Voltage optimisation

Voltage optimisation
Save up to 10% on your electricity bill
What is voltage optimisation?
Voltage optimisation reduces the voltage feeding into your home so you don’t pay for electrical current you don’t
need. Voltage in the UK is typically around 240V, and most appliances are designed to operate in the range of 216V
to 253V. The difference between what is fed into your home and what your appliances need could mean that a
standard appliance could take over 4% more current and consume almost 9% more energy than it needs.
Depending on the voltage output where you live and your local grid voltage, this technology could save you up to 10%
on your electricity bills. Used with a solar PV system, voltage optimisation can boost your return on investment and
reduce your payback period, which is why we’ve decided to offer the technology to our customers.
Why choose VPhase?
Chester-based VPhase was established in 2007 and is the first manufacturer to offer a voltage optimisation device
for homes and small businesses. They’ve won multiple awards for the technology, which has been independently
trialled and tested.
The VPhase voltage optimisation unit:
Will typically reduce electricity bills by 10%
Is independently approved by OFGEM
Is around the same size as your existing fuse box
Doesn’t need any maintenance or servicing
Doesn’t require any lifestyle changes
Reduces carbon emissions by 4.5 tonnes over a lifetime of 25+ years
Can my home benefit?
It’s thought that the majority of homes in the UK could save both money and carbon emissions with VPhase. The
higher the voltage at your home the greater you’ll benefit, we’ll measure this when we come to do a site survey for
you. As a guide:
Above 250V
Very high voltage. We’d strongly recommend voltage optimisation to stop wasting energy and start saving money
250V to 240V
Voltage is at the higher end of the accepted range in the UK. We’d recommend voltage optimisation as a
way to save energy and money
240V to 230V
Voltage is at the upper-middle part of the accepted range, meaning there’s still an opportunity to save
money with voltage optimisation
230V to 220V
Voltage is in the lower-middle part of the range. Some small savings may be possible
220V to 207V
This is the lower end of the range, meaning voltage optimisation probably wouldn’t benefit your home
Contact us
08448 150 200
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If you agree that VPhase would be beneficial for your home, we can fit the unit at the same time as we install your
PV system.
What savings will I make?
Not all appliances will benefit from voltage optimisation. Items that convert the current into heat, such as heaters,
ovens and showers, still take the same amount of energy to heat up to the right temperature.
However, a report published by the Department for Energy and Climate Change (DECC) in July 2010 showed that
67% of energy used at home is through appliances and lighting – both of which can benefit from voltage optimisation.
Our installers will fit and connect the unit to get the best results with the appliances you run.
Overall, energy bill savings should be around 10%. Savings for fridges and freezers could be up to 17%, normal light
bulbs could save 15% and even energy-saving bulbs could save 10%. When combined with a PV system, a VPhase
unit could improve your return on investment by 0.5%.
VPhase works well with
VPhase won’t work with
Immersion heaters
Washing machines
Electric heaters
Tumble dryers
Ovens and hobs
What next?
We’ll only recommend a VPhase unit if we think it would fit in well with your home and your energy use. We’ll check
this during our site survey, but if you have any questions in the meantime just call us on 08448 150 200.
Contact us
08448 150 200
or visit