ALLEN-BRADLEY ALLEN-BRADLEY BULLETIN 1336 FAULT RESET/AUTO RESTART APPLICATION NOTE #7 January 2, 1997 PURPOSE The purpose of this document is to provide guidelines for wiring and control schemes for the Bulletin 1336 AC Drive. This document is to be used as a suggestion only. Users must ensure that installations meet applicable codes and are suitable for the existing conditions. The Bulletin 1336 User Manual should be used as a reference to ensure that proper wire selection,routing,and fusing guidelines are followed. WHAT THIS NOTE CONTAINS for The Bulletin 1336 drive can be configured to automatically reset a fault and then restart the drive. This is useful unmanned areas that may have frequent power outages. The start/stop control inputs must be TWO-WIRE control to allow the drive logic to perform the auto restart function. This note contains diagrams and parameter programming used to implement the auto restart function. INTENDED AUDIENCE This application note is intended to be used by personnel familiar with the hardware components and programming procedure necessary to operate the Bulletin 1336/1336VT. WHERE IT IS USED The diagrams, parameter settings, and auxiliary hardware used in this application note are designed to address specific issues in many different applications. Some by the Users may be necessary to apply the concepts document to a specific application. changes of this 1 ALLEN-BRADLEY DESCRIPTION The 1336 requires that a 2-wire start/stop circuit be used with the auto restart function. The start command must remain "logically true" for the auto restart to function properly. One of the three Logic Interface cards (MOD-L1,L2 or L3) must be installed on the drive. The fault reset function is enabled by setting Parameter 85 (Restart Tries) to a value between 1 and 9. This setting then becomes the "counter" value for the Restart attempts. Parameter 14 (Auto Restart) and Parameter 40 (Power Fault) must also be set to a value of 1. When a fault occurs,the drive software starts two timers - A 20 second restart time delay and a 4 minute restart period. The 20 second timer is used as a delay between restart attempts. The 4 minute timer is used as a "watchdog" to ensure that the drive does not remain in the "restart" mode for more than 4 minutes. The restart Tries until the Retries F13-F18 and process will continue for the number of Restart the 4 minute time period expires. Once expired, Exceeded (F33) fault will be set. Fault codes F33 require the drive to be manually reset. The drive may be reset by one of 3 methods. 1. Cycle the input power to the drive and allow the drive to completely discharge the stored energy in the capacitor bank. 2. Set parameter 39 to a value of 1. This will allow the fault to be cleared by cycling the STOP input, TB2 terminal 20, false then true. 3. If the 1336-MOD-G2 Serial Interface is used, a BTW to parameter 51 (Clear Fault) will also clear the fault. The Serial Interface will not allow F10 (Communication Loss) fault to be cleared. Refer to figure 1 for diagram with 115vac interface. Refer to figure 2 for diagram with TTL interface. PARAMETER SETTINGS PARAMETER # 14 NAME AUTO RESTART 40 POWER FAULT 85 RESTART TRIES SETTING 0 = DISABLED 1 = ENABLED 0 = F03 ACTIVE 1 = F03 DISABLED 0 = DISABLED 1 to 9=ATTEMPTS F03 is the fault code for an Under Voltage condition. 2 ALLEN-BRADLEY AUTO RESTART WITH 115V AC INTERFACE 460V AC 48-62HZ L1 L2 L3 115V AC TB1 TB2 1 POT HIGH 2 POT WIPER BULLETIN 1336 3 POT/SIGNAL COMMON 4 5 0-10V INPUT 6 4-20MA INPUT 7 PULSE INPUT (-) 8 PULSE INPUT (+) 9 5V METER OUTPUT 10 AT SPEED 11 AT SPEED/RUN COMMON 12 RUN 13 FAULT 14 FAULT/NOT FAULT COMMON 15 NOT FAULT 16 ALARM 17 ALARM/NOT ALARM COMMON 18 NOT ALARM TB3 MOD-L3 115VAC INTERFACE 19 START 20 STOP 21 COMMON 22 JOG 23 REVERSE 24 SW1 25 COMMON 26 SW2 27 SPEED SELECT START/STOP CUSTOMER INTERLOCK CUSTOMER INTERLOCK 28 AUX 29 COMMON 30 ENABLE TB1 M1 M2 M3 GND MOTOR FIGURE #1 3 ALLEN-BRADLEY AUTO RESTART WITH TTL INTERFACE 460V AC 48-62HZ L1 L2 L3 TB1 TB2 1 POT HIGH 2 POT WIPER BULLETIN 1336 3 POT/SIGNAL COMMON 4 5 0-10V INPUT 6 4-20MA INPUT 7 PULSE INPUT (-) 8 PULSE INPUT (+) 9 5V METER OUTPUT 10 AT SPEED 11 AT SPEED/RUN COMMON 12 RUN 13 FAULT 14 FAULT/NOT FAULT COMMON 15 NOT FAULT 16 ALARM 17 ALARM/NOT ALARM COMMON 18 NOT ALARM TB3 MOD-L1 TTL INTERFACE 19 START 20 STOP 21 COMMON 22 JOG 23 REVERSE 24 SW1 25 COMMON 26 SW2 27 SPEED SELECT START/STOP CUSTOMER INTERLOCK CUSTOMER INTERLOCK 28 AUX 29 COMMON 30 ENABLE TB1 M1 M2 M3 GND MOTOR FIGURE #2 4