CHAPTER 8 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS 8.1 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS OF Chapter 1 Solution to Problem 1.1 From Tab. 1.2 using the scaling, time shift and time inverse properties and writing y(t) = x −2 t − t20 , we obtain Y(f ) = 1 f X − 2 2 e−j2π t0 f 2 . Solution to Problem 1.2 From Tab. 1.2 using the conjugate, frequency shift and linearty properties and writing Y(f ) = −2X ∗ [−(f − f0 )], we obtain y(t) = −2x∗ (t)ej2πtf0 . Solution to Problem 1.3 Using Tab. 1.3 and the linearity property of Tab. 1.2, we obtain X (f ) = 3 1 [δ(f − f0 ) + δ(f + f0 )] + [δ(f − f1 ) + δ(f + f1 )] . 2 2 Communication Systems: Fundamentals and Design Methods N. Benvenuto, R. Corvaja, T. Erseghe and N. Laurenti c 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 510 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS For the computation of z(t) we first compute Z(f ) and then compute its inverse Ftf. From the convolution properties of Tab. 1.2 and the Ftf of sinc(t) in Tab. 1.3 we obtain Z(f ) = X (f ) rect(f ) . Since f1 > 0.5 the second term of X (f ) related to f1 is multiplied by zero in Z(f ), while the first term (with f0 < 0.5) is multiplied by one. Hence we obtain 3 [δ(f − f0 ) + δ(f + f0 )] 2 Z(f ) = which is the transform of a scaled cosine function, i.e. z(t) = 3 cos(2πf 0 t). Solution to Problem 1.4 a) We have X (0) = Z +∞ −∞ x(t) dt ≥ 0 since x(t) ≥ 0, for all t. b) A well-known property of the Lebesgue integral states that for any complex-valued function y(t) Z +∞ −∞ Z y(t) dt ≤ +∞ −∞ |y(t)| dt . We apply it to y(t) = x(t)e−j2πf t and obtain Z +∞ Z +∞ −j2πf t x(t)e−j2πf t dt x(t)e dt ≤ |X (f )| = −∞ −∞ Z +∞ Z +∞ −j2πf t dt = x(t) dt = X (0) = |x(t)| e −∞ −∞ where in the last step we exploited the fact that |e−j2πf t | = 1 and that |x(t)| = x(t), since x(t) is real-valued and non negative. Solution to Problem 1.5 a) By writing x(t) = A2 rect t 2t2 + (A1 − A2 ) rect F t 2t1 and making use of the signal/transform pair rect(t) −→ sinc(f ) we get X (f ) = 2A2 t2 sinc(2t2 f ) + 2(A1 − A2 )t1 sinc(2t1 f ) . b) From the signal/transform pair e−πt y(t) = Ae−3π e−πt 2 2 F 2 −→ e−πf in Tab. 1.3 and the linearity rule we get 2 F −→ Y(f ) = Ae−3π e−πf = Ae−π(f 2 +3) c) From the same signal/transform pair in Tab. 1.3 and the time shift rule we get 2 Z(f ) = Ae−πf e−j2πf (−3) = Ae−π(f 2 −j6f ) . . 511 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS OF CHAPTER 1 d) By the inverse Fourier transform formula x(t) = Z Z +∞ −∞ X (f )e j2πf t df = 5/(2T ) e2(T +jπt)f df −5/(2T ) 2(T +jπt)f 5/(2T ) 1 e −5/(2T ) 2(T + jπt) = e5(1+jπt/T ) − e−5(1+jπt/T ) , 2(T + jπt) = t∈R Solution to Problem 1.6 a) t2 2f T 2 F cos 2πt/T −→ X (f ) = t2 + T 2 1 + f 4T 4 violates the even signal rule, since the Ftf is odd. It also violates the real signal rule since the Ftf is not Hermitian. 6 x(t) = log b) x(t) = t4 t2 T + T4 6 F X (f ) = e−f −→ by the inverse Ftf formula (1.11) it should be x(0) = c) x(0) = 0 while X (f ) > 0, hence x(t) = 2j sin 2π R +∞ −∞ t3 t + 3 T T R +∞ X (f ) df > 0. 6 F −→ −∞ 4 T4 X (f ) df , but in the given pair we have X (f ) = T 1+j log(1 + f 2 T 2 ) violates the odd signal rule, since the Ftf is even. Solution to Problem 1.7 A triang(f /F1 ) A rect(f /F2 ) 6 6 1 0 −F1 X (f ) A A 1− F2 2F1 F2 2 - F1 f X1 (f ) 6 A 1− F2 2F1 - − F22 0 F2 2 f 0 − F22 X2 (f ) 6 6 F2 A 2F 1 0 − F22 F1 f F2 2 F2 2 f 0 − F22 F2 2 f From the “house-shape” plot of X (f ), it be written as the sum of a rectangular function and a triangular function, X (f ) = X1 (f ) + X2 (f ) with X1 (f ) = A 1 − F2 2F1 rect f F2 , F2 triang X2 (f ) = A 2F 1 2f F2 512 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS Then from the signal/transform pairs rect f F2 F −1 −→ F2 sinc(F2 t) , triang we get the expression of x(t). f F2 /2 F −1 F2 2 −→ sinc2 F2 t 2 Solution to Problem 1.8 a) By the trigonometric identity sin2 x = (1 − cos 2x)/2 we get X` = ( A/2 −A/4 0 , `=0 , ` = ±2 , elsewhere By direct integration in (1.14) we get ( A Y` = 1 − (−1)` = jπ` −j 0 2A π` , ` odd , ` even By the identity 2 sin x cos x = sin(2x) we write z(t) = sin(4πt/Tp ) + 1 = 1 + 1 j4πt/Tp e 2j − 1 −j4πt/Tp e 2j . Then the only nonzero Fourier coefficients are Z0 = 1 , Z−2 = 21 j , Z2 = − 21 j b) x(t) is real-valued and non negative, so must be its zero order Fourier coefficient X 0 . Solution to Problem 1.9 a) By explicitly calculating the sum (1.17), that in this case has a finite number of terms, we get X (f ) = 6 X Ae(−2−j2πf T )n = A n=−3 =A e(−2−j2πf T )(−3) − e(−2−j2πf T )7 1 − e−2−j2πf T e6+j6πf T − e−14−j14πf T 1 − e−2−j2πf T where we have used the general formula n2 X zn = n=n1 z n2 +1 − z n1 z−1 By writing the series (1.17) as Y(f ) = = +∞ X 1 −j2πf T e 2 n=0 +∞ X n=0 1 −j2πf T e 2 n + n + −1 X 1 j2πf T e 2 n=−∞ +∞ X k=1 1 j2πf T e 2 k −n SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS OF CHAPTER 1 513 we observe that both series converge and Y(f ) = 1 1− 1 −j2πf T e 2 + 1 3 = 5 − 4 cos(2πf T ) 1 j2πf T e 2 − 21 ej2πf T b) X (f ) is a periodic function of f with period F . Then it is the Ftf of a discrete time signal x with quantum T = 1/F . Within the interval [−F/2, F/2) its expression is X (f ) = 2Af /F . By the inverse Ftf (1.18) 1 x(nT ) = F Z 2A = 2 F F/2 −F/2 2Af j2πf nT e df F 1 f − j2πnT (j2πnT )2 e F sin πn 2A 2j − cos πn = 2 F 2πnT 2πnT 2 A n = −j (−1) . nπ j2πf nT F/2 −F/2 c) The supposed Ftf is not a periodic function. Solution to Problem 1.10 The signal can also be written as Ae x(t) = 0 , t < −T , −T ≤ t < T , t≥T Ae−t/T 2Ae−t/T x(t) 6 2A/e A/e 0 −T T whose plot is shown above. By the above expression and (1.20) we can calculate the signal energy as Ex = Z T A2 e−2t/T dt + −T =A 2T 2 2 (e − e −2 Z t +∞ 4A2 e−2t/T dt T ) + 2A2 T e−2 = A2 T 2 (e + 3/e2 ) = 3.9 · 10−3 V2 s 2 To determine the spectral density Ex (f ) = |X (f )|2 we must first find the Ftf X , which can be obtained by evaluating the integral (1.10) X (f ) = Z T 1 Ae−t( T +j2πf ) dt + −T Z +∞ 1 2Ae−t( T +j2πf ) dt . T 514 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS However, we prefer to start from the signal/transform pair F y(t) = e−t/T 1(t) −→ Y(f ) = T /(1 + j2πf T ) given in Tab. 1.3 and write x(t) = Ae · e−(t+T )/T 1(t + T ) + Ae−1 · e−(t−T )/T 1(t − T ) = Aey(t + T ) + Ae−1 y(t − T ) . By the time shift rule (see Tab. 1.2) we get X (f ) = AeY(f )ej2πf T + e−1 Y(f )e−j2πf T = AT e1+j2πf T + e−(1+j2πf T ) 1 + j2πf T Hence we get Ex (f ) = A2 T 2 e2 + e−2 + 2 cos(2πf T ) . 1 + 4π 2 f 2 T 2 Solution to Problem 1.11 a) In the frequency domain we have (see the plots below) X (f ) = f −F A triang F F Z(f ) = X (f )Y(f ) = X (f ) 6 ( Y(f ) = , A2 f 2F 3 0 Y(f ) 6 −F 0 0 F A f rect 2F 2F , 0<f <F , elsewhere Z(f ) F f b) By the Parseval Theorem 1.1 and since Z(f ) is real-valued Ez = Z F 0 A4 F 3 A4 A4 2 f df = = 6 6 4F 4F 3 12F 3 c) Again by the Parseval Theorem 1.1 we get Exy = Eyz = 6 - 2F f Z Z F 0 F 0 A2 F 2 A2 A2 f df = = 3 3 2F 2F 2 4F A3 F 2 A3 A A2 f df = = 2F 2F 3 4F 4 2 8F 2 0 F f SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS OF CHAPTER 1 Solution to Problem 1.12 a) Since it is x(t) = ( j2πt/T − 1 jπt/T − 1/2 0 by (1.20) we get Ex = Z T /2 −T /2 4π 2 = 2 T Z |j2πt/T − 1|2 dt = T /2 2 t dt + −T /2 Z T /2 Z 515 , |t| < T /2 , |t| = T /2 , |t| > T /2 T /2 (2πt/T )2 + 1 dt −T /2 dt = T −T /2 π2 +1 3 ' 8.58 µs The cross energy between x and x∗ is obtained by (1.21) Exx∗ = = Z Z +∞ x(t)[x∗ (t)]∗ dt = −∞ T /2 Z +∞ x2 (t) dt = −∞ 2 −T /2 −(2πt/T ) − j4πt/T + 1 dt = T Z T /2 −T /2 (j2πt/T − 1)2 dt π2 − +1 3 ' −4.58 µs b) To find the energy spectral densities we must first find the Ftf of x. We consider the signal y(t) = rect(t/T ), with Y(f ) = T sinc(f T ). Then, since x(t) = − 1 (−j2πt)y(t) − y(t) , T by the linearity and differentiation rules (see Tab. 1.2) we get X (f ) = − 1 Ẏ(f ) − Y(f ) = −T [d(f T ) + sinc(f T )] T where d(u) is the derivative of sinc(u) and has the expression d(u) = yielding X (f ) = cos πu − sinc(u) d sin πu = du πu u 1 −T f sinc(f T ) − cos πf T . f Observe that X is real-valued (and odd), hence Ex (f ) = X 2 (f ) = cos2 πf T 1 − fT 1 + f 2 T 2 − 2f T sinc2 (f T ) + −2 sinc(f T ) cos πf T 2 f f2 f2 and by the conjugate signal rule (see Tab. 1.2) ∗ Exx∗ (f ) = X (f ) [X ∗ (−f )] = −X 2 (f ) . 516 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS Solution to Problem 1.13 To have zero average power, it is sufficient that the signal x(t) (and so |x(t)|2 ) vanishes for t → ∞. However to have also infinite energy, the decay of |x(t)| 2 must be slow enough that its integral be infinite. For example we can choose |x(t)|2 = 1 1(t) , αt + 1 with α > 0 that is x(t) = (αt + 1)−1/2 · 1(t). We check that its energy is Ex = lim u→∞ Z u 0 and its power is Mx = lim u→∞ 1 2u 1 1 dt = lim ln(αu + 1) = +∞ u→∞ α αt + 1 Z u ln(αu + 1) 1 dt = lim =0. u→∞ αt + 1 2αu 0 Solution to Problem 1.14 a) x(t) is periodic, and since cos(2πt/Tp ) > 0 for kTp − Tp /4 < t < kTp + Tp /4 and cos(2πt/Tp ) ≤ 0 for kTp + Tp /4 ≤ t ≤ kTp + 3Tp /4 we can write x(t) = , kTp − Tp /4 < t < kTp + Tp /4 , kTp + Tp /4 ≤ t ≤ kTp + 3Tp /4 2 cos 2πt/Tp 0 Thus we get Ms = 1 Tp Z Tp /4 4 cos2 2πt/Tp dt = 1 −Tp /4 The signal y(t) is expressed in the form of a Fourier series with coefficients Y` = 1/(3 + j)` . Then by Theorem 1.3 its average power is Mx = +∞ X `=0 +∞ X 1 1 10 = = . 2` ` 10 9 |3 + j| `=0 b) By the Parseval theorem, the signal energy is finite, Ex = Z B f 4 df = −B 2 5 B . 5 Then by Proposition 1.2, the average power of the signal is zero. Solution to Problem 1.15 a) The circuit splits the voltage between the resistance and the capacitor, hence H1 (f ) = R 1 j2πf C 1 + j2πf C = 1 1 = . 1 + j2πf RC 1 + j2πf 10−5 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS OF CHAPTER 1 517 b) For a constant input signal, the output signal is the constant scaled by the frequency response of the filter evaluated at f = 0, i.e. vo (t) = V0 H1 (0) = V0 = 2 V. c) For a sinusoidal input signal, the output is a sinusoidal signal vo (t) = |H1 (10000)| 10 cos (2π10000t + π/8 + arg H1 (10000)) + |H1 (5000)| 5 sin (2π5000f + π/5 + arg H1 (5000)) . The value of the frequency response at the frequencies of the input signal are H1 (10000) = 1 1 ' 1 + j2π · 104 · 10−5 1 + j0.628 with amplitude and phase 1 ' 0.85 |1 + j0.628| 1 = − arctan(0.628) ' 0.18π arg H1 (10000) = arg 1 + j0.628 |H1 (10000)| = and H1 (5000) = with amplitude and phase 1 1 ' 1 + j2π · 5 · 103 · 10−5 1 + j0.314 1 ' 0.95 |1 + j0.314| 1 arg H1 (5000) = arg = − arctan(0.314) ' 0.096π . 1 + j0.314 |H1 (5000)| = Solution to Problem 1.16 hence The circuit splits the current between the resistance and the inductance, j2πf L j2πf 10−4 j6.28 · 10−4 f = = j2πf L + R j2πf · 10−4 + 50 j6.28 · 10−4 f + 50 For a sinusoidal input signal, the output is a sinusoidal signal H(f ) = io (t) = |H(1000)| 20 sin (2π1000t + π/8 + arg H(1000)) + |H(2000)| 13 sin (2π2000t + π/4 + arg H(2000)) . The values of H(f ) at the frequencies of the input signal are H(1000) ' j0.628 j0.628 + 50 with amplitude and phase |H(1000)| = 12.56 · 10−3 arg H(1000) = π/2 − arctan(0.628/50) = 1.558 518 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS and j1.256 j1.256 + 50 H(2000) = with amplitude and phase |H(2000)| = 25.1 · 10−3 arg H(2000) = π/2 − arctan(1.256/50) = 1.546 . Solution to Problem 1.17 For a sinusoidal input signal, the output is a sinusoidal signal, scaled by the amplitude of the frequency response and phase shifted by the phase of the frequency response, evaluated at the input sinusoid frequency. Note that the first sinusoid will pass through the filter, since f 0 < B, while the second is suppressed, since f1 > B. Hence we obtain y(t) = 3|H(f0 )| cos(2πf0 t + arg H(f0 )) , where |H(f0 )| = and arg H(f0 ) = 0. Then with power My = (14.4)2 2 4 C = 4.8 5 y(t) = 14.4 cos(2πf0 t + arg H(f0 )) , = 103.68 V2 . Solution to Problem 1.18 The properties of the various transformations are shown in the table below transformation causal memoryless time invariant linear a) yes yes no yes b) no no no yes c) yes yes yes no d) yes no no no Some comments • Transformation b) is not time invariant. Let t0 be an arbitrary time shift of the input signal, the 3 corresponding output signal will be x(t a shifted version of the output signal − t03), whereas 3 would yield y(t − t0 ) = x (t − t0 ) = x(t − 3t2 t0 + 3tt20 − t30 ). It is also not causal (and hence not even memoryless) since for t > 1, t3 > t so that y(t) depends on a “future” value of x. • Transformation d) is neither linear nor time invariant, due to the B sin 2πt/T term (recall x is the only input signal to the system). Solution to Problem 1.19 a) Let x1 (t) = x(t − Tp ). Then by the shift-invariance property in Tab. 1.4, we have y ∗ x 1 = z1 , with z1 (t) = z(t − Tp ). On the other hand, by the periodicity of x, we have x1 = x, and hence y ∗ x1 = y ∗ x = z. Thus it must be z1 (t) = z(t − Tp ) = z(t) for all t. A simpler proof can be derived in the frequency domain by making use of the Ftf of a periodic signal (1.15). SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS OF CHAPTER 1 b) Suppose the amplitude of x is bounded by A > 0 and let K = the amplitude of z as Z |z(t)| = ≤ Z −∞ |y(t)| dt. Then we can write +∞ −∞ +∞ R +∞ 519 x(t − u)y(u) du |x(t − u)y(u)| du −∞ +∞ ≤A Z |y(u)| du = AK −∞ which is therefore bounded by AK. c) An immediate counterexample is obtained by choosing the step function x(t) = y(t) = 1(t). Their convolution yields z(t) = t · 1(t) whose amplitude is not bounded. Solution to Problem 1.20 By making use of the results in Tab. 1.3 and the duality and scaling rules it is A Aπ −2πT1 |f | 1 F x(t) = 2 e −→ X (f ) = T1 T1 1 + (t/T1 )2 t F y(t) = B sinc −→ Y(f ) = BT1 rect(T1 f ) T1 Hence from (1.45) Z(f ) = ABπe−2πT1 |f | rect(T1 f ) = ABπe−2πT1 |f | 0 , |f | < 1/(2T1 ) , elsewhere , and for the inverse Ftf of Z(f ) we get z(t) = ABπ Z 1/(2T1 ) e2π(jf t−T1 |f |) −1/(2T1 ) = ABπ Z 0 e 2πf (jt+T1 ) −1/(2T1 ) e2πf (jt+T1 ) = ABπ 2π(jt + T1 ) = ABπ + ABπ 0 −1/(2T1 −π−jπt/T1 1−e 2π(jt + T1 ) + e Z 1/(2T1 ) e2πf (jt−T1 ) 0 e2πf (jt−T1 ) + ABπ 2π(jt − T1 ) ) −π+jπt/T1 −1 2π(jt − T1 ) 1/(2T1 ) 0 . As regards the cross energy, since Y(f ) is real, we get Exy = Z +∞ −∞ X (f )Y(f ) df = Z +∞ −∞ Z(f ) df = z(0) = AB (1 − e−π ) . T1 f ∈R 520 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS Solution to Problem 1.21 a) Let τ = RC = 100 ns, the filter frequency response can be written as G(f ) = 1 1 = 1 + [R + 1/(j2πf C)]j2πf C 2 + j2πf τ and the impulse response is obtained by inverse Ftf as g(t) = 1 −2t/τ e 1(t) . τ b) In this case the frequency response is 1 1 + [R + 1/(j2πf C)](1/R + j2πf C) j2πf τ = 1 − (2πf τ )2 + 3j2πf τ G(f ) = By the linearity of the filter we can find the filter output to the input signal v i (t) as the sum vo (t) = vo,0 (t) + vo,1 (t) + vo,2 (t) of the responses to each of the following inputs, respectively, e0 (t) = V0 , e1 (t) = V0 cos 2πf0 t , e2 (t) = V0 sin 2πf1 t Since the filter is real, its response to a sinusoid with frequency fi ≥ 0 is as given in Example 1.3 B. Thus, by observing that 2πf0 τ = 1 and 2πf1 τ = 100, it is G(0) = 0 and vo,0 (t) = 0 j 1 = , 1 − 1 + 3j 3 V0 cos 2πf0 t vo,1 (t) = 3 G(f0 ) = |G(f0 )| = 1 , 3 6 G(f0 ) = 0 100j 1 1 '− j , |G(f1 )| ' , 1 − 104 + 300j 100 100 V0 V0 vo,2 (t) ' sin(2πf1 t − π/2) = − cos 2πf1 t 100 100 G(f1 ) = 6 The output signal is vo (t) ' V0 1 1 cos 2πf0 t − cos 2πf1 t 3 100 Solution to Problem 1.22 a) By Theorem 1.4 we get Y(f ) = +∞ X `=−∞ X2 (f − `/Ts ) . G(f1 ) ' − π 2 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS OF CHAPTER 1 521 On the other hand by (1.45) we get X2 (f ) = G1 (f )X1 (f ) = G1 (f )G2 (f )X (f ) = G1 (f )G2 (f ) = rect(2Ts f ) cos(2πf Ts ) and Y has the plot shown below. 1 Ts 6 - − T1s − 4T1 s 1 Ts 1 4Ts f b) The cascade of the two filters g1 and g2 is equivalent to a single filter with frequency response G(f ) = G1 (f )G2 (f ). Then we can apply the results of Example 1.3 B, as the input signal is the sum of two sinusoids with frequency f0 and 2f0 , respectively. Since 2f0 > 4T1 s , we have G1 (2f0 ) = 0, i.e. the filter g1 removes the sinusoid at frequency 2f0 . For the sinusoid at frequency f0 < 4T1 s we get 1 π G(f0 ) = G2 (f0 ) = cos = 3 2 and therefore 1 x2 (t) = cos(2πf0 t) . 2 By sampling x2 we obtain yn = x2 (nTs ) = π 1 cos n 2 3 . Solution to Problem 1.23 By Proposition 1.6 we need g to satisfy (1.58) for a correct interpolation. If we consider the sampled version of the given impulse response we get g(nT ) = 1 T cos(2πf0 nT ) rect n T τ . Observe that g(0) = 1 is always met, for all values of f0 and τ . We therefore require the interpolate filter to satisfy g(nT ) = 0, for all n 6= 0. a) To have g(nT ) = 0, for all n 6= 0, independently of the value of f 0 , it must be rect(nT /τ ) = 0. Since rect(a) = 0 if and only if |a| > 1/2, the condition is met for |nT /τ | > 1/2, with n = ±1, ±2, . . ., that is for Tτ > 21 , i.e., τ < 2T . b) In the case τ = 3T , as τ > 2T , condition (1.58) is not met for all values of f 0 . We have g(nT ) = cos(2πf0 nT ) rect n 3 = cos(2πf0 T ) 0 π + kπ 2 that is f0 must be an odd multiple of 1/(4T ). cos(2πf0 T ) = 0 ⇔ 2πf0 T = ⇔ f0 = , n = ±1 , n = ±2, ±3, . . . 1 1 2k + 1 +k = 4T 2T 4T Solution to Problem 1.24 The sampled version of g has the expression g(nT ) = 1 A sinc2 (nT /τ ) , n=0 , n= 6 0 522 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS The interpolate filter satisfies condition (1.58) if A/T sinc2 (nT /τ ) = 0 , , n ∈ Z, n 6= 0 or equivalently A = 0 or sinc(nT /τ ) = 0 , n ∈ Z, n 6= 0 that is A = 0 or τ = T /n Thus we require either A = 0 or τ a submultiple of T . Concerning the bandwidth of g, in the case A = 0, we get G(f ) = T rect(T f ), i.e. the filter with rectangular frequency response and minimum bandwidth B = 1/2T . In the case A 6= 0, τ = T /n, with n a positive integer, we get G(f ) = (1 − A)T rect(T f ) + (AT /n) triang(T f /n) . Thus h i h i h i 1 n n ∪ 0, = 0, 2T T T 1 and Bg = 2n/T , so g has bandwidth greater than 2T , as shown below. Bg = 0, A = −1 , τ = T /2 G(f ) A = 1/2 , τ = T G(f ) 6 0 6 1 2T 1 T 1 2T 2 T f f Solution to Problem 1.25 a) Since f0 < B, the bandwidth of y1 is By1 = f0 + B = 120 Hz. b) Since A + x(t) has the same bandwidth of x(t), we have By2 = By1 = 120 Hz. c) Let y4 (t) = x(t) cos(2πf1 t), y5 (t) = sinc(t/T )ejt/T cos(2πf1 t). Then it is By4 = [−B − f1 , B + f1 ] = [−130, 130] Hz By5 = [1/(2T ) − f1 , 3/(2T ) + f1 ] = [20, 180] Hz Hence, y3 = y4 ∗ y5 has full band B y3 = [20, 130] Hz. Solution to Problem 1.26 Since the phase of the filter is zero, the signal is not distorted if the filter frequency response has the same amplitude at f3 and f4 , hence 0 ≤ f 3 , f4 ≤ f 1 or f 1 ≤ f 3 , f4 ≤ f 2 . Solution to Problem 1.27 a) From the figure, it is H(f ) = Vi (f ) j2πf L = , Vo (f ) R + j2πf L 523 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS OF CHAPTER 1 so that |H(f )| = p |2πf L| R2 + (2πf L)2 arg H(f ) = , 2πf L π − arctan 2 R . b) For f0 = 40 kHz, the output signal is vo (t) = 6|H(f0 )| sin(2πf0 t + π/3 + arg H(f0 )) = Avi (t − t0 ) with A = |H(f0 )| and t0 = − arg H(f0 ))/(2πf0 ) and there is no distortion according to Heaviside’s conditions. We have t0 = − 60π A = |H(f0 )| = p = 0.88 104 + (60π)2 1 1 arg [H(f0 )] = − 2πf0 2πf0 c) In this case, it is h π 2π · 30 − arctan 2 100 i =− 0.16π = −2.66 µs . 2πf0 vo (t) = 6|H(f0 )| sin(2πf0 t + π/3 + arg H(f0 )) + 42|H(f1 )| cos(2πf1 t + π/4 + arg H(f1 )) and vo (t) 6= Avi (t − t0 ) . Hence there is distortion. d) The band for which Heaviside conditions are satisfied is represented by all the intervals composed of a single frequency, i.e. only pure sinusoidal signals are not distorted. Solution to Problem 1.28 By the frequency shift and scaling rules we find the Ftf X (f ) = T triang [T (f − 1/T )] and the full band is therefore B x = (0, 2/T ), as shown below. X (f ) 6 T 0 1 T 2 T The energy is found by the Parseval theorem Ex = Z 2/T 2 0 2 T triang (T f − 1) df = T 2 Z Solution to Problem 1.29 a) f − F/4 A X (f ) = rect , F F 1/T 2 (T f ) df + T 0 2 Z 2/T 1/T Bx = [−F/4, 3F/4] , (2 − T f )2 df = Bx = F 2 T . 3 524 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS b) Let y1 (t) = sinc(t/T1 ), with Y1 (f ) = T1 rect(T1 f ) and By1 = Y(f ) = A Y1 ∗ · · · ∗ Y1 , | k {z terms 1 2T1 By = kBy1 = } it is k 2T1 c) Let s1 (nT ) = e−n 10 (n), with S1 (f ) = T /(1 − e−1−j2πf T ), it is s(nT ) = A [s1 (nT ) + s1 (−nT ) − δn ] and S(f ) = [S1 (f ) + S1 (−f ) − 1] = A so that S(f ) > 0. Hence by (1.61) h Bs = − d) Z(f ) = 1 1 , 2T 2T i , e2 e2 − 1 + 1 − 2e cos 2πf T Bs = 1 . 2T jA [δ(f − 3F ) − 3δ(f − F ) + 3δ(f + F ) − δ(f + 3F )] . 8 Bz = {F, 3F } . Although strictly speaking the measure of the set Bz is null, it is customary to consider its bandwidth as its supremum, that is Bz = 3F . Solution to Problem 1.30 a) From Tab. 1.3 and the duality and frequency shift rules (see Tab. 1.2) X (f ) = T e−T (f +1/T ) 1(f + 1/T ) Hence Bx = [−1/T, +∞) and Bx = ∞ . b) From the complex conjugate and convolution rules (see Tab. 1.2) Y(f ) = X (f )X ∗ (−f ) Y(f ) is nonzero for f such that both X (f ) and X (−f ) are nonzero, hence By = B x ∩ (−B x ) = [−1/T, 1/T ] , B y = 2/T . c) Observe that z(t) has a limited support. Hence, by Theorem 1.7 its band is nonlimited. Here Bz = [0, +∞) and Bz = ∞. Solution to Problem 1.31 a) We find from Tab. 1.3 X (f ) = T e−j2πf t0 , 1 + j2πf T |X (f )| = p T 1 + (2πf T )2 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS OF CHAPTER 1 525 |X (f )| T 6 0 − T1 1 T f Hence the maximum amplitude is max |X (f )| = |X (0)| = T and by solving the inequality 1 p |X (f )| ≤ ε|X (0)| 1 + (2πf T )2 ≤ε 1 p 1 − ε2 ε2πT |f | ≥ we get B= √ 1 − ε2 ε2πT For the given parameter values it results B' b) Since Ex = Z 1 ' 15.92 kHz 2πεT +∞ −∞ |x(t)|2 dt = Z +∞ e2(t0 −t)/T dt = t0 T 2 from the integral in (1.64) and choosing f1 = 0 Z f2 0 |Ex (f )|2 df = Z f2 0 T2 T2 df = [arctan(2πf T )]f02 2 1 + (2πf T ) 2πT T = arctan(2πf2 T ) 2π we get the inequality T T arctan(2πf2 T ) ≥ (1 − ε) π 2 1 f2 ≥ tan[π/2(1 − ε)] 2πT so that B= tan[π/2(1 − ε)] 2πT and for the given values it results B' 1 ' 10.13 kHz π 2 εT Observe that the bandwidths do not depend on t0 , since a time shift does not alter the Ftf amplitude. 526 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS Solution to Problem 1.32 We proceed as in Problem 1.31. Here X (f ) = πA −2πT |f | e T a) B=− ln ε ' 366 Hz 2πT B=− ln ε ' 366 Hz 4πT b) c) We can write Y(f ) = = with cosh(α) = 1 2 πA −2πT |f −f0 | e + e−2πT |f +f0 | 2T ( πA −2πT f 0 e cosh(2πT |f |) , 0 ≥ |f | < f0 T eα + e πA −2πT |f | e T −α cosh(2πT f0 ) , |f | ≥ f0 the hyperbolic cosine function. πA 2T Y(f ) 6 −f0 f0 f As can be seen in the plot above, y will result either baseband or passband, depending on the chosen value for ε. For ε ≤ Y(0)/Ymax = 1/ cosh(2πT f0 ) the signal is baseband with B = f 2 = f0 − ln ε . 2πT For ε > 1/ cosh(2πT f0 ) the signal is passband with f2 as given above and f1 = where cosh−1 α = ln α + bandwidth is cosh−1 [ε cosh(2πT f0 )] , 2πT √ α2 − 1 is the inverse hyperbolic cosine function, with α ≥ 1. The ln ε + cosh−1 [ε cosh(2πT f0 )] 2πT In particular, if ε e−2πf0 T , f1 is accurately approximated by B = f0 − f1 ' f 0 + ln ε 2πT , B=− ln ε , πT with a bandwidth that is doubled with respect to the baseband case. For the assigned values of f0 , T and ε, it is e−2πf0 T = e−20π ' 10−27 ε, so by using the above approximation we get B ' 733 Hz. SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS OF CHAPTER 1 527 Solution to Problem 1.33 Let hi (t) = Fi sinc [Fi (t − ti )], for i = 1, 2. Then Hi (f ) = rect(f /Fi ) e−j2πf ti and by the product rule, since h(t) = 1 h (t)h2 (t) F1 1 H(f ) = we get 1 [H1 ∗ H2 ] (f ) F1 a) In particular for t1 = t2 it is easy to calculate the above convolution which results −j2πf t 1 e |f | −j2πf t1 1 H(f ) = − − e 2 F1 0 , |f | ≤ 21 F1 , 1 F 2 1 < |f | < 23 F1 , |f | ≥ . 3 F 2 1 Hence the filter satisfies the Heaviside conditions in the band [−2.5 kHz, 2.5 kHz] with amplitude A = 1 and delay t1 = 2 ms. b) In the more general case the convolution is more cumbersome. However to prove the statement 1 F2 −F1 we do not need to calculate the convolution for all f ∈ R, but only for f ∈ − F2 −F . , 2 2 We get H(f ) = 1 F1 Z +∞ −∞ H2 (f − u)H1 (u) du 1 −j2πf t2 e = F1 = 1 −j2πf t2 e F1 Z Z F1 /2 rect −F1 /2 F1 /2 f − u j2πu(t2 −t1 ) e du F2 ej2πu(t2 −t1 ) du −F1 /2 = sinc [F1 (t2 − t1 )] e−j2πf t2 1 where we used the fact that, for − F2 −F <f < 2 1 1 − F2 < f − u < F2 , 2 2 F2 −F1 2 rect and − 12 F1 < u < 12 F1 , we have f −u F2 =1. Hence the statement is proved, and the values of amplitude and delay are A = sinc [F 1 (t2 − t1 )] and t2 , respectively. Solution to Problem 1.34 In the frequency domain the input-output relationship of the given system can be written as Y(f ) = 2X (f ) + j2πf τ X (f ) , so that the transformation is a filter with frequency response G(f ) = 2 + j2πf τ . 528 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS The required equivalent frequency response for the cascade of the two filters is G 1 (f ) = 21 e−j2πf t0 , so the frequency response of h must be H(f ) = G1 (f ) 1 e−j2πf t0 = G(f ) 4 1 + jπf τ which yields the impulse response h(t) = 1 −2(t−t0 )/τ e4 −2t/τ e 1(t − t0 ) = e 1(t − 2τ ) 2τ 2τ that is causal. Solution to Problem 1.35 We start by specifying the filter in the frequency domain. By requirement i) we must have H(f ) = Ae−j2πf t0 , |f | < B1 , with A > 0 so that Bh ≥ B1 . Then to meet also requirement ii) we set Bh = B1 and H(f ) = Ae−j2πf t0 rect f 2B1 = Ae−j2πf t0 0 , |f | < B1 , |f | ≥ B1 In the time domain h(t) = 2B1 A sinc [2B1 (t − t0 )] To meet the requirement iii) we first find the energy of h Eh = then use the inequality |h(t)| ≤ Z A π(t−t0 ) Z B1 A2 df = 2B1 A2 −B1 and get 0 A2 |h(t)| dt ≤ 2 π −∞ 2 Z 0 −∞ A2 1 t − t0 )2 dt = 2 ( π t0 By solving the inequality A2 ≤ ε2B1 A2 π 2 t0 with respect to t0 , we obtain 1 = 5.07 µs . ε2π 2 B1 Hence we guarantee that the requirement iii) is met, at the expense of a delay of 5.07 µs. t0 ≥ Solution to Problem 1.36 By the time shift rule and the rect → sinc signal/transform pair we get X (f ) = rect(2τ f ) cos(2πf τ ) , f ∈R. SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS OF CHAPTER 1 529 X (f ) 4τ 6 1 − 4τ 1 4τ f 1 The real-valued signal x is therefore baseband with Bx = 4τ . a) By the sampling theorem the minimum sampling frequency allowed for perfect reconstruction is 1 . In this case we must choose the ideal interpolate filter with frequency response Fs = 2τ G(f ) = 2τ rect(2τ f ) and impulse response t . 2τ b) In this case Fs < 1/(2τ ), the nonaliasing condition is not satisfied. By using ideal antialiasing and interpolate filters with bandwidth Fs /2, the energy of the reconstruction error is given by (1.84) X̃ (f ) − X (f ) 6 1 1 1 1 − 4τ − 6τ 6τ 4τ g(t) = sinc - f Ee = 2 = Z 1/(4τ ) 16τ 2 cos2 (2πf τ ) df = 16τ 2 1/(6τ ) 4 2 τ − τ ' 76 · 10−3 [V2 s] . 3 π Z 1/(4τ ) 1 + cos(4πf τ ) df 1/(6τ ) Solution to Problem 1.37 Since the signal xi is bandlimited with Xi (f ) = f 1 triang F1 F1 Bx = F 1 perfect reconstruction is achieved if Fs ≥ 2F1 , while for Fs < 2F1 we have an out of band error. Since we seek to minimize Fs and allow an error. By (1.84) Ee = 2 = Z +∞ Fs /2 1 triang2 F12 2 F1 − 3 F12 1− f F1 f F1 3 F 1 2 F12 Z 2 3F1 df = = Fs /2 F1 1− 1− f F1 Fs /2 1− Fs 2F1 f F1 3 2 df The energy of xi is E xi = 2 Z +∞ 0 1 triang2 F12 f F1 df = 2 F12 Z 0 F1 2 df = 2 3F1 530 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS By imposing the condition Ee ≤ Exi /100 we have 1− Fs 2F1 3 ≤ 1 , 100 ⇒ 1 Fs ≥ 2 1 − √ 3 100 Solution to Problem 1.38 a) Since X (f ) = A −|f |/B e , B Y(f ) = F1 ' 1.57 F1 . f 1 triang 2B 2B it is A −|f |/B f e triang . 2B 2 2B The bandwidth of z is Bz = 2B. Hence by the nonaliasing condition in the Sampling Theorem it must be Fs ≥ 4B. We can choose the minimum sampling rate Fs = 4B provided the interpolate filter is ideal over [−Bz , Bz ]. b) In this case, it must be Fs /4 ≥ Bz , 3Fs /4 ≤ Fs − Bz Z(f ) = X (f )Y(f ) = and hence Fs ≥ 4Bz = 8B. Solution to Problem 1.39 a) A bandlimited signal x, with Bx ≤ (1 − ρ)F1 /2, is not distorted by the filter h, since Y(f ) = H(f )X (f ) = 1 X (f ) for f ∈ [−Bx , Bx ] 2 and y(t) = 12 x(t). By sampling with Ts = 0.1 ms, we observe that the signal y meets the nonaliasing condition ii) of Theorem 1.8, since By = B x < Fs = 5 kHz . 2 Hence we can perfectly recover y from its samples y(nTs ). The interpolate filter yields the signal x̃ with Ftf X̃ (f ) = G(f )Fs +∞ X k=−∞ Y(f − kFs ) where G(f ) = 0, for |f | > (1 + ρ)F1 /2 = 5625 Hz, and G(f ) = 1/2, for |f | ≤ 3375 Hz. By considering the band of {yn }, we get X̃ (f ) = 1 1 Y(f ) and x̃(t) = y(t) . 2Ts 2Ts The overall input-output relation is x̃(t) = 1 x(t) 4Ts and Heaviside conditions are met with attenuation A = 41 Fs and delay t0 = 0. SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS OF CHAPTER 1 531 b) We show it by a counterexample. Let the input signal x have bandwidth B x such that Fs − Bg < Bx ≤ Fs /2, for example X (f ) = rect(f Ts ) . Then the output y of the filter h will have the same bandwidth of x, i.e. B y = Bx , as shown below. X (f ) Y(f ) 6 1 6 1/2 −5 −5 5 f [kHz] 5 f [kHz] The sampled version of y will therefore have frequency components in the interval [F s /2, Bg ] that are not rejected by the interpolate filter g. Hence the Ftf of the reconstructed signal x̃ will be X̃ (f ) = Fs G(f )Y(f ) Fs G(f )Y(f ± Fs ) , f ≤ Fs /2 , f > Fs /2 with a bandwidth Bx̃ > Bx , as shown below. Therefore x̃ cannot be thought as obtained from x through a filter. P ` Y(f − `Fs ) X̃ (f ) 6 1 F 4 s 1/2 6 −5 - 5 f [kHz] −5.6 5.6 f [kHz] c) With Bx = 4.5 kHz, the periodic Ftf of {yn } vanishes over the intervals [`Fs +Bx , (`+1)Fs −Bx ], with ` ∈ Z. Thus, if G(f ) = 0, for f ≥ Fs − Bx = 5.5 kHz, the overall input-output relationship is X̃ (f ) = X (f )H(f )G(f ) . For the Heaviside conditions to be met, it must be Fs H(f )G(f ) = A0 e−j2πf t0 arbitrary , |f | ≤ F1 /2 , |f | > F1 /2 Therefore the solution with minimum bandwidth is G(f ) = ( A0 Ts e−j2πf t0 H(f ) 0 , |f | ≤ F1 /2 , |f | > F1 /2 whereas the solution with maximum bandwidth is G(f ) = A T e−j2πf t0 0 s H(f ) arbitrary 0 Both solutions are shown in the plot below , |f | ≤ F1 /2 , F1 /2 < |f | < Fs − F1 /2 , |f | ≥ Fs − F1 /2 532 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS |G(f )| |G(f )| 6 2A0 Ts 6 2A0 Ts −4.5 4.5 −5.5 5.5 f [kHz] maximum bandwidth −4.5 4.5 f [kHz] minimum bandwidth Solution to Problem 1.40 We follow the procedure outlined on page 41. Since g has the minimum 1 bandwidth Bg = 2T , we must choose the only possible equivalent filter g1 that satisifes (1.91) with 1 , that is G1 (f ) = rect(T f ). Bg1 = 2T The corresponding filter h has frequency response, according to (1.92) H(f ) = 2 e−π(T f ) arbitrary , |f | < , |f | ≥ 1 2T 1 2T 2 A particular choice of H that satisfies the above requirements is H(f ) = e −π(T f ) , which corresponds 2 to the impulse response h(t) = T1 e−π(t/T ) . Solution to Problem 1.41 a) x(h) (t) = − cos(2πf0 t + π/4); b) x(h) (t) = sin(2πBt + π/8) sin(2πf0 t); c) x(h) (t) = sinc(Bt) sin(πBt). Solution to Problem 1.42 a) ∆ϕ(t) = 0.2 cos 2πfa t . b) Ps = 8 42 1 = = 80 mW 2 R 100 =⇒ (Ps )dBm = 19.03 dBm . Solution to Problem 1.43 a) ∆ϕ(t) = 0.2 cos 2πf1 t + 0.3 cos 2πf2 t + 0.3 cos 2πf3 t . b) 1 (0.2)2 + (0.3)2 + (0.4)2 = 2.9 · 10−2 rad2 . 2 c) The condition on the carrier frequency assures that the analytic signal associated to s(t) is M∆ϕ = s(a) (t) = 4 exp {j(2πf0 t + 0.2 cos 2πf1 t + 0.3 cos 2πf2 t + 0.3 cos 2πf3 t)} , The envelope of s results es (t) = s(a) (t) = 4 . Solution to Problem 1.44 We can write x(t) = < Aej2π[f0 +λ(t)]t SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS OF CHAPTER 1 533 with the signal Aej2π[f0 +λ(t)]t having only positive frequency components. Hence, by Proposition 1.12 x(a) (t) = Aej2π[f0 +λ(t)]t φx (t) = 2π [f0 + λ(t)] t fx (t) = f0 + λ(t) + tλ0 (t) ∆fx (t) = λ(t) + tλ0 (t) Observe that the frequency deviation of x is not λ(t) as one could assume at a first glance. Solution to Problem 1.45 a) x(bb) = e−jπ/4 + 2 ejπ/8 ; b) x(bb) = ejπ/8 sinc2 (Bt); c) x(bb) = e−jπ/4 rect(Bt). Solution to Problem 1.46 a) In the frequency domain A e−|f −f0 |/B + e−|f +f0 |/B 2B A (a) X (f ) = e−f0 /B e−f /B 1(f ) B f − f0 /2 A −f0 /B f /B A e rect + e + e−(f −f0 )/B 1(f − f0 ) B f0 B X (f ) = By inverse Ftf we get x (a) Ae−f0 /B A (t) = + e−f0 /B 1 − j2πBt B Z f0 e(j2πt+1/B)f df + 0 Aej2πf0 t 1 − j2πBt A(ej2πf0 t − e−f0 /B ) Ae−f0 /B Aej2πf0 t = + + 1 − j2πBt 1 + j2πBt 1 − j2πBt and A(1 − e−f0 (j2πt+1/B) ) Ae−f0 (j2πt+1/B) A + + 1 − j2πBt 1 + j2πBt 1 − j2πBt 2A = 1 + j2πBte−f0 (j2πt+1/B) . 2 1 + (2πBt) x(bb) (t) = b) We make use of the Parseval Theorem. By writing X (bb) (f ) = so that with A(f ) = A −|f |/B e B A −|f |/B e + e−|f +2f0 |/B 1(f + f0 ) B we get A(f ) − X (bb) (f ) = A ef /B B A e−2f0 /B e−f /B B , f < −f0 , f > −f0 534 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS The frequency domain integration yields Ee = Z +∞ −∞ 2 A(f ) − X (bb) (f )2 df = 2A e−f0 /B B With Ea = 2A2 /B, the energy ratio results Ee = e−f0 /B , Ea so that for f0 B the error is negligible. Solution to Problem 1.47 X (f ) = 1 −(f −f0 )T1 e 1(f − f0 ) + e(f +f0 )T1 1(−f − f0 ) 2T1 X (f ) 1 6 2t −f0 j2πf0 t f0 f e has only positive frequency components it is the analytical signal x (a) Since the signal 1−j2πt/T 1 associated with x, by Proposition 1.12. a) The Hilbert transform of x is x (h) ej2πf0 t (t) = = 1 − j2πt/T1 b) The envelope of x is ej2πf0 t 1 = p ex (t) = 1 − j2πt/T1 1 + 4π 2 t2 /T12 and the instantaneous frequency of x is fx (t) = f0 c) If we choose as reference frequency f0 we would get x(bb) with full band B = [0, +∞), which is not baseband. It is therefore more convenient to assume a practical bandwidth B for x (a) (e.g. B = 5/T1 ) and choose as reference frequency f1 = f0 + B/2. In this case we get x(bb) (t) = e−jπBt . 1 − j2πt/T1 Solution to Problem 1.48 P [y > 0|x = −1] = P [x + w > 0|x = −1] = P [−1 + w > 0|x = −1] = P [w > 1] = Q 1 σw . Solution to Problem 1.49 The probability of being in the upper right sub-plane having lower left corner (1, 1) is P [x1 > 1, x2 > 1] . SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS OF CHAPTER 1 535 Since x1 and x2 are independent we obtain P [x1 > 1, x2 > 1] = P [x1 > 1] P [x2 > 1] = Q 1 σ1 Q 1 σ2 . For the computation of the probability of being in the complementary sub-plane we resort to the total probability theorem and obtain P [x1 < 1 or x2 < 1] = 1 − P [x1 > 1, x2 > 1] . Solution to Problem 1.50 a) PMD functions must obey to both the condition 0 < p(a) ≤ 1 and the normalization (1.150), therefore proper values of K and M for each of the given functions are p1 : p2 : p3 : log(1 − K) log K there are no suitable values for K and M 1 K2 + K < K < 1, M = − 2 3 0 < K < 1, M = b) PDF functions must obey to both the nonnegative condition (1.155) and the normalization (1.156), therefore suitable values of K and M for each of the given functions are p1 : p2 : p3 : K=M >0 K, M ≥ 0, K + M = 1 M = 0, K = −π . Solution to Problem 1.51 a) Observe that 2 1 px (a) = p √ e−(a−1) , π 2 Hence by the linearity of expectation g(a) = −2(a − 1) . E [g(x)] = E [−2(x − 1)] = −2 (E [x] − 1) = −2(mx − 1) = 0 . b) In general, with the given hypotheses on px (a), we find that g(a) = 1 p0x (a) . px (a) Thus by applying Theorem 1.16 E [g(x)] = Z +∞ −∞ p0x (a) da = [px (a)]+∞ −∞ = lim px (a) − lim px (a) . a→+∞ a→−∞ Since px (a) must have a finite integral, it also must vanish for a → ±∞, so the expectation is null. 536 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS Solution to Problem 1.52 a) By differentiating px (2) with respect to Λ px (2) = e−Λ we find that Λ2 , 2 ∂px (2) Λ = e−Λ (2 − Λ) ∂Λ 2 ∂px (2) >0 , 0<Λ<2 ∂Λ ∂px (2) < 0 ∂Λ hence its maximum is attained at Λ = 2. b) We have , Λ>2 P [x > 2] = 1 − [px (0) + px (1) + px (2)] = 1 − e that is a continuous function of Λ. Since ∂ P [x > 2] Λ2 = e−Λ >0 , ∂Λ 2 −Λ 1+Λ+ for all Λ > 0 we prove the statement c) By theorem 1.16 x −Λ E [e ] = e ∞ X Λn en n! n=0 and making use of the exponential series P∞ n=0 αn /n! = eα , we get x Λ(e−1) . E [e ] = e Solution to Problem 1.53 The PDF of x is 2 1 −1 a px (a) = √ e 2 σ2 2πσ a) By writing P [y ≤ b] = P |x| ≤ = = we get by differentiation py (b) = ( Z √ √ 1−b 1−b √ − 1−b 0 px (a) da 1 − 2Q √ b−1 σ , b≤1 , b>1 0 , b<1 1 − 1 b−1 √ e 2 σ2 √ 2πσ b − 1 , b>1 1 2 Λ 2 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS OF CHAPTER 1 537 while py (1) is unspecified. b) By the linearity of expectation 2 3 2 2 E x (x + 1 + sin x) = E x + E x + E x sin x and applying Theorem1.16 to each term 2 E x (x + 1 + sin x) = Z +∞ −∞ + Z 2 1 −1 a a3 √ e 2 σ2 da + 2πσ +∞ Z +∞ −∞ 2 1 −1 a a2 √ e 2 σ2 da 2πσ 2 1 −1 a a sin a √ e 2 σ2 da 2πσ 2 −∞ All integrals above are finite. The first and the third are function is odd, null since the integrate whereas the second integral yields Mx = σ 2 . Hence E x2 (x + 1 + sin x) = σ 2 . Solution to Problem 1.54 Let R be the maximum cell radius. a) The PDF of x is k , a ∈ CR px (a) = 0 , a 6∈ CR with CR the circle centered at the origin with radius R. By the normalization condition Z k da = 1 CR it must be k = 1/(πR2 ). b) To find the PDF of r we first find P [r ≤ b] = P [x ∈ Cb ] = Z k da = Cb then by taking its derivative we get pr (b) = ( 2b R2 0 0 b2 /R2 1 , b≤0 , 0<b<R , b≥R , 0<b<R , elsewhere. c) Since τ = r/c, from P [τ ≤ a] = P [r ≤ ca], we find the PDF pτ (a) = c pr (ca) = ( 2a 2 τmax 0 , 0 < a < τmax , elsewhere. with a maximum propagation delay τmax = R/c ' 117 µs. Hence we get mτ = Mτ = 2 2 τmax Z 2 2 τmax τmax 0 Z τmax a2 da = 0 a3 da = 1 2 τmax , 2 2 τmax 3 στ2 = 1 2 τmax 18 538 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS (2τmax /3)2 5 = 2 9 τmax In GSM the guard period between transmission of different terminals is set higher than the maximum delay Tg ≥ τmax . Had it be set equal to the average delay mτ one would save 1/3 (33%) of the guard period, however this would introduce interference among different transmissions with probability 5/9 (56%). P [τ > mτ ] = 1 − P [r ≤ cmτ ] = 1 − Solution to Problem 1.55 The alphabet of x is shown below a2 6 1 a1 0 1 a) From the bounds on px (a1 , a2 ) we get K > 0, and by (1.150) K ∞ ∞ X X 1 a1 +2a2 2 a1 =0 a2 =a1 =1 The double sum yields ∞ ∞ X X a1 =0 a2 =a1 1 = 2a1 +2a2 ∞ X 1 a1 =0 = 2 a1 a2 =a1 ∞ 4 X 1 3 a1 =0 ∞ X 8 a1 ∞ X 1 1/4a1 1 = a 2 4 2a1 1 − 1/4 a1 =0 1 4 32 = 3 1 − 1/8 21 = and hence K = 21/32. b) We first find px1 (a1 ) by the marginal rule px1 (a1 ) = ∞ X px (a1 , a2 ) = K a2 =a1 ∞ a1 X 1 1 a2 2 a2 =a1 4 =K 4 3 a 1 1 8 = 7 8 a 1 1 8 then by (1.174) px2 |x1 (a2 |a1 ) = 21/32(1/2)a1 +2a2 3 = 7/8(1/8)a1 4 a2 −a1 1 4 , 0 ≤ a 1 ≤ a2 . −1 Solution to Problem 1.56 a) The covariance matrix is given by k x = r x − mx mH x = 5 −1 −1 2 − 1 −1 1 = 4 0 0 1 Since kx1 x2 = 0, x1 and x2 are uncorrelated. By Proposition 1.20 they are also statistically independent. We write the set C as C = (a1 , a2 ) ∈ R2 : 0 ≤ a1 ≤ 2, a2 ≥ −3/2 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS OF CHAPTER 1 539 and by the statistical independence, as in Example 1.6 E P [x ∈ C] = P [0 ≤ x1 ≤ 2] P [x2 ≥ −3/2] . Moreover, from σx21 = 4 , m x1 = 1 , we can write P [x1 ≤ a1 ] = 1 − Q P [x2 ≤ a2 ] = 1 − Q h mx2 = −1 , a1 − m x 1 σx 1 a2 − m x 2 σx 2 P [x ∈ C] = 1 − 2 Q i 1 2 σx22 = 1 =1−Q a1 − 1 2 = 1 − Q(a2 + 1) Q − 1 2 ' 0.265 . Solution to Problem 1.57 Since kx is diagonal, x1 and x2 are statistically independent, as seen in the proof of Proposition 1.21. As regards z, being a linear transformation of z as in Proposition 1.20 with A = [1, 1] and b = 0, it is itself Gaussian with m z = m x1 + m x2 = 1 , Hence we write σz2 = σx21 + σx22 = 4 (a−1)2 1 pz (a) = √ e− 8 . 2 2π Solution to Problem 1.58 The support of px (a1 , a2 ) shown below can be written as (a1 , a2 ) ∈ R2 : −1 ≤ a2 ≤ 1, |a2 | − 1 ≤ a1 ≤ 1 − |a2 | a2 16 - 1 a1 −1 −1 a) For x1 and x2 to be statistically independent, it must be px (a1 , a2 ) = px1 (a1 )px2 (a2 ). If this were the case, the support of px (a1 , a2 ) would be the Cartesian product of the supports of px1 (a1 ) and px2 (a2 ), which is not. Hence x1 , x2 are statistically dependent. We calculate px2 via the marginal rule px2 (a2 ) = Z 1−|a2 | |a2 |−1 eλ(a1 +a2 )+c da1 , |a2 | ≤ 1 , |a2 | > 1 2 λa2 +c a2 = e sinh [λ(1 − |a2 |)] rect λ 2 0 540 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS with sinh α = 12 eα − e−α the hyperbolic sine function. Then the conditional PDF is straightfrowardly obtained by (1.174) px1 |x2 (a1 |a2 ) = ( λeλa1 2 sinh [λ(1 − |a2 |)] 0 , |a1 | + |a2 | ≤ 1 , |a1 | + |a2 | > 1 b) By applying the normalization condition (1.156) to x2 we get e c Z 0 e 2a2 +1 −1 e c and hence −e −1 da2 + e h 1 1 e− 2 e c Z 1 0 e − e2a2 −1 da2 = 1 1 1 1 − +e− e− e 2 e i =1 1 e c) The answer is no, and we prove it by contradiction. If such a transformation existed, its inverse A−1 would be itself linear and we would have x = A−1 y. Then, if y were a Gaussian rve, so would be x by Proposition 1.20, which is contradicted by the expression of its PDF p x . c = − ln e − Solution to Problem 1.59 A few realizations of x are shown below, labeled with the corresponding value of A x(t) [V] 16 A = 0.58 V A = 0.83 V A = 0.25 V 1 2 3 4 5 t [s] a) The statistical power is obtained as Mx (t) = E x2 (t) = E A2 e−2t/T1 = MA e−2t/T1 = while h −2T1 /T1 > P [x(2T1 ) > 0.1 V] = P Ae e2 Amax =P A> 10 1 Amax 10 =1− 1 2 Amax e−2t/T1 3 i e2 ' 0.26 10 b) For t < 0, the rv x(t) is almost surely the constant 0. For t ≥ 0 we first find the expression of P [x(t) ≤ a] P [x(t) ≤ a] = P A ≤ ae t/T1 = 0 aet/T1 1 , a≤0 , 0 < a < Amax e−t/T1 , a ≥ Amax e−t/T1 541 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS OF CHAPTER 1 Hence the rv x(t) for t ≥ 0 is uniform in the interval 0, Amax e−t/T1 . In general we get px (a; t) = δ(a) et/T1 rect A max 6 6 - aet/T1 1 − Amax 2 , t<0 , t≥0 px (a; 21 T1 ) [V−1 ] px (a; −T1 ) px (a; 0) [V−1 ] 4 px (a; T1 ) [V−1 ] 6 2.72 6 1.65 1 - a 1 0.61 a [V] a [V] 0.37 a [V] Solution to Problem 1.60 The second-order description of A and B is mA = mB = 1/2 , MA = MB = 1/3 , rAB = ma mB = 1/4 Then we proceed similarly to Example 1.7 D by writing the time-varying mean and autocorrelation of x(t) 1 + cos 2πf0 t mx (t) = mA + mB cos 2πf0 t = 2 rx (t, τ ) = MA + rAB [cos 2πf0 t + cos 2πf0 (t − τ )] + MB cos 2πf0 t cos 2πf0 (t − τ ) 1 1 1 1 1 = + cos 2πf0 t + cos 2πf0 (t + τ ) + cos 2πf0 τ + cos 2πf0 (2t + τ ) 3 4 4 6 6 From the above expressions we see that mean and correlation are both periodic in t with period T c = 1/f0 , hence x(t) is cyclostationary with period Tc . The average second order description is then obtained as Z Tc Z Tc 1 1 1 mx = 1 dt + cos 2πf0 t dt = 2Tc 0 2Tc 0 2 1 rx (τ ) = 3Tc Z Tc 0 Z 1 1 dt + 4Tc T Z Tc 0 1 cos 2πf0 t dt + 4Tc c 1 1 cos 2πf0 τ dt + 6Tc 0 6Tc 1 1 = + cos 2πf0 τ 3 6 + Z Tc Z Tc cos 2πf0 (t + τ ) dt 0 cos 2πf0 (2t + τ ) dt 0 By taking the Ftf of the average rx we find the average PSD Px (f ) = 1 1 1 δ(f ) + δ(f − f0 ) + δ(f + f0 ) . 3 12 12 Solution to Problem 1.61 We check whether each function satisfies the properties of PSDs (see page 75) 542 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS a) We can write, assuming T > 0, P1 (f ) = ( A + B(1 − |T f /2|) B(1 − |T f /2|) 0 1 , |f | ≤ 2T 1 , 2T < |f | ≤ , |f | > T2 2 T so P1 is a PSD if and only if B ≥ 0 and 34 B + A ≥ 0, that is A ≥ − 34 B. In order for P2 to be nonnegative and yield a finite integral it must be B ≤ A < 0. b) By taking the Ftf of r3 (mT ) we get P3 (f ) = AT + 2BT cos 2πf T and thus T (A − 2|B|) ≤ P3 (f ) ≤ T (A + 2|B|). Hence we require A ≥ 0 and |B| ≤ A/2. By taking the Ftf of r4 (τ ) we get P4 (f ) = AT rect(T f )e−j2πf BT so that P4 (f ) is real-valued and non negative for A ≥ 0 and B = 0. Solution to Problem 1.62 We first derive the second order description of x mx = 0 , Mx = 1 . Since x has iid rvs, from the results in Example 1.7 C we get rx (mT ) = 1 0 , m=0 , m= 6 0 , Px (f ) = T a) Since y is a linear transformation of x, by the linearity of expectation we get my (nT ) = E x(nT ) + x(nT − T ) 2 = mx (nT ) + mx (nT − T ) =0 2 x(nT ) + x(nT − T ) x(nT − mT ) + x(nT − T − mT ) ry (mT ) = E 2 2 1 = [2rx (mT ) + rx (mT + T ) + rx (mT − T )] 4 ( 1/2 , m = 0 = 1/4 , m = ±1 0 , |m| ≥ 2 and by taking the Ftf 1 T (1 + cos 2πf T ) 2 As regards the first order statistical description we see that yn is a discrete rv with alphabet Ay = {−1, 0, 1}. Its PMD can be found as Py (f ) = py (1; nT ) = P [xn = 1, xn−1 = 1] = px (1; nT )px (1; nT − T ) = 1 4 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS OF CHAPTER 1 543 and analogously 1 1 , py (0; nT ) = . 4 2 The rvs of y are all identically distributed since their PMDs do not depend on n. However, since ry (T ) 6= m2y , the variables yn and yn−1 are not uncorrelated and hence they are not statistically independent either. b) The alphabet of z is Az = {−1, 1} and its first order PMD is given by py (−1; nT ) = pz (1; nT ) = P [xn = 1, xn−1 = 1] + P [xn = −1, xn−1 = −1] = 1 2 1 2 so that its rvs are identically distributed. We also observe that zn and zn+m are statistically independent for m ≥ 2, since xn , xn−1 , xn+m , xn+m−1 are all statistically independent. Thus we only need to check for statistical independence between zn and zn+1 . Since pz (−1; nT ) = P [xn = 1, xn−1 = −1] + P [xn = −1, xn−1 = 1] = pzn zn+1 (1, 1) = P [zn = 1, zn+1 = 1] = P [xn = 1, xn−1 = 1, xn+1 = 1] + P [xn = −1, xn−1 = −1, xn+1 = −1] = 1 4 = pzn (1)pzn+1 (1) and analogously pzn zn+1 (−1, 1) = pzn (−1)pzn+1 (1) pzn zn+1 (−1, −1) = pzn (−1)pzn+1 (−1) pzn zn+1 (1, −1) = pzn (1)pzn+1 (−1) the statistical independence between zn and zn+1 is proved. Solution to Problem 1.63 By using the independence of a, b and λ we get mx (t) = E [x(t)] = E [a cos 2πλt] + E [b sin 2πλt] = ma E [cos 2πλt] + mb E [sin 2πλt] = 0 since ma = mb = 0. Hence the process x is stationary in its mean. Analogously rx (t, τ ) = E [x(t)x(t − τ )] = E a2 cos 2πλt cos 2πλ(t − τ ) + E b2 sin 2πλt sin 2πλ(t − τ ) + E [ab sin 2πλt cos 2πλ(t − τ )] + E [ab cos 2πλt sin 2πλ(t − τ )] Ma {E [cos 2πλτ ] + E [cos 2πλ(2t − τ )]} = 2 Mb + {E [cos 2πλτ ] − E [cos 2πλ(2t − τ )]} + ma mb E [sin 2πλ(2t − τ )] 2 1 = E [cos 2πλτ ] 3 since Ma = Mb = 1/3. As rx (t, τ ) does not depend on t, the process x is also stationary in its autocorrelation and hence WSS. 544 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS We evaluate the statistical power of x as Mx = rx (0) = 1 1 E [cos 0] = 3 3 For the PSD we first evaluate rx (τ ) through Theorem 1.16: rx (τ ) = = Z 1 1 E [cos 2πλτ ] = 3 3 1 6 sin(2πuτ ) 2πτ 1 +∞ cos(2πuτ )fλ (u) du = −∞ 1 3 Z 1 −1 1 cos(2πuτ ) du 2 1 sinc(2τ ) 3 = −1 then by taking the Ftf Px (f ) = 1 rect(f /2) . 6 Solution to Problem 1.64 a) Px (f ) = δ(f ) + T sinc2 (T f ) b) The covariance between the rvs x(0), x(T ) is k = rx (T ) − m2x = 0 so they are uncorrelated, and by Proposition 1.21 statistically independent. c) Consider the rv y = x(0)+x(T ). Being y a linear transformation of the Gaussian rve [x(0), x(T )], it is itself Gaussian with my = 2mx = 2 , My = 2Mx + 2rx (T ) = 6 , σy2 = 2 and hence P [x(0) + x(T ) < 1] = P [y < 1] = 1 − Q 1 − my σy =Q 1 √ 2 ' 0.24 . Solution to Problem 1.65 From Example 1.7 A we know that rx (t, τ ) = ra (τ )c(t)c∗ (t − τ ) and by expanding c(t) into its Fourier series we can write rx (t, τ ) = ra (τ ) +∞ X `=−∞ = ra (τ ) +∞ X C` e +∞ X j2π`Fc t `=−∞ m=−∞ ! +∞ X m=−∞ ∗ −j2πmFc (t−τ ) Cm e ∗ j2π(`−m)Fc t j2πmFc τ C` Cm e e ! SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS OF CHAPTER 1 545 Then its average autocorrelation is obtained as rx (τ ) = +∞ X +∞ X 1 ra (τ ) Tc `=−∞ m=−∞ and since Z Tc ∗ j2πmFc τ C` Cm e ej2π(`−m)Fc t dt = 0 the cross terms in the double sum vanish and rx (τ ) = ra (τ ) +∞ X `=−∞ Tc 0 Z Tc ej2π(`−m)Fc t dt 0 , m=` , m= 6 ` |C` |2 ej2π`Fc τ . Then by the frequency shift rule of the Ftf we get the result for Px . By integrating Px we also find Mx = +∞ X `=−∞ |C` |2 Z +∞ Pa (f − `Fc ) df = −∞ +∞ X `=−∞ |C` |2 Ma and the result for Mx is finally obtained by Theorem 1.3. Observe that this problem is a generalization of Example 1.7 D. By applying it to the given case we find ( 1/8 , ` = ±3 3/8 , ` = ±1 C` = 0 , ` 6= ±3, ±1 and the average PSD is illustrated below. Px (f ) 4 4 −3Fc 6 9 64F1 4 −Fc 1 64F1 4 Fc - 3Fc f Since Mc = X ` |C` |2 = 5/16 , Ma = Z +∞ δ(f ) df + −∞ 1 F1 Z +∞ triang −∞ f F1 df = 2 the resulting average statistical power is Mx = 85 . Solution to Problem 1.66 The autocorrelation of x is periodic in t with period T p = process is cyclostationary. a) x(T ) is a Gaussian rv with zero mean and variance 1 σx2 (T1 ) = Mx (T1 ) = rx (T1 , 0) = |cos 2πf0 T1 | = √ . 2 1 . 2f0 Hence the 546 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS Then √ 4 2 ' 0.116 . P [x(T1 ) > 1] = Q To find the second probability, we introduce the rv y = x(T1 ) − x(2T1 ). Being y a linear transformation of a Gaussian rve, it is itself Gaussian by Proposition 1.20, with zero mean. Then P [x(T1 ) > x(2T1 )] = P [y > 0] = Q (0) = 1 . 2 b) The average autocorrelation is rx (τ ) = 1 −f0 |τ | e Tp Z Tp /2 cos 2πf0 t dt = −Tp /2 2 −f0 |τ | e π and by the Ftf in Tab. 1.3 we get Px (f ) = 4f0 . πf02 + 4π 3 f 2 Solution to Problem 1.67 From its probability density function, the statistical power of v i (t) is, 52 ' 8.3 V2 . 3 M vi = The power can be obtained also by integrating the PSD and we have B q 52 K2 = . B 3 2 5 ' 2.89. The output voltage is obtained by splitting the input voltage between the Hence K = 3 resistance and the inductor. The filter frequency response is H(f ) = Hence, the PSD of vo (t) is j4.71 · 10−3 f j2πf L = . R + j2πf L 100 + j4.71 · 10−3 f Pvo (f ) = |H(f )|2 Pvi (f ) . Solution to Problem 1.68 a) The PSD of the output is Py (f ) = |H(f )|2 Px (f ) where the PSD of x(t) is the Ftf of the autocorrelation, Px (f ) = Hence Py (f ) = N0 . 2 N0 rect(f /2B) . 2 b) From Tab. 1.3 we obtain H(f ) = A α + j2πf SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS OF CHAPTER 1 and Py (f ) = A2 B A2 P (f ) = . x |α + j2πf |2 [α2 + (2πf )2 ][1 + (2πβf )2 ] Solution to Problem 1.69 The variance of s(t) is σs2 = Z ∞ −∞ Ps (f ) = T = 2 . The probability is then obtained as P [s(t) > 1] = Q 1 √ 2 . Solution to Problem 1.70 Since BCh > B we obtain Py (f ) = P(f ) |GCh (f )|2 = G02 f 10−2 rect 2B 2B Since y(t) is Gaussian, with zero mean and variance =9 10−4 f rect 2B 2B σy2 = G02 10−2 = 9 · 10−4 V2 it is P [−0.6 < y(t) < 0.6] = 1 − 2 Q 0.6 σy = 1 − 2 Q (20) . Solution to Problem 1.71 The PSD of x is illustrated below Px (f ) P0 /B 6 4 4 - 0 −B B f √ a) In this case G0 = 1/ 2. From Theorem 1.27, y is itself WSS with mean my = mx G0 ' 1.41 V. To find the statistical power of y we first write its PSD Py (f ) = ( 1 Px (f ) 2 0 1 P /B 2 0 − B2 , |f | < B/2 , |f | > B/2 Py (f ) 6 1 P /B 4 0 4 0 B 2 f . 547 548 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS Observe that the input spectral line at the origin is still present, while the input spectral line at f = B has been filtered out. Finally My = P0 2B Z B/2 triang(f /B) df + −B/2 1 m2x = 2 2 3 P0 + m2x 4 = 5 V2 . b) The process z can be obtained from x through a filter with frequency response G z (f ) = 1 − G(f ). Therefore z is WSS. Its mean is easily calculated mz = mx (1 − G0 ) = 0 as G0 = 1. Concerning the PSD we have ( 2 |Gz (f )| = and Pz (f ) = ( , |f | < B/2 , |f | = B/2 , |f | > B/2 0 1/4 1 P0 triang(f /B) + P0 δ(f − B) B 0 Pz (f ) 6 1 P , |f | > B/2 , |f | < B/2 4 0 2 B −B 0 − B2 B B 2 f so that in this case the input spectral line at the origin is filtered out, while the input spectral line at f = B is still present. The statistical power is Mz = 2 Z B B/2 P0 5 triang(f /B) df + P0 = P0 = 10 V2 B 4 To answer the last question we observe that Pz is not an even function of f (there is a spectral line at B but not one at −B), hence by property 4 on page 76 z (and similarly x) is not real-valued. Solution to Problem 1.72 From Theorem 1.27 we get my = m x and since 1 T1 Z +∞ e−t/T1 dt = mx = 1 V 0 Px (f ) = m2x δ(f ) + and G(f ) = 1 , 1 + j2πT1 f Py (f ) = m2x T1 1 + (2πT1 f )2 |G(f )|2 = 1 1 + (2πT1 f )2 we get the PSD T1 |G(0)| δ(f ) + |G(f )| 1 + (2πT f )2 2 2 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS OF CHAPTER 1 = m2x δ(f ) + T1 (1 + 4π 2 T12 f 2 )2 549 To calculate My we observe that in this case it is more convenient to operate in the time domain through the output correlation. Indeed we have ∗ (g ∗ g− ) = F −1 |G|2 and ∗ (g ∗ g− ) (t) = , ∗ My = ry (0) = [rx ∗ (g ∗ g− )] (0) = = m2x 1 T1 Z +∞ e −|u|/T1 du + m2x −∞ Z 1 −|t|/T1 e T +∞ −∞ 1 T1 = m2x (1 + 1/2) = 1.5 V2 . Z ∗ rx (u) (g ∗ g− ) (−u) du +∞ e−2|u|/T1 du −∞ Solution to Problem 1.73 From the input-ouput relationship of the interpolate filter we can write 2 # # " +∞ +∞ " +∞ X X X ∗ ∗ xn xm g(t − nT )g (t − mT ) xn g(t − nT ) = E My (t) = E n=−∞ n=−∞ m=−∞ then by the linearity of the expectation +∞ X +∞ X My (t) = n=−∞ m=−∞ ∗ E [xn xm ] Since x is white, vanish and we get ∗ ∗ E [xn xm ] g(t − nT )g (t − mT ) = rx (n − m) = 0 for n 6= m. Hence the cross terms in the double sum My (t) = +∞ X n=−∞ 2 2 E |xn | |g(t − nT )| and by the stationarity of x we prove the first result. To prove the statement for the average statistical power we can take the time average of the above result and obtain (see proof of Theorem 1.39) My = 1 T Z T My (t) dt = 0 1 Mx T Z +∞ −∞ |g(u)|2 du Alternatively we can integrate (1.296) and obtain, since Px (f ) = Mx T , My = Z +∞ −∞ 1 1 Eg (f )Mx df = Eg Mx . T T 550 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS Solution to Problem 1.74 We can write y(t) = +∞ X xn rect n=−∞ t − nT − T /2 T /2 , frequency response hence y is the output of an interpolator with impulse response g(t) = rect t−T T −jπf T G(f ) = T sinc(f T )e , and input x. Therefore, from the PSD of x (see Example 1.7 C) Px (f ) = +∞ X 2 δ(f − `/T ) T+ 3 `=−∞ and (1.296) we get 2 T sinc2 (T f ) + δ(f ) 3 Observe that the input spectral lines at `/T with ` 6= 0 have been canceled by the nulls of G(f ). The average statistical power is obtained by integrating Py and it results My = 23 + 1 = Mx . Py (f ) = Solution to Problem 1.75 a) For perfect reconstruction, according to Theorem 1.8, we must have • non aliasing condition ii) ⇒ Fx ≤ 1/(2Ts ) • irrelevance of the antialiasing filter d for xi , Fd /2 ≥ Fx ⇒ Fd ≥ 2Fx • the interpolate filter must obey iii) ⇒ Fx ≤ Fg /2 ≤ Fs − Fx b) In this case the nonaliasing condition does not hold for xi but through the insertion of the ideal anti-aliasing filter and ideal interpolate filter as discussed on page 39. From (1.261) we have Me = 2 Z Fs Fs /2 P0 (1 − Ts f ) df = R0 4Ts c) For the interpolated rp x̃ (which is in general cyclostationary with period T s ) to be WSS there are no constraints on the input rp or the anti-aliasing filter. It suffices that the interpolate filter be lowpass with bandwidth smaller than Fs /2 as discussed on page 94, hence we require Fg ≤ Fs . For the given values the above requirement is met, and we get Px (f ) = P0 triang(Ts f ) since d is irrelevant for xi . Moreover Py (f ) = P0 and +∞ X k=−∞ 1 Px̃ (f ) = Py (f ) Ts triang(Ts f − k) = P0 2 G(f ) = P0 rect(2Ts f ) SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS OF CHAPTER 2 551 8.2 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS OF Chapter 2 Solution to Problem 2.1 a) (P1 )dBm = −10 dBm. b) (P2 )W = 10 W. c) (P3 )dBrn = 60 dBrn. d) (P4 )dBW = −70 dBW. e) (P5 )dBrn = 14.8 dBrn. Solution to Problem 2.2 a) From (2.2) we have H(f ) = 1 1 j2πf C j2πf C 1 = = 1 + j2πf RC R +R 1 1− 1 + j2πf RC so that |H(f )|2 = (2πf C)2 , 1 + (2πf RC)2 arg[H(f )] = π 2 − arctan(2πf RC) . b) By Fourier inversion we have h(t) = 1 R h δ(t) − i 1 −t/(RC) e 1(t) . RC c) By evaluating the convolution, we obtain iL (t) = (h ∗ vi )(t) = V0 −t/(RC) e 1(t) . R d) From (1.50) we have V0 iL (t) = V0 |H(f0 )| cos(2πf0 t + arg[H(f0 )]) = √ cos(2πf0 t + 2R π ) 4 . Since vL (t) = R · iL (t), from (2.3) the average power at the load is Pv = lim u→+∞ 1 2u Z +u −u V02 cos2 (2πf0 t + 2R π ) 4 dt = V02 . 4R Solution to Problem 2.3 For the load voltage and current we have vL (t) = vi (t)/2 and iL (t) = vL (t)/RL . So, from (2.3) the average power at the load is Pv = lim u→+∞ that is A≤ 1 2u Z r 16RL Pmax = 1.3 V . 3 +u −u 3 A2 1 vi2 (t) dt = 4 4 RL 4 RL 552 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS Solution to Problem 2.4 ZL (f ) = ZS∗ (f ) , Rs (f ) constant over [f0 − B ; f0 2 + B ] 2 . Solution to Problem 2.5 Since, in this case, it is iL (t) = vL (t)/RL , from (2.3) we have Pv = lim u→+∞ 1 2u Z +u −u V2 V02 sin2 (2πf0 t) dt = 0 RL 2RL from which we obtain (V0 )dBV = (Pv )dBW + 10 log10 (2RL ) and so (V0 )dBm = 30 + (Pv )dBm + 10 log10 (2RL ) = 30 − 16 + 30 = 44 dBm . So, (V0 )mV = 160 mV and (V0 )V = 0.16 V which could be also derived as √ V0 = 2RL Pv = 0.16 V where Pv = 2.5 · 10−5 W. Note that f0 is irrelevant. Solution to Problem 2.6 The reference signal is vL (t) = v1 (t) + v2 (t) = V1 sin(2πf1 t) + V2 sin(2πf2 t) whose power is (Pv )W = P1 + P2 = 10−6 W + 10−9 W ' 10−6 W or, equivalently, (Pv )dBm = −30 dBm. Solution to Problem 2.7 Since the system is matched we have ZL = ZS∗ = 100 − j50. As a consequence, from (2.12), the power density becomes pv (f ) = and so Pv = V0 f f rect 4RS B 2B V0 B = 3.75 · 10−3 W , 4RS (Pv )dBm = 5.74 dBm . Solution to Problem 2.8 The equivalent source resistance is RS = R1 + R2 = 500 Ω , series R1 R2 = 120 Ω , parallel (R1 +R2 ) respectively, for a connection in series and in parallel. So, from (2.26) we have Pwi (f ) = 2 kT RS = 4.3 · 10−18 V2 /Hz , series 1.0 · 10−18 V2 /Hz , parallel SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS OF CHAPTER 2 553 Since the statistical power is 2 σw i = Z B −B Pwi (f ) df = 4 kT B R = 4.3 · 10−12 V2 , series 1.0 · 10−12 V2 , parallel for the standard deviation we obtain σw i = 2.1 · 10−6 V , series 1.0 · 10−6 V , parallel Solution to Problem 2.9 From wL (t) = w1 (t) R2 R1 + w2 (t) R1 + R 2 R1 + R 2 it is σw L = r 4k (T1 R2 + T2 R1 ) p R1 R2 B = k (T1 + T2 ) R1 B = 9.8 · 10−7 V . 2 (R1 + R2 ) Solution to Problem 2.10 The parallel of a resistance and a capacitor gives a source impedance of ZS (f ) = 1 R R (1 − j2πf RC) R 1 = = 1 + j2πf RC 1 + (2πf RC)2 + j2πf C so that, from (2.33), the power spectral density of the noise voltage at the load is PwL (f ) = 12 kT R with statistical power in the full band [−B; B], 2 σw L = Z B 1 kT R 2 −B df = kT R B = 4.4 · 10−11 V2 . For the electrical power, from (2.29) we simply have Pw = Z B 1 kT 2 −B df = kT B = 2.2 · 10−17 W 2 that is (Pw )dBrn = −46.6 dBrn. Given Pw , σw could have been derived from (2.25). L Solution to Problem 2.11 a) The amplifier noise temperature follows from (2.62), giving TA = T0 (FA − 1) = 627 K . The effective receiver input noise temperature is Teff,in = TS + TA = 677 K. b) From (2.83), the average noise power at the amplifier output is Pw,out = kTeff,in gA B = 4.67 · 10−10 W 554 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS that is (Pw,out )dBm = −63.3 dBm. c) From (2.76), we derive the PSD of the noise voltage at the load PwL (f ) = pw,out (f ) |ZL |2 = RL 1 2 kTeff,in g(f ) RL from which we have 2 σw L =2 Z 1 2 B kTeff,in gA RL df = kTeff,in gA RL B = 2.34 · 10−7 V2 and so σwL = 4.8 · 10−4 V =⇒ (σL )mV = 0.48 mV . See also (2.25). Solution to Problem 2.12 a) We assume that the noise temperature of the source is TS = T0 . From (2.83) and (2.56) the noise figure is Pw,out =⇒ (F)dB = 7 dB F= kT0 g B and the amplifier noise temperature TA = T0 (F − 1) = 1160 K. b) To determine the standard deviation of noise voltage at the load we use (2.57) and (2.76), to obtain PwL (f ) = 1 2 kTeff,in g(f ) RL from which we have σw L = See also (2.25). p kTeff,in g RL B = p Pw,out RL = 6.3 · 10−5 V . Solution to Problem 2.13 We consider the source at the standard temperature T 0 , so that from (2.56) we have Teff,in = F T0 . Thus, from (2.85) we obtain (Ps,in )dBm = (Λ)dB − 114 + (F)dB + 10 log10 (B)MHz = −81 dBm . For the statistical power we can use (2.24) to obtain Mvi = 4RS Ps,in = 1.6 · 10−9 V2 . Note that if the signal average is zero, then Mvi = σv2i , and the standard deviation of the input voltage is (σvi )µV = 40 µV. Solution to Problem 2.14 a) The antenna is the system source. So, the noise figure must be calculated for the cascade of the remaning devices. From (2.72) we have F= 1+ T1 T0 + F2 − 1 F3 − 1 + g1 g1 g2 =⇒ (F)dB = 0.67 dB . SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS OF CHAPTER 2 555 b) For the output SNR, from (2.85) and Teff,in = Ta + T0 (F − 1) = 108.6 K we have (Ps,in )dBm = −98.6 dBm . c) If the second amplifier is removed, the noise figure becomes F0 = 1 + T1 T0 + F3 − 1 g1 =⇒ (F0 )db = 1.7 dB , and the required average power becomes (P0s,in )dBm = −96.1 dBm . Solution to Problem 2.15 a) From (2.71) and (2.56) we have Teff,in = TS + T0 (aW − 1) + aW TA + aW T0 (FT − 1) = 93 K gA where we assumed the waveguide at standard temperature and thus exploited (2.63) to express its noise figure. b) For the required signal power level, from (2.85) we have (Ps,in )dBm = −76 dBm . Solution to Problem 2.16 a) From (2.63) we know that a passive network has F = a. So, for the noise figure, from (2.72) we have F3 − 1 F2 − 1 + = F1 F2 F3 =⇒ (F)dB = 26 dB . F = F1 + g1 g1 g2 b) For the output SNR, from (2.85) where Teff,in = TS + T0 (F − 1) = 1.16 · 105 K, we have (Λout )dB = 65 dB . c) For the input SNR, from (2.87) where integration is performed over the reference bandwidth only, we have Ps,in Λin = =⇒ (Λin )dB = 88 dB . kTS B Solution to Problem 2.17 There is no difference between the two scenarios, since in both cases we have a two-port passive network with overall gain gN 1 at temperature T1 , and thus with noise figure F = 1 + T1 /T0 (g−N − 1) (see Example 2.2 A). 1 Solution to Problem 2.18 It is more convenient to use one amplifier since, from (2.72), the noise figure of the cascade is F−1 F−1 F−1 F + 1/N + 2/N + . . . + (N −1)/N > F . g g g 556 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS Solution to Problem 2.19 a) From the definition of noise figure (2.60) and from (2.51) we have (A) F(f ) = 1 + pw,in (f ) g 1 2 kT0 g = 1 + K1 e−f /f0 , K1 = 2K0 = 5 · 1010 . kT0 b) By assuming the source at the standard temperature T0 , from (2.86) we have Teff,in = F T0 . So, for the output SNR from (2.57) we have Pw,out = Z 1 2 kT0 F(f ) g(f ) df = h Z kT0 F(f ) g df B = kT0 g (f2 − f1 ) − f0 K1 e−f2 /f0 − e−f1 /f0 if B = [f1 , f2 ]. So, the output SNR is Λ= Pv,in h kT0 (f2 − f1 ) − f0 K1 e−f2 /f0 − e−f1 /f0 =⇒ i i (Λ)dB = 11.65 dB . c) In this case, for a sinusoidal signal we have Msi = σs2i and by use of (2.24) we obtain an input power of σs2i = 4 · 10−3 W Ps,in = 4RS so that the input power is increased by 6 dB, and so is the output SNR, that is (Λ) dB = 17.65 dB. d) The frequency is in this case 4f0 = 2 MHz and it is outside the amplifier band. So, we obtain Λ = 0. Solution to Problem 2.20 a) For the overall gain, from (2.69) we simply have g(f ) = g1 g2 (f ) = g1 1 + (f /B)2 which cannot be simplified further at this stage. For the noise figure, from (2.72) we have F = F1 + T2 F2 − 1 = F1 + g1 T0 g1 (F)dB ' F1 = 10 dB . =⇒ b) For the power density of noise, from (2.57) we have pw,out (f ) = 1 2 h i k TS + T0 (F − 1) g(f ) . c) For the output SNR, we cannot use the constant power gain results of (2.82) and (2.83). We thus have to proceed by evaluating integrals. For the useful signal power by use of (2.22) we have Ps,out = Z Psi (f ) E0 g(f ) df = 4RS 4RS Z +B −B g1 df 1 + (f /B)2 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS OF CHAPTER 2 557 while for the noise power we have Pw,out = Z pw,out (f ) df = 1 2 h k TS + T0 (F − 1) iZ +B −B g1 df . 1 + (f /B)2 Thus, with no need to perform the integration, we obtain Λ= Ps,out = Pw,out h E0 2RS k TS + T0 (F − 1) =⇒ i (Λ)dB = 43.8 dB . Solution to Problem 2.21 From (2.111) and (2.115) we have (ã(f1 ))dB/km = 8.68 K p f1 =⇒ (ã(f1 ))dB/km √ = 6.1 · 10−4 . 8.68 f1 K= Instead, for the attenuation at frequency f0 , from (2.114) and (2.117) we have (a(f0 ))dB = (ã(f1 ))dB/km (d)km p f0 /f1 = 0.24 dB . Solution to Problem 2.22 a) From Example 2.2 A, the noise figure of the line at temperature T is F` = 1 + T (aCh − 1) T0 =⇒ (F` )dB = 20.36 dB . So, regarding the noise figure we have the two cases F= F` + (FA − 1) aCh , (1) FA + (F` − 1)/gA , (2) =⇒ (F)dB = n 27 dB , (1) 7.84 dB , (2) while the noise temperature of the cascade is TAtot = T0 (F − 1) = n 147529 K , (1) 1475 K , (2) The global gain is g = gA /aCh = 1. b) Since TS = T0 , from (2.56) the effective input temperature is Teff,in = T0 F. So, from the SNR expression (2.85), it is n −67 dBm , (1) (Ps,in )dBm = −86 dBm , (2) Solution to Problem 2.23 a) From (2.114), the attenuation of the line is (aCh )dB = 2 · 200 = 400 dB. So, the received power becomes (PRc )dBm = (PTx )dBm − (aCh )dB = −390 dBm . b) In this case, the request on the received power is (in dB scale) (PRc )dBm = (PTx )dBm − (aCh )dB + N (gA )dB ≥ 10 =⇒ N≥ (aCh )dB = 20 . (gA )dB 558 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS c) Following the steps of Example 2.2 B, and using N = 20, the parameters of each repeater section are gR = gA (aCh )−1/N = 1 and FR = F C + FA − 1 = FA (aCh )1/N gC =⇒ (FR )dB = 26 dB . So, the characteristic parameters of the cascade become g = gN R = 1 and F = N (FR − 1) + 1 =⇒ (F)dB = 39 dB The SNR is thus, from (2.104) and (2.105), (Λ)dB = 10 + 114 − 39 + 20 = 105 dB . Solution to Problem 2.24 √ a) The attenuation of the cable follows a f law in the logarithmic scale. We can thus write (see (2.117) and (2.114)) (aCh (f0 ))dB = (ãCh (f1 ))dB/km (d)km The required transmit power is thus p f0 /f1 = 24 dB . (PTx )dBm = (PRc )dBm + (aCh (f0 ))dB = −60 + 24 = −36 dBm . b) From (2.104) and (2.105), the SNR becomes (Λ)dB = −60 + 114 − 8 − 7 = 39 dB . c) From the above results, we have (aCh (f00 ))dB = (aCh (f1 ))dB/km (d)km p f00 /f1 = 30 dB which is a 6 dB increase in signal attenuation that, for maintaining the same SNR, needs a −6 dB in noise figure, that is (F0Rc )dB = (FRc )dB − 6 = 2 dB . Solution to Problem 2.25 a) From (2.117) we have (ãCh (f ))dB/m = (ãCh (f0 ))dB/m So, by observing (2.110) and (2.111), we obtain √ |GCh (f )| = e−K d f , p f /f0 = 8.68 α(f ) . K = 3.64 · 10−8 . b) From the problem settings, we have pTx (f ) = PTx = 1.67 · 10−11 W/Hz 2(f1 − f0 ) |f | ∈ [f0 , f1 ] SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS OF CHAPTER 2 559 so that the received power density is pRc (f ) = pTx (f ) gCh (f ) = PTx e−2K d 2(f1 − f0 ) √ f |f | ∈ [f0 , f1 ] and the received power is PRc = Z pRc (f ) df = 2PTx 2(f1 − f0 ) Z f1 e−2K d √ f df . f0 Now, we can solve the above integral by parts, Z b e −D √ x a dx = 2 Z √ b ye √ a −Dy 2 dy = − D 1 y+ D e −Dy with a = f0 , b = f1 and D = 2Kd. Finally, PRc = 1.6 · 10−6 W =⇒ √b √ a (PRc )dB = −27.6 dBm . c) For the SNR, since the only source of noise is thermal noise and the system is matched, we can use (2.104) and (2.105) to obtain (Λ)dB = −27.6 + 114 − 8 − 14.7 = 63.7 dB . Solution to Problem 2.26 The overall fiber gain is, from (2.124), (gCh )dB = −(AF )dB − 40 (log10 e) (πf0 σF )2 = −91 dB and the reference SNR expression is, from (2.104) and (2.105), (Λ)dB = 1 − 91 + 114 − (FRc )dB + 15 = 39 − (FRc )dB . So, it is required that (FRc )dB ≤ 19 dB Solution to Problem 2.27 (gCh )dB = −30 dB , (PTx )dBm = −69 dBm . Solution to Problem 2.28 a) For the power density of noise, from (2.56) and (2.90) we have T eff,Rc = TS +T0 (FA −1) = 1280 K and so pw,Rc,out (f ) = pw,Rc (f ) gRc (f ) = 21 kTeff,Rc gA or, equivalently, (pw,Rc,out )dBm/Hz = −150.5 dBm/Hz . 560 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS b) From (2.135) the attenuation introduced by the channel is (aCh )dB = 32.4 − 10.5 + 54 − 10 − 7 = 58.9 dB . So, by using (2.104) we obtain (PTx )dBm = (Λ)dB + (aCh )dB − 114 + 10 log10 T eff,Rc T0 = 20 + 58.9 − 114 + 6.5 + 7 = −21.6 dBm . + 10 log10 (B)MHz c) In this case, from the SNR expression (2.104) we can derive the desired attenuation, that is (aCh )dB = (PTx )dBm − (Λ)dB + 114 − 10 log10 = 10 − 20 + 114 − 6.5 − 7 = 90.5 dB . T eff,Rc T0 − 10 log10 (B)MHz Then, from (2.135) we have 20 log10 (d)km = 90.5 − 32.4 − 54 + 10 + 7 = 21.1 that is d = 11.35 km. Solution to Problem 2.29 a) From (2.135), the attenuation due to the radio link is (aCh )dB = 32.4 + 40 + 60 − 3 − 5 = 124.4 dB , and the effective noise temperature (at the receiver input) is Teff,Rc = TS + T0 (FR − 1) = 1114 K . So, from the SNR expression (2.104) the required transmitted power becomes (PTx )dBm = (Λ)dB + (aCh )dB − 114 + 10 log10 T eff,Rc T0 = 30 + 124.4 − 114 + 5.8 − 24 = 22.2 dBm . + 10 log10 (B)MHz b) If the length is increased to 150 km, it is increased by a factor 1.5 which means an increase by 3.5 dB in attenuation. So, to guarantee the same SNR it is required that the new effective noise temperature T0eff,Rc satisfies T0eff,Rc = 10−3.5/10 = (1.5)−2 . Teff,Rc We then have F0R = 1 + 4 9 T0eff,Rc − TS T0 =⇒ (F0R )dB = 2.66 dB . SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS OF CHAPTER 2 561 Solution to Problem 2.30 a) For the output power we first need to evaluate the line attenuation by means of (2.114) and (2.117), for which we have (aC (f0 ))dB = (ãC (f1 ))dB/km (dC )km Thus, we obtain p f0 /f1 = 200 dB . (Ps,Rc,out )dBm = (PAnt,Rc )dBm + (gAnt,Rc )dB + (gC )dB + (gA )dB = −162 dBm , where (PAnt,Rc )dBm + (gAnt,Rc )dB = (PRc )dBm is the received power in dBm. b) For the noise power, we first evaluate the effective input noise temperature, which is (see (2.71)) Teff,Rc = TS + T0 (aC − 1) + aC T0 (FA − 1) ' T0 aC FA , using (2.63) for passive networks. So, for the output noise power from (2.107) we have (Pw,Rc,out )dBm = −114 + (aC FA )dB + 10 log10 (B)MHz + (gC )dB + (gA )dB = −114 + (200 + 5) + 7 − 200 + 20 = −82 dBm . c) In this case, we have (aC )dB = 100 dB for each line section and also (gA )dB = 10 dB and (FA )dB = 6 dB, so that the overall effective input noise temperature becomes (see also Example 2.2 C) h Teff,Rc = TS + T0 (aC − 1) + aC T0 (FA − 1) ' T0 a2C FA g−1 A ih 1 + aC g−1 A i which assures that 2 2 (Pw,Rc,out )dBm = −114 + (a2C FA g−1 A )dB + 10 log10 (B)MHz + (gC )dB + (gA )dB = −114 + (200 + 6 − 10) + 7 − 200 + 20 = −91 dBm . Solution to Problem 2.31 a) For the attenuation, from (2.134) with gAnt,Tx = 1 , we have aCh (d) = that is gAnt,Rc ≥ that is (gAnt,Rc )dB = 12.4 dB. b) The average attenuation is instead aCh = 1 πd2max Z 2π 0 Z 1 gAnt,Rc 1 amax 4πdf0 c 4πdmax f0 c dmax aCh (r) r dr dϕ = 0 2 2 ≤ amax 2 = 17.4 1 d2max gAnt,Rc 4πf0 c 2 Z dmax r3 dr 0 562 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS giving aCh = 1 2gAnt,Rc 4πdmax f0 c 2 = aCh (dmax )/2 so that the required gain is halved, gAnt,Rc ≥ 8.7, i.e. (gAnt,Rc )dB = 9.4 dB. 8.3 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS OF Chapter 3 Solution to Problem 3.1 a) After the first mixer A1 (f ) = 1 [A(f − f0 ) + A(f + f0 )] . 2 After the HPF V(f ) = 1 [A(f − f0 )1(f − f0 ) + A(f + f0 )1(−f − f0 )] . 2 After the second mixer V1 (f ) = 1 [A(f + f0 )1(−f − f0 ) + A(f − f0 )1(f − f0 )] 2 1 ∗ [δ(f − (f0 + B)) + δ(f + f0 + B)] 2 that is V1 (f ) = h 1 A(f + f0 − f0 − B)1(−f + f0 + B − f0 ) 4 + A(f + f0 − f0 + B)1(f + f0 + B − f0 ) + A(f − 2f0 − B)1(f − 2f0 − B) + A(f + 2f0 + B)1(−f − 2f0 − B) = h 1 A(f − B)1(−f + B) + A(f + B)1(f + B) 4 + A(f − 2f0 − B)1(f − 2f0 − B) + A(f + 2f0 + B)1(−f − 2f0 − B) The LPF removes the frequency components around 2f0 , giving S(f ) = 1 [A(f − B)1(−f + B) + A(f + B)1(f + B)] 4 as shown in figure. S(f ) 6 B f i i SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS OF CHAPTER 3 563 b) Since the overall transformation is equivalent to exchanging the components of positive and negative frequency of the input Ftf, by applying twice the transformation, at the output of the composite system we get a scaled version of the original signal. Solution to Problem 3.2 The receiver is composed by a mixer, performing the down-frequency conversion, followed by a LPF. The LPF in this case must have a frequency response compensating the distortion introduced by the BPF, that is, it must be (+) H(f )HBP (f + f0 ) = K , |f | < B , with K a constant, according to the Heaviside conditions (1.75). For K = 1 it must be H(f ) = 1 1+ rect |f | B f 2B . Solution to Problem 3.3 The output of the channel is so (t) = K1 a(t) cos(2πf0 t) + K2 a2 (t) cos2 (2πf0 t) + K3 a3 (t) cos3 (2πf0 t) . if a(t) has bandwidth B, then a2 (t) and a3 (t) have bandwidth 2B and 3B, respectively. Moreover, cosn (2πf0 t) can be expressed as a combination of cosine functions, cosn (2πf0 t) = n X km cos(2πmf0 t) . m=0 In order to get a(t) from so (t), firstly, we consider in so (t) the terms multiplied by cos(2πmf0 t). To avoid frequency overlapping between the various terms, the condition f 0 > 6B is required. Moreover, around the frequencies 0, f0 , 2f0 we have terms due to a(t), a2 (t) and a3 (t). Only the components around 3f0 are only due to a3 (t). Hence, provided that f0 > 6B, the signal a(t) can be recovered from so (t) by a mixer with carrier frequency 3f0 followed by a lowpass filter and a device extracting the cubic root. Solution to Problem 3.4 a) At the output of the square-law device the signal is u(t) = a2 (t) cos2 (2πf0 t) = a2 (t) [1 + cos(4πf0 t)] . 2 Its Ftf is given by U(f ) = 1 1 1 (A ∗ A) (f ) + (A ∗ A) (f − 2f0 ) + (A ∗ A) (f + 2f0 ) 2 4 4 b) At the output of the narrowband filter only the components at ±2f 0 are observed. Moreover, by considering the baseband equivalent of the signal f raca2 (t)2 cos(4πf0 t), it is seen that, since the filter bandwidth is very small, its output yields the average of a2 (t), i.e. Ma , modulated by 1 cos(4πf0 t). So, we obtain 2 Ma cos(4πf0 t) . v(t) ' 2 564 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS Solution to Problem 3.5 We consider the output of the upper branch of the receiver depicted in Fig. 3.10. From (3.38) we have u1 (t) = a1 (t) cos(2πf0 t + ϕ1 ) cos(2πf0 t + ϕ0 ) −a2 (t) cos(2πf0 t + ϕ1 ) sin(2πf0 t + ϕ0 ) a1 (t) a1 (t) . = cos(ϕ1 − ϕ0 ) + cos(2π2f0 t + ϕ1 + ϕ0 ) 2 2 a2 (t) a2 (t) − sin(ϕ1 − ϕ0 ) − sin(2π2f0 t + ϕ1 + ϕ0 ) 2 2 The components around 2f0 are removed by the LPF, and ao,1 = a1 (t) a2 (t) cos(ϕ1 − ϕ0 ) − sin(ϕ1 − ϕ0 ) , 2 2 where the second term represents the interference, i.e. a signal component due to signal a 2 at the output of demodulator 1. Solution to Problem 3.6 a) sTx (t) = a(t) cos(2πf0 t) 1 1 STx (f ) = A(f − f0 ) + A(f + f0 ) 2 2 where A(f ) = δ(f − 1500) + δ(f + 1500) + Then STx (f ) 1 1 δ(f − 3000) + δ(f + 3000) 2 2 = 12 δ[f − (f0 − 1500)] + 21 δ[f − (f0 + 1500)] + 21 δ[f + (f0 − 1500)] + 21 δ[f + (f0 + 1500)] + 41 δ[f − (f0 − 3000)] + 41 δ[f − (f0 + 3000)] + 41 δ[f + (f0 − 3000)] + 41 δ[f + (f0 + 3000)] b) The modulated signal sTx (t) can be written as sTx (t) = cos[2π(f0 + 1500)t] + cos[2π(f0 − 1500)t] 1 1 + cos[2π(f0 + 3000)t] + cos[2π(f0 − 3000)t] 2 2 Then we have the components at f0 + 1500 Hz with power 1/2 V2 at f0 − 1500 Hz with power 1/2 V2 at f0 − 3000 Hz with power 1/8 V2 at f0 + 3000 Hz with power 1/8 V2 Solution to Problem 3.7 The Ftf of sTx (t) is given by STx (f ) = 1 1 A(f − f0 ) + A(f + f0 ) , 2 2 where A(f ) = rect(f ) + triangle(f ) . SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS OF CHAPTER 3 565 Teherefore the bandwidth of a(t) is B = 1 Hz and the bandwidth of s Tx is Bs = 2B = 2 Hz. Note that the band of sTx is Bs = (f0 − B, f0 + B) = (99 Hz, 101 Hz). Solution to Problem 3.8 As known, the output of a DSB coherent demodulator in the presence of a phase error is 1 ao (t) = cos(ϕ1 )a(t) . 2 Then 1 Mo = cos2 (ϕ1 )Ma , 4 and the ratio Mo /Ma is Mo 1 = cos2 (ϕ1 ) . Ma 4 Solution to Problem 3.9 As known, the output of a DSB coherent demodulator, in the presence of a phase error, is ao (t) = cos (ϕ1 (t) − ϕ0 ) a(t) , where the factor difference signal 1 2 in (3.14) is compensated by the amplitude of the carrier. Then, the error is the e(t) = a(t) − ao (t) = [1 − cos (ϕ1 (t) − ϕ0 )] a(t) . If ϕ1 (t) is constant, the power of the error is Me = Ma [1 − cos (ϕ1 − ϕ0 )]2 . If ϕ1 (t) = 2πf1 t and assuming f1 ≥ Ba , it is h Me = M a 1 + 1 2 i . Solution to Problem 3.10 a) With f0 = 1.25 kHz the modulated signal is shown in the figure. A(f ) 6 1 kHz f STx (f ) 6 1.25 kHz The output of the demodulator is ao (t) = 1 a(t) . 2 f 566 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS b) With f0 = 0.75 kHz the modulated signal STx (f ) and the signal after the receive mixer U(f ) = 1 S (f − f0 ) + 21 STx (f + f0 ) are shown in figure. In this case the output of the demodulator 2 Tx is not proportional to a(t). STx (f ) 6 f 0.75 kHz U(f ) 6 / H(f ) f 1.5 kHz Ao (f ) 6 f 1 kHz c) The minimum carrier frequency is f0 = 1 kHz. Solution to Problem 3.11 a) From (2.48) and (2.40) pRc (f ) = pTx (f ) |GCh (f )|2 = G02 10−2 f rect 2B 2B and from (2.43) = 10−4 f rect 2B 2B [W/Hz] PsRc (f ) = pRc (f ) R . sRc (t) has a Gaussian distribution with zero mean and variance σs2Rc = G02 10−2 R = 10−2 . Hence P [−0.5 < sRc (t) < 0.5] = 1 − 2Q 0.5 σsRc = 1 − 2Q 0.5 0.1 = 1 − 2 Q(5) b) From (3.55) with Teff,Rc = TS + TA = T0 + (F − 1)T0 = FT0 and PRc = G02 PTx = MsRc = 0.1 mW R ⇒ (PRc )dBm = −10 dBm SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS OF CHAPTER 3 it is (Γ)dB = −10 + 114 − 6 = 98 dB c) In this case the link attenuation is provided by (2.135) (aCh )dB = 32.4 + 20 log10 50 + 20 log10 1000 − 12 − 15 = 32.4 + 34 + 60 − 27 = 99.4 dB and from (3.55) (Γ)dB = −89.4 + 114 − 6 = 18.6 dB. where (PRc )dBm = 10 − 99.4 = −89.4 dBm is the received power. Solution to Problem 3.12 Here sTx (t) = a(t) cos(2πf0 t) + A cos(2πf0 t) . a) The channel only introduces a delay, hence it is non distorting. b) r(t) = 10−2.5 sTx (t − tD ) + wRc −2.5 = 10−2.5 a(t − tD ) cos(2πf0 (t − tD )) + 10 | {z A} cos(2πf0 (t − tD )) + wRc (t) AR c) From √ A2 R ( 2)2 Mcarrier A2R = = √2 N MwNBF N0 2∆ ( 2)2 20 2∆ we obtain A2R = 105 · 2 · 10−12 · 2 · 500 = 2 · 10−4 ⇒ AR = √ 2 · 10−2 V . d) A = AT = AR 102.5 = 4.47 V . e) From (3.126), (3.94) and (3.52) Λo = Γη = MsTx Ma /2 Ma = = 103 . N0 BaCh MsTx 2N0 BaCh Being aCh = it is 1 10−2.5 2 , Ma = 103 · 2 · (102.5 )2 · 2 · 10−12 · 4 · 103 = 16 · 10−1 = 1.6 V2 , and MsTx = A2 Ma + = 10.79 V2 . 2 2 567 568 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS f) Since m = aAm < 1, a non-coherent receiver can be used, having the same performance of the coherent receiver. Solution to Problem 3.13 a) The value of GCh (f ) at the frequency f0 is 1 1 = 1 + j2πf0 TCh 1 + j2π10 hence 1 ⇒ (|GCh (f0 )|)dB = −36 dB 1 + 400π 2 corresponding (see (2.48)) to an attenuation of (aCh )dB = 36 dB. b) From (2.32) the PSD of the noise at the output (open circuit voltage) of the pre-amplifier is |GCh (f0 )|2 = Pwout (f ) = 2kTeff,Rc Rg with Teff,Rc = Ts + TA = 700 K then Pwout (f ) = 2kTeff,Rc Rg = 2 · 1.38 · 10−23 · 700 · 100 · 1000 = 1.93 · 10−15 V2 /Hz . c) Γ= MsTx N0 BaCh with N0 /2 = Pwout (f )/g = 1.93 · 10−18 V2 /Hz hence Γ= Ma /2 4 · 10−6 = N0 BaCh 2 · 1.93 · 10−18 · 4 · 103 · 103.6 ⇒ (Γ)dB = 48 dB . since Ma = A · 2B = 8 · 10−6 V2 . d) From (3.66) Λo = Γ cos2 (∆φ) = Γ cos2 ( 6 π) 40 ⇒ (Λo )dB = 50.14 dB . Solution to Problem 3.14 Firstly, we note that the Hilbert transform of a(t) = A sinc(2Bt) is a(h) (t) = A sinc(Bt) sin(πBt). Hence from (3.25) the SSB+ transmitted signal is sTx (t) = A sinc(Bt) sin(πBt) A sinc(2Bt) cos(2πf0 t) + sin(2πf0 t) . 2 2 At the output of the demodulator, from (3.29) we have ao (t) = = A sinc(2Bt) A sinc(Bt) sin(πBt) π π cos sin − 4 4 4 4 A √ [sinc(2Bt) − sinc(Bt) sin(πBt)] . 4 2 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS OF CHAPTER 3 569 Solution to Problem 3.15 a) The signal can be interpreted as the output of an interpolate filter bk - a(t) - g T where g(t) = rect(t/T ) and bk = (−1)k . In the frequency domain at the output of an interpolate filter, it is A(f ) = B(f ) G(f ), and A(h) (f ) = B(f ) G (h) (f ) . Hence the Hilbert transform of a(t) can be obtained by an interpolate filter with impulse response g (h) . From the Ftf pair F sinc(η) sgn(η) −→ j we have g (h) (t) = b) From (3.29) ao (t) = 1 2τ − 1 log , π 2τ + 1 2t/T + 1 1 . log π 2t/T − 1 +∞ +∞ sin(ϕ1 ) X cos(ϕ1 ) X (−1)k g(t − kT ) + (−1)k g (h) (t − kT ) . 4 4 k=−∞ k=−∞ Solution to Problem 3.16 s(t) is a SSB− modulated signal with information signal a(t). Solution to Problem 3.17 a) The modulated SSB+ signal is given by (3.23) with ϕ0 = 0, sT x (t) a(t) a(h) (t) A cos(2πf0 t) − A sin(2πf0 t) 2 2 cos(2πfa t) sin(2πfa t) A = A cos(2πf0 t) − A sin(2πf0 t) = cos (2π(f0 + fa )t) 2 2 2 = so that the output of the envelope detector is a constant A ao (t) = 2 q 2 a2 (t) + (a(h) (t)) = Ap 2 A . cos (2πfa t) + sin2 (2πfa t) = 2 2 Hence ao (t) is affected by interference. b) In general the modulated SSB+ signal (3.23) with ϕ0 = 0 can be expressed as sTx (t) = < h a(t) + ja(h) (t) and the output of the envelope detector is A 2 q A 2 2 a2 (t) + (a(h) (t)) . ej2πf0 t i 570 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS Solution to Problem 3.18 The signal after the mixer is given by ac (t) = 4 cos(2π(f0 − f1 )t) + 4 cos(2π(f0 + f1 )t) + 2 sin(2π(f0 − f2 )t) + 2 sin(2π(f0 + f2 )t) represented in figure. Ac (f ) 6 4 4 4 4 HBP (f ) f f0 6 1 f0 − B > f0 I f0 − ρB f0 + ρB STx (f ) f 6 4 4 4 f f0 When filtered by the BPF, the component at (f0 + f2 ) is suppressed, the component at (f0 − f2 ) remains unchanged, and the components at (f0 − f1 ) and (f0 + f1 ) are attenuated. In particular at (f0 + f1 ) the gain is 1/10, while at (f0 − f1 ) the gain is 9/10. Then the modulated VSB signal is sTx (t) = 2 18 cos(2π(f0 − f1 )t) + cos(2π(f0 + f1 )t) − 2 sin(2π(f0 − f2 )t) , 5 5 as shown in figure. Solution to Problem 3.19 a) We can separately consider the frequency shift of f0 . From (+) HBP (f 1 + f0 ) = B Z f rect −∞ u B du − 1(f − B) , the inverse Fourier transform of HBP (f ) yields hBP (t) = 1 sinc(Bt) − ej2πBt cos (2πf0 t) . −j2πt b) The receiver is composed by a mixer, followed by an ideal LPF with bandwidth B. SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS OF CHAPTER 3 571 Solution to Problem 3.20 Note that the BPF hBP can be considered as half the sum of the BPF for DSB and of the BPF for SSB+ , HBP (f ) = 1 SSB 1 DSB HBP (f ) + HBP + (f ) . 2 2 Then the scheme giving the modulated signal is presented in figure. -× 6 cos(2πf0 t + ϕ0 ) − 41 + sin(2πf0 t + ϕ0 ) Hilbert filter - h(h) sTx (t) - - a(t) - 1 2 ? -× Solution to Problem 3.21 a) The idea is to divide the 60 signals in L subgroups, each composed of K signals. The signal corresponding to a subgroup occupies a band (f0 , f0 + KB). An example is presented in figure for K = 3, f0 = 10 kHz and B = 4 kHz. 6 K=3 10 13 14 17 18 21 f [kHz] b) With LK = 60 the possible values of (L, K) are {(1, 60), (2, 30), (3, 20), (4, 15), (5, 12), (6, 10)} The minimum value of L + K is 16, obtained for L = 6 and K = 10 (or L = 10 and K = 6). c) Assuming L = 6 and K = 10, 16 carrier frequencies are needed. K = 10 carriers frequencies fk1 , . . . , fk10 are assigned to adjacent subchannels forming each subgroup. Then, for example fk1 = 10 kHz fk2 = 14 kHz fk3 = 18 kHz fk4 = 22 kHz fk5 = 26 kHz fk6 = 30 kHz fk7 = 34 kHz fk8 = 38 kHz fk9 = 42 kHz fk10 = 46 kHz . L = 6 carrier frequencies fl1 , . . . , fl6 are used to multiplex the various subgroups. To avoid overlapping, the minimum carrier separation is 40 kHz. Then a possible choice is fl1 = 290 kHz fl2 = 330 kHz 572 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS fl3 = 370 kHz fl4 = 410 kHz fl5 = 450 kHz fl6 = 490 kHz . Solution to Problem 3.22 a) To avoid interference at the receiver output, the products ci (t) cj (t) must have a null baseband component for i 6= j. Since the baseband component of the product c i (t) cj (t) is given by 1 1 cos(αi − αj ) + cos(βi − βj ) , i, j = 1, . . . , 4 2 2 Then the solution is α2 = ϑ + π2 α3 = ϑ + π α4 = ϑ + π2 (α1 = β1 = 0) . β2 = ϑ + π2 β3 = ϑ β4 = ϑ + 23 π for all values of ϑ. b) If B is the bandwidth of the information signals, it must be |fa − fb | ≥ 2B . In fact, only in this case, at the LPF input, the components around |f a − fb | would not overlap with the baseband components. Solution to Problem 3.23 Since A2 /2 = 100, it is √ A = 2 · 10 V . The modulated signal can be written in the standard form with two terms, sTx (t) = A cos(2π200t) + A a(t) cos(2π200t) , where 2B cos(2π20t) . A a(t) = From (3.94) η= B2 A2 2 we have B= r + B2 = 0.4 , 40 = 8.16 V . 0.6 From (3.98) and knowing that kf2 = 1/2, we have m2 0.4 = , 2 + m2 m= r 0.8 = 1.15 . 0.6 Solution to Problem 3.24 The modulated signal can be written as sTx (t) = A cos(2π200t) + am cos(2π200t) cos(2π20t) SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS OF CHAPTER 3 573 with A = 40 and am = 12. Hence, sTx (t) can be also written as sTx (t) = [A + am cos(2π20t)] cos(2π200t) . From (3.91), it is m = 0.3 and from (3.94), recalling that for a sinusoidal waveform it is k f2 = 1/2, we have η = 4.3%. Solution to Problem 3.25 a) From (1.32) 1 2 4 Ma = Z 2 0 1 t2 dt = . 4 3 b) From (3.92), since am = aM = 1 the shaping factor is kf2 = 1 Ma = . 1 3 Then, from (3.98) m2 , 3 + m2 whose maximum is achieved for the maximum value of the modulation index, i.e. m = 1 for the conventional AM. c) The value of η corresponding to the modulation index found in the previous point is η= η= 1 1 = = 25% . 3+1 4 Solution to Problem 3.26 From (3.98), being kf2 = 1/2, we have η= m2 . 2 + m2 Solution to Problem 3.27 a) STx (f ) 6 4 4 4 4 4 f0 − 5fa 4 f0 f0 − 2fa f0 + 2fa f0 − f a f0 + f a b) Since aM = am = 5 and Ma = we have 4 9 1 2 2 + 1 + 22 = 2 2 kf2 = 9 . 50 - f0 + 5fa f 574 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS From (3.98) 9 (0.8)2 50 = 10.33% . 9 1 + (0.8)2 50 η= Solution to Problem 3.28 For a1 we have am = A1 and 2 Ma = Tp Z Tp 2 A21 0 From (3.92) kf2 = Then from (3.98) η= For a2 we have am = A2 and n 2 Ma = Tp Since kf2 = 1, it is η= For a3 we have am = A3 and 4 Ma = Tp Z n Tp 2 dt = A21 . 3 1 . 3 A22 dt = A22 . 0 32.88% , m = 0.7 50% ,m=1. A23 0 η= Tp 2 !2 14% , m = 0.7 25% , m = 1 . Z Tp 4 Since kf2 = 31 , it is t n t Tp 4 !2 dt = A23 . 3 14% , m = 0.7 25% , m = 1 . Solution to Problem 3.29 a) The modulated signal can be expressed as sTx (t) = (a(t) + A) cos (2πf0 t) Moreover, from the figure it is 320 = aM + A and 80 = −am + A. If am = aM , we get A= 320 + 80 = 200 V 2 Then m= am = 320 − 80 = 120 V 2 am 120 = = 0.6 A 200 b) a(t) = 120 cos(2πfa t) where, from the figure, being Ta = 0.02 s, it is fa = 1/Ta = 50 Hz. SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS OF CHAPTER 3 575 c) The modulated signal can be expressed as sTx (t) = (a(t) + A) cos(2πf0 t) where, from the figure, being T0 = 10 µs, it is f0 = 1/T0 = 100 kHz. The modulated signal can be also written as sTx (t) = A [1 + m cos(2πfa t)] cos(2πf0 t) with A = 200 V, m = 0.6, fa = 50 Hz, f0 = 100 kHz. d) The modulation efficieny is the ratio of the power of the useful term to the total power m2 Mā . 1 + m2 Mā η= The normalized useful term is ā(t) = cos(2πfa t) , with Mā = 1 . 2 Then 0.62 m2 = ' 0.15 . 2 2+m 2 + 0.62 e) To get m = 0.9, from m = aAm , it is η= A= 120 = 133.3 V . 0.9 Solution to Problem 3.30 a) We have bc (t) = a(t) + cos(2πf0 t) and d(t) = k1 [a(t) + cos(2πf0 t)] + k2 a2 (t) + cos2 (2πf0 t) + 2a(t) cos(2πf0 t) = k1 a(t) + k2 a2 (t) + k2 cos2 (2πf0 t) + k1 cos(2πf0 t) + 2k2 a(t) cos(2πf0 t) b) The BPF extracts the components around f0 , so that its ideal frequence response must be a constant within the band (f0 − B, f0 + B). c) The modulated AM signal is given by sTx (t) = [k1 + 2k2 a(t)] cos(2πf0 t) . Then m= 2k2 aM . k1 Solution to Problem 3.31 a) sTx (t) = A [1 + mā(t)] cos(2πf0 t) where ā(t) in normalized by am = |min a(t)| = 6 V . t 576 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS The normalized signal ā(t) can be expressed as the periodic repetition, with period T p = 0.3 ms, ā(t) = +∞ X rect n=−∞ t − Tp /2 − nTp Tp /2 − rect t − 3Tp /2 − nTp Tp /2 . b) η= kf2 m2 . 1 + kf2 m2 Since kf2 = 1, for m = 0.8 we have η= 0.82 = 0.39 1 + 0.82 c) For m = 1, it is η = 0.5. Solution to Problem 3.32 a) For the information signal a(t), it is am = | min a(t)| = 1 , t and 1 Ma = Tp From (3.92), it is Z Tp 0 |a1 (t)|2 dt = 4 . kf2 = 4 , and from (3.98), for m = 1, it is η= 4 4 = = 80% . 1+4 5 Note that this result is in contrast with the fact that the modulation efficiency in AM is usually lower than 50%. In fact, here am 6= aM and kf > 1. b) In this case am = 4, while Ma = 1 Tp Z Tp 0 |a2 (t)|2 dt = 4 , and kf2 = Hence for m = 1 η= 1 4 1+ 1 4 = 1 . 4 1 = 20% . 5 c) Since the symbols 0 and 1 can be assumed equally probable, the average efficiency is η= 1 1 η0 + η1 = 50% , 2 2 where η0 (η1 ) is the efficiency obtained when transmitting 0 (1), that is waveform a 2 (t) (a1 (t)). SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS OF CHAPTER 3 Solution to Problem 3.33 a) The signal is symmetric with aM = am = 4 V. The modulation index is m = b) η= Ma 2 A2 2 + am A 577 = 1. . Ma 2 The statistical power is given by Ma = = Then η = 0.39. 1 Tp 2 Tp Z Z Tp a2 (t) dt = 0 Tp /2 3 + e−5t 0 2 Tp 2 Z Tp /2 a2 (t) dt 0 dt = 10.29 V2 . Solution to Problem 3.34 From (3.150) we have βP = 0.1 and from (3.151) Bs = 2 · 6 · 1.1 = 13.2 MHz. We consider as receive front-end an ideal BPF with bandwidth 13.2 MHz centered around the carrier at f0 = 70 MHz. a) In this case the single tone is within the BPF band, so that SIR= 40 dB. b) In this case the single tone is outside the BPF band, so that it is suppressed by the filter and SIR= ∞. c) The noise is partially filtered by the BPF, so that only the power corresponding to the PSD between 70 and 76.6 MHz enters the receiver. Then SIR = 10 4 10 and (SIR)dB = 41.8 dB . 6.6 d) Since the BPF remains unchanged, the results are the same. Solution to Problem 3.35 The first condition is used to determine the constant K P giving the phase deviation as a function of the information signal KP = 1 = 2 rad/V . 0.5 Moreover, in both cases the information signal can be written as a(t) = aM cos(2πfa t) . a) The bandwidth of a(t) is B = fa = 500 Hz. The bandwidth of the modulated signal, according to Carson’s rule is Bs = 2B(1 + β) , where, for PM, β = K P aM = 2 . Hence Bs = 2 · 500(1 + 2) = 3 kHz . b) Here B = 150 Hz β = KP aM = 2 · 1.2 = 2.4 . 578 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS Hence Bs = 2 · 150(1 + 2.4) = 1.02 kHz . Solution to Problem 3.36 a) If sTx (t) is a PM signal, its phase deviation 100 sin 220t is proportional to the information signal, a(t) = 1 100 sin(220t) . KP b) If sTx (t) is a FM signal, its frequency deviation is proportional to the information signal. Then a(t) = 1 11 · 103 1 1 100 · 220 cos(220t) = ∆fs (t) = cos(220t) . KF KF 2π πKF Solution to Problem 3.37 a) Writing sTx as sTx (t) = 20 cos [2πf0 t + ϕ(t)] 6 we have f0 = 10 /2π = 159 kHz and from (1.138) and (1.144) fs (t) = 159000 − b) From (3.144) we have a(t) = c) From (3.137) a(t) = − 5000 sin 500t . 2π 1 10 cos(500t) KP 1 5000 sin(500t) KF 2π Solution to Problem 3.38 a) The instantaneous frequency is given by fs (t) = f0 + where KF = 100 . 2π 1 1 d∆ϕs (t) = f0 + KF a(t) = f0 + 100a(t) , 2π dt 2π A representation of fs (t) is given in figure. fs (t) 6 ..... 500 2π f0 + f0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f0 − 0 t b) The maximum frequency deviation is ∆F = KF max{|a(t)|} = 250 100 5= . 2π π 500 2π SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS OF CHAPTER 3 579 Solution to Problem 3.39 PM βP = K P A a , which is independent of fa . FM KF A a . fa In this case the modulation index depends on fa , which represents the bandwidth of the modulating signal. βF = Solution to Problem 3.40 a) fs,max = f0 + aM KF = 106 + 6 · 105 Hz = 1.6 MHz . b) In PM we have ∆ϕs (t) = KP a(t) , so that the instantaneous frequency is fs (t) = f0 + Kp da(t) , 2π dt having maximum value fs,max = 106 + 2 · 105 = 1.2 MHz , and minimum value fs,min = 106 − 2 · 105 = 800 kHz . c) Since aM = 1 V, the maximum instantaneous frequency is fs,max = f0 + KF aM = 106 + 103 Hz = 1.001 MHz . The bandwidth of a2 (t) is B = 104 Hz, so that the modulation index is βF = K F aM 103 = 4 = 0.1 . B 10 Using Carson’s rule we have Bs = 2B(1 + βF ) = 2 · 104 · 1.1 = 22 kHz . Solution to Problem 3.41 a) The information signal can be written as a(t) = +∞ X k=−∞ " rect t − kTp Tp 2 ! − rect t− Tp − 2 Tp 2 kTp !# 580 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS Then, from (3.138) fs (t) = f0 + KF +∞ X k=−∞ " t − kTp rect Tp 2 ! t− − rect Tp − 2 Tp 2 kTp !# b) The above expression allows to write the modulated signal sTx (t) as a repetition of period Tp of the pulse s(t) = A ( t rect Tp 2 ! t− cos(2π(f0 + KF )t) + rect Tp 2 Tp 2 ! cos(2π(f0 − KF )t) ) having Ftf (see Tabs. 1.2 and 1.3) i h n i h Tp Tp Tp −j2π(f −f0 +KF ) T2p Tp + e sinc (f − f0 − KF ) sinc (f − f0 + KF ) 4 2 4 2 i i h h o Tp Tp Tp Tp −j2π(f +f0 −KF ) T2p + + e sinc (f + f0 + KF ) sinc (f + f0 − KF ) 4 2 4 2 S(f ) = A Because sTx is periodic of period Tp , it can be written as (see (1.13)) sTx = +∞ X `=−∞ S` ej2π`Fp t where FP = 1/Tp and, from (1.14) 1 S S` = Tp ` Tp . Then, denoting the carrier frequency as f0 = M/Tp and letting γ0 = KF Tp , we have S` = and +∞ A X sTx (t) = 4 `=−∞ + `−M +γ0 A A ` − M − γ0 ` − M + γ0 −j2π 2 + e sinc sinc 4 2 4 2 `+M −γ0 A ` + M + γ0 ` + M − γ0 A −j2π 2 + sinc + sinc e 4 2 4 2 ` − M − γ0 sinc 2 +∞ A X 4 `=−∞ sinc ` − M + γ0 + sinc 2 ` + M + γ0 2 + sinc e ` + M − γ0 2 −j2π e `−M +γ0 2 −j2π `+M −γ0 2 ej2π`Fp t ej2π`Fp t SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS OF CHAPTER 3 581 Introducing the change of index m = ` − M in the first sum and n = ` + M in the second, it is sTx (t) = +∞ A X 4 m=−∞ +∞ A X + 4 sinc n=−∞ m − γ0 2 + sinc n + γ0 sinc 2 m + γ0 2 n − γ0 + sinc 2 e −j2π e m+γ0 2 −j2π n−γ0 2 ej2π(m+M )Fp t ej2π(n−M )Fp t Lastly, summing the terms corresponding to negative values of n to the terms corresponding to positive values of m and reminding that sinc is an even funtion, we get sTx (t) = +∞ h m − γ0 A X sinc cos(2π(m + M )Fp t) 2 2 m=−∞ + sinc m + γ0 2 i (−1)m cos(2π(m + M )Fp t + πγ0 ) . Solution to Problem 3.42 a) The modulated signal can be written as sTx (t) = < A (1 + j2πKF sin(2πfa t)) ej2πf0 t , then from (1.97) and (1.136) the envelope is given by p A |1 + j2πKF sin(2πfa t)| = A 1 + c2 sin2 (2πfa t) , √ √ whose maximum value is A 1 + c2 , while the minimum value is A, to yield a ratio 1 + c2 . b) The power of the narrowband FM signal is (see also Example 1.2 E) MsTx = c2 A2 1+ 2 2 while the power of the un-modulated carrier is 1+ A2 . 2 , Then the ratio is c2 . 2 c) From the analytic signal (a) sTx (t) = A [1 + j2πKF sin(2πfa t)] ej2πf0 t , we derive ϕsTx (t) = 2πf0 t + arctan [2πKF sin(2πfa t)] and fsTx (t) = f0 + 1 2πKF fa cos(2πfa t) 1 + (2πKF )2 sin2 (2πfa t) ' f0 + 2πKF fa cos(2πfa t) under the hypothesis of narrowband. 582 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS Solution to Problem 3.43 The value of βF determines both a constraint on the bandwidth of the modulated signal and on the required SNR. By Carson’s rule (3.151), it must be Bs = 2B(1 + βF ) ≤ 120 kHz . Therefore βF ≤ 5 . Supposing to work at the threshold level (see (3.195)), Γth = 20(1 + βF ) . the requirement on Λo imposes that 3 kf2 βF2 20(1 + βF ) ≥ 104 , so that βF ≥ 6.6 . Therefore, the system is limited by the bandwidth requirement and we choose βF = 5 . Since we selected to work with βF lower than the value in correspondence of Γth , it means the system is working above threshold, and from the expression Λo = 3 kf2 βF2 Γ = 104 , we have that (Γ)dB = 24 dB . Now, from (3.51), it turns out (MsTx )dBm = (MsRc )dBm = 14.3 dBm , since the channel does not introduce attenuation. Without the constraint on the bandwidth, with β F = 6.6 it results (Γ)dB = (Γth )dB = 21.9 dB, and the minimum transmitted power would have been (MsTx )dBm = 12.2 dBm , with a power saving of 2.1 dB, and a larger bandwidth Bs = 153 kHz. Solution to Problem 3.44 Since the final modulation index that has to be achieved is β F = ∆F/B = 15/15 = 1, while the modulation index of the narrowband modulator is β i = ∆Fi /B = 150/15000 = 10−2 , βi it should be multiplied by a factor 100. On the other hand the carrier frequency has to be increased from the initial value of 85 MHz to the final value of 1.7 GHz, that is it should be multiplied by a factor 20. As known, a “frequency multiplication” operation is the method to increase the modulation index, increasing at the same time the carrier frequency, which is multiplied by the same factor. Two choices are possible: 1. A multiplication of the instantaneous frequency by a factor 100, which would move the carrier frequency up to 8.5 GHz, followed by a down-frequency conversion from 8.5 GHz to 1.7 GHz, SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS OF CHAPTER 3 583 obtained by a mixer with a carrier frequency of 6.8 GHz. Note however that the design of the BPF around 8.5 GHz is challenging, since it is a narrowband filter centered at high frequency. 2. A first instantaneous frequency multiplication by a factor 10, followed by a down-frequency conversion from 850 MHz to 170 MHz, obtained by a mixer with a carrier frequency of 680 MHz, followed by a further frequency multiplication by a factor 10. Solution to Problem 3.45 a) According to Carson’s rule Bs = 2B(1 + βF ) where B = f2 is the maximum frequency of a(t), while Bs is the available RF bandwidth. Hence βF = 20 − 17.048 Bs − 2B = = 0.173 , 2B 17.048 and the maximum frequency deviation is ∆F = βF B = 0.173 · 8.524 = 1.476 MHz . b) The frequency deviation in FM is proportional to the information signal, according to ∆fs (t) = KF a(t) , where (see (3.150)) KF = 1.476 · 106 βF B = = 7.38 · 104 Hz/V . aM 20 Therefore σ∆f = KF √ Ma = 0.339 MHz , where the statistical power of a(t) was derived from its PDF Ma = Z +∞ −∞ Pa (f ) df = 2 · (8.524 − 0.564) · 106 · 1.35 · 10−6 = 21.1V2 . Hence, the required ratio is 1.476 ∆F = = 4.354 . σ∆f 0.339 Solution to Problem 3.46 The output SNRs in FM and PM are, respectively, given by Λ(FM) = 3kf2 βF2 Γ , o Λ(PM) = kf2 βP2 Γ . o Then the ratio is (FM) Λo (PM) = 10 log10 3βF2 βP2 Λo dB The maximum phase deviation if PM is βP aM , where aM is the maximum vaue of the information signal, which in this case is aM = 9. In the FM case, the phase deviation is ∆ϕ(t) = 2πKF d(t) , 584 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS with d(t) = Then ∆ϕ(t) = Z t a(τ ) dτ . −∞ h i KF 1 8 sin(2πfa t) + sin(10πfa t) , fa 5 KF . Then, reminding that βF = whose maximum value is 41 5 fa get a maximum phase deviation KF a M B and noting that B = 5fa , we 41 KF 41 βF B 41 βF 5 41 = = = βF . 5 fa 5 aM f a 5 aM 9 Imposing the equality between the maximum phase deviations in PM and FM, we have 41 βF = 9βP 9 81 βP . 41 or βF = = 10 log10 Then the ratio between the SNRs is 10 log10 3βF2 βP2 = 10 log10 3βF2 βP2 3 · 812 412 = 10.7 dB . Solution to Problem 3.47 a) We have Pb (f ) = Pa (f ) |rect(f T )|2 hence Mb = Z 1/(2T ) 2T0 df = 2T0 /T = 1 −1/(2T ) and therefore kf2 = Mb /b2m = 1/2. b) The bandwidth of the modulating signal is Bb = min(Ba , Bh ) = 1/(2T ) = 500 Hz and from (3.151) the bandwidth of the modulated signal is Bs = 2Bb (1 + β) = 5.041 kHz. c) Since the channel has a flat frequency response on the band of the modulated signal (3.193) holds true and Λo Γ= = 408.16 > Γth = 20(1 + β) = 100 , 49/2 and (Γ)dB = 26.09 dB . Moreover, Teff,Rc = T0 +T0 (F−1) = T0 F if Ts = T0 . Then from (3.55) with (aCh )dB = 100 dB, we obtain (PTx )dBm = (Γ)dB + (aCh )dB − 114 + (F)dB + 10 log10 (Bb )MHz = 26.09 + 100 − 114 + 7 − 33 = −13.91 dBm . Solution to Problem 3.48 (3.52) it must be From (3.68), the output SNR is equal to the reference ratio Γ, so, from 55 MsTx C 2 = 10 10 N0 B SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS OF CHAPTER 3 and 585 55 MsTx = 10 10 2 · 10−11 · 8 · 103 = 506 V2 . 10−4 Solution to Problem 3.49 From (3.78) and (3.52) MsTx = aCh N0 B Λo . Then (MsTx )dB = 50 + 50 + 10 log10 (2 · 10−12 · 104 ) = 23 dB [V2 ] . Solution to Problem 3.50 a) From (3.55), with Teff,Rc = TS + T0 (F − 1) = FT0 (assume TS = T0 ), and B = 5 kHz, it follws that (Γ)dB = 13 − 60 + 114 − 3 − 10 log 10 (5 · 10−3 ) = 87 dB . Finally, from (3.115) (Λo )dB = 87 + 10 log10 (0.8) = 86 dB . b) For FM, we can have a maximum modulation index (according to the Carson’s rule (3.151)) Bs − 1 = 10 − 1 = 9 2B βF = using the whole channel bandwidth. Then, from (3.193) (Λo )dB = 10 log10 (3 · 0.5 · 81) + 87 = 20.84 + 87 = 107.8 dB . Solution to Problem 3.51 We have Ma = Z +∞ Pa (f ) df = K B −∞ and from (3.77) MsTx = KB . 4 From (3.78) and (3.52) Λo = KB 4 N0 BaCh . Solution to Problem 3.52 Since the receiver is a standard DSB-SC receiver, we have Λo = Γ where Γ is given by (3.52). In this case we can consider no channel attenuation, a Ch = 1, while the transmitted signal (statistical) power is given by MsTx = Z +∞ −∞ PsTx (f )df = 4 BK = 2KB . 2 586 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS Then 2K 2KB . = N0 B N0 Λo = Solution to Problem 3.53 a) From (3.52) Γ= MsTx 104 = −12 = 2 · 103 N0 BaCh 10 · 5 · 103 · 109 =⇒ (Γ)dB = 33 dB Note that kf2 = Mā = 0.1. From (3.98) η= (0.8)2 · 0.1 = 6% . 1 + (0.8)2 · 0.1 From (3.126) (Λo )dB = 33 + 10 log10 (0.06) = 20.79 dB . b) From the available channel bandwidth Bs = 100 kHz and (3.151), βF = Bs −1=9. 2B Then, from (3.193) (Λo )dB = 10 log10 (3 · 0.1 · 81) + 33 = 13.85 + 33 = 46.85 dB . Solution to Problem 3.54 a) Since the information signal is sinusoidal, kf2 = 1/2. Moreover, the useful signal at the output of the filter hRc coincides with the transmitted (modulated) signal, then MsTx = i 10−6 h 1 A2 1 + · 0.52 = 5.6 · 10−7 V2 . 1 + kf2 m2 = 2 2 2 The noise has statistical power MwMi Z +∞ N0 = |HRc (f )|2 df 2 −∞ Z 500 N0 N0 f 2 · 4 kHz + 4 = df 2 2 0 500 N0 500 N0 · 4 kHz + 4 = 4.66 · 10−9 V2 . = 2 2 3 b) From (3.98) we have η= 1 2 1+ Moreover, from (3.52) with B = 1 kHz, it is (Γ)dB = 10 log10 · 1 2 1 4 · 1 4 = 1 . 9 5.6 · 10−7 2 · 10−12 · 103 = 24.5 dB . SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS OF CHAPTER 3 587 Then, from (3.115), we have (Λo )dB = 10 log10 1 9 + (Γ)dB = −9.54 + 24.5 = 15 dB . Solution to Problem 3.55 a) For SSB+ we have Λo = Γ where from (3.52) Γ= so that (MsTx )dB MsTx , N0 BaCh = Λo + 10 log(10−14 ) + 10 log(1.5 · 106 ) + 90 = 30 − 140 + 61, 76 + 90 ' 41.76 dBV2 . b) For DSB-TC we have Λo = ηΓ with kf2 = Ma = a2m and η= Z 1 u2 pa (u)du = 2 −1 Z 1 0 1 1 u2 du = , 2 3 m2 kf2 0.52 13 1 = = . 2 2 13 1 + m kf 1 + 0.52 31 Then MsTx = ΓN0 BaCh = Λo N0 BaCh η and (MsTx )dB = (Λo )dB − 10 log(η) + 10 log(10−14 ) + 10 log(1.5 · 106 ) + 90 = 30 + 11.14 − 140 + 61.76 + 90 ' 52.9 dBV2 c) Same as SSB+ since, also for DSB-SC, we have Λo = Γ . Solution to Problem 3.56 a) From (3.200) fLO = f0 + fIF = 96.9 + 10.7 = 107.6MHz . b) RF filter: center frequency f0 = 96.9 MHz; bandwidth ' 4fIF = 42.8 MHz. IF filter: center frequency 10.7 MHz; bandwidth 200 kHz. c) Image at carrier frequency f0 + 2fIF = 96.9 + 21.4 = 118.3 MHz. Solution to Problem 3.57 b) Filters: RF filter: IF filter 1: IF filter 2: Center frequency f0 = 146.7 MHz, 0 = 10.7 MHz, Center frequency fIF 00 Center frequency fIF = 455 kHz, Bandwidth ' 4fIF = 42.8 MHz. Bandwidth 200 kHz. Bandwidth 200 kHz. 588 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS Local oscillators: 0 0 fLO = f0 + fIF = 146.7 + 10.7 = 157.4 MHz 00 fLO 0 00 = fIF − fIF = 10.7 MHz − 455 kHz = 10.245 MHz . d) Image channel at carrier frequency 0 f0 + 2fIF = 146.7 + 21.4 = 168.1 MHz . The second conversion has no image channels at the input of IF filter 2. In fact, the IF filter 1 has already selected the station band of interest. Solution to Problem 3.58 a) fLO = f0,video + fIF,video = 83.25 + 45.75 = 129 MHz fLO = f0,audio + fIF,audio = 87.75 + 41.25 = 129 MHz . b) The image is at the carrier frequency fim = f0,video + 2fIF,video = 83.25 + 2 · 45.75 = 174.75 MHz , so that channel 7 represents the image for channel 6. c) Requiring a IF audio carrier frequency lower than the video IF carrier frequency, the only choice is with “LO above the carrier", otherwise, with “LO below the carrier", the audio carrier frequency at IF would be again 4.5 MHz above the video carrier frequency. 8.4 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS OF Chapter 4 Solution to Problem 4.1 a) We have hx(t), y(t)i = b) We have hx(t), y(t)i = Z Z +∞ e−t e−4t dt = 0 Z +∞ e−5t dt = 0 +∞ e−(2+j3)t e−(2−j3)t dt = 0 Z 1 . 5 +∞ e−4t dt = 0 1 . 4 Solution to Problem 4.2 By following the Gram-Schmidt procedure, firstly we set φ 01 (t) = s1 (t) and determine the energy of φ01 (t). We have E1 = Z 3 0 |s1 (t)|2 dt = 4A2 · 2 + A2 · 1 = 9 A2 , so that s1 (t) φ1 (t) = = 3A (2 3 1 3 0 ,0≤t<2 ,2≤t<3 , otherwise SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS OF CHAPTER 4 589 Next, we need to calculate the inner product c2,1 1 = hs2 (t), φ1 (t)i = 3A Z 3 s2 (t) s1 (t) dt = 0 4A2 + 2A2 + A2 = 37 A , 3A from which we have φ02 (t) = s2 (t) − c2,1 φ1 (t) = s2 (t) − with energy E20 and so 7 9 = Z 3 0 4 + 95 A ,0≤t<1 ,1≤t<2 ,2≤t<3 , otherwise −9A s1 (t) = 2 +9A 0 |φ02 (t)|2 dt = ( 94 A)2 + (− 59 A)2 + ( 92 A)2 = √4 + 355 φ02 (t) ,0≤t<1 ,1≤t<2 ,2≤t<3 , otherwise. − 3 √5 = φ2 (t) = p E20 + 3√2 5 0 The signal vector representation is thus h s1 = 3A , 0 i s2 = h 5 2 A 9 √ 7 A, 3 5 A 3 i . We incidentally note that a simpler basis can be identified by observing the signal representations. An alternative orthonormal basis can be defined as φ1 (t) = ( √2 ,0≤t<1 ,2≤t<3 , otherwise 5 √1 5 0 for which s1 = h√ 5 A , 2A φ2 (t) = i s2 = h√ n 1 0 ,1≤t<2 , otherwise i 5 A, A . Solution to Problem 4.3 We follow the Gram-Schmidt procedure. For the first signal we have E1 = 1 =⇒ φ1 (t) = s1 (t) = rect(t) . For the second signal the inner product of interest is c2,1 = hs2 (t), φ1 (t)i = Z |t| rect(t) dt = 1 4 , and so φ02 (t) = s2 (t) − c2,1 φ1 (t) = (|t| − 14 ) rect(t) . By calculating the energy we have E20 = 1 48 =⇒ φ2 (t) = √ 3 (4|t| − 1) rect(t) . 590 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS For the third signal of the basis the inner products of interest are c3,1 = hs3 (t), φ1 (t)i = 0 c3,2 = hs3 (t), φ2 (t)i = 0 being inner products between an odd symmetric signal and an even symmetric signal. We thus have √ 1 =⇒ φ3 (t) = 2 3 t rect(t) . E3 = 12 The corresponding signal vector representation is h i s1 = 1 , 0 , 0 , s 2 = h 1 4 1 √ , 4 3 i h , 0 , s3 = 0 , 0 , 1 √ 2 3 i . Solution to Problem 4.4 We follow the Gram-Schmidt procedure. For the first signal we have E1 = 1 =⇒ φ1 (t) = s1 (t) = rect(t) . For the second signal the inner product of interest is c2,1 = hs2 (t), φ1 (t)i = Z sgn(t) rect(t) dt = 0 , and s2 is thus orthogonal to φ1 . We obtain E2 = 1 =⇒ φ2 (t) = s2 (t) = sgn(t) rect(t) . For the third signal of the basis, the inner products of interest are c3,1 = hs3 (t), φ1 (t)i = 1 2 c3,2 = hs3 (t), φ2 (t)i = 0 , and so we obtain φ03 (t) = s3 (t) − c3,1 φ1 (t) − c3,2 φ2 (t) = (1 − 2|t|) rect(t) − 1 2 rect(t) = ( 21 − 2|t|) rect(t) . Finally, the third element of the basis becomes E30 = 1 12 =⇒ φ3 (t) = √ 3 (1 − 4 |t|) rect(t) , and the signal vector representation is h i h i s1 = 1 , 0 , 0 , s2 = 0 , 1 , 0 , s3 = Note that for the energy of the waveforms we have E1 = 1 , E 2 = 1 , E 3 = 1 3 h . 1 2 , 0, 1 √ 2 3 i . SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS OF CHAPTER 4 591 Solution to Problem 4.5 It is immediate to verify that the signal set φ1 (t) = φ3 (t) = n n ,0≤t<1 , otherwise ,2≤t<4 , otherwise 1 0 √1 2 0 φ2 (t) = n 1 0 ,1≤t<2 , otherwise is orthonormal. The vector representation of signals then simply follows as h i h s1 = 2 , 2 , 0 , s2 = 0 , 1 , h √ i √ i 2 , s3 = 3 , 3 , 3 2 . Solution to Problem 4.6 Since the signals are linearly independent, as we let the reader verify, we have I = M = 4. Thus, we can set a very simple basis φi (t) = n 1 0 ,i−1≤t<i , otherwise i = 1, 2, 3, 4 for which the signal vector representation is h i h i h i h i s1 = 2, −1, −1, 0 , s2 = 1, 1, 1, 1 , s3 = 1, −1, 1, 1 , s4 = 0, 0, 2, 2 . Concerning the energies we have E1 = 6 , E 2 = 4 , E 3 = 4 , E 4 = 8 , while the relative distances can be evaluated from (4.32), giving √ √ d1,2 = 6 + 4 − 2 · 0 = 10 √ √ d1,3 = 6 + 4 − 2 · 2 = 6 p √ d1,4 = 6 + 8 − 2 · (−2) = 18 √ d2,3 = 4 + 4 − 2 · 2 = 2 √ d2,4 = 4 + 8 − 2 · 4 = 2 √ d3,4 = 4 + 8 − 2 · 4 = 2 . Solution to Problem 4.7 The signals are all linear combinations of h(t), so that I = 1 and we can set h(t) φ1 (t) = √ , Eh Eh = Z T 0 |h(t)|2 dt . The signal vector representation is thus i h √ i h √ sn = An Eh = A Eh (2n − M − 1) 592 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS with distances (from (4.32)) p En + Em − 2hsn , sm i p √ = Eh A2n + A2m − 2 An Am √ √ = Eh |An − Am | = 2A Eh |n − m| dn,m = so that the signals at largest distance are s1 and sM . Solution to Problem 4.8 We can exploit the results of Example 4.1 E to write the signals as sn (t) = An cos(ϕn ) cos(2πf0 t) − An sin(ϕn ) sin(2πf0 t) , 0≤t<T . By further considering that (4.21) is satisfied since f0 T 1, we can use the basis φ1 (t) = φ2 (t) = r r 2 cos(2πf0 t) , T 0≤t<T 2 sin(2πf0 t) , T 0≤t<T and so the corresponding signal vector representation is sn = hr T An cos(ϕn ) , − 2 r i T An sin(ϕn ) . 2 Concerning the distances, from (4.32) we have dn,m = giving p En + Em − 2hsn , sm i = √ T , √ ' 0.94 T , √ ' 3.11 T . r T p 2 An + A2m − 2An Am cos(ϕn − ϕm ) 2 √ T , √ ' 2.76 T , d1,2 ' 3.27 d1,3 ' 3.86 d2,3 d2,4 d3,4 d1,4 ' 1.11 √ T , Solution to Problem 4.9 We first identify an orthonormal basis. Since s1 (t) and s2 (t) are orthogonal, we immediately have E1 = 1 =⇒ φ1 (t) = s1 (t) E2 = 1 =⇒ φ2 (t) = s2 (t) We now need to project the signal s(t) onto the basis. From (4.40) we find c1 = hs(t), φ1 (t)i = c2 = hs(t), φ2 (t)i = Z Z 1 2 t dt + 0 1 t dt = 0 Z 1 2 1 1 2 (−t) dt = − 14 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS OF CHAPTER 4 593 and so, from (4.34) we obtain ŝ(t) = c1 φ1 (t) + c2 φ2 (t) = (1 , 0 ≤ t < 21 , 21 ≤ t < 1 , otherwise 4 3 4 0 while the error is e(t) = s(t) − ŝ(t) = ( t− t− 0 , 0 ≤ t < 12 , 21 ≤ t < 1 , otherwise 1 4 3 4 Thus, from (4.43) we have Es = 1 3 Eŝ = 5 16 1 48 Ee = Es − Eŝ = =⇒ . Finally, the ratio between the error energy and the signal energy is Ee 1 = = 0.625 = 6.25 % . Es 16 Solution to Problem 4.10 We first determine the correct values Ai that guarantee the orthonormality of the basis. For the energies of φi (t) we have E1 = A21 =⇒ A1 = 1 for the first signal of the basis, while for i = 2, 3, 4, 5 we have Ei = Z 1 +2 A2i sin2 (2πfi t) dt = −1 2 1 2 A2i =⇒ Ai = √ 2. Then, the projection coefficients (4.40) become c1 = hs(t), φ1 (t)i = Z +1 2 −1 2 1 1 e−t dt = e 2 − e− 2 , and ci = hs(t), φi (t)i = √ 2 Z +1 2 e−t sin(2πfi t) dt = √ 1 −2 1 1 2 (−1)fi e 2 − e− 2 2πfi 1 + (2πfi )2 so it results 1 2 ŝ(t) = e − e −1 2 " 1+2 5 X (−1) fi i=2 # 2πfi sin(2πfi t) rect(t) . 1 + (2πfi )2 With respects to the error energy, from the energy of the projected signal Eŝ = 5 X i=1 2 1 2 |ci | = e − e 1 −2 2 " 1+2 5 X i=2 (2πfi )2 (1 + (2πfi )2 )2 # 594 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS and the original signal energy Es = Z +1 2 e−2t dt = −1 2 1 2 e − e−1 it results - Es − Eŝ Ee = ' 0.50 = 50% . Es Es The plot of s(t) and ŝ(t) is shown below. s(t) ŝ(t) 1 1 2 −1 2 t Solution to Problem 4.11 We first note that the signals si (t), i = 1, 2, 3, 4, are orthogonal, all with energy Ei = 8, so that the signal basis is si (t) φi (t) = √ , i = 1, 2, 3, 4 . 8 Concerning the projection coefficients (4.40), since s(t) = sin(2πf 0 t), with f0 = 1/8, is a sinusoid periodic of period Tp = 1/f0 = 8, we have Z and Z s(t)φ1 (t) = 8 Z s(t)φ3 (t) = 2 s(t)φ2 (t) = √ 8 0 So, the projected signal (4.34) is Z 4 0 Z s(t)φ4 (t) = 0 √ 4 2 sin(πt/4) dt = . π ( 2 √ +π 4 2 ŝ(t) = φ2 (t) = − π2 π 0 ,0≤t<4 ,4≤t<8 , otherwise with energy Eŝ = 32/π 2 . For the error energy, from (4.43) we finally have Ee = Es − Eŝ = 4 − 32 ' 0.75 . π2 Solution to Problem 4.12 Being A the minimum distance, the coordinates of points for constellation a) are of the form (±A, ±A), (0, ±A) and (±A, 0). The resulting average energy is thus (see (4.69) SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS OF CHAPTER 4 595 with pn = 81 ) 4 (2A2 ) + 2 (A2 ) + 2 (A2 ) = 32 A2 = 1.5 A2 . 8 For constellation b), the coordinates are of the form (± 21 A, 0) for the points on the abscissa, while for √ √ the other points we have (0, ± 23 A) and (±A, ± 23 A). So, the average energy is Es = Es = 2 ( 14 A2 ) + 2 ( 43 A2 ) + 4 (A2 + 43 A2 ) = 8 9 8 A2 = 1.125 A2 . In conclusion, under a minimum distance constraint, constellation b) is more efficient in terms of energy. Solution to Problem 4.13 Being A the minimum distance between points, the coordinates of points for constellation a) are of the form (± 21 A, ± 12 A), (± 32 A, ± 21 A), (± 12 A, ± 32 A), (± 32 A, ± 32 A). So, from (4.69), with pn = 81 , we obtain 4 ( 14 A2 + 14 A2 ) + 4 ( 94 A2 + 14 A2 ) + 4 ( 41 A2 + 94 A2 ) + 4 ( 94 A2 + 94 A2 ) 16 = 52 A2 = 2.5 A2 . Es = π For constellation b), since the distance between two successive points is d = 2r sin( 16 ), with r the π radius, we have r = A/[2 sin( 16 )]. Moreover, the average energy becomes Es = 16 r 2 A2 = ' 6.57 A2 . π 16 4 sin2 ( 16 ) So, under a minimum distance constraint, constellation a) is more efficient in terms of energy. 596 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS Solution to Problem 4.14 • - • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • - • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • - • • • • • (i) 8-QAM • • - • • • • - • • • • • • - • • (f) 8-QAM - - (h) V29 • • • • • • • • • - - • • - (e) 53-QAM • • - • • (d) 32-QAM • - • (g) 8-QAM • • - • (c) 16-QAM - (b) 8-PSK - (a) QPSK • - • • • • • • - • • Solution to Problem 4.15 a) Since s1 (t) and s2 (t) are orthogonal, while s3 (t) is linearly dependent on s2 (t), the dimension of the signal space is I = 2. Moreover, we can set s1 (t) φ1 (t) = √ , T s2 (t) φ2 (t) = √ T so that the waveform constellation is h√ i h √ i s1 = T,0 , s2 = 0 , T , h √ i s3 = 0 , − T . SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS OF CHAPTER 4 597 - b) The resulting optimum decision regions are the minimum distance regions illustrated in the picture below. From the figure note that s1 (t) is the most sensitive waveform to noise. In fact by overlapping the three reference points s1 , s2 , s3 with relative decision regions it is seen that the decision region R1 is included in both R2 and R3 . Hence, it is more likely to exit R1 given s1 , then the other two cases. φ2 • √ T R1 R2 - • φ1 √ T R3 • √ T Solution to Problem 4.16 a) The minimum distance decision regions are simply R1 = (−∞, −2V0 ) R2 = [−2V0 , 0) R3 = [0, 2V0 ) R4 = [2V0 , +∞) . We then evaluate the probability of correct decision through (4.61) and (4.73). Because of (4.53), we have P [r ∈ R1 |a0 = 1] = P [s1 + w < −2V0 ] = P [w < V0 ] = 1 − Q (V0 /σI ) = 1 − Q (2) and P [r ∈ R2 |a0 = 2] = P [−2V0 ≤ s2 + w < 0] = P [−V0 ≤ w < V0 ] = 1 − 2 Q (V0 /σI ) = 1 − 2 Q (2) while the remaining terms can be evaluated by symmetry to give P [r ∈ R3 |a0 = 3] = 1 − 2 Q (2) , P [r ∈ R4 |a0 = 4] = 1 − Q (2) . By combining the results through (4.61), we finally have 3 3 1 1 P [C] = 8 (1 − Q (2)) + 8 (1 − 2 Q (2)) + 8 (1 − 2 Q (2)) + 8 (1 − Q (2)) = 1 − 74 Q (2) and Pe = 74 Q (2) ' 3.981 · 10−2 . b) The optimum decision regions can be evaluated from (4.81). In the present context it is easier to identify the boundaries between decision regions. Because of the system symmetry, we have R1 = (−∞, −v) R2 = [−v, 0) R3 = [0, v) R4 = [v, +∞) where v must be evaluated. Specifically, we have that v is the coordinate such that D(v; 3) = D(v; 4), that is 3 8 1 p 2πσI2 exp − (v − V0 )2 2σI2 = 1 8 1 p 2πσI2 exp − (v − 3V0 )2 2σI2 598 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS which gives v = 2+ 1 8 ln 3 V0 ' 2.55 V0 . For the probability of error, by the above procedure we obtain P [r ∈ R1 |a0 = 1] = P [r ∈ R4 |a0 = 4] = P [w > 3V0 − v] =1−Q 2− 1 4 ln 3 P [r ∈ R2 |a0 = 2] = P [r ∈ R3 |a0 = 3] = P [V0 − v ≤ w < V0 ] = 1 − Q (2) − Q 2 + 1 4 ln 3 so that Pe = 1 4 Q 2− 1 4 ln 3 + 3 4 Q (2) + 3 4 Q 2+ 1 4 ln 3 ' 3.6218 · 10−2 which is slightly lower than Pe obtained with minimum distance regions. Solution to Problem 4.17 a) The decision regions are R1 = (−∞, − 13 V0 ) R2 = [− 13 V0 , 31 V0 ) R3 = [ 13 V0 , +∞) . We then evaluate the probability of correct decision by (4.61). From (4.53) and σ I2 = have 1 2 P [r ∈ R1 |a0 = 1] = P s1 + w < − 3 V0 = P w < 3 V0 √ 2 = 1 − Q 23 V0 /σI = 1 − Q 2 2 V , 9 0 we and 1 1 1 1 P [r ∈ R2 |a0 = 2] = P − 3 V0 < s2 + w < 3 V0 = P − 3 V0 < w < 3 V0 1 V /σI 3 0 = 1 − 2Q = 1− 2Q q 1 2 and also P [r ∈ R3 |a0 = 3] = P [r ∈ R1 |a0 = 1] because of the system symmetry. By combining the results through (4.61), we finally have P [C] = 1 − and Pe = 1 2 Q 1 2 Q q √ 1 2 −Q , 2 q √ 1 2 +Q ' 0.279 . 2 b) The optimum decision regions can be evaluated from (4.81). In the present context it is easier to identify the boundaries between decision regions. Because of the system symmetry, we have R1 = (−∞, −v) R2 = [−v, v) R3 = [v, +∞) SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS OF CHAPTER 4 599 where v must be evaluated. Specifically, we have that v is the coordinate such that D(v; 2) = D(v; 3), that is 1 2 which gives 1 p 2πσI2 exp − v= (v)2 2σI2 1 2 2 9 + 1 4 = ln 2 1 p exp 2πσI2 (v − V0 )2 2σI2 − V0 ' 0.65 V0 . For the probability of error, by the above procedure we obtain P [r ∈ R1 |a0 = 1] = P [r ∈ R3 |a0 = 3] = P [w > V0 − v] = 1 − Q 3 √ 2 2 P [r ∈ R2 |a0 = 2] = P [−v ≤ w < v] = 1 − 2 Q so that Pe = 1 2 Q 3 √ 2 2 − √ 2 3 ln 2 + Q 2 3 √ √ 2 3 + 2 − 3 √ 2 2 √ 2 3 + ln 2 √ 2 3 ln 2 ln 2 ' 0.198 . Solution to Problem 4.18 a) We begin by evaluating the probability of correct decision through (4.61). From (4.53), we have 6 1 P [r ∈ R1 |a0 = 1] = P s1 + w < 5 A = P w < 5 A =1−Q and 6 A/σI 5 = 1 − Q (6) 1 4 P [r ∈ R2 |a0 = 2] = P s2 + w > 5 A = P w > − 5 A =1−Q so that P [C] = 1 − 4 A/σI 5 1 2 = 1 − Q (4) 1 2 Q (6) − 1 2 Q (4) ' 1.58 · 10−5 . Q (4) , and Pe = 1 2 Q (6) + b) The optimum decision regions can be evaluated from (4.81). In the present context it is easier to identify the boundary v. Specifically, we have that v is the coordinate such that D(v; 1) = D(v; 2), that is 1 p1 p exp 2πσI2 − (v + A)2 2σI2 = (1 − p1 ) p 1 2πσI2 exp − (v − A)2 2σI2 where we also exploited the fact that p2 = 1 − p1 . By then substituting v = A/5, we obtain p1 = 1 '1, 1 + e−10 p2 = 1 ' 4.54 · 10−5 . 1 + e10 600 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS Solution to Problem 4.19 We preliminarily note that the signals are linearly dependent, hence I = 1 and the basis function is given by (for its energy evaluation see Example 4.1 E) φ1 (t) = r 2 sin(2πf0 t) rect(t/T ) T and so the waveform vector representation is s1 = V 0 r T , 2 We also note that σI2 = N20 can be written as σI2 = a) The minimum distance regions are given by R1 = [v, +∞) , s3 = −V0 s2 = 0 , 1 V2 10 0 r T . 2 T. R3 = (−∞, −v) , R2 = [−v, v) , pT . For evaluating the probability of error, we begin by evaluating the where v = 12 s1 = V0 8 probability of correct decision through (4.61). From (4.53), we have P [r ∈ R1 |a0 = 1] = P [s1 + w > v] = P [w > v − s1 ] q 5 4 =1−Q and P [r ∈ R2 |a0 = 2] = P [−v ≤ s2 + w < v] = P [|w| < v] = 1 − 2Q q 5 4 while P [r ∈ R3 |a0 = 3] = P [r ∈ R1 |a0 = 1] because of the system symmetry. In conclusion, by combining the results through (4.61), we obtain Pe = 1 − P [C] = 3 2 Q q 5 4 ' 0.198 . b) We determine the optimum decision regions by the optimum threshold v. Specifically, we have that v is the coordinate such that D(v; 1) = D(v; 2), that is 1 4 giving 1 p 2πσI2 exp v= 1 2 − V0 p (v − V0 T /2)2 = 2σI2 r T σ 2 ln 2 + Ip = 2 V0 T2 1 2 1 2 + 1 p 1 5 2πσI2 exp ln 2 V0 r − v2 2σI2 T 2 The probabilities needed in the evaluation of the error probability are P [r ∈ R1 |a0 = 1] = P [r ∈ R3 |a0 = 3] = P [w > v − s1 ] = 1 − Q √ 5 2 − ln √2 5 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS OF CHAPTER 4 and P [r ∈ R2 |a0 = 2] = P [|w| < v] = 1 − 2 Q giving Pe = 1 2 Q √ 5 2 − ln √2 5 +Q √ 5 2 + ln √2 5 √ 5 2 + ln √2 5 601 ' 0.181 . Solution to Problem 4.20 Being the modulation antipodal, with average signaling energy Es = A 2 Z 3T 4 1T −4 h i e−2|t|/T dt = 12 A2 T 2 − e−1/2 − e−3/2 ' 0.585 A2 T , the waveform constellation is given by (4.129) and the optimum decision regions by (4.130). So the threshold at 0 identifies optimum decision regions for which the corresponding error probability is, from (4.131), Pbit v h i u ! r h u A2 T 2 − e−1/2 − e−3/2 i t =Q = Q ' 0.0152 . 4 2 − e−1/2 − e−3/2 A2 T /4 Solution to Problem 4.21 In this problem, the error is additive but not Gaussian. This assures that (4.76) is valid, provided that we use the correct expression for the conditional probability p r|a0 (ρ|n). Using (4.53), we have D(ρ; n) = pr|a0 (ρ|n) pn = pw (ρ − sn ) pn = p 1 2 σI2 exp − √ |ρ − sn | 2 pn . σI Now, the functions D(ρ; n) are centered in sn = ±V0 and exponentially decaying. This assures that the optimum decision regions are compact intervals of the form R1 = [v, +∞) , R2 = (−∞, v) with v the decision threshold. This can be evaluated by setting D(v; 1) = D(v; 2), to obtain 2 5 1 p 2 σI2 exp − √ |v − V0 | = 2 σI 3 5 1 p 2 σI2 exp − and, by considering that it is −V0 < v < V0 , we obtain σI v = √ ln 2 2 3 2 = ln 23 √ V0 ' 0.018 V0 . 16 2 √ |v + V0 | 2 σI 602 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS For the probability of error, we begin by evaluating the probability of correct decision through (4.61). From (4.53), we have P [r ∈ R1 |a0 = 1] = P [s1 + w > v] = P [w > v − s1 ] = Z +∞ v−V0 =1− 1 2 pw (u) du = 1 − exp Z v−V0 pw (u) du −∞ √ (v − V0 ) 2 =1− σI 1 2 exp 1 2 ln 3 2 − 1 2 ln −8 √ 2 and P [r ∈ R2 |a0 = 2] = P [s2 + w < v] = P [w < v − s2 ] = Z v+V0 pw (u) du = 1 − −∞ =1− 1 2 exp − Z +∞ pw (u) du v+V0 √ (v + V0 ) 2 =1− σI 1 2 exp 3 2 −8 √ 2 so that the probability of error is Pe = 1 5 exp 1 2 ln 3 2 −8 √ 2 + 3 10 exp − 1 2 ln 3 2 −8 √ 2 ' 6 · 10−6 . Solution to Problem 4.22 As for Problem 4.21, the noise here is Laplacian with PDF pw (u) = p 1 exp 2 σI2 − √ 2 |u/σI | where σI = V0 /3. For obtaining the probability of error, we evaluate the probability of correct decision through (4.61). From (4.53), we have P [r ∈ R1 |a0 = 1] = P [s1 + w < 0] = P [w < −s1 ] = Z V0 −∞ =1− and pw (u) du = 1 − 1 2 exp − Z +∞ pw (u) du V0 √ V0 2 =1− σI 1 2 exp √ −3 2 P [r ∈ R2 |a0 = 2] = P [s2 + w > 0] = P [w > −s2 ] = Z +∞ −V0 pw (u) du = P [r ∈ R1 |a0 = 1] because of the system symmetry. In conclusion, we have P [C] = 1 4 P [r ∈ R1 |a0 = 1] + 3 4 P [r ∈ R2 |a0 = 2] = 1 − 1 2 exp √ −3 2 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS OF CHAPTER 4 and Pe = 1 2 exp 603 √ − 3 2 ' 7.185 · 10−3 . Solution to Problem 4.23 This is the case where the noise is additive and Gaussian, but not independent of the useful component. However, in this case it is quite straightforward to derive the expression for D(ρ; n) in (4.76). We have D(ρ; 1) = (ρ − V0 )2 1 1 √ exp − 2 2 2π · 16σ 2 · 16σ 2 and 1 1 ρ2 √ exp − 2 . 2 2 2π σ 2σ With these definitions, we can now apply (4.77) to identify decision regions. We need to identify the thresholds v where D(v; 1) and D(v; 2) coincide, that is D(v; 1) = D(v; 2). Here the solution to this equation yields two values, v1 and v2 , given by D(ρ; 2) = v1,2 = −V0 ± p n 16 V02 + 15 · 32 σ 2 · ln(4) −0.3468 V0 = +0.2135 V0 15 This assures that the decision regions are of the form R1 = (−∞, v1 ) ∪ [v2 , +∞) R2 = [v1 , v2 ) . The error probability is finally obtained by use of (4.61). Since the error is Gaussian we can immediately write h i v1 − V 0 v2 − V 0 +Q P [r ∈ R1 |a0 = 1] = 1 − Q 4σ 4σ and v2 v1 −Q P [r ∈ R2 |a0 = 2] = Q σ σ so that the probability of error becomes v1 − V 0 4σ ' 2.6 · 10−5 . P [E] = 1 2 Q − 1 2 Q v2 − V 0 4σ − 1 2 Q v1 σ + 1 2 Q v2 σ + 1 2 Solution to Problem 4.24 a) hTx (t) φ1 (t) = p E hT x Eh = T . b) Pe = 1 P [w > 1.5 · 10−1 ] + P [w < −1.5 · 10−1 ] + P [w > 1 · 10−1 ] . 2 604 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS Pe = c) Since 3 · 10−1 2σI < φ1 (t), d(t) > = Z 2 4 2Q +Q 2 · 10−1 2σI . T d(t)dt = 0 , 0 no disturbance is present at the decision point and the error probability is not altered. Solution to Problem 4.25 a) We have Es = E1 = E2 = A2 Tp and ρ= then < s1 (t), s2 (t) > 3 =− Es 4 p −1/ Tp s1 (t) p = +1/ Tp φ1 (t) = √ E1 T , 0 < t < 12p T , 12p < t < Tp , otherwise 0 and φ02 (t) = s2 (t) − ρs1 (t) = with Eφ02 = 7 A 2 Tp 16 s1 = 13 T 12 p 2 − 1 A , 12 Tp < t < T p 13 , Tp < t < 12 Tp 0 , otherwise 4 −A which provides φ2 (t) = φ02 (t)/ √ Es [1 , 0] b) We select T = 3 1 − 4 A , 0 < t < 12 Tp 1 2 74 A , 12 Tp < t < 12 Tp p Eφ02 and so √ i √ h √ q 3 7 . s2 = ρ Es , Eφ02 = Es − , 4 4 = 2.16 µs. From the expression of error probability (4.119) we obtain Pbit = Q hence Es = N0 r Es (1 − ρ) N0 Q−1 (Pbit ) 1−ρ 2 ! = 10−4 = 7.9 where Q−1 (10−4 ) = 3.7. c) The performance deteriorates since we have an orthogonal modulation with ρ 0 = 0 > ρ = − 34 . Solution to Problem 4.26 a) Being I = 1, the waveform basis is 1 φ1 (t) = √ T 0≤t<T SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS OF CHAPTER 4 605 with the resulting waveform vector representation √ s2 = A T . s1 = 0 , The optimum receiver, which in the present context is the minimum distance receiver, can be implemented more efficiently by a ‘signal projection’ followed by a detector as in Fig. 4.11, where the decision regions are √ √ R1 = (−∞, 12 A T ) , R2 = [ 12 A T , +∞) . b) Since E1 = 0 and E2 = A2 T , we have Es = 12 E2 = 12 A2 T . Moreover, the distance between √ √ the two points is d = A T = 2Es . So, from (4.117) we obtain Pbit = Pe = Q r d2 2N0 ! =Q r Es N0 ! . Since for an antipodal signal we have (see (4.131)) Pbit = Q r Es 2 N0 ! we can conclude that the OOK signaling is less efficient in terms of the ratio E s /N0 , by a factor of 2, with respect to antipodal signaling employing the same average energy. Solution to Problem 4.27 a) Being I = 1, the waveform basis is φ1 (t) = s1 (t) √ 2A T1 and the resulting waveform vector representation is √ √ s2 = −2A T1 . s1 = 2A T1 , The optimum receiver, which in the present context is the minimum distance receiver, can be implemented more efficiently by a signal projection followed by a detector as in Fig. 4.11, where the decision regions are R1 = [0, +∞) , R2 = (−∞, 0) . b) For the error probability we can exploit (4.131) to obtain Pbit = Pe = Q r 8A2 T1 N0 ! . Solution to Problem 4.28 Since the transmitted waveforms are equally likely, p 1 = p2 = 12 , and the noise is AWG, the optimum receiver is the minimum distance receiver. We can resort to the single filter 606 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS receiver structure of Fig. 4.28. Since Es = E 1 = E 2 = Z T A2 0 and the correlation coefficient is RT 0 ρ= s1 (t) s2 (t) dt Es 2 t T 1 6 1 3 = dt = 1 3 A2 T A2 T = A2 T 1 2 , the distance (see (4.109)) is d= p 2E1 (1 − ρ) = √ E1 = A r T . 3 Hence the receive filter impulse response is s∗ (T − t) − s∗2 (T − t) s2 (t) − s1 (t) φ1 (t) = 1 = = d d r 3 T h ! . 1−2 t T i rect t − 21 T T . Moreover, from (4.119) we obtain Pbit = Pe = Q r A2 T 6N0 Solution to Problem 4.29 The transmission system employs antipodal waveforms with equal probability p1 = p2 = 12 . So, the optimum receiver is that of Fig. 4.24 where Es = T and ψ1 (t) = φ∗1 (T − t) = −s1 (t) √ . T The resulting error probability is then expressed by (4.131), giving Pbit = Pe = Q ! . t − 12 T T r 2T N0 Solution to Problem 4.30 a) Being the modulation antipodal, we have I = 1 with 1 φ1 (t) = √ rect T . So, according to (4.53), at the decision point the expression of the received sample r is √ r = ±A T + w , w ∼ N (0, N20 ) . 607 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS OF CHAPTER 4 The receiver may be implemented as in Fig. 4.24 with t0 = T and ψ1 (t) = φ1 (t). So, the SNR expression becomes A2 T SNR = . N0 /2 b) When the filter ψ̃1 (t) is used in place of ψ1 (t), then, the signal constellation at the decision point is given by s1 = Z +∞ −∞ ψ̃1 (T − u) s1 (u) du = A q Z T e(u−T )/τ du = A 2 τ √ 0 2τ (1 − e−T /τ ) and s2 = −s1 , while the noise component w is still zero-mean Gaussian with variance ψ̃1 (t) has unit energy. So, the SNR becomes SNR0 = N0 2 since 2A2 τ (1 − e−T /τ )2 N0 /2 and the SNR loss can be expressed as 2 (1 − e−T /τ )2 SNR0 = , SNR T /τ which is strictly < 1, and has a maximum value of ' 0.82 for T /τ ' 1.3. Solution to Problem 4.31 a) The optimum receiver, which in the present context is the minimum distance receiver, can be implemented by the single filter receiver implementation of Fig. 4.29 where ξ1 (t) = s∗1 (3 − t) − s∗2 (3 and the energy is −t 0≤t<1 1≤t<2 2≤t<3 otherwise 2t − 3 − t) = s2 (t) − s1 (t) = 3 − t 0 Es = E 1 = E 2 = 2 Z 1 t2 dt = 2 3 0 so that the additive constant is 21 (E2 − E1 ) = 0. The corresponding error probability can be derived from the correlation coefficient ρ= R2 1 s1 (t) s2 (t) dt Es = R2 1 (2 − t) (t − 1) dt Es = and application of (4.119) to give Pbit = Pe = Q r 1 2N0 = 2 · 10−3 . 1 6 2 3 = 1 4 608 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS b) We need to introduce two waveforms with correlation coefficient greater than the relation s2 (t) = s1 (t − 1), the waveform s1 (t) = √1 3 rect t−1 2 1 . 4 By preserving guarantees ρ = 21 and Es = 23 . c) We need to introduce two waveforms with correlation coefficient smaller than 41 . By preserving the relation s2 (t) = s1 (t − 1), the waveform s1 (t) = guarantees ρ = 0 and Es = 23 . q 2 3 rect(t − 12 ) Solution to Problem 4.32 In this case, the optimum receiver is no more the minimum distance receiver. The decision regions can be derived by application of (4.77), with D(ρ; n) as in (4.76) and where (4.70) is still valid. This guarantees that, when s1 < s2 , the decision regions are of the form R1 = (−∞, v) R2 = [v, +∞) where v is such that D(v; 1) = D(v; 2). We have giving pp 1 2πσI2 exp − 12 (v − s1 )2 σI2 v= σI2 ln = (1 − p) p 1−p p 1 2πσI2 exp − 21 (v − s2 )2 σI2 s1 + s 2 1 + . s1 − s 2 2 The error probability can then be derived through (4.61), where P [r ∈ R1 |a0 = 1] = P [w < v − s1 ] = 1 − Q and P [r ∈ R2 |a0 = 2] = P [w > v − s2 ] = Q giving h i v − s1 σI v − s2 σI v − s1 v − s2 − (1 − p) Q σI σI v − s1 v − s2 = (1 − p) + p Q − (1 − p) Q . σI σI Pe = 1 − p 1 − Q Solution to Problem 4.33 In this case, we can follow the procedure outlined in the single-filter receiver implementation and choose φ1 (t) as in (4.136) and φ2 (t) as in (4.139), so that the resulting constellation is that of (4.140). The corresponding functions D(ρ; n) are of the form 2 2 1 1 (ρ1 − sn,1 ) + (ρ2 − sn,2 ) exp − D(ρ; n) = pn 2 2πσI2 σI2 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS OF CHAPTER 4 609 where the points have the second coordinate in common, that is s 1,2 = s2,2 . The boundary between decision regions is now determined through the equivalence D(v; 1) = D(v; 2), giving v1 = σI2 ln 1−p p 1 s1,1 + s2,1 + , s1,1 − s2,1 2 which is a threshold along φ1 (t) only. So, the projection onto φ2 (t) can be dropped, as in the case of the single filter receiver when p = 12 . The error probability can now be derived from the results of Problem 4.32, by simply replacing s1 → s1,1 and s2 → s2,1 . Solution to Problem 4.34 In the general case when p1 = p and p2 = 1 − p, the optimum receiving scheme is not based upon the minimum distance criterion, and we must resort to the application of (4.77). The general derivation is given in Problem √ 4.32. In the present context where the signaling scheme is antipodal, we can set φ1 (t) = −s1 (t)/ Es so that the resulting waveform vector representation is √ √ s1 = − Es , s2 = Es and, from the results of Problem 4.32, the decision regions are R1 = (−∞, v) R2 = [v, +∞) with threshold N0 v= √ ln 4 Es and the resulting error probability is Pe = (1 − p) + p Q When p = 1 2 v+ p √ ! Es N0 /2 p 1−p − (1 − p) Q v− p √ ! Es N0 /2 ' 3 · 10−6 . we can resort to the ordinary minimum distance receiver where v = 0 and Pe = Q r 2Es N0 ! = 3.87 · 10−6 Solution to Problem 4.35 In the general case when p1 = p 6= p2 , we must resort to the results of Problem √ 4.32. In the present context where the signaling scheme is antipodal, we can set φ 1 (t) = −s1 (t)/ Es so that the resulting constellation is √ √ s1 = − Es , s2 = Es and, from the results of Problem 4.32, the decision regions are R 1 = (−∞, v) and R2 = [v, +∞) with threshold N0 p v= √ . ln 1−p 4 Es 610 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS The resulting error probability is v+ Pe = (1 − p) + p Q p where Es = 2A2 Z √ ! Es N0 /2 T /2 0 By substitution we obtain Pe = 1.81 · 10−6 . − (1 − p) Q 2 2t T v− p √ ! Es N0 /2 dt = 13 A2 T . Solution to Problem 4.36 a) By considering the results of Example 4.1 E, since (4.21) holds, a suitable basis is φ1 (t) = r 2 cos(2πf0 t) hTx (t) , T φ2 (t) = r 2 sin(2πf0 t) hTx (t) , T so that the corresponding waveform vector representation is s1 = r T (1, 0) , 2 s2 = r T (0, 2) , 2 s3 = r T (0, −1) , 2 - while the corresponding decision regions are illustrated in the figure below. • p T (− 1 , 1 ) 2 2 2 s2 y= 3 4 • s3 - • s1 p T +x 2 2 - y =−x b) The upper bound for the error probability is given by (4.151) which, in the present context becomes Pe ≤ 2 Q √ T 2σI = 2Q r T 2N0 ! = 2Q √ 5 ' 2.1 · 10−2 . Solution to Problem 4.37 For the waveform set {sn (t)}, being the waveforms linearly dependent we have I = 1. The waveform vector representation is √ √ √ √ s1 = −3A T , s2 = −A T , s3 = A T , s4 = 3A T SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS OF CHAPTER 4 611 with an average constellation energy Es = 5A2 T . Thus, from (4.150), (4.151), and (4.158), the bounds on the error probability become Q (x) ≤ Pe ≤ 3 2 Q (x) + Q (2x) + 1 2 Q (3x) ≤ 3 Q (x) p √ where x = 2A T /(2σI ) = 2Es /(5N0 ). For the signal set {vn (t)}, being orthogonal, we can exploit the results of (4.168) to write Q (y) ≤ Pe ≤ 3 Q (y) , y = p Es /N0 . Since x < y and so Q (y) < Q (x), it is evident that the orthogonal signal set, {vn (t)}, is more energy efficient. Solution to Problem 4.38 By assuming that A is the maximum distance between constellation points, from the solution of Problem 4.12, the two average constellation energies are Es(a) = A2 , 3 2 Es(b) = 9 8 A2 . With respect to the upper and lower bounds to the error probability, for the first constellation we have the upper bounds (from (4.150) and (4.151)) √ 1 √ √ 3 2x + 2 Q (2x) + 2 Q 5x + 2 Q 8x ≤ 7 Q (x) , Pe ≤ 2 Q (x) + Q where A = x= 2σI and the lower bound (from (4.158)) r A2 = 2N0 r (a) 1 3 Es , N0 Pe ≥ Q (x) . For the second constellation, the upper bounds become √ 3 Q (y) + 74 Q 3y + 2 Q (2y) + Pe ≤ 13 4 where A = y= 2σI and the lower bound r A2 = 2N0 r Pe ≥ Q (y) . (a) Now, from a lower bound perspective, and by setting Es 1 2 Q √ 7y ≤ 7 Q (y) (b) 4 9 Es , N0 (b) = Es and thus x = √ 3 2 y < y, we have Q (y) < Q (x) and so the constellation b) is more robust to noise. This result is confirmed from the upper bound perspective. In fact, for the looser upper bound we have 7 Q (y) < 7 Q (x), and similarly for the tighter upper bound (as can be verified by plotting the curves). Solution to Problem 4.39 By assuming that A is the minimum distance between constellation points, from the solution of Problem 4.13, the two average energies are Es(a) = 5 2 A2 , Es(b) = 1 A2 . π 4 sin2 ( 16 ) 612 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS With respect to the upper and lower bounds to the error probability, for the first constellation we have the upper bounds (from (4.150) and (4.151)) √ √ √ 5 2x + 2 Q (2x) + 3 Q 5x + 4 Q 8x + Q (3x) + Pe ≤ 3 Q (x) + 2 Q √ √ √ 1 3 10x + Q 13x + 4 Q 18x ≤ 15 Q (x) +2Q where A x= = 2σI and the lower bound (from (4.158)) r r A2 = 2N0 (a) 1 5 Es , N0 Pe ≥ Q (x) . π For the second constellation, being the radius r = A/[2 sin( 16 )], the upper bounds become Pe ≤ 2 7 X k=1 Q π sin( 16 k) y π sin( 16 ) where A y= = 2σI and the lower bound r +Q A2 = 2N0 r 2y π sin( 16 ) ≤ 15 Q (y) (b) π 2 sin2 ( 16 ) Pe ≥ Q (y) . (a) Now, from a lower bound perspective, and by setting Es Es , N0 (b) = Es and thus x = 1.6 y > y, we have Q (x) < Q (y) and so the constellation a) is more robust to noise. This result is confirmed from the upper bound perspective. In fact, for the looser upper bound we have 15 Q (x) < 15 Q (y), and similarly for the tighter upper bound (as can be verified by plotting the curves). Solution to Problem 4.40 √ a) A basis for antipodal rectangular signals with amplitude A is given by φ 1 (t) = rect(t/T )/ T , so that the system constellation is √ √ s1 = A T , s2 = −A T and the system energy is Es = A2 T , where Rb = 1/T . So, from (4.131) we obtain A=Q −1 (Pbit ) r Rb N0 = 15 · 10−3 V 2 =⇒ (A)mV = 15 mV . b) Conversely, if we are able to deliver only 0.8 A, from (4.131) we have Pbit = Q s (0.8 A)2 Rb N20 ! ' 7.2 · 10−5 . SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS OF CHAPTER 4 613 Solution to Problem 4.41 At the receiver input, the received waveforms are of the form s̃1 (t) = A C rect(t/T ) , s̃2 (t) = −s̃1 (t) which is an antipodal√waveform set with dimension I = 1, energies E s = E1 = E2 = A2 C 2 T , basis φ̃1 (t) = rect(t/T )/ T and constellation √ √ s̃2 = −A C T . s̃1 = A C T , So, from (4.131) and (4.65), the bit error probability is s Pbit = Q A2 C 2 T N0 2 ! . Now, because we are dealing with a binary modulation, M = 2, from (4.176) and (4.177), we have T = Tb = 1/Rb , which assures A= Q−1 (Pbit ) C r Rb N0 = 1.5 · 103 V . 2 Solution to Problem 4.42 The binary PSK waveforms were introduced in Example 4.3 D, where for f0 T 1 the two waveforms are antipodal with equal energy A2 T /2. Being the system binary we further have T = Tb = 1/Rb . At the receiver, the waveforms are simply scaled by a factor C, that is the received constellation is s1 = A C q 1 T 2 s2 = −A C , q 1 T 2 with received energy equal to Es = A2 C 2 T /2. So, from (4.131), the maximum power attenuation that can be tolerated is aCh = 1/C 2 with √ 1 −1 Q (Pbit ) N0 Rb = C= A ( 6.7 · 10−3 , Rb = 10 kbit/s 21.24 · 10−3 , Rb = 100 kbit/s 67.18 · 10−3 , Rb = 1 Mbit/s Solution to Problem 4.43 a) The system dimension is I = 1 with orthonormal basis φ1 (t) = hTx (t) √ A T so that the system implementation is the implementation type I receiver of Fig. 4.18 where t 0 = T 1 and ψ1 (t) = φ1 (t). Because of the attenuation C = 10 introduced by the channel, the constellation at the decision point is s1 = − 3 √ 3 √ 4 √ 4 √ A T , s2 = − A T , s3 = + A T , s4 = + A T , 10 10 10 10 614 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS and the corresponding decision regions are separated by the threshold values v1 = − 7 √ 7 √ A T , v2 = 0 , v 3 = + A T . 20 20 b) We have Pe = 1 2 Q √ √ 3A T A T +Q . 10σI 20σI c) Since hd(t), φ1 (t)i = 0, the disturbance does not go through the matched filter ψ 1 , and the error probability remains unaltered. Solution to Problem 4.44 a) For the decision regions we have o n o n ρρ1 > 0, ρ2 > 0 , R2 = ρρ1 < 0, ρ2 > ρ1 n o R3 = ρρ2 < 0, ρ1 > ρ2 R1 = b) The upper bound on error probability can be derived from (4.150) to obtain √ A 2A 2 4 +3Q ' 3.8 · 10−7 . Pe = 3 Q σI σI c) In this case we have a binary modulation for which (4.117) holds, yielding √ 2A Pe = Q ' 1.28 · 10−12 . σI Solution to Problem 4.45 a) The channel induces a distortion on the signals, infact the received waveforms are of the form s̃1 (t) = 1 2 s1 (t) + 1 4 s1 (t − 12 T0 ) , s̃2 (t) = 1 2 s1 (t − 12 T0 ) + 1 4 s1 (t − T0 ) with extensions [0, T0 ] and [ 12 T0 , 32 T0 ]. So, to avoid ISI, a smaller symbol period T that could be chosen is T = 23 T0 = 3 µs, yielding a maximum bit rate of Rb = 1/T = 0.33 Mbit/s. b) The optimum receiver should be built upon the received waveform set {s̃ 1 (t), s̃2 (t)}. Since these 5 waveforms have equal energy Es̃ = 32 A2 T0 = 1.25 · 10−6 V2 /Hz, and correlation coefficient 2 ρ̃ = 5 , from (4.119) the error probability is Pbit = Q s Es̃ 2 3 5 N0 2 ! =Q s A 2 T0 64 N0 3 2 ! ' 4.57 · 10−10 . The optimum receiver is shown in Fig. 4.28, where the receive filter is ψ1 (t) = s̃1 (t0 − t) − s̃2 (t0 − t) , d˜ SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS OF CHAPTER 4 615 with t0 = 23 T0 . By recalling (4.109), which in the present context becomes d˜ = we obtain p ψ1 (t) = √1 − 3T0 c) In this case, the receive filter is ψ1 (t) = √ 2Es̃ (1 − ρ̃) = 41 A 3T0 , + √2 3T0 0 , 0 ≤ t < T0 , T0 ≤ t < 32 T0 , otherwise s1 (t0 − t) − s2 (t0 − t) , d d= √ √ 2Es = A T0 with decision regions R1 = [0, +∞) and R2 = (−∞, 0). Since the received waveforms are {s̃n (t)}, the constellation at the decision point is √ √ s̃2 = − 14 A T0 s̃1 = 18 A T0 , with corresponding incorrect transition probabilities (4.195) p1|2 p2|1 s̃1 = P [w + s̃1 < 0] = P [w < −s̃1 ] = Q σI −s̃2 = P [w + s̃2 > 0] = P [w > −s̃2 ] = Q σI =Q =Q s A 2 T0 64 N20 s ! A 2 T0 16 N20 ! So, by considering equally likely waveforms, from (4.199) the bit error probability becomes Pbit = 1 2 (p1|2 + p2|1 ) = 1 2 " Q s A 2 T0 64 N20 ! +Q s A 2 T0 16 N20 !# ' 1 · 10−4 , which is considerably higher than in the optimum case. Solution to Problem 4.46 √ a) The reference signal space has dimension I = 1, with basis φ1 (t) = hTx (t)/ T , and constellation √ s1 = B , s2 = −B , s3 = 2B , s4 = −2B , where B = A T . By letting the waveforms have equal probability pn = decision regions are the minimum distance regions 1 , 4 the optimum R1 = [0, 32 B) , R2 = [− 32 B, 0) , R3 = [ 32 B, +∞) , R4 = [−∞, − 32 B) . 616 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS So, by setting C = B/σI = 4, from (4.195) for the incorrect transition probabilities we have p2|1 = P − 32 B ≤ w + B < 0 = Q (C) − Q p3|1 = P 3 2 B ≤w+B =Q p4|1 = P w + B < − 23 B −5 p1|2 = p2|1 ' 3.16 · 10 1 C 2 =Q 5 C 2 5 C 2 −2 ' 2.27 · 10 ' 3.16 · 10−5 ' 7.62 · 10−24 p3|2 = p4|1 ' 7.62 · 10−24 p4|2 = p3|1 ' 2.27 · 10−2 p1|3 = P 0 ≤ w + 2B < 23 B = Q 1 C 2 − Q (2C) ' 2.27 · 10−2 p4|3 = P w + 2B < − 23 B = Q p1|4 = p2|3 ' 6.22 · 10−16 7 C 2 7 C ' 2 −45 p2|3 = P − 32 B ≤ w + 2B < 0 = Q (2C) − Q ' 7.79 · 10 6.22 · 10−16 p2|4 = p1|3 ' 2.27 · 10−2 p3|4 = p4|3 ' 7.79 · 10−45 Note that the probability of error is determined by the higher transition error probabilities, that is by: p3|1 , p4|2 , p1|3 , and p2|4 . b) We apply (4.203) which in the present context becomes Pbit ' 1 8 p3|1 + p4|2 + p1|3 + p2|4 = 1.14 · 10−2 . c) We apply (4.203) which in the present context becomes Pbit ' 1 8 2p3|1 + 2p4|2 + 2p1|3 + 2p2|4 = 2.27 · 10−2 . This first approach is thus to be preferred because it associates binary words with a lower Hamming distance to waveforms with higher incorrect transition probability. Solution to Problem 4.47 Because of the equal probability of waveforms, the optimum receiver is the minimum distance receiver. In the present context, decision regions are separated by the thresholds 1 A, 32 A, 25 A. For the incorrect transition probabilities (4.195) we have 2 p2|1 p1|2 p1|3 p1|4 = Q (x) − Q (3x) , = Q (x) , = Q (3x) , = Q (5x) , p3|1 p3|2 p2|3 p2|4 = Q (3x) − Q (5x) , = Q (x) − Q (3x) , = Q (x) − Q (3x) , = Q (3x) − Q (5x) , p4|1 p4|2 p4|3 p3|4 = Q (5x) = Q (3x) = Q (x) = Q (x) − Q (3x) where x = 12 A/σI . Since Es = 27 A2 and Es = C 2 EsTx , we can also write x= s Es = 14 N20 s EsTx C 2 . 14 N20 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS OF CHAPTER 4 617 By applying (4.203), the bit error probability becomes Pbit = Q (x) − 1 4 Q (3x) + 1 4 Q (5x) ' Q (x) . So, concerning the average transmit energy we have EsTx ' 2 14 N20 −1 Q (Pbit ) = 3.15 V2 /Hz . 2 C Solution to Problem 4.48 a) In this situation, the most efficient ML receiver is the implementation type I receiver of Fig. 4.18, illustrated in Fig. 4.45 in the specific QAM case; the decision regions for the minimum distance criterion correspond to the four quadrants. b) For the conditional correct decision probability we have P [C|a0 = 1] = p1|1 = P [s1 + w ∈ R1 ] = P [A + w1 > 0, B + w2 > 0] = Q (−A/σI ) Q (−B/σI ) B A 1−Q = 1−Q σI σI while for the probability of correct decision we simply have P [C] = P [C|a0 = 1] because of the system symmetry. c) By assuming a Gray bit mapping, for example 00 → s1 , 01 → s2 , 11 → s3 , 10 → s4 , the bit error probability can be derived as in (4.219), giving Pbit = 1 − P [C] ' 2 1 2 Q A σI + 1 2 Q B σI = 5 · 10−3 . - Solution to Problem 4.49 a) The optimum decision regions are reported in the picture below. • 100 • 000 • 101 • 001 011 • 111 • 010 • 110 • - 618 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS A lower bound to the error probability can be determined from (4.157), giving √ 2 2 1 Pe ≥ 4 Q q + 4 Q q ' 8 2 N20 2 N20 1 2 Q (14) + 1 2 Q (20) . b) The lowest conditional error probability is given by P [E|s5 ] since the decision region associated with s1 is contained in the decision region of s5 , and so the correct transition probability associated with s5 is bigger than that of s1 . c) The signal that is more likely to be detected is either s2 or s4 , which are the closest points to s1 . So, by the minimum distance criterion, a possible Gray bit mapping approach is given in the plot above. Solution to Problem 4.50 a) For determining the modulation cardinality M , we can use (4.176) and the settings on the maximum bit rate to obtain Rb log2 M ≥ 1/T while for determining the SNR we can use the bit error probability approximation (4.219) where the symbol error probability is given by (4.248). By solving with respect to E s /N0 we have Es M −1 = N0 3 Q In the specific case we obtain M = 4 and b) In the first case we have −1 Es N0 Pbit log2 M 4(1 − √1M ) Es N0 Es = 1427 =⇒ N0 Es N0 and in the second case M = 256 , . ' 18, that is (Es /N0 )dB = 12.6 dB. Es = 80 =⇒ N0 M = 16 , !!2 = 19 dB dB = 31.5 dB . dB We can conclude that, when the bandwidth is limited, higher bit rates require higher SNRs, hence higher energy, to achieve the same bit error probability. Solution to Problem 4.51 a) No, it is not possible because there are points with four constellation points at the minimum distance A. Since the bits available for Gray bit mapping are 3 (log 2 8 = 3), one of the points at minimum distance must have a bit representation with at least 2 bit difference from the bit representation of the reference constellation point. b) By exploiting (4.177) we have F = 20 MBaud. c) From Tab. 4.1 we have (N = 8) Pbit,QAM 4 = 3 1 1− √ 2 2 Q r 3 Es 7 N0 ! ' 0.8619 Q r Es 0.4286 N0 ! SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS OF CHAPTER 4 Pbit,PSK 2 = Q 3 s 1 1− √ 2 Es N0 ! ' 0.6667 Q r Es 0.2929 N0 619 ! We obtain the following prospect Pbit 10−1 10−2 10−3 10−4 10−5 10−6 10−7 10−8 10−9 Es N0 QAM 5.16 8.50 10.95 12.97 14.74 16.32 17.76 19.10 20.36 Es N0 PSK 6.84 11.98 15.66 18.68 21.29 23.63 25.76 27.74 29.59 So, QAM is more efficient than PSK. d) 8-QAM is more robust to phase errors, since it is required a phase error of at least π/4 to exit a decision region. In 8-PSK, instead, the maximum allowable phase error is π/8. On the other hand 8-PSK is more robust to errors in the amplitude. Solution to Problem 4.52 a) From (4.176), we have 1/T = Rb / log2 (4) = 45 MBaud. b) From (4.176), we have 1/T = Rb / log2 (16) = 22.5 MBaud. c) For determining the SNR we can use (4.269) and, by assuming Gray coding, (4.219). For 4-PSK we have " 2# −1 1 [Q P log M ] bit Es 2 2 ' 22.57 , = 12 π N0 sin M while for 16-PSK Es = 278 . N0 Solution to Problem 4.53 a) The channel introduces an attenuation (aCh )dB = 6 · 13 = 78 dB, and aCh = 6.3 · 107 . Therefore the maximum value of the waveforms is (SRc )max = √ 2 = 2.52 · 10−4 V . aCh b) Let us indicate with φ1 (t0 − t) and φ2 (t0 − t) the receive filters. The signals of the waveform set are orthogonal, with the same energy EsTx = 22 T = 4T , hence s1 (t) 1 φ1 (t) = p = √ rect (t/T ) T EsTx s2 (t) 1 φ2 (t) = p = √ rect (t/T ) sgn(t) T EsTx 620 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS c) From (4.298) and (4.300) Λo = Γ = PRc kT0 FBmin where PRc = EsTx MsRc 4 = = R RT aCh 100 aCh ⇒ (PRc )dBm = −14 − 78 + 30 = −62 dBm and Bmin = 1/(2T ) = 500 kHz, it is (Λo )dB = 45 dB . d) From (4.65) and (4.296) σI2 = EsRc EsTx N0 = = . 2 Γ ΓaCh Solution to Problem 4.54 a) Being PAM a baseband modulation, we have BCh = Bmin = 1/(2T ) and from (4.177) we obtain Rb = 2BCh log2 M = 10 kbit/s . b) For M = 4 we obtain Rb = 20 kbit/s. c) Being QAM a passband modulation, we have BCh = Bmin = 1/T and Rb = BCh log2 M = 20 kbit/s . d) For non-coherent FSK BCh = M T Rb = and we have BCh log2 M = 2500 bit/s . M M and Rb = 5 kbit/s. e) For coherent FSK BCh = 2T f) We have Rb = 1.875 kbit/s. Solution to Problem 4.55 a) The channel attenuation can be measured by means of (2.135), giving (aCh )dB = 32.4 + 100 + 60 − 20 − 40 = 132.4 dB , so that the received power is (PRc )dBm = (PTx )dBm − (aCh )dB = −92.4 dBm . b) From Tab. 4.1, for BPSK the reference SNR Γ as a function of Pbit gives Γ= 1 2 h Q−1 (Pbit ) i2 = 11.28 =⇒ (Γ)dB = 10.5 dB . By using (4.295) we then determine Bmin = 1/T = Rb . We have Rb = Bmin = PRc ' 12.3 Mbit/s . Γ kTeff,Rc SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS OF CHAPTER 4 621 c) When QPSK is used (M = 4), from Tab. 4.1 the expression of Γ becomes h Γ = Q−1 (Pbit ) i2 = 22.56 =⇒ (Γ)dB = 13.53 dB , doubled with respect to the binary case. Since Rb = 2/T = 2Bmin , for the same received power it results that the two systems have the same bit rate. Solution to Problem 4.56 a) Since the maximum bandwidth is Bmin = 1200 Hz, from Tab. 4.1 and from (4.177) where M = 2, we have Rb = 1/T = 2Bmin = 2400 bit/s. b) From Tab. 4.1, the request of Pbit = 10−6 for a binary PAM system is equivalent to requiring a reference SNR h Γ = Q−1 (Pbit ) i2 = 22.56 =⇒ (Γ)dB = 13.53 dB . We now express the reference SNR Γ in terms of electrical parameters. We preliminarily note that the attenuation introduced by each line section is (aC )dB = (ãC )dB/km (L)km = 50 dB which is perfectly recovered by the amplifier with gain gA = 1/aC . So, from Example 2.2 C the overall line gain is g = 1 and the effective noise temperature at the transmitter output becomes Teff,Tx = T + N T 0 FA aC + transmitter line S |{z} | {z } T0 (FRc − 1) g | {z receiver } where TS is the transmitter output noise temperature, and N is the number of line segments, that is N = 20. By assuming TS = T0 we have Teff,Tx = N T0 FA aC + T0 FRc ' N T0 FA aC =⇒ Teff,Tx ' 107 . T0 So, by (4.300) and considering that Teff,Rc aCh = Teff,Tx , we can write (Γ)dB = (PTx )dBm + 114 − 70 + 29.2 = 13.53 that is (PTx )dBm = −59.67 dBm. Solution to Problem 4.57 a) From (2.114), the power attenuation due to the line is (aCh )dB = 6 · 15 = 90 dB. Because the system is narrowband, from (2.110) we have GCh (f0 ) = √ gCh = 3.1 · 10−5 → VRc,max = V0 GCh (f0 ) = 6.3 · 10−5 V . b) Since the waveforms have equal energy, the optimum receiver could be the single-filter receiver of Fig. 4.29 where 21 (E2 − E1 ) = 0 and where ξ1 (t) = s∗1 (T − t) − s∗2 (T − t) = n 2VRc,max , 0 < t < 12 T 0 , otherwise where we considered t0 = T . Incidentally, the value of 2VRc,max does not affect system performance. 622 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS c) Since this is a binary orthogonal form of baseband transmission, the bit error probability is given 1 by (4.135), and from (4.291) the minimum bandwidth is B min = 2T = 500 kHz. So, from (4.295) we have Γ = 2Es /N0 and Pbit = Q q 1 Γ 2 h Γ = 2 Q−1 (Pbit ) =⇒ i2 = 45.12 that is (Γ)dB = 16.5 dB. In addition, by recalling (4.300), it is (Γ)dB = (PTx )dBm − 90 + 114 − 13 + 3 = 16.5 → (PTx )dBm = 2.5 dBm . d) Since EsTx = V02 T , from (2.25) and (4.181) we have PTx = MsTx EsTx /T V2 = = 0 R R R =⇒ V0 = √ PTx R ' 0.422 V . 8.5 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS OF Chapter 5 Solution to Problem 5.1 If the probability of saturation satisfies the relation P [|a(nT s )| > vsat ] 1, and then Mesat ' 0. Introducing in (5.29) the change of variable z = Qi − u, as vi = Qi + ∆ 2 vi−1 = Qi − ∆ , we have 2 Meq ' Megr = L−1 ∆/2 i=0 −∆/2 XZ z 2 pa (Qi − z)dz . If ∆ is small enough, then pa (Qi − z) ' pa (Qi ) for |z| ≤ and assuming PL−1 i=0 pa (Qi )∆ ' R +∞ −∞ pa (u) du = 1, we get L−1 Megr = X ∆ , 2 pa (Qi )∆ i=0 !Z ∆/2 −∆/2 ∆2 z2 dz ' . ∆ 12 Solution to Problem 5.2 The quantizer has a symmetic characteristics around the origin, hence the signal a(t) must be amplitude shifted of its mean to obtain a new quantizer input b(t) also symmetric in amplitude around 0: b(t) = a(t) − 1 . Moreover pb (u) = βa −βa |u| e , 2 with Mb = σa2 = i.e. βa = 1 V−1 . 2 = 2 V2 , βa2 623 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS OF CHAPTER 5 From the expression of the saturation probability Psat = e−βa vsat . and imposing Psat = 10−3 , we have 6.9 = 6.9 V , βa vsat ' and σa ' −13.77 . vsat Considering only the granular noise, from (5.32), we get b = 9. 20 log10 Solution to Problem 5.3 The quantizer range is (−vsat , +vsat ) with vsat = 5 V. With this choice (see (5.32)) (Λq )dB = 6.02b . Then b=7. Note that b must be an integer. For this choice (Λq )dB = 42 dB. Solution to Problem 5.4 Since the probability density function of the input signal is symmetrical from (5.28) we have Z ∞h 2 i2 − u2 1 ∆ e 2σa du , −u √ Mesat = 2 vsat − 2 2πσa vsat where vsat = 3σa so that ∆ = Z +∞ v 6σa 2b 2 = 34 σa . From the general integral − u2 1 v [A − u]2 √ e 2σa du = A2 Q σa 2πσa the result follows with v = vsat and A = vsat − 2 ∆ . 2 Solution to Problem 5.5 To get the saturation probability of 10−3 we must have Then, from (5.32) we have vsat = Q−1 5 · 10−4 ' 3.3 . σa 6.02b = 60 − 4.77 + 20 log 10 (3.3) = 65.6 and b = d10.89e = 11 . Solution to Problem 5.6 a) Since the signal has amplitude between −20 and 20 V, the transformation is b(t) = 2 2Aσa − v 2 vσa − v 2 v + √ e 2σa − √ e 2σa − σa2 Q σa 2π 2π a(t) 1 + 40 2 to get a signal b(t) matched to the quantizer range. 624 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS b) We can consider the quantizer range (−20, 20) V divided in L = 2 b = 16 intervals, with a quantization step size ∆ of 2.5 V. Since the value −1.58 V lies in the eighth interval, it is quantized with Q7 , while 5.22 V is quantized with Q10 . The associated code word depends on the IBMAP. Two binary representations are given below. −1.58 V 5.22 V 1000 0111 0010 1010 Sign and amplitude Progressive from the lowest level √ c) Since σa /vsat = 1/ 2, from (5.32) it is (Λq )dB = 25.84 dB. Solution to Problem 5.7 Since pa (u) = 1/4, |a| < 2, the statistical power of the input signal is Ma = 4/3 V2 . From (5.28) the statistical power of the granular noise is Megr = ∆2 /12 V2 , with ∆ = 2vsat /L = 2/256 = 1/128 V. In this case the saturation noise can not be neglected and its statistical power is Z +∞ 2 ∆ vsat − Mesat = 2 − u pa (u) du 2 vsat 1 =2 4 = Then Λq = Z 2 1 ∆ 1− −u 2 ∆ 2 1 du = 2 Z 1+ ∆ 2 1 3 1+ 2 1 ∆ ∆2 = + u + . ∆ 6 6 4 8 2 Ma = Megr + Mesat 4/3 ∆2 12 + 1 6 + ∆ 4 + u2 du ∆ 2 ∆2 8 = 7.87 and (Λq )dB = 8.96 dB . Note that in the absence of saturation, for the same number of levels, (Λ q )dB ' 48 dB. Solution to Problem 5.8 To avoid saturation, we must have vsat = amax . The power of the signal is given by Z T 1 a2 amax t 2 Ma = dt = max . T 0 T 3 Then application of (5.32) gives (Λq )dB = 6.02b + 4.77 + 20 log10 1 √ 3 = 6.02b , as in the case of an uniform signal. Solution to Problem 5.9 For a Laplacian signal with probability density function pa (u) = β −β|u| e , 2 the saturation probability is Psat = 2P [a > vsat ] = e−βvsat SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS OF CHAPTER 5 Imposing Psat = 10−3 , it is βvsat = 6.9. The statistical power of a(t) is Ma = have (Λq )dB = 6.02 b − 8.99 and b = 12. Solution to Problem 5.10 a) The statistical power of the signal is Ma = Z +∞ −∞ Pa (f ) df = A 20000 V2 and the electrical power is Pa = Ma 20000 =A = 200 A = 1 W R 100 from which we obtain A = 5 · 10−3 V2 /Hz . b) Fs = 40 kHz. c) The standard deviation of the signal is √ √ √ σa = Ma = A 20000 = 100 = 10 V . The saturation probability is Psat = 2Q Hence we obtain Q and therefore vsat σa vsat σa . = 0.5 · 10−6 vsat = 4.9 σa vsat = 49 V . d) The constraint on the signal-to-quantization noise ratio provides (see (5.32)) b≥ 100 − 20 log10 6.02 1 4.9 − 4.77 = 109 = 18.11 6.02 and hence b = 19 bit . Solution to Problem 5.11 (44.1 · 103 ) · (16) · (20 · 60) = 846.72 Mbit . 2 . β2 625 From (5.32) we 626 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS Solution to Problem 5.12 Since the probability density function is uniform with statistical power Ma = 2 V2 , the signal amplitude is in the range (−am , am ) with Ma = so that vsat = am = a2m , 3 √ 6 V to avoid saturation. Then, from (5.32), we have b= (Λq )dB 6.02 =9. Hence from (5.6) the bit rate, corresponding to the minimum sampling frequency of 20 kHz, is Rb = 20 · 9 = 180 kbit/s . Solution to Problem 5.13 a) ra (τ ) 6 −1 b) Pa (f ) = A2 2 0 1 2 3 1 1 + 1 + 4π 2 (f − f0 )2 1 + 4π 2 (f + f0 )2 Pa (f ) τ 4 6 −1 0 1 2 f [Hz] SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS OF CHAPTER 5 627 c) The statistical power is Ma = ra (0) = A2 /2. Since the maximum amplitude is A, to avoid saturation we choose vsat = A. From (5.32) we have (Λq )dB = 6.02 b + 1.76 to yield b = 10 and L = 2b = 1024. d) The conventional bandwidth is obtained in correspondence of the frequency where the PSD is 2 −24 dB below its maximum value, Pa (f0 ) ' A2 . From the condition 24 1 = 10− 10 1 + 4π 2 (f − 1)2 we derive B = 3.52 Hz. Then, from (5.6), Rb = 70.4 bit/s. Solution to Problem 5.14 a) The statistical power of a(t) is Ma = 2 Z 2 u2 0 1 u 1− 2 2 du = 2 2 V 3 Choosing the quantizer range (−vsat , vsat ) with vsat = 2 V to avoid saturation and approximating the quantization noise as uniform, from (5.32) for b = 5 we get (Λq )dB = 27.1 dB , with a reduction of about 3 dB with respect to an uniform input. b) The minimum sampling frequency is Fs = 2B = 10 kHz. Since b = 5, we have Rb = b Fs = 50 kbit/s . c) The number of bits that can be employed to represent each sample is b = 8. Then, from (5.32) we have ! p 2/3 = 45.14 dB . (Λq )dB = 6.02 · 8 + 4.77 + 20 log10 2 d) With a guard bandwidth of 1 kHz, the sampling frequency becomes F s = 12 kHz, so that the maximum number of bits that can be employed by the quantizer are b= and, from (5.32), j 80 12 k =6 (Λq )dB = 6.02 · 6 + 4.77 + 20 log10 p 2/3 2 ! = 33.1 dB . Solution to Problem 5.15 The statistical power of the signal a(t) is given by Ma = 202 172 + = 344.5 V2 2 2 628 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS which coincides with its variance σa2 , since a(t) has zero mean. To avoid saturation, the range of the quantizer has to be chosen with vsat = 20 + 17 = 37 V. Then, use of (5.32) and (5.56), gives the values (Λq )dB = 45 , (Λq )dB = 50 , uniform quantizer standard µ−law quantizer b=8 b = 10 . The signal b(t) can be written as the repetition, with period T p , of the Solution to Problem 5.16 waveform rect t Tp /2 The Fourier series expansion of b(t) is +∞ X 2 sinc `=1 − rect t − Tp /2 Tp /2 . 1 2` − 1 cos 2π(2` − 1) 2 Tp . After the filter we have only the components corresponding to ` = 1, 3, 5, whose power is h 2 sinc2 1 2 + sinc2 3 2 + sinc2 i 5 2 = 0.933 . To avoid saturation, the quantizer range is (−vsat , vsat ) with vsat = 1. a) Use of (5.32) gives (Λq )dB = 40.28 dB . b) From (5.56), it is (Λq )dB = 25.98 dB . Solution to Problem 5.17 First we can evaluate the value of K, according to the normalization property of the probability density function, whose integral must be equal to unit. It is K= 1 . 1 − e−6 The signal a(t) has zero mean, ma = 0, and statistical power Ma = = Z +∞ u2 pa (u) du = 2K −∞ 1 1 − e−6 h i 1 25 −6 . − e 2 2 Z 0 3 u2 e−2u du = −K 3 e−2u 2 4u + 4u + 2 4 0 Since the amplitude of a(t) is limited to the interval (−3, 3), to avoid saturation we choose v sat = 3. a) For the uniform quantizer with 3 bits, use of (5.32) gives the value (Λq )dB = 6.73 dB . b) For the non-uniform quantizer with 3 bits and standard µ-law companding, (5.56) gives (Λq )dB = 7.76 dB . SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS OF CHAPTER 5 629 Solution to Problem 5.18 a) In the general expression (5.32) with σa2 1 = Ma = 2A Z +A a2 da = −A A2 3 and vsat = A, we obtain kf2 = 1/3 and Λq = L2 = 4b , i.e. (Λq )dB = 6b dB. b) By inverting (5.81), we obtain L≥ r √ ΛPCM (1 − 4 Pbit ) = 1666 = 40.8 , 1 − 4 Pbit ΛPCM hence b = 6, L = 64, ∆ = 2A/L = 0.156 V e Rb = 2B b = 48 kbit/s. c) No, since the input signal is uniformly distributed. Solution to Problem 5.19 0 10 Pe,c b=12 b=16 -1 10 b=8 10-2 -3 10 -2 -1 10 10 Pbit 0 10 The solid lines represent the exact expression (5.64), while the dash-dot lines represent the approximation (5.65). Solution to Problem 5.20 The number of bits is determined on the basis of the quantizer signal-toquantization noise ratio Λq . For a signal with uniform amplitude, chosing vsat equal to the maximum amplitude, for Λq ≥ ΛPCM and by (5.36) it is b = 8 and (Λq )dB = 6.02 · 8 = 48.2 dB. Then, from (5.81), we have Λq −1 Λ Pbit = PCM = 4.08 · 10−6 , 2b 4 (2 − 1) which represents the maximum value for the bit error probability to get (Λ PCM )dB ≥ 45 dB. Solution to Problem 5.21 From (5.81) it is 22b = ΛPCM (1 − 4Pbit ) , 1 − 4ΛPCM Pbit 630 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS which, for Pbit = 10−5 , yields 22b = 104 (1 − 4 · 10−5 ) = 16660 , 1 − 4 · 104 · 10−5 whose solution is b = 8. On the other hand, for Pbit = 10−3 we have 4 · ΛPCM Pbit = 4 · 104 · 10−3 = 40, which is greater than 1, so that, from the expression above, it is not possible to achieve the desired value of ΛPCM with any number of bits. Solution to Problem 5.22 The number of bits is derived from (5.32) and gives b = 8. Then, from (5.65), Pe,c ' 8 · 10−6 . Solution to Problem 5.23 From Tab. 4.1, the value of Γ gives Pbit = 1.96 · 10−7 . Then, use of (5.81) gives b = 10. Solution to Problem 5.24 a) We set vsat = 3σa to get a saturation probability around 10−3 . Then from (5.32) we must have b = 9 to guarantee (Λq )dB > 45 dB. b) Since the PSD of a(t) is Pa (f ) = ATa triang (f Ta ) , the bandwidth of a(t) is B = 1/Ta . Hence the sampling frequency is Fs = 2/Ta = 10 MHz and the bit rate Rb = 9 · 107 = 90 Mbit/s . c) Now the channel bandwidth is set equal to Bmin = 1/T , and from (4.177) it must be log2 M ≥ Rb = Bmin l 90 16 m =6. Then M = 26 = 64, and the modulation is 64-QAM. d) The value of the reference SNR Γ is given by (4.300) where Teff,Rc = Ts + (F − 1)T0 = 400 + 30.62 · 290 = 9280.6 K . Then (Γ)dB T = −60 + 114 − 10 log10 eff,Rc − 10 log10 (Bmin )MHz T0 = −60 + 114 − 15.05 − 12.04 = 27 dB . Correspondingly, from Tab. 4.1 Pbit ' 3 · 10−7 . Last, from (5.81) with (Λq )dB = 45 dB, it is (ΛPCM )dB = 48 dB . Solution to Problem 5.25 Use of (5.94) yields Pbit,N = 4 · 10−5 . Then, (5.81) gives (ΛPCM )dB = 50 − 10 log10 1 + 4 · 4 · 10−5 218 − 1 = 33.67 dB . SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS OF CHAPTER 5 631 Solution to Problem 5.26 From (5.81) with Λq = 22b and Pbit,N as given by (see Tab. 4.1 for the expression of Pbit for M -QAM) N analog repeaters : N regenerative repeaters : Pbit,N = 4(1 − √1 M Pbit,N = 4(1 − √1 M ) log2 M ) log2 M Q r NQ 3 Γ M −1N r ! 3 Γ M −1 ! , where M = 16, we get the values of ΛPCM presented in the table below. b (ΛPCM )dB (analog rep.) (ΛPCM )dB (regenerative rep.) 3 4 5 6 7 8 18.0 23.0 29.6 34.5 37.8 39.2 18.0 24.0 30.1 36.1 42.1 48.2 Then regenerative repeaters are more convenient for b ≥ 4. Solution to Problem 5.27 a) The solution is similar to that of Problem 5.26, where now b = 8 and M = 16. By evaluating ΛPCM for five values of N we get the table below. b) N (ΛPCM )dB (analog rep.) (ΛPCM )dB (regenerative rep.) 1 2 3 4 5 45.70 26.26 18.31 14.19 11.65 45.70 44.14 43.00 42.09 41.34 Then, regenerative repeaters are more convenient for N ≥ 2. N (ΛPCM )dB (analog rep.) (ΛPCM )dB (regenerative rep.) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 48.16 48.16 48.16 47.78 45.12 39.81 34.82 30.81 48.16 48.16 48.16 48.16 48.16 48.16 48.16 48.16 632 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS In this case up to N = 4 repeaters using regenerative or analog repeaters is equivalent, since the bit error probability is negligible. Regenerative repeaters are more convenient for N > 4 . Solution to Problem 5.28 a) For the Gaussian signal the saturation probability is Psat = 2Q and hence the saturation value is vsat,G = σa Q−1 Psat 2 while the quantization step size is = vsat,G σa √ −1 1 Q (1.9 · 10−1 /2) ≈ 1.3 2vsat . 2b √ For the sinusoidal signal a(t) = A sin(2πf0 t) since the statistical power is one, we obtain A = 2, and √ vsat,S = A = 2 . ∆G = Hence ∆G vsat,G 1.3 = = √ = 0.919 ∆S vsat,S 2 ⇒ b) From (5.32) (Λq,G )dB − (Λq,S )dB = −20 log c) The difference of the number of bits is bG − b S = = (Λq,G )dB − 4.77 + 20 log(vsat,G ) 6.02 − ∆G ∆S vsat,G vsat,S dB = −0.73 dB . = 0.73 dB (Λq,S )dB − 4.77 + 20 log10 (vsat,S ) 6.02 42 − 4.77 + 20 log10 42 − 4.77 + 20 log10 1.3 − 6.02 6.02 √ 2 = d6.56e − d6.68e = 0 d) From (Λq,G )dB = 42 dB the number of bits is b = 7. Since the bandwidth is B = 4 kHz, the rate is Rb = b2B = 56 kbit/s . Solution to Problem 5.29 a) {s1 (t), s2 (t)} is not an orthonormal basis, since the power of the signals is not unitary and they are not even orthogonal. SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS OF CHAPTER 5 633 b) The transmit signaling energy is EsTx = Z =2 2 |s1 (t)| dt = Z T /2 Z 2 triang t − T /2 dt T /2 T 0 8 T3 8 3 T /2 [t /3]0 = = T /3 . 2 T 3 · T2 8 (2t/T )2 dt = 0 Now, the signal-to-noise ratio is given by (4.300), where from (4.181) PTx = EsTx TR ⇒ (PTx )dBm = 15.23 dBm , (aCh )dB = (ãCh )dB/km · 24.89 = 124.45 dB, Teff,Rc /T0 = FA and Bmin = 1/(2T ). Hence (Γ)dB = 17.25 dB . c) For the solutions of points b) and c) we observe that the transmission is 2-PAM and we obtain the number of repeaters/regenerators by inverting (5.93) and (5.95) for M = 2. Since Q−1 (10−3 ) = 3 we obtain Nrepeaters = and Nregenerators = Solution to Problem 5.30 a) From (4.219), it is Pbit = and therefore from (5.81) ΛPCM = $ Γ [Q−1 (Pbit )]2 Pbit √ Q Γ % = =5 Pbit Q (7.28) = 1010 . p 3 3 Q Γ/5 = Q(4.6) = 1.59 · 10−6 , 4 4 Λq 102.4 = 2 1 + 4Pbit (L − 1) 1 + 4 · 1.59 · 10−6 (28 − 1) and b) In this case 0 Pbit (ΛPCM )dB ' (Λq )dB = 24 dB . = N P bit, and we obtain ΛPCM = Λq 102.4 = 1 + 4N Pbit (L2 − 1) 1 + 400 · 1.59 · 10−6 (28 − 1) and (ΛPCM )dB = 23.3 dB . c) From (4.291) Bmin = (log2 L/ log2 M ) B with log2 L = 4, hence log2 M = (B/Bmin ) log2 L = (4/2) · 4 = 8 bit 634 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS or M = 28 = 256. 8.6 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS OF Chapter 6 Solution to Problem 6.1 a) Assuming iid symbols, from (6.50) and (6.76) the PSD of the baseband PAM signal is given by 1 rcos(f T, ρ) , T PsPAM (f ) = where T = 1/9600 and ρ = 0.5. Then from (1.251) the PSD of the modulated DSB-SC signal is 1 1 Ps (f − f0 ) + PsPAM (f + f0 ) . 4 PAM 4 PsTx (f ) = b) The optimum receiver is composed by a mixer, a matched filter with square root raised cosine characteristic, a sampler and a threshold detector with zero threshold. Solution to Problem 6.2 We derive ma = 1 and σa2 = 3. Hence the Ftf of ra (nT ) yields (see (6.52)) " Pa (f ) = T 3 + 2 cos(2πf T ) + +∞ X k=−∞ k δ f− T # . The required PSD PsTx (f ) is given by (6.50) with HTx (f ) = T rect(f T ) . At the output of the channel we have PsRc (f ) = PsTx (f ) |GCh (f )|2 , with GCh (f ) = g0 3T rect(f 3T )e−j2πf T 6 . Solution to Problem 6.3 The transmit pulse in RZ is hTx (t) = rect (2t/T ), with T = log2 M/Tb = 1 µs. The baseband equivalent of the QPSK signal is (bb) sTx (t) = +∞ X k=−∞ ak hTx (t − kT ) , where the transmit pulse in RZ is hTx (t) = rect (2t/T ), with Ftf HTx (f ) = fT T sinc 2 2 Since the variance of the symbol sequence {ak } is σa2 = 2, from (6.57), it is Ps(bb) = T 2 sinc2 Tx fT 2 . SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS OF CHAPTER 6 The channel has baseband equivalent impulse response (see Section 1.5.3) response (see Tab. 1.3) 1 (bb) 1 1 G (f ) = . 2 Ch 2 1 + j2π Ff Ch Then from (1.258) From (6.58) it is = h 1 Ps(bb) (f − f0 ) + Ps(bb) (−f − f0 ) 4 Rc Rc 2 (bb) gCh (t), with frequency 1 (bb) 2 Ps(bb) = Ps(bb) GCh (f ) 4 Rc Tx 1 fT T 2 sinc = 2 8 2 f 1 + 2π FCh PsRc (f ) = 1 2 635 (f −f0 )T 2 i (f +f0 )T 2 2 sinc T sinc 2 + 2 . 32 f −f0 f +f0 1 + 2π FCh 1 + 2π FCh The PSD of the transmitted signal, PsTx (dash line), the square amplitude of the channel frequency response, |GCh (f )|2 (dot line), and the PSD of the received signal, PsRc (solid line), are presented in figure. PsRc (f ) 6 |GCh (f )|2 PsTx (f ) R −f0 f0 f Solution to Problem 6.4 a) We set vsat = 3σa to get a saturation probability of 10−3 . Then from (5.32) we must have b = 9 to get (Λq )dB > 45 dB. b) Since the PSD of ai (t) is Pai (f ) = ATs triang (f Ts ) , its bandwidth is B = 1/Ts . Hence the sampling frequency is Fs = 2/Ts = 10 MHz and the bit rate is Rb = 9 · 107 = 90 Mbit/s . c) Since the available channel bandwidth is BCh = 30 MHz and the bandwidth of the modulated QAM signal is Bs = (1 + ρ)/T , with T = Tb log2 M , we must have a cardinality M such that log2 M ≥ Rb (1 + ρ) = BCh l 108 30 m =4. 636 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS Then M = 24 = 16, and the modulation is 16-QAM. The actual symbol rate is 1/T = 90/4 = 22.5 MBaud and the bandwidth of the modulated QAM signal is B s = 27 MHz. d) From (6.51), the PSD of the symbols is Pa (f ) = T M −1 . 3 From (6.57) and (6.58) we have PsTx (f ) = T M −1 P0 [rcos ((f − f0 )T, ρ) + rcos ((f + f0 )T, ρ)] , 4 3 where T = 44.44 ns and ρ = 0.2. The value P0 is determined according to the desired statistical power of the transmitted QAM signal, which is given by MsTx = P0 M −1 . 6 Solution to Problem 6.5 a) No, the periodic repetition of H(f ) with period 1/T is not constant. b) Yes, the pulse has nulls at ` T8 , ` 6= 0, therefore also at nT, n 6= 0. c) No, the pulse has duration 3T and has two interferers. d) Yes, the pulse has duration T /3. e) No, the pulse has nulls only at 2`T, ` 6= 0. Solution to Problem 6.6 a) Yes, the pulse is the minimum bandwidth Nyquist pulse, with timing phase t 0 = T /4. b) ak 6 • 1 • • - T kT −1 • sTx (t) • • • 6 • 1 T /4 • • - T t −1 • • • • 637 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS OF CHAPTER 6 Solution to Problem 6.7 With the condition B < 1/T , for each frequency, in (6.74) only two terms overlap, namely for 0 < f < 1/T , 1 H(f ) + H f − T Then h < H(f ) + H f − 1 T i = H0 [rect (f T ) + rect ((f − 1/T )T )] + O(f ) + O(−f ) = H0 , where O(f ) denotes the odd function around 1/(2T ). For the imaginary part, recalling the Hermitian symmetry of the Fourier transform of a real signal, it is h = H(f ) + H f − 1 T i = E(f ) − E(−f ) = 0 , where E(f ) denotes the even function around 1/(2T ). Then, according to (6.74), ISI is absent. Solution to Problem 6.8 The minimum value of ISI is 0 and is obtained in correspondence of a sequence of all symbols “0”. The maximum value of ISI corresponds to a sequence of all symbols “1" and results 5 +∞ X e−2k = k=1 5 e−2 , 1 − e−2 where h0 = 5. Solution to Problem 6.9 Noting that g(t) = 2πfc e−2πfc t 1(t) , the pulse at the output of the filter is qR (t) = 1 − e−2πfc t , 0<t<T (1 − e−2πfc T ) e−2πfc (t−T ) , t > T . The eye diagrams in the three cases are represented in the figure below. sR (t0 ) sR (t0 ) 6 sR (t0 ) 6 2T t0 T a) 6 2T t0 T b) 2T t0 T c) 638 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS Solution to Problem 6.10 a) Since f2 > B, for its effect on the transmitted signal, the channel can be considered having infinite bandwidth. The inverse Ftf of GCh (f ) yields gCh (t) = δ(t) + gc [δ(t − tg ) + δ(t + tg )] , 2 from which sRc (t) = (sTx ∗ gCh )(t) = sTx (t) + gc [sTx (t − tg ) + sTx (t + tg )] . 2 b) For a PAM signal with pulse hTx , the matched filter has impulse response hRc (t) = hTx (t0 − t) , where t0 is the sampling phase. Here t0 = 0. The pulse associated to the PAM signal at the receiver input is hTx (t)+ g2c [hTx (t−tg )+hTx (t+tg )]. Then at the output of the matched filter, the discrete time overall impulse response is hi = h(iT ) = rhTx (iT ) + g2c [rhTx (iT + tg ) + rhTx (iT − tg ), where Z hTx (τ )hTx (τ − u) dτ . rhTx (u) = Reminding that rhTx (0) = EhTx , the sample under detection is then sR,k = ak {EhTx + gc rhTx (tg )} o n X gc ak−i rhTx (iT ) + [rhTx (iT + tg ) + rhTx (iT − tg )] . + 2 i6=0 c) For tg = T , (i) hi = rhTx (iT ) + gc [rhTx (it + T ) + rhTx (it − T )] . 2 Solution to Problem 6.11 ik = e1/2 − 1 h 5 3 7 e− 2 − e − 2 + e − 2 − . . . 3 = e1/2 − 1 e− 2 +∞ X n=0 i 3 (−e)−n = e1/2 − 1 e− 2 1 . 1 + e−1 Solution to Problem 6.12 The mean value is mi = 0, since the alphabet of input symbols {ak } is balanced. The variance of ISI, equal to the statistical power, is given by σi2 = Ma +∞ X n=1 n6=2 2 qR (nT ) . SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS OF CHAPTER 6 639 Since Ma = 1, then σi2 = 1 − e−1 2 + e2 − 1 +∞ X n=3 e−2n = 1 − e−1 From (6.71) we have 2 + e2 − 1 e−6 . 1 − e−2 2 Pi (f ) = Pa (f ) H(i) (f ) , where Pa (f ) = T , and H(i) (f ) = 1 − e−1 e−j2πf T + e2 − 1 = 1−e −1 e −j2πf T 2 + e −1 +∞ X e−2n e−j2πf nT n=3 e−6−j6πf T . 1 − e−2−j2πf T Solution to Problem 6.13 a) The OOK modulation can be considered a PAM modulation with binary symbols a k ∈ {0, 1}, where in this case the transmission pulse is Gaussian, given by Es e hTx (t) = √ 2πσhTx −1 2 t σh Tx 2 . Es represents the pulse optical energy. At the output of the channel we have QCh (f ) = HTx (f )GCh (f ) From Tab. 1.3 we have HTx (f ) = Es e 2 −2π 2 σh Tx f2 , while the fiber frequency response is (see (2.123) ) −2π GCh (f ) = A−1 F e 2 2 2 σF f where σF = dσ̃F is the dispersion for a fiber length d. The receive filter has a Gaussian shape with 2 −2π 2 σh f2 Tx HRc (f ) = K e Then the pulse at the decision point is again Gaussian KEs −1 √ e 2 AF 2πσR qR (t) = t σR 2 , 2 , with 2 σR = σF2 + 2σh2 Tx . b) Sampling with phase t0 = 0, we have (i) hi = qR (iT ) = KEs −1 √ e 2 AF 2πσR iT σR i 6= 0 640 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS c) The first interferer, with respect to the desired term h0 = qR (0), has amplitude (i) h1 −1 =e 2 h0 For T = 1 2.4 T σR (i) 2 . · 10−9 and simposing h1 /h0 = 0.1, we have exp 10 −18 = 0.1 , − 2 · 2.4 · 2 10−18 + 2 · 10−24 · d2 2 (2.4) ·36 which gives d = 141 km. Solution to Problem 6.14 Assuming a ML receiver, the decision threshold is 0. The error probability is then evaluated conditioning on the ISI. Pe =P [ak 6= âk |ik = −1/2] pi (−1/2) + P [ak 6= âk |ik = 0] pi (0) + P [ak 6= âk |ik = 1/2] pi (1/2) . The conditional probabilities are Then 1 1 Q + 2 2σI 1 P [ak 6= âk |ik = 0] = Q σI 1 1 P [ak 6= âk |ik = 1/2] = Q + 2 2σI P [ak 6= âk |ik = −1/2] = Pe = 1 1 Q 2 σI This has to be compared with Pe = Q 1 σI + 1 1 Q 4 2σI + 3 1 Q 2 2σI 1 3 Q 2 2σI 3 1 Q 4 2σI . obtained in the absence of ISI. Solution to Problem 6.15 a) At the output of the matched filter we have a triangular pulse with base 2T . Introducing a timing phase error of 10%, we have a reduction of the sample qR (t0 ) to a value h0 = 0.9qR (t0 ) with a consequent loss (in dB) in the value of Γ given by −20 log 10 (0.9) = 0.91 dB. b) The error in the sampling phase introduces also an interferer with amplitude h 1 = qR (t0 + T ) = qR (t0 )/10, so that qR (t0 ) h0 = ak−1 . ik = ak−1 10 9 Note that the symbol determining the ISI contribution is ak−1 if the timing phase offset is positive, while it should be ak+1 for a negative offset. On the other hand, since the pulse is symmetric, the amplitudes associated to the desired term and the interferer do not change. The received signal can be written as h0 rk = ak h0 + ak−1 + wR,k , 9 641 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS OF CHAPTER 6 where wR,k is the contribution of the noise at the decision point, modeled by a Gaussian random variable with zero mean and variance σI2 . Then the error probability becomes Pe = 10h0 1 Q 2 9σI which must be compared to Pe = Q 10h0 9σI + 8h0 1 Q 2 9σI , in the case of no ISI. Solution to Problem 6.16 a) Since the bandwidth is 1/(2T ), the energy of h(t) is the same of {h i } and Eh = T 2 X h2i , i=0 q 7 Eh . The error probability is obtained conditioning on the values from which it is h0 = 8 T assumed by the two interferers and is given by 1 Pe = Q 2 r 7 Eh 8 T σI2 1 + Q 4 " r 7 1 + 8 2 !r Eh T σI2 # 1 + Q 4 " r 7 1 − 8 2 !r b) From (6.93) it is γ= and √ 1 1 Pe = Q ( γ) + Q 2 4 In the absence of ISI we have " 1+ 7 Eh , 8 T σI2 r ! 2 7 # √ 1 γ + Q 4 √ Pe = Q ( γ) . The error probabilities are plotted in the graph. " 1− r ! 2 7 √ γ # . Eh T σI2 # . 642 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS The penalty is basically due to the lastterm of the error probability. Hence, we have approximately a penalty of −20 log10 1 − probability Pe = 10 −6 . p 2/7 = 6.64 dB, which results also from the graph at the error Solution to Problem 6.17 a) At the output of the matched filter, for an ideal channel we have a triangular pulse with support 2T and maximum value T in t = 0. The effect of the channel is to give a pulse at the output of the matched filter of the form qR (t) =0.8 T triang t − T /8 T + 0.1 T triang + 0.2 T triang t − 17T /8 T t − 9T /8 T + 0.1 T triang t − 25T /8 T , which reaches its maximum value, equal to 0.8 T , in t = T /8. Sampling with the sampling phase t0 = T /8 we have hi = qR iT + T 8 and the discrete time filter giving ISI is (i) hi = 0.8 T , i = 0 0.2 T , i = 1 0.1 T , i = 2 0.1 T , i = 3 0 , i < 0, i > 3 , = 0.2 T δi−1 + 0.1 T δi−2 + 0.1 T δi−3 . b) Modelling ISI as a Gaussian random variable, its mean and variance, given by (6.109), are m i = 0 and σi2 = 2T 2 (0.2)2 + (0.1)2 + (0.1)2 = 0.12 T 2 , 643 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS OF CHAPTER 6 assuming σa2 = 2. Hence the variance per dimension is σi2 /2 = 0.06 T 2 . Then, noting that the noise is circulary symmetric complex Gaussian with variance per dimension given by (6.49), σI2 = N20 T , from (6.94) with σI2 replaced by σI2 + 12 σi2 the error probability is Pe = 2Q q 0.8T 0.06T 2 + N0 T 2 s = 2Q (0.8)2 0 0.06 + N 2T ! . In the case of an ideal channel gCh (t) = δ(t), it is h0 = T and Pe = 2 Q From (6.60) Γid = Tab. 4.1 N0 2T r 1 N0 2T . (the subscript “id” is used to denote the ideal channel case) and from Pe = 2 Q √ Γid , The above error probability in the presence of ISI can be compared to the ideal also in terms of Γid , r 0.64 Pe = 2Q Γid . 1 + 0.06Γid Solution to Problem 6.18 a) At the output of the matched filter, for an ideal channel we have a triangular pulse with support 2T and maximum value T in t = 0. The effect of the channel is to give t qR (t) = 0.8 T triang T + 0.3j T triang t − T /2 T + 0.2 T triang Sampling at t0 = 0 we have hi = qR (iT ) = T ( t−T T . 0.8 + j0.15 , i = 0 0.2 + j0.15 , i = 1 0 , i < 0 and i > 1 (i) and the filter giving ISI is hi = (0.2 + j0.15) T δi−1 . b) The received signal can be written as rk = ak h0 + ak−1 h1 + wk where the noise is circulary symmetric complex Gaussian with variance per dimension given by (6.49), σI2 = N20 T . The symbol values are modified according to the rule ak −→ h0 ak (1 + j) −→ T (0.65 + j0.95) (−1 + j) −→ T (−0.95 + j0.65) (−1 − j) −→ T (−0.65 − j0.95) (1 − j) −→ T (0.95 − j0.65) , 644 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS while the possible values of ISI, according to the values of h1 ak−1 , are (1 + j) −→ T (0.05 + j0.35) (−1 + j) −→ T (−0.35 + j0.05) (−1 − j) −→ T (−0.05 − j0.35) (1 − j) −→ T (0.35 − j0.05) . Assuming the decision rule does not account for the phase distortion introduced by the channel, so that the thresholds are at zero in both dimensions. Then, we have h h i 1 0.7T T 1.3T 0.3T 1 Q Q +Q + +Q 4 σI σI 4 σI σI h i T 1 0.6T 0.9T 1 Q + +Q + Q 2 σI 4 σI σI 1 0.3T 0.6T 0.7T 1 1 = Q + Q + Q 4 σI 2 σI 4 σI 1 1 1 0.9T T 1.3T + Q + Q + Q . 4 σI 2 σI 4 σI Pe = i The error probability can be expressed in terms of γ defined in (6.93), γ= T 2 |0.8 + j0.15|2 . σI2 Hence q q 1 γ 1 γ Pe = Q 0.3 + Q 0.6 + 4 0.6625 2 0.6625 q q 1 1 γ γ + Q 0.9 + Q + 4 0.6625 2 0.6625 which has to be compared to q 1 γ Q 0.7 4 0.6625 q 1 γ Q 1.3 . 4 0.6625 √ Pe = 2 Q ( γ) representing the case with ideal channel. Solution to Problem 6.19 The symbol rate is 1/T = Rb / log2 M = 1 MBaud. The Fourier transform of the transmit pulse is HTx (f ) = T rect(f T ) . Then at the output of the channel we have QC (f ) = T e whose energy is given by |f | −F Ch rect(f T ) , EqC = T 2 FCh 1 − e − F2B Ch , where B = 1/2T . a) If the receive filter is matched to hTx , imposing unit energy, we have √ HR (f ) = T rect(f T ) , SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS OF CHAPTER 6 645 and at the decision point QR (f ) = T √ Te |f | −F rect(f T ) . Ch The noise variance at the decision point is then, from (6.49), σ I2 = the symbol under detection is h0 = qR (0) = 2T √ T Z B e −F Hence, reminding (6.104) 4T FCh 1 − e The value associated to √ − B df = 2T FCh T 1 − e FCh . f Ch 0 h20 Γ = 2 σI2 σa N0 . 2 1−e − FB Ch − F2B Ch From (6.70) we have, limited to one period 1/T , H(i) (f ) = F [h(t) − h0 δ(t)] = √ Te 2 . |f | −F Ch − h0 . From (6.109) we have σi2 = σa2 T h Z 1 T 1 −T (i) 2 H (f ) df = σa2 T 2 FCh 1 − e and finally, 1 Pe = 2 1 − M Q r − F2B h20 σi2 + σI2 Ch 1−e − F2B Ch − h20 =2 1− with σ 2 T 2 FCh β= a 2 h0 σ2 − σa2 + a Γ i 1 M , 1−e Q − F2B HR (f ) = r and QR (f ) = r |f | −F Ch FCh 1 − e Te − F2B Ch rect(f T ) , 2|f | −F Ch FCh 1 − e − F2B Ch rect(f T ) . 1 √ β Ch 4T FCh 1 − e b) If the filter is matched to qC , again imposing unit energy, we have e − FB Ch 2 646 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS Since from (6.49), σI2 = N0 , 2 it is − 2B 2 4 1 − e FCh h20 Γ . = − 4B σI2 σa2 1 − e− F2B Ch 1 − e FCh As derived in the previous point, σi2 = σa2 1 − F2B 1 Pe = 2 1 − M T 2 FCh 1 − e Ch and again the error probability is h T FCh 2 Q r 1−e h20 2 σi + σI2 − F4B Ch − h20 i , . c) Using a filter to remove the ISI, it is |f | HR (f ) = r e FCh 2B FCh e FCh − 1 which gives QR (f ) = r rect(f T ) , T FCh e In this case σi2 = 0, while 2B FCh −1 rect(f T ) . Γ 1 h20 . 2B = 2 σI2 σa (T F )2 1 − e− F2B Ch e FCh − 1 Ch The error probability is then v u 1 1 Γ 2B Pe = 2 1 − Q u . t σ2 − F2B M a FCh Ch 1−e e −1 The error probabilities corresponding to cases a), b) and c) are plotted in the graph below and compared to the ideal channel case with matched filter. SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS OF CHAPTER 6 647 Note that the filter matched to the received pulse of curve b), which has been designed to be optimum when there is no ISI, gives the best performance when the noise is predominant, that is for low values of Γ. On the other hand, the presence of ISI gives an irreducible error probability level for the curves a) and b). Solution to Problem 6.20 0, 1, −1, 1, 0, 0, −1, 0, 0, 0, −1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, −1, 1 Solution to Problem 6.21 a) Since ma = 21 and σa2 = 14 , from (6.51) the PSD of symbols {ak } is Pa (f ) = +∞ 1 T T X δ t−` . + 2 4 T `=−∞ The modulation pulse in the NRZ format is hTx (t) = rect with t − T /2 T , T HTx (f ) = T sinc (f T ) e−j2πf 2 . From (6.50) we get PsTx (f ) = T 1 sinc2 (f T ) + δ(f ) 2 4 b) The symbol sequence {ck } = {2ak −1} has zero mean and variance σa2 = 1, but is still a sequence of iid symbols, since the transformation does not introduce correlation. Hence the PSD of symbols 648 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS {ck } is Pc (f ) = T . Then from (6.50) we get PsTx (f ) = T sinc2 (f T ) . Solution to Problem 6.22 The sequence ck = ak − ak−1 can be interpreted as the output of a filter with impulse response hn = δn − δn−1 and input {ak }. Then Pc (f ) = Pa (f ) [2 − 2 cos(2πf T )] , with (see (6.51)) Pa (f ) = +∞ 1 X T 1 + . δ t−` 2 4 T `=−∞ Note that H(f ) nulls at the multiples of 1/T , hence Pc (f ) = T [1 − cos(2πf T )] . The modulation pulse in the RZ format is hTx (t) = rect From (6.50), with HTx (f ) = t − T /4 T /2 T fT sinc 2 2 we get PsTx (f ) = 1 sinc2 4 fT 2 . T e−j2πf 4 , [1 − cos(2πf T )] . Solution to Problem 6.23 a) From (6.50), noting that Pa (f ) = T , we have PsTx,1 (f ) = T sinc2 (f T ) PsTx,2 (f ) = 4T sinc2 (f 2T ) . b) Denoting with ck the coded symbol, it is obtained as output of a filter with impulse response hi = δi + l3 δi−3 , i.e. ck = ak + l3 ak−3 . Since the Fourier transform of the pulse hTx,2 is non-null at f = 1/(3T ), it is necessary to introduce a zero in the PSD of the symbols {c k }. From (6.51) Pc (f ) = Pa (f ) 1 + l23 + 2l3 cos(2πf 3T ) = T 1 + l23 + 2l3 cos(2πf 3T ) , which at f = 1/(3T ) assumes the value 1 + l3 = 0. Hence it must be l3 = −1. SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS OF CHAPTER 6 649 Solution to Problem 6.24 a) The biphase-L transmission can be interpreted as antipodal PAM signalling, with a k = 2bk − 1, therefore {ak } are iid symbols belonging to the alphabet {−1, 1}, with PSD Pa (f ) = T The pulse hTx has Fourier transform HTx (f ) = sinc Then, from (6.50) we have fT 2 h fT 2 PsTx (f ) = T sinc2 e−j2πf 4 − e−j2πf 3T 4 h T 2 T 2 − 2 cos 2πf b) The PSD of the coded symbol sequence {ck } is given by i i Pc (f ) = Pa (f ) [2 + 2l1 cos (2πf T )] = T [2 + 2l1 cos(2πf T )] . To have a zero in the PSD of sTx , since HTx (1/T ) 6= 0, we must have 2 + 2l1 cos(2π) = 0. Hence, it must be l1 = −1. Solution to Problem 6.25 a) The symbol rate is 1/T = Rb / log2 M = 1 MBaud. The Fourier transform of the modulation pulse is HTx (f ) = AT rect(f T ) . Then at the output of the channel we have QC (f ) = AT e |f | −F Ch rect(f T ) . Its expression in the time domain is given by the inverse Fourier transform, qC (t) = AT Z B e |f | −F Ch ej2πf t df , −B with B = 1/2T , which gives (denoting with TCh = 1/FCh ) qC (t) = AT = 2AT 1 − e−j2πt−TCh 1 − ej2πt−TCh + TCh − j2πt TCh + j2πt TCh − e−TCh B [TCh cos(2πtB) + 2πt sin(2πtB)] 2 TCh + 4π 2 t2 b) Since the bandwidth of the pulse is B = 1/2T , the only Nyquist pulse that can be obtained is the minimum-bandwidth pulse. Then, from (6.126) we have |f | GR (f ) = Ke FCh rect(f T ) . 650 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS The matched filter frequency response is proportional to Q∗C (f ), i.e. GR (f ) = K AT e |f | −F rect(f T ) . Ch Solution to Problem 6.26 a) The OOK modulation can be considered a PAM with binary symbols a k ∈ {0, 1}, where in this case the transmit pulse is Gaussian, given by 1 −2 Es hTx (t) = √ e 2πσhTx t σh Tx 2 , where Es represents the pulse optical energy. At the output of the channel we have QC (f ) = HTx (f )GCh (f ) From Tab. 1.3 we have HTx (f ) = Es e −2π 2 σh2 Tx f2 , while the fiber frequency response is −2π GCh (f ) = A−1 F e 2 2 2 f σF where σF = dσ̃F = 0.2 ns is the dispersion. Then the pulse at the channel output is Gaussian qC (t) = p 2 = σh2 Tx + σF2 = with σC have a Gaussian shape p Es − √ e AF 2πσC t 2σC 2 , T 2 /36 + 4 · 10−20 = 0.21 ns. In the frequency domain we still QC (f ) = 2 2 Es −2π2 σC f e AF b) To have a Nyquist pulse at the decision point, for example a raised cosine shape, Q C (f ) = rcos(f T, ρ), we get rcos(f T, ρ) HR (f ) = −2π2 σ2 f 2 . C e Note that if σC /T is large, equalization becomes difficult since the gain of the equalizer at frequencies close to the value T1 (1 + ρ) becomes very large. The filter matched to qC is still Gaussian, with variance equal to the variance of the pulse at the channel output HR (f ) = K e−2π 2 2 2 σC f Solution to Problem 6.27 The transmit pulse is hTx (t) = rect 2t T . SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS OF CHAPTER 7 651 where T = 0.5 µs. The channel frequency response is (see Tab. 1.3) GCh (f ) = FCh . FCh + j2πf The pulse at the channel output is then QC (f ) = T fT sinc 2 2 From (6.126) we have HR (f ) = rcos(f T, 0.4) Since the first zero of sinc have fT 2 FCh FCh + j2πf 2(FCh + j2πf ) FCh T sinc f2T is at f = 2/T , which is beyond the bandwidth of rcos(f T, 0.4), we |HR (f )| = rcos(f T, 0.4) 2 p 2 FCh + 4π 2 f 2 FCh T sinc 2πf . FCh The matched filter frequency response is proportional to Q∗C (f ), i.e. arg HR (f ) = arctan fT 2 fT T FCh sinc 2 HR (f ) = K , 2 FCh − j2πf with sinc f T 2 |HR (f )| = p 2 2 FCh + 4π 2 f 2 arg HR (f ) = −2πf FCh arctan −2πf FCh − arctan π− , 2k T2 < f < (2k + 1) T2 , (2k + 1) T2 < f < (2k + 2) T2 . 8.7 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS OF Chapter 7 Solution to Problem 7.1 a) For g(α) as in (7.2), properties P1–P4 can be immediately derived by the properties of the logarithm function. b) By differentiating P4 with respect to β we get αġ(αβ) = ġ(β) Then, with β = 1 we get αġ(α) = ġ(1) Now, let γ = ġ(1), it must be ġ(α) = γ α 652 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS so g is of the type g(α) = γ ln α + c The constant c is determined by imposing P2 and we obtain c = 0. Thus we get g(α) = γ ln α = log1/b α , where 1 = e1/γ . b Solution to Problem 7.2 a) The information of the value k ∈ Ax is obtained by (7.4) as ix (k) = log1/2 (1 − p) + k log1/2 p Then the information of x is obtained by replacing k with x in the above expression ix (x) = log1/2 (1 − p) + x log1/2 p By taking the expectation (7.5) we find the entropy H(x) = log1/2 (1 − p) + E [x] log1/2 p = log1/2 (1 − p) + p log1/2 p 1−p as we make use of the fact that the mean of a geometric rv is E [x] = p/(1 − p). Since for a geometric rv the alphabet cardinality is infinite, so is its nominal information. Hence its efficiency cannot be defined. b) With the same procedure as above we get ix (k) = k log1/2 p 1−p + n log1/2 (1 − p) + log1/2 + n log1/2 (1 − p) + E log1/2 n k . Then, by taking the expectation (7.5) H(x) = E [x] log1/2 p 1−p and considering that the mean is E [x] = np, while log1/2 H(x) ≤ np log1/2 p 1−p n k n x ≤ 0 for all k = 0, . . . , n, we obtain + n log1/2 (1 − p) and hence the bound. c) The bound in this case is 8(1/2 + 1/2) = 8 bit which is higher that the nominal information bound log 2 (n + 1) ' 3.17 bit, and therefore useless. By calculating the finite sum E log1/2 n x we get H(x) = n − E log1/2 n x = n X k=0 px (k) log1/2 n k ' 5.456 bit ' 2.544 bit. The corresponding efficiency is ηx = 0.8026. 653 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS OF CHAPTER 7 Solution to Problem 7.3 The alphabet A[x,y] is illustrated below n 4 6 3 2 1 • • • 1 2 • • • 3 • • • • - 4 m Observe that ix,y (m, n) = log2 m + 2 whereas by the marginal rule (1.177) px (m) = 25/48 , , , , 13/48 py (n) = 7/48 1/16 1 , 4 n=1 n=2 n=3 n=4 ix (m) = 2 , m = 1, 2, 3, 4 4 + log2 3 − 2 log2 5 4 + log2 3 − log2 13 iy (n) = 4 + log2 3 − log2 7 4 , , , , , n=1 n=2 n=3 n=4 By taking expectations of the information functions, we get the entropies H(x, y) = E [log2 x] + 2 = 2 + 11 + log2 3 1 (0 + 1 + log2 3 + 2) = ' 3.15 bit 4 4 H(x) = 2 bit and by (7.22) 3 + log2 3 ' 1.15 bit 4 H(y|x) = Analogously, since H(y) = 4 + 25 7 13 15 log2 3 − log2 5 − log2 7 − log2 13 ' 1.66 bit 16 24 48 48 we get H(x|y) ' 1.49 bit. The efficiency of the rve is found by (7.29) to be η[x,y] = (11 + log2 3)/4 11 + log2 3 = ' 0.79 2 log2 4 16 Solution to Problem 7.4 The transition probabilities for a QPSK system are, with q = Q • for correct decisions p(i|i) = (1 − q)2 q • for transitions between symbols whose decision regions are adjacent p(i|j) = q(1 − q) • for transitions between symbols whose decision regions are opposite p(i|j) = q 2 Hence we get the PMD and entropy of â pâ (i) = 4 X j=1 pa (j)p(i|j) = 1 , 4 i = 1, 2, 3, 4 , H(â) = 2 Es N0 654 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS The conditional entropies are H(â|a) = X pa (i) p(j|i) log2 i,j 1 p(j|i) = 2 q log1/2 q + (1 − q) log1/2 (1 − q) H(a|â) = H(a) + H(â|a) − H(â) = H(â|a) and the mutual information I(a, â) = 2 1 − q log1/2 q − (1 − q) log1/2 (1 − q) . The results are plotted below [bit] 26 H(â) = H(a) H(a|â) = H(â|a) I(a, â) 1 −20 −10 0 10 20 Es /N0 [dB] For the given values of Es /N0 we get Es /N0 [dB] H(a|â) = H(â|a) [bit] I(a, â) [bit] 0 10 20 1.26 1.84 · 10−2 1.17 · 10−21 0.74 1.98 2 − 1.17 · 10−21 Observe from their expressions that the entropies and the mutual information are twice those of a binary symmetric channel with Pbit = q as given in Example 7.4 C. This is related to the fact that in a QPSK system with Gray coding, errors on the two binary symbols are indeed independent with AWGN and Pbit = Q p Es /N0 . Solution to Problem 7.5 a) We have Ay = {−1, 0, 1} and since y0 enumeration x−1 x0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 Hence we get H(y0 ) = 2 · 1 4 + 1 4 is a function of the iid symbols x0 , x−1 we can find by y0 −1 py0 (−1) = 1/4 o 0 py0 (0) = 1/2 0 1 py0 (1) = 1/4 +1· 1 2 = 3/2 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS OF CHAPTER 7 655 b) Analogously to a) we get x−2 x−1 x0 x1 y−1 y0 y1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 −1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 −1 −1 0 0 0 1 −1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 −1 −1 −1 −1 0 0 1 1 0 1 −1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 −1 −1 0 0 0 1 −1 0 so there are 15 distinct triplets each of which has probability 1/16 and carries 4 bit information, apart from the [000] triplet that has probability 2/16 and carries 3 bit information. Hence H(y−1 , y0 , y1 ) = 14 · 4 · 1 1 31 +3· = 16 8 8 c) With y = [y−N · · · yN ] we observe that there are 22N +2 − 2 sequences with probability 1/22N +2 and 2N + 2 bit information, and the all zero sequence with probability 1/2 2N +1 and 2N + 1 bit information. Hence H(y) = (22N +2 − 2) = 2N + 2 − 1 1 (2N + 2) + 2N +1 (2N + 1) 22N +2 2 1 22N +1 and Hs (y) = 1 + 1 1 − 2N +1 2N + 1 2 (2N + 1) By taking the limit (7.34) we find the entropy per symbol and the efficiency of {y n } as Hs (y) = 1 , ηy = Solution to Problem 7.6 a) We have H(x, y|z) ≥ H(x|z) ≥ H(x|y, z) 1 ' 0.64 log2 3 656 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS b) For any a ∈ Ax , since {x = a} implies {w = g(a)}, we have pw (g(a)) ≥ px (a) and iw (g(a)) ≤ ix (a) Hence we can write H(w) = E [iw (w)] = E [iw (g(x))] ≤ E [ix (x)] = H(x) c) Since py|x (b|a) = pu|x (a + b|a) and pxy (a, b) = pxu (a, a + b), we get H(y|x) = X pxy (a, b) iy|x (b|a) = X pxu (a, a + b) iu|x (a + b|a) a,b a,b = X pxu (a, c) iu|x (c|a) = H(u|x) a,c Solution to Problem 7.7 Let a be an ε-typical sequence for x with respect to relative frequency, then by combining the first inequality of (7.41) with (7.43) we get X N (a) ix (a) = ix (a) L L a∈Ax > X a∈Ax (1 − ε)px (a)ix (a) = (1 − ε)H(x) so that a is seen to satisfy the first inequality of (7.44) with ε replaced by δ = εH(x). Analogously by the second inequality of (7.41) we can see that a satisfies the second inequality of (7.44) with the same value of δ. Solution to Problem 7.8 a) From the distribution in the table, and with the code word lenghts L(µ s (A)) = L( ) = 2, L(µs (B)) = L( ) = 4, and so on, we get the average length Ly = X a p(a)L(µs (a)) ' 3.34 Then, by calculating the entropy H(y) = H(x) = X p(a) log2 a 1 = 4.1983 p(a) we obtain the efficiency of the ternary code y ηy = H(y) ' 0.79 Ly log2 3 b) Let s = [s(0), s(T ), . . . s(`T − T )] be the binary word associated to the transmission of the letter x excluding the 3T letter separator (for example if x = A, we have s = [10111], and if x is a space, s = [0000]). Then, by the distribution above, we have that its average length is L s ' 5.95 and the average duration Ts = T Ls ' 0.71 s. On the other hand when evaluating the efficiency of the message s, we must take into account the letter separator, hence we define the word s 0 = [s, 000]. SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS OF CHAPTER 7 657 By determining the average length Ls0 = Ls + 3 ' 8.95 we get ηs 0 = and the information rate R(s) = H(x) ' 0.47 L s0 H(x) = 3.91 bit/s L s0 T Solution to Problem 7.9 a) We complete the PMD by calculating px (3) thanks to the normalization condition (1.150) and obtain px (3) = 5/12. In order to have a one-to-one fixed length coding map µ s it must be 5 log2 5 we get the efficiency of the Ly = log2 M = 2. Since H(y) = H(x) = log2 3 + 76 − 12 code 7 5 1 − log2 5 ' 0.89 ηy = log2 3 + 2 12 24 b) In a Shannon-Fano code, from (7.68) we would have codeword lengths `0 = 2, `1 = 3, `2 = 4, `3 = 2 so that the average length is Ly 0 = 3 1 1 7 ·2+ ·3+ ·4= 4 6 12 3 higher than the fixed length case, and its efficiency drops to ηy0 ' 0.76 c) In a Huffman code, the codewords are µopt s (3) = [0] , µopt s (0) = [10] , µopt s (1) = [110] , µopt s (2) = [111] so that the average length is Ly00 = 11 6 and the efficiency is ηy00 ' 0.97 d) By the discussion on page 461 we know that we can obtain a code with unit efficiency if and only if px (a) = 1/2`a with `a an integer for all a ∈ Ax . For a quaternary source this is true for example if px (0) = 1/2 , px (1) = 1/4 , px (2) = px (3) = 1/8 or any permutation of these values. Solution to Problem 7.10 a) By the Huffman procedure we obtain 658 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS b 0 10 11 a 0 1 2 1/2 1/3 0 1/6 1 px (a) 1/2 1 0 and by calculating the average code length 1 1 1 +2 + 2 3 6 Ly = 1 · and the entropy H(y) = H(x) = = 3 2 log2 3 1 1 1 2 · 1 + log2 3 + (1 + log2 3) = + 2 3 6 3 2 we obtain the efficiency log2 3 4 + ' 0.97 9 3 ηy = b) b 00 a 00 px (a) 9/36 010 011 101 110 1000 1001 1110 1111 01 10 11 02 20 12 21 22 6/36 0 6/36 1 4/36 3/36 3/36 0 2/36 1 2/36 0 1/36 1 12/36 1 0 5/36 0 21/36 3/36 1 6/36 1 0 9/36 0 1 15/36 1 0 The average length is in this case Ly = 8 19 9 107 ·4+ ·3+ ·2= 36 36 36 36 and since H(y) = H(xm ) = 2H(x), the effiency is ηy = 2H(x) = 0.981 107/36 and is increased with respect to coding one symbol at a time, as expected. SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS OF CHAPTER 7 Solution to Problem 7.11 a) We get Ax q = n pxq (−∆/2) = pxq (∆/2) = Z with PMD pxq (−3∆/2) = pxq (3∆/2) = pxq (−5∆/2) = pxq (5∆/2) = ± ∆ 3 5 , ± ∆, ± ∆ 2 2 2 ∆ px (a) da = 0 Z o 1 − e−1/2 ' 0.197 2 2∆ px (a) da = e−1/2 Z∆∞ 659 px (a) da = 2∆ 1 − e−1/2 ' 0.119 2 1 ' 0.184 2e The resulting entropy obtained from (7.6) is H(xq ) = 2.55 bit. Since the symbols in {x(nTs )} are iid, so are those of {xq (nTs )} and Hs (xq ) = H(xq ). The information rate of xq is therefore R(xq ) = 20.4 kbit/s. b) By the Huffman coding procedure we get µs (−∆/2) = [00] , µs (∆/2) = [01] , µs (3∆/2) = [101] , µs (−5∆/2) = [110] , µs (−3∆/2) = [100] , µs (5∆/2) = [111] so that Ly = 2.61 , ηy = 0.98 c) For L even and ∆ = V0 ln 2 the probability of the i-th quantization level is pxq (Qi ) = Z |i|∆ (|i|−1)∆ px (a) da = 1 −|i|∆/V0 ∆/V0 1 e e − 1 = |i|+1 2 2 Since all the symbol probabilities are integer powers of 1/2, the Shannon-Fano procedure yields a code with unit efficiency. Solution to Problem 7.12 a) The coding map is a variable length encoder with " µs (n) = |0 .{z ..0 }1 n # The resulting code is a prefix code, since every codeword has a 1 in its last symbol, and all its prefixes only have zeros. b) The average codeword length is Lb = M −1 M −1 1 X 1 X M +1 L(µs (n)) = (n + 1) = M M 2 n=0 n=0 660 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS Hence the average entropy per symbol for {bq } is Hs (b) = H(b) 2 log2 M = = 2/3 bit Lb M +1 and the information rate is R(b) = Hs (b)/Tb ' 667 Mbit/s. c) Since the average duration of a codeword is Ta = Lb Tb = 4.5 ns, and the energy transmitted with each codeword is Eh = 0.6 · 10−15 V2 s, we obtain the average statistical power of the transmitted signal as Ms = Eh /Ta = 1.33 · 10−7 V2 . Solution to Problem 7.13 a) We can write C = {0, γ 1 , γ 2 , γ 3 } and see that the 0 word is in C. Moreover by taking sums of all the remaining words we get γ 1 + γ 2 = [111100] + [101011] = [010111] = γ 3 γ3 + γ1 = γ3 − γ1 = γ2 , γ3 + γ2 = γ3 − γ2 = γ1 Hence the code satisfies condition (7.120) of Definition 7.10 and is linear. The code has 2 k = 4 codewords, hence the information word length is k = 2. b) A systematic generating matrix is of the type (7.123). By picking the third and fourth codewords as columns we get 1 0 0 1 1 0 G= 0 1 1 1 1 1 and by Proposition 7.21 we can write a systematic parity check matrix as in (7.128) 1 0 H= 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 c) All the nonzero codewords have Hamming weight kγ i kH = 4, which is therefore the minimum Hamming weight and by Proposition 7.18 also the minimum Hamming distance of the code. We can therefore detect up to 3 errors. With a memoryless symmetric channel, ML decoding is equivalent to minimum distance decoding, and the code can only correct 1 error. By examining the distances from c̃ to the codewords dH (c̃, 0) = dH (c̃, γ 2 ) = 4 , dH (c̃, γ 1 ) = dH (c̃, γ 3 ) = 2 we see that the most likely transmitted codewords are either γ 1 or γ 3 , equivalently. Assuming a systematic encoding they yield the information words b̂ = [11] or b̂ = [01], respectively. Solution to Problem 7.14 a) Yes, it is linear. b) We have dmin = wmin = 2. Hence the code can detect 1 error. SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS OF CHAPTER 7 661 c) From the systematic generating matrix we can write by Proposition 7.21 1 0 G= 1 0 H= 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 d) The entropy of the information words is H(b) = X 1 1 1 7 + · 2 + 2 · · 3 = bit 2 4 8 4 pb (a) log1/2 pb (a) = a∈{0,1}2 and it is also the entropy of the codewords since the coding map is one-to-one. The nominal information of the codewords is n = 4 bit, hence the redundancy is given by 1 − H(c)/n = 9/16 = 0.5625. Solution to Problem 7.15 a) The parity check matrix has 5 rows and 7 columns, so we have a (7, 2) linear code. As H is in systematic form (7.128) we know that a possible generating matrix is given by (7.123) 1 0 1 G= 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 The 2k − 1 = 3 nonzero codewords are g 1 = [1011110] , g 2 = [0111101] , γ 3 = g 1 + g 2 = [1100011] The minimum Hamming weight and hence the minimum Hamming distance of the code is d min = kγ 3 kH = 4, and the code can only correct 1 error. b) Since the channel is not symmetric we can not use the Hamming distance criterion and must calculate the likelyhood function pc̃|c (ξ|γ) for all codewords γ. As the channel is memoryless we can still write (7.105) and obtain pc̃|c (ξ|0) = p(1|0)3 p(0|0)4 = pc̃|c (ξ|g 1 ) = p(1|1)3 p(0|0)2 p(0|1)2 = 1 3 10 99 3 100 9 4 10 ' 6.56 · 10−4 9 2 10 2 pc̃|c (ξ|g 2 ) = p(1|1)2 p(0|0)p(0|1)3 p(1|0) = 99 100 pc̃|c (ξ|γ 3 ) = p(1|1)p(0|0)p(0|1)3 p(1|0)2 = 99 9 100 10 9 10 2 1 100 1 100 3 1 100 3 ' 6.56 · 10−5 1 10 1 2 10 ' 8.82 · 10−8 ' 8.91 · 10−9 662 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS The most likely codeword is therefore ĉ = 0, yielding the information word b̂ = [00]. Observe that in this case minimum Hamming distance decoding would have given ĉ = g 1 . Solution to Problem 7.16 The rule (similar to that for parity bit) is cn+1 = n X ci i=1 a) Let a0 and b0 be two codewords in C 0 , obtained by expanding a and b ∈ C, respectively. Then c0 = a0 + b0 is itself a codeword in C 0 since c = a + b ∈ C and c is expanded by letting cn+1 = n X ci = n X (ai + bi ) = ai + n X bi = an+1 + bn+1 i=1 i=1 i=1 i=1 n X b) By expanding each column in the generating matrix G of Example 7.3 C we obtain 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 G = 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 which is in systematic form (7.123). Then, by Proposition 7.21 we can easily obtain a parity check matrix as in (7.129) H0 = A0 I4 1 1 = 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 c) Since the code is linear it is sufficient to find the minimum weight for C 0 . The initial Hamming code C has wmin = 3, as shown in Tab. 7.2. As all the codewords in C with weight 3 are expanded into codewords of weight 4, this is the minimum weight for C 0 . Solution to Problem 7.17 a) The conditional error probabilities are P [E|ak = 0] = Z +∞ v P [E|ak = 1] = pw (ρ − s0 ) dρ = e−2 ln 2 = Z 1 4 v −∞ pw (ρ − s1 ) dρ = 0 The system can have errors only when a 0 is transmitted. Hence the overall error probability is given by 1 Pbit = pa (0) P [E|ak = 0] = 16 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS OF CHAPTER 7 663 b) By considering the decision functions D(ρ; 0) = 1 −2ρ e 1(ρ) , 2 D(ρ; 1) = 3 −2(ρ−1) e 1(ρ − 1) 2 we see that D(ρ; 1) > D(ρ; 0) for ρ ≥ 1. Hence the optimum threshold is v opt = s1 = 1 c) From the conditional error probabilities found in a) we can write the joint PMD of a k , âk as paâ (0, 0) = 3 , 16 paâ (0, 1) = 1 , 16 paâ (1, 1) = 3 4 Hence we get H(ak , âk ) = 1 3 3 5 15 ·4+ (4 − log2 3) + (2 − log2 3) = − log2 3 16 16 4 2 16 H(ak ) = 1 3 3 2 + (2 − log2 3) = 2 − log2 3 4 4 4 3 13 (4 − log2 3) + (4 − log2 13) 16 16 13 3 log2 3 − log2 13 =4− 16 16 H(âk ) = The mutual information is therefore I(ak , âk ) = 7 13 − log2 13 ' 0.49 bit 2 16 d) Since the transition probabilities are not symmetric we seek the source statistic that maximizes I(ak , âk ). Let the PMD of ak be pa (0) = p and pa (1) = 1 − p. Then the entropies become H(ak , âk ) = 3p p (2 − log2 p) + (4 − log2 3 − log2 p) − (1 − p) log2 (1 − p) 4 4 H(ak ) = −p log2 p − (1 − p) log2 (1 − p) 3p 3 3 H(âk ) = (4 − log2 3 − log2 p) − 1 − p log2 1 − p 4 4 4 and the mutual information is 3 1 3 3 I(ak , âk ) = − p − p log2 p − 1 − p log2 1 − p 2 4 4 4 Since Cs = maxp∈(0,1) I(ak , âk ), we seek the maximum of I(ak , âk ) by taking the derivative with respect to p h d I(ak , âk ) 1 3 3 3 3 = − − (log2 p + log2 e) − − log2 1 − p − log2 e dp 2 4 4 4 4 and setting it to 0. We get the equation 3 log2 4 3 1 − p 4 = 1 2 i 664 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS which is solved by p= 3 4 1 = 0.428 + 22/3 and yields the capacity Cs = 0.558 bit/symbol Solution to Problem 7.18 a) The transition p probabilities for a QPSK system are given in the solution to Problem 7.4 in terms of q = Q( Es /N0 ). In this case 1 Es = Eh /2 = 2 Hence q = Q( p Z +∞ A df 2 T 2 rect T f = −∞ 1 2 A T = 5 · 10−10 V2 s 2 5/2) ' 0.11 and the transition probabilities are p(i|i) = 0.79 , p(i|j) ' 0.098 0.012 , i, j adjacent , i, j opposite b) By the symmetry of the transition probabilities it is justified to assume that the source achieving the channel capacity is a memoryless symmetric source with pa (i) = 1/4, for all i. Hence we get, again from the solution to Problem 7.4, that Cs = I(ak , âk ) ' 1 bit/symbol. Solution to Problem 7.19 a) From (7.152) and under the constraint M1 + M2 = M, we can write the total capacity as C = C1 + C2 = B1 log2 1 + M1 g1 N1 B 1 + B2 log2 1+ (M − M1 )g2 N2 B 2 By taking its derivative with repect to M1 we obtain 1 dC = dM1 ln 2 B2 g2 B1 g1 − M1 g1 + N1 B1 (M − M1 )g2 + N2 B2 Then we seek the capacity by equating it to 0 and get M1 N1 M − M1 N2 + = + B1 g1 B2 g2 hence M1 = M/B2 + N2 /g2 − N1 /g1 1/B1 + 1/B2 M2 = M/B1 − N2 /g2 + N1 /g1 1/B1 + 1/B2 and symmetrically If both expressions for M1 and M2 lie in the interval (0, M) they represent the optimal power distribution. On the other hand if the above result gives M1 < 0 and M2 > M, then the optimal choice is to transmit all power on subchannel 2, that is M1 = 0 and M2 = M, and viceversa. SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS OF CHAPTER 7 b) In this case we have, by writing Mn = M − C= Pn−1 i=1 Mi P n−1 n−1 (M − i=1 Mi )gn B X Mi gi + ln 1 + ln 1 + ln 2 Ni B Nn B i=1 665 Then by taking its derivative with respect to Mj we get ∂C B = ∂Mj ln 2 gj gn − Pn−1 Nj B + M j g j Nn B + (M − i=1 Mi )gj for j = 1, . . . , n − 1. By equating it to 0 for each j and rewriting Mn into it we get Mj + Nn B Nj B = Mn + , gj gn j = 1, . . . , n − 1 Now let P0 = Mn /B + Nn /gn so that Mj + Nj B = P0 B , gj j = 1, . . . , n − 1 as in the statement. Moreover by summing over all j we get M+B n X Nj j=1 = nP0 B gj from which the statement is proved. The optimum power allocation in the general case (but you’re not allowed to use this result to solve the problem!) corresponds to distributing the total power M among the subchannels according to the “water pouring” technique, that is Mi = Bi (P0 − Ni /gi ) 0 with P0 = M+ , Ni /gi < P0 , Ni /gi ≥ P0 P Bi Ni /gi Pi i Bi where the sums are meant not over all values of i but only over those for which N i /gi < P0 . The result is illustrated in the plot below Nj gj P0 M1 Mj = 0 Mn Mi Nn gn N1 g1 Ni gi B1 Bi Bj Bn 666 SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS Solution to Problem 7.20 For the proof of Proposition 7.28 we proceed analogously to that of Theorem 7.7. Consider the rvs ix,y (xn , yn ) which are iid with mean H(x, y). By the law of large numbers L 1X ix,y (xn , yn ) −→ H(x, y) , L→∞ L in probability . n=1 Since the pairs {(xn , yn )} are iid we can write ix,y (x, y) = L X ix,y (xn , yn ) n=1 and hence ix,y (x, y) L We have −→ L→∞ H(x, y) , ix,y (x, y) lim P L→∞ L in probability . − H(x, y) < ε = 1 and therefore, for all δ > 0 we can find L0δ such that ix,y (x, y) 1 − H(x, y) < ε > 1 − δ , P L 3 for all L > L0δ Moreover, since by Theorem 7.7 we have lim P [x ∈ Tx (ε, L)] = 1 , lim P [y ∈ Ty (ε, L)] = 1 L→∞ L→∞ hence there exist L00δ and L000 δ such that P [x ∈ Tx (ε, L)] > 1 − 1 δ , 3 for all L > L00δ 1 δ , for all L > L000 δ 3 0 00 000 Then, with Lδ = max {Lδ , Lδ , Lδ }, we have for all L > Lδ P [y ∈ Ty (ε, L)] > 1 − P [(x, y) ∈ Tx,y (ε, L)] = ix,y (x, y) <ε − H(x, y) L ix,y (x, y) − H(x, y) ≥ ε = 1 − P {x 6∈ Tx (ε, L)} ∪ {y 6∈ Ty (ε, L)} ∪ L ix,y (x, y) ≥ 1 − P [x 6∈ Tx (ε, L)] − P [y 6∈ Ty (ε, L)] − P − H(x, y) ≥ ε L = P {x ∈ Tx (ε, L)} ∩ {y ∈ Ty (ε, L)} ∩ 1 1 1 δ− δ− δ 3 3 3 =1−δ ≥1− thus proving Proposition 7.28. (8.1) SOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS OF CHAPTER 7 667 Now we prove 7.29 i). We write X (a,b)∈Tx,y (ε,L) px,y (a, b) ≤ 1 (8.2) On the other hand for each pair of jointly ε-typical sequences (a, b) we have from (7.157) i x,y (a, b) < L[H(x, y) + ε] and hence px,y (a, b) > 1/2L[H(x,y)+ε] , so X px,y (a, b) > (a,b)∈Tx,y (ε,L) X (a,b)∈Tx,y (ε,L) |Tx,y (ε, L)| 1 = L[H(x,y)+ε] 2L[H(x,y)+ε] 2 (8.3) By combining the inequalities (8.2) and (8.3) we get |Tx (ε, L)| <1 2L[H(x)+ε] and hence the statement of Proposition 7.29 i). To prove 7.29 ii), we observe that by Theorem 7.28, for any δ > 0 there exists L δ such that for all L > Lδ (8.4) P [(x, y) ∈ Tx,y (ε, L)] > 1 − δ . Moreover, for all (a, b) ∈ Tx,y (ε, L), it is px,y (a, b) < 1/2L[H(x,y)−ε] , and we get P [(x, y) ∈ Tx,y (ε, L)] = X (a,b)∈Tx,y (ε,L) px,y (a, b) < |Tx,y (ε, L)| . 2L[H(x,y)−ε] By combining the inequalities (8.4) and (8.5) we obtain the proof of Proposition 7.29 ii). (8.5)