K118_Brochure_101807_PS:K118_Brochure_011105_PS 10/18/07 2:37 PM Page 2 TM O R N K 1 1 8 A M E N T A L W A S H I N G T O N A GLORIOUS PAST. A BRIGHTER FUTURE. Photograph from original King Company catalog published in 1926. L I G L U M H T I N I N A I R E G K118_Brochure_101807_PS:K118_Brochure_011105_PS C o n t e n t s Page Introduction 1 Photo Gallery 1,2 Optical System Overview 3 VL1 4 External 5 Internal 6 How to Catalog 7 The K118 Washington Luminaire A Glorious Past Of the many acorn globes that found their way onto the city streets of North America in the early 20th century, the K118 shape was perhaps the most widely used. Available from at least two of the leading streetlight manufacturers of that time, the K118 survived the transition from arc light to incandescent. It fulfilled the two essential criteria of the times: it was aesthetically pleasing and its efficiency was adequate by the governing standards. Because of its pleasant, well-balanced shape, the K118 has come back into favor as an ornamental luminaire but, despite updating with various HID light sources, this style of globe has never been considered an efficient light... until now! A Brighter Future While faithfully retaining the authentic historical shape of the original Washington Luminaire, King now offers it with three modern optical systems. The original HID optical system was the ever dependable K118-I with an internal glass refractor. King also offers it in two other optical systems, both giving even more sparkling performance characteristics at a level usually only associated with more utilitarian light fixtures. The cutoff K118-L louvered reflector provides excellent lighting performance with minimal glare while addressing IES luminance criteria. The noncutoff K118-E external prismatic refractor puts more light “where you need it” than other comparable luminaires, making it one of the most cost effective acorns on the market. With the versatility offered by these three systems, it is clear that King provides an effective solution to any lighting design problem that might arise. 1 10/18/07 2:37 PM Page 3 K118_Brochure_101807_PS:K118_Brochure_011105_PS 10/18/07 2:37 PM Page 4 2 K118_Brochure_101807_PS:K118_Brochure_011105_PS 10/18/07 2:38 PM Page 7 Choosing the Right Optical System #1 CAST ALUMINUM FINIAL (OTHER FINIALS AVAILABLE) RIPPLED UV-STABALIZED POLYCARBONATE, GLASS OR ACRYLIC GLOBE ROTATE GLOBE ON & OFF FOR BALLAST & LAMP ACCESS OPTIONAL ROTOLOCK CAST ALUMINUM GLOBE RING In selecting which of the K118 optical systems is right for your project, numerous items, besides the luminaire's lighting characteristics, need to be considered. Glare: Luminaires must provide the ability to see, not just light the ground. Purpose: Consideration must be given to the purpose of the lighting. (i.e. roadway vs. area lighting and if roadway, which type) Ambiance: Light standards provide the finishing architectural touch - 24 hours a day. Safety: The project must meet all codes and ordinances. Uplight: Consider the project's environment and design accordingly. Light Trespass: Put light in the right places, not in private areas or bedroom windows. Budget: LAMP BY OTHERS Consider both the initial capital investment and, especially, the ongoing maintenance costs. Power Usage: Use as few assemblies as is practical. BALLAST ASSEMBLY (TOOL-LESS ACCESS) OPTIONAL GLOBE HANGER (FOR USE DURING MAINTENANCE) K118 - Features at a Glance ■ Authentic historic acorn shape OPTIONAL ROTOLOCK PRESSURE RING ASSEMBLY ■ Available in all HID wattages up to 250 ■ Tool-less change out of ballast and lamp ■ Heavy duty cast aluminum casting ■ Polycarbonate and acrylic globes come K13 CAST ALUMINUM CAPITAL (NUMEROUS OTHER CAPITALS AVAILABLE, PLEASE SEE CATALOG) with rotolock options ■ Globes available in glass, durable polycarbonate or high impact UV resistant acrylic ■ Ease of maintenance - globe hanger for service ■ Three (3) optical systems to choose from K118R-LAR 3 K118_Brochure_101807_PS:K118_Brochure_011105_PS 10/18/07 2:38 PM Page 8 K118-L VL1 Louvered Reflector #1 FINIAL CAST ALUMINUM RIPPLED UV-STABALIZED POLYCARBONATE, GLASS OR ACRYLIC GLOBE OPTIONAL DECORATIVE CAST ALUMINUM GENERAL ELECTRIC RING Available in either cutoff or semi-cutoff classifications, the VL1 reflector system provides excellent performance in terms of both luminance and illuminance, with minimal uplight, low glare, and good light control. SPUN ALUMINUM SPECULAR VL1 LOUVER ASSEMBLY AVAILABLE IN TYPE III OR V 43" LAMP BY OTHERS OPTIONAL ROTOLOCK CAST ALUMINUM RING FOR TOOL-LESS REMOVAL OF GLOBE ASSEMBLY OPTIONAL GLOBE HANGER TAB OPTIONAL GLOBE HANGER HOOK RUGGED CAST ALUMINUM CAPITAL (K13 CAPITAL SHOWN) K118R-LAR-GR Available Options for K118 Luminaire GH - Globe Holder An innovative maintenance option that allows for easy servicing of the lamp and/or ballast module by enabling the globe to hang off the capital, allowing two-hand access for maintenance. (specify “GH” after R - Rotolock Globe Feature Ensures a precise bug/water seal of globe to capital as well as allowing easy twist turn access to lamp and ballast module. (specify “R” after luminaire style, eg. K118-R as allenhead screw mounting is standard) capital type, eg. K16-GH ) 4 K118_Brochure_101807_PS:K118_Brochure_011105_PS 10/18/07 2:38 PM Page 5 K118-E Prismatic External Refractor #1 FINIAL CAST ALUMINUM The use of the K118-E external enclosure as a prismatic refractor ensures that the light goes where directed, resulting in maximum spacing and lower energy usage. RIPPLED UV-STABALIZED POLYCARBONATE OR ACRYLIC GLOBE LAMP BY OTHERS ALUMINIZED UPLIGHT REFLECTOR 45" POLYCARBONATE OR ACRYLIC PRISMATIC EXTERNAL REFRACTOR AVAILABLE IN TYPE II OR V ALLENHEAD SCREWS FOR GLOBE ATTACHMENT TO CAPITAL IS STANDARD OPTIONAL PHOTO-EYE OPTIONAL GLOBE HANGER TAB RUGGED CAST ALUMINUM CAPITAL (K14 CAPITAL SHOWN WITH PHOTO-EYE DOOR OPEN) OPTIONAL GLOBE HANGER HOOK K118-EAR Available Options for K118 Luminaire (cont’d) GR - GE Decorative Ring An optional accessory that adds to the historical look of the traditional Washington Globe - available in all King Coat colors 5 CR - Contempra Ring An optional accessory that gives a clean decorative look to the traditional Washington Globe - available in all King Coat colors K118_Brochure_101807_PS:K118_Brochure_011105_PS 10/18/07 2:38 PM Page 6 #1 FINIAL CAST ALUMINUM RIPPLED UV-STABALIZED POLYCARBONATE, GLASS, OR ACRYLIC GLOBE LAMP BY OTHERS K118-I Internal Refractor INTERNAL GLASS REFRACTOR AVAILABLE IN TYPE III OR V 43" Located inside a protective glass or plastic enclosure, the internal refractor of the K118-I redirects the light into the desired light pattern. ALLENHEAD SCREWS FOR GLOBE ATTACHMENT TO CAPITAL IS STANDARD OPTIONAL GLOBE HANGER TAB RUGGED CAST ALUMINUM CAPITAL (K13 CAPITAL SHOWN) OPTIONAL GLOBE HANGER HOOK K118-IAR SST - Solid Spun Aluminum Top A third decorative option that, on its own or when combined with one of the decorative rings, adds to the traditional Washington Globe ambiance - available in all King Coat colors F#3 F#2 F#1 Finials - F#1, F#2, F#3 Many decorative finials are available to modify the look of the traditional Washington Globe. The F#1 finial is standard, but to view other options please visit page 12 of the arms and capital section of the catalog. 6 K118_Brochure_101807_PS:K118_Brochure_011105_PS 10/18/07 2:37 PM Page 1 LIGHT SOURCE** IES LIGHTING CLASSIFICATION II - Type II III - Type III V - Type V LUMINAIRE STYLE K118 - Washington K118 GLOBE MOUNTING R - Rotolock (unless specified allenhead screw mounting is standard) R EAR II LINE VOLTAGE All standard line voltages are available including multi-tap (MT) and dual voltages (DV). When specifying multi-tap or dualvoltage, state voltage to be wired to i.e. 240 (MT) SOCKET TYPE Medium Mogul 100 (MOG) HPS 120 GH K12 POLE ADAPTER GLOBAL TYPE/OPTICAL SYSTEM EAR - External Optics/ Acrylic Rippled Globe EPR - External Optics/ Polycarbonate Rippled Globe IPR - Internal Optics/Polycarbonate Rippled Globe IAR - Internal Optics/Acrylic Rippled Globe IGR - Internal Optics/ Glass Rippled Globe LAR - Louvered Optics VL1/ Acrylic Rippled Globe LPR - Louvered Optics VL1/ Polycarbonate Rippled Globe LGR - Louvered Optics VL1/ Glass Rippled Globe MISC. OPTIONS MV - Mercury Vapour MH - Metal Halide HPS - High Pressure Sodium ID - Incandescent IND - Induction DESIRED WATTAGE (MAXIMUM) BY POLE ADAPTER K6, K10, K13, K14, K23 MV - 250 HPS -250 MH - 250 IND - 165 ** For LPS applications, please consult head office. PE GR BK OPTIONAL GLOBE HOLDER K14/13 K18 Others available (see arms and capitals section of our catalog) K5, K12, K15, K16, K18 MV - 175 HPS -200 MH - 175 PR - Optional Twistlock Receptacle PE - Optional Twistlock Receptacle Complete with Photoeye PBC - Photo Button Cell PEC - Electronic Photo Button Cell HSS - House Side Shield (K118 I and E only) GH - Optional Globe Holder for easy servicing DECORATIVE OPTIONS GR - GE Ring Only CR - Contempra Ring Only SST - Solid Spun Top (Aluminum) PAINT COLOR GN - Federal Green BE - Blue GY - Gray BN - Brown BK - Black BZ - Bronze Other colors available (see color selector in our catalog) How to Catalog for K118 Luminaire A Member of The StressCrete Group of Companies. www.kingluminaire.com email: sales@kingluminaire.com 9200 Energy Lane Northport, Alabama 35476-3442 (205) 339-0711 1-800-435-6563 Fax: (205) 339-4840 1153 State Route 46 North P.O. Box 266 Jefferson, Ohio 44047 1-800-268-7809 Fax: (905) 632-8116 14503 Wallick Road Atchison, Kansas 66002 (913) 255-3112 1-800-837-1024 Fax: (913) 255-3124 840 Walkers Line, P.O. Box 7 Burlington, Ontario L7R 3X9 (905) 632-9301 1-800-268-7809 Fax: (905) 632-8116 © 2007 King Luminaire Co., Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in Canada 5M1007