Ministry of Defence (MOD) Estate Background The MOD (Ministry of Defence) is one of the largest land owners in the UK, with 230,000 hectares of land reflecting 1% of the UK estate, 80% of which is in England. As a major land owning department, rationalising the MOD estate will free up land for affordable housing and economic development in line with the government ambition to release land for 100,000 new homes by 2015. The MOD set out in the Interim Land and Property strategy (2011) the commitment to utilise its estate and release capital receipts from the sale and development of surplus land. Much MOD land is in areas that have been reliant on military need. However, troops will be fully withdrawn from Germany by 2020 and the full integration of regulars and reserves will decrease the number of military personnel, reducing the demand for training, accommodation and equipment. Reorganisation of accommodation will see the closure of 4 sites, saving an estimated £240m a year. In light of this Local Authorities have an opportunity to clearly set out their ambitions for disposal sites. The ways of working in relation to the disposal of surplus sites in England is particularly important as joint working, aligning objectives and a transparent disposal process will speed up the release of land for sustainable development and regeneration as well as achieving value for money and efficiencies. Military need must be balanced against Local Authority drivers for creating sustainable communities. View Defence Infrastructure Interim Land and Property Disposal Strategy (2011) Defence Infrastructure Organisation Disposals Database House of Commons Report (2014) View MOD Surplus Land Disposals List (2012) Landscape The Defence Training Estate (DTE) comprises 16 major Armed Forces training areas, and 104 other minor training areas, ranges and camps. In 2012 the defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO) managed some 49,000 properties of which around 6,500 are currently vacant. It consists of a large range of estate including barracks, depots, airfields and Naval bases which are valued at about £24 billion and property management costs are over £2 billion. Army 2020 was published by the Government in October 2010 as a strategy for the future of the UK Army in England, which set out the full integration of regulars and reserves (around 112,000 personnel) for the first time. Army 2020 retains 79,000 soldiers in UK and rebases the Army from Germany, including the release of 4 full and 3 partial UK and 25 German Barracks. So far the largest decrease in holdings has been in the Centre, with a fall of over 1000 hectares, and in addition from the disposal of some smaller training areas, such as at Fulbeck (Lincolnshire) & Stradishall (Suffolk). MoD Army 2020 Report MoD Army 2020 Report (2012 update) Defence Infrastructure Organisation The Defence Infrastructure organisation (DIO) was established in 2011 to replace the existing Defence Estates (DE) organisation. DIO is the Ministry of Defence’s property and services provider and is responsible for the strategic management of the defence estate, including estate rationalisation/ utilisation. At the end of 2013 the MOD joined with privatesector partner Capita (with URS & PA Consulting) to run and manage the defence estate, estimating savings of £300 million a year over 10 years. The partnership will initially deliver an 18-month transformation project designed to produce a blueprint for the future strategic asset management of the estate. The blueprint will then be executed by the partnership working closely with the MOD to create an infrastructure delivery organisation capable of supporting the long-term objectives of the MOD. Recent Sales - - - Sold surplus land at MOD Bicester to Cherwell District Council for the creation of new homes - 187 hectare site at Graven Hill - 1,900 homes, as well as one million square metres of commercial space and the creation of up 2,000 jobs and apprenticeships Contracts have been exchanged with Taylor Wimpey for the sale of land at Shorncliffe Garrison, Folkestone, which has the potential for 1,200 new homes Historic RAF Bicester site sold to Bicester Heritage Limited. Former Erskine Barracks in Salisbury to Redrow Homes - 34.4 acre site in Wilton was sold to Redrow Homes, which plans to re-develop the land as part of a community partnership with OurEnterprise and the Wilton Community Land Trust. Sold off three of its sites in Bath - The Foxhill, Warminster Road and Ensleigh sites were put up for sale after becoming surplus to Defence requirements LGA Engagement The LGA are working to improve engagement between the DIO (MOD) and local authority partners to; ensure positive responses to the needs of local authorities and the decommissioning of MoD sites, provide greater transparency on sites for disposal, define best practice and break down existing barriers. To date West Lindsey District Council, with the assistance of LGA officers, has brought together key national partners in order to devise the most suitable guidance and protocol forlocal councils with the complexities of MOD decommissioning. These partners include senior officers from the Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO), Capita, HCA, DCLG, English Heritage, Locality, local MPs, members and officers from local authorities most affected by MOD decommissioning. The work has been undertaken in the form of collective workshops at Local Government House and other central locations. The One Public Estate team will also service and expand the range of partners on the National Steering group on MOD Disposals and it has already been identified that there needs to be closer working with the Cabinet office (OPE), MOD, HM Treasury, Environment Agency and DEFRA. Issues - Clarity on the planning policies and process Balancing objectives of MOD and LAs (both long & short term) Improving basic infrastructure Time frame of disposals – fluid nature of defence requirements vs local authority objectives Progress in savings target of £300m per annum Housing targets vs demand for housing on MOD rural land Effective partnership processes between MOD (DIO), Capita and Local Authorities National Planning Policy Framework (NPFF) Useful Links English Heritage - The Disposal of Heritage Assets (2010) Government Estates Strategy (2014) ePIMS Electronic Property Information Mapping Services - Central government Managing Public Money - Government Guidance (2013) National Planning Policy Framework NPPF (2013)