988. Approved and ordered this 20th day of April At the Executive Council Chamber, Victoria, , A.D. 19 61. Lieutenant-Governor. PRESENT: The Honourable Mr. Bennett Mr. Peterson Mr. Williston Mr. Kiernan Mr. Gaglardi Mr. M rtin Mr. Chant Mr. Westwood Mr. Mr. Mr. in the Chair. To His Honour The Lieutenant-Governor in Council: The undersigned has the honour to report: THAT KENNET H FARRELL was oonvioted on a oharge of false pretences by Polioe Magistrate 0. Orr at Vancouver and on March 15th, 1961, was sentenced to three months in Oakalla Prison Farm Common Gaol: V AND THAT by Order-in-Council No. 766/61, under section 527 of the Criminal Code of Canada KENNETH FARRELL having been found mentally ill was ordered removed from Oakalla Prison Farm Common Gaol to the Provincial Mental Hospital at Essondale, there to remain until his complete or partial recovery is certified to the satisfaction of the Lieutenant.olovernor: AND THAT satisfactory evidence has been submitted to the undersigned that KENNETH FARRELL has recovered from his mental illness: AND TO RECOMMEND THAT under section 527 of the Criminal Code of Canada KENNETH FARRELL be removed from the Provincial Mental Hospital at Essondale to the Oakalla Prison Farm Common Gaol and there be detained until discharged in due course of law. DATED this Ott day of 62/041 A.D. 1961. ttorney-General APPROVED this 20-d day of A.D. 1981. Presiding Member of the Executive Council