EKGRefreshand Practice Normal SinusRhythm . r Rate: Rhythrn: o Pwaves: o PR interval: r QRS: 60 - 100beatsperminute Atrial - Regular Ventricular- Regular Uniform in appearance Upright w/ normal shape OnePrecedingeachQRS Nor morethan.10 second 0.12- 0.20second 0.10secondor less P-Waves: Shouldbe no morethan 2.5 mm in height,andno morethan .10 secondin width PRInterval: Includesthe p-waveasit leavesthe baselineandendsat the betinningofthe QRScomplex QRSComplex: Measuredfrom the beginningof the QRS complex(asthe first wave leavesthe baseline)to the end of the eRS complex(whenthelast wave beginsto level out into the ST segment).The end of the QRS complexis calledthe J-Point' Normally positive in lead II ST Segment: Beginswith the endof the QRS complexandendswith the onsetof the T-wave. Normally flat. Coisideredelevatedif it is abovethe baselineanddepressedif it is below the baseline. An elevatedST segrnentis a sign of myocardialinfarct. T-Wave: Beginsasthe deflectiongraduallyslopesupwardfrom the ST segmentand endswhenthe waveform retumsto baseline. Shouldbe positive in a LeadII. Analyzing a Rhythm StriP o o o o o o What is the rate? Is it regularor irregular? If irregular,is therea pattem of irregularity? Are thereP-waves?...are they all the same? If so, is the P-R interval of normal length andarethey all the same? Is thereonly oneP-Wavefor everyQRS complex? Rhythm Normal Sinus Rhythm (NSR) Sinus Bradvcardia Sinua Tachycardia Regularity Regular Regular Regular Rate P Waves QRS Complex 60 to 100 Positive; Rounded;Normal PR Interval; One P wave for each QRS complex Narrow Lessthan60 Positive;Rounded;Normal PR Interval; One P wave for each QRS complex Narrow 100to 170 Positive;Rounded;NormalPR Interval;OneP wavefor each QRScomplex Narrow Rhvthm Supraventricular Tachycardia (svr) PrematureAtrial Contraction (PAC) Sinus Anhythmia Rate P Waves QRS Complex Regular Over170 Not visible,thoughmaybe presentburriedin QRScomplex or T waves Narrow Regular with Isolated Anomalv That of Underlying Rhythm Positive; Rounded;Normal PR Interval; One P wave for each QRS Complex Narrow 60 to 100 Positive;Rounded;NormalPR Interval;OneP wavefor each QRSComplex Narrow Regularity Irregular Rate P Waves QRS Complex 60 to 100 Positive; Rounded;Normal PR Interval; May seeone nonconducting P before pause Narrow Regular or Irregular Atrial: 250-400: Positive; Peakedor "Sawtooth" Ventricular Appearanceto Baseline;Unable to measurePR Interval usuallv60-100 Narrow Irregular Atrial: No coordinated None; Wavy deflectionsaffecting systole; baselineas atria quiver Ventricular usuallv60-100 Narrow Rhythm Regularity SinusBlockor SinusArrest Regular with SuddenPause Atrial Flutter Atrial Fibrillation Rhythm Regularity Rate P Waves QRS Complex Narrow Junctional Rhvthm Regular 40 to 60 lnverted;May occurbefore/after ORScomplexor be hidden Accelerated Junctional Regular 60 to 100 Inverted;May occurbefore/after QRScomplexor be hidden Narrow Junctional Tachvcardia Regular Morethan 100 Inverted; May occur before/after QRS complex or be hidden Narrow Rhythm Premafure Junctional Contraction (PJC) 1' AV Block 2' AV Block, Mobitz I (Wenckebach) Regularity Rate P Waves QRS Complex Usually Regular with Isolated Anomaly That of Underlying Rhythm That of Underlying Rhythm; PJC will have Inverted or hidden P wave Narrow Regular Regularly Irregular Thatof Positive; Rounded;PR Interval Underlying more that0.20sec; One P wave Rhythm;Usually for eachQRS Complex 60 to 100 Narrow Positive;Rounded;PR Interval WNL at first but lengthens progressively until P doesnot conductto QRS Narrow Usually60 to 100,May be Bradycardic Rhythm Regularity Rate P Waves QRS Complex 2" AV Block, Mobitz II Usually Regular,May be Iregular Atrial: Varies, Ventricular: UsuallyLess Than60 Positive;Rounded;PR Interval for conductingbeatsis always WNL; More than I P wavefor eachQRSComplex UsuallyNarrow Atrial and Atrial: 60 to 3' AV Block Ventricular 100, (CompleteHeart Regularbut not Ventricular: Block) Corresponding Usuallv20-40 Positive; Rounded;Unable to MeasurePR Interval; P:QRS Ratio variable; P waves may be hidden in QRS or T waves TypicallyWidened Thatof Underlying Rhvthm Positive; Rounded;Normal PR Interval; One P wave for each QRS Complex Borderline Wide:0.10 0.14sec;Usually Notched(QRR'S) Bundle Branch Block That of Underlying Rhrrthm Rhythm Regularity Rate P Waves QRS Complex Idioventricular Rhythm GVR) Regular 20 to 40 Absent Wide IVR Accelerated Regular 40 to 100 Absent Wide L Premature Ventricular Conntraction (PVC) Thatof Underlying Rhythmwith Isolated Anomaly Thatof Underlying Rhythm Thatof Underlying Rhythm;PVC Wide andMay Have That of Underlying Rhythm; No P OppositeDeflection Wave PreceedinePVC from Underlying Rhrrthm Rhythm Regularity Rate P Waves QRS Complex Wide;QRSAdjacent to QRSor Only T UsuallyAbsent;If PresentWill WavesVisible Not Correlatewith QRSComplex MaskineBaseline Ventricular Tachvcardia Regular 100to 250 Ventricular Fibrillation Irregular Zero No CoordinatedSystole;Wavy Deflections Affecting Baseline as Ventrical Quiver Absent Zero Lack of ElectricalActivity; BaselineUsuallyFlat or Nearly Flat (Mild Deflections Will Be LessThan2mm in Height) Absent Asystole None