10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide 101 Innovation Drive San Jose, CA 95134 www.altera.com UG-01083-3.3 Document last updated for Altera Complete Design Suite version: Document publication date: 13.1 February 2014 Feedback Subscribe Copyright © 2014 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved. Altera, The Programmable Solutions Company, the stylized Altera logo, and specific device designations are trademarks and/or service marks of Altera Corporation in the U.S. and other countries. All other words and logos identified as trademarks and/or service marks are the property of Altera Corporation or their respective owners. Altera products are protected under numerous U.S. and foreign patents and pending applications, maskwork rights, and copyrights. Altera warrants performance of its semiconductor products to current specifications in accordance with Altera's standard warranty, but reserves the right to make changes to any products and services at any time without notice. Altera assumes no responsibility or liability arising out of the application or use of any information, product, or service described herein except as expressly agreed to in writing by Altera. Altera customers are advised to obtain the latest version of device specifications before relying on any published information and before placing orders for products or services. 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide February 2014 Altera Corporation Contents Chapter 1. About This IP Core 1.1. Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–1 1.2. Release Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–2 1.3. Device Family Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–3 1.4. IP Core Verification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–4 1.4.1. Simulation Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–4 1.4.2. Compatibility Testing Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–4 1.5. Performance and Resource Utilization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–4 Chapter 2. Getting Started with Altera IP Cores 2.1. Installation and Licensing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2–1 2.2. Design Flows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2–2 2.3. MegaWizard Plug-In Manager Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2–2 2.3.1. Specifying Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2–2 2.3.2. Simulate the IP Core . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2–3 2.4. Qsys System Integration Tool Design Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2–4 2.4.1. Specify Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2–4 2.4.2. Complete the Qsys System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2–5 2.4.3. Simulate the System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2–5 2.5. 10GbE MAC Parameter Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2–6 Chapter 3. 10GbE MAC Design Examples 3.1. Software and Hardware Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–1 3.2. 10GbE Design Example Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–2 Ethernet Loopback Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–3 Base Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–4 3.3. 10GbE Design Example Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–5 3.4. Creating a New 10GbE Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–6 3.5. 10GbE Design Example Parameter Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–8 3.6. 10GbE Testbenches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–8 3.6.1. 10GbE Testbench . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–8 3.6.2. 10GbE Testbench Component . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–9 3.6.3. 10GbE Testbench Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–9 3.6.4. 10GbE Testbench Simulation Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–11 3.6.5. Simulating the 10GbE Testbench with the ModelSim Simulator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–11 3.6.6. Enabling Local Loopback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–12 3.6.7. 10GbE Simulation Timing Diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–13 3.7. 10GbE Design Example Compilation and Verification in Hardware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–15 3.7.1. Compiling the 10GbE Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–15 3.7.2. Verifying the 10GbE Design in Hardware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–17 3.7.3. Debugging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–17 3.7.4. 10GbE Design Transmit and Receive Latencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–18 3.7.5. 10GbE Design Performance and Resource Utilization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–19 Chapter 4. 10GbE MAC with IEEE1588v2 Design Example 4.1. Software Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4–1 4.2. 10GbE with IEEE 1588v2 Design Example Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4–2 4.2.1. Base Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4–3 February 2014 Altera Corporation 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide Contents iv 4.3. 10GbE with IEEE 1588v2 Design Example Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4–4 4.4. Creating a New 10GbE with IEEE 1588v2 Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4–4 4.5. 10GbE with IEEE 1588v2 Testbench . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4–5 4.5.1. 10GbE with IEEE 1588v2 Testbench . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4–5 4.5.2. 10GbE with IEEE 1588v2 Testbench Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4–5 4.5.3. 10GbE with IEEE 1588v2 Testbench Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4–6 4.5.4. 10GbE with IEEE 1588v2 Testbench Simulation Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4–7 4.5.5. Simulating 10GbE with IEEE 1588v2 Testbench with ModelSim Simulator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4–7 Chapter 5. 1G/10GbE MAC Design Example 5.1. Software and Hardware Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5–1 5.2. 1G/10GbE Design Example Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5–2 5.2.1. Reconfiguration Bundle Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5–4 5.2.2. Base Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5–4 5.3. 1G/10GbE Design Example Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5–5 5.4. Creating a New 1G/10GbE Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5–6 5.5. 1G/10GbE Testbench . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5–6 5.5.1. 1G/10GbE Testbench . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5–6 5.5.2. 1G/10GbE Testbench Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5–7 5.5.3. 1G/10GbE Testbench Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5–7 5.5.4. 1G/10GbE Testbench Simulation Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5–9 1G/10Gb Ethernet Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5–9 Backplane-KR Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5–10 5.5.5. Simulating the 1G/10GbE Testbench with the ModelSim Simulator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5–10 5.5.6. 1G/10GbE Simulation Timing Diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5–12 5.6. 1G/10GbE Design Example Compilation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5–13 5.6.1. Compiling the 1G/10GbE Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5–13 5.6.2. 1G/10GbE Design Performance and Resource Utilization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5–14 Chapter 6. 10M-10GbE MAC with IEEE 1588v2 Design Example 6.1. Software and Hardware Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6–1 6.2. 10M-10GbE MAC with IEEE 1588v2 Design Example Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6–1 6.2.1. Base Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6–3 6.3. 10M-10GbE MAC with IEEE 1588v2 Design Example Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6–3 6.4. Creating a New 10M-10GbE MAC with IEEE 1588v2 Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6–4 6.5. 10M-10GbE with IEEE 1588v2 Testbench . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6–5 6.5.1. 10M-10GbE with IEEE 1588v2 Testbench . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6–5 6.5.2. 10M-10GbE with IEEE 1588v2 Testbench Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6–5 6.5.3. 10M-10GbE MAC with IEEE 1588v2 Testbench Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6–6 6.5.4. 10M-10GbE MAC with IEEE 1588v2 Testbench Simulation Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6–7 6.5.5. Simulating 10M-10GbE MAC with IEEE 1588v2 Testbench with ModelSim Simulator . . . . . 6–7 Chapter 7. Functional Description 7.1. Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7–1 7.2. Interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7–3 7.2.1. Avalon-ST Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7–3 7.2.2. SDR XGMII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7–4 7.2.3. GMII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7–4 7.2.4. MII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7–4 7.2.5. Avalon-MM Control and Status Register Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7–4 7.3. Frame Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7–5 7.4. Transmit Datapath . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7–5 7.4.1. Frame Payload Padding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7–5 February 2014 Altera Corporation 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide Contents v 7.4.2. Address Insertion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7–6 7.4.3. Frame Check Sequence (CRC-32) Insertion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7–6 7.4.4. XGMII Encapsulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7–8 7.4.5. Inter-Packet Gap Generation and Insertion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7–9 7.4.6. SDR XGMII Transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7–9 7.5. Receive Datapath . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7–11 7.5.1. Minimum Inter-Packet Gap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7–11 7.5.2. XGMII Decapsulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7–11 7.5.3. Frame Check Sequence (CRC-32) Checking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7–12 7.5.4. Address Checking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7–12 7.5.5. Frame Type Checking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7–12 7.5.6. Length Checking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7–13 7.5.7. CRC-32 and Pad Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7–14 7.5.8. Overflow Handling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7–15 7.6. Transmit and Receive Latencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7–15 7.7. Congestion and Flow Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7–15 7.7.1. IEEE 802.3 Flow Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7–16 Pause Frame Reception . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7–16 Pause Frame Transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7–16 7.7.2. Priority-Based Flow Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7–19 PFC Frame Reception . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7–19 PFC Frame Transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7–20 7.8. Error Handling (Link Fault) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7–20 7.9. IEEE 1588v2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7–21 7.9.1. Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7–23 7.9.2. Transmit Datapath . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7–24 7.9.3. Receive Datapath . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7–25 7.9.4. Frame Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7–25 PTP Packet in IEEE 802.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7–25 PTP Packet over UDP/IPv4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7–26 PTP Packet over UDP/IPv6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7–27 Chapter 8. Registers 8.1. MAC Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8–2 8.1.1. Rx_frame_control Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8–16 8.1.2. Rx_pfc_control Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8–17 8.2. MAC Registers for IEEE 1588v2 Feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8–18 8.2.1. Configuring PMA Analog and Digital Delay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8–19 8.3. Register Initialization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8–19 Chapter 9. Interface Signals 9.0.1. Clock and Reset Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9–2 9.0.2. Avalon-ST Transmit and Receive Interface Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9–2 Timing Diagrams—Avalon-ST Transmit Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9–3 Timing Diagrams—Avalon-ST Receive Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9–6 9.0.3. SDR XGMII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9–8 Timing Diagrams—SDR XGMII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9–9 9.0.4. GMII Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9–11 9.0.5. MII Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9–11 9.0.6. Avalon-MM Programming Interface Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9–12 9.0.7. Avalon-ST Status and Pause Interface Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9–13 9.0.8. 10M-10GbE MAC Speed Control Signal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9–20 9.0.9. IEEE 1588v2 Interface Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9–20 February 2014 Altera Corporation 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide vi Contents IEEE 1588v2 Timestamp Interface Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9–20 ToD Clock Interface Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9–25 Path Delay Interface Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9–25 Timing Diagrams—IEEE 1588v2 Timestamp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9–27 Chapter 10. Design Considerations 10.1. SDR XGMII to DDR XGMII Conversion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10–1 10.1.1. ALTDDIO_IN Megafunction Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10–1 10.1.2. ALTDDIO_OUT Megafunction Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10–1 10.2. 10GbE MAC and PHY Connection with XGMII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10–2 10.3. Sharing TX and RX Clocks for Multi-Port System Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10–2 10.4. Sharing Reference Clocks for Multi-Port System Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10–3 Appendix A. Frame Format A.1. Ethernet Frame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A.2. VLAN and Stacked VLAN Tagged MAC Frame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A.3. Pause Frame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A.4. Priority-Based Flow Control Frame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A–1 A–2 A–3 A–4 Appendix B. Time-of-Day (ToD) Clock B.1. Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B.2. Device Family Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B.3. Performance and Resource Utilization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B.4. Parameter Setting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B.5. ToD Clock Interface Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B.5.1. Avalon-MM Control Interface Signal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B.5.2. Avalon-ST Transmit Interface Signal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B.6. ToD Clock Configuration Register Space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B.6.1. Adjusting ToD’s Drift . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B–1 B–1 B–1 B–2 B–2 B–3 B–3 B–4 B–5 Appendix C. Packet Classifier C.1. Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C.2. Packet Classifier Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C.2.1. Common Clock and Reset Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C.2.2. Avalon-ST Interface Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C.2.3. Ingress Control Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C.2.4. Control Insert Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C.2.5. Timestamp Field Location Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C–1 C–2 C–2 C–2 C–3 C–4 C–4 Appendix D. ToD Synchronizer D.1. Device Family Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D.2. Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D.3. ToD Synchronizer Parameter Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D.4. ToD Synchronizer Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D.4.1. Common Clock and Reset Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D.4.2. Interface Signals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D–1 D–2 D–3 D–4 D–4 D–4 Additional Information Document Revision History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Info–1 How to Contact Altera . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Info–4 Typographic Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Info–4 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide February 2014 Altera Corporation 1. About This IP Core The 10-Gbps Ethernet (10GbE) Media Access Controller (MAC) IP core is a configurable component that implements the IEEE 802.3-2008 specification. The IP core offers the following modes: ■ 10 Gbps mode—uses the Avalon® Streaming (Avalon-ST) interface on the client side and the single data rate (SDR) XGMII on the network side. ■ 1 Gbps/10 Gbps mode— uses the Avalon-ST interface on the client side and GMII/SDR XGMII on the network side. ■ 10 Mbps/100 Mbps/1 Gbps/10 Gbps (10M-10G) mode—uses the Avalon-ST interface on the client side and MII/GMII/SDR XGMII on the network side. To build a complete Ethernet subsystem in an Altera® device and connect it to an external device, you can use the 10GbE MAC IP core with an Altera PHY IP core such as a soft XAUI PHY in FPGA fabric, hard silicon-integrated XAUI PHY, a 10GBASE-R PHY, a Backplane Ethernet 10GBASE-KR PHY, or a 1G/10 Gbps Ethernet PHY IP. Figure 1–1 illustrates a system with the 10GbE MAC IP core. Figure 1–1. Typical Application of 10GbE MAC Altera FPGA XAUI or 10GbE MAC or 10GBASE-R or Client Module Avalon-ST Interface 1G/10GbE MAC or 10M/100M/ 1000M/10GbE MAC SDR XGMII/ GMII/MII Backplane Ethernet 10GBASE-KR PHY or Serial Interface External PHY 1G/10Gbps Ethernet 1.1. Features The 10GbE MAC supports the following features: February 2014 ■ Operating modes: 10 Mbps, 100 Mbps, 1 Gbps and 10 Gbps. ■ Support for full duplex only. ■ Avalon-ST 64-bit wide client interface running at 156.25 MHz. ■ Direct interface to 4-bit MII running at 125 MHZ with clock enable; 2.5 MHz for 10 Mbps and 25 MHz for 100 Mbps. ■ Direct interface to 8-bit GMII running at 125 MHZ. ■ Direct interface to 64-bit SDR XGMII running at 156.25 MHZ. ■ Virtual local area network (VLAN) and stacked VLAN tagged frames filtering as specified by IEEE 802.IQ and 802.1ad (Q-in-Q) standards respectively. Altera Corporation 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide 1–2 Chapter 1: About This IP Core Release Information ■ Optional cyclic redundancy code (CRC)-32 computation and insertion on the transmit datapath; CRC checking on the receive datapath with optional forwarding of the frame check sequence (FCS) field to the client application. ■ Checking of receive frames for FCS error, undersized and oversized frames, and payload length error. ■ Deficit idle counter (DIC) for optimized performance with average inter-packet gap (IPG) of 12 bytes for LAN applications. ■ Optional statistics collection on the transmit and receive datapaths. ■ Packets termination when the transmit datapath receives incomplete packets. ■ Programmable maximum length of transmit and receive frames up to 64 Kbytes (KB). ■ Programmable promiscuous (transparent) mode. ■ Optional Ethernet flow control and priority-based flow control (PFC) using pause frames with programmable pause quanta. The PFC supports up to 8 priority queues. ■ Optional padding termination on the receive datapath and insertion on the transmit datapath. ■ Design examples with optional loopback and testbench for design verification. ■ Optional preamble passthrough mode on the transmit and receive datapaths. The preamble passthrough mode allows you to define the preamble in the client frame. ■ Programmable datapath option to allow separate instantiation of MAC TX block, MAC RX block, or both MAC TX and MAC RX blocks. ■ Optional IEEE 1588v2 feature for the following configurations: ■ 10GbE MAC with 10GBASE-R PHY MegaCore function ■ 1G/10GbE MAC with Backplane Ethernet 10GBASE-KR PHY MegaCore function ■ Multi-speed 10M-10GbE MAC with Backplane Ethernet 10GBASE-KR PHY MegaCore function 1.2. Release Information Table 1–1 lists information about this release of the 10GbE MAC IP core. Table 1–1. Release Information Item Version Description 13.1 Release Date November 2013 Ordering Code IP-10GETHMAC Product ID ID 00D9 Vendor ID 6AF7 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide February 2014 Altera Corporation Chapter 1: About This IP Core Device Family Support 1–3 1.3. Device Family Support MegaCore functions provide the following support for Altera device families: ■ Preliminary support—Altera verifies the IP core with preliminary timing models for this device family. The core meets all functional requirements, but might still be undergoing timing analysis for the device family. It can be used in production designs with caution. ■ Final support—Altera verifies the IP core with final timing models for this device family. The core meets all functional and timing requirements for the device family and can be used in production designs. Table 1–2 shows the level of support offered by the 10GbE MAC for the following Altera device family. Table 1–2. Device Family Support for 10GbE MAC Device Family Support Arria® II GX, GZ Final Arria V GT, GX, and GZ Preliminary Arria V SoC Preliminary Cyclone® Final IV GX Cyclone V Preliminary Cyclone V SoC Preliminary Stratix III Final Stratix IV Final Stratix V Preliminary Table 1–3 shows the devices supported by the different configurations. Table 1–3. Device Family Support for Configurations Configuration Arria V GT Arria V GZ Stratix V Multi-Speed 10M-10GbE MAC — v v Multi-Speed 10M-10GbE MAC with IEEE 1588v2 — v v 10GbE MAC with 10GBASE-R PHY v v v v (1) v v Multi-Speed 10M-10GbE MAC with Backplane Ethernet 10GBASE-KR PHY — v v Multi-Speed 10M-10GbE MAC with Backplane Ethernet 10GBASE-KR PHY and IEEE 1588v2 — — — Multi-Speed 10M-10GbE MAC with 1G/10Gbps Ethernet PHY — v v Multi-Speed 10M-10GbE MAC with 1G/10Gbps Ethernet PHY and IEEE 1588v2 — v v 10GbE MAC with 10GBASE-R PHY and IEEE 1588v2 Note for Table 1–3: (1) Supports only Arria V GT devices with speed grade of 3_H3. February 2014 Altera Corporation 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide 1–4 Chapter 1: About This IP Core IP Core Verification 1.4. IP Core Verification To ensure compliance with the IEEE specification, Altera performs extensive validation of the 10GbE MAC IP core. Validation includes both simulation and hardware testing. 1.4.1. Simulation Environment Altera performs the following tests in the simulation environment: ■ Directed tests that test all types and sizes of transaction layer packets and all bits of the configuration space. ■ Error injection tests that inject errors in the link, transaction layer packets, and data link layer packets, and check for the proper response from the IP core. ■ Random tests that test a wide range of traffic patterns across one or more virtual channels. 1.4.2. Compatibility Testing Environment Altera has performed significant hardware testing of the 10GbE MAC IP core to ensure a reliable solution. The IP core has been tested with the following devices: ■ Arria V, Stratix IV, and Stratix V ■ Soft XAUI PHY ■ Soft and hard 10GBASE-R PHY ■ Hard Backplane Ethernet 10GBASE-KR PHY ■ 1G/10Gbps Ethernet PHY The IP core has passed all interoperability tests conducted by the UNH. In addition, Altera internally tests every release with the Spirent Ethernet and 10G testers. 1.5. Performance and Resource Utilization Table 1–4 provides the estimated performance and resource utilization of the 10GbE MAC for the Cyclone IV device family. The estimates are obtained by compiling the 10GbE MAC with the Quartus II software targeting a Cyclone IV (EP4CGX110DF31C7) device with speed grade –7. 1 To achieve your timing requirement in the Quartus II software, Altera recommends that you use multiple seeds in the Design Space Explorer to find the optimal Fitter settings for your design, follow the recommendations of the Timing Optimization Advisor, apply the Speed Optimization Technique and use the LogicLock regions. Table 1–4. Cyclone IV Performance and Resource Utilization Settings All options disabled All options enabled with memory-based statistics counters Logic Elements Logic Registers Memory Block (M9K) fMAX (MHz) 4,424 3,245 2 >156.25 11,845 8,355 11 >156.25 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide February 2014 Altera Corporation Chapter 1: About This IP Core Performance and Resource Utilization 1–5 Table 1–5 provides the estimated performance and resource utilization of the 10GbE MAC for the Stratix IV device family. The estimates are obtained by compiling the 10GbE MAC with the Quartus II software targeting a Stratix IV GX (EP4SGX70HF35C2) device with speed grade –2. Table 1–5. Stratix IV Performance and Resource Utilization Combinational ALUTs Logic Registers Memory Block (M9K) fMAX (MHz) 1,954 3,157 0 >156.25 All options enabled with memory-based statistics counters 5,684 8,349 7 >156.25 All options enabled with register-based statistics counters 8,135 10,117 3 >156.25 Settings All options disabled Table 1–6 provides the estimated performance and resource utilization of the 10GbE MAC for the Cyclone V device family. The estimates are obtained by compiling the 10GbE MAC with the Quartus II software targeting a Cyclone V GX (5CGXFC7D6F31C6) device with speed grade –6. Table 1–6. Cyclone V Performance and Resource Utilization Combinational ALUTs Logic Registers Memory Block (M10K) fMAX (MHz) 2,322 3,444 2 >156.25 All options enabled with memory-based statistics counters 4,417 5,464 6 >156.25 All options enabled with register-based statistics counters 6,867 7,113 2 >156.25 Settings All options disabled Table 1–7 provides the estimated performance and resource utilization of the 10GbE MAC for the Stratix V device family. The estimates are obtained by compiling the 10GbE MAC with the Quartus II software targeting a Stratix V GX (5SGXEA7H3F35C3) device with speed grade –3. Table 1–7. Stratix V Performance and Resource Utilization for 10GbE MAC (Part 1 of 2) Combinational ALUTs Dedicated Logic Registers Memory Block (M20K) fMAX (MHz) 2,001 3,077 0 >156.25 All options enabled with memory-based statistics counters 5,772 8,197 7 >156.25 All options enabled with register-based statistics counters 8,202 9,965 3 >156.25 Settings All options disabled February 2014 Altera Corporation 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide 1–6 Chapter 1: About This IP Core Performance and Resource Utilization Table 1–7. Stratix V Performance and Resource Utilization for 10GbE MAC (Part 2 of 2) Settings Combinational ALUTs Dedicated Logic Registers Memory Block (M20K) fMAX (MHz) 4,827 5,921 8 >156.25 6,822 7,926 11 >156.25 IEEE 1588v2 feature enabled with 2-step synchronization ■ Timestamping is enabled ■ ptp_1step is disabled IEEE 1588v2 feature enabled with 1-step and 2-step synchronization ■ Timestamping is enabled ■ ptp_1step is disabled Table 1–8 provides the estimated performance and resource utilization of the multi-speed 10M-10GbE MAC for the Stratix V device family. The estimates are obtained by compiling the 10M-10GbE MAC with the Quartus II software targeting a Stratix V GX (5SGXEA7H3F35C3) device with speed grade –3. Table 1–8. Stratix V Performance and Resource Utilization for 10M-10GbE MAC Combinational ALUTs Dedicated Logic Registers Memory Block (M20K) fMAX (MHz) 3,654 4,645 7 >156.25 All options enabled with memory-based statistics counters 4,877 5,797 11 >156.25 All options enabled with register-based statistics counters 7,313 7,544 7 >156.25 Settings All options disabled 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide February 2014 Altera Corporation 2. Getting Started with Altera IP Cores This chapter provides a general overview of the Altera IP core design flow to help you quickly get started with any Altera IP core. The Altera IP Library is installed as part of the Quartus II installation process. You can select and parameterize any Altera IP core from the library. Altera provides an integrated parameter editor that allows you to customize IP cores to support a wide variety of applications. The parameter editor guides you through the setting of parameter values and selection of optional ports. The following sections describe the general design flow and use of Altera IP cores. 2.1. Installation and Licensing The Altera IP Library is distributed with the Quartus II software and downloadable from the Altera website (www.altera.com). Figure 2–1 shows the directory structure after you install an Altera IP core, where <path> is the installation directory. The default installation directory on Windows is C:\altera\<version number>; on Linux it is /opt/altera<version number>. Figure 2–1. IP core Directory Structure <path> Installation directory ip Contains the Altera IP Library and third-party IP cores altera Contains the Altera IP Library common Contains shared components <IP core name> Contains the IP core files and documentation You can evaluate an IP core in simulation and in hardware until you are satisfied with its functionality and performance. Some IP cores require that you purchase a license for the IP core when you want to take your design to production. After you purchase a license for an Altera IP core, you can request a license file from the Altera Licensing page of the Altera website and install the license on your computer. For additional information, refer to Altera Software Installation and Licensing. February 2014 Altera Corporation 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide 2–2 Chapter 2: Getting Started with Altera IP Cores Design Flows 2.2. Design Flows You can use the following flow(s) to parameterize Altera IP cores: ■ “MegaWizard Plug-In Manager Flow” ■ “Qsys System Integration Tool Design Flow” Figure 2–2 shows the design flows for the MegaWizard Plug-In Manager and Qsys system integration tool. Figure 2–2. Design Flows Select Design Flow Qsys Flow MegaWizard Flow Specify Parameters Specify Parameters Complete Qsys System Optional Perform Functional Simulation Does Simulation Give Expected Results? Yes Add Constraints and Compile Design IP Complete Debug Design 2.3. MegaWizard Plug-In Manager Flow The MegaWizard Plug-In Manager flow allows you to customize the 10GbE MAC IP core and manually integrate the function into your design. 2.3.1. Specifying Parameters To specify the 10GbE MAC IP core parameters with the MegaWizard Plug-In Manager, follow these steps: 1. Open an existing Quartus II project or create a new project using the New Project Wizard available from the File menu. 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide February 2014 Altera Corporation Chapter 2: Getting Started with Altera IP Cores MegaWizard Plug-In Manager Flow 2–3 2. In the Quartus II software, launch the MegaWizard Plug-in Manager from the Tools menu, and follow the prompts in the MegaWizard Plug-In Manager interface to create or edit a custom IP core variation. 3. In the Installed Plug-Ins list on page 2a of the MegaWizard Plug-In Manager interface, expand the Interfaces folder and then the Ethernet folder. Select Ethernet 10G MAC. Specify the type and name of the output file you want to create. 4. Specify the parameters on the Parameter Settings pages. For detailed explanations of these parameters, refer to “10GbE MAC Parameter Settings” on page 2–6. 5. Specify appropriate options in the wizard to generate a simulation model. 1 Altera IP supports a variety of simulation models, including simulation-specific IP functional simulation models and encrypted RTL models. These are all cycle-accurate models. The models allow for fast functional simulation of your IP core instance using industry-standard VHDL or Verilog HDL simulators. f For more information about functional simulation models for Altera IP cores, refer to Simulating Altera Designs in volume 3 of the Quartus II Handbook. c Use the simulation models only for simulation and not for synthesis or any other purposes. Using these models for synthesis creates a nonfunctional design. 6. Click Finish. The parameter editor generates the top-level HDL code for the 10GbE MAC IP core and a simulation directory which includes files for simulation. 1 The Finish button may be unavailable until all parameterization errors listed in the messages window are corrected. 7. Click Yes if you are prompted to add the Quartus II IP File (.qip) to the current Quartus II project. You can also turn on Automatically add Quartus II IP Files to all projects. You can now integrate your custom 10GbE MAC IP core instance in your design, simulate, and compile. f For information about the Quartus II software and the MegaWizard Plug-In Manager, refer to Quartus II Help. 2.3.2. Simulate the IP Core You can simulate the 10GbE MAC IP core with the functional simulation model generated by the Quartus II software. To perform a successful simulation of the 10GbE MAC IP core using the MegaWizard Plug-In Manager flow, you are required to compile all files listed in the <project directory>/<variation name>_sim output file. Otherwise, the simulation may fail. February 2014 Altera Corporation 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide 2–4 Chapter 2: Getting Started with Altera IP Cores Qsys System Integration Tool Design Flow f For more information about simulating Altera IP cores, refer to Simulating Altera Designs in volume 3 of the Quartus II Handbook. 2.4. Qsys System Integration Tool Design Flow You can use the Qsys system integration tool to build a system that includes your customized IP core. You easily can add other components and quickly create a Qsys system. Qsys automatically generates HDL files that include all of the specified components and interconnections. In Qsys, you specify the connections you want. The HDL files are ready to be compiled by the Quartus II software to produce output files for programming an Altera device. Figure 2–3 shows a high level block diagram of an example Qsys system. Figure 2–3. Example Qsys System Qsys System PCIe to Ethernet Bridge DDR3 SDRAM DDR3 SDRAM Controller PHY Cntl PCI Express Subsystem Mem Mstr PCIe CSR Mem Slave Embedded Cntl Mem Mstr CSR Ethernet Subsystem Ethernet f For more information about the Qsys system interconnect, refer to the Qsys Interconnect chapter in volume 1 of the Quartus II Handbook and to the Avalon Interface Specifications. f For more information about the Qsys tool and the Quartus II software, refer to the System Design with Qsys section in volume 1 of the Quartus II Handbook and to Quartus II Help. 2.4.1. Specify Parameters To specify parameters for your IP core using the Qsys flow, follow these steps: 1. Open an existing Quartus II project or create a new project using the New Project Wizard available from the File menu. 2. On the Tools menu, click Qsys. 3. On the Component Library tab, expand the Interfaces Protocols list and then the Ethernet list. Double-click Ethernet 10G MAC to add it to your system. The relevant parameter editor appears. 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide February 2014 Altera Corporation Chapter 2: Getting Started with Altera IP Cores Qsys System Integration Tool Design Flow 2–5 4. Specify the required parameters in the Qsys tool. For detailed explanations of these parameters, refer to “10GbE MAC Parameter Settings” on page 2–6. 5. Click Finish to complete the IP core instance and add it to the system. 2.4.2. Complete the Qsys System To complete the Qsys system, follow these steps: 1. Add and parameterize any additional components. 2. Connect the components using the Connections panel on the System Contents tab. 3. In the Export As column, enter the name of any connections that should be a top-level Qsys system port. 4. If you intend to simulate your Qsys system, on the Generation tab, turn on one or more options under Simulation to generate desired simulation files. 5. If you want to generate synthesis RTL files, turn on Create HDL design files for synthesis. 6. Click Generate to generate the system. Qsys generates the system and produces the <system name>.qip file that contains the assignments and information required to process the IP core or system in the Quartus II Compiler. 7. In the Quartus II software, click Add/Remove Files in Project on the Project menu and add the .qip file to the project. 8. Compile your design in the Quartus II software. 2.4.3. Simulate the System During system generation, Qsys generates a functional simulation model which you can use to simulate your system easily in any Altera-supported simulation tool. f For information about the latest Altera-supported simulation tools, refer to the Quartus II Software Release Notes. f For general information about simulating Altera IP cores, refer to Simulating Altera Designs in volume 3 of the Quartus II Handbook. f For information about simulating Qsys systems, refer to the System Design with Qsys section in volume 1 of the Quartus II Handbook. February 2014 Altera Corporation 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide 2–6 Chapter 2: Getting Started with Altera IP Cores 10GbE MAC Parameter Settings 2.5. 10GbE MAC Parameter Settings You customize the 10GbE MAC by specifying the parameters on the MegaWizard Plug-in Manager, or Qsys in the Quartus II software. Table 2–1 describes the parameters and how they affect the behavior of the IP core. Table 2–1. 10GbE Parameters Parameter Speed select for 10G MAC Preamble pass-through mode Description Use this parameter to select the speed options. By default, the 10G MAC option is selected. Select Enable 1G/10G MAC to implement the 10-Gbps and 1-Gbps MAC; select Enable Multi-Speed 10M-10Gb MAC to implement the 10-Mbps, 100-Mbps, 1Gbps, and 10-Gbps MAC. Turn on this parameter to enable the preamble passthrough mode. To enable the preamble passthrough mode, you must turn on this parameter and set the tx_preamble_control, rx_lane_decoder_preamble_control, and rx_preamble_inserter_control registers to 1. This parameter is disabled if you selected Enable 1G/10G MAC. Priority-based flow control (PFC) Turn on this parameter to enable PFC. Refer to “Priority-Based Flow Control” on page 7–19 for more information on PFC and its operations. Number of PFC priorities Indicates the number of PFC priority levels that the 10GbE MAC IP core supports. The valid range is from 2 to 8. This option is enabled only if you turn on the Priority-based flow control (PFC) parameter. Datapath option Use this parameter to select the datapath option that determines the MAC variation to instantiate. By default, the TX & RX option is selected. The default datapath instantiates the MAC TX and MAC RX blocks. Selecting TX only instantiates the MAC TX block; selecting RX only instantiates the MAC RX block. Supplementary address Turn on this parameter to enable supplementary addresses. To enable supplementary addresses, you must turn on this parameter and set the EN_SUPP0/1/2/3 bits in the rx_frame_control register to 1. CRC on transmit path Turn on this parameter to calculate and insert CRC on the transmit datapath. To compute and insert CRC on the transmit datapath, you must turn on this parameter and set the tx_crcins_control[1] register bit to 1. Statistics collection Turn on this parameter to collect statistics on the transmit and receive datapaths. When you turn on Statistics collection, the default implementation of the statistics counters is Memory-based. Statistics counters Use Memory-based statistics counters to free up the logic elements (the MAC does not clear the statistic counters after the counters are read); Register-based statistics counters to free up the memory (the MAC clears the statistic counters after the counters are read). Register-based statistics counters are not supported for Cyclone IV GX devices. Enable time stamping Enable PTP 1-step clock support Turn on this parameter to enable time stamping on the transmitted and received frames. Turn on this parameter to insert time stamp on PTP messages for 1-step clock based on the TX Egress Timestamp Insert Control interface. This parameter is disabled if you do not turn on Enable time stamping. Timestamp fingerprint width Use this parameter to set the width in bits for the time stamp fingerprint on the TX path. The default value is 4 bits. 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide February 2014 Altera Corporation 3. 10GbE MAC Design Examples You can use the following 10GbE design examples and testbenches to help you get started with the 10GbE MAC IP core and use the core in your design: 1 ■ 10GbE MAC with XAUI PHY ■ 10GbE MAC with 10GBASE-R PHY XAUI PHY and 10GBASE-R PHY do not support Stratix III devices. 3.1. Software and Hardware Requirements Altera uses the following hardware and software to test the 10GbE design examples and testbenches: ■ Quartus II software 13.1 ■ Stratix IV GX FPGA development kit (for XAUI PHY) ■ Transceiver Signal Integrity development kit, Stratix IV GT Edition (for 10GBASE-R PHY) ■ ModelSim®-AE 6.6c, ModelSim-SE 6.6c or higher f For more information on the development kits, refer to the following documents: February 2014 ■ Stratix IV GX Development Kit User Guide ■ Stratix IV GX Development Kit Reference Manual ■ Transceiver Signal Integrity Development Kit, Stratix IV GT Edition User Guide ■ Transceiver Signal Integrity Development Kit, Stratix IV GT Edition Reference Manual Altera Corporation 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide 3–2 Chapter 3: 10GbE MAC Design Examples 10GbE Design Example Components 3.2. 10GbE Design Example Components You can use the 10GbE MAC IP core design example to simulate a complete 10GbE design in an Altera FPGA. You can compile the design example using the simulation files generated by the Quartus II software and program the targeted Altera device after a successful compilation. Figure 3–1 shows the block diagram of the 10GbE design examples. Figure 3–1. 10GbE Design Example Block Diagram Altera FPGA Client Application 64-bit Avalon-ST Avalon-ST 64 Single-Clock / Dual-Clock FIFO 64 Design Example Rx FIFO Buffer 64 Tx FIFO Buffer 64-bit Avalon-ST 64 Configuration and Debugging Tools 10GbE MAC Pipeline Bridge 32 32 32-bit Avalon-MM Client Application (Configuration, Status, and Statistics) 32-bit Avalon-MM 72 72-bit SDR XGMII 72 JTAG to Avalon Master Bridge Ethernet Loopback 72 MDIO 72-bit SDR XGMII 72 XAUI or 10GBASE-R PHY XAUI / 10GBASE-R System Console (for debugging) 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide MDIO Signals External PHY February 2014 Altera Corporation Chapter 3: 10GbE MAC Design Examples 10GbE Design Example Components 3–3 The design example comprises the following components: ■ 10GbE Ethernet MAC—the MAC IP core with default settings. This IP core includes memory-based statistics counters. ■ XAUI PHY or 10GBASE-R PHY—the PHY IP core with default settings. The XAUI PHY is set to Hard XAUI by default. ■ Ethernet Loopback— the loopback module provides a mechanism for you to verify the functionality of the MAC and PHY. Refer to Section, Ethernet Loopback Module for more information about this module. ■ RX and TX FIFO buffers—Avalon-ST Single-Clock or Dual-Clock FIFO cores that buffer receive and transmit data between the MAC and client. These FIFO buffers are 64 bits wide and 512 bits deep. The default configuration is Avalon-ST Single-Clock FIFO, which operates in store and forward mode and you can configure it to provide packet-based flushing when an error occurs. 1 ■ To enable the Avalon-ST Single-Clock FIFO to operate in cut through mode, turn off the Use store and forward parameter in the Avalon-ST Single Clock FIFO parameter editor. Configuration and debugging tools—provides access to the registers of the following components via the Avalon Memory-Mapped (Avalon-MM) interface: MAC, MDIO, Ethernet loopback, PHY, and FIFO buffers. The provided testbench includes an Avalon driver which uses the pipeline bridge to access the registers. You can use the system console to access the registers via the JTAG to Avalon Master Bridge core when verifying the design in the hardware. f To learn more about the components, refer to the respective documents: ■ XAUI PHY and 10GBASE-R PHY, refer to Altera Transceiver PHY IP Core User Guide. ■ Avalon-ST Single-Clock or Dual-Clock FIFO, JTAG to Avalon Master Bridge, and MDIO cores, refer to Embedded Peripherals IP User Guide. ■ Pipeline bridge, refer to Avalon Memory-Mapped Bridges in volume 4 of the Quartus II Handbook. ■ System Console, refer to Analyzing and Debugging Designs with the System Console in volume 3 of the Quartus II Handbook. Ethernet Loopback Module You can enable one of the following loopback types: ■ February 2014 Local loopback—turn on this loopback to verify the functionality of the MAC during simulation. When you enable the local loopback, the Ethernet loopback module takes the transmit frame from the MAC XGMII TX and loops it back to the MAC XGMII RX datapath. During this cycle, the loopback module also forwards the TX frame to the PHY. While the local loopback is turned on, the loopback module ignores any frame it receives from the PHY. Altera Corporation 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide 3–4 Chapter 3: 10GbE MAC Design Examples 10GbE Design Example Components ■ Line loopback—turn on this loopback to verify the functionality of the PHY when verifying the design example in hardware. When you enable the line loopback, the Ethernet loopback module takes the XGMII RX signal received from the PHY and loops it back to the PHY’s XGMII TX signal. During this cycle, the loopback module also forwards the XGMII RX signal to the MAC. While the line loopback is turned on, the loopback module ignores any frame transmitted from the MAC. Table 3–1 describes the registers you can use to enable or disable the desired loopback. Table 3–1. Loopback Registers Byte Offset Register 0x00 line loopback 0x04 Reserved 0x08 local loopback Description Set this register to 1 to enable line loopback; 0 to disable it. — Set this register to 1 to enable local loopback; 0 to disable it. Base Addresses Table 3–2 lists the design example components that you can reconfigure to suit your verification objectives. To reconfigure the components, write to their registers using the base addresses listed in the table and the register offsets described in the components' user guides. Refer to Table 3–1 for the Ethernet loopback registers. Table 3–2. Base Addresses of Design Example Components Component 10GbE MAC 1 Base Address 0x000 XAUI or 10GBASE-R PHY 0x40000 MDIO 0X10000 Ethernet loopback 0x10200 RX FIFO (Avalon-ST Single-Clock FIFO) 0x10400 TX FIFO (Avalon-ST Single-Clock FIFO) 0x10600 This design example uses a 19-bit width address bus to access the base address of components other than the MAC. 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide February 2014 Altera Corporation Chapter 3: 10GbE MAC Design Examples 10GbE Design Example Files 3–5 3.3. 10GbE Design Example Files Figure 3–2 shows the directory structure for the design examples and testbenches. The ..\csr_script directory contains the design example script files. Figure 3–2. Design Example Folders <ip_lib>/ethernet/altera_eth_10g_design_example altera_eth_10g_mac_base_r testbench altera_eth_10g_mac_base_r_sv testbench altera_eth_10g_mac_xaui testbench altera_eth_10g_mac_xaui_sv testbench csr_scripts design_example_components source Table 3–3 lists the design example files. For the description of testbench files, refer to Table 3–5 on page 3–10. Table 3–3. 10GbE Design Example Files (Part 1 of 2) File Name February 2014 Description setup_proj.tcl A Tcl script that creates a new Quartus II project and sets up the project environment for your design example. Not applicable for Stratix V design. setup_proj_sv.tcl A Tcl script that creates a new Quartus II project for Stratix V design and sets up the project environment for your design example. altera_eth_10g_design_mac_xaui.qsys A Qsys file for the 10GbE MAC and XAUI PHY design example. The PHY is set to hard XAUI by default. altera_eth_10g_design_mac_xaui_sv.qsys A Qsys file for the 10GbE MAC and XAUI PHY design example with the Quartus II software targeting the Stratix V device. The PHY is set to hard XAUI by default. altera_eth_10g_design_mac_base_r.qsys A Qsys file for the 10GbE MAC and 10GBASE-R PHY design example. altera_eth_10g_design_mac_base_r_sv.qsys A Qsys file for the 10GbE MAC and 10GBASE-R PHY design example with the Quartus II software targeting the Stratix V device. Altera Corporation 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide 3–6 Chapter 3: 10GbE MAC Design Examples Creating a New 10GbE Design Table 3–3. 10GbE Design Example Files (Part 2 of 2) File Name Description setup_SIVGX230C2ES.tcl A Tcl script that sets the pin assignments and I/O standards for the Stratix IV GX FPGA development board. Use this Tcl script for the 10GbE MAC with XAUI PHY design example. setup_EP4S100G5H40I3.tcl A Tcl script that sets the pin assignments and I/O standards for the Stratix IV GT Signal Integrity development board. Use this Tcl script for the 10GbE MAC with 10GBASE-R PHY design example. setup_5SGXEA7N2F40C2ES.tcl A Tcl script that sets the pin assignments and I/O standards for the Stratix V GX Signal Integrity development board. Use this Tcl script for the 10GbE MAC with 10GBASE-R PHY design example. top.sdc The Quartus II SDC constraint file for use with the TimeQuest timing analyzer. top.v The top-level entity file of the design example for verification in hardware. Not applicable for Stratix V design. top_sv.v The top-level entity file of the design example— with the Quartus II software targeting the Stratix V device—for verification in hardware. common.tcl A Tcl script that contains basic functions based on the system console APIs to access the registers through the Avalon-MM interface. config.tcl A Tcl script that configures the design example. csr_pkg.tcl A Tcl script that maps address to the Avalon-MM control registers. The script contains APIs which is used by config.tcl and show_stats.tcl. show_stats.tcl A Tcl script that displays the MAC statistics counters. altera_eth_10g_design_example_hw.tcl A hardware Tcl script that contains the composition of the Ethernet system. 3.4. Creating a New 10GbE Design You can use the Quartus II software to create a new 10GbE design. Altera provides a customizable Qsys design example file to facilitate the development of your 10GbE design. Follow these steps to create the design: 1. Copy the respective design example directory to your preferred project directory: altera_eth_10g_mac_xaui or altera_eth_10g_mac_base_r from <ip library>/ethernet/altera_eth_10g_design_example. 2. Launch the Quartus II software and open the top.v file from the project directory. 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide February 2014 Altera Corporation Chapter 3: 10GbE MAC Design Examples Creating a New 10GbE Design 3–7 3. Open the Quartus II Tcl Console window by pointing to Utility Windows on the View menu and then selecting Tcl Console. In the Quartus II Tcl Console window, type the following command to set up the project environment: source setup_proj.tclr 4. Load the pin assignments and I/O standards for the development board: ■ For the 10GbE MAC with XAUI PHY design example, type the following command: source setup_SIVGX230C2ES.tclr This command assigns the XAUI serial interface to the pins that are connected to the HSMC Port A of the Stratix IV GX development board. ■ For the 10GbE MAC with 10GBASE-R design example, type the following command: source setup_EP4S100G2F40I1.tclr This command assigns the 10GBASE-R serial interface to the pins that are connected to the SMA connectors (J38 to J41) of the Stratix IV GT development board. f For more information about the development boards, refer to the respective reference manuals: Stratix IV GX Development Kit Reference Manual or Transceiver Signal Integrity Development kit, Stratix IV GT Edition Reference Manual. 5. Launch Qsys from the Tools menu and open the altera_eth_10g_mac_base_r.qsys or altera_eth_10g_mac_xaui.qsys file. For design targeting the Stratix V device family, use the altera_eth_10g_mac_base_r_sv.qsys or altera_eth_10g_mac_xaui_sv.qsys file. 1 By default, the design example targets the Stratix IV device family. To change the target device family, click on the Project Settings tab and select the desired device from the Device family list. 6. Turn off the additional module under the Use column if your design does not require them. This action disconnects the module from the 10GbE system. 7. Double-click eth_10g_design_example_0 to launch the parameter editor. 8. Specify the required parameters in the parameter editor. For detailed explanations of these parameters, refer to “10GbE Design Example Parameter Settings” on page 3–8. 9. Click Finish. 10. On the Generation tab, select either a Verilog HDL or a VHDL simulation model and make sure that the Create HDL design files for synthesis option is turned on. 11. Click Generate to generate the simulation and synthesis files. February 2014 Altera Corporation 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide 3–8 Chapter 3: 10GbE MAC Design Examples 10GbE Design Example Parameter Settings 3.5. 10GbE Design Example Parameter Settings You can customize the 10GbE design example by specifying the parameters using the parameter editor. Table 3–4 describes these parameters. Table 3–4. Design Example Parameters Name Value Description Configuration MDIO Specifies whether the Ethernet system requires a MDIO core to access the external PHY device management registers for configuration and management purposes. MDIO None XAUI PHY PHY IP 10GBase-R PHY None Avalon-ST Single Clock FIFO Avalon-ST Dual Clock FIFO FIFO Avalon-ST Single Clock FIFO + Avalon-ST Dual Clock FIFO None 1 Specifies which protocol-specific PHY IP core to use for the Ethernet system. For XAUI PHY, you can choose to implement the system in soft or hard logic. Specifies which FIFO buffer to use for the Ethernet system. The Avalon-ST Single Clock FIFO operates with a common clock for the input and output ports while the Avalon-ST Dual Clock FIFO operates with independent clocks for the input and output ports. You cannot enable a different FIFO option for TX datapath and RX datapath. If you select Avalon-ST Single Clock FIFO, the design includes single clock FIFO at both TX and RX datapaths. The parameter values you select on Configuration tab correspond with the other tabs that require further parameterization. You should only parameterize the components you selected and omit the others. Editing the component parameters that were not selected may cause the system generation to fail. f For more information about the parameter settings of other components, refer to the respective documents: ■ 10GbE MAC, refer to “10GbE MAC Parameter Settings” on page 2–6. ■ Avalon-ST Single-Clock or Dual-Clock FIFO and MDIO core, refer to Embedded Peripherals IP User Guide. ■ XAUI PHY and 10GBASE-R PHY, refer to Altera Transceiver PHY IP Core User Guide. 3.6. 10GbE Testbenches Altera provides testbenches for you to verify the design examples. The following sections in this document describe the testbench, its components, and use. 3.6.1. 10GbE Testbench The testbenches operate in loopback mode. Figure 3–3 shows the flow of the packets. 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide February 2014 Altera Corporation Chapter 3: 10GbE MAC Design Examples 10GbE Testbenches 3–9 Figure 3–3. Testbench Block Diagram Testbench Avalon-MM Control Register Avalon-ST Transmit Frame Generator Avalon-ST Receive Frame Monitor avalon_bfm_wrapper.sv Avalon Driver Ethernet Packet Monitor Avalon-MM Avalon-ST DUT Loopback on XGMII Avalon-ST Ethernet Packet Monitor 3.6.2. 10GbE Testbench Component The 10GbE testbench comprises the following modules: ■ Device under test (DUT)—the design example. ■ Avalon driver—uses Avalon-ST bus functional models (BFMs) to exercise the transmit and receive paths. The driver also utilizes the Avalon-MM BFM to access the Avalon-MM interfaces of the design example components. ■ Packet monitors—monitors the transmit and receive datapaths, and displays the frames in the simulator console. 3.6.3. 10GbE Testbench Files The following directories contain the 10GbE testbench files which are in clear text: February 2014 ■ 10GbE MAC and XAUI PHY testbench—<ip library>/ethernet/ altera_eth_10g_design_example/altera_eth_10g_mac_xaui/testbench ■ 10GbE MAC and 10GBASE-R PHY testbench— <ip library>/ethernet/ altera_eth_10g_design_example/altera_eth_10g_mac_base_r/testbench Altera Corporation 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide 3–10 Chapter 3: 10GbE MAC Design Examples 10GbE Testbenches Table 3–5 describes the files that implement the testbench. Table 3–5. Testbench Files File Name Description avalon_bfm_wrapper.sv A wrapper for the Avalon BFMs that the avalon_driver.sv file uses. avalon_driver.sv A SystemVerilog HDL driver that utilizes the BFMs to exercise the transmit and receive path, and access the Avalon-MM interface. avalon_if_params_pkg.sv A SystemVerilog HDL testbench that contains parameters to configure the BFMs. Because the configuration is specific to the DUT, you must not change the contents of this file. avalon_st_eth_packet_monitor.sv A SystemVerilog HDL testbench that monitors the Avalon-ST transmit and receive interfaces. eth_mac_frame.sv A SystemVerilog HDL class that defines the Ethernet frames. The avalon_driver.sv file uses this class. eth_register_map_params_pkg.sv A SystemVerilog HDL package that maps addresses to the Avalon-MM control registers. tb_run.tcl A Tcl script that starts a simulation session in the ModelSim simulation software. Not applicable for Stratix V design. tb_run_sv.tcl A Tcl script that starts a simulation session in the ModelSim simulation software for Stratix V design only. tb.sv The top-level testbench file. This file includes the customized 10GbE MAC which is the device under test (DUT), a client packet generator, and a client packet monitor along with other logic blocks. Not applicable for Stratix V design. tb_sv.sv The top-level testbench file for Stratix V design only. This file includes the customized 10GbE MAC which is the device under test (DUT), a client packet generator, and a client packet monitor along with other logic blocks. wave.do A signal tracing macro script to be used with the ModelSim simulation software to display testbench signals. 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide February 2014 Altera Corporation Chapter 3: 10GbE MAC Design Examples 10GbE Testbenches 3–11 3.6.4. 10GbE Testbench Simulation Flow Upon a simulated power-on reset, each testbench performs the following operations: 1. Initializes the DUT by configuring the following options via the Avalon-MM interface: a. In the MAC, enables address insertion on the transmit path and sets the transmit primary MAC address to EE-CC-88-CC-AA-EE. b. In the TX and RX FIFO (Avalon-ST Single Clock FIFO core), enables drop on error. 2. Starts packet transmission. The testbench sends a total of eight packets: a. 64-byte basic Ethernet frame b. Pause frame c. 1518-byte VLAN frame d. 1518-byte basic Ethernet frame e. 64-byte stacked VLAN frame f. 500-byte VLAN frame g. Pause frame h. 1518-byte stacked VLAN frame 3. Ends the transmission and displays the MAC statistics in the transcript pane. 3.6.5. Simulating the 10GbE Testbench with the ModelSim Simulator To use the ModelSim simulator to simulate the testbench design, follow these steps: 1. Copy the respective design example directory to your preferred project directory: altera_eth_10g_mac_xaui or altera_eth_10g_mac_base_r from <ip library>/ethernet/altera_eth_10g_design_example. 2. The design example and testbench files are set to read only. Altera recommends that you turn off the read-only attribute of all design example and testbench files. 3. Launch the Quartus II software and open the top.v file from the project directory. 4. Open the Quartus II Tcl Console window by pointing to Utility Windows on the View menu and then selecting Tcl Console. In the Quartus II Tcl Console window, type the following command to set up the project environment: source setup_proj.tclr 5. Launch Qsys from the Tools menu and open altera_eth_10g_mac_base_r.qsys or altera_eth_10g_mac_xaui.qsys in the File menu. 6. For the 10GbE MAC with XAUI design example, the default setting of the XAUI PHY is Hard XAUI. Follow these steps if you want to set the PHY to Soft XAUI: a. Double-click the XAUI PHY module to open the parameter editor. b. On the General Options tab, select Soft XAUI for XAUI Interface Type. 7. On the Generation tab, select Verilog simulation model. February 2014 Altera Corporation 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide 3–12 Chapter 3: 10GbE MAC Design Examples 10GbE Testbenches 8. Click Generate to generate the system.Launch the ModelSim simulator software. 9. Change the working directory to <project directory>/<design example directory>/testbench in the File menu. 10. Run the following command to set up the required libraries, compile the generated IP Functional simulation model, and exercise the simulation model with the provided testbench: do tb_run.tclr The ModelSim transcript pane in Main window displays messages from the testbench reflecting the current task being performed. Upon a successful simulation, the simulator displays the following RX Statistics and TX Statistics: # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # framesOK = 8 framesErr = 0 framesCRCErr = 0 octetsOK = 5138 pauseMACCtrlFrames = 2 ifErrors = 0 unicastFramesOK = 4 unicastFramesErr = 0 multicastFramesOK = 1 multicastFramesErr = 0 broadcastFramesOK = 1 broadcastFramesErr = 0 etherStatsOctets = 5310 etherStatsPkts = 8 etherStatsUndersizePkts = 0 etherStatsOversizePkts = 0 etherStatsPkts64Octets = 4 etherStatsPkts65to127Octets = 0 etherStatsPkts128to255Octets = 0 etherStatsPkts256to511Octet = 1 etherStatsPkts512to1023Octets = 0 etherStatsPkts1024to1518Octets = 3 etherStatsPkts1519OtoXOctets = 0 etherStatsFragments = 0 etherStatsJabbers = 0 etherStatsCRCErr = 0 unicastMACCtrlFrames = 1 multicastMACCtrlFrames = 1 broadcastMACCtrlFrames = 0 3.6.6. Enabling Local Loopback You can turn on local loopback to verify the functionality of the MAC during simulation. Follow these steps to enable local loopback: 1. Open the tb.sv file. 2. Insert the command U_AVALON_DRIVER.avalon_mm_csr_wr(offset,value) where offset is the sum of the base address of the loopback module and the register offset, and value is the value to write to the register. 3. Set value to 1 to enable local loopback; 0 to disable it. Altera recommends that you insert the command after the command that configures the RX FIFO. For example, the following code segment enables local loopback: 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide February 2014 Altera Corporation Chapter 3: 10GbE MAC Design Examples 10GbE Testbenches 3–13 // Configure the RX FIFO U_AVALON_DRIVER.avalon_mm_csr_wr(RX_FIFO_DROP_ON_ERROR_ADDR,RX_FIFO_DROP_ON_ERROR); // Read the configured registers U_AVALON_DRIVER.avalon_mm_csr_rd(RX_FIFO_DROP_ON_ERROR_ADDR, readdata); $display("RX FIFO Drop on Error Enable = %0d", readdata[0]); U_AVALON_DRIVER.avalon_mm_csr_wr(32'h948, 1) 4. Run the following command again to reconfigure the loopback module, set up the required libraries, compile the generated IP Functional simulation model, and exercise the simulation model: do tb_run.tclr 3.6.7. 10GbE Simulation Timing Diagrams Figure 3–4 shows the reset and initial configuration sequence. The first read or write transaction must be at least one clock cycle after the csr_reset_reset_n signal completes. Figure 3–4. Reset and Configuration csr_clk_clk csr_reset_reset_n csr_address [18:0] 40084 csr_read csr_readdata [31:0] csr_write csr_writedata [31:0] 00000002 csr_waitrequest February 2014 Altera Corporation 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide 3–14 Chapter 3: 10GbE MAC Design Examples 10GbE Testbenches Figure 3–5 shows the transmission of the first 60-byte frame upon a successful reset and initial configuration. The same frame is looped back to the receive datapath. Figure 3–5. Frame Transmission and Reception Loopback tx_clk_clk avalon_st_tx_ready avalon_st_tx_valid avalon_st_tx_startofpacket avalon_st_tx_endofpacket avalon_st_tx_data [63:0] avalon_st_tx_empty [2:0] 0 4 0 avalon_st_tx_error rx_clk_clk avalon_st_rx_ready avalon_st_rx_valid avalon_st_rx_startofpacket avalon_st_rx_endofpacket avalon_st_rx_data [63:0] avalon_st_rx_empty [2:0] 0 avalon_st_rx_error [5:0] 0 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide 4 February 2014 Altera Corporation Chapter 3: 10GbE MAC Design Examples 10GbE Design Example Compilation and Verification in Hardware 3–15 3.7. 10GbE Design Example Compilation and Verification in Hardware Figure 3–6 shows the components in the top-level file provided with the 10GbE design example. Figure 3–6. 10GbE Top-Level Components Altera Development Board Address Swapper Avalon-ST DUT XAUI/ 10GBASE-R Remote Partner The address swapper swaps the destination address and source address in the receive frame before sending the frame onto the transmit path. You must connect the DUT— design example—to a remote partner that generates, transmits, and receives frames. 3.7.1. Compiling the 10GbE Design You can use the Quartus II software to compile the design example and program the targeted Altera device after a successful compilation. Follow these steps to compile the design and program the device: 1. Copy the respective design example directory to your preferred project directory: altera_eth_10g_mac_xaui or altera_eth_10g_mac_base_r from <ip library>/ethernet/altera_eth_10g_design_example. 2. Launch the Quartus II software and open top.v from the project directory. 3. Open the Quartus II Tcl Console window by pointing to Utility Windows on the View menu then clicking Tcl Console. In the Quartus II Tcl Console window, type the following command to set up the project environment: source setup_proj.tclr February 2014 Altera Corporation 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide 3–16 Chapter 3: 10GbE MAC Design Examples 10GbE Design Example Compilation and Verification in Hardware 4. Load the pin assignments and I/O standards for the development board: ■ For the 10GbE MAC with XAUI PHY design example, type the following command: source setup_SIVGX230C2ES.tclr This command assigns the XAUI serial interface to the pins that are connected to the HSMC Port A of the Stratix IV GX development board. ■ For the 10GbE MAC with 10BASE-R design example, type the following command: source setup_EP4S100G2F40I1.tclr This command assigns the 10GBASE-R serial interface to the pins that are connected to the SMA connectors (J38 to J41) of the Stratix IV GT development board. f For more information about the development boards, refer to the respective reference manuals: Stratix IV GX Development Kit Reference Manual or Transceiver Signal Integrity Development kit, Stratix IV GT Edition Reference Manual. 5. Launch Qsys from the Tools menu and open altera_eth_10g_mac_base_r.qsys or altera_eth_10g_mac_xaui.qsys. 6. For the 10GbE MAC with XAUI PHY design example, the default setting of the PHY is Hard XAUI. Follow these steps if you want to set the PHY to Soft XAUI: a. Double-click the XAUI PHY module to open the parameter editor. b. On the General Options tab, select Soft XAUI for XAUI Interface Type. 7. Click Save on the File menu. 8. On the Generation tab, turn on Create Synthesis RTL Files. 9. Click Generate to generate the system. 10. Click Start Compilation on the Processing menu to compile the design example. 11. Upon a successful compilation, click Programmer on the Tools menu to program the device. f For more information about device programming, refer to Quartus II Programmer in volume 3 of the Quartus II Handbook. 1 If you are not using the Stratix IV GX FPGA development board or the Transceiver Signal Integrity development board, Stratix IV GT Edition, modify setup_proj.tcl and setup_SIVGX230C2ES.tcl or setup_EP4S100G2F40I1.tcl to suit your hardware. 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide February 2014 Altera Corporation Chapter 3: 10GbE MAC Design Examples 10GbE Design Example Compilation and Verification in Hardware 3–17 3.7.2. Verifying the 10GbE Design in Hardware After programming the targeted Altera device, follow these steps to verify your design and collect the statistics: 1. Copy the csr_scripts directory to the design example directory. 2. Launch Qsys and access the System Console by clicking System Console on the Tools menu. 3. Change the working directory to <project directory>/csr_scripts. 4. Type the following command to configure the design example: source config.tclr 5. Start frame transmission on your remote partner to exercise the datapaths. 6. Type the following command to read and view the statistics: source show_stats.tclr 1 The config.tcl and show_stats.tcl scripts support only one USB-Blaster connection. 3.7.3. Debugging You can use the system console to perform the following tasks for debugging purposes: ■ Reconfigure the design example components and retrieve the registers during runtime by following these steps: a. Create a new Tcl script. b. Add the following commands: source common.tcl # establishes the connection open_jtag # use rd32 to retrieve the register value # base address = base address of the component # offset = byte offset of the register rd32 <base address> 0 <offset> # use wr32 to configure the register # base address = base address of the component # offset = byte offset of the register # value = value to be written to the register wr32 <base address> 0 <offset> <value> # closes the connection close_jtag Save and close the Tcl script and type the following command: source <script>.tclr ■ Retrieve and view the statistics counters by typing the following command: source show_stats.tclr February 2014 Altera Corporation 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide 3–18 Chapter 3: 10GbE MAC Design Examples 10GbE Design Example Compilation and Verification in Hardware ■ Turn on the line loopback to verify the functionality of the XAUI/10GBASE-R PHY by following these steps: a. Edit the script config.tcl. b. Add the command write_line_loopback(value) immediately after the command that establishes the JTAG connection. Set the argument value, to 1 to enable line loopback; 0 to disable line loopback. For example, the following codes enable line loopback: open_jtag write_line_loopback 1 c. Save and close config.tcl, and type the following command: source config.tclr f For more information on the System Console, refer to Analyzing and Debugging Designs with the System Console in volume 3 of the Quartus II Handbook. 3.7.4. 10GbE Design Transmit and Receive Latencies Altera uses the following definitions for the transmit and receive latencies: ■ Transmit latency is the number of clock cycles the MAC function takes to transmit the first byte on the network-side interface (XGMII SDR) after the bit was first available on the Avalon-ST interface. ■ Receive latency is the number of clock cycles the MAC function takes to present the first byte on the Avalon-ST interface after the bit was received on the network-side interface (XGMII SDR). Table 3–6 shows the transmit and receive nominal latencies of the design example. Table 3–6. Transmit and Receive Latencies of the 10GbE Design Example Latency (Clock Cycles) (1) (2) Configuration MAC and Ethernet loopback Transmit Receive (with respect to TX clock) (with respect to RX clock) 10 13 Dual Core FIFO 6 6 Single Core FIFO 10 10 Soft XAUI PHY 41 (3) Hard XAUI PHY 24 (3) Soft 10GBASE-R PHY 56 (3) Notes to Table 3–6: (1) The clocks in all domains are running at the same frequency. (2) The latency values are based on the assumption that there is no backpressure on the Avalon-ST TX and RX interface. (3) Total latency for both transmit and receive in this design example targeting the Stratix IV device family. 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide February 2014 Altera Corporation Chapter 3: 10GbE MAC Design Examples 10GbE Design Example Compilation and Verification in Hardware 3–19 3.7.5. 10GbE Design Performance and Resource Utilization Table 3–7 provides the estimated performance and resource utilization of the 10GbE design example obtained by compiling the design with the Quartus II software targeting the Stratix IV GX (EP4SGX230KF40C2ES) device with speed grade –2. Table 3–7. Stratix IV Performance and Resource Utilization Combinational ALUTs Memory ALUTs Logic Registers Memory Block (M9K) fMAX (MHz) 4,054 36 4,710 6 156.25 Loopback 293 0 182 4 156.25 RX SC FIFO 231 0 210 5 156.25 TX SC FIFO 212 0 210 4 156.25 Components MAC 1,892 0 1,215 0 156.25 MDIO 116 0 133 0 156.25 JTAG Master 523 0 440 1 156.25 Address Swapper 66 0 71 0 156.25 Qsys Fabric 993 2 1,018 0 156.25 7,840 38 8,019 20 156.25 Hard XAUI PHY Total Resource Utilization Table 3–8 provides the estimated performance and resource utilization of the 10GbE design example obtained by compiling the design with the Quartus II software targeting the Cyclone V GX (5CGXFC7D6F31C6) device with speed grade –6. Table 3–8. Cyclone V Performance and Resource Utilization Components Combinational ALUTs Logic Registers Memory Block (M10K) fMAX (MHz) 4,417 5,464 6 156.25 Loopback 291 199 4 156.25 RX SC FIFO 242 231 4 156.25 TX SC FIFO 215 232 4 156.25 MDIO 118 144 0 156.25 1,642 1,750 3 156.25 JTAG Master 537 468 1 156.25 Address Swapper 66 71 0 156.25 MAC Soft XAUI Qsys Fabric Total Resource Utilization February 2014 Altera Corporation 444 688 1 156.25 7,972 9,247 23 156.25 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide 3–20 Chapter 3: 10GbE MAC Design Examples 10GbE Design Example Compilation and Verification in Hardware Table 3–9 provides the estimated performance and resource utilization of the 10GbE design example obtained by compiling the design with the Quartus II software targeting the Stratix V GX (5SGXEA7N2F40C2ES) device with speed grade –2. Table 3–9. Stratix V Performance and Resource Utilization Components MAC Loopback Combinational ALUTs Memory ALUTs Logic Registers Memory Block (M9K) fMAX (MHz) 4,110 17 5,212 4 156.25 290 0 187 4 156.25 RX SC FIFO 234 0 236 2 156.25 TX SC FIFO 220 0 246 2 156.25 MDIO 115 0 146 0 156.25 10GBASE-R PHY 112 0 114 0 156.25 JTAG Master 519 0 508 1 156.25 Address Swapper 66 0 74 0 156.25 Qsys Fabric 441 0 679 0 156.25 6,107 0 7,402 13 156.25 Total Resource Utilization Table 3–10 provides the estimated performance and resource utilization of the design example with the IEEE 1588v2 feature enabled, obtained by compiling the design with the Quartus II software targeting a Stratix V (5SGTMC5K2F40C2) device with speed grade -2. Table 3–10. Stratix V Performance and Resource Utilization with IEEE 1588v2 Feature Components MAC Loopback 10GBASE-R PHY Time-of-Day (ToD) Clock Transceiver Reconfiguration Qsys Fabric Total Resource Utilization Combinational ALUTs Logic Registers Memory Block (M20K) DSP Block fMAX (MHz) 6,822 7,459 10 2 156.25 291 264 4 0 156.25 1,066 1,675 6 0 156.25 812 2,268 0 0 156.25 1,245 871 6 0 156.25 83 73 0 0 156.25 10,319 12,610 26 2 156.25 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide February 2014 Altera Corporation 4. 10GbE MAC with IEEE1588v2 Design Example This section describes the 10GbE MAC with IEEE 1588v2 design example, testbench and its components. 1 10GBASE-R PHY does not support Stratix III devices. 4.1. Software Requirements Altera uses the following software to test the 10GbE with IEEE 1588v2 design example and testbench: February 2014 ■ Quartus II software 13.1 ■ ModelSim-SE 10.0b or higher Altera Corporation 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide 4–2 Chapter 4: 10GbE MAC with IEEE1588v2 Design Example 10GbE with IEEE 1588v2 Design Example Components 4.2. 10GbE with IEEE 1588v2 Design Example Components You can use the 10GbE MAC IP core design example to simulate a complete 10GbE with IEEE 1588v2 design in a simulator. You can compile the design example using the Quartus II software and program the targeted Altera device after a successful compilation. Figure 4–1 shows the block diagram of the 10GbE with IEEE 1588v2 design example. Figure 4–1. 10GbE with IEEE 1588v2 Design Example Block Diagram Altera FPGA Client Application Pulse Per Second Design Example Timestamp & Fingerprint 64-Bit Avalon ST Pulse Per Second Module Time of Day Time of Day Clock Time of Day Client Application (Configuration, Status & Statistics) 32-Bit Avalon MM Ethernet Packet Classifier 64-Bit Avalon ST 10GbE MAC Avalon MM Master Translator 32-Bit Avalon MM 72-Bit SDR XGMII Ethernet Loopback 72-Bit SDR XGMII Transceiver Reconfiguration Controller 10GBASE-R PHY Reconfiguration 10GBASE-R External PHY 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide February 2014 Altera Corporation Chapter 4: 10GbE MAC with IEEE1588v2 Design Example 10GbE with IEEE 1588v2 Design Example Components 4–3 The 10GbE with IEEE 1588v2 design example comprises the following components: ■ Altera Ethernet 10G design example—the default 10G design example that has the following settings: ■ 10GbE Ethernet MAC—the MAC IP core with IEEE 1588v2 option enabled. ■ 10GBASE-R PHY—the PHY IP core with IEEE 1588v2 option enabled. ■ Ethernet Loopback—the loopback module provides a mechanism for you to verify the functionality of the MAC and PHY. ■ MDIO and FIFO features turned off. ■ Transceiver Reconfiguration Controller—dynamically calibrates and reconfigures the features of the PHY IP cores. ■ Ethernet Packet Classifier—decodes the packet type of incoming PTP packets and returns the decoded information to the 10GbE Ethernet MAC. ■ Ethernet Time-of-Day (ToD) Clock—provides 64-bits and/or 96-bits time-of-day to TX and RX of 10GbE Ethernet MAC. ■ Pulse Per Second Module—returns pulse per second (pps) to user. ■ Avalon MM Master Translator—provides access to the registers of the following components through the Avalon-MM interface: ■ MAC and Ethernet Loopback ■ Transceiver Reconfiguration Controller ■ ToD f For more information about ToD clock, refer to Appendix B, Time-of-Day (ToD) Clock; and for more information about Packet Classifier, refer to Appendix C, Packet Classifier. 4.2.1. Base Addresses Table 4–1 lists the design example components that you can reconfigure to suit your verification objectives. To reconfigure the components, write to their registers using the base addresses listed in the table and the register offsets described in the components' user guides. Table 4–1. Base Addresses of 10GbE with IEEE 1588v2 Design Example Components Component 1 February 2014 Base Address MAC and Ethernet Loopback 0x00000 Transceiver Reconfiguration Controller 0x80400 Time of Day Clock 0x81000 This design example uses a 19-bit width address bus to access the base address of components other than the MAC. Altera Corporation 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide 4–4 Chapter 4: 10GbE MAC with IEEE1588v2 Design Example 10GbE with IEEE 1588v2 Design Example Files 4.3. 10GbE with IEEE 1588v2 Design Example Files Table 4–2 shows the directory structure for the 10GbE with IEEE 1588v2 design examples and testbenches. Figure 4–2. 10GbE with IEEE 1588v2 Design Example Folders <ip_lib>/ethernet/altera_eth_10g_design_example altera_eth_10g_mac_base_r_1588 testbench Table 4–2 lists the files in the ..\altera_eth_10g_mac_base_r_1588 directory. Table 4–2. 10GbE with IEEE 1588v2 Design Example Files File Name Description altera_eth_10g_mac_base_r_1588_top.v The top-level entity file of the design example for verification in hardware. altera_eth_10g_mac_base_r_1588_top.sdc The Quartus II SDC constraint file for use with the TimeQuest timing analyzer. altera_eth_10g_mac_base_r_1588.qsys A Qsys file for the 10GbE MAC and 10GBASE-R PHY design example with IEEE 1588v2 option enabled. 4.4. Creating a New 10GbE with IEEE 1588v2 Design You can use the Quartus II software to create a new 10GbE with IEEE 1588v2 design. Altera provides a Qsys design example file that you can customize to facilitate the development of your 10GbE with IEEE 1588v2 design. To create the design, perform the following steps: 1. Launch the Quartus II software and open the altera_eth_10g_mac_base_r_1588_top.v file from the project directory. 2. Launch Qsys from the Tools menu and open the altera_eth_10g_mac_base_r_1588.qsys file. By default, the design example targets the Stratix V device family. To change the target device family, click on the Project Settings tab and select the desired device from the Device family list. 3. Turn off the additional module under the Use column if your design does not require it. This action disconnects the module from the 10GbE with IEEE 1588v2 system. 4. Double-click on eth_10g_design_example_0 to launch the parameter editor. 5. Specify the required parameters in the parameter editor. 6. Click Finish. 7. On the Generation tab, select either a Verilog HDL or VHDL simulation model and make sure that the Create HDL design files for synthesis option is turned on. 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide February 2014 Altera Corporation Chapter 4: 10GbE MAC with IEEE1588v2 Design Example 10GbE with IEEE 1588v2 Testbench 4–5 8. Click Generate to generate the simulation and synthesis files. 4.5. 10GbE with IEEE 1588v2 Testbench Altera provides testbench for you to verify the 10GbE with IEEE 1588v2 design example. The following sections in this document describe the testbench, its components, and use. 4.5.1. 10GbE with IEEE 1588v2 Testbench The testbenches operate in loopback mode. Figure 4–3 shows the flow of the packets. Figure 4–3. Testbench Testbench Avalon-MM Control Register Avalon-ST Transmit Frame Generator Avalon-ST Receive Frame Monitor avalon_bfm_wrapper.sv Avalon Driver Ethernet Packet Monitor Avalon-MM Avalon-ST DUT Loopback on XGMII Avalon-ST Ethernet Packet Monitor 4.5.2. 10GbE with IEEE 1588v2 Testbench Components The testbenches comprise the following modules: February 2014 ■ Device under test (DUT)—the design example. ■ Avalon driver—uses Avalon-ST bus functional models (BFMs) to exercise the transmit and receive paths. The driver also utilizes the Avalon-MM BFM to access the Avalon-MM interfaces of the design example components. ■ Packet monitors—monitors the transmit and receive datapaths, and displays the frames in the simulator console. Altera Corporation 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide 4–6 Chapter 4: 10GbE MAC with IEEE1588v2 Design Example 10GbE with IEEE 1588v2 Testbench 4.5.3. 10GbE with IEEE 1588v2 Testbench Files The <ip library>/ethernet/altera_eth_10g_design_example/altera_eth_10g_mac_base_r_1588 /testbench directory contains the testbench files. Table 4–3 describes the files that implement the 10GbE with IEEE 1588v2 testbench. Table 4–3. 10GbE with IEEE 1588v2 Testbench Files File Name Description avalon_bfm_wrapper.sv A wrapper for the Avalon BFMs that the avalon_driver.sv file uses. avalon_driver.sv A SystemVerilog HDL driver that utilizes the BFMs to exercise the transmit and receive path, and access the Avalon-MM interface. avalon_if_params_pkg.sv A SystemVerilog HDL testbench that contains parameters to configure the BFMs. Because the configuration is specific to the DUT, you must not change the contents of this file. avalon_st_eth_packet_monitor.sv A SystemVerilog HDL testbench that monitors the Avalon-ST transmit and receive interfaces. default_test_params_pkg.sv A SystemVerilog HDL package that contains the default parameter settings of the testbench. eth_mac_frame.sv A SystemVerilog HDL class that defines the Ethernet frames. The avalon_driver.sv file uses this class. eth_register_map_params_pkg.sv A SystemVerilog HDL package that maps addresses to the Avalon-MM control registers. ptp_timestamp.sv A SystemVerilog HDL class that defines the timestamp in the testbench. tb_run_simulation.tcl A Tcl script that starts a simulation session in the ModelSim simulation software. tb_testcase.sv A SystemVerilog HDL testbench file that controls the flow of the testbench. tb_top.sv The top-level testbench file. This file includes the customized 10GbE MAC, which is the device under test (DUT), a client packet generator, and a client packet monitor along with other logic blocks. wave.do A signal tracing macro script for use with the ModelSim simulation software to display testbench signals. 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide February 2014 Altera Corporation Chapter 4: 10GbE MAC with IEEE1588v2 Design Example 10GbE with IEEE 1588v2 Testbench 4–7 4.5.4. 10GbE with IEEE 1588v2 Testbench Simulation Flow Upon a simulated power-on reset, each testbench performs the following operations: 1. Initializes the DUT by configuring the following options through the Avalon-MM interface: ■ Configures the MAC. In the MAC, enables address insertion on the transmit path and sets the transmit and receive primary MAC address to EE-CC-88-CCAA-EE. Also enables CRC insertion on transmit path. ■ Configures Timestamp Unit in the MAC, by setting periods and path delay adjustments of the clocks. ■ Configures ToD clock by loading a predefined time value. ■ Configures clock mode of Packet Classifier to Ordinary Clock mode. 2. Starts packet transmission with different clock mode. The testbench sends a total of four packets: ■ 64-byte basic Ethernet frames ■ 1-step PTP Sync message over Ethernet ■ 1-step PTP Sync message over UDP/IPv4 with VLAN tag ■ 2-step PTP Sync message over UDP/IPv6 with stacked VLAN tag 3. Configures clock mode of Packet Classifier to End-to-end Transparent Clock mode. 4. Starts packet transmission. The testbench sends a total of three packets: ■ 1-step PTP Sync message over Ethernet ■ 2-step PTP Sync message over UDP/IPv4 with VLAN tag ■ 1-step PTP Sync message over UDP/IPv6 with stacked VLAN tag 5. Ends the transmission. 4.5.5. Simulating 10GbE with IEEE 1588v2 Testbench with ModelSim Simulator To use the ModelSim simulator to simulate the testbench design, follow these steps: 1. Copy the respective design example directory to your preferred project directory: altera_eth_10g_mac_base_r_1588 from <ip library>/ethernet/altera_eth_10g_design_example. 2. Launch Qsys from the Tools menu and open the altera_eth_10g_mac_base_r_1588.qsys file. 3. On the Generation tab, select either a Verilog HDL or VHDL simulation model. 4. Click Generate to generate the simulation and synthesis files. 5. Run the following command to set up the required libraries, to compile the generated IP Functional simulation model, and to exercise the simulation model with the provided testbench: do tb_run_simulation.tclr February 2014 Altera Corporation 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide 5. 1G/10GbE MAC Design Example This section describes the 1G/10GbE MAC with Backplane Ethernet Backplane Ethernet 10GBASE-KR PHY design example, the testbench, and its components. You can configure the Backplane Ethernet 10GBASE-KR PHY IP to the following modes: 1 ■ Backplane-KR mode to interface with copper backplane ■ 1G/10Gb Ethernet mode to interface with optical SFP+ modules or copper PHY devices Backplane Ethernet 10GBASE-KR PHY only supports Arria V GZ and Stratix V devices. 5.1. Software and Hardware Requirements Altera uses the following hardware and software to test the 1G/10GbE design example and testbench: 1 ■ Altera Complete Design Suite 13.0 ■ Backplane Ethernet 10GBASE-KR PHY ■ Transceiver Signal Integrity Development Kit, Stratix V GX Edition ■ ModelSim-AE 6.6c, ModelSim-SE 6.6c or higher The 1G/10GbE mode is only supported in the production silicon version of the development board. f For more information about the development kit, refer to Transceiver Signal Integrity Development Kit, Stratix V GX Edition User Guide. February 2014 Altera Corporation 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide 5–2 Chapter 5: 1G/10GbE MAC Design Example 1G/10GbE Design Example Components 5.2. 1G/10GbE Design Example Components You can use the 1G/10GbE MAC IP core design example to simulate a complete 1G/10GbE design in an Altera FPGA. You can compile the design example using the simulation files generated by the Quartus II software and program the targeted Altera device after a successful compilation. Figure 5–1 shows the block diagram of a two-channel 1G/10GbE design example. Figure 5–1. Two-Channel 1G/10GbE Design Example Block Diagram Altera FPGA Avalon-ST Single-Clock FIFO Avalon-ST Single-Clock FIFO RX FIFO Buffer RX FIFO Buffer 64 PHY IP Reset Controller TX FIFO Buffer 64-Bit 64 Avalon-ST 64 TX FIFO Buffer 64-Bit 64 Avalon-ST 1G/10GbE MAC 1G/10GbE MAC 10GBASE-KR PHY 10GBASE-KR PHY GIGE/ 10GBASE-R GIGE/ 10GBASE-R External PHY External PHY PHY IP Reset Controller Reconfiguration Bundle Configuration and Debugging Tools Client Application (Configuration, Status, and Statistics) 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide Pipeline Bridge JTAG to Avalon Master Bridge System Console (for Debugging) February 2014 Altera Corporation Chapter 5: 1G/10GbE MAC Design Example 1G/10GbE Design Example Components 5–3 Figure 5–2 shows the clocking scheme for the design example. Figure 5–2. 1G/10GbE Design Example Clocking Scheme ref clk 322.265625 ref clk 125 mm clk 100 PLL 156.25 Mhz gmii_rx_clk Single-Clock FIFO 125 Mhz rx_clkout_1g rx_coreclkin_1g rx_clk xgmii_rx_clk 1G/10GbE MAC 10GBASE-KR PHY Reconfiguration Bundle xgmii_tx_clk 125 Mhz Single-Clock FIFO gmii_tx_clk tx_clk tx_clkout_1g PHY IP Reset Controller tx_coreclkin_1g Configure Reconfig JTAG to Avalon Master Bridge Pipeline Bridge The 1G/10GbE design example comprises the following components: February 2014 ■ 1G/10GbE Ethernet MAC—the MAC IP core with default settings. This IP core includes memory-based statistics counters. ■ Backplane Ethernet 10GBASE-KR PHY—the PHY IP core operating as either 1000BASE-X PHY or 10GBASE-R PHY. ■ Reconfiguration Bundle—comprises the reconfiguration controller that switches the speed between 1 Gbps and 10 Gbps, and the management ROM that stores MIF information for 1/10GbE PHY or HSSI or hard PCS. This block arbitrates the access to the reconfiguration controller and requests the reconfiguration controller to start streaming MIF information. ■ Single-Clock FIFO—Avalon-ST Single-Clock RX and TX FIFO cores that buffer receive and transmit data between the MAC and the client. These FIFO buffers are 64 bits wide and 2048 bits deep. The Single-Clock FIFO operates in store and forward mode, and you can configure it to provide packet-based flushing when an error occurs. Altera Corporation 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide 5–4 Chapter 5: 1G/10GbE MAC Design Example 1G/10GbE Design Example Components 1 To enable the Avalon-ST Single-Clock FIFO to operate in cut through mode, turn off the Use store and forward parameter in the Avalon-ST Single Clock FIFO parameter editor. ■ PHY IP Reset Controller—configurable IP core that you can use to reset the transceivers. Refer to the Transceiver PHY Reset Controller IP Core chapter in the Altera Transceiver PHY IP Core User Guide for more information. ■ Configure Reconfiguration Block—provides the Avalon-MM interface to drive the reconfiguration bundle component to switch speed. 1 This component is required only if the automatic speed detection parameter in the Backplane Ethernet 10GBASE-KR PHY is not enabled. 5.2.1. Reconfiguration Bundle Parameters Table 5–1 lists the parameters for the reconfiguration bundle block. Table 5–1. Reconfiguration Bundle Parameters Parameter Description PMA_RD_AFTER_WRITE Always set this parameter to 0. CHANNELS The number of channels instantiated for the Backplane Ethernet 10GBASE-KR PHY IP. The number of PLLs. If you turn on the 1G mode in the Backplane Ethernet 10GBASE-KR PHY IP, this value will be two times the value of the CHANNELS parameter. PLLS SYNTH_1588_1G Set this parameter to 1 if you use 1G mode with the 1588 options turned on in the Backplane Ethernet 10GBASE-KR PHY IP. SYNTH_1588_10G Set this parameter to 1 if you use 10G mode with the 1588 options turned on in the Backplane Ethernet 10GBASE-KR PHY IP. KR_PHY_SYNTH_LT Set this parameter to 1 if the Enable Link Training (LT) option is turned on in the Backplane Ethernet 10GBASE-KR PHY IP. KR_PHY_SYNTH_AN Set this parameter to 1 if the Enable Auto Negotiation (AN) option is turned on in the Backplane Ethernet 10GBASE-KR PHY IP. KR_PHY_SYNTH_GIGE Set this parameter to 1 if you use 1G mode in the Backplane Ethernet 10GBASE-KR PHY IP. 5.2.2. Base Addresses Table 5–2 lists the design example components that you can configure to suit your verification objectives. To configure the components, write to their registers using the base addresses listed in the table and the register offsets described in the components' user guides. Table 5–2. Base Addresses of 1G/10GbE Design Example Components Component Base Address 1G/10GbE MAC Channel 0 0x00000 1G/10GbE MAC Channel 1 0x20000 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide February 2014 Altera Corporation Chapter 5: 1G/10GbE MAC Design Example 1G/10GbE Design Example Files 5–5 Table 5–2. Base Addresses of 1G/10GbE Design Example Components Component 1 Base Address 10GBASE-KR Channel 0 0x80000 10GBASE-KR Channel 1 0x80800 Configure Reconfiguration Channel 0 0x80400 Configure Reconfiguration Channel 1 0x80500 RX FIFO (Avalon-ST Single-Clock FIFO) Channel 0 0x10400 TX FIFO (Avalon-ST Single-Clock FIFO) Channel 0 0x10600 RX FIFO (Avalon-ST Single-Clock FIFO) Channel 1 0x30400 TX FIFO (Avalon-ST Single-Clock FIFO) Channel 1 0x30600 This design example uses a 19-bit width address bus to access the base address of components other than the MAC. f For more information about the 10GBASE-KR, refer to the 10GBASE-KR PHY IP Core chapter in the Altera Transceiver PHY IP Core User Guide. 5.3. 1G/10GbE Design Example Files Figure 5–3 shows the directory structure for the 1G/10GbE design examples and testbenches. Figure 5–3. 1G/10GbE Design Example Folders <ip_lib>/ethernet/altera_eth_10g_design_example altera_eth_10g_mac_base_kr testbench reconfig Table 5–3 lists the files in the ..\altera_eth_10g_mac_base_kr directory. Table 5–3. 1G/10GbE Design Example Files File Name February 2014 Description altera_eth_10g_mac_base_kr_top.v The top-level entity file of the design example for verification in hardware. altera_eth_10g_mac_base_kr_top.sdc The Quartus II SDC constraint file for use with the TimeQuest timing analyzer. setup_proj.tcl A Tcl script that creates a new Quartus II project and sets up the project environment for your design example. altera_eth_10g_mac_base_kr.qsys A Qsys file for the 1G/10GbE MAC and 10G BASE-KR PHY design example with the Quartus II software targeting the Stratix V device. reconfig.v A top-level entity file for the transceiver reconfiguration controller IP. Altera Corporation 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide 5–6 Chapter 5: 1G/10GbE MAC Design Example Creating a New 1G/10GbE Design 5.4. Creating a New 1G/10GbE Design You can use the Quartus II software to create a new 1G/10GbE design. Altera provides a Qsys design example file that you can customize to facilitate the development of your 1G/10GbE design. To create the design, perform the following steps: 1. Launch the Quartus II software and open the altera_eth_10g_mac_base_kr_top.v file from the project directory. 2. Open the Quartus II Tcl Console window by pointing to Utility Windows on the View menu and then selecting Tcl Console. In the Quartus II Tcl Console window, type the following command to set up the project environment and load the necessary pins assignment for Stratix V GX signal integrity development kit board: source setup_proj.tclr f For more information about the development kit, refer to Signal Integrity Development Kit, Stratix V GX Edition User Guide. 3. Launch Qsys from the Tools menu and open the altera_eth_10g_mac_base_kr.qsys file. 1 At this point you can edit the settings to suit your design using the parameter editor. 4. Click Finish. 5. On the Generation tab, select either a Verilog HDL or VHDL simulation model and make sure that the Create HDL design files for synthesis option is turned on. 6. Click Generate to generate the simulation and synthesis files. 7. Launch the MegaWizard Plug-in Manager from the Tools menu. Select Edit an existing custom megafunction variation and regenerate reconfig.v from the reconfig folder. 8. Click Finish. 5.5. 1G/10GbE Testbench Altera provides testbench for you to verify the 1G/10GbE design example. The following sections describe the testbench, its components, and use. 5.5.1. 1G/10GbE Testbench The testbench operates in loopback mode. Figure 5–4 shows the flow of the packets in the design example. 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide February 2014 Altera Corporation Chapter 5: 1G/10GbE MAC Design Example 1G/10GbE Testbench 5–7 Figure 5–4. 1G/10GbE Testbench Block Diagram Testbench Ethernet Packet Monitor Avalon-MM Control Register Avalon-MM DUT Avalon-ST Transmit Frame Generator Avalon-ST Receive Frame Monitor Ordinary Clock Channel-0 Avalon-ST Loopback on Serial Channel-1 Avalon-ST avalon_bfm_wrapper.sv Avalon Driver Transparent Clock Ethernet Packet Monitor 5.5.2. 1G/10GbE Testbench Components The testbenches comprise the following modules: ■ Device under test (DUT)—the design example. ■ Avalon driver—uses Avalon-ST master bus functional models (BFMs) to exercise the transmit and receive paths. The driver also uses the Avalon-MM master BFM to access the Avalon-MM interfaces of the design example components. ■ Packet monitors—monitors the transmit and receive datapaths, and displays the frames in the simulator console. 5.5.3. 1G/10GbE Testbench Files The <ip library>/ethernet/altera_eth_10g_design_example/testbench directory contains the testbench files. Table 5–4 describes the files that implement the 1G/10GbE testbench. Table 5–4. 1G/10GbE Testbench Files File Name February 2014 Description avalon_bfm_wrapper.sv A wrapper for the Avalon BFMs that the avalon_driver.sv file uses. avalon_driver.sv A SystemVerilog HDL driver that utilizes the BFMs to exercise the transmit and receive path, and access the Avalon-MM interface. Altera Corporation 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide 5–8 Chapter 5: 1G/10GbE MAC Design Example 1G/10GbE Testbench Table 5–4. 1G/10GbE Testbench Files File Name Description avalon_if_params_pkg.sv A SystemVerilog HDL testbench that contains parameters to configure the BFMs. Because the configuration is specific to the DUT, you must not change the contents of this file. avalon_st_eth_packet_monitor.sv A SystemVerilog HDL testbench that monitors the Avalon-ST transmit and receive interfaces. eth_mac_frame.sv A SystemVerilog HDL class that defines the Ethernet frames. The avalon_driver.sv file uses this class. eth_register_map_params_pkg.sv A SystemVerilog HDL package that maps addresses to the Avalon-MM control registers. tb_run.tcl A Tcl script that starts a simulation session in the ModelSim simulation software. tb.sv The top-level testbench file. This file includes the customized 1G/10GbE design example, which is the device under test (DUT), a client packet generator, and a client packet monitor along with other logic blocks. wave.do A signal tracing macro script for use with the ModelSim simulation software to display testbench signals. 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide February 2014 Altera Corporation Chapter 5: 1G/10GbE MAC Design Example 1G/10GbE Testbench 5–9 5.5.4. 1G/10GbE Testbench Simulation Flow The 1G/10GbE testbench provides two modes for simulation: ■ 1G/10Gb Ethernet mode ■ Backplane-KR mode By default the testbench runs in 1G/10Gb Ethernet mode. To switch to backplane-KR mode, open the tb.sv file and specify the MODE_1G10G_KR_BAR parameter to 0. 1G/10Gb Ethernet Mode Upon a simulated power-on reset, the testbench performs the following operations: 1. Initializes the DUT by configuring the following options through the Avalon-MM interface: a. Changes both channel 1 and channel 0 to be operating speed at 10 Gbps. b. Configures the MAC. In the MAC, enables address insertion on the transmit path and sets the transmit primary MAC address to EE-CC-88-CC-AA-EE. c. In the TX and RX FIFO buffers (Avalon-ST Single Clock FIFO core), enables drop on error. d. Waits for both the MAC and PHY to be ready to receive data. 2. Starts packet transmission. The testbench sends a total of eight packets: a. Three 64-byte basic Ethernet frames b. 1518-byte VLAN frame c. 1518-byte basic Ethernet frame d. 64-byte stacked VLAN frame e. 500-byte VLAN frame f. 1518-byte stacked VLAN frame 3. Displays the MAC statistics in the transcript panel. 4. Changes the operating speed for both channels. a. Changes the operating speed for both channels to 1 Gbps. b. Disables clause 37 auto-negotiation for both channels. c. Waits for both the MAC and PHY to be ready to receive data 5. Starts packet transmission. The testbench sends a total of eight packets: a. Three 64-byte basic Ethernet frames b. 1518-byte VLAN frame c. 1518-byte basic Ethernet frame d. 64-byte stacked VLAN frame e. 500-byte VLAN frame f. 1518-byte stacked VLAN frame February 2014 Altera Corporation 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide 5–10 Chapter 5: 1G/10GbE MAC Design Example 1G/10GbE Testbench 6. Displays the MAC statistics in the transcript panel. Backplane-KR Mode To run backplane-KR mode in simulation, perform the following steps: 1. Open the altera_eth_10g_mac_base_kr.qsys file and edit the following 10GBASE-KR PHY instances of channels 1 and 0: ■ IP variant = Backplane-KR ■ Turn on Enable Automatic Speed Detection. ■ Turn on Enable Auto-negotiation. ■ Regenerate the Qsys system. 2. Change the default setting to backplane-KR mode. 3. Run simulation. Upon a simulated power-on reset, the testbench performs the following operations: 1. Initializes the DUT by configuring the following options via the Avalon-MM interface: a. Configures the MAC. In the MAC, enables address insertion on the transmit path and sets the transmit primary MAC address to EE-CC-88-CC-AA-EE. b. In the TX and RX FIFO buffers (Avalon-ST Single Clock FIFO core), enables drop on error. c. Checks if auto-negotiation status is completed. d. Waits for both the MAC and PHY to be ready to receive data. 2. Starts packet transmission. The testbench sends a total of eight packets: a. Three 64-byte basic Ethernet frames b. 1518-byte VLAN frame c. 1518-byte basic Ethernet frame d. 64-byte stacked VLAN frame e. 500-byte VLAN frame f. 1518-byte stacked VLAN frame 3. Displays the MAC statistics in the transcript panel. 5.5.5. Simulating the 1G/10GbE Testbench with the ModelSim Simulator To use the ModelSim simulator to simulate the 1G/10GbE testbench design, perform the following steps: 1. Copy the <ip library>/ethernet/altera_eth_10g_design_example/altera_eth_10g_mac_bas e_kr directory to your preferred project directory. 2. The design example and testbench files are set to read only. Altera recommends that you turn off the read-only attribute of all design example and testbench files. 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide February 2014 Altera Corporation Chapter 5: 1G/10GbE MAC Design Example 1G/10GbE Testbench 5–11 3. Launch the Quartus II software and open the altera_eth_10g_mac_base_kr_top.v file from the project directory. 4. Open the Quartus II Tcl Console window by pointing to Utility Windows on the View menu and then selecting Tcl Console. In the Quartus II Tcl Console window, type the following command to set up the project environment: source setup_proj.tclr 5. Launch Qsys from the Tools menu and open altera_eth_10g_mac_base_kr.qsys in the File menu. 6. On the Generation tab, select Verilog simulation model. By default, the system will be running in 1G/10Gb Ethernet mode. To run in backplane-KR mode, edit the following Backplane Ethernet 10GBASE-KR PHY instances of channels 1 and 0: ■ IP variant = Backplane-KR ■ Turn on Enable Automatic Speed Detection. ■ Turn on Enable Auto-negotiation. 7. Click Generate to generate the system. 8. Launch the ModelSim simulator software. 9. Change the working directory to <project directory>/<design example directory>/testbench in the File menu. 10. Run the following command to set up the required libraries, compile the generated IP Functional simulation model, and exercise the simulation model with the provided testbench: do tb_run.tclr By default the system will be running in 1G/10Gb Ethernet mode. To run in backplane-KR mode, open the tb.sv file and change the MODE_1G10G_KR_BAR parameter to 0, then run the command. 11. The ModelSim transcript pane in Main window displays messages from the testbench reflecting the current task being performed. Upon a successful simulation, the simulator displays the following RX Statistics and TX Statistics: # framesOK = 8 # framesErr = 0 # framesCRCErr = 0 # octetsOK = 5142 # pauseMACCtrlFrames = 0 # ifErrors = 0 # unicastFramesOK = 6 # unicastFramesErr = 0 # multicastFramesOK = 1 # multicastFramesErr = 0 # broadcastFramesOK = 1 February 2014 Altera Corporation 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide 5–12 Chapter 5: 1G/10GbE MAC Design Example 1G/10GbE Testbench # broadcastFramesErr = 0 # etherStatsOctets = 5310 # etherStatsPkts = 8 # etherStatsUndersizePkts = 0 # etherStatsOversizePkts = 0 # etherStatsPkts64Octets = 4 # etherStatsPkts65to127Octets = 0 # etherStatsPkts128to255Octets = 0 # etherStatsPkts256to511Octet = 1 # etherStatsPkts512to1023Octets = 0 # etherStatsPkts1024to1518Octets = 3 # etherStatsPkts1519OtoXOctets = 0 # etherStatsFragments = 0 # etherStatsJabbers = 0 # etherStatsCRCErr = 0 # unicastMACCtrlFrames = 0 # multicastMACCtrlFrames = 0 # broadcastMACCtrlFrames = 0 1 The same message will appear twice if you use 1G/10G Ethernet mode because the system resets the statistic counters after changing the MAC operating speed. 5.5.6. 1G/10GbE Simulation Timing Diagrams Figure 5–5 shows the reset and initial configuration sequence. The first read or write transaction must be at least one clock cycle after the csr_reset_reset_n signal completes. Figure 5–5. Reset and Configuration csr_clk_clk csr_reset_reset_n csr_address [18:0] 40084 csr_read csr_readdata [31:0] csr_write csr_writedata [31:0] 00000002 csr_waitrequest 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide February 2014 Altera Corporation Chapter 5: 1G/10GbE MAC Design Example 1G/10GbE Design Example Compilation 5–13 5.6. 1G/10GbE Design Example Compilation You can use the Quartus II software to compile the 1G/10GbE design example and program the targeted Altera device after a successful compilation. 5.6.1. Compiling the 1G/10GbE Design Perform the following steps to compile the design and program the device: 1. Copy the <ip library>/altera_eth_10g_design_example/altera_eth_10g_mac_base_kr directory to your preferred project directory. 2. Launch the Quartus II software and open altera_eth_10g_mac_base_kr_top.v from the project directory. 3. Open the Quartus II Tcl Console window by pointing to Utility Windows on the View menu then clicking Tcl Console. In the Quartus II Tcl Console window, type the following command to set up the project environment and load pin assignments and I/O standard for the development kit: source setup_proj.tclr f For more information about the development kit, refer to Signal Integrity Development Kit, Stratix V GX Edition User Guide. 4. Launch Qsys from the Tools menu and open altera_eth_10g_mac_base_kr.qsys. 5. Click Save on the File menu. 6. On the Generation tab, turn on Create Synthesis RTL Files. 7. Click Generate to generate the system. 8. Click Start Compilation on the Processing menu to compile the design example. 9. Upon a successful compilation, click Programmer on the Tools menu to program the device. 10. Launch the MegaWizard Plug-in Manager. Select Edit an existing custom megafunction variation and regenerate reconfig.v from the reconfig folder. 1 If you want to share the PLL clock, connect the pll_powerdown signal from the reset controller to the pll_powerdown signal from different channels of the Backplane Ethernet 10GBASE-KR PHY IP. For example, the pll_powerdown signal from reset controller 0 connects to the pll_powerdown signal from channel 0 and channel 1 of the Backplane Ethernet 10GBASE-KR PHY IP. For more information about device programming, refer to Quartus II Programmer in volume 3 of the Quartus II Handbook. February 2014 Altera Corporation 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide 5–14 Chapter 5: 1G/10GbE MAC Design Example 1G/10GbE Design Example Compilation 5.6.2. 1G/10GbE Design Performance and Resource Utilization Table 5–5 provides the estimated performance and resource utilization of the 1G/10GbE design example obtained by compiling the design with the Quartus II software targeting the Stratix V GX (EP5SGXEA7N2F40C2) device with speed grade –2. Table 5–5. Stratix V Performance and Resource Utilization ALM Needed ALM in Final Placement Memory Block 1G/10GbE MAC Channel 0 3,272 3,900 9 1G/10GbE MAC Channel 1 3,302 3,891 9 10GBASE-KR Channel 0 547 685 1 10GBASE-KR Channel 1 547 690 1 Reconfiguration Bundle 1,644 1,940 8 Components JTAG Master 341 424 1 RX FIFO (Avalon-ST Single-Clock FIFO) Channel 0 142 172 2 TX FIFO (Avalon-ST Single-Clock FIFO) Channel 0 140 180 2 RX FIFO (Avalon-ST Single-Clock FIFO) Channel 1 138 176 2 TX FIFO (Avalon-ST Single-Clock FIFO) Channel 1 139 176 2 Other Components 2,628 3,123 8 Total Resource Utilization 12,840 15,357 45 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide February 2014 Altera Corporation 6. 10M-10GbE MAC with IEEE 1588v2 Design Example This section describes the 10M/100M/1G/10 Gbps Ethernet (10M-10GbE) MAC with IEEE 1588v2 design example, the testbench, and its components. 6.1. Software and Hardware Requirements Altera uses the following hardware and software to test the 10M-10GbE MAC with IEEE 1588v2 design example and testbench: ■ Altera Complete Design Suite 13.0 ■ Stratix V GX FPGA Development Kit ■ ModelSim-SE 10.0b or higher 6.2. 10M-10GbE MAC with IEEE 1588v2 Design Example Components You can use the 10M-10GbE MAC IP core design example to simulate a complete 10M-10GbE MAC with IEEE 1588v2 design in a simulator. You can compile the design example using the Quartus II software and program the targeted Altera device after a successful compilation. Figure 6–1 shows the block diagram of a 10M-10GbE MAC with IEEE 1588v2 design example. 1 February 2014 For the purpose of simplification, this diagram shows only one of the two channels in the design example. Each channel has its own components but they share the Avalon-MM Master Translator and Reconfiguration Bundle blocks. Altera Corporation 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide 6–2 Chapter 6: 10M-10GbE MAC with IEEE 1588v2 Design Example 10M-10GbE MAC with IEEE 1588v2 Design Example Components Figure 6–1. 10M-10GbE MAC with IEEE 1588v2 Design Example Block Diagram Altera FPGA Client Application 64-Bit Avalon ST Pulse Per Second Design Example Timestamp & Fingerprint Pulse Per Second Module Time of Day Time of Day Clock Ethernet Packet Classifier Time of Day Client Application (Configuration, Status & Statistics) 32-Bit Avalon MM 64-Bit Avalon ST 1M/100M/1G/10G MAC Avalon MM Master Translator 32-Bit Avalon MM Reconfiguration Bundle 72-Bit SDR XGMII/10-bits GMII 10GBASE-KR PHY Reconfiguration 10GBASE-KR External PHY The 10M-10GbE MAC with IEEE 1588v2 design example comprises the following components: ■ Altera Ethernet 10M-10GbE design example—the default 1G/10G design that has the following parameter settings: ■ 10M-10GbE Ethernet MAC—the MAC IP core with IEEE 1588v2 option enabled. ■ MDIO and FIFO features turned off. ■ Backplane Ethernet 10GBASE-KR PHY—the PHY IP core with IEEE 1588v2 option enabled. ■ Reconfiguration Bundle—comprises the reconfiguration controller that switches the speed between 1 Gbps and 10 Gbps, and the management ROM that stores MIF information for 1/10GbE PHY or HSSI or hard PCS. This block arbitrates the access to the reconfiguration controller and requests the reconfiguration controller to start streaming MIF information. ■ Ethernet Packet Classifier—decodes the packet type of incoming PTP packets and returns the decoded information to the 10M-10GbE MAC. 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide February 2014 Altera Corporation Chapter 6: 10M-10GbE MAC with IEEE 1588v2 Design Example 10M-10GbE MAC with IEEE 1588v2 Design Example Files 6–3 ■ Ethernet ToD Clock—provides 64-bits and/or 96-bits time-of-day to TX and RX of 10GbE Ethernet MAC. ■ Pulse Per Second Module—returns pulse per second (pps) to user. ■ Avalon-MM Master Translator—provides access to the registers of the following components through the Avalon-MM interface: ■ MAC ■ Backplane Ethernet 10GBASE-KR PHY ■ Transceiver Reconfiguration Controller ■ ToD Clock 6.2.1. Base Addresses Table 6–1 lists the design example components that you can reconfigure to suit your verification objectives. To reconfigure the components, write to their registers using the base addresses listed in the table and the register offsets described in the components' user guides. Table 6–1. Base Addresses of 10M-10GbE MAC with IEEE 1588v2 Design Example Components Component 1 Base Address MAC Channel 0 0x00000 MAC Channel 1 0x20000 Backplane Ethernet 10GBASE-KR PHY Channel 0 0x80000 Backplane Ethernet 10GBASE-KR PHY Channel 1 0x80800 Configure Reconfiguration Channel 0 0x80400 Configure Reconfiguration Channel 1 0x80500 Time of Day Clock (1G) Channel 0 0x81100 Time of Day Clock (10G) Channel 0 0x81000 Time of Day Clock (1G) Channel 1 0x81300 Time of Day Clock (10G) Channel 1 0x81200 This design example uses a 19-bit width address bus to access the base address of components other than the MAC. 6.3. 10M-10GbE MAC with IEEE 1588v2 Design Example Files Figure 6–2 shows the directory structure for the 10M-10GbE MAC with IEEE 1588v2 design examples and testbenches. Figure 6–2. 10M-10GbE MAC with IEEE 1588v2 Design Example Folders <ip_lib>/ethernet/altera_eth_10g_design_example altera_eth_10g_mac_base_kr_1588 testbench reconfig February 2014 Altera Corporation 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide 6–4 Chapter 6: 10M-10GbE MAC with IEEE 1588v2 Design Example Creating a New 10M-10GbE MAC with IEEE 1588v2 Design Table 6–2 lists the files in the ..\altera_eth_10g_mac_base_kr_1588 directory. Table 6–2. 10M-10GbE MAC with IEEE 1588v2 Design Example Files File Name Description altera_eth_10g_mac_base_kr_1588_top.sv The top-level entity file of the design example for verification in hardware. altera_eth_10g_mac_base_kr_1588_top.sdc The Quartus II SDC constraint file for use with the TimeQuest timing analyzer. altera_eth_10g_mac_base_kr_1588.qsys A Qsys file for the 10M-10GbE MAC and 10GBASE-KR PHY design example with IEEE 1588v2 option enabled. 6.4. Creating a New 10M-10GbE MAC with IEEE 1588v2 Design You can use the Quartus II software to create a new 10M-10GbE MAC with IEEE 1588v2 design. Altera provides a Qsys design example file that you can customize to facilitate the development of your 10M-10GbE MAC with IEEE 1588v2 design. To create the design, perform the following steps: 1. Launch the Quartus II software and open a new Quartus II Project. 2. Run add_design_example_files.tcl in the Quartus II software to add the required design example files to the project. 3. Launch Qsys from the Tools menu and open the altera_eth_10g_mac_base_kr_1588.qsys file. 4. Turn off the additional module under the Use column if your design does not require it. This action disconnects the module from the 10M-10GbE MAC with IEEE 1588v2 system. 5. Double-click on eth_10g_design_example_0 and eth_10g_design_example_1 to launch the parameter editor. 6. Specify the required parameters in the parameter editor. 7. Click Finish. 8. On the Generation tab, select either a Verilog HDL or VHDL simulation model and make sure that the Create HDL design files for synthesis option is turned on. 9. Click Generate to generate the simulation and synthesis files. 10. Launch the MegaWizard Plug-in Manager from the Tools menu. Select Edit an existing custom megafunction variation and regenerate reconfig.v from the reconfig folder. 11. Click Finish. 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide February 2014 Altera Corporation Chapter 6: 10M-10GbE MAC with IEEE 1588v2 Design Example 10M-10GbE with IEEE 1588v2 Testbench 6–5 6.5. 10M-10GbE with IEEE 1588v2 Testbench Altera provides testbench for you to verify the 10M-10GbE with IEEE 1588v2 design example. The following sections describe the testbench, its components, and use. 6.5.1. 10M-10GbE with IEEE 1588v2 Testbench The testbench operates in loopback mode. Figure 6–3 shows the flow of the packets in the design example. Figure 6–3. Testbench Block Diagram Testbench Avalon-MM Control Register Ethernet Packet Monitor Avalon-MM DUT Avalon-ST Transmit Frame Generator Avalon-ST Receive Frame Monitor avalon_bfm_wrapper.sv Avalon Driver Ordinary Clock Channel-0 Avalon-ST Loopback on Serial Channel-1 Avalon-ST Transparent Clock Ethernet Packet Monitor 6.5.2. 10M-10GbE with IEEE 1588v2 Testbench Components The testbenches comprise the following modules: February 2014 ■ Device under test (DUT)—the design example. ■ Avalon driver—uses Avalon-ST master bus functional models (BFMs) to exercise the transmit and receive paths. The driver also uses the master Avalon-MM BFM to access the Avalon-MM interfaces of the design example components. ■ Packet monitors—monitors the transmit and receive datapaths, and displays the frames in the simulator console. Altera Corporation 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide 6–6 Chapter 6: 10M-10GbE MAC with IEEE 1588v2 Design Example 10M-10GbE with IEEE 1588v2 Testbench 6.5.3. 10M-10GbE MAC with IEEE 1588v2 Testbench Files The <ip library>/ethernet/altera_eth_10g_design_example/testbench directory contains the testbench files. Table 6–3 describes the files that implement the 10M-10GbE MAC with IEEE 1588v2 testbench. Table 6–3. 10M-10GbE MAC with IEEE 1588v2 Testbench Files File Name Description avalon_bfm_wrapper.sv A wrapper for the Avalon BFMs that the avalon_driver.sv file uses. avalon_driver.sv A SystemVerilog HDL driver that utilizes the BFMs to exercise the transmit and receive path, and access the Avalon-MM interface. avalon_if_params_pkg.sv A SystemVerilog HDL testbench that contains parameters to configure the BFMs. Because the configuration is specific to the DUT, you must not change the contents of this file. avalon_st_eth_packet_monitor.sv A SystemVerilog HDL testbench that monitors the Avalon-ST transmit and receive interfaces. default_test_params_pkg.sv A SystemVerilog HDL package that contains the default parameter settings of the testbench. eth_mac_frame.sv A SystemVerilog HDL class that defines the Ethernet frames. The avalon_driver.sv file uses this class. eth_register_map_params_pkg.sv A SystemVerilog HDL package that maps addresses to the Avalon-MM control registers. ptp_timestamp.sv A SystemVerilog HDL class that defines the timestamp in the testbench. tb_run.tcl A Tcl script that starts a simulation session in the ModelSim simulation software. tb_testcase.sv A SystemVerilog HDL testbench file that controls the flow of the testbench. tb_top.sv The top-level testbench file. This file includes the customized 10M-10GbE MAC, which is the device under test (DUT), a client packet generator, and a client packet monitor along with other logic blocks. wave.do A signal tracing macro script for use with the ModelSim simulation software to display testbench signals. 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide February 2014 Altera Corporation Chapter 6: 10M-10GbE MAC with IEEE 1588v2 Design Example 10M-10GbE with IEEE 1588v2 Testbench 6–7 6.5.4. 10M-10GbE MAC with IEEE 1588v2 Testbench Simulation Flow Upon a simulated power-on reset, the testbench performs the following operations: 1. Initializes the DUT by configuring the following options through the Avalon-MM interface: ■ Changes both channel 1 and channel 0 to be operating speed at 10 Gbps. ■ Waits for both the MAC and PHY to be ready. ■ Configures the MAC. In the MAC, enables address insertion on the transmit path and sets the transmit and receive primary MAC address to EE-CC-88-CCAA-EE. Also enables CRC insertion on transmit path. ■ Configures Timestamp Unit in the MAC, by setting periods and path delay adjustments of the clocks. ■ Configures ToD clock by loading a predefined time value. ■ Configures clock mode of channel-0 Packet Classifier to Ordinary Clock mode, and channel-1 Packet Classifier to End-to-end Transparent Clock mode. 2. Starts packet transmission. The testbench sends a total of seven packets: ■ 64-byte basic Ethernet frames ■ 1-step PTP Sync message over Ethernet ■ 1-step PTP Sync message over UDP/IPv4 with VLAN tag ■ 2-step PTP Sync message over UDP/IPv6 with stacked VLAN tag ■ 1-step PTP Delay Request message over Ethernet ■ 2-step PTP Delay Request message over UDP/IPv4 with VLAN tag ■ 1-step PTP Delay Request message over UDP/IPv6 with stacked VLAN tag 3. Displays the MAC statistics on the transcript panel. 4. Changes the operating speed for both channels to 1 Gbps, 100 Mbps, and 10 Mbps. 5. Repeats steps 1 to 3. 6. Stops packet transmission and display statistics counter of the MAC. 6.5.5. Simulating 10M-10GbE MAC with IEEE 1588v2 Testbench with ModelSim Simulator To use the ModelSim simulator to simulate the testbench design, follow these steps: 1. Copy the respective design example directory to your preferred project directory: altera_eth_10g_mac_base_kr_1588 from <ip library>/ethernet/altera_eth_10g_design_example. 2. Launch Qsys from the Tools menu and open the altera_eth_10g_mac_base_kr_1588.qsys file. 3. On the Generation tab, select either a Verilog HDL or VHDL simulation model. 4. Click Generate to generate the simulation and synthesis files. February 2014 Altera Corporation 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide 6–8 Chapter 6: 10M-10GbE MAC with IEEE 1588v2 Design Example 10M-10GbE with IEEE 1588v2 Testbench 5. Run the following command to set up the required libraries, to compile the generated IP Functional simulation model, and to exercise the simulation model with the provided testbench: do tb_run.tclr 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide February 2014 Altera Corporation 7. Functional Description The 10GbE MAC IP core handles the flow of data between a client and Ethernet network through a 10-Gbps Ethernet PHY. On the transmit path, the MAC accepts client frames and constructs Ethernet frames by inserting various control fields, such as checksums before forwarding them to the PHY. Similarly, on the receive path, the MAC accepts Ethernet frames via a PHY, performs checks, and removes the relevant fields before forwarding the frames to the client. You can configure the MAC to collect statistics on both transmit and receive paths. You can opt to use either 10GbE MAC, 1G/10GbE MAC, or 10M-10GbE MAC variant. This chapter describes the MAC IP core, its architecture, interfaces, data paths, registers, and interface signals. 7.1. Architecture The 10GbE MAC IP core is a composition of three blocks: MAC receiver (MAC RX), MAC transmitter (MAC TX), and Avalon-MM bridge. The MAC RX and MAC TX handle data flow between the client and Ethernet network. The Avalon-MM bridge provides a single interface to all Avalon-MM interfaces within the MAC, which allows a host to access 32-bit configuration and status registers, and statistics counters. February 2014 Altera Corporation 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide 7–2 Chapter 7: Functional Description Architecture Figure 7–1, Figure 7–2, and Figure 7–3 show the block diagrams of the 10GbE MAC, 1G/10GbE MAC, and 10M-10GbE MAC variants of the MAC IP core. Figure 7–1. 10GbE MAC IP Core Block Diagram 10GbE MAC 64-bit Avalon-ST Transmit Interface Avalon-MM Configuration 64 32 Avalon-MM Bridge MAC Tx Flow Control 72 Link Fault MAC Rx 64-bit Avalon-ST Receive Interface XGMII Transmit Interface 72 XGMII Receive Interface 64 Figure 7–2. 1G/10GbE MAC IP Core Block Diagram 1G/10GbE MAC 64-bit Avalon-ST Transmit Interface 72 64 MAC Tx 8 Avalon-MM Configuration 32 Avalon-MM Bridge Flow Control Link Fault 72 64-bit Avalon-ST Receive Interface 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide MAC Rx 64 XGMII Transmit Interface GMII Transmit Interface 8 XGMII Receive Interface GMII Receive Interface February 2014 Altera Corporation Chapter 7: Functional Description Interfaces 7–3 Figure 7–3. 10M-10GbE MAC IP Core Block Diagram 10M-10GbE MAC 64-bit Avalon-ST Transmit Interface Avalon-MM Configuration 64 32 64-bit Avalon-ST Receive Interface Avalon-MM Bridge MAC Tx Flow Control 72 XGMII Transmit Interface 8 GMII Transmit Interface 4 MII Transmit Interface Link Fault 72 XGMII Receive Interface 8 GMII Receive Interface 4 MII Receive Interface MAC Rx 64 7.2. Interfaces The 10GbE MAC IP core offers the following modes: ■ Avalon-ST transmit and receive interface on the client side ■ Avalon-MM control and status register interface ■ SDR XGMII transmit and receive interface on the network side (10GbE MAC) or GMII or SDR XGMII transmit and receive interface on the network side (1G/10G MAC) or MII, GMII or SDR XGMII transmit and receive interface on the network side (10M-10G MAC) 7.2.1. Avalon-ST Interface The client-side interface of the MAC employs the Avalon-ST protocol, which is a synchronous point-to-point, unidirectional interface that connects the producer of a data stream (source) to a consumer of the data (sink). The key properties of this interface include: February 2014 ■ Frame transfers marked by startofpacket and endofpacket signals. ■ Signals from source to sink are qualified by the valid signal. ■ Errors marking a current packet are aligned with the end-of-packet cycle. ■ Use of the ready signal by the sink to backpressure the source. The source must respond to the ready signal from sink by deasserting the valid signal after a fixed number of cycles defined by the ready latency. Altera Corporation 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide 7–4 Chapter 7: Functional Description Interfaces In the MAC, the Avalon-ST interface acts as a sink in the transmit datapath and source in the receive datapath. These interfaces are 64 bits wide and support packets, backpressure, and error. The ready latency on these interfaces is 0 and the MAC expects the empty signal to contain a valid value. f For more information about the Avalon-ST interface, refer to the Avalon Interface Specifications. 7.2.2. SDR XGMII The network-side interface of the 10GbE MAC implements the SDR version of the XGMII protocol. The SDR XGMII consists of 64-bit data bus and 8-bit control bus operating at 156.25 MHz. The data bus carries the MAC frame; the most significant byte occupies the least significant lane. 7.2.3. GMII The network-side interface of the 1GbE MAC implements the GMII protocol for the 1Gpbs mode. The GMII defines speeds up to 1000 Mbit/s, implemented using an eight-bit data interface operating at 125 MHz. 7.2.4. MII The network-side interface of the 10M/100MbE MAC implements the MII protocol for the 10 Mbps and 100 Mbps mode. The MII defines speeds up to 10Mbit/s and 100Mbit/s. The speed is implemented using a four-bit data interface operating at 125 MHz, with the clock enable signal to divide the clock to 25 MHz for 100 Mbps and 2.5 MHz for 10 Mbps. 7.2.5. Avalon-MM Control and Status Register Interface The Avalon-MM control and status register interface is an Avalon-MM slave port. This interface uses word addressing which provides host access to 32-bit configuration and status registers, and statistics counters. 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide February 2014 Altera Corporation Chapter 7: Functional Description Frame Types 7–5 7.3. Frame Types The MAC supports the following frame types: ■ Basic Ethernet frames, including jumbo frames. ■ VLAN and stacked VLAN frames. ■ Control frames, which include pause and PFC frames. f Refer to Appendix A, Frame Format for the frame formats and fields. 7.4. Transmit Datapath The MAC TX receives the client payload data with the destination and source addresses, and appends various control fields. Depending on the MAC configuration, the MAC TX could perform the following tasks: pads the payload to satisfy the minimum Ethernet frame payload of 64 bytes, calculates and appends the CRC-32 field, modifies the source address, inserts inter-packet gap bytes, and accepts client-defined preamble bytes. To perform these tasks, the MAC TX deasserts the avalon_st_tx_ready signal during the frame transfer. Figure 7–4 shows the typical flow of frame through the MAC TX. Figure 7–4. Typical Client Frame at Transmit Interface Client Frame Destination Addr[47:0] Client-Defined Preamble [63:0] Source Addr[47:0] Type/ Length[15:0] Payload (1) [<p-1>:0] (2) PAD [<s>] (optional) CRC32 [31:0] (optional) Client - MAC Tx Interface MAC Frame Preamble [55:0] Destination Addr[47:0] SFD[7:0] Source Addr[47:0] Type/ Length[15:0] Payload [<p-1>:0] PAD [<s>] CRC32 [31:0] EFD[7:0] IPG (3) [<l-1>:0] Frame Length Notes to Figure 7–4: (1) <p> = payload size = 0–1500 bytes (2) <s> = padding bytes = 0–46 bytes (3) <I> = number of IPG bytes 7.4.1. Frame Payload Padding The MAC TX inserts pad bytes (0x00) into transmit frames when the payload length doesn't meet the minimum length required: February 2014 ■ 46 bytes for basic frames ■ 42 bytes for VLAN tagged frames ■ 38 bytes for stacked VLAN tagged frames Altera Corporation 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide 7–6 Chapter 7: Functional Description Transmit Datapath You can disable pad bytes insertion by setting the tx_padins_control register to 0. When disabled, the MAC IP forwards the frames to the receiver without checking the frame length. Ensure that the minimum payload length is met; otherwise the current frame may get corrupted. You can check for undersized frames by referring to the statistics collected. 7.4.2. Address Insertion By default, the MAC TX retains the source address received from the client. You can configure the MAX TX to replace the source address with the primary MAC address specified in the tx_addrins_macaddr0 and tx_addrins_macaddr1 registers by setting the bit tx_addrins_control[0] to 1. 7.4.3. Frame Check Sequence (CRC-32) Insertion The MAC TX computes and inserts CRC-32 checksum into transmit frames. The MAC TX computes the CRC-32 checksum over the frame bytes that include the source address, destination address, length, data, and pad bytes. The CRC checksum computation excludes the preamble, SFD, and FCS bytes. The following equation shows the CRC polynomial, as specified in the IEEE 802.3 Standard: FCS(X) = X 32 +X 26 +X 23 +X 22 +X 16 +X 12 +X 11 +X 10 8 7 5 4 2 1 +X +X +X +X +X +X +1 The 32-bit CRC value occupies the FCS field with X31 in the least significant bit of the first byte. The CRC bits are thus received in the following order: X31, X30,..., X1, X0. You can disable this function by setting the bit tx_crcins_control[1] to 0. You can also choose to omit the logic for CRC computation and insertion to save resources. When you disable or omit the CRC computation and insertion, the MAC does not append the CRC bits to the automatically generated pause frames. Figure 7–5 on page 7–7 shows the timing diagram of the Avalon-ST transmit and receive interface where the FCS insertion function is on. The MAC TX receives the frame without CRC-32 checksum and inserts CRC-32 checksum (4EB00AF4) into the frame. The frame is then loopback to the receive datapath with the avalon_st_rx_data[63:0] containing the CRC-32 checksum. 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide February 2014 Altera Corporation Chapter 7: Functional Description Transmit Datapath 7–7 Figure 7–5. Avalon-ST Transmit and Receive Interface with CRC-32 Checksum Insertion tx_clk_clk avalon_st_tx_ready avalon_st_tx_valid avalon_st_tx_startofpacket avalon_st_tx_endofpacket ...00000000 avalon_st_tx_data[63:0] avalon_st_tx_empty[2:0] 4(1) 0 avalon_st_tx_error rx_clk_clk avalon_st_rx_ready avalon_st_rx_valid avalon_st_rx_startofpacket avalon_st_rx_endofpacket avalon_st_rx_data[63:0] avalon_st_rx_empty[2:0] ...4EB30AF4 0 avalon_st_rx_error[5:0] Note to Figure 7–5: (1) This value (which varies depending on the frame size) indicates the number of symbols that are empty during the cycles that mark the end of a frame. February 2014 Altera Corporation 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide 7–8 Chapter 7: Functional Description Transmit Datapath Figure 7–6 shows the timing diagram of the Avalon-ST transmit and receive interface where the FCS insertion function is off. The MAC TX receives the frame which contains a CRC-32 checksum (4EB00AF4) and forwards the frame without performing CRC computation. The frame with the same CRC-32 field is then loopback to the receive datapath. Figure 7–6. Avalon-ST Transmit and Receive Interface with CRC-32 Computation Disabled tx_clk_clk avalon_st_tx_ready avalon_st_tx_valid avalon_st_tx_startofpacket avalon_st_tx_endofpacket ...4EB30AF4 avalon_st_tx_data[63:0] avalon_st_tx_empty[2:0] 0 avalon_st_tx_error rx_clk_clk avalon_st_rx_ready avalon_st_rx_valid avalon_st_rx_startofpacket avalon_st_rx_endofpacket avalon_st_rx_data[63:0] avalon_st_rx_empty[2:0] ...4EB30AF4 0 avalon_st_rx_error[5:0] 7.4.4. XGMII Encapsulation The 10GbE MAC TX inserts 7-byte preamble, 1-byte SFD and 1-byte EFD (0xFD) into frames received from the client. When you enable the preamble passthrough mode, the 10GbE MAC TX accepts 8-byte client-defined preamble in the frames received from the client and inserts a 1-byte EFD into the frames. For XGMII encapsulation, the first byte of the preamble data is converted to a 1-byte START (0xFB). An underflow could occur on the Avalon-ST transmit interface. An underflow occurs when the avalon_st_tx_valid signal is deasserted in the middle of frame transmission. When this happens, the 10GbE MAC TX inserts an error character |E| into the frame and forwards the frame to the XGMII. 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide February 2014 Altera Corporation Chapter 7: Functional Description Transmit Datapath 7–9 7.4.5. Inter-Packet Gap Generation and Insertion The MAC TX maintains an average IPG between transmit frames as required by the IEEE 802.3 Ethernet standard. The average IPG is maintained at 96 bit times (12 byte times) using the deficit idle count (DIC). The MAC TX's decision to insert or delete idle bytes depends on the value of the DIC; the DIC is bounded between a minimum value of zero and maximum value of three. Averaging the IPG ensures that the MAC utilizes the maximum available bandwidth. 7.4.6. SDR XGMII Transmission To comply with the IEEE 802.3 Clause 46 Ethernet standard, the MAC TX ensures the following when transmitting frames on the SDR XGMII: February 2014 ■ Aligns the first byte of the frame to either lane 0 or lane 4 of the interface. ■ Performs endian conversion. Transmit frames received from the client on the Avalon-ST interface are big endian. Frames transmitted on the SDR XGMII are little endian; the MAC TX therefore transmits frames on this interface from the least significant byte. Altera Corporation 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide 7–10 Chapter 7: Functional Description Transmit Datapath Figure 7–7 shows the timing for the transmit frames on the Avalon-ST interface and the SDR XGMII. By comparing the data value in D3, the SDR XGMII performs endian conversion by transmitting the frames from the least significant byte. Figure 7–7. Endian Conversion tx_clk_clk avalon_st_tx_ready Data value: avalon_st_tx_valid D1: EECC88CCAAEEEECC avalon_st_tx_startofpacket D2: 88CCAAEE002E0001 D3: 0203040506070809 avalon_st_tx_endofpacket D4: 0A0B0C0D0E0F1011 D1 avalon_st_tx_data [63:0] D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D5: 1213141516171819 D6: 1A1B1C1D1E1F2021 0 avalon_st_tx_empty [2:0] 4 D7: 2223242526272829 D8: 2A2B2C2D00000000 avalon_st_tx_error tx_clk_clk xgmii_tx_data[71] xgmii_tx_data[70:63] D5 (1) CC 01 09 11 19 21 29 F4 55(1) EE 00 08 10 18 20 28 0A 55(1) EE 2E 07 0F 17 1F 27 B3 55(1) AA 00 06 0E 16 1E 26 4E 55(1) CC EE 05 0D 15 1D 25 2D 55(1) 88 AA 04 0C 14 1C 24 2C 03 0B 13 1B 23 2B 02 0A 12 1A 22 2A xgmii_tx_data[62] xgmii_tx_data[61:54] xgmii_tx_data[53] xgmii_tx_data[52:45] xgmii_tx_data[44] xgmii_tx_data[43:36] xgmii_tx_data[35] xgmii_tx_data[34:27] xgmii_tx_data[26] xgmii_tx_data[25:18] xgmii_tx_data[17] xgmii_tx_data[16:9] 55(1) CC xgmii_tx_data[8] xgmii_tx_data[7:0] FB EE 88 FD Note to Figure 7–7: (1) In the preamble passthrough mode, the MAC TX frame starts with a 1-byte START and a 7-byte client-defined preamble. 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide February 2014 Altera Corporation Chapter 7: Functional Description Receive Datapath 7–11 7.5. Receive Datapath The MAC RX receives Ethernet frames from the SDR XGMII and forwards the payload with relevant frame fields to the client after performing checks and filtering invalid frames. Some frame fields are optionally removed from the frame before MAC RX forwards the frame to the client. Figure 7–8 shows the typical flow of frame through the MAC RX. Figure 7–8. Typical Client Frame at Receive Interface Client Frame Start[7:0] Client-Defined Preamble [55:0] Destination Addr[47:0] Source Addr[47:0] Type/ Length[15:0] Payload (1) [<p-1>:0] (optional) PAD [<s>] (2) CRC32 [31:0] (optional) Client - MAC Rx Interface MAC Frame Start[7:0] Preamble [47:0] SFD[7:0] Destination Addr[47:0] Source Addr[47:0] Type/ Length[15:0] Payload [<p-1>:0] CRC32 [31:0] PAD [<s>] EFD[7:0] Frame Length 7.5.1. Minimum Inter-Packet Gap Table 7–1 shows the minimum IPG the MAC can receive for the different interfaces. Table 7–1. Minimum IPG for the MAC on the Receive Path Interfaces Minimum IPG (Bytes) XGMII (10 Gbps) 5 GMII (1 Gbps) 8 MII (10 Mbps and 100 Mbps) 6 7.5.2. XGMII Decapsulation In the receive datapath, the MAC RX decodes the data lanes coming through the SDR XGMII. The MAC RX expects the first byte of the receive frame to be in either lane 0 (most significant byte) or lane 4. The receive frame must also be preceded by a column of idle bytes or an ordered set such as a local fault. A receive frame that does not satisfy these conditions is invalid and the MAC RX drops the frame. The MAC RX then checks the sequence of the frame. The frame must begin with a 1-byte START, 6-byte preamble, and 1-byte SFD. Otherwise, the MAC RX considers the frame invalid and drops it. For all valid frames, the MAC RX removes the START, preamble, SFD, and EFD bytes and ensures that the first byte of the frame aligns to byte 0. When you enable the preamble passthrough mode, the MAC RX only checks for the following conditions: the frame begins with a 1-byte START and the minimum length of the frame including the START and client-defined preamble is 12 bytes. For frames that do not fulfill these conditions, the MAC RX considers the frames invalid and drops them. For all valid frames, the MAC RX removes the EFD byte and ensures that the first byte of the frame aligns to byte 0. The MAC RX forwards the START and client-defined preamble to the client. February 2014 Altera Corporation 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide 7–12 Chapter 7: Functional Description Receive Datapath 7.5.3. Frame Check Sequence (CRC-32) Checking The CRC polynomial, as specified in the IEEE 802.3 Standard, is shown in the following equation: FCS(X) = X 32 +X 26 +X 23 +X 22 +X 16 +X 12 +X 11 +X 10 8 7 5 4 2 1 +X +X +X +X +X +X +1 The 32-bit CRC field is received in the following order: X31, X30,..., X1, X0, where X31 is the MSB of FCS field and occupies the LSB position on first FCS byte field. If a CRC-32 error is detected, the MAC RX marks the frame invalid by setting avalon_st_rx_error[1] to 1 and forwards the frame to the client. 7.5.4. Address Checking The MAC RX can accept frames with the following address types: ■ Unicast address—bit 0 of the destination address is 0. ■ Multicast address—bit 0 of the destination address is 1. ■ Broadcast address—all 48 bits of the destination address are 1. The MAC RX always accepts broadcast frames. By default, it also receives all unicast and multicast frames unless configured otherwise in the EN_ALLUCAST and EN_ALLMCAST bits of the rx_frame_control register. When the EN_ALLUCAST bit is set to 0, the MAC RX filters unicast frames received. The MAC RX accepts only unicast frames if the destination address matches the primary MAC address specified in the rx_frame_addr0 and rx_frame_addr1 registers. If any of the supplementary address bits are set to 1 (EN_SUPP0/1/2/3 in the rx_frame_control register), the MAC RX also checks the destination address against the supplementary addresses in use. When the EN_ALLMCAST bit is set to 0, the MAC RX drops all multicast frames. This condition doesn't apply to global multicast pause frames. 7.5.5. Frame Type Checking The MAC RX checks the length/type field to determine the frame type: ■ Length/type < 0x600—The field represents the payload length of a basic Ethernet frame. The MAC RX continues to check the frame and payload lengths. ■ Length/type >= 0x600—The field represents the frame type. ■ Length/type = 0x8100—VLAN or stacked VLAN tagged frames. The MAC RX continues to check the frame and payload lengths. ■ Length/type = 0x8808—Control frames. The next two bytes are the Opcode field which indicates the type of control frame. For pause frames (Opcode = 0x0001) and PFC frames (Opcode = 0x0101), the MAC RX proceeds with pause frame processing (refer to “Congestion and Flow Control” on page 7–15). By default, the MAC RX drops all control frames. If configured otherwise (FWD_CONTROL bit in the rx_frame_control register = 1), the MAC RX forwards control frames to the client. ■ For other field values, the MAC RX forwards the receive frame to the client. 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide February 2014 Altera Corporation Chapter 7: Functional Description Receive Datapath 7–13 If the length/type is less than payload, the MAC RX considers the frame to have excessive padding and does not assert avalon_st_rx_error[4]. For detailed information about the MAC behavior, refer to Table 7–2. Table 7–2. MAC Behavior for Different Frame Types Category Normal Packet Packet Size 65–1518 Undersized Packet < 64 Oversized 1518 < Packet < 1535 MAC Behavior Length/Type = Payload Length/Type > Payload Length/Type < Payload Frame Drop Yes No No No No No Yes No No avalon_st_rx_error[4] = 1 No No Yes No No Yes No No No avalon_st_rx_error[2] = 1 No Yes No No avalon_st_rx_error[2] = 1 No avalon_st_rx_error[4] = 1 No No Yes No avalon_st_rx_error[2] = 1 Yes No No No avalon_st_rx_error[3] = 1 No Yes No No avalon_st_rx_error[3] = 1 No avalon_st_rx_error[4] = 1 No No Yes No avalon_st_rx_error[3] = 1 avalon_st_rx_error [x] 7.5.6. Length Checking The MAC RX checks the frame and payload lengths of basic, VLAN tagged, and stacked VLAN tagged frames. The frame length must be at least 64 (0x40) bytes and not exceed the following maximum value for the different frame types: ■ Basic—The value in the rx_frame_maxlength register. ■ VLAN tagged—The value in the rx_frame_maxlength register plus four bytes. ■ Stacked VLAN tagged—The value in the rx_frame_maxlength register plus eight bytes. The MAC RX keeps track of the actual payload length as it receives a frame and checks the actual payload length against the length/type or client length/type field. The payload length must be between 46 (0x2E) and 1500 (0x5DC). For VLAN and VLAN stacked frames, the minimum payload length is 42 (0x2A) or 38 (0x26) respectively and not exceeding the maximum value of 1500 (0x5DC). The MAC RX does not drop frames with invalid length. For the following length violations, the MAC RX sets the corresponding error bit to 1: February 2014 ■ avalon_st_rx_error[2]—Undersized frame ■ avalon_st_rx_error[3]—Oversized frame ■ avalon_st_rx_error[4]—Invalid payload length, the actual payload length doesn't match the value of the length/type field Altera Corporation 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide 7–14 Chapter 7: Functional Description Receive Datapath 7.5.7. CRC-32 and Pad Removal By default, the MAC RX forwards receive frames to the client without removing pad bytes from the frames. You can, however, configure the MAC RX to remove pad bytes by setting the bit rx_padcrc_control[1] to 1. When the bit is set to 1, the MAC RX removes the pad bytes as well as the CRC-32 field from receive frames before forwarding the frames to the client. The MAC RX removes pad bytes from receive frames whose payload length is less than the following values for the different frame types: ■ 46 bytes for basic frames ■ 42 bytes for VLAN tagged frames ■ 38 bytes for stacked VLAN tagged frames To retain the CRC-32 field, set the rx_padcrc_control register to 0. Figure 7–9 on page 7–14 shows the timing for the Avalon-ST transmit and receive interface where the MAC TX receives a frame with pad bytes and CRC-32 field inserted. The MAC RX removes the pad bytes and CRC-32 field from the receive frame when the rx_padcrc_control[1] bit is set to 1. Figure 7–9. Avalon-ST Transmit and Receive Interface with Pad Bytes and CRC-32 Field Removed tx_clk_clk avalon_st_tx_ready avalon_st_tx_valid avalon_st_tx_startofpacket 0000000000000000 avalon_st_tx_endofpacket 00000000AB704587 1A1B1C1D1E1F2021 avalon_st_tx_data[63:0] 0 avalon_st_tx_empty[2:0] avalon_st_tx_error rx_clk_clk avalon_st_rx_ready avalon_st_rx_valid avalon_st_rx_startofpacket FD07070707070707 avalon_st_rx_endofpacket avalon_st_rx_data[63:0] avalon_st_rx_empty[2:0] 1A1B1C1D1E1F2021 0 avalon_st_rx_error[5:0] 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide February 2014 Altera Corporation Chapter 7: Functional Description Transmit and Receive Latencies 7–15 7.5.8. Overflow Handling When an overflow occurs on the client side, the client can backpressure the Avalon-ST receive interface by deasserting the avalon_st_rx_ready signal. If an overflow occurs in the middle of frame transmission, the MAC RX truncates the frame by sending out the avalon_st_rx_endofpacket signal after the avalon_st_rx_ready signal is reasserted. The error bit, avalon_st_rx_error[5], is set to 1 to indicate an overflow. If frame transmission is not in progress when an overflow occurs, the MAC RX drops the frame. 7.6. Transmit and Receive Latencies Altera uses the following definitions for the transmit and receive latencies: ■ Transmit latency is the number of clock cycles the MAC function takes to transmit the first byte on the network-side interface (XGMII SDR) after the bit was first available on the Avalon-ST interface. ■ Receive latency is the number of clock cycles the MAC function takes to present the first byte on the Avalon-ST interface after the bit was received on the network-side interface (XGMII SDR). Table 7–3 shows the transmit and receive nominal latencies of the MAC. Table 7–3. Transmit and Receive Latencies of the MAC Latency (Clock Cycles) (1) (2) MAC Configuration Transmit Receive (with respect to TX clock) (with respect to RX clock) MAC only 10 12 MAC with 10 Mbps mode 300 3,459 MAC with 100 Mbps mode 47 354 MAC with 1 Gbps mode 16 42 Notes to Table 7–3: (1) The clocks in all domains are running at the same frequency. (2) The latency values are based on the assumption that there is no backpressure on the Avalon-ST TX and RX interface. 7.7. Congestion and Flow Control The flow control, as specified by IEEE 802.3 Annex 31B, is a mechanism to manage congestion at the local or remote partner. When the receiving device experiences congestion, it sends an XOFF pause frame to the emitting device to instruct the emitting device to stop sending data for a duration specified by the congested receiver. Data transmission resumes when the emitting device receives an XON pause frame (pause quanta = zero) or when the timer expires. February 2014 Altera Corporation 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide 7–16 Chapter 7: Functional Description Congestion and Flow Control The PFC, as specified by IEEE 802.1Qbb, is a similar mechanism that manages congestion based on priority levels. The PFC supports up to 8 priority queues. When the receiving device experiences congestion on a priority queue, it sends a PFC frame requesting the emitting device to stop transmission on the priority queue for a duration specified by the congested receiver. When the receiving device is ready to receive transmission on the priority queue again, it sends a PFC frame instructing the emitting device to resume transmission on the priority queue. 1 Ensure that only one type of flow control is enabled at any one time. 7.7.1. IEEE 802.3 Flow Control This section describes the pause frame reception and transmission in the IEEE 802.3 flow control. To use the IEEE 802.3 flow control, set the following registers: 1. On the transmit datapath: ■ Set tx_pfc_priority_enable to 0 to disable the PFC. ■ Set tx_pauseframe_enable to 1 to enable the IEEE 802.3 flow control. 2. On the receive datapath: ■ Set rx_pfc_control to 1 to disable the PFC. ■ Set the IGNORE_PAUSE bit in the rx_decoder_control register to 0 to enable the IEEE 802.3 flow control. Pause Frame Reception When the MAC receives an XOFF pause frame, it stops transmitting frames to the remote partner for a period equal to the pause quanta field of the pause frame. If the MAC receives a pause frame in the middle of a frame transmission, the MAC finishes sending the current frame and then suspends transmission for a period specified by the pause quanta. The MAC resumes transmission when it receives an XON pause frame or when the timer expires. The pause quanta received overrides any counter currently stored. When the remote partner sends more than one pause quanta, the MAC sets the value of the pause to the last quanta it received from the remote partner. You have the option to configure the MAC to ignore pause frames and continue transmitting frames by setting the IGNORE_PAUSE bit in the rx_decoder_control register to 1. Pause Frame Transmission The MAC provides the following two methods for the client or connecting device to trigger pause frame transmission: ■ avalon_st_pause_data signal—You can connect this 2-bit signal to a FIFO buffer or a client. Setting avalon_st_pause_data[1] to 1 triggers the transmission of XOFF pause frames; setting avalon_st_pause_data[0] to 1 triggers the transmission of XON pause frames. 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide February 2014 Altera Corporation Chapter 7: Functional Description Congestion and Flow Control 7–17 If pause frame transmission is triggered when the MAC is generating a pause frame, the MAC ignores the incoming request and completes the generation of the pause frame. Upon completion, if the avalon_st_pause_data signal remains asserted, the MAC generates a new pause frame and continues to do so until the signal is deasserted. 1 ■ Assert the avalon_st_pause_data signal for at least 1 TX clock cycle (tx_tx_clk) for the MAC to generate the pause frame right after the current transmitting packet. tx_pauseframe_control register—A host (software) can set this register to trigger pause frames transmission. Setting tx_pauseframe_control[1] to 1 triggers the transmission of XOFF pause frames; setting tx_pauseframe_control[0] to 1 triggers the transmission of XON pause frames. The register clears itself after the request is executed. You can configure the pause quanta in the tx_pauseframe_quanta register. The MAC sets the pause quanta field in XOFF pause frames to this register value. 1 February 2014 The tx_pauseframe_control register takes precedence over the avalon_st_pause_data signal. Altera Corporation 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide 7–18 Chapter 7: Functional Description Congestion and Flow Control Figure 7–10 shows the transmission of an XON pause frame. The MAC sets the destination address field to the global multicast address, 01-80-C2-00-00-01 (0x010000c28001) and the source address to the MAC primary address configured in the tx_addrins_macaddr0 and tx_addrins_madaddr1 registers. Figure 7–10. XON Pause Frame Transmission tx_clk_clk xgmii_tx_data[71] xgmii_tx_data[70:63] D5 CC 01 00 B9 55 EE 55 01 08 00 69 55 00 88 00 96 55 00 EE 00 55 C2 AA 00 55 80 CC 00 FB 01 88 00 xgmii_tx_data[62] xgmii_tx_data[61:54] 00 06 xgmii_tx_data[53] xgmii_tx_data[52:45] xgmii_tx_data[44] xgmii_tx_data[43:36] xgmii_tx_data[35] xgmii_tx_data[34:27] xgmii_tx_data[26] xgmii_tx_data[25:18] xgmii_tx_data[17] xgmii_tx_data[16:9] xgmii_tx_data[8] xgmii_tx_data[7:0] 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide FD February 2014 Altera Corporation Chapter 7: Functional Description Congestion and Flow Control 7–19 7.7.2. Priority-Based Flow Control This section describes the PFC frame reception and transmission. Follow these steps to use the PFC: 1. Turn on the Priority-based flow control (PFC) parameter and specify the number of priority levels using the Number of PFC priorities parameter. You can specify between 2 to 8 PFC priority levels. 2. Set the following registers. ■ ■ On the transmit datapath: ■ Set tx_pauseframe_enable to 0 to disable the IEEE 802.3 flow control. ■ Set tx_pfc_priority_enable[n] to 1 to enable the PFC for priority queue n. On the receive datapath: ■ Set the IGNORE_PAUSE bit in the rx_decoder_control register to 1 to disable the IEEE 802.3 flow control. ■ Set the PFC_IGNORE_PAUSE_n bit in the rx_pfc_control register to 0 to enable the PFC. 3. Connect the avalon_st_tx_pfc_gen_data signal to the corresponding RX client logic and the avalon_st_rx_pfc_pause_data signal to the corresponding TX client logic. 4. You have the option to configure the MAC RX to forward the PFC frame to the client by setting the FWD_PFC bit in the rx_pfc_control register to 1. By default, the MAC RX drops the PFC frame after processing it. PFC Frame Reception When the MAC RX receives a PFC frame from the remote partner, it asserts the avalon_st_rx_pfc_pause_data[n] signal if Pause Quanta n is valid (Pause Quanta Enable [n] = 1) and greater than 0. The client suspends transmission from the TX priority queue n for the period specified by Pause Quanta n. If the MAC RX asserts the avalon_st_rx_pfc_pause_data[n] signal in the middle of a client frame transmission for the TX priority queue n, the client finishes sending the current frame and then suspends transmission for the queue. When the MAC RX receives a PFC frame from the remote partner, it deasserts the avalon_st_rx_pfc_pause_data[n] signal if Pause Quanta n is valid (Pause Quanta Enable [n] = 1) and equal to 0. The MAC RX also deasserts this signal when the timer expires. The client resumes transmission for the suspended TX priority queue when the avalon_st_rx_pfc_pause_data[n] signal is deasserted. When the remote partner sends more than one pause quanta for the TX priority queue n, the MAC RX sets the pause quanta n to the last pause quanta received from the remote partner. f For more information on the PFC pause frame, refer to Appendix A.4, Priority-Based Flow Control Frame. February 2014 Altera Corporation 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide 7–20 Chapter 7: Functional Description Error Handling (Link Fault) PFC Frame Transmission PFC frame generation is triggered through the avalon_st_tx_pfc_gen_data signal. Set the respective bits to generate XOFF or XON requests for the priority queues. Refer to Table 9–9 on page 9–18 for more information about the signal. For XOFF requests, you can configure the pause quanta for each priority queue using the pfc_pause_quanta_n registers. For an XOFF request for priority queue n, the MAC TX sets bit n in the Pause Quanta Enable field to 1 and the Pause Quanta n field to the value of the pfc_pause_quanta_n register. You can also configure the gap between successive XOFF requests for a priority queue using the pfc_holdoff_quanta_n register. Refer to Table 8–2 on page 8–2 for more information about these registers. For XON requests, the MAC TX sets the pause quanta to 0. 7.8. Error Handling (Link Fault) The 10GbE MAC includes a reconciliation sublayer (RS) located between the MAC and the XGMII that handles local and remote faults. When the local PHY reports a local fault (0x9c000001), the RS RX sets link_fault_status_xgmii_rx_data to 01. The RS TX starts sending the remote fault signal (0x9c000002) to the PHY, which the remote partner eventually receives. When the local PHY receives a remote fault signal, the RS RX sets link_fault_status_xgmii_rx_data to 10. The RS TX transmits IDLE signal (07070707). When the RS TX starts sending the remote fault or IDLE signal, all data sent by the MAC TX is lost. If the client and the remote partner both receive valid data in more than 127 columns, the RS RX sets link_fault_status_xgmii_rx_data to 00. Figure 7–11 shows fault signaling. Figure 7–11. Fault Signaling Remote Fault (0x9c000002) Idle (07070707) MAC Tx Client Interface RS Tx XGMII 2 link_fault_status_xgmii_rx_data XAUI / XAUI / 10GBASE-R 10GBASE-R PHY External PHY Network Interface Remote Partner Remote Fault (0x9c000002) MAC Rx RS Rx Local Fault (0x9c000001) 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide February 2014 Altera Corporation Chapter 7: Functional Description IEEE 1588v2 7–21 Figure 7–12 shows the timing for the XGMII TX interface transmitting the remote fault signal (0x9c000002). Figure 7–12. XGMII TX interface Transmitting Remote Fault Signal tx_clk_clk xgmii_tx_data[71] xgmii_tx_data[70:63] 02 xgmii_tx_data[62] xgmii_tx_data[61:54] 00 xgmii_tx_data[53] xgmii_tx_data[52:45] 00 xgmii_tx_data[44] xgmii_tx_data[43:36] 9C xgmii_tx_data[35] xgmii_tx_data[34:27] 02 xgmii_tx_data[26] xgmii_tx_data[25:18] 00 xgmii_tx_data[17] xgmii_tx_data[16:9] 00 xgmii_tx_data[8] xgmii_tx_data[7:0] 9C When you instantiate the MAC RX only variation, connect the link_fault_status_xgmii_rx_data signal to the corresponding RX client logic to handle the link fault. Similarly, when you instantiate the MAC TX only variation, connect the link_fault_status_xgmii_tx_data signal to the corresponding TX client logic. For more information on the signals, refer to “SDR XGMII Signals” on page 9–8. 1 The 1G/10GbE MAC does not support error handling through link fault. Instead, the MAC uses the gmii_rx_err signal. 7.9. IEEE 1588v2 The IEEE 1588v2 option provides time stamp for receive and transmit frames in the 10GbE MAC IP core designs. The feature consists of Precision Time Protocol (PTP). PTP is a layer-3 protocol that accurately synchronizes all real time-of-day clocks in a network to a master clock. February 2014 Altera Corporation 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide 7–22 Chapter 7: Functional Description IEEE 1588v2 The IEEE 1588v2 option has the following features: ■ ■ ■ ■ Supports 4 types of PTP clock on the transmit datapath: ■ Master and slave ordinary clock ■ Master and slave boundary clock ■ End-to-end (E2E) transparent clock ■ Peer-to-peer (P2P) transparent clock Supports PTP with the following message types: ■ PTP event messages—Sync, Delay_Req, Pdelay_Req, and Pdelay_Resp. ■ PTP general messages—Follow_Up, Delay_Resp, Pdelay_Resp_Follow_Up, Announce, Management, and Signaling. Supports simultaneous 1-step and 2-step clock synchronizations on the transmit datapath. ■ 1-step clock synchronization—The MAC function inserts accurate timestamp in Sync PTP message or updates the correction field with residence time. ■ 2-step clock synchronization—The MAC function provides accurate timestamp and the related fingerprint for all PTP message. Supports the following PHY operating speed random error: ■ 10 Gbps—Timestamp accuracy of ± 3 ns ■ 1 Gbps—Timestamp accuracy of ± 2 ns ■ 100 Mbps—Timestamp accuracy of ± 5 ns ■ Supports static error of ± 3 ns across all speeds. ■ Supports IEEE 802.3, UDP/IPv4, and UDP/IPv6 protocol encapsulations for the PTP packets. ■ Supports untagged, VLAN tagged, and Stacked VLAN Tagged PTP packets, and any number of MPLS labels. ■ Supports configurable register for timestamp correction on both transmit and receive datapaths. ■ Supports ToD clock that provides a stream of 96-bit timestamps. For more information about the ToD clock, refer to Appendix B, Time-of-Day (ToD) Clock. 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide February 2014 Altera Corporation Chapter 7: Functional Description IEEE 1588v2 7–23 7.9.1. Architecture Figure 7–13 shows the overview of the IEEE 1588v2 feature. Figure 7–13. Overview of IEEE 1588v2 Feature (Note 1) tx_path_delay Timestamp & User Fingerprint PTP Software Stack IEEE 1588v2 Tx Logic PHY Tx 10GbE MAC IP 10GBASE-R PHY iP tx_egress_timestamp_request tx_ingress_timestamp Correction tx_time_of_day Time-of-Day Clock rx_time_of_day Time of Day Timestamp Aligned to Receive Frame IEEE 1588v2 Rx Logic PHY Rx rx_path_delay Note to Figure 7–13: (1) This figure shows only the datapaths related to the IEEE 1588v2 feature. February 2014 Altera Corporation 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide 7–24 Chapter 7: Functional Description IEEE 1588v2 7.9.2. Transmit Datapath The IEEE 1588v2 feature supports 1-step and 2-step clock synchronizations on the transmit datapath. ■ ■ For 1-step clock synchronization, ■ Timestamp insertion depends on the PTP device and message type. ■ The MAC function inserts a timestamp in the PTP packet when the client specifies the Timestamp field offset and asserts Timestamp Insert Request. ■ Depending on the PTP device and message type, the MAC function updates the residence time in the correction field of the PTP packet when the client asserts tx_etstamp_ins_ctrl_residence_time_update and Correction Field Update.The residence time is the difference between the egress and ingress timestamps. ■ For PTP packets encapsulated using the UDP/IPv6 protocol, the MAC function performs UDP checksum correction using extended bytes in the PTP packet. ■ The MAC function re-computes and re-inserts CRC-32 into the PTP packets after each timestamp or correction field insertion. ■ The format of timestamp supported includes 1588v1 and 1588v2, (as specified in Y.1731) For 2-step clock synchronization, the MAC function returns the timestamp and the associated fingerprint for all transmit frames when the client asserts tx_egress_timestamp_request_valid. Table 7–4 summarizes the timestamp and correction field insertions for various PTP messages in different PTP clocks. Table 7–4. Timestamp and Correction Insertion for 1-Step Clock Synchronization Ordinary Clock PTP Message Boundary Clock E2E Transparent Clock P2P Transparent Clock Insert Insert Insert Insert Insert Insert Insert Insert Timestamp Correction Timestamp Correction Timestamp Correction Timestamp Correction Sync Yes (1) No Yes (1) No No Yes (2) No Yes (2) Delay_Req No No No No No Yes (2) No Yes (2) Pdelay_Req No No No No No Yes (2) No No Pdelay_Resp No Yes (1), (2) No Yes (1), (2) No Yes (2) No Yes (1), (2) Delay_Resp No No No No No No No No Follow_Up No No No No No No No No Pdelay_Resp_ Follow_Up No No No No No No No No Announce No No No No No No No No Signaling No No No No No No No No Management No No No No No No No No Notes to Table 7–4: (1) Applicable only when 2-step flag in flagField of the PTP packet is 0. (2) Applicable when you assert tx_etstamp_ins_ctrl_residence_time_update. 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide February 2014 Altera Corporation Chapter 7: Functional Description IEEE 1588v2 7–25 7.9.3. Receive Datapath In the receive datapath, the IEEE 1588v2 feature provides a timestamp for all receive frames. The timestamp is aligned with the avalon_st_rx_startofpacket signal. 7.9.4. Frame Format The MAC function, with the IEEE 1588v2 feature, supports PTP packet transfer for the following transport protocols: ■ IEEE 802.3 ■ UDP/IPv4 ■ UDP/IPv6 PTP Packet in IEEE 802.3 Figure 7–14 shows the format of the PTP packet encapsulated in IEEE 802.3. Figure 7–14. PTP Packet in IEEE 8002.3 6 Octets Destination Address 6 Octets Source Address 2 Octets Length/Type = 0x88F7 (1) 1 Octet transportSpecific | messageType 1 Octet reserved | versionPTP 2 Octets messageLength 1 Octet domainNumber 1 Octet reserved 2 Octets flagField 8 Octets correctionField 4 Octets reserved 10 Octets SourcePortIdentify 2 Octets sequenceId 1 Octet controlField 1 Octet logMessageInterval 10 Octets 0..1500/9600 Octets 4 Octets MAC Header PTP Header TimeStamp Payload CRC Note to Figure 7–14: (1) For packets with VLAN or Stacked VLAN tag, add 4 or 8 octets offsets before the length/type field. February 2014 Altera Corporation 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide 7–26 Chapter 7: Functional Description IEEE 1588v2 PTP Packet over UDP/IPv4 Figure 7–15 shows the format of the PTP packet encapsulated in UDP/IPv4. Checksum calculation is optional for the UDP/IPv4 protocol. The 1588v2 TX logic should set the checksum to zero. Figure 7–15. PTP Packet over UDP/IPv4 6 Octets Destination Address 6 Octets Source Address 2 Octets MAC Header Length/Type = 0x0800 (1) 1 Octet Version | Internet Header Length 1 Octet Differentiated Services 2 Octets Total Length 2 Octets Identification 2 Octets Flags | Fragment Offsets 1 Octet Time To Live 1 Octet Protocol = 0x11 2 Octets Header Checksum 4 Octets Source IP Address 4 Octets Destination IP Address 0 Octet Options | Padding 2 Octets Source Port 2 Octets Destination Port = 319 / 320 2 Octets Length 2 Octets Checksum 1 Octet transportSpecific | messageType 1 Octet reserved | versionPTP 2 Octets messageLength 1 Octet domainNumber IP Header UDP Header 1 Octet reserved 2 Octets flagField 8 Octets correctionField 4 Octets reserved 10 Octets SourcePortIdentify 2 Octets sequenceId 1 Octet controlField 1 Octet logMessageInterval PTP Header 10 Octets 0..1500/9600 Octets 4 Octets TimeStamp Payload CRC Note to Figure 7–15: (1) For packets with VLAN or Stacked VLAN tag, add 4 or 8 octets offsets before the length/type field. 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide February 2014 Altera Corporation Chapter 7: Functional Description IEEE 1588v2 7–27 PTP Packet over UDP/IPv6 Figure 7–16 shows the format of the PTP packet transported over the UDP/IPv6 protocol. Checksum calculation is mandatory for the UDP/IPv6 protocol. You must extend 2 bytes at the end of the UDP payload of the PTP packet. The MAC function modifies the extended bytes to ensure that the UDP checksum remains uncompromised. Figure 7–16. PTP Packet over UDP/IPv6 6 Octets Destination Address 6 Octets Source Address MAC Header (1) 2 Octets Length/Type = 0x86DD 4 Octet Version | Traffic Class | Flow Label 2 Octets Payload Length 1 Octet Next Header = 0x11 1 Octet Hop Limit 16 Octets Source IP Address 16 Octets Destination IP Address 2 Octets Source Port 2 Octets Destination Port = 319 / 320 2 Octets Length 2 Octets Checksum 1 Octet transportSpecific | messageType 1 Octet reserved | versionPTP 2 Octets messageLength 1 Octet domainNumber 1 Octet reserved 2 Octets flagField 8 Octets correctionField 4 Octets reserved 10 Octets SourcePortIdentify 2 Octets sequenceId 1 Octet controlField 1 Octet logMessageInterval IP Header UDP Header PTP Header 10 Octets 0..1500/9600 Octets TimeStamp Payload 2 Octets extended bytes 4 Octets CRC Note to Figure 7–16: (1) For packets with VLAN or Stacked VLAN tag, add 4 or 8 octets offsets before the length/type field. February 2014 Altera Corporation 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide 8. Registers This section defines the MAC registers. The statistics collected on the transmit and receive datapaths are categorized as good, error, or invalid frames. ■ Good frame—Error-free frames with a valid frame length. ■ Error frame—Frames that contain errors or with an invalid frame length. ■ Invalid frame—Frames that are not addressed to the MAC. It may or may not contain error within the frame or have an invalid frame length. The MAC drops invalid frames. When you select the MAC Rx only variation, the register offsets from 0x000 to 0x3FFF are available for Rx status and configuration registers. Similarly, when you select the MAC TX only variation, the register offsets from 0x4000 to 0x7FFF are available for TX status and configuration registers. All status and configuration registers are as defined in Table 8–2 on page 8–2. c Altera recommends accessing only the available register spaces in the MAC Rx only variation or the MAC TX only variation. Accessing unavailable register spaces may cause the MAC to lock the Avalon-MM bus. 1 Altera has updated all register address for the 10GbE MAC IP core as part of register map expansion to accommodate new registers. Table 8–1 summarizes the changes. . Table 8–1. Summary of Register Address Expansion Previous Address Range (ACDS Version 10.0, 10.1) New Address Range (ACDS Version 11.0 Onwards) RX Packet Transfer 0x000:0x00F 0x000:0x0FF RX Pad/CRC Remover 0x010:0x01F 0x100:0x1FF RX CRC Checker 0x020:0x0FF 0x200:0x2FF RX Packet Overflow 0x180:0x1FF 0x300:0x3FF RX Preamble Control — 0x400:0x4FF RX Lane Decoder — 0x500:0x1FFF RX Frame Decoder 0x100:0x17F 0x2000:0x2FFF RX Statistics Counters 0x200:0x3FF 0x3000:0x3FFF Component Name RX Datapath TX Datapath TX Packet Transfer 0x400:0x40F 0x4000:0x40FF TX Pad Inserter 0x410:0x41F 0x4100:0x41FF TX CRC Inserter 0x420:0x45F 0x4200:0x42FF TX Packet Underflow 0x580:0x5FF 0x4300:0x43FF TX Preamble Control — 0x4400:0x44FF 0x460:0x47F 0x4500:0x45FF TX Pause Frame Control and Generator February 2014 Altera Corporation 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide 8–2 Chapter 8: Registers MAC Registers Table 8–1. Summary of Register Address Expansion Previous Address Range (ACDS Version 10.0, 10.1) New Address Range (ACDS Version 11.0 Onwards) — 0x4600:0x47FF TX Address Inserter 0x480:0x4FF 0x4800:0x5FFF TX Frame Decoder 0x500:0x57F 0x6000:0x6FFF TX Statistics Counters 0x600:0x7FF 0x7000:0x7FFF Component Name TX PFC Generator 1 1 If you instantiate the IP core using the MegaWizard Plug-in Manager flow, use double word (dword) addressing to access the register spaces. Convert the byte offsets to dword offsets by dividing the byte offsets by 4. For example, ■ rx_padcrc_control byte offset = 0x100 ■ rx_padcrc_control word offset = 0x100 ÷ 4 = 0x040 Do not reconfigure the MAC through the CSR registers when the datapath is not idle, with the exception of the following registers: ■ tx_transfer_control ■ rx_transfer_control ■ tx_pauseframe_control ■ tx_stats_clr ■ rx_stats_clr ■ rx_pfc_control ■ All IEEE 1588v2 CSR registers 8.1. MAC Registers Table 8–2 shows the MAC registers. Table 8–2. MAC Registers (Part 1 of 15) Word Offset Register Name Access Reset Value Description RX Packet Transfer (0x000:0x03F) Receive path enable. 0x000 0x001 rx_transfer_control rx_transfer_status 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide RW RO ■ Bit 0 configures the receive path. 0—Enables the receive path. 1—Disables the receive path and drops all receive frames. ■ Bits 1 to 31 are reserved. ■ Bit 0 indicates the status of the receive path. 0—The receive path is enabled. 1—The receive path is disabled. ■ Bits 1 to 31 are reserved. 0x0 0x0 February 2014 Altera Corporation Chapter 8: Registers MAC Registers 8–3 Table 8–2. MAC Registers (Part 2 of 15) Word Offset 0x002 – 0x03F Register Name Reserved Access Reset Value — — Description Reserved for future use. RX Pad/CRC Remover (0x040:0x07F) Padding and CRC removal (through the avalon_st_rx_data signal). 0x040 0x041 – 0x07F rx_padcrc_control Reserved RW — 0x1 — ■ Bit 0 configures CRC removal. 0—Retains the CRC field in receive packets. 1—Removes the CRC field from receive packets. ■ Bit 1 configures padding and CRC removal. 0—Retains the padding bytes and CRC field. 1—Removes the padding bytes and CRC field from receive packets. The setting of this bit takes precedence over bit 0. ■ Bits 2 to 31 are reserved. Reserved for future use. RX CRC Checker (0x080:0x0BF) CRC checking: 0x080 0x081 – 0x0BF rx_crccheck_control Reserved RW — 0x2 — ■ Bit 0—Always set this bit to 0. ■ Bit 1 configures CRC checking. 0—Ignores the CRC field. 1—Checks the CRC field. ■ Bits 2 to 31 are reserved. Reserved for future use. RX Packet Overflow (0x0C0:0x0FF) February 2014 Altera Corporation 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide 8–4 Chapter 8: Registers MAC Registers Table 8–2. MAC Registers (Part 3 of 15) Word Offset Register Name Access 0x0C0 0x0C1 Reset Value 0x0 rx_pktovrflow_error RO 0x0 Description 36-bit error counter that collects the number of receive frames that are truncated when FIFO buffer overflow persists: ■ The first 32 bits occupy the register at offset 0x0C0. ■ The last 4 bits occupy the first four bits of the register at offset 0x0C1. Bits 4 to 31 are unused. The counter will be cleared when the last 4 bits have been read. If only the first 32 bits are read, the counter will not be cleared. 0x0C2 0x0 rx_pktovrflow_ etherStatsDropEvents RO 0x0C3 36-bit error counter that collects the number of receive frames that are dropped when FIFO buffer overflow persists: ■ The first 32 bits occupy the register at offset 0x0C2. ■ The last 4 bits occupy the first four bits of the register at offset 0x0C3. Bits 4 to 31 are unused. 0x0 The counter will be cleared when the last 4 bits have been read. If only the first 32 bits are read, the counter will not be cleared. 0x0C4 – 0x0FF Reserved — — Reserved for future use. RX Preamble Control (0x100:0x13F) ■ 0x100 rx_lane_decoder_preamble_control RW Bit 0 determines whether or not the client-defined preamble is forwarded to the client frame. 0—Removes the client-defined preamble from the receive frame. 0x0 1—Forwards the client-defined preamble to the client. ■ 0x101 – 0x13F Reserved — — Bits 1 to 31 are reserved. Reserved for future use. RX Lane Decoder (0x140:0x7FF) 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide February 2014 Altera Corporation Chapter 8: Registers MAC Registers 8–5 Table 8–2. MAC Registers (Part 4 of 15) Word Offset Register Name Access Reset Value Description ■ Bit 0 enables the preamble passthrough mode on the receive datapath. 0—Disables the preamble passthrough mode. 0x140 rx_preamble_inserter_control RW 1—Enables the preamble passthrough mode. 0x0 ■ Bits 1 to 31 are reserved. For more information on the XGMII decapsulation in the preamble passthrough mode, refer to “XGMII Decapsulation” on page 7–11. 0x141 – 0x7FF Reserved — — Reserved for future use. 0x3 Specifies valid frame types, pause frames handling, and use of supplementary addresses. RX Frame Decoder (0x800:0xBFF) 0x800 rx_frame_control RW Refer to “Rx_frame_control Register” on page 8–16 for the bit description. 0x801 0x802 rx_frame_maxlength rx_frame_addr0 RW RW ■ Bits 0 to 15 specify the maximum allowable frame length. The MAC asserts the avalon_st_rx_error[3] signal when the length of the receive frame exceeds the value of this register. ■ Bits 16 to 31 are reserved. 1518 0x0 6-byte primary MAC address. You must map the address to the registers in the following manner: ■ rx_frame_addr0 = Last four bytes of the address ■ rx_frame_addr1[0:15]= First two bytes of the address. Bits 16 to 31 are reserved. 0x803 rx_frame_addr1 (1) RW 0x0 Example: If the primary MAC address is 00-1C-23-174A-CB, set rx_frame_addr0 to 0x23174ACB and rx_frame_addr1 to 0x0000001C. The IP core uses the primary MAC address to filter unicast frames when the en_allucast bit of the rx_frame_control register is set to 0. February 2014 Altera Corporation 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide 8–6 Chapter 8: Registers MAC Registers Table 8–2. MAC Registers (Part 5 of 15) Word Offset Register Name Access Reset Value Description 0x804 rx_frame_spaddr0_0 RW 0x0 You can specify up to four 6-byte supplementary addresses: 0x805 rx_frame_spaddr0_1 (1) RW 0x0 0x806 rx_frame_spaddr1_0 RW 0x0 ■ rx_framedecoder_spaddr0_0/1 0x807 rx_frame_spaddr1_1 (1) RW 0x0 ■ rx_framedecoder_spaddr1_0/1 0x808 rx_frame_spaddr2_0 RW 0x0 ■ rx_framedecoder_spaddr2_0/1 0x809 rx_frame_spaddr2_1 (1) RW 0x0 ■ rx_framedecoder_spaddr3_0/1 0x80A rx_frame_spaddr3_0 RW 0x0 You must map the supplementary addresses to the respective registers in the same manner as the primary MAC address. Refer to the description of rx_frame_addr0 and rx_frame_addr1. The IP core uses the supplementary addresses to filter unicast frames when the following conditions are set: 0x80B rx_frame_spaddr3_1 (1) RW 0x0 0x818 rx_pfc_control RW 0x1 0x819 – 0xBFF Reserved — — ■ The use of the supplementary addresses are enabled using the respective bits in the rx_frame_control register (refer to “Rx_frame_control Register” on page 8–16). ■ The en_allucast bit of the rx_frame_control register is set to 0. PFC enable for the priority queues on the receive datapath. Refer to “Rx_pfc_control Register” on page 8–17 for the bit description. Reserved for future use. TX Packet Transfer (0x1000:0x103F) Backpressure enable. 0x1000 0x1001 0x1002 – 0x103F tx_transfer_control tx_transfer_status Reserved RW RO — ■ Bit 0 configures transmit transfer control. 0—Enables transmit transfer datapath. 1—Disables transmit transfer datapath on the Avalon-ST transmit interface. The IP core deasserts the avalon_st_tx_ready signal. ■ Bits 1 to 31 are reserved. ■ Bit 0 indicates if transmit transfer datapath is enabled on the Avalon-ST transmit interface. 0—Transmit transfer datapath is enabled. 1—Transmit transfer datapath is disabled. ■ Bits 1 to 31 are reserved. 0x0 0x0 — Reserved for future use. TX Pad Inserter (0x1040:0x107F) 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide February 2014 Altera Corporation Chapter 8: Registers MAC Registers 8–7 Table 8–2. MAC Registers (Part 6 of 15) Word Offset 0x1040 0x1041 – 0x107F Register Name tx_padins_control Reserved Access RW — Reset Value Description ■ Bit 0 indicates padding bytes insertion. 0—No effect on transmit frames.The client must ensure that the length of the data frame meets the minimum length as required by the IEEE 802.3 specifications. 1—Inserts padding bytes into transmit frames until the frame length reaches 60 bytes. To achieve the minimum 64 bytes, ensure that the CRC field is inserted (refer to tx_crcins_control). ■ Bits 1 to 31 are reserved. ■ You must enable CRC insertion when you enable padding bytes insertion. 0x1 — Reserved for future use. TX CRC Inserter (0x1080:0x10BF) CRC insertion. 0x1080 0x1081 – 0x10BF tx_crcins_control Reserved RW — ■ Bit 0—Always set this bit to 1. ■ Bit 1 configures CRC insertion. 0—Disables CRC insertion. 1—Computes CRC and inserts it into transmit frames. ■ Bits 2 to 31 are reserved. 0x3 — Reserved for future use. TX Packet Underflow (0x10C0:0x10FF) 36-bit error counter that collects the number of transmit frames that are truncated when FIFO buffer underflow persists. 0x10C0 tx_pktunderflow_error RO 0x0 0x10C1 ■ The first 32 bits occupy the register at offset 0x10C0. ■ The last 4 bits occupy the first four bits of the register at offset 0x10C1. Bits 4 to 31 are reserved. The counter will be cleared when the last 4 bits have been read. If only the first 32 bits are read, the counter will not be cleared. 0x10C2 – 0x10FF Reserved — — Reserved for future use. TX Preamble Control (0x1100:0x113F) February 2014 Altera Corporation 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide 8–8 Chapter 8: Registers MAC Registers Table 8–2. MAC Registers (Part 7 of 15) Word Offset 0x1100 0x1101 – 0x113F Register Name tx_preamble_control Reserved Access RW — Reset Value Description ■ Bit 0 configures the preamble passthrough mode in the transmit datapath. 0—Set to 1 to disable the preamble passthrough mode. 1—Set to 1 to enable the preamble passthrough mode. MAC Tx identifies the first 8-bytes of the client frame as client-defined preamble. ■ Bits 1 to 31 are reserved. 0x0 — Reserved for future use. TX Pause Frame Control and Generator (0x1140:0x117F) IEEE 802.3 pause frame generation. 0x1140 tx_pauseframe_control RW ■ Bit 0 configures the generation of XON pause frames. 0—Disables pause frame generation. 1—Generates a pause frame with a pause quanta value of 0. ■ Bit 1 configures the generation of XOFF pause frames. 0—Disables pause frame generation. 1—Generates a pause frame using the pause quanta specified in the tx_pauseframe_quanta register. ■ Bits 2 to 31 are reserved. 0x0 If both bits 0 and 1 are set to 1 simultaneously, the IP core does not generate any pause frames. 0x1141 tx_pauseframe_quanta RW 0x0 16-bit pause quanta. The IP core uses this value when it generates XOFF pause frames. Bits 16 to 31 are reserved. IEEE 802.3 pause frame generation process. ■ 0x1142 tx_pauseframe_enable RW Bit 0 configures the process to generate the IEEE 802.3 pause frame. 0—Disables pause frame generation process. 0x1 1—Enables pause frame generation process. ■ 0x1143 – 0x117F Reserved — — Bits 1 to 31 are reserved. Reserved for future use. TX PFC Generator (0x1180:0x11FF) 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide February 2014 Altera Corporation Chapter 8: Registers MAC Registers 8–9 Table 8–2. MAC Registers (Part 8 of 15) Word Offset Register Name Access Reset Value Description 0x1180 pfc_pause_quanta_0 RW 0x0 0x1181 pfc_pause_quanta_1 RW 0x0 0x1182 pfc_pause_quanta_2 RW 0x0 0x1183 pfc_pause_quanta_3 RW 0x0 0x1184 pfc_pause_quanta_4 RW 0x0 pfc_pause_quanta_n specifies the pause length for priority queue n. The pause length is in unit of pause quanta, where 1 pause quanta = 512 bits time. 0x1185 pfc_pause_quanta_5 RW 0x0 Bits 16 to 31 are reserved. 0x1186 pfc_pause_quanta_6 RW 0x0 0x1187 pfc_pause_quanta_7 RW 0x0 0x1188 – 0x118F Reserved — — 0x1190 pfc_holdoff_quanta_0 RW 0x0 0x1191 pfc_holdoff_quanta_1 RW 0x0 0x1192 pfc_holdoff_quanta_2 RW 0x0 0x1193 pfc_holdoff_quanta_3 RW 0x0 0x1194 pfc_holdoff_quanta_4 RW 0x0 0x1195 pfc_holdoff_quanta_5 RW 0x0 0x1196 pfc_holdoff_quanta_6 RW 0x0 0x1197 pfc_holdoff_quanta_7 RW 0x0 0x1198 – 0x119F Reserved — — Reserved for future use. pfc_holdoff_quanta_n specifies the gap between consecutive XOFF requests for priority queue n. The gap is in unit of holdoff quanta, where 1 holdoff quanta = 512 bits time. Bits 16 to 31 are reserved. Reserved for future use. Enables PFC for a priority queue on the transmit datapath. 0x11A0 0x11A1 – 0x11FF tx_pfc_priority_enable Reserved RW — ■ Bit 0 to 7: Setting bit n in this register enables PFC for priority queue n. For example, setting tx_pfc_priority_enable[0] enables PFC for priority queue 0. ■ Bits 8 to 31 are reserved. 0x0 — Reserved for future use. TX Address Inserter (0x1200:0x127F) Address insertion on the transmit datapath. 0x1200 February 2014 tx_addrins_control Altera Corporation RW ■ Bit 0 configures address insertion. 0—Disables address insertion on the transmit datapath. 1—Overwrites the source address field of transmit frames with the address configured in the tx_addrins_macaddr0 and tx_addrins_macaddr1 registers. ■ Bits 1 to 31 are reserved. 0x0 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide 8–10 Chapter 8: Registers MAC Registers Table 8–2. MAC Registers (Part 9 of 15) Word Offset 0x1201 Register Name tx_addrins_macaddr0 Access Reset Value RW 0x0 Description 6-byte MAC address. You must map the address to the registers in the following manner: ■ tx_addrins_macaddr0 = Last four bytes of the address ■ tx_addrins_macaddr1[0:15] = First two bytes of the address. Bits 16 to 31 are reserved. 0x1202 tx_addrins_macaddr1 RW 0x0 Example: If the primary MAC address is 00-1C-23-174A-CB, set tx_addrins_macaddr0 to 0x23174ACB and tx_addrins_macaddr1 to 0x0000001C. The IP core writes this address to the source address field of transmit frames when address insertion on transmit is enabled (refer to description of tx_addrins_control). 0x1203 – 0x17FF Reserved — — Reserved for future use. — — Reserved for future use. TX Frame Decoder (0x1800:0x1BFF) 0x1800 Reserved ■ 0x1801 tx_frame_maxlength RW 1518 Bits 0 to 15 specifies the maximum allowable frame length for the statistic counter. The MAC asserts the avalon_st_txstatus_error[1] signal when the length of the transmit frame exceeds the value of this register and flags it as oversized frame. The value of this register does not affect the allowable frame size that can be sent through the Tx path. ■ 0x1802 – 0x1BFF Reserved — — Bits 16 to 31 are reserved. Reserved for future use. RX Statistics Counters (0x0C00:0x0FFF)—Collect statistics on the receive path. Prefixed with rx_. (1) TX Statistics Counters (0x1C00:0x1FFF)—Collect statistics on the transmit path. Prefixed with tx_. 0x0C00 0x1C00 rx_stats_clr tx_stats_clr 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide RWC RWC ■ Bit 0—Set this register to 1 to clear all statistics counters for the receive path. ■ Bits 1 to 31 are reserved. ■ Bit 0—Set this register to 1 to clear all statistics counters for the transmit path. ■ Bits 1 to 31 are reserved. 0x0 0x0 February 2014 Altera Corporation Chapter 8: Registers MAC Registers 8–11 Table 8–2. MAC Registers (Part 10 of 15) Word Offset 0x0C01 0x1C01 Register Name Reserved Access Reset Value — — 0x0C02 0x0C03 rx_stats_framesOK 0x1C02 0x1C03 0x0C04 0x0C05 RO 0x0C06 0x0C07 rx_stats_framesErr (2) RO 0x0C08 0x0C09 0x1C08 0x1C09 0x0C0A 0x0C0B 0x0C0C 0x0C0D RO 0x0 rx_stats_octetsOK RO February 2014 36-bit width register: ■ 0x0C02 and 0x1C02 = bits [31:0] ■ 0x0C03 and 0x1C03 = bits [35:32] ■ Bit 0—The number of errored frames that are received or transmitted, including control frames. ■ 36-bit width register: ■ 0x0C04 and 0x1C04 = bits [31:0] ■ 0x0C05and 0x1C05 = bits [35:32] ■ Bit 0—The number of receive or transmit frames with only CRC error. ■ 36-bit width register: ■ 0x0C06 and 0x1C06 = bits [31:0] ■ 0x0C07 and 0x1C07 = bits [35:32] ■ Bit 0—The number of data and padding octets that are successfully received or transmitted, including control frames. ■ Bit 0—The number of valid pause frames received or transmitted. ■ 36-bit width register: tx_stats_octetsOK rx_stats_pauseMACCtrl Frames RO 0x0 tx_stats_pauseMACCtrl Frames rx_stats_ifErrors RO 0x0 rx_stats_unicast FramesOK RO tx_stats_unicast FramesOK Altera Corporation 0x0 ■ 0x0C0A and 0x0C0B = bits [31:0] ■ 0x1C0A and 0x1C0B = bits [35:32] ■ Bit 0—The number of errored and invalid frames received or transmitted. ■ 36-bit width register: tx_stats_ifErrors 0x1C0E 0x1C0F ■ 0x0 0x0C0E 0x0C0F Bit 0—The number of frames that are successfully received or transmitted, including control frames. tx_stats_framesCRCErr 0x1C0C 0x1C0D 0x0 rx_stats_framesCRCErr 0x1C0A 0x1C0B ■ tx_stats_framesErr (2) 0x1C06 0x1C07 Reserved for future use. tx_stats_framesOK 0x1C04 0x1C05 0x0 Description ■ 0x0C0C and 0x0C0D = bits [31:0] ■ 0x1C0C and 0x1C0D = bits [35:32] ■ Bit 0—The number of good unicast frames that are successfully received or transmitted, excluding control frames. ■ 36-bit width register: ■ 0x0C0E and 0x0C0F = bits [31:0] ■ 0x1C0E and 0x1C0F = bits [35:32] 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide 8–12 Chapter 8: Registers MAC Registers Table 8–2. MAC Registers (Part 11 of 15) Word Offset 0x0C10 0x0C11 Register Name Reset Value rx_stats_unicast FramesErr (2) 0x1C10 0x1C11 Access RO 0x0 rx_stats_multicast FramesOK 0x1C12 0x1C13 0x0C14 0x0C15 RO 0x0C16 0x0C17 0x0C18 0x0C19 RO 0x0C1A 0x0C1B 0x1C1A 0x1C1B 0x0C1C 0x0C1D 0x0 rx_stats_broadcast FramesOK RO 36-bit width register: 0x0 rx_stats_broadcast FramesErr (2) RO 0x0 RO 0x0C10 and 0x0C11 = bits [31:0] ■ 0x1C10 and 0x1C11 = bits [35:32] Bit 0—The number of good multicast frames that are successfully received or transmitted, excluding control frames. ■ 36-bit width register: ■ 0x0C12 and 0x0C13 = bits [31:0] ■ 0x1C12 and 0x1C13 = bits [35:32] ■ Bit 0—The number of errored multicast frames received or transmitted, excluding control frames. ■ 36-bit width register: ■ 0x0C14 and 0x0C15 = bits [31:0] ■ 0x1C14 and 0x1C15 = bits [35:32] ■ Bit 0—The number of good broadcast frames received or transmitted, excluding control frames. ■ 36-bit width register: ■ 0x0C16 and 0x0C17 = bits [31:0] ■ 0x1C16 and 0x1C17 = bits [35:32] ■ Bit 0—The number of errored broadcast frames received or transmitted, excluding control frames. ■ 36-bit width register: tx_stats_broadcast FramesErr (2) rx_stats_etherStats Octets ■ ■ tx_stats_broadcast FramesOK ■ 0x0C18 and 0x0C19 = bits [31:0] ■ 0x1C18 and 0x1C19 = bits [35:32] ■ Bit 0—The total number of octets received or transmitted. This count includes good, errored, and invalid frames. ■ Bit 0—The total number of good, errored, and invalid frames received or transmitted. ■ 36-bit width register: 0x0 tx_stats_etherStats Octets rx_stats_etherStatsPkts RO 0x1C1C 0x1C1D ■ tx_stats_multicast FramesErr (2) 0x1C18 0x1C19 0x0 rx_stats_multicast FramesErr (2) 0x1C16 0x1C17 Bit 0—The number of errored unicast frames received or transmitted, excluding control frames. tx_stats_multicast FramesOK 0x1C14 0x1C15 ■ tx_stats_unicast FramesErr (2) 0x0C12 0x0C13 Description tx_stats_etherStatsPkts 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide 0x0 ■ 0x0C1C and 0x0C1D = bits [31:0] ■ 0x1C1C and 0x1C1D = bits [35:32] February 2014 Altera Corporation Chapter 8: Registers MAC Registers 8–13 Table 8–2. MAC Registers (Part 12 of 15) Word Offset 0x0C1E 0x0C1F Register Name Access Reset Value rx_stats_etherStats UndersizePkts 0x1C1E RO 0x1C1F 0x0 rx_stats_etherStats OversizePkts RO 0x0C22 0x0C23 Bit 0—The number of undersized frames (frame length less than 64 bytes, including the CRC field) received or transmitted. ■ 36-bit width register: tx_stats_etherStats OversizePkts RO RO 0x1C23 0x0C24 0x0C25 ■ 36-bit width register: RO 0x1C25 February 2014 Altera Corporation ■ 0x0C20 = bits [31:0] ■ 0x0C21 = bits [35:32] ■ Bit 0—The number of oversized frames (frame length more than tx_frame_maxlength, including the CRC field) transmitted. ■ 36-bit width register: ■ 0x1C20 = bits [31:0] ■ 0x1C21= bits [35:32] ■ Bit 0—The number of 64-byte receive or transmit frames, including the CRC field but excluding the preamble and SFD bytes. This count includes good, errored, and invalid frames. ■ 36-bit width register: ■ 0x0C22 and 0x0C23 = bits [31:0] ■ 0x1C22 and 0x1C23 = bits [35:32] ■ Bit 0—The number of receive or transmit frames between the length of 65 and 127 bytes, including the CRC field but excluding the preamble and SFD bytes. This count includes good, errored, and invalid frames. ■ 36-bit width register: 0x1C24 tx_stats_etherStats Pkts65to127Octets 0x1C1E and 0x1C1F = bits [35:32] Bit 0—The number of oversized frames (frame length more than rx_frame_maxlength, including the CRC field) received. 0x0 rx_stats_etherStats Pkts65to127Octets ■ ■ 0x1C22 tx_stats_etherStats Pkts64Octets 0x0C1E and 0x0C1F = bits [31:0] If you set the statistics counters to memory-based implementation, it takes a longer processing time to update the registers. The number of undersized frames received or transmitted may not increment if they need to be updated multiple times in a short period. 0x0 rx_stats_etherStats Pkts64Octets ■ ■ 0x0 0x1C20 0x1C21 ■ tx_stats_etherStats UndersizePkts 0x0C20 0x0C21 Description 0x0 ■ 0x0C24 and 0x0C25 = bits [31:0] ■ 0x1C24 and 0x1C25 = bits [35:32] 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide 8–14 Chapter 8: Registers MAC Registers Table 8–2. MAC Registers (Part 13 of 15) Word Offset 0x0C26 0x0C27 Register Name Access Reset Value rx_stats_etherStats Pkts128to255Octets Description ■ Bit 0—The number of receive or transmit frames between the length of 128 and 255 bytes, including the CRC field but excluding the preamble and SFD bytes. This count includes good, errored, and invalid frames. ■ 36-bit width register: 0x1C26 RO 0x1C27 0x0C28 0x0C29 0x0 tx_stats_etherStats Pkts128to255Octets rx_stats_etherStats Pkts256to511Octets RO 0x1C29 0x0C2A 0x0C2B RO 0x1C2B 0x0C2C 36-bit width register: 0x0C2F RO 0x1C21 0x0C2E 0x0C2F RO 0x1C2F 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide 0x1C28 and 0x1C29 = bits [35:32] 36-bit width register: ■ 0x0C2A and 0x0C2B = bits [31:0] ■ 0x1C2A and 0x1C2B = bits [35:32] ■ Bit 0—The number of receive or transmit frames between the length of 1,024 and 1,518 bytes, including the CRC field but excluding the preamble and SFD bytes. This count includes good, errored, and invalid frames. ■ 36-bit width register: ■ 0x0C2C and 0x0C2F = bits [31:0] ■ 0x1C20 and 0x1C21 = bits [35:32] ■ Bit 0—The number of receive or transmit frames equal or more than the length of 1,519 bytes, including the CRC field but excluding the preamble and SFD bytes. This count includes good, errored, and invalid frames. ■ 36-bit width register: 0x1C2E tx_stats_etherStats Pkts1519toXOctets ■ ■ 0x0 rx_stats_etherStats Pkts1519toXOctets 0x0C28 and 0x0C29 = bits [31:0] Bit 0—The number of receive or transmit frames between the length of 512 and 1,023 bytes, including the CRC field but excluding the preamble and SFD bytes. This count includes good, errored, and invalid frames. 0x1C20 tx_stats_etherStat Pkts1024to1518Octets ■ ■ 0x0 rx_stats_etherStat Pkts1024to1518Octets 0x1C26 and 0x1C27 = bits [35:32] ■ 0x1C2A tx_stats_etherStats Pkts512to1023Octets ■ Bit 0—The number of receive or transmit frames between the length of 256 and 511 bytes, including the CRC field but excluding the preamble and SFD bytes. This count includes good, errored, and invalid frames. 0x0 rx_stats_etherStats Pkts512to1023Octets 0x0C26 and 0x0C27 = bits [31:0] ■ 0x1C28 tx_stats_etherStats Pkts256to511Octets ■ 0x0 ■ 0x0C2E and 0x0C2F = bits [31:0] ■ 0x1C2E and 0x1C2F = bits [35:32] February 2014 Altera Corporation Chapter 8: Registers MAC Registers 8–15 Table 8–2. MAC Registers (Part 14 of 15) Word Offset 0x0C30 0x0C31 Register Name Access Reset Value rx_stats_etherStats Fragments Description ■ Bit 0—The total number of receive or transmit frames with length less than 64 bytes and CRC error. This count includes errored and invalid frames. ■ 36-bit width register: 0x1C30 RO 0x1C31 0x0 tx_stats_etherStats Fragments 0x0C32 0x0C33 rx_stats_etherStats Jabbers RO 0x1C33 tx_stats_etherStats Jabbers RO 0x0C35 rx_stats_etherStats CRCErr RO 0x1C35 tx_stats_etherStats CRCErr RO 0x0C37 rx_stats_unicastMAC CtrlFrames RO 0x1C36 0x1C37 February 2014 tx_stats_unicastMAC CtrlFrames Altera Corporation 36-bit width register: 0x0 ■ 0x0C32 = bits [31:0] ■ 0x0C33 = bits [35:32] ■ Bit 0—The number of oversized transmit frames (frame length more than 1,518 bytes) with CRC error. This count includes invalid frame types. ■ 36-bit width register: ■ 0x1C32 = bits [31:0] ■ 0x1C33 = bits [35:32] ■ Bit 0—The number of receive frames between the length of 64 and the value configured in the rx_frame_maxlength register with CRC error. This count includes errored and invalid frames. ■ 36-bit width register: ■ 0x0C34 = bits [31:0] ■ 0x0C35 = bits [35:32] ■ Bit 0—The number of transmit frames between the length of 64 and 1,518 bytes. This count includes errored and invalid frames. ■ 36-bit width register: 0x0 0x0C36 0x1C30 and 0x1C31 = bits [35:32] ■ 0x0 0x1C34 ■ Bit 0—The number of oversized receive frames (frame length more than rx_frame_maxlength) with CRC error. This count includes invalid frame types. 0x0 0x0C34 0x0C30 and 0x0C31 = bits [31:0] ■ 0x0 0x1C32 ■ ■ 0x1C34 = bits [31:0] ■ 0x1C35 = bits [35:32] ■ Bit 0—The number of valid unicast control frames received or transmitted. ■ 36-bit width register: ■ 0x0C36 and 0x0C37 = bits [31:0] ■ 0x1C36 and 0x1C37 = bits [35:32] 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide 8–16 Chapter 8: Registers MAC Registers Table 8–2. MAC Registers (Part 15 of 15) Word Offset Register Name 0x0C38 Access Reset Value rx_stats_multicastMAC CtrlFrames 0x0C39 RO 0x1C38 0x0 Description ■ Bit 0—The number of valid multicast control frames received or transmitted. ■ 36-bit width register: tx_stats_multicastMAC CtrlFrames 0x1C39 0x0C3A rx_stats_broadcastMAC CtrlFrames 0x0C3B RO 0x1C3A 0x0 0x0C3C rx_stats_PFCMACCtrlFrames 0x0C3D RO 0x1C3C 0x0 tx_stats_PFCMACCtrlFrames 0x1C3D 0x0C3E – 0x0FFF 0x1C3E – 0x1FFF Reserved — — 0x0C38 and 0x0C39 = bits [31:0] ■ 0x1C38 and 0x1C39 = bits [35:32] ■ Bit 0—The number of valid broadcast control frames received or transmitted. ■ 36-bit width register: tx_stats_broadcastMAC CtrlFrames 0x1C3B ■ ■ 0x0C3A and 0x0C3B = bits [31:0] ■ 0x1C3A and 0x1C3B = bits [35:32] ■ Bit 0—The number of valid PFC frames received or transmitted. ■ 36-bit width register: ■ 0x0C3C and 0x0C3D = bits [31:0] ■ 0x1C3C and 0x1C3D = bits [35:32] Reserved for future use. Notes to Table 8–2: (1) When you read the statistic counters, read the LSB before reading the MSB. For example, when you read rx_stats_PFCMACCtrlFrames, read the register offset 0x0C3C before reading the register offset 0x0C3D. (2) If you set the statistics counters to memory-based implementation, the number of undersized frames received or transmitted is not incremented for this register. This is due to the limited processing time when undersized frames are received or transmitted. 8.1.1. Rx_frame_control Register Table 8–3 describes the function of each field in the rx_frame_control register. Table 8–3. Rx_frame_control Register (Part 1 of 2) Bit Field Name Width Access Reset Value Description 0—Drops unicast receive frames using the primary MAC addresses. 0 EN_ALLUCAST 1 RW 0x1 1—Accepts all unicast receive frames. Setting this register and the EN_ALLMCAST register to 1, enables the MAC to go on promiscuous (transparent) mode. 0—Drops all multicast frames. 1—Accepts all multicast frames. 1 EN_ALLMCAST 1 RW 0x1 Setting this register and the EN_ALLUCAST register to 1, enables the MAC to go on promiscuous (transparent) mode. 2 Reserved 1 — — Reserved for future use. 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide February 2014 Altera Corporation Chapter 8: Registers MAC Registers 8–17 Table 8–3. Rx_frame_control Register (Part 2 of 2) Bit 3 Field Name FWD_CONTROL Width 1 Access RW Reset Value 0x0 Description When you turn on the Priority-based Flow Control (PFC) parameter, this bit affects all control frames except the IEEE 802.3 pause frames and PFC frames. Otherwise, this bit affects all control frames except the IEEE 802.3 pause frames. 0—Drops control frames. 1—Forwards control frames to the client. 4 5 1 FWD_PAUSE IGNORE_PAUSE 1 RW RW 0x0 0x0 0—Drops IEEE 802.3 pause frame after processing them. 1—Forwards IEEE 802.3 pause frames to the client. 0—Suspends transmission for the value specified by the pause quanta in the IEEE 802.3 pause frame received. 1—Ignores IEEE 802.3 pause frames. 6 – 15 Reserved — — — 16 EN_SUPP0 1 RW 0x0 17 EN_SUPP1 1 RW 0x0 18 EN_SUPP2 1 RW 0x0 19 EN_SUPP3 1 RW 0x0 — — — 20 – 31 Reserved Reserved for future use. 0—Disables the use of supplementary address 0. 1—Enables the use of supplementary address 0. 0—Disables the use of supplementary address 1. 1—Enables the use of supplementary address 1. 0—Disables the use of supplementary address 2. 1—Enables the use of supplementary address 2. 0—Disables the use of supplementary address 3. 1—Enables the use of supplementary address 3. Reserved for future use. 8.1.2. Rx_pfc_control Register Table 8–4 describes the function of each field in the rx_pfc_control register. Table 8–4. Rx_pfc_control Register Bit Field Name Width Access Reset Value 0 PFC_IGNORE_PAUSE_0 1 RW 0x1 1 PFC_IGNORE_PAUSE_1 1 RW 0x1 2 PFC_IGNORE_PAUSE_2 1 RW 0x1 3 PFC_IGNORE_PAUSE_3 1 RW 0x1 4 PFC_IGNORE_PAUSE_4 1 RW 0x1 5 PFC_IGNORE_PAUSE_5 1 RW 0x1 6 PFC_IGNORE_PAUSE_6 1 RW 0x1 7 PFC_IGNORE_PAUSE_7 1 RW 0x1 8 – 15 Reserved — — — 16 FWD_PFC 1 RW 0x0 16 – 31 Reserved — — — February 2014 Altera Corporation Description 0—Suspends transmission for TX priority queue n for the period specified by pfc_pause_quanta_n. 1—Ignores the PFC pause request for TX priority queue n. Reserved for future use. 0—Drops the PFC frame after processing it. 1—Forwards the PFC frame to the client. Reserved for future use. 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide 8–18 Chapter 8: Registers MAC Registers for IEEE 1588v2 Feature 8.2. MAC Registers for IEEE 1588v2 Feature Table 8–5 describes the MAC register space for the 10GbE MAC with IEEE 1588v2 feature. Table 8–5. MAC Registers for 1GbE MAC with IEEE 1588v2 Feature (Part 1 of 2) Word Offset Name R/W Clock period for timestamp adjustment on the receive datapath. The period register is multiplied by the number of stages separating actual timestamp and the GMII bus. 0x0110 (10 Gbps mode)/ 0x0118 (1 Gbps, 10 Mbps, and 100 Mbps mode) HW Reset Description rx_period ■ Bits 0 to 15: Period in fractional nanoseconds (RX_PERIOD_FNS). ■ Bits 16 to 19: Period in nanoseconds (RX_PERIOD_NS). ■ Bits 20 to 31: Not used. RW 0x66666 The default value for the period is 6.4. For 156.25-MHz clock, set this register to 6.4 ns. Clock period for timestamp adjustment on the transmit datapath. The period register is multiplied by the number of stages separating actual timestamp and the GMII bus. 0x1110 (10 Gbps mode)/ 0x1118 (1 Gbps, 10 Mbps, and 100M bps mode)) tx_period ■ Bits 0 to 15: Period in fractional nanoseconds (TX_PERIOD_FNS). ■ Bits 16 to 19: Period in nanoseconds (TX_PERIOD_NS). ■ Bits 20 to 31: Not used. RW 0x66666 The default value for the period is 6.4. For 156.25-MHz clock, set this register to 6.4 ns. 0x0112 (10 Gbps mode)/ 0x011A (1 Gbps, 10 Mbps, and 100 Mbps mode) Static timing adjustment in fractional nanoseconds for outbound timestamps on the receive datapath. rx_adjust_fns RW 0x1112 (10 Gbps mode)/ 0x111A (1 Gbps, 10 Mbps, and 100 Mbps mode) ■ Bits 0 to 15: Timing adjustment in fractional nanoseconds. ■ Bits 16 to 31: Not used. 0x0 Static timing adjustment in fractional nanoseconds for outbound timestamps on the transmit datapath. tx_adjust_fns 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide RW ■ Bits 0 to 15: Timing adjustment in fractional nanoseconds. ■ Bits 16 to 31: Not used. 0x0 February 2014 Altera Corporation Chapter 8: Registers Register Initialization 8–19 Table 8–5. MAC Registers for 1GbE MAC with IEEE 1588v2 Feature (Part 2 of 2) Word Offset Name R/W 0x0113 (10 Gbps mode)/ 0x011B (1 Gbps, 10 Mbps, and 100 Mbps mode) Static timing adjustment in nanoseconds for outbound timestamps on the receive datapath. RW rx_adjust_ns 0x1113 (10 Gbps mode)/ 0x111B (1 Gbps, 10 Mbps, and 100 Mbps mode) HW Reset Description ■ Bits 0 to 15: Timing adjustment in nanoseconds. ■ Bits 16 to 23: Not used. 0x0 Static timing adjustment in nanoseconds for outbound timestamps on the transmit datapath. RW tx_adjust_ns ■ Bits 0 to 15: Timing adjustment in nanoseconds. ■ Bits 16 to 23: Not used. 0x0 8.2.1. Configuring PMA Analog and Digital Delay You need to configure the PMA analog and digital delay to adjust the registers. The TX and RX paths are configured individually. Table 8–6 lists the analog delay for the different MAC variants. Table 8–6. Analog Delay Device Family TX (ns) RX (ns) MAC Variant Arria V –1.1 1.75 All Stratix V –1.1 1.75 All Table 8–7 lists the digital delay for the different MAC variants. Table 8–7. Digital Delay Device Family PMA Mode (bit) TX (UI) RX (UI) 40 123 87 10GbE or 10G of 10M-10GbE 32 99 84 10GbE 10 53 26 1G/100M/10M of 10M-10GbE 64 66 165 10GbE or 10G of 10M-10GbE 10 42 44 1G/100M/10M of 10M-10GbE Arria V GZ and Stratix V Arria V GX, Arria V GT, and Arria V SoC 1 MAC Variant 1 UI for 10G is 97 ps, and 1 UI for 1G/100M/10M is 800 ps. 8.3. Register Initialization Altera offers the following options for the 10GbE solution with the 10G MAC IP core: February 2014 ■ 10GbE MAC with single data rate (SDR) XGMII ■ 10GbE MAC with double data rate (DDR) XGMII ■ 10GbE MAC with XAUI PHY IP ■ 10GbE MAC with 10GBASE-R PHY IP Altera Corporation 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide 8–20 Chapter 8: Registers Register Initialization f To learn more about the 10G MAC with SDR XGMII to DDR XGMII conversion, refer to “SDR XGMII to DDR XGMII Conversion” on page 10–1. The 10G MAC is configured in promiscuous (transparent) mode at default or after a hard reset. In promiscuous mode, the 10GbE MAC does not perform any MAC address filtering and it is capable of transmitting and receiving all types of Ethernet frames. Register initialization for the 10GbE MAC design example is mainly performed in the following configurations: ■ External PHY Initialization Using MDIO (Optional) ■ PHY Configuration Register Initialization ■ Miscellaneous Configuration Register Initialization ■ MAC Configuration Register Initialization f For more information about the 10GbE MAC design example, refer to the “Design Examples and Testbench”chapter. To initialize the registers for the 10GbE MAC configuration, it is important for you to understand the usage of the addressing mode. This configuration uses the following addressing modes: ■ 10GbE MAC MAC IP Core—dword addressing ■ 10GbE design example—byte addressing You can easily convert between dword and byte addressing by removing or adding two least significant bits (LSB) in the address. For example, if dword = 0x341, you can add two LSB bits to the byte address conversion to get byte address = 0xD04. Use the following recommended register initialization sequences for 10GbE MAC design example: 1. External PHY initialization using MDIO This is only applicable when you require external PHY transceiver configuration. //Assume: //External PHY Address (Hardwired) (MDIO_PRTAD): 0x01 //External PHY Device Type (MDIO_DEVAD): 0x01 //External PHY Control Register address (MDIO_REGAD): 0x0000 //MDIO Base Address: 0x00010000 //MDIO Register Byte offset: 0x84 Byte Address, 0x00010084 = 0x00000104 //Read/Write to External PHY Control Register define in MDIO_REGAD //MDIO Base Address: 0x00010000 //MDIO Register Byte offset: 0x80 Read/write to Byte Address, 0x00010080 = Read/write to PHY Control Register (Device Address = 0x01, Register Address = 0x0000) 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide February 2014 Altera Corporation Chapter 8: Registers Register Initialization 8–21 2. PHY configuration register initialization Altera provides various types of Ethernet PHY such as XAUI and 10GBASE-R PHY. By default, the PHY does not need any configuration register initialization. To ensure the transceiver PHY is operating properly, perform a hard reset to the PHY after a power-up sequence. //Hard Reset the Altera Transceiver PHY Asserted the phy_mgmt_reset input at least more than 3 phy_mgmt_clk cycles. De-assert the phy_mgmt_reset input to release the hard reset //Wait for the Transceiver PHY Reset Sequence to Complete Wait the tx_ready and rx_ready outputs = 1 Or //Check the tx_read and rx_ready status through PHY Management Interface //XAUI/10G BASE-R PHY Base Address: 0x00040000 //reset_status byte addres: 0x108 //reset_status bit 0 – tx_ready, bit 1 – rx_ready Wait reset_status (address = 0x00040108) = 0x3 3. Miscellaneous configuration register initialization This is only applicable to the 10GbE MAC design example. The following components in the design example is categorized under the miscellaneous configuration register initialization: ■ TX and RX single-clock FIFO/dual clock FIFO a. Setting for single-clock FIFO //RX FIFO Base Address: 0x00010400 //TX FIFO Base Address: 0x00010600 //Enable Store and Forward Mode in RX Single-Clock FIFO //cut_through_threshold byte address: 0x10 //Set this larger than 0 will enable Cut Through mode cut_throught_threshold (address = 0x00010410) = 0x0 //Enable Store and Forward Mode in TX Single-Clock FIFO //cut_through_threshold byte address: 0x10 //Set this larger than 0 will enable Cut through mode cut_through_threshold (address = 0x00010610) = 0x0 //Enable FIFO Frame Drop On Error //Drop on Error is NOT available in Cut Through Mode //drop_on_error byte address: 0x14 //Set this to 0 will disable the drop on error February 2014 Altera Corporation 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide 8–22 Chapter 8: Registers Register Initialization drop_on_error (address = 0x00010414) = 0x1 //Enable Drop On Error in TX Single Clock FIFO //Drop on Error is NOT available in Cut Through Mode //drop_on_error byte address: 0x14 //Set this to 0 will disable the drop on error drop_on_error (address = 0x00010614) = 0x1 b. Setting for dual-clock FIFO Because the drop on error and store and forward features are not supported, you are not required to perform any register initialization. ■ Ethernet loopback //Ethernet Loopback Base Address: 0x00010200 //Disable Line Loopback //line_loopback byte address: 0x00 //Set this to 1 will enable the Line loopback line_loopback (address = 0x00010200) = 0x0 //Disable Local Loopback //local_loopback byte address: 0x08 //set this to 1 will enable the local loopback local_loopback (address = 0x00010208) = 0x0 4. MAC configuration register initialization The 10GbE MAC is configured as promiscuous mode by default; therefore it does not require any initialization to transmit and receive Ethernet frames. Use the following recommended initialization sequences for your configuration: a. Disable MAC transmit and receive datapath Disable the 10GbE MAC transmit and receive datapath before changing any configuration register. //Disable the MAC Receive Path //rx_transfer_control byte address: 0x000 rx_transfer_control (address = 0x00000000) = 0x1 //Disable the MAC Transmit Path //tx_transfer_control byte address: 0x4000 tx_transfer_control (address = 0x00004000) = 0x1 //Check the MAC Transmit and Receive Path is disable //rx_transfer_status byte address: 0x004 Wait rx_transfer_status (address = 0x00000004) = 0x1 //tx_transfer_status byte address: 0x4004 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide February 2014 Altera Corporation Chapter 8: Registers Register Initialization 8–23 Wait tx_transfer_status (address = 0x00004004) = 0x1 b. MAC address configuration //Assume MAC address is 00-1C-23-17-4A-CB //Configure the MAC Receive MAC Address //rx_frame_addr0 byte address: 0x2008 //rx_frame_addr1 byte address: 0x200C rx_frame_addr0 (address = 0x00002008) = 0x17231C00 rx_frame_addr1 (address = 0x0000200C) = 0x0000CB4A //Configure the MAC Transmit MAC Address //tx_addrins_macaddr0 byte address: 0x4804 //tx_addrins_macaddr1 byte address: 0x4808 tx_addrins_macaddr0 (address = 0x00004804) = 0x17231C00 tx_addrins_macaddr1 (address = 0x00004808) = 0x0000CB4A February 2014 Altera Corporation 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide 8–24 Chapter 8: Registers Register Initialization c. MAC function configuration //Maximum Frame Length is 1518 bytes //rx_frame_maxlength byte address: 0x2004 rx_frame_maxlength (address = 0x00002004) = 1518 //tx_frame_maxlength byte address: 0x6004 tx_frame_maxlength (address = 0x00006004) = 1518 //Maximum Pause Quanta Value for Flow Control //tx_pauseframe_quanta byte address: 0x4504 tx_pauseframe_quanta (address = 0x00004504) = 0xFFFF //CRC and Padding Removal for MAC Receive //rx_padcrc_control byte address: 0x0100 rx_padcrc_control (address = 0x00000100) = 0x3 //Padding Removal for MAC Transmit //tx_padins_control byte address: 0x4100 tx_padins_control (address = 0x00004100) = 0x1 //CRC Removal for MAC Transmit //tx_crcins_control byte address: 0x4200 tx_crcins_control (address = 0x00004200) = 0x3 //TX MAC Address Insertion on Transmit Frame //tx_addrins_control byte address: 0x4800 tx_addrins_control (address = 0x00004800) = 0x1 //Configure the RX Frame Control Register //Disable the promiscuous (transparent) mode by setting EN_ALLUCAST bit to 0 //rx_frame_control byte address: 0x2000 rx_frame_control (address = 0x00002000) = 0x00000002 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide February 2014 Altera Corporation Chapter 8: Registers Register Initialization 8–25 Figure 8–1 shows the settings for the rx_frame_control register. 3 2 1 0 FWD_PAUSE FWD_CONTROL Reserved EN_ALLMCAST EN_ALLUCAST 16 EN_SUPP1 4 IGNORE_PAUSE 17 EN_SUPP2 5 Reserved 18 EN_SUPP3 15..6 EN_SUPP0 30..20 19 Reserved Figure 8–1. Rx_frame_control Register Settings 0..0 0 0 0 0 0..0 0 0 0 0 1 0 d. Enable MAC transmit and receive datapath. //Enable the MAC Receive Path //rx_transfer_control byte address: 0x000 rx_transfer_control (address = 0x00000000) = 0x0 //Enable the MAC Transmit Path //tx_transfer_control byte address: 0x4000 tx_transfer_control (address = 0x00004000) = 0x0 //Check the Transmit and Receive Path is enable //rx_transfer_status byte address: 0x004 Wait rx_transfer_status (address = 0x00000004) = 0x0 //tx_transfer_status byte address: 0x4004 Wait tx_transfer_status (address = 0x00004004) = 0x0 February 2014 Altera Corporation 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide 9. Interface Signals This section describes the interface signals in all MAC variations. Figure 9–1 shows the interface signals for the MAC TX and RX variation. Figure 9–1. 10M-10GbE MAC 10M-10GbE MAC tx_clk_clk tx_reset_reset_n rx_clk_clk avalon_st_rx_startofpacket rx_reset_reset_n avalon_st_rx_endofpacket csr_clk_clk avalon_st_rx_valid Avalon-ST Receive Interface Signals 64 3 6 csr_reset_reset_n avalon_st_rx_ready gmii_tx_clk_clk avalon_st_rx_data [] gmii_rx_clk_clk avalon_st_rx_empty [] avalon_st_rx_error [] avalon_st_tx_startofpacket avalon_st_tx_endofpacket Clock and Reset Signals xgmii_rx_data [] xgmii_tx_data [] link_fault_status_xgmii_rx_data [] 72 SDR XGMII Signals 72 2 avalon_st_tx_valid avalon_st_tx_ready Avalon-ST Transmit Interface Signals 64 3 gmii_rx_d [] avalon_st_tx_data [] gmii_rx_dv avalon_st_tx_empty [] avalon_st_tx_error gmii_tx_d [] csr_address [] gmii_tx_err 4 gmii_rx_err GMII Signals 8 gmii_tx_en 13 Avalon-MM Control Interface Signals csr_read 32 32 40 7 Avalon-ST Status Signals 40 7 16 csr_readdata [] mii_rx_d [] csr_write mii_rx_dv csr_writedata [] mii_rx_err csr_waitrequest rx_clkena avalon_st_rxstatus_valid avalon_st_rxstatus_data [] avalon_st_rxstatus_error [] avalon_st_txstatus_valid Avalon-ST Pause Signals 2 8 16 MAC Speed Control Signal February 2014 Altera Corporation 2 MII Signals rx_clkena_half_rate mii_tx_d [] mii_tx_en 8 mii_tx_err avalon_st_txstatus_data [] tx_clkena avalon_st_txstatus_error [] tx_clkena_half_rate avalon_st_tx_pfc_status_valid avalon_st_tx_pfc_status_data [] avalon_st_rx_pfc_status_valid 16 4 tx_egress_timestamp_96b_valid tx_egress_timestamp_96b_data[] tx_egress_timestamp_96b_fingerprint[] tx_egress_timestamp_64b_valid avalon_st_pause_data [] tx_egress_timestamp_64b_data[] avalon_st_rx_pfc_pause_data [] tx_egress_timestamp_64b_fingerprint[] rx_ingress_timestamp_96b_valid avalon_st_tx_pfc_gen_data [] rx_ingress_timestamp_96b_data[] rx_ingress_timestamp_64b_valid speed_sel[] rx_ingress_timestamp_64b_data[] avalon_st_rx_pfc_status_data [] 96 4 64 4 IEEE 1588v2 Interface 96 64 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide 9–2 Chapter 9: Interface Signals 9.0.1. Clock and Reset Signals The MAC operates in multiple clock domains. You can use different sources to drive the clock and reset interfaces. Refer to Table 9–1 on page 9–2 for the clock and timing requirements for the clock and reset interfaces. Table 9–1 lists the MAC clock and reset signals. Table 9–1. Common Clock and Reset Signals Signal Direction Width Description tx_clk_clk (1) Input 1 156.25-MHz transmit clock. Provides the timing reference for the Avalon-ST transmit interface. tx_reset_reset_n Input 1 An active-low asynchronous reset signal for the tx_clk_clk domain. The MAC function implements a reset synchronizer to generate a synchronous signal. rx_clk_clk (1) Input 1 156.25-MHz receive clock. Provides the timing reference for the Avalon-ST receive interface. rx_reset_reset_n Input 1 An active-low asynchronous reset signal for the rx_clk_clk domain. The MAC function implements a reset synchronizer to generate a synchronous signal. csr_clk_clk Input 1 Configuration clock for the control and status interface. The clock runs at 156.25-MHz or lower. csr_reset_reset_n Input 1 An active-low reset signal for the control and status interface. Note to Table 9–1: (1) You can use the same clock source for both tx_clk_clk and rx_clk_clk. 9.0.2. Avalon-ST Transmit and Receive Interface Signals Table 9–2 describes the Avalon-ST transmit signals. Table 9–2. Avalon-ST Transmit Signals Signal Direction Width avalon_st_tx_startofpacket Input 1 Assert this signal to indicate the beginning of the transmit packet. avalon_st_tx_endofpacket Input 1 Assert this signal to indicate the end of the transmit packet. avalon_st_tx_valid Input 1 Assert this signal to qualify the transmit data on the avalon_st_tx_data bus. avalon_st_tx_ready Output 1 When asserted, this signal indicates that the IP core is ready to accept data. avalon_st_tx_data[] Input 64 Carries the transmit data from the client. avalon_st_tx_empty[] Input 3 Use this signal to specify the number of bytes that are empty (not used) during cycles that contain the end of a packet. avalon_st_tx_error Input 1 Assert this signal to indicate the current receive packet contains errors. 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide Description February 2014 Altera Corporation Chapter 9: Interface Signals 9–3 Table 9–3 describes the Avalon-ST receive signals. Table 9–3. Avalon-ST Receive Signals Signal Direction Width Description avalon_st_rx_startofpacket Output 1 When asserted, this signal indicates the beginning of the receive packet. avalon_st_rx_endofpacket Output 1 When asserted, this signal indicates the end of the receive packet. avalon_st_rx_valid Output 1 When asserted, this signal qualifies the receive data on the avalon_st_rx_data bus. avalon_st_rx_ready Input 1 Assert this signal when the client is ready to accept data. avalon_st_rx_data[] Output 64 Carries the receive data to the client. avalon_st_rx_empty[] Output 3 Contains the number of bytes that are empty (not used) during cycles that contain the end of a packet. When set to 1, the respective bits in this signal indicate an error type in the receive frame: avalon_st_rx_error[] Output ■ Bit 0: PHY error—Indicates PHY error regardless of the speed you configure. ■ Bit 1: CRC error—The calculated CRC value differs from the received CRC. ■ Bit 2: Undersized frame—The frame size is less than 64 bytes. ■ Bit 3: Oversized frame—The frame size is more than MAX_FRAME_SIZE. ■ Bit 4: Payload length error—The actual frame payload length differs from the length/type field. ■ Bit 5: Overflow error—The FIFO buffer is full while it is receiving signal from the MAC causing truncated receive frame. 6 The IP core presents the error type on this bus in the same clock cycle it asserts avalon_st_rx_endofpacket and avalon_st_rx_valid. Timing Diagrams—Avalon-ST Transmit Interface The diagrams in this section shows the timing and the mapping on the Avalon-ST transmit interface. The client asserts the avalon_st_tx_startofpacket signal to indicate the beginning of the transmit packet. On the same rising edge of tx_clk_clk, the client asserts the avalon_st_tx_valid signal to qualify the transmit data on the avalon_st_tx_data[63:0] bus. At the end of the packet, the avalon_st_tx_empty [2:0] signal specifies the number of bytes that are empty. February 2014 Altera Corporation 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide 9–4 Chapter 9: Interface Signals Figure 9–2 shows the timing for the Avalon-ST transmit interface with a good frame. Figure 9–2. Avalon-ST Transmit Interface tx_clk_clk avalon_st_tx_ready avalon_st_tx_valid avalon_st_tx_startofpacket avalon_st_tx_endofpacket avalon_st_tx_data [63:0] avalon_st_tx_empty [2:0] n (1) 0 avalon_st_tx_error Note to Figure 9–2: (1) n indicates the number of symbols that are empty during the cycles that mark the end of a frame. When the client forwards an error frame to the Avalon-ST transmit interface, the client asserts the avalon_st_tx_error signal to indicate errors in the current frame. The avalon_st_tx_error signal is aligned with the avalon_st_tx_endofpacket signal. Figure 9–3 shows the timing for the Avalon-ST transmit interface with an error frame. Figure 9–3. Avalon-ST Transmit Interface with Error tx_clk_clk avalon_st_tx_ready avalon_st_tx_valid avalon_st_tx_startofpacket avalon_st_tx_endofpacket avalon_st_tx_data [63:0] avalon_st_tx_empty [2:0] n (1) 0 avalon_st_tx_error Note to Figure 9–3: (1) n indicates the number of symbols that are empty during the cycles that mark the end of a frame. 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide February 2014 Altera Corporation Chapter 9: Interface Signals 9–5 Figure 9–4 shows the mapping of the client frame on the Avalon-ST transmit interface. Figure 9–4. Mapping of Client Frame to Avalon-ST Transmit Interface Client Frame(2) DA0 DA1 DA2 DA3 DA4 DA5 SA0 SA1 SA2 SA3 SA4 Source Addr[47:0] Destination Addr[47:0] SA5 TL0 TL1 P0 Type/ Length [15:0] P<p-1> Payload(1) [<p-1>:0] tx_clk_clk avalon_st_tx_ready avalon_st_tx_valid avalon_st_tx_startofpacket avalon_st_tx_endofpacket avalon_st_tx_data[63:56] DA0 SA2 P1 avalon_st_tx_data[55:48] DA1 SA3 P2 avalon_st_tx_data[47:40] DA2 SA4 P3 avalon_st_tx_data[39:32] DA3 SA5 P4 avalon_st_tx_data[31:24] DA4 TL0 P5 avalon_st_tx_data[23:16] DA5 TL1 P6 avalon_st_tx_data[15:8] SA0 TL2 P7 avalon_st_tx_data[7:0] SA1 P0 P8 avalon_st_tx_empty [2:0] P<p-1> 0 n (3) avalon_st_tx_error Notes to Figure 9–4: (1) <p> = payload size = 0–1500 bytes (2) In the preamble passthrough mode, the client frame starts with an 8-byte client-defined preamble. (3) n indicates the number of symbols that are empty during the cycles that mark the end of a frame. February 2014 Altera Corporation 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide 9–6 Chapter 9: Interface Signals Timing Diagrams—Avalon-ST Receive Interface The diagrams in this section show the timing on the Avalon-ST receive interface. The Avalon-ST receive interface avalon_st_rx_startofpacket signal is asserted to indicate the start of a new frame. On the same rising edge of rx_clk_clk, the avalon_st_rx_valid signal is also asserted to qualify the transmit data on the avalon_st_rx_data[63:0] bus. The end of the receive packet is indicated by the avalon_st_rx_endofpacket signal. Figure 9–5 shows the timing for the Avalon-ST receive interface with a good frame. Figure 9–5. Avalon-ST Receive rx_clk_clk avalon_st_rx_ready avalon_st_rx_valid avalon_st_rx_startofpacket avalon_st_rx_endofpacket avalon_st_rx_data [63:0] avalon_st_rx_empty [2:0] 0 avalon_st_rx_error [5:0] 0 n(1) avalon_st_rxstatus_valid avalon_st_rxstatus_data [38:0] avalon_st_rxstatus_error [6:0] 0 Note to Figure 9–5: (1) n indicates the number of symbols that are empty during the cycles that mark the end of a frame. When the MAC RX receives an undersized frame, it sets the avalon_st_rx_error[2] bit to 1. When an overflow occurs, the avalon_st_rx_ready signal is deasserted to backpressure the Avalon-ST receive interface, and the MAC RX sets the avalon_st_rx_error[5] bit to 1. The error signals are sampled when avalon_st_rx_endofpacket and avalon_st_rx_valid signals are asserted. For more information about the error signals in the Avalon-ST receive and status interface, refer to Table 9–3 on page 9–3 and Table 9–8 on page 9–13. 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide February 2014 Altera Corporation Chapter 9: Interface Signals 9–7 Figure 9–6 shows the reception of a 60-byte frame at the Avalon-ST receive interface when an error occurs with an overflow and undersized frame condition. Figure 9–6. Avalon-ST Receive with Error (Overflow and Undersized Frame) rx_clk_clk avalon_st_rx_ready avalon_st_rx_valid avalon_st_rx_startofpacket avalon_st_rx_endofpacket avalon_st_rx_data[63:0] avalon_st_rx_empty[2:0] avalon_st_rx_error[5] 0 4 Overflow avalon_st_rx_error[4] avalon_st_rx_error[3] avalon_st_rx_error[2] Undersized frame avalon_st_rx_error[1] avalon_st_rx_error[0] avalon_st_rxstatus_valid avalon_st_rxstatus_data[38:0] avalon_st_rxstatus_error[6] avalon_st_rxstatus_error[5] avalon_st_rxstatus_error[4] avalon_st_rxstatus_error[3] avalon_st_rxstatus_error[2] avalon_st_rxstatus_error[1] avalon_st_rxstatus_error[0] February 2014 Altera Corporation Undersized frame 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide 9–8 Chapter 9: Interface Signals 9.0.3. SDR XGMII Table 9–4 shows the SDR XGMII signals. Table 9–4. SDR XGMII Signals Signal xgmii_rx_data[] xgmii_tx_data[] Direction Width Input 72 Output 72 Description 8-lane data bus carrying 8-bit data and 1-bit control information. Lane 0 starts from the least significant bit. xgmii_rx_data[7:0] / xgmii_tx_data[7:0] = data xgmii_rx_data[8] / xgmii_tx_data[8] = control xgmii_rx_data[16:9] / xgmii_tx_data[16:9] = data xgmii_rx_data[17] / xgmii_tx_data[17] = control ... and so forth Indicates the link fault status from the RS RX to the RS TX. link_fault_status_xgmii_rx_data[] Output 2 ■ 00 = No link fault. ■ 01 = Local fault. ■ 10 = Remote fault. When you instantiate the MAC RX only variation, connect this signal to the corresponding TX client logic to handle the local and remote faults. This signal is present only in the MAC TX only variation. Connect this signal to the corresponding RX client logic to handle the local and remote faults. link_fault_status_xgmii_tx_data[] 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide Input 2 Indicates the link fault status to the RS TX. ■ 00 = No link fault ■ 01 = Local fault ■ 10 = Remote fault February 2014 Altera Corporation Chapter 9: Interface Signals 9–9 Timing Diagrams—SDR XGMII The diagrams in this section show the timing for the SDR XGMII. Figure 9–7 shows the timing for the SDR XGMII RX interface data bus. Figure 9–7. SDR XGMII RX Interface Data Bus rx_clk_clk xgmii_rx_data[71] xgmii_rx_data[70:63] D5 (1) CC 01 09 11 19 21 29 F4 (1) EE 00 08 10 18 20 28 0A 55 (1) EE 2E 07 0F 17 1F 27 B3 (1) AA 00 06 0E 16 1E 26 4E 55 (1) CC EE 05 0D 15 1D 25 2D 55 (1) 88 AA 04 0C 14 1C 24 2C 03 0B 13 1B 23 2B 02 0A 12 1A 22 2A xgmii_rx_data[62] xgmii_rx_data[61:54] 55 xgmii_rx_data[53] xgmii_rx_data[52:45] xgmii_rx_data[44] xgmii_rx_data[43:36] 55 xgmii_rx_data[35] xgmii_rx_data[34:27] xgmii_rx_data[26] xgmii_rx_data[25:18] xgmii_rx_data[17] xgmii_rx_data[16:9] 55 (1) CC xgmii_rx_data[8] xgmii_rx_data[7:0] FB EE 88 FD Note to Figure 9–7: (1) In the preamble passthrough mode, the MAC TX frame starts with a 1-byte START and a 7-byte client-defined preamble. When an error occurs, the control bit signal is asserted and the data during that clock cycle is replaced by a control error character (FE). February 2014 Altera Corporation 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide 9–10 Chapter 9: Interface Signals Figure 9–8 shows the timing for the SDR XGMII RX interface when an error occurs. Figure 9–8. SDR XGMII RX Interface with Error rx_clk_clk xgmii_rx_data [71] xgmii_rx_data [70:63] D5 CC 01 09 11 19 FE 55 EE 00 08 10 18 FE 55 CC 1E 07 0F 17 FE 55 AA 00 06 0E 16 FE 55 88 EE 05 0D 15 FE 55 66 AA 04 0C 14 FE 55 44 CC 03 0B 13 FE FB 22 88 02 0A 12 FE xgmii_rx_data [62] xgmii_rx_data [61:54] xgmii_rx_data [53] xgmii_rx_data [52:45] xgmii_rx_data [44] xgmii_rx_data [43:36] xgmii_rx_data [35] xgmii_rx_data [34:27] xgmii_rx_data [26] xgmii_rx_data [25:18] xgmii_rx_data [17] xgmii_rx_data [16:9] xgmii_rx_data [8] xgmii_rx_data [7:0] (1) FD xgmii_rx_data [7] xgmii_rx_data [6] xgmii_rx_data [5] xgmii_rx_data [4] xgmii_rx_data [3] xgmii_rx_data [2] xgmii_rx_data [1] xgmii_rx_data [0] Note to Figure 9–8: (1) The xgmii_rx_data[7:0] bus is expanded to show the behavior of each signal when an error occurs. 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide February 2014 Altera Corporation Chapter 9: Interface Signals 9–11 9.0.4. GMII Signals Table 9–5 shows the GMII signals. These signals are applicable only if you enable 1G/10GbE MAC or multi-speed 10M-10GbE MAC. For 1 Gbps, 10 Mbps, and 100 Mbps mode, the MAC uses the gmii_tx_clk and gmii_rx_clk from the PHY IP. Table 9–5. GMII Signals Signal Direction Width Description gmii_rx_clk_clk Input – 125-MHz receive clock. Provides the timing reference for the GMII receive interface. gmii_rx_d[] Input 8 The GMII receive data bus gmii_rx_dv Input 1 This signal indicates that the RX data is valid. gmii_rx_err Input 1 The PHY asserts this signal to indicate that the current frame contains error. gmii_tx_clk_clk Input – 125-MHz transmit clock. Provides the timing reference for the GMII transmit interface. gmii_tx_d[] Output 8 The GMII transmit data bus. gmii_tx_en Output 1 This signal indicates that the TX data is valid. gmii_tx_err Output 1 This signal is asserted to indicate to the PHY that the transmitted frame is invalid. 9.0.5. MII Signals Table 9–6 shows the MII signals. These signals are applicable only if you enable multi-speed 10M-10GbE MAC. For 10 Mbps and 100 Mbps modes, the MAC uses the gmii_tx_clk and gmii_rx_clk from the PHY IP. Table 9–6. MII Signals Signal Direction Width mii_rx_d[] Input 4 The MII receive data bus mii_rx_dv Input 1 This signal indicates that the RX data is valid. mii_rx_err Input 1 The PHY asserts this signal to indicate that the current frame contains error. 1 The RX clock enable provided by the PHY IP to the MAC. This clock divides gmii_rx_clk_clk down to 25 MHz for 100 Mbps mode and 2.5 MHz for 10 Mbps mode. Input 1 The RX half-clock enable provided by the PHY IP to the MAC. This clock divides gmii_rx_clk_clk down to 12.5 MHz for 100 Mbps mode and 1.25 MHz for 10 Mbps mode. mii_tx_d[] Output 4 The MII transmit data bus. mii_tx_en Output 1 This signal indicates that the TX data is valid. mii_tx_err Output 1 This signal is asserted to indicate to the PHY that the transmitted frame is invalid. Input rx_clkena rx_clkena_half_rate February 2014 Altera Corporation Description 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide 9–12 Chapter 9: Interface Signals Table 9–6. MII Signals Signal Direction Input tx_clkena Input tx_clkena_half_rate Width Description 1 The TX clock enable provided by the PHY IP to the MAC. This clock divides gmii_tx_clk_clk down to 25 MHz for 100 Mbps mode and 2.5 MHz for 10 Mbps mode. 1 The TX half-clock enable provided by the PHY IP to the MAC. This clock divides gmii_tx_clk_clk down to 12.5 MHz for 100 Mbps mode and 1.25 MHz for 10 Mbps mode. 9.0.6. Avalon-MM Programming Interface Signals Table 9–7 describes the Avalon-MM programming interface signals. Table 9–7. Avalon-MM CSR Interface Signals Signal Direction Width Description csr_address[] Input 13 Use this bus to specify the register address you want to read from or write to. csr_read Input 1 Assert this signal to request a read. Output 32 Carries the data read from the specified register. csr_write Input 1 Assert this signal to request a write. csr_writedata[] Input 32 Carries the data to be written to the specified register. csr_waitrequest Output 1 When asserted, this signal indicates that the IP core is busy and not ready to accept any read or write requests. csr_readdata[] 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide February 2014 Altera Corporation Chapter 9: Interface Signals 9–13 9.0.7. Avalon-ST Status and Pause Interface Signals Table 9–8 describes the Avalon-ST status signals. 1 Use the Avalon-ST status interface to obtain information and error status on receive frames only when the option to remove CRC and/or padding is disabled and no overflow occurs. When CRC and/or padding removal is enabled or when an overflow occurs (avalon_st_rx_ready is deasserted), obtain the same information using the statistics counters. Table 9–8. Avalon-ST Status Interface Signals (Part 1 of 5) Signal avalon_st_rxstatus_valid Direction Output Width 1 Description When asserted, this signal indicates that avalon_st_rxstatus_data[] contains valid information about the receive frame. The IP core asserts this signal in the same clock cycle it receives the end of packet (avalon_st_rx_endofpacket is asserted). Contains information about the receive frame: avalon_st_rxstatus_data[] Output 40 ■ Bits 0 to 15: Payload length. ■ Bits 16 to 31: Packet length. ■ Bit 32: When set to 1, indicates a stacked VLAN frame. ■ Bit 33: When set to 1, indicates a VLAN frame. ■ Bit 34: When set to 1, indicates a control frame. ■ Bit 35: When set to 1, indicates a pause frame. ■ Bit 36: When set to 1, indicates a broadcast frame. ■ Bit 37: When set to 1, indicates a multicast frame. ■ Bit 38: When set to 1, indicates a unicast frame. ■ Bit 39: When set to 1, indicates a PFC frame. The IP core presents the valid information on this bus in the same clock cycle it asserts avalon_st_rxstatus_valid. The information on this data bus is invalid when an overflow occurs or when CRC and/or padding removal is enabled. February 2014 Altera Corporation 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide 9–14 Chapter 9: Interface Signals Table 9–8. Avalon-ST Status Interface Signals (Part 2 of 5) Signal Direction Width Description When set to 1, each bit of this signal indicates an error type in the receive frame. avalon_st_rxstatus_error[] Output 7 ■ Bit 0: Undersized frame. ■ Bit 1: Oversized frame. ■ Bit 2: Payload length error. ■ Bit 3: CRC error. ■ Bit 4: Unused. ■ Bit 5: Unused. ■ Bit 6: PHY error. The IP core presents the error status on this bus in the same clock cycle it asserts avalon_st_rxstatus_valid. The error status is invalid when an overflow occurs. avalon_st_txstatus_valid Output 1 When asserted, this signal indicates that avalon_st_txstatus_data[] contains valid information about the transmit frame. Contains information about the transmit frame: avalon_st_txstatus_data[] Output 40 ■ Bits 0 to 15: Payload length. ■ Bits 16 to 31: Packet length. ■ Bit 32: When set to 1, indicates a stacked VLAN frame. ■ Bit 33: When set to 1, indicates a VLAN frame. ■ Bit 34: When set to 1, indicates a control frame. ■ Bit 35: When set to 1, indicates a pause frame. ■ Bit 36: When set to 1, indicates a broadcast frame. ■ Bit 37: When set to 1, indicates a multicast frame. ■ Bit 38: When set to 1, indicates a unicast frame. ■ Bit 39: When set to 1, indicates a PFC frame. The IP core asserts the valid information on this bus in the same clock cycle it asserts avalon_st_txstatus_valid. The information on this data bus is invalid when an underflow occurs or when CRC and/or padding insertion is enabled. 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide February 2014 Altera Corporation Chapter 9: Interface Signals 9–15 Table 9–8. Avalon-ST Status Interface Signals (Part 3 of 5) Signal Direction Width Description When set to 1, each bit of this signal indicates an error type in the receive frame. avalon_st_txstatus_error[] Output 7 ■ Bit 0: Undersized frame. ■ Bit 1: Oversized frame. ■ Bit 2: Payload length error. ■ Bit 3: Unused. ■ Bit 4: Underflow. ■ Bit 5: Client error. ■ Bit 6: Unused. The IP core presents the error status on this bus in the same clock cycle it asserts avalon_st_txstatus_valid. The error status is invalid when an underflow occurs or when CRC and/or padding insertion is enabled. avalon_st_tx_pfc_status_valid (1) February 2014 Altera Corporation Output 1 When asserted, this signal qualifies the data on the avalon_st_tx_pfc_status_data bus. 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide 9–16 Chapter 9: Interface Signals Table 9–8. Avalon-ST Status Interface Signals (Part 4 of 5) Signal Direction Width Description The signal width is determined by the Number of PFC priorities parameter, n = 2 x number priority queues enabled. avalon_st_tx_pfc_status_data[] (1) avalon_st_rx_pfc_status_valid (1) Output Output 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide n 1 ■ Bit 0: When asserted, this bit indicates that an XON request is transmitted for priority queue 0. ■ Bit 1: When asserted, this bit indicates that an XOFF request is transmitted for priority queue 0. ■ Bit 2: When asserted, this bit indicates that an XON request is transmitted for priority queue 1. ■ Bit 3: When asserted, this bit indicates that an XOFF request is transmitted for priority queue 1. ■ Bit 4:When asserted, this bit indicates that an XON request is transmitted for priority queue 2. ■ Bit 5: When asserted, this bit indicates that an XOFF request is transmitted for priority queue 2. ■ Bit 6: When asserted, this bit indicates that an XON request is transmitted for priority queue 3. ■ Bit 7: When asserted, this bit indicates that an XOFF request is transmitted for priority queue 3. ■ Bit 8: When asserted, this bit indicates that an XON request is transmitted for priority queue 4. ■ Bit 9: When asserted, this bit indicates that an XOFF request is transmitted for priority queue 4. ■ Bit 10: When asserted, this bit indicates that an XON request is transmitted for priority queue 5. ■ Bit 11: When asserted, this bit indicates that an XOFF request is transmitted for priority queue 5. ■ Bit 12: When asserted, this bit indicates that an XON request is transmitted for priority queue 6. ■ Bit 13: When asserted, this bit indicates that an XOFF request is transmitted for priority queue 6. ■ Bit 14: When asserted, this bit indicates that an XON request is transmitted for priority queue 7. ■ Bit 15: When asserted, this bit indicates that an XOFF request is transmitted for priority queue 7. When asserted, this signal qualifies the data on the avalon_st_rx_pfc_status_data bus. February 2014 Altera Corporation Chapter 9: Interface Signals 9–17 Table 9–8. Avalon-ST Status Interface Signals (Part 5 of 5) Signal Direction Width Description The signal width is determined by the Number of PFC priorities parameter, n = 2 x number priority queues enabled. avalon_st_rx_pfc_status_data[] (1) Output n ■ Bit 0: When asserted, this bit indicates that an XON request is received for priority queue 0. ■ Bit 1: When asserted, this bit indicates that an XOFF request is received for priority queue 0. ■ Bit 2: When asserted, this bit indicates that an XON request is received for priority queue 1. ■ Bit 3: When asserted, this bit indicates that an XOFF request is received for priority queue 1. ■ Bit 4:When asserted, this bit indicates that an XON request is received for priority queue 2. ■ Bit 5: When asserted, this bit indicates that an XOFF request is received for priority queue 2. ■ Bit 6: When asserted, this bit indicates that an XON request is received for priority queue 3. ■ Bit 7: When asserted, this bit indicates that an XOFF request is received for priority queue 3. ■ Bit 8: When asserted, this bit indicates that an XON request is received for priority queue 4. ■ Bit 9: When asserted, this bit indicates that an XOFF request is received for priority queue 4. ■ Bit 10: When asserted, this bit indicates that an XON request is received for priority queue 5. ■ Bit 11: When asserted, this bit indicates that an XOFF request is received for priority queue 5. ■ Bit 12: When asserted, this bit indicates that an XON request is received for priority queue 6. ■ Bit 13: When asserted, this bit indicates that an XOFF request is received for priority queue 6. ■ Bit 14: When asserted, this bit indicates that an XON request is received for priority queue 7. ■ Bit 15: When asserted, this bit indicates that an XOFF request is received for priority queue 7. Note to Table 9–8: (1) The signal is included only when you turn on the Priority-based flow control (PFC) parameter. February 2014 Altera Corporation 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide 9–18 Chapter 9: Interface Signals Table 9–9 describes the Avalon-ST flow control signals. Table 9–9. Avalon-ST Flow Control Signals (Part 1 of 3) Signal Direction Width Description Assert this signal to generate pause frames: avalon_st_pause_data[] Input 2 ■ Bit 0: Set to 1 to generate an XON pause frame. ■ Bit 1: Set to 1 to generate an XOFF pause frame. You can also use the tx_pauseframe_control register to generate pause frames. The register takes precedence over this signal. The signal width is determined by the Number of PFC priorities parameter, n = number priority queues enabled. avalon_st_rx_pfc_pause_data[] (1) Output 2-8 The MAC RX asserts bit n when the Pause Quanta n field in the PFC frame is valid (Pause Quanta Enable [n] = 1) and greater than 0. For each pause quanta unit, the MAC RX asserts bit n for eight clock cycle. The MAC RX deasserts bit n when the Pause Quanta n field in the PFC frame is valid (Pause Quanta Enable [n] = 1) and equal to 0. The MAC RX also deasserts this signal when the timer expires. 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide February 2014 Altera Corporation Chapter 9: Interface Signals 9–19 Table 9–9. Avalon-ST Flow Control Signals (Part 2 of 3) Signal Direction Width Description The signal width is determined by the Number of PFC priorities parameter, n = 2 x number priority queues enabled. avalon_st_tx_pfc_gen_data[] (1) Input 4-16 ■ Bit 0: Set this bit to 1 to trigger an XON request for priority queue 0. ■ Bit 1: Set this bit to 1 to trigger an XOFF request for priority queue 0. ■ Bit 2: Set this bit to 1 to trigger an XON request for priority queue 1. ■ Bit 3: Set this bit to 1 to trigger an XOFF request for priority queue 1. ■ Bit 4:Set this bit to 1 to trigger an XON request for priority queue 2. ■ Bit 5: Set this bit to 1 to trigger an XOFF request for priority queue 2. ■ Bit 6: Set this bit to 1 to trigger an XON request for priority queue 3. ■ Bit 7: Set this bit to 1 to trigger an XOFF request for priority queue 3. ■ Bit 8: Set this bit to 1 to trigger an XON request for priority queue 4. ■ Bit 9: Set this bit to 1 to trigger an XOFF request for priority queue 4. ■ Bit 10: Set this bit to 1 to trigger an XON request for priority queue 5. ■ Bit 11: Set this bit to 1 to trigger an XOFF request for priority queue 5. ■ Bit 12: Set this bit to 1 to trigger an XON request for priority queue 6. ■ Bit 13: Set this bit to 1 to trigger an XOFF request for priority queue 6. ■ Bit 14: Set this bit to 1 to trigger an XON request for priority queue 7. ■ Bit 15: Set this bit to 1 to trigger an XOFF request for priority queue 7. If you simultaneously assert both bits corresponding to priority queue n, neither the XOFF request nor the XON request is generated. This signal is present only in the MAX TX only variation. avalon_st_tx_pause_length_data[] Input 16 avalon_st_tx_pause_length_valid Input 1 Specifies the pause duration when a pause frame is received on the TX path. The pause length is in unit of pause quanta, where 1 pause length = 512 bits time. This signal is present only in the MAX TX only variation. February 2014 Altera Corporation When asserted, this signal qualifies the data on the avalon_st_tx_pause_length_data bus. 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide 9–20 Chapter 9: Interface Signals Table 9–9. Avalon-ST Flow Control Signals (Part 3 of 3) Signal Direction Width Description This signal is present only in the MAX RX only variation. avalon_st_rx_pause_length_data[] avalon_st_rx_pause_length_valid Output Output 16 Specifies the pause duration when a pause frame is sent to the TX path. The pause length is in unit of pause quanta, where 1 pause length = 512 bits time. This signal is present only in the MAX RX only variation. 1 When asserted, this signal qualifies the data on the avalon_st_rx_pause_length_data bus. Note to Table 9–9: (1) The signal is present only when you turn on the Priority-based flow control (PFC) parameter. 9.0.8. 10M-10GbE MAC Speed Control Signal The speed_sel signal is the input status signal from the PHY that determines the speed for the MAC. The signal indicates the following speeds: ■ 0 = 10 Gbps ■ 1 = 1 Gps ■ 2 = 100 Mbps ■ 3 = 10 Mbps 9.0.9. IEEE 1588v2 Interface Signals IEEE 1588v2 Timestamp Interface Signals Table 9–10 describes the RX ingress timestamp interface signals for the IEEE 1588v2 feature. Table 9–10. IEEE 1588v2 RX Ingress Timestamp Interface Signals (Part 1 of 2) Signal rx_ingress_timestamp_96b_data Direction Output Width 96 Description Carries the ingress timestamp on the receive datapath. Consists of 48-bit seconds field, 32-bit nanoseconds field, and 16-bit fractional nanoseconds field. The MAC presents the timestamp for all receive frames and asserts this signal in the same clock cycle it asserts rx_ingress_timestamp_96b_valid. When asserted, this signal indicates that rx_ingress_timestamp_96b_data contains valid timestamp. rx_ingress_timestamp_96b_valid 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide Output 1 For all receive frame, the MAC asserts this signal in the same clock cycle it receives the start of packet (avalon_st_rx_startofpacket is asserted). February 2014 Altera Corporation Chapter 9: Interface Signals 9–21 Table 9–10. IEEE 1588v2 RX Ingress Timestamp Interface Signals (Part 2 of 2) Signal Direction Width Description Carries the ingress timestamp on the receive datapath. Consists of 48-bit nanoseconds field and 16-bit fractional nanoseconds field. rx_ingress_timestamp_64b_data Output 64 The MAC presents the timestamp for all receive frames and asserts this signal in the same clock cycle it asserts rx_ingress_timestamp_64b_valid. When asserted, this signal indicates that rx_ingress_timestamp_64b_data contains valid timestamp. rx_ingress_timestamp_64b_valid Output 1 For all receive frame, the MAC asserts this signal in the same clock cycle it receives the start of packet (avalon_st_rx_startofpacket is asserted). Table 9–11 describes the TX egress timestamp interface signals for the IEEE 1588v2 feature. Table 9–11. IEEE 1588v2 TX Egress Timestamp Interface Signals (Part 1 of 2) Signal tx_egress_timestamp_request_valid Direction Input Width 1 Description Assert this signal when a user-defined tx_egress_timestamp is required for a transmit frame. Assert this signal in the same clock cycle as the start of packet (avalon_st_tx_startofpacket is asserted). Use this bus to specify fingerprint for the user-defined tx_egress_timestamp. The fingerprint is used to identify the user-defined timestamp. tx_egress_timestamp_request_fingerprint Input 1-16 The signal width is determined by the TSTAMP_FP_WIDTH parameter. The value of this signal is mapped to user_fingerprint. This signal is only valid when you assert tx_egress_timestamp_request_valid. tx_egress_timestamp_96b_data Output 96 A transmit interface signal. This signal requests timestamp of frames on the TX path. The timestamp is used to calculate the residence time. Consists of 48-bit seconds field, 32-bit nanoseconds field, and 16-bit fractional nanoseconds field. February 2014 Altera Corporation 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide 9–22 Chapter 9: Interface Signals Table 9–11. IEEE 1588v2 TX Egress Timestamp Interface Signals (Part 2 of 2) Signal tx_egress_timestamp_96b_valid Direction Output Width Description 1 A transmit interface signal. Assert this signal to indicate that a timestamp is obtained and a timestamp request is valid for the particular frame. Assert this signal in the same clock cycle as the start of packet (avalon_st_tx_startofpacket is asserted). tx_egress_timestamp_96b_fingerprint tx_egress_timestamp_64b_data Output Output 1–16 64 Configurable width fingerprint that returns with correlated timestamps. The signal width is determined by the TSTAMP_FP_WIDTH parameter. A transmit interface signal. This signal requests timestamp of frames on the TX path. The timestamp is used to calculate the residence time. Consists of 48-bit nanoseconds field and 16-bit fractional nanoseconds field. A transmit interface signal. Assert this signal to indicate that a timestamp is obtained and a timestamp request is valid for the particular frame. tx_egress_timestamp_64b_valid tx_egress_timestamp_64b_fingerprint 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide Output Output 1 1–16 Assert this signal in the same clock cycle as the start of packet (avalon_st_tx_startofpacket or avalon_st_tx_startofpacket_n is asserted). Configurable width fingerprint that returns with correlated timestamps. The signal width is determined by the TSTAMP_FP_WIDTH parameter. February 2014 Altera Corporation Chapter 9: Interface Signals 9–23 Table 9–12 describes the TX insert control timestamp interface signals for the IEEE 1588v2 feature. Table 9–12. IEEE 1588v2 TX Insert Control Timestamp Interface Signals (Part 1 of 2) Signal tx_etstamp_ins_ctrl_timestamp_inser t Direction Width Description Assert this signal to insert egress timestamp into the associated frame. Input 1 Assert this signal in the same clock cycle as the start of packet (avalon_st_tx_startofpacket is asserted). Timestamp format of the frame, which the timestamp to be inserted. 0: 1588v2 format (48-bits second field + 32-bits nanosecond field + 16-bits correction field for fractional nanosecond) tx_etstamp_ins_ctrl_timestamp_forma t Input 1 Required offset location of timestamp and correction field. 1: 1588v1 format (32-bits second field + 32-bits nanosecond field) Required offset location of timestamp. Assert this signal in the same clock cycle as the start of packet (avalon_st_tx_startofpacket is asserted). Assert this signal to add residence time (egress timestamp –ingress timestamp) into correction field of PTP frame. tx_etstamp_ins_ctrl_residence_time_ update Input 1 Required offset location of correction field. Assert this signal in the same clock cycle as the start of packet (avalon_st_tx_startofpacket is asserted). 96-bit format of ingress timestamp. tx_etstamp_ins_ctrl_ingress_timesta mp_96b [] Input 96 (48 bits second + 32 bits nanosecond + 16 bits fractional nanosecond). Assert this signal in the same clock cycle as the start of packet (avalon_st_tx_startofpacket is asserted). 64-bit format of ingress timestamp. tx_etstamp_ins_ ctrl_ingress_timestamp_64b [] Input 64 (48-bits nanosecond + 16-bits fractional nanosecond). Assert this signal in the same clock cycle as the start of packet (avalon_st_tx_startofpacket is asserted). February 2014 Altera Corporation 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide 9–24 Chapter 9: Interface Signals Table 9–12. IEEE 1588v2 TX Insert Control Timestamp Interface Signals (Part 2 of 2) Signal Direction Width Description Format of timestamp to be used for residence time calculation. 0: 96-bits (96-bits egress timestamp - 96-bits ingress timestamp). tx_etstamp_ins_ctrl_residence_time_ calc_format Input 1 1: 64-bits (64-bits egress timestamp - 64-bits ingress timestamp). Assert this signal in the same clock cycle as the start of packet (avalon_st_tx_startofpacket is asserted). Assert this signal to set the checksum field of UDP/IPv4 to zero. tx_etstamp_ins_ctrl_checksum_zero Input 1 Required offset location of checksum field. Assert this signal in the same clock cycle as the start of packet (avalon_st_tx_startofpacket is asserted). Assert this signal to correct UDP/IPv6 packet checksum, by updating the checksum correction, which is specified by checksum correction offset. tx_etstamp_ins_ctrl_checksum_correc t Input 1 Required offset location of checksum correction. Assert this signal in the same clock cycle as the start of packet (avalon_st_tx_startofpacket is asserted). The location of the timestamp field, relative to the first byte of the packet. tx_etstamp_ins_ctrl_offset_timestam p [] Input tx_etstamp_ins_ctrl_offset_correcti on_field [] tx_etstamp_ins_ctrl_offset_checksum _field [] tx_etstamp_ins_ctrl_offset_checksum _correction [] 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide 16 Assert this signal in the same clock cycle as the start of packet (avalon_st_tx_startofpacket is asserted). The location of the correction field, relative to the first byte of the packet. Input 16 Assert this signal in the same clock cycle as the start of packet (avalon_st_tx_startofpacket is asserted). The location of the checksum field, relative to the first byte of the packet. Input 16 Assert this signal in the same clock cycle as the start of packet (avalon_st_tx_startofpacket is asserted). The location of the checksum correction field, relative to the first byte of the packet. Input 16 Assert this signal in the same clock cycle as the start of packet (avalon_st_tx_startofpacket is asserted). February 2014 Altera Corporation Chapter 9: Interface Signals 9–25 ToD Clock Interface Signals Table 9–13 describes the ToD clock interface signals for the IEEE 1588v2 feature. Table 9–13. ToD Clock Interface Signals Signal tx_time_of_day_96b_10g_data (in 10 Gbps mode) tx_time_of_day_96b_1g_data (in 1 Gbps, 10 Mbps, and 100 Mbps mode) rx_time_of_day_96b_10g_data (in 10 Gbps mode) Direction Width Description Use this bus to carry the time-of-day from external ToD module to 96-bit MAC TX clock. Input 96 Consists of 48-bit seconds field, 32-bit nanoseconds field, and 16-bit fractional nanoseconds field Use this bus to carry the time-of-day from external ToD module to 96-bit MAC RX clock. Input 96 rx_time_of_day_96b_1g_data (in 1 Gbps, 10 Mbps, and 100 Mbps mode) Consists of 48-bit seconds field, 32-bit nanoseconds field, and 16-bit fractional nanoseconds field tx_time_of_day_64b_10g_data (for 10 Gbps mode) Use this bus to carry the time-of-day from ToD clock to 64-bit MAC TX clock. tx_time_of_day_64b_1g_data (in 1 Gbps, 10 Mbps, and 100 Mbps mode) rx_time_of_day_64b_10g_data (in 10 Gbps mode) Input Input 64 64 rx_time_of_day_64b_1g_data (in 1 Gbps, 10 Mbps, and 100 Mbps mode) Consists of 48-bit nanoseconds field and 16-bit fractional nanoseconds field Use this bus to carry the time-of-day from external ToD module to 64-bit MAC RX clock. Consists of 48-bit nanoseconds field and 16-bit fractional nanoseconds field Path Delay Interface Signals Table 9–14 describes the path delay interface signals for the IEEE 1588v2 feature. Table 9–14. Path Delay Interface Signals Signal tx_path_delay_10g_data (in 10 Gbps mode) Direction Input Width 16 Description Connect this bus to the Altera PHY IP. This bus carries the path delay on the transmit datapath. The delay is measured between the physical network and XGMII SDR. The delay is used to adjust the egress timestamp. Consists of: tx_path_delay_1g_data (in 1 Gbps, 10 Mbps, and 100 Mbps mode) Input 22 ■ Bits 0 to 9: Fractional number of clock cycle ■ Bits 10 to 15: Number of clock cycle Connect this bus to the Altera PHY IP. This bus carries the path delay on the transmit datapath. The delay is measured between the physical network, and GMII and MII. The delay is used to adjust the egress timestamp. Consists of: February 2014 Altera Corporation ■ Bits 0 to 9: Fractional number of clock cycle ■ Bits 10 to 21: Number of clock cycle 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide 9–26 Chapter 9: Interface Signals Table 9–14. Path Delay Interface Signals Signal rx_path_delay_10g_data (in 10 Gbps mode) Direction Input Width Description 16 Connect this bus to the Altera PHY IP. This bus carries the path delay on the receive datapath. The delay is measured between the physical network and XGMII SDR. The delay is used to adjust the ingress timestamp. Consists of: rx_path_delay_1g_data (in 1 Gbps, 10 Mbps, and 100 Mbps mode) Input 22 ■ Bits 0 to 9: Fractional number of clock cycle ■ Bits 10 to 15: Number of clock cycle Connect this bus to the Altera PHY IP. This bus carries the path delay on the receive datapath. The delay is measured between the physical network, and GMII and MII. The delay is used to adjust the ingress timestamp. Consists of: 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide ■ Bits 0 to 9: Fractional number of clock cycle ■ Bits 10 to 21: Number of clock cycle February 2014 Altera Corporation Chapter 9: Interface Signals 9–27 Timing Diagrams—IEEE 1588v2 Timestamp The following timing diagrams show the timestamp of frames observed on the TX path for the IEEE 1588v2 feature. Figure 9–9 shows the TX timestamp signals for the IEEE 1588v2 feature in a one step operation. Figure 9–9. Egress Timestamp Insert for IEEE 1588v2 PTP Packet Encapsulated in IEEE 802.3 Egress Timestamp Insert, IEEE 1588v2, PTP Packet 2-step Timestamp Request,Input tx_egress_timestamp_request_valid tx_egress_timestamp_request_data[N:0] Don’t-care 2-step Timestamp Return,Output tx_egress_timestamp_96b_valid tx_egress_timestamp_96b_fingerprint[N:0] Don’t-care tx_egress_timestamp_96b_data[95:0] Don’t-care tx_egress_timestamp_64b_valid tx_egress_timestamp_64b_fingerprint[N:0] Don’t-care tx_egress_timestamp_64b_data[63:0] Don’t-care 1-step Timestamp Insert,Input tx_etstamp_ins_ctrl_timestamp_insert tx_etstamp_ins_ctrl_timestamp_format 1-step Residence Time Update,Input tx_etstamp_ins_ctrl_residence_time_update tx_etstamp_ins_ctrl_ingress_timestamp_96b[95:0] Don’t-care tx_etstamp_ins_ctrl_ingress_timestamp_64b[63:0] Don’t-care tx_etstamp_ins_ctrl_residence_time_calc_format Don’t-care 1-step IPv4 and IPv6 Checksum,Input tx_etstamp_ins_ctrl_checksum_zero tx_etstamp_ins_ctrl_checksum_correct February 2014 1-step Location Offset,Input tx_etstamp_ins_ctrl_offset_timestamp[15:0] Offset 1 tx_etstamp_ins_ctrl_offset_correction_field[15:0] Offset 2 tx_etstamp_ins_ctrl_offset_checksum_field[15:0] Don’t-care tx_etstamp_ins_ctrl_offset_checksum_correction[15:0] Don’t-care Altera Corporation 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide 9–28 Chapter 9: Interface Signals Figure 9–10 shows the TX timestamp signals for the first type of egress correction field update, where the residence time is calculated by subtracting 96 bit ingress timestamp from 96 bit egress timestamp. The result is updated in the correction field of the PTP frame encapsulated over UDP/IPv4. Figure 9–10. Type 1 Egress Correction Field Update Type 1 Egress Correction Field Update, 96b, IPV4 2-step Timestamp Request,Input tx_egress_timestamp_request_valid tx_egress_timestamp_request_data[N:0] Don’t-care 2-step Timestamp Return,Output tx_egress_timestamp_96b_valid tx_egress_timestamp_96b_fingerprint[N:0] Don’t-care tx_egress_timestamp_96b_data[95:0] Don’t-care tx_egress_timestamp_64b_valid tx_egress_timestamp_64b_fingerprint[N:0] Don’t-care tx_egress_timestamp_64b_data[63:0] Don’t-care 1-step Timestamp Insert,Input tx_etstamp_ins_ctrl_timestamp_insert tx_etstamp_ins_ctrl_timestamp_format Don’t-care 1-step Residence Time Update,Input tx_etstamp_ins_ctrl_residence_time_update tx_etstamp_ins_ctrl_ingress_timestamp_96b[95:0] Ingress Timestamp tx_etstamp_ins_ctrl_ingress_timestamp_64b[63:0] Don’t-care tx_etstamp_ins_ctrl_residence_time_calc_format 1-step IPv4 and IPv6 Checksum,Input tx_etstamp_ins_ctrl_checksum_zero tx_etstamp_ins_ctrl_checksum_correct 1-step Location Offset,Input tx_etstamp_ins_ctrl_offset_timestamp[15:0] Don’t-care tx_etstamp_ins_ctrl_offset_correction_field[15:0] Offset 1 tx_etstamp_ins_ctrl_offset_checksum_field[15:0] Offset 2 tx_etstamp_ins_ctrl_offset_checksum_correction[15:0] 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide Don’t-care February 2014 Altera Corporation Chapter 9: Interface Signals 9–29 Figure 9–11 shows the TX timestamp signals for the second type of egress correction field update, where the 64 bit ingress timestamp has been pre-subtracted from the correction field at the ingress port. At the egress port, the 64 bit egress timestamp is added into the correction field and the correct residence time is updated in the correction field. This is the example of PTP frame encapsulated over UPD/IPV6. Figure 9–11. Type 2 Egress Correction Field Update Type 2 Egress Correction Field Update, 64b, IPV6 2-step Timestamp Request,Input tx_egress_timestamp_request_valid tx_egress_timestamp_request_data[N:0] Don’t-care 2-step Timestamp Return,Output tx_egress_timestamp_96b_valid tx_egress_timestamp_96b_fingerprint[N:0] Don’t-care tx_egress_timestamp_96b_data[95:0] Don’t-care tx_egress_timestamp_64b_valid tx_egress_timestamp_64b_fingerprint[N:0] Don’t-care tx_egress_timestamp_64b_data[63:0] Don’t-care 1-step Timestamp Insert,Input tx_etstamp_ins_ctrl_timestamp_insert tx_etstamp_ins_ctrl_timestamp_format Don’t-care 1-step Residence Time Update,Input tx_etstamp_ins_ctrl_residence_time_update tx_etstamp_ins_ctrl_ingress_timestamp_96b[95:0] Don’t-care tx_etstamp_ins_ctrl_ingress_timestamp_64b[63:0] 64’b0 tx_etstamp_ins_ctrl_residence_time_calc_format 1-step IPv4 and IPv6 Checksum,Input tx_etstamp_ins_ctrl_checksum_zero tx_etstamp_ins_ctrl_checksum_correct 1-step Location Offset,Input tx_etstamp_ins_ctrl_offset_timestamp[15:0] tx_etstamp_ins_ctrl_offset_correction_field[15:0] tx_etstamp_ins_ctrl_offset_checksum_field[15:0] tx_etstamp_ins_ctrl_offset_checksum_correction[15:0] February 2014 Altera Corporation Don’t-care Offset 1 Don’t-care Offset 2 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide 9–30 Chapter 9: Interface Signals Figure 9–12 shows the TX timestamp signals for the IEEE 1588v2 feature in a two-step operation. Figure 9–12. Egress Two-Step Operation Egress Two-Step Operation, IEEE 1588v2, PTP Packet 2-step Timestamp Request,Input tx_egress_timestamp_request_valid tx_egress_timestamp_request_data[N:0] Fingerprint 2-step Timestamp Return,Output tx_egress_timestamp_96b_valid Fingerprint tx_egress_timestamp_96b_fingerprint[N:0] tx_egress_timestamp_96b_data[95:0] 96b Egress Timestamp tx_egress_timestamp_64b_valid tx_egress_timestamp_64b_fingerprint[N:0] Fingerprint tx_egress_timestamp_64b_data[63:0] 64b Egress Timestamp 1-step Timestamp Insert,Input tx_etstamp_ins_ctrl_timestamp_insert Don’t-care Don’t-care tx_etstamp_ins_ctrl_ingress_timestamp_96b[95:0] Don’t-care Don’t-care tx_etstamp_ins_ctrl_ingress_timestamp_64b[63:0] Don’t-care Don’t-care tx_etstamp_ins_ctrl_residence_time_calc_format Don’t-care Don’t-care 1-step IPv4 and IPv6 Checksum,Input tx_etstamp_ins_ctrl_checksum_zero Don’t-care Don’t-care tx_etstamp_ins_ctrl_checksum_correct Don’t-care Don’t-care 1-step Location Offset,Input tx_etstamp_ins_ctrl_offset_timestamp[15:0] Don’t-care Don’t-care tx_etstamp_ins_ctrl_offset_correction_field[15:0] Don’t-care Don’t-care tx_etstamp_ins_ctrl_offset_checksum_field[15:0] Don’t-care Don’t-care tx_etstamp_ins_ctrl_offset_checksum_correction[15:0] Don’t-care Don’t-care tx_etstamp_ins_ctrl_timestamp_format 1-step Residence Time Update,Input tx_etstamp_ins_ctrl_residence_time_update 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide February 2014 Altera Corporation 10. Design Considerations 10.1. SDR XGMII to DDR XGMII Conversion The MAC implements 64-bit SDR XGMII Tx and Rx interfaces with a frequency of 156.25 MHz. The XGMII as defined by IEEE 802.3-2005 standard is a 32-bit DDR interface with a frequency of 156.25 MHz. If you want to use the MAC with a PHY IP core and connect it to an external device, convert the XGMII from 64-bit SDR (156.25 MHz) to 32-bit DDR (156.25 MHz) or vice versa by connecting the MAC to the Altera DDR I/O (ALTDDIO) megafunctions. The ALTDDIO megafunctions includes the following features: ■ ALTDDIO_IN megafunction—Implements the Rx interface for DDR inputs to convert XGMII DDR to SDR frame format. ■ ALTDDIO_OUT megafunction—Implements the Tx interface for DDR outputs to convert XGMII SDR to DDR frame format. 10.1.1. ALTDDIO_IN Megafunction Configuration Use the MegaWizard Plug-in Manager to instantiate the ALTDDIO_IN megafunction and specify the initial parameters. Set the data bus width to 36 bits and apply the following signal connections: ■ xgmii_sdr[35:0] to dataout_l[35:0] ■ xgmii_sdr[71:36] to dataout_h[35:0] 10.1.2. ALTDDIO_OUT Megafunction Configuration Use the MegaWizard Plug-in Manager to instantiate the ALTDDIO_OUT megafunction and specify the initial parameters. Set the data bus width to 36 bits and apply the following signal connections: ■ xgmii_sdr[35:0] to datain_l[35:0] ■ xgmii_sdr[71:36] to datain_h[35:0] For more information about the ALTDDIO megafunction ports and parameters, refer to the ALTDDIO Megafunction User Guide. February 2014 Altera Corporation 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide 10–2 Chapter 10: Design Considerations 10GbE MAC and PHY Connection with XGMII 10.2. 10GbE MAC and PHY Connection with XGMII The XGMII is defined by the IEEE802.3 standard. XGMII is the standard interface between the MAC and PHY in the 10G Ethernet solution. Altera 10G MAC and PHY connect easily using the SDR XGMII interface. Figure 10–1 shows an example of an SDR XGMII connection between the 10G MAC and PHY IP. Figure 10–1. 10G MAC and PHY Connection with XGMII Interface XAUI@156.25 Mhz/ 10G BASE-R@644.53725 Mhz 10GbE MAC XAUI/10G BASE-R PHY pll_ref_clk Avalon ST TX SDR XGMII tx_clk_clk Avalon ST RX xgmii_tx_clk rx_clk_clk xgmii_tx_data xgmii_rx_data 72 72 xgmii_rx_clk xaui_rx_serial_ data[3:0]/rx_serial_data xgmii_tx_dc xaui_tx_serial_ data[3:0]/tx_serial_data xgmii_rx_dc XAUI@3.125 Gbps/ 10G BASE-R@10.3125 Gbps 4/1 4/1 phy_mgmt interface reconfig_to_xcvr csr interface reconfig_from_xcvr Avalon MM Clock Avalon MM Reconfiguration Controller mgmt_clk_clk reconfig_to_xcvr reconfig_from_xcvr reconfig_mgmt interface Your design does not require the reconfiguration controller if you use Arria II GX/GT, Cyclone IV GX, or Stratix IV GX/GT devices. 10.3. Sharing TX and RX Clocks for Multi-Port System Design In a multi-port system design, you may need to share the MAC TX and RX clock for 1G and 10G with all ports. In such cases, your design requires only one ToD for each clock domains. The ToD Sync module will synchronize between the 1G and 10G MAC depending on which you select as the master ToD. If the ports do not share the clocks, each clock domain in every port will require a dedicated ToD that is synchronized to the master ToD. 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide February 2014 Altera Corporation Chapter 10: Design Considerations Sharing Reference Clocks for Multi-Port System Design 10–3 10.4. Sharing Reference Clocks for Multi-Port System Design For multi-port system design, if every port is using the same reference clock source, the FPLL in every port is merged into a single FPLL. Similarly, the TXPLL for every channel is merged into a single TXPLL. If the reference clock source for every port is different, then the merging will not occur. February 2014 Altera Corporation 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide A. Frame Format A.1. Ethernet Frame Figure A–1 shows the Ethernet frame format. Figure A–1. Ethernet Frame Format 7 Octets 1 Octets Inter-Packet Gap (IPG) Preamble Start Frame Delimite (SFD) 6 Octets Destination Address 6 Octets Source Address 2 Octets MAC Client Length/Type 0..1500/9600 Octets 0..46 Octets Payload Data Frame Length 12 Octets Pad (Optional) 4 Octets Frame Check Sequence 1 Octets End Frame Delimiter (EFD) The Ethernet frame comprises the following fields: February 2014 ■ Inter-packet gap (IPG)—an average inter-frame length of 12 octets and is represented with the Idle control character which consists of data value 0x07. ■ Preamble—inserted by the MAC or the client. MAC-inserted preamble is a maximum of 7 octets of data with value 0x55. ■ Start frame delimiter (SFD)—a 1-octet fixed value of 0xD5 which marks the beginning of a frame. ■ Destination and source addresses—6 octets each. The least significant byte is transmitted first. ■ Length or type—a 2-octet value equal to or greater than 1536 (0x600) indicates a type field. Otherwise, this field contains the length of the payload data. The most significant byte of this field is transmitted first. ■ Payload Data and Pad—variable length data and padding. ■ Frame check sequence (FCS)—a 4-octet cyclic redundancy check (CRC) value for detecting frame errors during transmission. ■ End frame delimiter (EFD)—a 1-octet fixed value of 0xFD which marks the end of a frame. Altera Corporation 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide A–2 Appendix A: Frame Format VLAN and Stacked VLAN Tagged MAC Frame A.2. VLAN and Stacked VLAN Tagged MAC Frame The extension of a basic frame is a VLAN tagged frame, which contains an additional VLAN tag field between the source address and length/type fields. VLAN tagging is defined by the IEEE 802.1Q standard. VLANs can identify and separate many groups' network traffic in enterprises and metro networks.VLAN tagged frames have a maximum length of 1522 bytes, excluding the preamble and the SFD bytes. In carrier Ethernet network applications based on IEEE 802.1ad provider bridge standard (QinQ) for scaling the network, frames can be tagged with two consecutive VLAN tags (stacked VLAN). Stacked VLAN frames contain an additional 8-byte field between the source address and length/type fields. Figure A–2 shows the VLAN frame format. Figure A–2. VLAN Frame Format 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 6 Octets Destination Address 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 first octet 6 Octets Source Address 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 second octet 2 Octets Length/Type = 802.1Q TagType 2 Octets Tag Control Information user priority CFI VLAN Identifier (VID, 12 bits) 2 Octets 0..1500/9600 Octets second octet MAC Client Length/Type Payload Data Pad 0..42 Octets 4 Octets first octet Frame Check Sequence Figure A–3 shows the stacked VLAN frame format. Figure A–3. Stacked VLAN Frame Format 6 Octets Destination Address 6 Octets Source Address 2 Octets Length/Type = 802.1Q TagType 2 Octets Tag Control Information 2 Octets Length/Type = 802.1Q TagType 2 Octets Tag Control Information 2 Octets MAC Client Length/Type Stacked VLANs 0..1500/9600 Octets 0..42 Octets 4 Octets 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide Payload Data Pad Frame Check Sequence February 2014 Altera Corporation Appendix A: Frame Format Pause Frame A–3 A.3. Pause Frame Figure A–4 shows the format of pause frames. Figure A–4. Pause Frame Format 1 Octet Start[7:0] 6 Octets Preamble[47:0] 1 Octet SFD[7:0] 6 Octets Destination Address[47:0] = 0x010000c28001 6 Octets Source Address[47:0] = MAC Primary Address 2 Octets Type[15:0] = 0x8808 2 Octets Opcode[15:0] = 0x0001 2 Octets Pause Quanta[15:0] = 0xP1, 0xP2 (XOFF: P1,P2 = tx_pauseframe_quanta; XON: P1, P2 = 0x0) 42 Octets Reserved[335:0] = 0x0 4 Octets Frame Check Sequence[31:0] The length/type field has a fixed value of 0x8808, followed by a 2-byte opcode field of 0x0001. Subsequent two bytes define the pause quanta (P1 and P2); P1 is the most significant byte. For XOFF pause frames, the MAC sets the pause quanta field to the value of the tx_pauseframe_quanta register. For XON pause frames, the pause quanta is 0. One pause quanta fraction is equivalent to 512 bit times, which equates to 512/64 (the width of the MAC data bus), or 8 cycles for the system clock. The MAC sets the destination address field to the global multicast address, 01-80-C200-00-01 (0x010000c28001) and the source address to the MAC primary address configured in the tx_addrins_macaddr0 and tx_addrins_madaddr1 registers. Pause frames have no payload length field, and is always padded with 42 bytes of 0x00. February 2014 Altera Corporation 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide A–4 Appendix A: Frame Format Priority-Based Flow Control Frame A.4. Priority-Based Flow Control Frame The PFC frame is an extension of the basic pause frame. It contains additional fields to enable priority queues and specify pause quanta for these queues. Figure A–5 shows the PFC frame format. Figure A–5. PFC Frame Format 6 Octets Destination Address[47:0] = 0x0180C2000001 6 Octets Source Address[47:0] = MAC Primary Address 2 Octets Type[15:0] = 0x8808 2 Octets PFC Opcode[15:0] = 0x0101 2 Octets Pause Quanta Enable[15:0] = 0x00, e[7:0] 2 Octets Pause Quanta 0[15:0] 6 x 2 Octets Pause Quanta n[15:0] 2 Octets Pause Quanta 7[15:0] 26 Octets Padding[207:0] = 26 bytes of 0x00 4 Octets Frame Check Sequence[31:0] The following are the additional fields in the PFC frame: ■ PFC Opcode—a 2-octet fixed value of 0x0101. ■ Pause Quanta Enable[15:0]—indicates the validity of the pause quanta fields. The upper byte of this field is unused. Each bit in the lower byte represents a priority queue. If bit n is set to 1, it indicates that pause quanta n is valid and should be acted upon. ■ Pause Quanta n[15:0]—the pause quanta for priority queue n. 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide February 2014 Altera Corporation B. Time-of-Day (ToD) Clock The ToD clock provides a stream of timestamps for the IEEE 1588v2 feature. B.1. Features ■ Provides a stream of 96-bit timestamps. The timestamp has 48-bit second field, 32-bit nanosecond field, and 16-bit fractional nanosecond field. ■ Runs at 156.25 MHz for the 10GbE MAC IP core. ■ Supports coarse adjustment and fine adjustments through clean frequency adjustment. ■ Supports period adjustment for frequency control using the Period register. ■ Supports offset adjustment using the AdjustPeriod register. ■ Automatically synchronizes to the master ToD clock through the ToD synchronization module when connected. ■ Allows periodic correction if the ToD clock drifts from the actual time. B.2. Device Family Support Table B–1 shows the level of support offered by the ToD clock for each Altera device family. Table B–1. Device Family Support Device Family Support Arria V GX/GT/GZ/SOC Preliminary Cyclone V Preliminary Stratix IV GX/GT Preliminary Stratix V GX/GT Preliminary Other device families No support B.3. Performance and Resource Utilization Table B–2 provides the estimated resource utilization and performance of the ToD clock for the Stratix V device family. Table B–2. Stratix V Performance and Resource Utilization MegaCore Function ToD Clock February 2014 Settings Default Altera Corporation FIFO Buffer Size (Bits) 0 Combinational ALUTs Logic Registers 378 1,120 Memory (M20K Blocks/ MLAB Bits) 0/0 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide B–2 Appendix B: Time-of-Day (ToD) Clock B.4. Parameter Setting Table B–3 describes the ToD clock configuration parameters. Table B–3. ToD Configuration Parameters Name Value DEFAULT_NSEC_PERIOD Description 4-bit value that defines the reset value for PERIOD_NS. Between 0 and 0x000F The default value is 0x0006. DEFAULT_FNSEC_PERIOD 16-bit value that defines the reset value for PERIOD_FNS. Between 0 and 0xFFFF The default value is 0x6666. 4-bit value that defines the reset value for ADJPERIOD_NS. DEFAULT_NSEC_ADJPERIO Between 0 and 0x000F D DEFAULT_FNSEC_ADJPERI OD The default value is 0x0006. 16-bit value that defines the reset value for ADJPERIOD_FNS. Between 0 and 0xFFFF The default value is 0x6666. B.5. ToD Clock Interface Signals Figure B–1 shows the interface signals for the ToD clock. Figure B–1. ToD Clock Interface Signals ToD Clock 4 csr_address[] csr_read Avalon-MM Control Interface Signals csr_write 32 csr_readdata[] 32 csr_writedata[] clk rst_n period_clk Avalon-ST Transmit Interface Signals time_of_day_96b_load_valid 96 64 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide time_of_day_96b_load_data[] time_of_day_96[] time_of_day_64b_load_valid time_of_day_64[] time_of_day_64b_load_data[] csr_readdata[] 96 64 32 February 2014 Altera Corporation Appendix B: Time-of-Day (ToD) Clock B–3 B.5.1. Avalon-MM Control Interface Signal Table B–4 describes the Avalon-MM control interface signals for the ToD clock. Table B–4. Avalon-MM Control Interface Signals for ToD Clock Signal Direction Width csr_address[] Input 2 Use this bus to specify the register address you want to read from or write to. csr_read Input 1 Assert this signal to request a read. Output 32 Carries the data read from the specified register. csr_write Input 1 Assert this signal to request a write. csr_writedata[] Input 32 Carries the data to be written to the specified register. clk Input 1 Register access reference clock. rst_n Input 1 Assert this signal to reset clk. csr_readdata[] Description B.5.2. Avalon-ST Transmit Interface Signal Table B–5 describes the Avalon-ST transmit interface signals for the ToD clock. Table B–5. Avalon-ST Transmit Interface Signals for ToD Clock (Part 1 of 2) Signal Direction Width Description Timestamp from the ToD clock time_of_day_96[] Output 96 ■ Bits 0 to 15: 16-bit fractional nanosecond field ■ Bits 16 to 47: 32-bit nanosecond field ■ Bits 48 to 95: 48-bit second field Timestamp from the ToD clock time_of_day_64[] time_of_day_96b_load_valid Output Input 64 1 ■ Bits 0 to 15: 16-bit fractional nanosecond field ■ Bits 16 to 63: 48-bit nanosecond field Indicates that the synchronized ToD is valid. Every time you assert this signal, the synchronized ToD is loaded into the ToD clock. Assert this signal for only one clock cycle. Loads 96-bit synchronized ToD from master ToD clock to slave ToD clock within 1 clock cycle. time_of_day_96b_load_data[] time_of_day_64b_load_valid Input Input 96 1 ■ Bits 0 to 15: 16-bit fractional nanosecond field ■ Bits 16 to 63: 32-bit nanosecond field ■ Bits 64 to 95: 48-bit second field Indicates that the synchronized ToD is valid. Every time you assert this signal, the synchronized ToD is loaded into the ToD clock. Assert this signal for only one clock cycle. Loads 64-bit synchronized ToD from master ToD clock to slave ToD clock within 1 clock cycle. time_of_day_64b_load_data[] February 2014 Altera Corporation Input 64 ■ Bits 0 to 15: 16-bit fractional nanosecond field ■ Bits 16 to 63: 48-bit nanosecond field 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide B–4 Appendix B: Time-of-Day (ToD) Clock Table B–5. Avalon-ST Transmit Interface Signals for ToD Clock (Part 2 of 2) Signal Direction Width Description period_clk Input 1 Clock for the ToD clock. The clock must be in the same clock domain as tx_time_of_day and rx_time_of_day in the MAC function. The expected frequency for the 10GbE MAC is 156.25 MHz. period_rst_n Input 1 Assert this signal to reset period_clk to the same clock domain as tx_time_of_day and rx_time_of_day in the MAC function. B.6. ToD Clock Configuration Register Space Table B–6 describes the ToD clock register space. Table B–6. ToD Clock Registers (Part 1 of 2) Byte Offset Name R/W RW HW Reset Description ■ Bits 0 to 15: High-order 16-bit second field. ■ Bits 16 to 31: Not used. 0x0 0x00 SecondsH 0x04 SecondsL RW Bits 0 to 32: Low-order 32-bit second field. 0x0 0x08 NanoSec RW Bits 0 to 32: 32-bit nanosecond field. 0x0 0x0C Reserved — Reserved for future use — The period for the frequency adjustment. 0x10 Period RW ■ Bits 0 to 15: Period in fractional nanosecond (PERIOD_FNS). ■ Bits 16 to 19: Period in nanosecond (PERIOD_NS). ■ Bits 20 to 31: Not used. n The default value for the period depends on the fMAX of the MAC function. For example, if fMAX = 125-MHz, the period is 8-ns (PERIOD_NS = 0x0008 and PERIOD_FNS = 0x0000). The period for the offset adjustment. 0x14 0x18 AdjustPeriod AdjustCount 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide RW ■ Bits 0 to 15: Period in fractional nanosecond (ADJPERIOD_FNS). ■ Bits 16 to 19: Period in nanosecond (ADJPERIOD_NS). ■ Bits 20 to 31: Not used. ■ Bits 0 to 19: The number of AdjustPeriod clock cycles used during offset adjustment. ■ Bits 20 to 31: Not used. RW 0x0 0x0 February 2014 Altera Corporation Appendix B: Time-of-Day (ToD) Clock B–5 Table B–6. ToD Clock Registers (Part 2 of 2) Byte Offset Name R/W Description HW Reset The drift of ToD adjusted periodically by adding a correction value as configured in this register space. ■ 0x1C DriftAdjust RW Bits 0 to 15: Adjustment value in fractional nanosecond (DRIFT_ADJUST_FNS). This value is added into the current ToD during the adjustment. The default value is 0. ■ Bits 16 to 19: Adjustment value in nanosecond (DRIFT_ADJUST_NS). This value is added into the current ToD during the adjustment. The default value is 0. ■ Bits 20 to 32: Not used. 0x0 The count of clock cycles for each ToD’s drift adjustment to take effect. ■ 0x20 DriftAdjustRate RW ■ Bits 0 to 15: The number of clock cycles (ADJUST_RATE). The ToD adjustment happens once after every period in number of clock cycles as indicated by this register space. 0x0 Bits 16 to 32: Not used. B.6.1. Adjusting ToD’s Drift You can use the DriftAdjust and DriftAdjustRate registers to correct any drift in the ToD clock. For example, in the case of a ToD for 10G with period of 6.4ns, the nanosecond field is converted directly to PERIOD_NS while the fractional nanosecond need to be multiplied with 216 or 65536 in order to convert to PERIOD_FNS. This results in 0x6 PERIOD_NS and 0x6666.4 PERIOD_FNS. PERIOD_NS only accepts 0x6666 and ignores 0x0000.4, which in turn would cause some inaccuracy in the configured period. This inaccuracy will cause the ToD to drift from the actual time as much as 953.67ns after a period of 1 second. You would notice that after every 5 cycles, 0x0000.4 accumulates to 0x0002. If the TOD is able to add 0x0002 of fractional nanosecond into the ToD once after every period of 5 cycles, then it will correct the drift. Therefore, for the 10G case, DRIFT_ADJUST_NS is now configured to 0x0, DRIFT_ADJUST_FNS is configured to 0x0002 and ADJUST_RATE is configured to 0x5. February 2014 Altera Corporation 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide C. Packet Classifier The Packet Classifier decodes the packet types of incoming PTP packets and returns the decoded information aligned with SOP to the 10GbE MAC IP. C.1. Block Diagram Figure C–1 shows the block diagram for the Packet Classifier. Figure C–1. Packet Classifier Block Diagram Packet Classifier Avalon-ST DataIn (Sink) Data Pipeline FIFO Packets Decoding FIFO Request Control FIFO Insert Control Ingress Control Input Signals Avalon-ST DataOut (Source) Control Signals to Inserter Timestamp Field Location Ingress Control Output Signals The Packet Classifier block diagram comprises the following components: February 2014 ■ Data Pipeline—holds the data frame up to a specified number of cycles. The number of cycles is determined by the largest length type field. ■ FIFO Packets—holds the Avalon-ST frame data. ■ FIFO Insert Control—the ingress control input bus that includes the signals required for decoding logics and signals to the MAC that is required to be aligned with SOP. ■ FIFO Request Control—contains decoded data such as control signals to inserter and timestamp field locations. ■ Decoding—Decodes packet types of incoming PTP packets and returns the decoded data to be stored in the FIFO request control block. Altera Corporation 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide C–2 Appendix C: Packet Classifier C.2. Packet Classifier Signals C.2.1. Common Clock and Reset Signals Table C–1 describes the common clock and reset signals for the Packet Classifier. Table C–1. Clock and Reset Signals for the Packet Classifier Signal Direction Width Description clk Input 1 156.25-MHz register access reference clock. reset Input 1 Assert this signal to reset the clock. C.2.2. Avalon-ST Interface Signals Table C–2 lists the Avalon-ST DataIn (sink) interface signals for the Packet Classifier. Table C–2. Avalon-ST DataIn Interface Signals for the Packet Classifier Signal Direction Width data_sink_sop Input 1 data_sink_eop Input 1 data_sink_valid Input 1 data_sink_ready Output 1 data_sink_data Input 64 data_sink_empty Input 3 data_sink_error Input 1 Description The Avalon-ST input frames. Table C–3 lists the Avalon-ST DataOut (source) interface signals for the Packet Classifier. Table C–3. Avalon-ST DataOut Interface Signals for the Packet Classifier Signal Direction Width data_src_sop Input 1 data_src_eop Input 1 data_src_valid Input 1 data_src_ready Output 1 data_src_data Input 64 data_src_empty Input 3 data_src_error Input 1 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide Description The Avalon-ST output frames. February 2014 Altera Corporation Appendix C: Packet Classifier C–3 C.2.3. Ingress Control Signals Table C–4 describes the ingress control signals for the Packet Classifier. Table C–4. Ingress Control Signals for the Packet Classifier (Part 1 of 2) Signal Direction Width Description tx_etstamp_ins_ctrl_in_ingress_timest amp_96b Input 96 96-bit format of ingress timestamp that holds data so that the output can align with the start of an incoming packet. tx_etstamp_ins_ctrl_in_ingress_timest amp_64b Input 64 64-bit format of ingress timestamp that holds data so that the output can align with the start of an incoming packet. tx_etstamp_ins_ctrl_out_ingress_times tamp_96b Output 96 96-bit format of ingress timestamp that holds data so that the output can align with the start of an outgoing packet. tx_etstamp_ins_ctrl_out_ingress_times tamp_64b Output 64 64-bit format of ingress timestamp that holds data so that the output can align with the start of an outgoing packet. tx_egress_timestamp_request_in_valid Input 1 Assert this signal when timestamp is required for the particular frame. This signal must be aligned to the start of an incoming packet. tx_egress_timestamp_request_in_finger print Input 4 A width-configurable fingerprint that correlates timestamps for incoming packets. tx_egress_timestamp_request_out_valid Output 1 Assert this signal when timestamp is required for the particular frame. This signal must be aligned to the start of an outgoing packet. tx_egress_timestamp_request_out_finge rprint Output 4 A width-configurable fingerprint that correlates timestamps for outgoing packets. Determines the clock mode. 00: Ordinary clock Input clock mode 2 01: Boundary clock 10: End to end transparent clock 11: Peer to peer transparent clock Indicates whether or not a packet contains CRC. pkt_with_crc Input 1 1: Packet contains CRC 0: Packet does not contain CRC Indicates the update for residence time. tx_etstamp_ins_ctrl_in_residence_time _update February 2014 Altera Corporation 1: Allows update for residence time based on decoded results. Input 1 0: Prevents update for residence time. When this signal is deasserted, tx_etstamp_ins_ctrl_out_residence_ti me_update also gets deasserted. 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide C–4 Appendix C: Packet Classifier Table C–4. Ingress Control Signals for the Packet Classifier (Part 2 of 2) Signal tx_etstamp_ins_ctrl_in_residence_time _calc_format tx_etstamp_ins_ctrl_out_residence_tim e_calc_format Direction Input Width Description 1 Format of the timestamp to be used for calculating residence time. This signal must be aligned to the start of an incoming packet. A value of 0 indicates 96 bit timestamp format while 1 indicates 64 bit timestamp format. Output 1 Format of the timestamp to be used for calculating residence time. This signal must be aligned to the start of an outgoing packet. A value of 0 indicates 96 bit timestamp format while 1 indicates 64 bit timestamp format. C.2.4. Control Insert Signals Table C–5 describes the control insert signals for the Packet Classifier. These signals must be aligned to the start of a packet. Table C–5. Control Insert Signals for the Packet Classifier Signal Direction Width Description tx_etstamp_ins_ctrl_out_checksum_zero Output 1 Assert this signal to set the checksum field. tx_etstamp_ins_ctrl_out_checksum_corr ect Output 1 Assert this signal to correct the packet checksum by updating the checksum correction specified by tx_etstamp_ins_ctrl_out_offset_check sum_correction. tx_etstamp_ins_ctrl_out_timestamp_for mat Output 1 The timestamp format of the frame where the timestamp is inserted. tx_etstamp_ins_ctrl_out_timestamp_ins ert Output 1 Assert this signal to insert timestamp into the associated frame. tx_etstamp_ins_ctrl_out_residence_tim e_update Output 1 Assert this signal to add the residence time into the correction field of the PTP frame. C.2.5. Timestamp Field Location Signals Table C–6 describes the timestamp field location signals for the Packet Classifier. These signals must be aligned to the start of a packet. Table C–6. Timestamp Field Location Signals for the Packet Classifier Signal Direction Width tx_etstamp_ins_ctrl_out_offset_timest amp Output 16 Indicates the location of the timestamp field. tx_etstamp_ins_ctrl_out_offset_correc tion_field Output 16 Indicates the location of the correction field. tx_etstamp_ins_ctrl_out_offset_checks um_field Output 16 Indicates the location of the checksum field. tx_etstamp_ins_ctrl_out_offset_checks um_correction Output 16 Indicates the location of the checksum corrector field. 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide Description February 2014 Altera Corporation D. ToD Synchronizer The ToD Synchronizer provides a high accuracy synchronization of time of day from a master ToD clock to a slave ToD clock. This synchronizer provides more user flexibility for your design. The IEEE 1588v2 specifies multiple type of PTP devices, which include the following clocks: ■ ordinary clock ■ boundary clock ■ transparent clock ■ peer to peer transparent clock Some of these PTP devices, boundary clock for example, consists of multiple ports that act as master or slave in the IEEE 1588v2 system. All these ports may share a common system clock or have its own individual clock. If every port has an individual ToD running on its own clock, then you must implement a method to instantiate one ToD clock as the master and the rest of the ToD clocks synchronized to this master ToD clock. For this purpose, Altera provides the ToD synchronizer module. This module synchronizes a master ToD and a slave ToD in the following conditions: ■ Master and slave ToD clocks are in the same frequency within the range of 125 MHz and 156.25 MHz, but different phase. ■ Master and slave ToD clocks are same in the same frequency within the range of 125 MHz and 156.25 MHz, but different PPM. ■ Master and slave ToD clocks are in different frequencies (25 MHz or 156.25 MHz). D.1. Device Family Support Table D–1 shows the level of support offered by the ToD clock for each Altera device family. Table D–1. Device Family Support Device Family February 2014 Support Arria V GX/GT/GZ/SOC Preliminary Cyclone V/SOC Preliminary Stratix V GX/GT Preliminary Other device families No support Altera Corporation 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide D–2 Appendix D: ToD Synchronizer D.2. Block Diagram Figure D–1 shows the connections between the ToD Synchronizer, master ToD, slave ToD, and sampling clock PLL. Figure D–1. Connection between ToD Synchronizer, Master ToD, Slave ToD, and Sampling Clock PLL ToD Synchronizer Master ToD Slave ToD 1’b1 start_tod_sync tod_slave_valid time_of_day_96b Master ToD tod_master_data reset_master clk_master Master reset Master clock tod_slave_data Synchronization valid Synchronization ToD time_of_day_96b_load_valid time_of_day_96b_load_data period_rst_n reset_slave period_clk clk_slave period_rst_n period_clk Slave reset Slave clock PLL Sampling clock clk_sampling The ToD Synchronizer block diagram comprises the following components:: ■ Master TOD clock domain—consists of three interfaces: clk_master, reset_master, and tod_master_data. ■ Slave TOD clock domain—consists of five interfaces: clk_slave, reset_slave, tod_slave_valid, tod_slave_data, and start_tod_sync. ■ Sampling clock PLL—consists of the clk_domain interface. The Tod Synchronizer module synchronizes the master ToD clock domain with the slave ToD clock domain. The dual-clock FIFO in the Tod Synchronizer block takes in the time of day from the master ToD clock domain and transfers it to the slave ToD clock domain. The slave ToD then will load the synchronized time of day into its own internal counter, which then increments based on the new value. As the ToD transfer is in progress, the master ToD domain keeps incrementing. When the ToD reaches the slave ToD clock domain and is ready to be loaded, it is much slower than the master ToD domain. To achieve high accuracy synchronization, the latency caused by the transfer must be reflected in the synchronized ToD. The sampling clock PLL (clk_sampling) samples the FIFO fill level and calculates the latency through the FIFO. For better accuracy, the sampling clock must be derived from the master (clk_master) or slave (clk_slave) clock domain using a PLL. If you use the recommended sampling clock frequency, the ToD Synchronizer module takes 64 clock cycles of sampling clock for every newly synchronized ToD to be valid at the output port. 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide February 2014 Altera Corporation Appendix D: ToD Synchronizer D–3 Altera recommends that you use the following sampling clock frequencies: ■ 1G master and slave—(64/63)*125MHz ■ 10G master and slave—(64/63)*156.25MHz ■ 1G master and 10G slave—(16/63)*125MHz or (64/315)*156.25MHz ■ 10G master and 1G slave—(16/63)*125MHz or (64/315)*156.25MHz Table D–2 shows the settings to achieve the recommended factors for Stratix V PLL. Table D–1. Settings to Achieve The Recommended Factors for Stratix V PLL Settings 64/63 16/63 64/315 M-Counter 64 16 64 N-Counter 21 03 21 C-Counter 03 21 15 D.3. ToD Synchronizer Parameter Settings Table D–2 describes the ToD Synchronizer configuration parameters. Table D–2. ToD Synchronizer Configuration Parameters Name Value Description Value that defines the time of day format that this block is synchronizing. The default value is 1. Between 0 and 1 TOD_MODE 1: 96-bits format (32 bits seconds, 48 bits nanosecond and 16 bits fractional nanosecond) 0: 64-bits format (48 bits nanosecond and 16 bits fractional nanoseconds). Value that defines types of synchronization. The default value is 1. 0: Master clock frequency is 125MHz (1G) while slave is 156.25MHz (10G). Between 0 and 2 SYNC_MODE 1: Master clock frequency is 156.25MHz (10G) while slave is 125MHz (1G). 2: Master and slave are same in the same frequency; can be in different ppm or phase. When you select this mode, specify the period of master and slave through the PERIOD_NSEC and PERIOD_FNSEC parameters. February 2014 Altera Corporation 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide D–4 Appendix D: ToD Synchronizer Table D–2. ToD Synchronizer Configuration Parameters Name Value Description A 4-bit value that defines the reset value for a nanosecond of period. Between 0 and 4’hF PERIOD_NSEC The default value is 4'h6 to capture 6.4ns for 156.25MHz frequency. For 125MHz frequency (1G), set this parameter to 4'h8. A 4-bit value that defines the reset value for a fractional nanosecond of period. Between 0 and 16’hFFFF PERIOD_FNSEC The default value is 16'h6666 to capture 0.4ns of 6.4ns for 156.25MHz frequency. For 125MHz frequency (1G), set this parameter to 16'h0. D.4. ToD Synchronizer Signals D.4.1. Common Clock and Reset Signals Table D–2 describes the common clock and reset signals for the ToD Synchronizer. Table D–2. Clock and Reset Signals for the ToD Synchronizer Signal Direction Width Description clk_master Input 1 Clock from master ToD domain. reset_master Input 1 Reset signal that is synchronized to the master ToD clock domain. clk_slave Input 1 Clock from slave ToD domain. reset_slave Input 1 Reset signal that is synchronized to the slave ToD clock domain. clk_sampling Input 1 Sampling clock to measure the latency across the ToD Synchronizer. D.4.2. Interface Signals Table D–3 lists the interface signals for the ToD Synchronizer. Table D–3. Interface Signals for the ToD Synchronizer (Part 1 of 2) Signal start_tod_sync tod_master_data 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide Direction Input Input Width Description 1 Assert this signal to start the ToD synchronization process. When this signal is asserted, the synchronization process continues and the time of day from the master ToD clock domain will be repeatedly synchronized with the slave ToD clock domain. 1 This signal carries the 64-bit or 96-bit format data for the time of day from the master ToD. The width of this signal is determined by the TOD_MODE parameter. February 2014 Altera Corporation Appendix D: ToD Synchronizer D–5 Table D–3. Interface Signals for the ToD Synchronizer (Part 2 of 2) Signal Direction Width This signal indicates that the tod_data_slave signal is valid and ready to be loaded into the slave ToD clock in the following cycle. tod_slave_valid tod_slave_data[n-1:0] February 2014 Altera Corporation Description This signal will only be high for 1 cycle, every time a new ToD is successfully synchronized to the slave clock domain. Input 1 This signal carries the 64-bit or 96-bit format synchronized ToD that is ready to be loaded into the slave clock domain. The width of this signal is determined by the TOD_MODE parameter. The synchronized ToD will be 1 slave clock period bigger than the master ToD because it takes 1 slave clock cycle to load this data into the slave ToD. 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide Additional Information This chapter provides additional information about the document and Altera. Document Revision History The following table shows the revision history for this document. Date Version February 2014 May 2013 February 2014 3.3 3.2.1 Altera Corporation Changes ■ Removed information about Arria GX, HardCopy IV GX, and Stratix II GX devices. Altera no longer supports these devices. ■ Removed chapters about 1G/10GbE MAC and 10M-10GbE MAC with IEEE 1588v2 design examples. ■ Updated Table 1–3 on page 1–3 with 1G/10Gbps Ethernet PHY support. ■ Edited information for the avalon_st_rxstatus_error register. The error status is no longer invalid when CRC and/or padding removal is enabled. ■ Added clock information in “Pause Frame Transmission” on page 7–16. ■ Added Cyclone V performance and resource utilization data for 10GbE MAC in Table 1–6 on page 1–5 and Table 3–8 on page 3–19. ■ Edited the FWD_PFC reset value in Table 8–4 on page 8–17. ■ Edited the PMA analog and digital delay information in Table 8–6 and Table 8–7 on page 8–19. ■ Renamed tx_ingress_timestamp_valid to tx_etstamp_ins_ctrl_residence_time_update. 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide Info–2 Additional Information Document Revision History Date May 2013 November 2012 November 2012 July 2012 Version 3.2 3.1.1 Changes ■ Added device support for Arria V SoC and Cyclone V SoC devices. ■ Added Stratix V performance and resource utilization data for 10GbE MAC and 10M-10GbE MAC in Table 1–7 and Table 1–8 on page 1–6. ■ Added information for the Enable Multi-Speed 10M-10Gb MAC parameter in Table 2–1 on page 2–6. ■ Added information about minimum IPG for receive path in Table 7–1 on page 7–11. ■ Added information about 10 Mbps and 100 Mbps in “IEEE 1588v2” on page 7–21. ■ Renamed rx_framedecoder_control register to rx_frame_control register. ■ Added information about 10 Mbps and 100 Mbps in Table 8–5 on page 8–18, Table 9–13 on page 9–25, and Table 9–14 on page 9–25. ■ Added information about PMA analog and digital delay in Table 8–6 and Table 8–7 on page 8–19. ■ Updated Figure 9–1 to include MII signals and the speed_sel signal. ■ Added description about MII signals for 10 Mbps and 100 Mbps modes in Table 9–6. ■ Added description about the speed_sel signal in “10M-10GbE MAC Speed Control Signal” on page 9–20. ■ Added timing diagrams for the IEEE 1588v2 timestamp of frames observed on the TX path in Figure 9–9 through Figure 9–12 on page 9–30. ■ Added 10M-10GbE MAC with IEEE 1588v2 Design Example. ■ Added the following sections: “Sharing TX and RX Clocks for Multi-Port System Design” on page 10–2 and “Sharing Reference Clocks for Multi-Port System Design” on page 10–3. ■ Updated ToD information in Table B–5 on page B–3. ■ Added information for the following registers: DriftAdjust and DriftAdjustRate, in Table B–6 on page B–4. ■ Added Appendix D, ToD Synchronizer. Edited the description for the tx_transfer_status signal. ■ Added support for Arria V and Stratix V devices. ■ Added information for the following GUI parameters: 1G/10G MAC, Enable Time Stamping, Enable PTP 1-Step Clock Support, and Timestamp Fingerprint Width, in Table 2-1. ■ Updated the following design examples:10GbE MAC Design Examples and 1G/10GbE MAC Design Example. ■ Added the following chapters: 10GbE MAC with IEEE 1588v2 Design Example and 1G/10GbE MAC with IEEE 1588v2 Design Example. ■ Added description about GMII signals for 1 Gbps mode in Table 9-5. ■ Added MAC registers with IEEE 1588v2 feature for 1 Gbps mode in Table 8-5. ■ Updated RX ingress timestamp and TX egress timestamp interface signals for IEEE 1588v2 in Table 9-9 and Table 9-10. ■ Added TX instant control timestamp interface signals for IEEE 1588v2 in Table 9-11. ■ Updated Figure 9-1 to include GMII and IEEE 1588v2 signals. ■ Added Appendix C, Packet Classifier. 3.1 3.0.1 Added the Early Access 1GbE MAC feature. 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide February 2014 Altera Corporation Additional Information Document Revision History Date Version July 2012 Changes ■ Added support for Arria V GT. ■ Revised the “Registers”, “Interface Signals”, and “Design Considerations” sections into individual chapters. ■ Added the Register Initialization section in Chapter 5. ■ Added the 10GbE MAC and PHY Connection with XGMII section in Chapter 7. ■ Added a new section IP Core Verification. ■ Revised the Performance and Resource Utilization section in Chapters 1 and 3. ■ Added new features option in the MAC parameter settings. ■ Updated the design example file directory structure in Table 3–3 on page 3–5. ■ Added two new sections in Chapter 3—Creating a New 10GbE Design and 10GbE Design Parameter Settings. ■ Added a new section 10GbE Design Transmit and Receive Latencies. ■ Updated the Transmit Datapath and Receive Datapath sections to describe the new preamble passthrough mode feature. ■ Updated the Congestion and Flow Control section to describe the new PFC feature. ■ Added a summary of register address expansion in Table 8–1. ■ Updated all register address and byte offset in table Table 8–2. ■ Revised Figure 9–1 and added two new figures to show the interface signals for TX only and RX only datapath. ■ Updated Table 9–2, Table 9–3, Table 9–4, Table 9–8 and Table 9–9 to describe the interface signals for preamble passthrough mode, datapath option, and PFC features. ■ Updated Figure 7–7, Figure 7–10, Figure 7–12, Figure 9–7, and Figure 9–8 to correct the bus signal names. ■ Added new timing diagrams to the following sections: 3.0 May 2011 2.0 November 2010 February 2014 Info–3 1.2 Altera Corporation ■ Frame Check Sequence (CRC-32) Insertion ■ SDR XGMII Transmission ■ CRC-32 and Pad Removal ■ Pause Frame Transmission ■ Error Handling (Link Fault) ■ SDR XGMII to DDR XGMII Conversion ■ Added Cyclone IV GX and Stratix III device family to the Device Family Support section in Chapter 1 and updated Arria GX device family support from preliminary to final. ■ Revised the Performance and Resource Utilization section in Chapter 1. ■ Revised the Ethernet Loopback Module section in Chapter 3. ■ Revised the design simulation, compilation, and verification flow in Chapter 3. ■ Added a new section Transmit and Receive Latencies. ■ Updated the fault signalling figure, Figure 7–10 on page 7–19. ■ Added frames types definition in Registers chapter. ■ Corrected the register address of RX statistics counters and Tx statistics counters Table 8–2 on page 8–2. ■ Revised the description of reset signals in MAC TX Only Variation section. 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide Info–4 Additional Information How to Contact Altera Date Version Changes ■ Revised the Performance and Resource Utilization section in Chapter 1. August 2010 1.1 ■ Corrected signal name to rx_clk_clk in the Mapping of Client Frame to Avalon-ST Transmit Interface section in Chapter 6. June 2010 1.0 Initial release. How to Contact Altera To locate the most up-to-date information about Altera products, refer to the following table. Contact (1) Technical support Technical training Product literature Contact Method Address Website www.altera.com/support Website www.altera.com/training Email custrain@altera.com Website www.altera.com/literature Non-technical support (General) Email nacomp@altera.com (Software Licensing) Email authorization@altera.com Note: (1) You can also contact your local Altera sales office or sales representative. Typographic Conventions The following table shows the typographic conventions this document uses. Visual Cue Meaning Bold Type with Initial Capital Letters Indicate command names, dialog box titles, dialog box options, and other GUI labels. For example, Save As dialog box. For GUI elements, capitalization matches the GUI. bold type Indicates directory names, project names, disk drive names, file names, file name extensions, software utility names, and GUI labels. For example, \qdesigns directory, D: drive, and chiptrip.gdf file. Italic Type with Initial Capital Letters Indicate document titles. For example, Stratix IV Design Guidelines. Indicates variables. For example, n + 1. italic type Variable names are enclosed in angle brackets (< >). For example, <file name> and <project name>.pof file. Initial Capital Letters Indicate keyboard keys and menu names. For example, the Delete key and the Options menu. “Subheading Title” Quotation marks indicate references to sections within a document and titles of Quartus II Help topics. For example, “Typographic Conventions.” 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide February 2014 Altera Corporation Additional Information Typographic Conventions Visual Cue Info–5 Meaning Indicates signal, port, register, bit, block, and primitive names. For example, data1, tdi, and input. The suffix n denotes an active-low signal. For example, resetn. Courier type Indicates command line commands and anything that must be typed exactly as it appears. For example, c:\qdesigns\tutorial\chiptrip.gdf. Also indicates sections of an actual file, such as a Report File, references to parts of files (for example, the AHDL keyword SUBDESIGN), and logic function names (for example, TRI). r An angled arrow instructs you to press the Enter key. 1., 2., 3., and a., b., c., and so on Numbered steps indicate a list of items when the sequence of the items is important, such as the steps listed in a procedure. ■ ■ Bullets indicate a list of items when the sequence of the items is not important. ■ 1 The hand points to information that requires special attention. h A question mark directs you to a software help system with related information. f The feet direct you to another document or website with related information. c A caution calls attention to a condition or possible situation that can damage or destroy the product or your work. w A warning calls attention to a condition or possible situation that can cause you injury. The envelope links to the Email Subscription Management Center page of the Altera website, where you can sign up to receive update notifications for Altera documents. The feedback icon allows you to submit feedback to Altera about the document. Methods for collecting feedback vary as appropriate for each document. February 2014 Altera Corporation 10-Gbps Ethernet MAC MegaCore Function User Guide