Memorial Hospital of Converse County Financial and Statistical Packet Table of Contents - October 31, 2015 Admissions and Avg. IP Daily Census Graphs Page # 1 Average Floor Census Breakdown Graph 2 Average Monthly Inpatient Admissions by Physician Graph 3 Average Length of Stay by Physician Graph 4 Payor Mix Comparisons and Emergency Room Visits Graphs 5 Total Surgeries and Orthopedic Surgeries Graphs 6 General and OB/GYN Surgery Graphs 7 Procedure Core Visits Graphs 8 Mammography Exams Graph 9 MRI and Cat Scan Graphs 10 Nuclear Medicine and Ultrasound Exams Graphs 11 Lab Procedures and Other X-Ray Graphs 12 Newborns and Net Days of Revenue in A/R Graphs 13 Respiratory and EKG Procedures Graphs 14 Hospital Revenue Graph 15 Income Statement and Budget Variance Report 16 Financial and Statistical Highlights 17 Statistics (Ratios - Productivity Indicators) 18 Balance Sheet 19 Cash Flow Statement 20 Memorial Hospital of Converse County Admissions and Avg. IP Daily Census Oct. 2015 Admissions 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Curr. 12 mo. Current Budget Prev. 12 mo. Nov. 81 81 59 Dec. 86 81 63 Jan. 83 81 77 Feb. 79 81 63 Mar. 61 81 78 Apr. 67 81 89 Current 12 mo. avg. = 81 May 80 81 92 June 103 81 100 July 90 87 89 Aug 80 87 85 Sep 89 87 94 Oct 78 87 70 Previous 12 mo. avg. = 80 Average IP Daily Census 10.00 9.00 8.00 7.00 6.00 5.00 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 Curr. 12 mo. Current Budget Prev. 12 mo. Nov. 6.83 6.84 4.17 Dec. 6.29 6.84 5.10 Jan. 7.32 6.84 7.32 Feb. 8.14 6.84 6.14 Mar. 5.00 6.84 6.48 Apr. 6.50 6.84 8.03 Curr. 12 mo. avg. = 6.99 May 6.74 6.84 9.42 June 7.67 6.84 7.70 July 8.52 7.32 9.23 Aug 6.45 7.32 7.58 Sep 7.77 7.32 7.23 Oct 6.68 7.32 6.61 Prev. 12 mo. avg. = 7.08 Page 1 Memorial Hospital of Converse County (FY 2016) Average Floor Census Breakdown Oct. 2015 (FY 2016) Average Floor Census Breakdown 14.00 12.00 1.55 10.00 1.67 1.42 2.29 8.00 0.70 1.77 1.58 0.78 0.45 0.55 6.00 4.00 8.52 7.77 7.36 6.68 6.45 2.00 0.00 SB OBS IP Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. 1.55 1.42 8.52 2.29 0.55 6.45 1.67 0.70 7.77 1.58 0.45 6.68 Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June Average 1.77 0.78 7.36 IP OBS SB Page 2 Memorial Hospital of Converse County Average Monthly Inpatient Admissions by Physician Oct. 2015 Average Monthly Inpatient Admissions by Physician Based on Previous 12 Months 40.00 35.00 30.00 25.00 20.00 15.00 10.00 5.00 0.00 Page 3 Memorial Hospital of Converse County Average Length of Stay by Physician Oct. 2015 Average Length of Stay by Physician for Fiscal Year 2016 4.00 3.50 3.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00 Retherford Lansang Starks Hospitalist Grosdidier Murphy White, W. Croft Skuza Yost Engle Rupp Campbell Robertson Current Month Avg. Length of Stay 0.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 3.23 2.33 0.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.81 0.00 2.33 2.50 YTD FY 2016 Avg. Length of Stay 0.00 1.48 1.88 1.67 3.36 1.58 1.00 2.13 3.34 1.25 1.19 1.98 0.00 2.06 2.44 Page 4 Memorial Hospital of Converse County Payor Mix Comparisons and ER Visits Oct. 2015 Payor Mix Comparisons 50.00% 45.00% 40.00% 35.00% 30.00% 25.00% 20.00% 15.00% 10.00% 5.00% 0.00% Insurance Medicare Medicaid Self Pay Workers Comp. Other Payors Fiscal Year 2016 Fiscal Year 2015 Emergency Room Visits 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Curr. 12 mo. Current Budget Prev. 12 mo. Nov. 546 477 384 Dec. 525 477 371 Jan. 440 477 447 Feb. 490 477 393 Mar. 561 477 429 Apr. 491 477 474 Curr. 12 mo. avg. = 526 May 479 477 582 June 553 477 565 July 579 569 626 Aug 580 569 703 Sep 559 569 661 Oct 511 569 503 Prev. 12. mo. avg. = 512 Page 5 Memorial Hospital of Converse County Total Surgeries and Orthopedic Surgeries Oct. 2015 Total Surgeries 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Curr. 12 mo. Current Budget Prev. 12 mo. Nov. 89 105 94 Dec. 127 105 119 Jan. 82 105 93 Feb. 97 105 94 Mar. 66 105 77 Apr. 92 105 100 May 101 105 88 Current 12 mo. avg. = 99 June 103 105 98 July 105 100 83 Aug 100 100 88 Sep 109 100 85 Oct 121 100 110 Previous 12 mo. avg. = 94 Orthopedic Surgeries 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Curr. 12 mo. Current Budget Prev. 12 mo. Nov. 46 52 56 Dec. 47 52 53 Jan. 30 52 37 Feb. 37 52 42 Mar. 28 52 40 Apr. 40 52 39 Curr. 12 mo. avg. = 43 May 44 52 49 June 48 52 37 July 55 41 43 Aug 35 41 28 Sep 54 41 36 Oct 51 41 37 Prev. 12 mo. avg. = 41 Page 6 Memorial Hospital of Converse County General and OB/GYN Surgeries Oct. 2015 General Surgeries 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Curr. 12 mo. Current Budget Prev. 12 mo. Nov. 23 24 16 Dec. 32 24 22 Jan. 21 24 28 Feb. 26 24 25 Mar. 17 24 20 Apr. 16 24 22 May 25 24 22 Curr. 12 mo. avg. = 23 June 18 24 24 July 23 24 23 Aug 25 24 26 Sep 23 24 24 Oct 22 24 29 Prev. 12 mo. avg. = 23 OB/GYN Surgeries 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. Curr. 12 mo. avg. = 11 Curr. 12 mo. May June July Aug Sep Oct Prev. 12 mo. avg. = 9 Current Budget Prev. 12 mo. Page 7 Memorial Hospital of Converse County Procedure Core Visits Oct. 2015 Procedure Core Visits 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Curr. 12 mo. Current Budget Prev. 12 mo. Nov. 38 49 50 Dec. 60 49 61 Jan. 34 49 41 Feb. 41 49 49 Mar. 46 49 64 Apr. 55 49 37 May 54 49 45 June 53 49 41 Curr. 12 mo. avg. = 49 July 56 49 47 Aug 40 49 44 Sep 58 49 34 Oct 53 49 55 Prev. 12 mo. avg. = 47 Procedure Core Visit Types 70 60 50 40 42 32 27 37 34 29 40 30 20 26 23 32 29 10 22 18 6 0 32 Nov. Curr. 12 mo. Scopes 32 Curr. 12 mo. Minor Procedures 6 15 14 15 Feb. 26 15 Mar. 32 14 Apr. 40 15 26 22 17 21 24 5 Dec. 42 18 Jan. 29 5 May 32 22 June 27 26 July 34 22 Aug 23 17 Sep 37 21 Oct 29 24 Page 8 Memorial Hospital of Converse County Mammography Exams Oct. 2015 Mammography Exams 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Curr. 12 mo. Current Budget Prev. 12 mo. Nov. 81 94 117 Dec. 92 94 95 Jan. 70 94 93 Feb. 95 94 96 Mar. 85 94 102 Apr. 81 94 90 Curr. 12 mo. avg. = 94 May 72 94 90 June 97 94 82 July 103 93 95 Aug 122 93 96 Sep 108 93 92 Oct 126 93 112 Prev. 12 mo. avg. = 97 Page 9 Memorial Hospital of Converse County MRI & Cat Scans Oct. 2015 MRI Exams 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Curr. 12 mo. Current Budget Prev. 12 mo. Nov. 79 84 96 Dec. 97 84 83 Jan. 80 84 90 Feb. 91 84 70 Mar. 95 84 94 Apr. 100 84 76 Curr. 12 mo. avg. = 99 May 102 84 88 June 105 84 97 July 107 99 105 Aug 95 99 82 Sep 115 99 94 Oct 118 99 93 Prev. 12 mo. avg. = 89 CT Exams 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Curr. 12 mo. Current Budget Prev. 12 mo. Nov. 176 201 174 Dec. 247 201 155 Jan. 211 201 189 Feb. 228 201 152 Mar. 201 201 158 Apr. 220 201 181 Curr. 12 mo. avg. = 226 May 174 201 195 June 279 201 164 July 241 237 214 Aug 235 237 253 Sep 254 237 242 Oct 242 237 201 Prev. 12 mo. avg. = 190 Page 10 Memorial Hospital of Converse County Nuclear Med and Ultrasound Exams Oct. 2015 Nuclear Medicine Exams 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Curr. 12 mo. Current Budget Prev. 12 mo. Nov. 13 25 19 Dec. 32 25 13 Jan. 32 25 26 Feb. 26 25 20 Mar. 24 25 25 Apr. 19 25 28 May 25 25 36 Curr. 12 mo. avg = 26 June 22 25 36 July 39 27 38 Aug 24 27 30 Sep 31 27 27 Oct 30 27 38 Sep 167 202 206 Oct 214 202 198 Prev. 12 mo. avg. = 28 Ultrasound Exams 250 200 150 100 50 0 Curr. 12 mo. Current Budget Prev. 12 mo. Nov. 144 176 148 Dec. 190 176 191 Jan. 186 176 149 Feb. 169 176 140 Mar. 177 176 192 Apr. 221 176 204 Curr. 12 mo. avg. = 186 May 191 176 224 June 196 176 199 July 204 202 214 Aug 177 202 228 Prev. 12 mo. avg. = 191 Page 11 Memorial Hospital of Converse County Lab Procedures and Other X-Ray Exams Oct. 2015 Lab Procedures 45,000 40,000 35,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug Sep Oct Curr. 12 mo. 26,829 29,939 29,174 30,794 29,041 29,470 24,854 34,102 33,960 32,375 33,895 34,186 Current Budget 29,531 29,531 29,531 29,531 29,531 29,531 29,531 29,531 32,981 32,981 32,981 32,981 Prev. 12 mo. 21,915 22,361 25,973 22,836 27,622 38,230 30,980 29,091 32,256 40,728 34,548 33,336 Curr. 12 mo. avg. = 30,718 Prev. 12 mo. avg. = 29,990 Total Other X-Ray Exams 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Curr. 12 mo. Current Budget Prev. 12 mo. Nov. 450 483 399 Dec. 503 483 355 Jan. 531 483 499 Feb. 509 483 437 Mar. 442 483 505 Apr. 588 483 559 Curr. 12 mo. avg. = 555 May 537 483 602 June 597 483 486 July 641 575 625 Aug 619 575 624 Sep 614 575 598 Oct 634 575 598 Prev. 12 mo. avg. = 524 Page 12 Memorial Hospital of Converse County Newborns and Net A/R Days Oct. 2015 Newborns 25 20 15 10 5 0 Curr. 12 mo. Current Budget Prev. 12 mo. Nov. 15 15 12 Dec. 17 15 12 Jan. 19 15 12 Feb. 14 15 12 Mar. 11 15 17 Apr. 9 15 16 May 16 15 12 Curr. 12 mo. avg. = 15 June 22 15 19 July 15 16 14 Aug 17 16 12 Sep 20 16 14 Oct 10 16 8 Sep 61.35 55.00 69.98 Oct 62.10 55.00 67.01 Prev. 12 mo. avg. = 13 Net Days of Revenue in A/R 80.00 70.00 60.00 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 Nov. Curr. 12 mo. 69.09 Current Budget 53.00 Prev. 12 mo. 55.62 Dec. 64.15 53.00 53.61 Jan. 58.68 53.00 57.25 Feb. 64.29 53.00 54.43 Mar. 63.76 53.00 53.54 Apr. 64.67 53.00 61.17 May 69.70 53.00 65.31 Curr. 12 mo. avg. = 63.39 June 62.80 53.00 71.01 July 60.41 55.00 63.76 Aug 59.70 55.00 67.46 Prev. 12 mo. avg. = 61.68 Page 13 Memorial Hospital of Converse County Respiratory and EKG Procedures Oct. 2015 Respiratory Procedures 4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug Sep Current 12 mo. Avg = 3,450 Previous 12 mo. Avg. = 3,269 Curr. 12 mo. Current Budget Oct Prev. 12 mo. EKG Procedures 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Current 12 mo. Avg. = 354 Curr. 12 mo. Apr. May June July Aug Sep Oct Previous 12 mo. Avg. = 369 Current Budget Prev. 12 mo. Page 14 Memorial Hospital of Converse County Hospital Patient Revenues Oct. 2015 Hospital Patient Revenues 9,000,000 8,000,000 7,000,000 6,000,000 5,000,000 4,000,000 3,000,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 0 Curr. 12 mo. Nov. 6,214,322 Dec. 6,623,555 Jan. 5,752,805 Feb. 5,798,463 Mar. 5,148,635 Apr. 6,010,185 May 5,869,108 June 6,599,027 July 6,725,357 Aug 6,882,579 Sep 7,669,999 Oct 7,612,860 Current Budget 5,522,325 5,344,304 5,522,322 5,522,317 5,344,310 5,522,314 5,344,307 5,522,316 6,417,517 6,406,894 6,417,517 6,413,975 Prev. 12 mo. 3,832,418 4,681,439 5,037,823 4,732,954 4,679,530 5,688,110 6,044,398 5,973,921 6,284,035 6,179,897 6,582,246 6,384,088 Curr. 12 mo. avg. = $6,408,908 Prev. 12 mo. avg. = $5,508,405 Page 15 Memorial Hospital of Converse County Income Statement Summary Budget Variance Report Current Month Year to Date Oct. 2015 Budget Variance Amount $1,960,387 4,094,690 1,557,783 $7,612,860 $1,705,800 3,322,681 1,385,494 $6,413,975 $254,587 772,009 172,289 $1,198,885 560,288 424,259 127,772 731,670 153,447 $1,997,435 515,948 317,269 55,163 556,614 150,320 $1,595,314 5,615,425 October Prior Year YTD YTD Thru Oct. 2015 YTD Budget Variance Amount YTD Thru Oct. 2014 Change From Prior YTD Patient Revenue Inpatient Outpatient Physician Clinics Total Patient Revenue $7,425,443 15,881,618 5,583,734 $28,890,796 $6,823,198 13,290,728 5,541,977 $25,655,903 $602,245 2,590,890 41,757 $3,234,893 $6,822,943 12,301,403 6,305,920 $25,430,266 $602,500 3,580,215 (722,186) $3,460,530 44,340 106,990 72,609 175,056 3,127 $402,121 Deductions From Revenue Medicare Medicaid Worker's Compensation Other Contractuals Other Total Deductions 2,383,342 1,453,941 445,620 2,446,940 604,896 $7,334,739 2,063,794 1,269,062 220,652 2,226,453 601,298 $6,381,259 319,548 184,879 224,968 220,487 3,598 $953,480 2,236,557 825,437 417,994 1,799,398 545,748 $5,825,134 146,785 628,504 27,626 647,542 59,148 $1,509,605 4,818,661 796,764 Net Patient Revenue 21,556,056 19,274,644 2,281,412 19,605,132 1,950,924 97,294 $5,712,719 90,260 $4,908,921 7,034 $803,798 Other Operating Revenue Total Operating Revenue 293,085 $21,849,142 361,035 $19,635,679 (67,950) $2,213,463 449,446 $20,054,578 (156,361) $1,794,564 2,470,225 793,885 694,820 67,341 84,374 2,500 32,165 98,201 24,823 12,552 32,616 137,321 32,924 53,013 373,598 626,804 $5,537,160 2,203,048 494,230 462,495 99,715 80,843 2,500 20,011 108,233 38,833 16,667 62,908 122,278 35,584 47,973 425,792 522,586 $4,743,696 267,177 299,655 232,325 (32,374) 3,531 0 12,154 (10,032) (14,010) (4,115) (30,292) 15,043 (2,660) 5,040 (52,194) 104,218 $793,464 Operating Expenses Salaries & Wages Benefits Supplies Lease & Rentals Other Expenses Legal Travel & Education Maintenance & Repair Physician Fees Interest Professional Fees Purchased Services Insurance Utilities Depreciation Indigent Care Total Expenses 9,512,732 2,372,297 2,351,673 321,934 378,722 1,140 112,461 446,575 99,191 51,190 206,211 531,525 133,458 204,435 1,469,399 2,432,645 $20,625,587 8,812,193 1,976,919 1,849,998 398,855 323,348 10,000 80,010 432,934 155,333 66,667 251,640 489,106 142,334 191,902 1,703,168 2,090,342 $18,974,749 700,539 395,378 501,675 (76,921) 55,374 (8,860) 32,451 13,641 (56,142) (15,477) (45,429) 42,419 (8,876) 12,533 (233,769) 342,303 $1,650,838 9,264,062 2,002,429 2,014,502 348,321 341,895 2,811 69,845 376,881 187,161 173,661 199,331 577,568 136,596 197,018 1,600,116 1,506,952 $18,999,149 248,670 369,868 337,171 (26,387) 36,827 (1,671) 42,616 69,694 (87,970) (122,471) 6,880 (46,043) (3,138) 7,417 (130,717) 925,693 $1,626,438 175,559 165,225 10,334 Operating Income (Loss) 1,223,554 660,930 562,624 1,055,429 106,493 45,000 12,013 105,000 45,000 31,833 1,493 0 (19,820) Non-Operating Revenue County - Indigent Care Reimbursement County - Ambulance Reimbursement Other Non-Operating 437,750 180,000 169,719 420,000 180,000 127,333 17,750 0 42,386 350,000 300,000 119,107 0 $339,065 0 $347,058 0 ($7,993) Non-Operating Expense Net Income/(Loss) 0 $2,011,023 0 $1,388,263 0 $622,760 0 $1,824,536 168,125 87,750 (120,000) 50,612 0 $186,487 Page 16 Memorial Hospital of Converse County Financial and Statistical Highlights Oct. 2015 Page # Patient Volumes IP Daily Census………. Surgeries……………. .. Radiology Exams……… Laboratory Tests……. .. Emer. Rm. Visits……… At 6.68 up 0.07 from October 2014 - down 1.09 from September 2015 At 121 up 11 from October 2014 - up 2 from September 2015 At 1,364 up 124 from October 2014 - up 75 from September 2015 At 34,186 up 850 from October 2014 - up 291 from September 2015 At 511 up 8 from October 2014 - down 48 from September 2015 1-2 6-7 9-12 12 5 Income Statement Gross Patient Revenue for the month was $7,612,000 compared to $6,384,088 last October and $7,670,000 last month. Net Income for October is $339,000 compared to $266,947 last year and $598,000 last month. 15 Monthly Revenue - over budget by $1,198,000 The departments that are under budget by $10,000 or more are as follows: Obstetrics - 34,000 Swing Bed - 10,000 OTRHC - 12,000 Ambulance - 14,000 Radiologists - 29,000 Monitored Bed - 24,000 Deductions From Revenue - Over budget by $402,000 Monthly Expense Variances - Over budget by $793,000 Salaries & Wages - 267,000 Benefits - 300,000 Supplies - 232,000 Med/Surg - 19,000 Nuc Med Drugs - 25,000 Lab - 9,000 Pharmacy Drugs - 40,000 Podiatry - 3,600 Surgery - 125,000 MOB - 11,000 Purchased Services - 15,000 Administration - 6,000 Facilities - 8,000 Employee Engagement Committee - 6,000 Utilities - 5,000 Electricity - 3,000 Water - 3,000 Indigent Care - 40,000 Increased Bad Debt Other - 3,500 PR Advertising - 15,000 Travel & Education - 12,000 Ambulance - 2,000 Ortho - 9,000 Podiatry - 1,000 Administration - 2,000 Facilities - 1,700 Education - 2,100 Cash Status Cash balances as of October 31, 2015 are $11,320,485. This equates to 72 days of expenses on hand. Accounts Receivable Net Accounts Receivable days are at 62.10 days for the end of October compared to 67.01 last year and 61.35 last month. Page 17 Memorial Hospital of Converse County Statistics For The Period Ended October 31, 2015 Monthly Oct 2015 Oct 2014 Variance From Prior October Year to Date Budget Variance Amount % 78 2 70 6 8 (4) 74 5 4 (3) 80 76 4 79 1 207 49 205 93 2 (44) 226 74 (19) (25) 256 298 (42) 300 10 15 8 13 2 2 121 110 3,552 511 YTD Thru Oct 2014 Variance From Prior YTD YTD Budget Variance Amt. % A & P Admissions - Regular -Swing Bed 337 16 338 20 (1) (4) 296 20 41 (4) 13.9% -20.0% Total A & P Admissions 353 358 (5) 316 37 11.7% -8.4% -33.8% A & P Patient Days - Regular -Swing Bed 904 218 943 267 (39) (49) 904 296 0 (78) 0.0% -26.4% (44) -14.7% Total A & P Patient Days 1,122 1,210 (88) 1,200 (78) -6.5% 16 26 (6) (11) -37.5% -42.3% Newborn - Admissions -Patients Days 62 103 48 85 14 18 64 104 (2) (1) -3.1% -1.0% 11 98 23 23.5% Surgeries 435 366 69 392 43 11.0% 3,369 503 183 8 3,478 576 74 (65) 2.1% -11.3% Outpatient Registrations ER Registrations 13,592 2,229 13,271 2,493 321 (264) 13,912 2,304 (320) (75) -2.3% -3.3% 4,063 3,872 191 4,054 9 0.2% Total Registrations 15,821 15,764 57 16,216 (395) -2.4% 330 324 6 333 (3) -1.0% 327 323 4 333 (6) -1.9% Financial Ratios Days Cash on Hand Oct. 2015 Oct. 2014 72 YTD 91 N/A 5.4% -60.0% YTD Thru Oct 2015 1.3% US 69 FTEs WY Misc. Measurements 107 Total Revenue per FTE YTD - 16 $262,644 YTD - 15 $236,194 Variance From Prior Year $26,450 WY $145,000 Variance From WY $117,644 Operating Margin 5.60% 2.04% 6.49% 0.99% 0.77% Contractual Deductions 25.39% 22.91% 2.48% 26.70% -1.31% Net Margin 9.20% 5.20% 10.36% 2.51% 6.79% Inpatient Revenue % 31.86% 35.68% -3.82% 31.41% 0.45% Current Ratio 4.72 4.35 68.14% 64.32% 3.82% 66.90% 1.24% 64.46 62.10 74.42 67.01 Gross A/R Days Net A/R Days FTEs per Adjusted Occupied Bed - Excluding MOB N/A 2.29 3.89 Outpatient Revenue % Average Length of Stay 10.49 54.20 57.94 With MOB 11.39 2.67 3.24 (0.57) Medicare Inp. Payer Mix 33.16% 34.02% -0.86% Average I/P Daily Census 7.35 6.61 Salaries to Total Expense 46.12% 48.76% -2.64% Benefits as % of Salaries 24.94% 21.62% 3.32% 0.74 3.30 31.00% 3.50 (0.63) 2.16% 3.85 Medicare Rural Hospital Flexibility Program Monitoring Team - US CAH Median-2013 46.32% -0.20% Medicare Rural Hospital Flexibility Program Monitoring Team -WY CAH Medium-2013 Page 18 Memorial Hospital of Converse County Balance Sheet October 31, 2015 October 2015 October 2014 $3,703,815 104,257 $3,808,072 $2,879,946 1,701,948 $4,581,894 0 0 7,500,000 12,413 0 $7,512,413 626,261 531,337 5,000,000 12,413 2,261,272 $8,431,283 Accounts Receivable (Gross) Uncollectable Accts. & Contratual. Adj. Net Patient Accounts 15,564,417 (4,173,292) $11,391,125 15,387,251 (4,767,444) $10,619,807 Due From Physicians Inventories Of Supplies Other Current Assets Total Current Assets 107,942 991,458 3,865,615 $27,676,625 112,813 1,102,170 4,432,603 $29,280,570 30,568,390 31,406,270 199,449 0 $199,449 301,622 9,941 $311,563 $58,444,464 $60,998,403 LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY CURRENT LIABILITIES Accounts Payable Accrued Bond Interest/Principal Payable Accrued Salaries Accrued Taxes And Deductions Current Portion Of Capital Leases Current Portion of CD Secured Note Contingent Liability-(Patient Contracts) Total Current Liabilities 1,888,046 0 2,026,325 788,856 144,589 1,000,000 12,413 $5,860,229 1,837,668 308,364 1,809,468 797,349 1,253,146 0 12,413 $6,018,408 OTHER LIABILITIES Revenue Bonds Payable Long Term EIB Accrual Deferred Loss On Early Retirement Of Bonds Discount On Bonds Medicare Cost Report Settlement Long Term CD Secured Note Obligations Long Term Capital Lease Obligations Total Other Liabilities 0 90,378 (455,014) 0 0 6,500,000 955,166 $7,090,530 6,376,836 83,473 (701,091) (30,494) 95,000 0 4,979,130 $10,802,854 ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS Cash On Hand And In Banks Certificates Of Deposit - Unrestricted Total Cash Assets Assets Whose Use is Restricted Bond Reserve Fund - (Bond Covenant Requirement) Bond Payment Fund-(Bond Covenant Requirement) Certificates of Deposit Securing Loan Reserve Account - (Patient Contracts) Additional (Bond Covenant Requirement) Total Restricted Assets LAND, BUILDING AND EQUIPMENT, net OTHER ASSETS Investment - Big Country Rehab Investment - Powder River Imaging Total Other Assets Total Assets $12,950,759 $16,821,262 43,482,683 2,011,023 42,352,604 1,824,537 Total Fund Balance $45,493,705 $44,177,141 Total Liabilities And Fund Equity $58,444,464 $60,998,403 Total Liabilities FUND EQUITY Fund Balance Net Income Page 19 Cash Flow Statement for October 2015 and FYTD 2016 Cash Flow From Operations Oct. 2015 FYTD 2016 Net Earnings/(Loss) Additions/(Subtractions) to Cash Depreciation/Non-cash Interest Decrease/(Increase) in Accounts Receivable (Decrease)/Increase in Accounts Payable Decrease/(Increase) in Inventory Net Cash Flow From Operations $339,065 $2,011,023 373,598 (582,146) 477,839 46,827 $655,183 1,469,399 (1,732,845) (1,721) 20,877 $1,766,733 (1,216,638) 0 (1,986,655) 0 (21,726) (956,793) ($583,181) ($1,176,715) Cash Flow from Capital Purchases Equipment, Fixed Assets Loan Advance Cash Flow from Financing Notes Payable Cash Flow for the Month Ending: Oct 2015 Page 20