacks associated with exis ng Fieldbus Barrier implementa ons. The result is lower cost, safer opera on and higher reliability throughout the life‐cycle of the fieldbus network, with benefits not only for the plant operator but also for all par es involved in the design and installa on process. Process Junction Boxes MTL Process Junc on Boxes are designed for moun ng fieldbus wiring components and TI mul plexers. They offer plenty of space for termina on and wiring, making it easy to install and maintain the fieldbus system. Available in painted 409 stainless steel (FCS75xx series), carbon loaded, glass‐ reinforced polyester (FCS85xx series) or 316 stainless steel (FCS95xx series) and rated IP66, they provide the highest levels of corrosion resistance for the harshest process environments. Megablock series of Wiring Hubs A Megablock™ is a DIN rail mounted passive hub designed for use in FOUNDATION™ fieldbus H1 and Profibus PA networks. The choice of rising cage clamp screw or spring clamp terminals simplifies installa on and maintenance. Megablocks minimize hand wiring and allow individual devices to be added to and removed from the segment without disrup ng network communica on. The SpurGuard™ op on provides short circuit protec on for the segment. AS-I Megablock Series AS‐i Megablocks are DIN‐rail mounted passive hubs for the AS‐i network. They connect several AS‐i devices to the network trunk cable and provide short circuit protec on to the segment. The AS–i Megablock itself does not contain an AS–i chip or communicate over the AS–i network, so it consumes no network communica on resources (bandwidth, slave addresses, etc.). They are used to interconnect AS–i master and slave devices that do contain AS–i chips. Spur Connectors If an En ty cer fied* field device needs to be added to a segment powered by a FISCO power supply, then a 9321‐SC En ty spur connector can be used with a 9121‐IS power supply and a 9323‐SC En ty spur connector can be used with a 9122‐IS power supply. When connected between the segment and the device, it limits the power and with the 9323‐SC the current, making the spur compa ble with the safety descrip on (24V, 250mA and 1.2W) of an En ty cer fied device. INSTRUMINDO PRIMA SENTOSA Page 11 Fieldbus MTL Instruments MTL951 Hazardous area connectors MTL951 Ex d e hazardous area plug and socket connectors enable the operator to remove equipment from a power or signal line in a hazardous area, without having to isolate the supply. It also allows fieldbus equipment to be removed from the bus without having to disrupt communica on with other equipment a ached to that bus. Applica ons include fieldbus instrumenta on, standard 4–20mA runs, junc on box feeds, power supply units, distribu on boards and any other applica ons requiring power and instrument feeds in a hazardous area. Terminators The fieldbus standard requires busses to be terminated at both ends. In many applica ons, one terminator is built in to the power condi oner, which is usually located near to the control system. The second terminator is either integrated into the Megablock or fieldbus barrier wiring component or added in the form of a separate DIN‐rail mounted unit. Fieldbus Diagnostics Fieldbus Displays The 8 variable BA‐x8x version provides a large 86 x 45 mm back‐lit display with 9 standard screen op ons displaying 1 to 4 variables, measurement units and tags as well as bar graphs. The operator can select the displayed screen via the front panel push‐bu ons, or these bu ons may be disabled. The instrument can be supplied with six isolated alarm outputs, each of which may be linked to any of the displayed fieldbus variables. Alarm setpoints can be entered via the front panel push‐bu ons, which in turn may be protected by a security code. F809F-Plus Fieldbus Diagnostics Module The F809F‐Plus Fieldbus Diagnos cs Module monitors the performance of eight fieldbus segments, providing informa on on the health of the network physical layer. As a Founda on Fieldbus™ device the F809F‐Plus easily integrates with the chosen host control system via a fieldbus segment, allowing the network status and measured parameters to be displayed in the control system’s instrument management so ware. Monitors 8 fieldbus segments Reports parameters via FOUNDATION fieldbus™ H1 Open system solu on: compa ble with all major DCS system Registered to Fieldbus Founda on ITK 6.0, including new resource block field diagnos c bits FDT/DTM and eEDDL user interfaces, with maintenance symbols according to NAMUR NE107 recommenda ons INSTRUMINDO PRIMA SENTOSA Page 12 Fieldbus MTL Instruments Fieldbus Software Tools MTL SmartPlant Instrumentation (SPI) symbol library for FOUNDATION fieldbus™ components MTL has made it easier for engineering designers and end users to use their FOUNDATION fieldbus™ products by developing a u lity to import the complete range of MTL‐Relcom fieldbus products (Power Supplies, Megablocks™, surge protectors,Fieldbus Barriers and En ty conversion blocks) into SmartPlant Instrumenta on version 9 and 2009. Fieldbus segment calculator v1.5.4 The MTL segment calculator is a spreadsheet‐based tool designed to assist network and planning engineers when designing and implemen ng FOUNDATION fieldbus ™ H1 networks. Specific data covering MTL fieldbus power supplies, including the latest Redundant FISCO units, wiring hubs and third‐party field devices are pre‐programmed although users can input their own device parameters. Calcula ons using surge protec on devices are also accommodated. 9370-FB Series Fieldbus Barrier Segment Calculator v0200 This so ware calculator tool models the behaviour of MTL’s 9370‐FB Series Fieldbus Barriers, and provides a rapid “Go/No‐Go” indica on of the electrical characteris cs of the fieldbus network. All the relevant parameters of the fieldbus segment are easily configurable, including field device currents, cable lengths, cable cross‐sec on and number of fieldbus spurs. Power supply and host control system types are easily selectable from pull‐down menus, or can be user‐defined. Fieldbus Test Equipment MTL have built on the experience of being the leading supplier of fieldbus diagnos c tools for over 8 years to develop the MTL F809F‐Plus on‐line Fieldbus Diagnos c Monitor. Fieldbus Monitor, FBT‐6, is used to examine the opera on of a live FOUNDATION™ fieldbus network without interfering with its opera on. FBT‐4 Fieldbus Power & Signal Probe,provides a basic good/bad indica on of the network's health. Fieldbus Wiring Validator, FBT‐5, is used in combina on with the Fieldbus Monitor, FBT‐6, to test new or exis ng field wiring to determine its suitability for use in a FOUNDATION fieldbus™ network. INSTRUMINDO PRIMA SENTOSA Page 13 Industrial Ethernet MTL Instruments Ruggedised Ethernet Managed Ethernet Switches Ethernet is becoming the default data communica on medium for industrial automa on applica ons. In fact, it’s not uncommon for video, voice, and high‐ rate industrial applica on data transfers to be integrated into one network. These rugged, 5 to 18 port DIN‐rail and panel mount Ethernet switches with mul ple Gigabit and fibre port op ons, support fast redundant ring or mesh networks for high availability. The full range is ATEX cer fied for Zone 2 and UL approved for Class 1, Division 2 hazardous areas. Unmanaged Ethernet Switches These rugged, 5 to 9 port DIN‐rail and panel mount Ethernet switches are designed for use in harsh and hazardous environments. The full range is ATEX cer fied for Zone 2 and UL approved for Class 1, Division 2 hazardous areas. SFP Optical Transceivers The MTL‐SFP range of op cal transceivers offer maximum flexibility to operators of Gigabit Ethernet networking equipment. The pluggable architecture allows the module to be installed into any suitable MTL Gigabit switch SFP port at any me – even with the host equipment opera ng and online. This facilitates rapid configura on of the equipment to precisely the user’s needs – reducing inventory costs and network down me. Ethernet Media Converter The industrial‐grade Ethernet‐to‐Fibre Converter product range convert Ethernet data to fiber op c signals, which can be a very cost‐effec ve way to extend transmission distance. By conver ng to op cal media, Ethernet data can be transmi ed over distances up to 120km while enjoying superior EMI immunity, an ideal combina on for many industrial applica ons. Approved for Zone 2 hazardous area use, the ETX series use proven a design to keep you industrial automa on applica ons running con nuously. Rackmount Ethernet Managed Switches The 9226/32‐ETZ rackmount Ethernet switches offer a space efficient method of increasing your network's capability. These 10/100 Fast Ethernet/Gigabit Ethernet/Fibre enabled switches provides expanded connec vity to fulfill the most demanding applica ons in modern process engineering networks. INSTRUMINDO PRIMA SENTOSA Page 14 Industrial Ethernet MTL Instruments Wireless Ethernet Wireless Ethernet Ethernet is fast becoming the data connec on method of choice for process network backhaul and device communica on. MTL provides a comprehensive range of products to wirelessly enable these connec ons to the network, connect devices point to point or provide mobile access. Intrinsically Safe Ethernet The 9460‐ET Series provides cost‐effec ve Intrinsically Safe (IS) Ethernet equipment that can be installed and maintained easily in hazardous areas. The intrinsically safe hazardous area cer fica on permits the components to be mounted in a Zone 1 hazardous area with connec vity into Zone 0 and the associated apparatus cer fica on of the 9468‐ET IS Ethernet isolator and 9491‐ PS IS power supply allow this equipment to be mounted in a Zone 2 hazardous area and connected to intrinsically safe equipment in a Zone 0 or 1 hazardous area. Tofino™ Tofino™ CMP - Central Management Platform Tofino™ CMP is an easy‐to‐use Windows‐based so ware tool that configures and monitors an en re network of Tofino™ Security Appliances from a single worksta on, using concepts and terminology that control system engineers already understand. Tofino™ Hardware The Tofino™ Industrial Security System is a new and unique, solu on from MTL and Byres Security that addresses the important issue of protec ng Industrial Networks from modern cyber‐security a acks. INSTRUMINDO PRIMA SENTOSA Page 15 Industrial Wireless MTL Instruments Wireless Accessories When deploying a wireless network o en more thought is given to the device types than the antennas, cabling and connec ons. These wireless accessories can determine the successful opera on of a system as they o en have a large impact on signal strengths, distances and bandwidths that are achievable. MTL offers a high quality range of antennas, cabling and surge equipment to support these wireless systems, ensuring that the signal is available when and where it is needed. Serial I/O Interface MTL’s wireless serial I/O interfaces provide an easy way to connect sensors, transducers and switches into a wireless communica on system. Opera ng in point to point excep on repor ng or MODBUS RTU modes, this range of products is suitable for projects that require 0‐20mA, 4‐20mA, 0‐10V, digital and pulsed I/O. Devices can convert between mA and voltage to interface many different sensor types into a single network. Hazardous Area 802.11 MTL’s intrinsically safe (I.S.) wireless solu ons provide completely safe wireless opera on in hazardous areas. Products are live workable, meaning that in many situa ons a gas clearance cer ficate is not required to work on the equipment and can reduce costs when performing maintenance, installa on, tes ng or replacing devices. The MTL hazardous area access point provides 802.11a/b/g connec vity, a standard which is widely compa ble with end devices and can be used for transferring Ethernet data over the air. Wireless I/O Connec ng sensors and transducers into a display panel or HMI/SCADA interface can be a costly exercise, par cularly over large distances. MTL provides a simple way to send 4‐20mA, digital, thermocouple or supply voltage status signals over long or short range wireless connec ons. Devices can be purchased as a matched pair for fast and simple installa on with no configura on required, transferring analogue and digital status con nuously. Wireless Serial Modem Serial interfacing is one of the most well supported data transfer methods between industrial devices. MTL provides an easy to use, and secure RS232/RS485 to wireless interface for industrial devices such as intelligent transducers, PLCs, data loggers and temperature mul plexers. MTL wireless connec ons provide superior range and networking op ons both in and out of a plant environment, opera ng on 400MHz, 800MHz, 900MHz, 2.4GHz or 5GHz frequency ranges. INSTRUMINDO PRIMA SENTOSA Page 16 HMI and Visualisation MTL Instruments Ex Zone Panel PC Explorer Remote PC’s The EXPLORER range of hazardous area panel PC's are ideally suited to surviving the harsh environments typically found in Pharmaceu cal, Chemical, Biotech and Food and Beverage manufacturing. All opera ng and visualiza on components (display, touch screen, trackball, joys ck, keyboard...) can be configured according to the requirements of the plant. Constructed as intrinsically safe panel moun ng modules and cer fied for Ex Zone 1 / 2 (Gas), Zone 21/22 (Dusts) the EXPLORER Panel PC can easily be integrated into our FHP standard enclosure, as well as exis ng enclosures, walls and cabinets. Remote PC Terminals Challenger Remote PC’s The CHALLENGER range of remote PC terminals are designed for use in extreme hazardous areas such as those encountered in Pharmaceu cal, Chemical, Biotech and Oil and Gas industries. CHALLENGER Terminals can be configured in a modular manner to meet with the plant installa on requirements. All the components including the display, touch screen, keyboard, poin ng devices, etc. ‐ are cer fied for use in hazardous areas as control panel‐ mounted modules and can be mounted independently into various enclosures / walls or into our CHALLENGER FHP standard enclosure which provides environmental protec on. Safe Area Workstations ProPanel® MP2030SA The ProPanel® MP2030 is a computer with an integrated display and a more compact form factor than the original ProPanel, but with excep onal modular versa lity and the choice of various internal op ons. Barracuda Lite Workstation The Barracuda Lite 15” worksta on features an Intel Core Duo 2.2GHz processor and a glass based touchscreen. RAM capacity is up to 2GB and a 32GB compact flash for storage. The Barracuda Lite 19" is a new addi on to the Azonix product family. This product was developed using the latest Intel Core 2 Duo to maintain processor efficiency with ever more complex applica ons and a 19" touch screen display to provide for the increasing amount of user controlled data and monitoring func ons. INSTRUMINDO PRIMA SENTOSA Page 17 HMI and Visualisation MTL Instruments Zone 1 Workstations & Displays Azonix Drilling Unit (ADU) The Azonix Drilling Unit is an applica on specific tool for use in the oil and gas industry. It is a mission cri cal device during the drilling process. The ADU is used in Zone 1 related hazardous areas exposed to the rig floor environment. ProPanel® TC2100 Thin Client Targeted at MWD/LWD, mud logging and data‐rich applica ons in Zone 1 areas, this rugged Thin Client version has addi onal op onal features such as larger Flash memory capacity, op cal Ethernet and an integrated Ethernet hub for wireless networking. ProPanel® MP2040Z1 Workstation The ProPanel® MP2040 Computer with internal SMARTpurge system offers all the features available on the MP2030, but is set up for desktop use in a variety of rugged and hazardous environments, including op ons for Zone 1 and Class I, Division 2. ProPanel® MP2030Z1 Workstation The ProPanel® MP2030 is a full‐featured computer with integrated LCD display (16.4" x 14.6" x 5.0") and excep onal modular versa lity in the choice of internal op ons, LCD touch‐screen, I/O configura ons, networking, peripherals and other op ons. ProPanel® MP4500Z1 Workstation The ProPanel® PRO4500Z1 is the ul mate hazardous area worksta on for the rig floor. Leveraging the latest in portable compu ng technology, Azonix is able to integrate full client compu ng performance into a small light‐weight enclosure. INSTRUMINDO PRIMA SENTOSA Page 18 HMI and Visualisation MTL Instruments Zone 2 Workstations & Displays Barracuda 15” Workstation The Barracuda 15” Worksta on can be u lized in applica ons such as Military C4 applica ons and oil and gas explora on, where a display or worksta on must be able to withstand harsh shock and vibra on or other rugged environmental factors. Barracuda 19” BOP The Barracuda BOP (Blow Out Protec on) is an applica on specific rig‐floor computer with integrated features required in blowout preventer surface systems. ProPanel® MP2100 Workstation The ProPanel® MP2100 Computer System is designed for mission‐cri cal applica ons in hazardous environments. TheMP2100 is a fourth‐genera on rig floor instrumenta on computer system, u lizing core technologies field‐proven in oil explora on, mud flow control, and other hazardous and rugged Zone 2, Class 1 Division 2 environments. ProPanel® MP2030 15” Workstation The MP2030 series is available in standard configura ons, Zone 1 / Zone 2 and Safe Area cer fica ons, with a number of standard op ons, and is further customizable to unique user requirements in minimum lot sizes of 50 units. INSTRUMINDO PRIMA SENTOSA Page 19 Surge Protection MTL Instruments Combination ProShield Series UL1449 listed and CSA approved the ProShield Series provides the ul mate configurable protec on pla orm through the unique patented design of seven high performance AC mains/power outlets (US style) plus three easy slide‐in data protec on bays. The ProShield is designed for home use, handle maximum surge currents greater than 27kA on home PCs, fax machines, home entertainment equipment, digital TVs, VCRs, DVDs, cable modems and digital satellite systems. Data and Signal SSP Series The mul ‐stage hybrid of the SLP Series uses a combina on of solid state electronics and a gas filled discharge tube (GDT) to provide surge protec on up to 20kA. The SLP is designed to exhibit excep onally low line resistance and adds only a ny voltage drop to the circuit. In opera on, the SLP device does not adversely affect the performance or opera on of the loop or combined equipment. The device allows signals to pass with very li le a enua on while diver ng surge currents safely to earth and clamping output voltages to safe IOP Series The IOP offers protec on for both digital I/O and analog I/O. This is the most economical surge protec on solu on for I/O offered by MTL Surge Technologies. Its high packing density, high protec on level and low price combine to make the IOP a value solu on. IOP32D provides surge protec on for two loops IOP32 provides surge protec on for one loop or 2 wires HW48 The HW48 device safeguards Honeywell STT350 intelligent transmi ers against surges and transients from field cabling. This Honeywell tested and approved unit fits onto the side of the STT350 transmi er inside the standard 'flameproof'(Ex d) enclosure housing giving a 10kA level of protec on. Installa on and earthing is simple so even exis ng installa ons can easily be upgraded by retrofi ng the HW48. Analogue and Smart local current meters can be wired into the transmi er and will benefit from protec on provided by the HW48. TP24/7 Series The TP4/7 surge protec on device is a unique unit providing a level of protec on for field‐mounted transmi ers that is far in excess of the op onal transient protec on facili es available from the transmi er manufacturers ‐ without invloving any addi onal wiring, conduit modifica ons or other expensive extras. INSTRUMINDO PRIMA SENTOSA Page 20 Surge Protection MTL Instruments TP Pipe Series The TP‐Pipe surge protec on device safeguards field‐mounted process transmi ers where it ma ers, right at the unit. The TP‐Pipe screws directly into the conduit entry, with no addi onal modifica on. A er this simple installa on, it provides high‐level protec on against surges and transients whilst normal opera on remains unaffected. TP48 Series The TP48 surge protec on device safeguards field‐mounted process transmi ers where it ma ers, right at the unit. A er a simple installa on (the TP48 screws into an unused conduit entry, with no addi onal modifica on), it provides high‐level protec on against surges and transients whilst normal opera on remains unaffected. The TP48 resets itself automa cally a er each opera on. Zone Barrier Series - DS ZoneBarrier modular telecom protec on devices provide a uniquely customer configurable port‐by‐port protec on approach. ZoneBarrier modules can be u lised as either stand‐alone devices or as building blocks to create an unlimited mul ‐port protec on system. Modules are available in modular jack or terminal strip formats for applica ons including dial‐up, lease line, ISDN and modem protec on. mSA Series The mSA Series of surge protec on devices is designed to safeguard remote electronic equipment from surges on signal and data cabling. Models are available in a range of working voltages to cover all process‐related signals such as RTDs, THCs, 4/20mA loops, telemetry outsta ons, shut‐down systems and fire and gas detec on. The weatherproof enclosure of the mSA Series is rated at IP65 making it par cularly suitable for loca ons which are regularly exposed to lightning ac vity and suffer frequent damage. SD Series ***SDM ‐ NEW MODULAR DEVICE*** The SD Modular (SDM) combines the tried and tested protec on of the well established SD series and adds modularity for ease of maintenance. The user can change the surge protec on module without any interference with wiring. The SDM is backwards compa ble with the SD series which means users can upgrade to the SDM when next carrying out maintenance upgrades. Available in all of the voltages, 7,16,32 & 55 with a current capacity of 700mA, the SDM represents a step forward in surge protec on designed for process control applica ons. SSP Series The self‐healing surge protector (SSP) from MTL adds AC fault withstand capability and current limi ng protec on to our tradi onal hybrid surge technology. The single loop design is packaged in the well known IOP/SLP enclosure giving the customer a wider range of performance offering when choosing this family of products. The product eliminates the most common cause of SPD failure (con nuous overvoltage/over current condi ons) while adding current limi ng protec on to the circuit. INSTRUMINDO PRIMA SENTOSA Page 21 Surge Protection MTL Instruments Network and Comms RackPro Series The RackPro is a twelve (12) outlet rack mounted surge protector that provides superior surge protec on in a compact 1U enclosure. The RackPro Series is constructed with an all steel case and designed with compe ve specifica ons to cover all rack mount surge needs. Equipped with status indicator lights, the RackPro con nually monitors making sure that the suppressor is protec ng the equipment. Rack Shield Series The Rackshield surge protec on solu on provides modular protec on for up to 12 ports in a 19” rack format. Modules slide into RackSheild providing customer configurable communica on protec on for telephone lines, networks, cable/digital Satellite and DDS applica ons. ZoneBarrier Series-NC ***NEW ZONEBARRIER HIGH ENERGY SERIES*** ZoneBarrier Ethernet High Energy Series represents the next genera on in Ethernet protec on. This powerful 10kA High Speed Category 6 surge protector can be used for a full range of Ethernet applica ons, from 10‐Base‐T to 1000‐ Base_T (Gigabit Ethernet) as well as all Industrial Ethernet and Power over Ethernet (PoE) applica ons. Power Surge Protection Led Series The LED Series is a range of versa le, high‐performance, surge protec on devices for use in a wide variety of equipment in industrial and commercial applica ons. The fast ac ng circuitry will protect equipment from damaging electrical transients and disturbances. Fully automa c in opera on the LED Series reacts immediately, clamping voltage surges without causing undue leakage losses under normal opera on. No operator interven on is required as they reset automa cally and are completely maintenance free. ZoneDefender Curve The ZoneDefender Curve Series surge suppressor is specifically designed for applica ons that require a Type 1 or Type 2 SPD. Type 1 models are available that meet UL96A Master Label Program requirements. This device eliminates the need for addi onal overcurrent protec on providing substan al cost savings. These compact and durable devices offer cost effec ve, high capacity protec on along with applica on versa lity, features which make the Series the ul mate surge protec on solu on. INSTRUMINDO PRIMA SENTOSA Page 22 Surge Protection MTL Instruments ZoneMaster All-Mode The ZoneMaster All‐Mode Series of surge protec on devices combines unparalleled power handling capability, applica on versa lity, proven circuitry along with simple installa on, features which make ZoneMaster All‐Mode units the ul mate power protec on solu on. With 200kA, 240kA, 340kA and 400kA versions available and configura ons suitable for all Interna onal supply voltages, ZoneMaster All‐Mode is truly a versa le and flexible protec on range. ZoneMaster PRO ZoneMaster PRO Series of surge protec on devices combines all the advantages of all‐mode protec on with features and op ons to meet the needs of the most complex protec on requirements. The ZoneMaster PRO series is available with surge current capaci es of 340kA and 400kA. This along with the different interna onal voltages available make the ZoneMaster PRO the most versa le product on the market. MA05/10 Series The MA05/10 EMC/surge protec on devices can be incorporated into, or mounted close to, individual items of electrical equipment, providing immediate local protec on against surges and electrical noise. Available with either a 5 or 10 amp opera ng current, 110 or 240V working voltage and in a range of moun ng op ons, the MA05/10 is a truly versa le range of protec on devices. In addi on, these unique units combine RFI filtering and ring suppression therefore aiding compliance with EMC direc ves. MA15 Series The MA15 Series of surge protec on devices protects electronic equipment and computer networks against the effects of 'noise pollu on' induced in mains power supplies. MA15 units 'clean up' the effects of industrial noise and surges caused by lightning, switching devices, thyristor controls, transmission system overloads and power‐factor correc on circuits. Industrial control systems u lising programmable logic controllers (plc) and industrial computers are par cularly vulnerable due to the aggressive electrical environments for which they are intended, such as process plants, factories and water treatment sites. MA30 Series The MA30 Series of surge protec on devices protects electronic equipment power supplies and computer networks against the effects of 'noise pollu on' induced in mains power supplies. MA30 units 'clean up' the effects of industrial noise and surges caused by lightning, switching devices, thyristor controls, transmission system overloads and power‐factor correc on circuits. MA3100 Series This cost effec ve surge protector is for applica ons described by IEC 61312 where the surge protector could carry a par al share of the lightning surge current. The Class I devices, rated for 50kA (10/350µs), are deployed at the service entrance, followed by Class II rated devices at key power panels. Sensi ve systems can then be locally protected by a Class III surge protector (such as an MA15). INSTRUMINDO PRIMA SENTOSA Page 23 Surge Protection MTL Instruments ZoneDefender PRO Series The ZoneDefender PRO range is a versa le, high performance surge protector designed for use in a wide variety of industrial, ins tu onal and commercial applica ons. This is the most compact, powerful, feature‐rich surge protector on the market today. ZoneSentinel PRO Series The ZoneSen nel range is engineered for applica on at distribu on boards and small service loca ons and provides cost effec ve, high capacity surge protec on to 100kA per phase. When used at a local panel in combina on with a ZoneMaster at the service entrance, ZoneSen nel provides the ul mate in surge protec on. The ZoneSen nel offers ten mode protec on and, like the ZoneMaster Series, has remote indica on capabili es. MA3350 Series The MA3350 is available for either AC or DC applica ons. The AC & DC versions are rated to a full 50kA (8/20µs) with the DC version also rated at 15kA (10/350µs). In the AC three phase unit there are four (4) such modes giving a total unit ra ng of 200kA. These units carry a suite of diagnos cs that monitors each component of the suppression circuit. Each unit has posi ve indica on showing both the presence of power and the status of the unit. Red and green LEDs leave the user in no doubt of the MA3350's opera onal readiness. Specialist Surge Protection Antenna Protection - CA Series CA Series devices are wideband, high current devices for the protec on of radio transmi ers and receivers connected to coaxial feeders. They protect vulnerable equipment without affec ng normal opera on, passing high frequency signals with li le a enua on while diver ng surge currents safely to earth and clamping output voltages to safe levels. A wide range of connector styles is available to suit all applica on requirements with a choice of working voltage and characteris c impedance provided for most of the series. Connector styles include BNC, N‐type, TNC, UHF and F‐type Weighing System Protection - LC30 The LC30 surge protec on device protects load cell and weighing system installa ons from possible malfunc ons, or damage to individual strain‐gauge bridges of associated electronic instrumenta on etc., caused by severe overvoltages or impulse currents on signal cabling. Fully solid state, the LC30 clamps incoming surges immediately without causing undue leakage losses under normal condi ons. Once the surge has passed, the device automa cally resets to the passive state, allowing normal opera ons to con nue. INSTRUMINDO PRIMA SENTOSA Page 24 Surge Protection MTL Instruments RF Protection The AirGuard line of surge protec on devices provides radio frequency protec on and includes both gas discharge tube (GDT) and quarterwave stub technologies (QWS). In come cases, the product may use both technologies for added performance to meet customer specifica ons. The range includes all types of connectors and gender configura ons. Telecoms Surge Protection ZoneBarrier Series - T ZoneBarrier modular telecom protec on devices provide a uniquely customer configurable port‐by‐port protec on approach. ZoneBarrier modules can be u lised as either stand‐alone devices or as building blocks to create an unlimited mul ‐port protec on system. Modules are available in modular jack or terminal strip formats for applica ons including dial‐up, lease line, ISDN and modem protec on. ZoneBarrier devices can be wall mounted, DIN rail mounted or mounted on any flat surface in a 19" rack. mSA Series - T mSA Series telecom protec on devices provide protec on for private wire installa on (mSA units) or public switched telephone networks (mSAPN devices). mSA units are available in a variety of working voltages and in either single or dual pair versions, allowing applica on versa lity. mSAPN devices are available in single or dual pair variants. These self‐contained units are housed in an IP65 enclosure fi ed with cable glands and an external earth stud, so installa on is simple. DP200 BT & RJ Series The DP200 BT & RJ Series provides robust, 10kA, plug in protec on for fax, modem, telemetry and other telecom applica ons. Units are available with either a BT or RJ11 style plug and socket, DP200/BT and DP200/RJ respec vely. Where RFI filtering is required in addi on to surge protec on the DP200/BT/RFI and DP200/RJ/RFI can be supplied. These devices suppress interference due to medium wave radio transmissions, and other sources, which can compromise normal telecom opera on. INSTRUMINDO PRIMA SENTOSA Page 25 Process Alarm Equipment MTL Instruments Alarm Annunciators A whole range of alarm annunciator products can be supplied including the innova ve 725B Annunciator/Event Recorder which now comes with cULus lis ng and is one of the world's most technically advanced Annunciators. RTK Instruments also offers complete Annunciator Systems, cost‐effec ve substa on Annunciators (IEC61850), and advanced cer fied Annunciators for hazardous areas and SIL2 safety instrumented systems. Event Recorders RTK Instruments leads the way with the latest technically advanced Sequence of Events Recorder and combined Alarm Annunciator. The Master Clock op on allows global me synchronisa on of mul ple Sequen al Event Recorders. 9000TS system has an op onal internal IRIG‐B card makes them compa ble with accurate plant wide systems. The Indicium suite of Alarm Management So ware is available as a standard package to provide alarm display informa on in conjunc on with RTK Annunciators and Alarm Systems. Hazardous Area Notification Products Operators working within a hazardous area need to be quickly and clearly informed of any poten al hazard. Our range of No fica on products serves this purpose perfectly. The range includes Sounders, Beacons, LED Clusters and Alarm Displays, all cer fied for use in poten ally hazardous areas. Engineered Solutions Many clients require much more than the simple supply of loose products. To service these customers our experienced team of engineers can provide a consultancy service to help them select the most appropriate solu on. These solu ons may consist of some basic applica on help right through to design, engineering, manufacture and commissioning of any intrinsically safe or explosion proof system or customised alarm or event recording systems. INSTRUMINDO PRIMA SENTOSA