Electrolyte Excretion in Bile By HENRY 0. WHEELER, M.D., OSWALDo L. RAMOs, M.D., AND ROBERT T. WHITLOCK, M.D. The high concentration of certain test substances in both urine and bile suggests that similarities exist between the biliary and renal tubular functions. Evidence from dogs with permanent duodenal fistulas indicates that the rate of elaboration of bile depends primarily on the rate of secretion of bile salts. The variations in flow and composition of hepatic bile seem to result from the addition of a fluid whieh is similar in some respects to pancreatic juice. Downloaded from http://circ.ahajournals.org/ by guest on September 30, 2016 IN COMMON with other extrarenal secretory structures, the biliary tract apparently depends upon energy-consuming cellular processes rather than upon a hydrostatic filtration system for the production of its characteristic effluent. Nevertheless, there appear to be certain rather fundamental similarities between biliary and renal tubular function. These similarities become apparent when one considers the number of compounds which are secreted in high concentrations in both urine and bile. Examples of such compounds are phenolsulfonphthalein,l fluorescein,2 paminohippurate,3 penieillin,3 and phlorhizin.4 It is noteworthy that among the substances which are most actively secreted into the bile are included the most potent known cholereties. The correlation between active secretion and choleretic potency may well have important implications with regard to the general nature of bile formation. Outstanding choleretic substances are the natural bile salts and their synthetic derivatives, einchophen5 and, to a lesser extent, the phthalein dyes such as Bromsulphalein, phenol red and bromeresol green.1 All of these, it should be noted, are organic acids. Of these choleretic compounds, the natural bile salts are, of course, normally present in abundance and are therefore of the greatest physiologic interest. The 2 major bile acids in the dog are the diand tri-hydroxy cholanic acids, deoxycholic and cholic acid; of the 2, the latter is the more abundant. These bile acids represent the major end-product of cholesterol metabolism.6' 7 In the dog and in other carnivores they are conjugated with taurine. Because of the free sulfonic acid group of taurine, the resulting conjugates are completely dissociated and highly soluble in the physiologic pH range, having a pK of about 1.5. These 2 bile salts, which can be measured accurately by the method of Mosbach et al.,8 will be referred to hereafter simply as " taurocholate." In the intact animal, the bile salts undergo extensive enterohepatic recirculation so that, as shown in figure 1, approximately 85 to 90 per cent of the bile salt in the bile at any given time represents material previously excreted and reabsorbed from the bowel.9 The remainder represents new bile salt synthesized by the liver. The phenomenon of recirculation was described as early as 1870 by Schiff, and in the course of his experiments he also observed that bile itself, when introduced into the duodenum, was the most potent available stimulant for increased bile production.10 It will be obvious, then, that interruption of this enterohepatic cycle must have major physiologic consequences which have to be considered in the planning and interpretation of any study in which bile is removed from the experimental subject and not replaced. Time does not permit a review of the many ingenious technies which have been developed for repeated collections of bile from unanesthetized animals. The particular device we have employed is a duodenal cannula developed by Thomas."' This apparatus, which is held in the duodenum by a hard rubber flange, permits the creation of a permanent duodenal fistula opening directly over the ampulla of From the Department of Medicine, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, NeNi York, N. Y. 988 Circulation, Volume XXI, May 1960 ELECTROLYTE EXCRETION IN BILE Downloaded from http://circ.ahajournals.org/ by guest on September 30, 2016 Vater. Between studies it is kept stoppered, but during an experiment it is opened, and a small ureteral catheter is inserted directly through the ampulla of Vater and advanced well into the common duct. Except for the fact that the animals are cholecystectomized, this technic leaves the biliary tract in normal condition between studies and free of permanent foreign bodies. All of the studies which will be considered in this paper were conducted on 4 such dogs. In each study, the dog was held in the upright position by means of a sling. Bile was collected either by gravity or with the assistance of gentle suction provided by a tuberculin syringe. When bile is collected continuously over a period of hours, there is progressive diminution in bile flow because of the interruption of enterohepatic circulation of bile salts. Figure 2 illustrates tLis phenomenon and also certain general features of bile composition with which we shall be concerned. At the top is shown bile flow in ml./min., in the middle is the pH, relative to a line drawn at 7.4, at the bottom is shown the electrolyte composition of individual bile specimens. In each block diagram the major cations, sodium and potassium, are on the left and the anions, taurocholate, bicarbonate and chloride, are on the right. The specimen of bile labeled CD is typical of bile removed from the common duct at the moinent of catheterization. We shall shortly examine this type of bile in more detail. It should be noted here, however, that, in contrast to subsequent samples of flowing hepatic bile, the concentration of taurocholate in "common duct bile" is very high, the total ionic concentration is high, the pH is low, and there is very little bicarbonate or chloride. Over the course of 2 to 3 hours there is progressive diminution in bile flow and also in taurocholate concentration. Thus, in this type of experiment the output of all solutes, but particularly the output of bile salt, diminishes as expected. Not only is the electrolyte composition of bile difficult to interpret under these circumstances, but actually it is often difficult even to obtain bile in sufficient quantity for analysis. It was found that this "unsteady" state can be averted by the constant Circulation, Volume XXI, May 1960 989 Excretion 1 5 °/a Figure 1 Enterohepatic circulation of bile salts. About 85 to 90 per cent of the bile salt excreted into the duodenmum is reabsorbed and returned to the liver by way of the portal vein. intravenous replacement of bile salt. Before proceeding to the results which were obtained by using this technic, let us examine more closely the composition of " common duct bile. " The specimen on the left of figure 3 is typical of many specimens of "common duct bile" obtained upon catheterization of fasting dogs. Presumably it represents bile which was formed over a period of several hours prior to catheterization and held in the duct system by the normal action of the sphincter of Oddi. In the center is shown the composition of canine gallbladder bile, and on the right, for contrast, that of canine plasma. There is obviously a striking similarity between " com- 990 t.. WHEELER, RAMOS, WHITLOCK cc/min C2 CrG 0.1 _ -u 0008 _______- -_____- BILE FL OW 0.06-8r h mEq/L 280 240 6 pH 12 Na+ m K + 200 PLASMA - Downloaded from http://circ.ahajournals.org/ by guest on September 30, 2016 160 120 80 " 40 .~~~~~~: ,,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~: ,.1.- .114 mOsm "* .. ...:.:..-..... ........ ........ . . ...x~: DOG Da rD Taurocholate E HC03 fS CI- j I(ILI -A 1 0 MINUTES 80 160 Figure 2 Bile flow and composition during continuous collectio7z. Bile withdraawn from the common duct immediately after catheterization (CD) has a high concentration of taurocholate and low concentrations of chloride and bicarbonate. During continuous collection, without bile salt replacement, the flow of bile and the concentration of taurocholate diminish progressively. Composition of plasma is showvn at left for comparison. mEq/L El Na+ pH 6.5 pH 6.2 _ -A , ~ ~ -7. ~ Taurocholate * K<+ ~ ~ m Hr.n z mI ~ 250 200 150 :: :- : :: ::300m Osny <gI 100 500 "COMMON GALL DUCT BLADDER BILE PLASMA B ILE Figure 3 Comnparison in the high a to bile of typical fa ting canine ducets by concentration low p11. that of Note of (at of Oddi duct" and gallbladder bile. Bile retained is similar to taurocholate, that the pla,sma "'commnon ga.llbladder bile in that it has a lowl concenztrations of chloride and bicarbonate and ionic conlcentration is highJ, although osmnolality is equal the sphincter total right). (Republished by permission of the Journal of Clinical Investigation^.'6) Circulation, Volume XXI, May 1960 991 ELECTROLYTE EXCRETION IN BILE TAUROCHOL ATE* 13AM/min /V c-/i 0.20 w~ ~ ~ ~P - BILE FLOW 0.10 _ Na+ 8r ! 7 mEq/L 250 pH ED - 6L- No+ K + Ea Tau rochol ate HC03C I-,. . 200 F I50 100 Downloaded from http://circ.ahajournals.org/ by guest on September 30, 2016 50 I r Dog Norma.4 4 __zz _zA tOo 0 200 300 MINUTES Figure 4 Bile composition and flow during constant intravenous jifusion of taurocholate. The rate of bile salt excretion is constant, but there are spontaneous variations in flow and electrolyte composition. Highest flows are accompanied principally by increased pH and concentration of bicarbonate. TAUROCHOLA TE 1/3,iM/min IV cc /min - e Scretn 0.30 BILE 0.20 K FLOWIOuI 0.10 0 8 _ pH EZ2 Na+ 250 - K+ rJ Taurocholate EE HC03 E 200 CI- 7 50 100 50 Dog Co 0 100 250 2 00 250 MINUTES Figure 5 Effect of secretin on the flow and the composition of bile. Intra!renous administration of secretin causes a marked choleresis and a very high pH and bicarbonate concentration. The excretion of bile salt is unaffected. (Republished by permission of the Journal of Clinical Investigation.16) Circulation, Volume XXI, May 1960 992 WHEELER, RAMOS. WHTIjTOCK rA UROCHOL A rE /3,vM/min /V .1- cc - - bo - Introduodenal HCI F 0.05N 7.7cc/min+ / min 30 r BILE FLOW 20 10 0 mEq/L 250 7 pH r;;;l Noa+ Tourocholate K + EM HC03 = CI- 200 1-. . 150 Downloaded from http://circ.ahajournals.org/ by guest on September 30, 2016 100 50 Dog Co 1b, 0--i 2 50 200 30C MINUTES Figure 6 Effect of intraduodenal infusion of hydrochloric acid. The choleresis and changes in electrolyte composition are similar to those produced by exogenous secretin and are probably attributable to release of endogenous secretin. 100 150 duct bile"' and gallbladder bile in that, far as anions are concerned, each bile is practically a pure solution of bile salt. It seems quite probable that, at least in cholecystectomized dogs, the common duct and its major branches serve in effect as a gallbladder in concentrating the bile salts by removal of other solutes and water. The osmolality of bile, according to all reports and under all the circumstances we shall discuss, is very close to that of plasma (that is, about 300 mOsm./Kg.). In all bile specimens, however, and particularly in those of the type illustrated in figure 3, the total ionic concentration (sum of anions plus cations) is much greater than 300 mEq./L. This marked discrepancy between ionic concentration and osmolality can be attributed to the fact that tauroeholate, like many other surface-active substances, forms large multipolar aggregates, or micelles, when its concentratioin exceeds a critical value known as the "micelle point." The "micelle point" of pure tauromon so cholate, as determined by Pethica and Schulman,12 is about 0.007 M, which is much lower than the concentration of taurocholate in bile. Thus, the taurocholate ion itself is virtually inactive osmotically. Its osmotic significance is, in effect, attributable solely to the cation which must accompany it to preserve electroneutrality. Consistent with this view is the finding that, regardless of taurocholate concentration, virtually all the osmotic activity of any bile specimen may be accounted for as the sum of sodium, potassium, chloride and bicarbonate. To return to the composition of flowing hepatic bile, figure 4 illustrates a typical study in which sodium taurocholate was infused intravenously at a constant rate of 14.5 ,LM/ min. In this and similar studies, such a constant infusion resulted in stabilization of taurocholate excretion at a constant rate approximately equal to the rate of infusion. There was no progressive diminution in bile flow. Nevertheless, as shown in figure 4, sigCirculation, Volume XXI, May 1960 ELECTROLYTE EXCRETION IN BILE Downloaded from http://circ.ahajournals.org/ by guest on September 30, 2016 nificant fluctuations in bile flow often occurred. There was a reciprocal relationship between bile flow and taurocholate concentration, consistent with the constant output of this constituenit. There were also eharacteristic changes in other electrolytes. As flow increased, the chloride concentration increased slightly, but there was a more striking increase in bicarbonate concentration and a correspondilng rise in pH. When 100 units of the intestinal hormone, secretin, was adminiistered intravenously (fig. 5), a nmarked increase in bile flow occurred, exceeding the highest spontaneous flows observed in the same animal. The excretion rate of taurocholate was unchanged, but the secretin choleresis was accompanied by a very high concentration of bicarbonate (reaching values as great as 60 mEq./L.) and pH (to as high as 7.8). The intraduodenal infusion of hydrochloric acid is known to stimulate the release of endogenous secretin.'3 As shown in figure 6, this maneuver resulted in a change similar to that produced by exogenous secretin. There was an impressive choleresis accompanied, once again, by a high bicarbonate concentratiorL and pH. As with exogenous secretin, these changes occurred in the face of a constant rate of taurocholate secretion. In each animal there was a reproducible relationship between bile composition and bile flow as shown in figure 7. Whenever bile flow inereased, whether spontaneously or under the influence of secretin (on the extreme right), there was a marked increase in pH and concentration of bicarbonate. The concentration of chloride also increased, but this change was small compared to the increment in bicarbonate. In contrast to these changes, the entirely different effect of intravenous acetazoleamide is also shown in figure 7. This agent, in a dose of 60 mg./Kg., resulted in a choleresis which was characterized by a relatively high chloride concentration and a comparatively low bicarbonate concentration and pH. All of the studies to which we have alluded were conducted with the rate of secretion of taurocholate arbitrarily fixed at about 15 Circulation, Volume XXI, May 1960 993 90v 8070- A A~~~~~ 0~~~~~~~ 60 H 0~~~~ 0 50 4 z 40 E 30 Dog Norma 6uiR OCHOLATE /45,uM/min IV 0 - CH-LORIDE . Sponloneous flow A /nfroduodenol HCI * Introvenous secrelln V Intrcvenous ocefozo/omlde 20- 0- O0 60 ICA RBONATr 50 40 W E 30 20 _ r lo!r 0 l 775F pH U 7.50_ A 0 7.25_/ 7 000 0 0 05 Y 0 10 0.15 0 20 0 25 0.30 BILE FLOW-ml/min rigure 7 Relationship between bile flow and composition during constant infusion of taurocholate. At higher rates of flow, the concentrations of bicarbonate and chloride and the p11 were increased. The increment in bicarbonate was greater than that in chloride. Highest flows were observed after intravenous administration of secretin or intraduodenal administration of hydrochloric acid. Acetazoleamide produced a choleresis in which chloride was the predominating anion. (Republished by permission of the Journal of Clinical Investigation.16) ,uM/min. It should be mentioned, however, that we have observed a very similar qualitative relationship between bile composition and flow at a taurocholate secretion rate of about 40 ptM/min.-although, of course, the absolute values of bile flow were much higher than those shown here. It is also worth noting that the arbitrary rate of taurocholate secretion employed in the present studies represents only about one-tenth of the maximal rate at which the liver is apparently capable of secreting this bile salt. The transport maxi- 994 .* ...9 9WHEELER, RAMOS, WHITLOCK TAUROCHOLATE FRACT ION 300 ... BILE ELECTROLYTE FRACTION .. *:::: .... ...... .. .. ....... . . . . 250 200 d 50 a :-:-:-:-:-:-: ...... *:-:-:-:-:-:- . -j . '. '.'''.' R . CG- . . .... ....... ................ E Downloaded from http://circ.ahajournals.org/ by guest on September 30, 2016 100 ...... ............ ............. .F........... 5 c ............ ......... ............ ............ ........ ... . .:....,.. 0 05ml/min U. 15m /min 0.1OmI/mi n Figure 8 Hypothetic fractions of bile. The concentra,tions and flows are based on the assumption that each solution is isosmotic with respect to plasma. When the output of taurocholate is constant, all variations in bile flow and composition can be attributed to changes in flow and composition of the "electrolyte fraction." (Republished by permission of the Journal of Clinical Investigation.16) mum for taurocholate is well over 100 [M/ min. in dogs of this size. One way of explaining the observed variations in bile flow and composition would be to postulate that bile is formed by the admixture of a number of solutions which differ from one another in comnposition and mode of production. With this thought in mind, we have arbitrarily elected to regard each bile specimen as a mixture of 2 hypothetic isosmotic solutions as shown in figure 8. On the left is a pure solution of taurocholate which-because of the associative properties of the taurocholate ion-would be isosmotic at a concentration of about 300 muM/L. On the right is a solution of chloride and bicarbonate which we shall call the "electrolyte fraction "; the sum of these ions would be equal to about 150 mEq./L. for an isosmotic solution. Thus, on the basis of the osmotic behavior of all these constituents, it is possible to calculate, for each bile specimen, the flow and composi- tion of these 2 hypothetic constituents. Under the conditions we have emnployed, the output of the "tauroeholate fraction" is maintained at a constant rate. Hence, the changes in bile flow and composition must be attributed to changes in the output and composition of the "electrolyte fraction," and we shall therefore examine these changes. When one examines the relationship between composition and output in the "electrolyte fraction" (fig. 9), it is apparent that increasing output is accompanied by reciprocal changes in chloride and bicarbonate concentration. At the very highest rates of flow -after secretin administration-the concentration of bicarbonate achieves its highest value of about 75 mEq./L. and chloride concentration reaches a minimum at about the same level. This figure bears a striking resemblance to illustrations of the behavior of pancreatic secretion14 although, of course, much higher concentrations of bicarbonate and lower conCirculation, Volume XXI, May 1960 ELECTROLYTE EXCRETION IN BILE Downloaded from http://circ.ahajournals.org/ by guest on September 30, 2016 centrations of chloride have been observed in pancreatic juice under maximal secretin stimulation. Note again the fact that acetazoleamide administration results in high concentrations of chloride and low concentrations of bicarbonate. The results of these studies are consistent with the view that at least 2 processes are involved in the elaboration and modification of bile. First, it is obvious that the rate of bile production is profoundly affected by the rate of secretion of a number of substanees of which the bile salts are of the greatest physiologic importance. In spite of the variations noted there is, in fact, a rough proportionality between total bile flow and rate of bile salt secretion. Also, as noted earlier, bile flow becomes almost vanishingly small in the animal which is acutely deprived of recirculating bile salt unless the bile salt is replaced by another route. It would seem entirely reasonable to postulate that the priluary event in bile formation is the active secretion of bile salts and, to a lesser extent, of certain other substanees. The addition of water and many diffusible constituents could then occur passively along the resulting osmotic and electrochemical gradients. This viewpoint has been enunciated in a recent review by Sperber'5 with which our data are wholly in accord. The second process involves the modification of the final composition of bile by the addition-at an unknown site in the biliary tract-of a solution which is similar in many respects to panereatic juice. This bicarbonaterich fluid appears to be responsible for the spontaneous variations in bile flow which occur in spite of the constant rate of secretion of bile salts, and its output is maximal following stimulation by exogenous or endogenous secretin. Finally, the possibility of reabsorptive mechanisms in the bile ducts must not be overlooked, although at present the only evidence of the existence of such mechanisms is that which can be inferred from the similar composition of gallbladder bile and bile resting in the common duct. Circulation, Volume XXI, May 1960 995 120 10 K Dog Norma TAUROCHOLATE 145A,M/mm in V CHLORIDE E 4%. 90 a 0 R x- 80 70 60 B8CARBONATE 020 °0 z . 0 Ge Spontaneous f/ow ,a l0 I /ntraduodenol HGC 03 InarGvenous secretin VT tntravenous acetazolamide lIl D 0005 0.10 0 15 0 20 OUTPUT OF ELECTROLYTE FRACTION-ml/min 0.25 Figure 9 Composition of "electrolyte fraction" during chazges in its output. A reciprocal change in bicarbonate and chloride, similar to that observed in pancreatic juice, is observed as output increases. After the administration of acetazoleamide, the concentration of chloride is high and the coceentration of bicarbonate is low. (Republished by permission of the Journal of Clinical Investigation.'6) References 1. SPERBER, I.: Biliary excretion and choleretic effect of somiie phenolsulfonephthaleins. Acta physiol. scandinav. 42: Suppl. 145, 129, 1957. 2. HANZON, V.: Liver cell secretion under normal and pathologic conditions studied by fluorescence microscopy on living rats. Acta physiol. scandinav. 28: Suppl. 101, 1, 1952. 3. CooK, D. L., LAWLER, C. A., CALVIN, L. D., AND GREEN, D. M.: MIechanisnis of bile formation. Am. J. Physiol. 171: 62, 1952. 4. JENNER, F. A., AND SAIYTH, D. H.: Excretion of phlorrhizin by the liver. J. Physiol. 137: 18P, 1957. 5. BERMAN, A. L., SNAPP, E. P., ATKINSON, A. J., AND IVY, A. C.: Effect of cinchophen on bile formation. J. 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But gradually as a result of growth and increased complexity of the new molecules new properties have come into being and a new colloidchemical order was imposed upon the more simple organic chemical relations. These newer properties were determined by the spatial arrangement and mutual relationship of the molecules. Even this configuration of organic matter was still insufficient to give rise to primary living things. For this, the colloidal systems in the process of their evolution had to acquire properties of a still higher order, which would permit the attainment of the next and more advanced phase in the organization of matter. In this process biological orderliness already comes into prominence. Competitive speed of growth, struggle for existence and, finally, natural selection determined such a form of material organization which is characteristic of living things of the present time.-A. I. Oparin. The Origin of Life. Translated with annotations by S. Morgulis. Ed. 2. New York, Dover Publications, 1953, pp. 250-251. Circulation, Volume XXI, May 1960 Electrolyte Excretion in Bile HENRY O. WHEELER, OSWALDO L. RAMOS and ROBERT T. WHITLOCK Downloaded from http://circ.ahajournals.org/ by guest on September 30, 2016 Circulation. 1960;21:988-996 doi: 10.1161/01.CIR.21.5.988 Circulation is published by the American Heart Association, 7272 Greenville Avenue, Dallas, TX 75231 Copyright © 1960 American Heart Association, Inc. All rights reserved. Print ISSN: 0009-7322. Online ISSN: 1524-4539 The online version of this article, along with updated information and services, is located on the World Wide Web at: http://circ.ahajournals.org/content/21/5/988 Permissions: Requests for permissions to reproduce figures, tables, or portions of articles originally published in Circulation can be obtained via RightsLink, a service of the Copyright Clearance Center, not the Editorial Office. 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