Technical and economic feasibility for millisecond deterministic delay in Residential Ethernet Michael Johas Teener Plumblinks Agenda • Why millisecond deterministic delay? • An example technical approach • Complexity comparison • Difficulty of implementation • Summary Plumblinks ©2004 Slide 2 Why millisecond delay? • Interactive control response – should be less than 50ms, best if less than 10ms – musical instruments need lowest values • Simplifies multiple-path control and synchronization – some devices on networks will be serially connected – ultimate source to ultimate sink may take several trips on network • Expectation of 1394-based devices – single 1394 bus has less than 300µs applicationto-application latency Plumblinks ©2004 Slide 3 Why deterministic delay? • Deterministic delay means bounds on both maximum and minimum! • Buffer sizes are bounded and small – Buffer is sized at difference between max and min delay • Expectation of 1394-based devices – 1394 devices usually have 250µs buffers Plumblinks ©2004 Slide 4 Example technical approach • Provide synchronous services only on full-duplex links – but only normal 802.1D restrictions on number of bridges – some form of negotiation used to indicate if neighbor on a link is ResE-capable • If neighbor is ResE-capable: – Provide well-known clock for synchronization – Synchronous packets are standard 802.3, but distinctly labelled – Admission controls for synchronous traffic on a per-link basis – Dynamic queue priority based on synchronous pacing Plumblinks ©2004 Slide 5 Full-duplex links only … but all devices get normal packets dev ResE switch ResE “cloud” dev non-RE switch blocks isoch ResE switch Enet switch dev dev half-duplex blocks isoch dev Enet hub dev no isoch services dev no isoch services dev dev Plumblinks ResE switch ©2004 Slide 6 Clock distribution • All ResE devices periodically exchange “current time” information – only with link neighbor, probably using something like MAC control services • One station in ResE cloud is selected as clock master – other stations follow it using a very “stiff” filter • Very accurate synch is possible – less than a microsecond • Important part is every station knows the current “cycle” – cycle is a 8kHz counter Plumblinks ©2004 Slide 7 Synchronous packet labelling • All packets are normal 802.3 format – unique length/type • Use GMRP to handle multicast channel selection? • Extra “talker channel” field to handle multiple streams from a single station • Cycle time stamp – indicates the cycle that the packet was scheduled to transmit – perhaps a second one that indicates when scheduled for transmission from original source … useful for delay calculations, but this could be done other ways • Other fields to aid 1394 bridging – “synch”, etc. Plumblinks ©2004 Slide 8 Admission controls • Listener must confirm resources available along entire path to destination – sends “join request” control packet to talker with amount of bandwidth needed (in bytes/cycle) – intermediate bridges make reservation, update delay count and pass on control packet – if resources not available, packet is stamped as “unavailable”, but still sent to talker – talker returns “join response” packet to listener with status status includes resource available (or not), and delay • Obviously, various timeouts and disconnects affect this – fun future work! Plumblinks ©2004 Slide 9 Admission controls (2) • Additional listeners also send “join” request – but this time an intermediate bridge can respond if it is already routing the stream • Listener sends “leave” when done – only gets to talker if this is the last listener, bridges intercept all others • Talker is required to send one packet every cycle – may be zero length – if missing for more than “x” cycles, can be used to take down the connection Plumblinks ©2004 Slide 10 Synchronous pacing • Transmitter sends all packets labelled with cycle “n” as soon as possible in that cycle cycle 1 counter 2 1 1 isoch stream A isoch stream B Plumblinks 3 2 2 4 asynch 5 6 3 3 4 4 asynch 5 5 isoch streams for current cycle have priority isoch packet delayed 6 6 streams are not ordered within a cycle! isoch packet delayed into next cycle ©2004 Slide 11 Complexity comparison • Worst case client MAC will be no more complex than 1394 “OHCI” (Open Host Controller Interface) – typically 150k gates including multiple buffers and powerful scripted DMA engine to perform RDMA-type transactions – will usually be much simpler for non-computer applications • Bridge will need extra priority level and required management functions – Synchronous priority queue per output port 250 µs of data per port max – Separate routing table for synchronous streams same structure as existing 802.1D – Resource manager new – Local clock new Plumblinks ©2004 Slide 12 Difficulty of implementation • Example implementations of IEEE 1394.1 bridges exist – much more difficult that proposed RE bridge 1394 has its own legacy to deal with! – early examples running at 800Mbit/sec were commercially shipped in 2000 using FPGAs! • 802.1D bridges are a great basis to start from – many integrated examples, wide range of capabilities Plumblinks ©2004 Slide 13 Summary • Millisecond deterministic delay is technically feasible – Example approach is not the only one – 1394-based systems exist now • Millisecond deterministic delay is economically feasible – Very minor changes to client are needed – Modest changes to bridge are also required Will be much smaller than 1000baseT PHY! Therefore, bridging 1394 buses should be one of the requirements for Residential Ethernet Plumblinks ©2004 Slide 14 Thank you!