HỘI CÁC PHÒNG THỬ NGHIỆM VIỆT NAM - VINALAB CỘNG HÒA XÃ HỘI CHỦ NGHĨA VIỆT NAM Độc lập – Tự do – Hạnh phúc Số: /2012/CV-HTN V/v: Thư mời tham dự Hội thảo về Quản lý toàn diện Phòng thí nghiệm Hà Nội, ngày 05 tháng 10 năm 2012 Kính gửi: Lãnh đạo các Doanh nghiệp và Tổ chức Nhân dịp Triển lãm Quốc tế LAB VIETNAM 2012 về Thiết bị phân tich và các dịch vụ Phòng thí nghiệm và Triển lãm Quốc tế về Cấp thoát nước, Công nghệ lọc và Xử lý nước VIETWATER 2012 tại Hà Nội, Hội các Phòng Thử nghiệm Việt Nam VINALAB phối hợp với Viện Hóa học Malaysia IKM và Công ty Triển lãm ECMI Malaysia, tổ chức Hội thảo về Quản lý toàn diện Phòng thí nghiệm - Vietnam Total Laboratory Management Symposium (VTLMS) 2012 vào ngày 6 tháng 11 năm 2012 tại Trung tâm Hội chợ Triển lãm Việt Nam, 148 đường Giảng Võ, quận Ba Đình, Hà Nội. Trân trọng kính mời Lãnh đạo các Phòng thí nghiệm, Doanh nghiệp và Tổ chức và các Anh Chị quan tâm đến dự và/hoặc cử cán bộ đến tham dự Hội thảo, kết hợp với tham quan Triển lãm quốc tế LAB VIETNAM 2012 và VIETWATER 2012 mở cửa từ ngày 6 đến ngày 8 tháng 11 năm 2012. Xin gửi kèm Chương trình Hội thảo (dự kiến) và Bản Đăng ký tham dự. Vì số lượng chỗ ngồi hạn chế, xin Quý Đại biểu đăng ký ngay để việc tổ chức được chu đáo. Đại biểu tham dự miễn phí, nhưng phải đăng ký và có xác nhận của Ban tổ chức. Rất mong hân hạnh được đón tiếp. TM. BAN TỔ CHỨC HỘI CÁC PHÒNG THỬ NGHIỆM VIỆT NAM CHỦ TỊCH TS. NGUYỄN HỮU THIỆN Page 1 of 10 Chương trình Hội thảo - Program Outline Quản lý toàn diện Phòng thí nghiệm Vietnam Total Laboratory Management Symposium (VTLMS) 2012 Thời gian: Ngày 06 tháng 11 năm 2012 Địa điểm: tại Trung tâm Hội chợ Triển lãm Việt Nam, 148 đường Giảng Võ, quận Ba Đình, Hà Nội Ngôn ngữ sử dụng: tiếng Việt /Anh 0800 - 0900 Đăng ký Đại biểu / Registration 0900- 0930 Phát biểu chào mừng / Welcome Address Phát biểu chào mừng của TS. Nguyễn Hữu Thiện, Chủ tịch Hội các Phòng Thử nghiệm Việt Nam VINALAB / Welcome Address by Dr. Nguyen Huu Thien, President of Vietnam Association of Testing Laboratories, VINALAB Phát biểu của Datuk Ts. Soon Ting Kueh, Chủ tịch Viện Hóa học Malaysia / Address by Datuk Dr. Soon Ting Kueh, President of Malaysian Institute of Chemistry Phát biểu khai mạc của Đại diện Lãnh đạo Bộ Khoa học và Công nghệ / Opening Address by Representative of the Ministry of Science and Technology of Viet Nam MOST 0930- 1000 Cắt băng khai mạc Triển lãm Lab Việt Nam 2012 / Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for Lab Vietnam 2012 1000 1030 Tổng quan về thực trạng và hướng phát triển hệ thống quản lý Phòng thí nghiệm ở Việt Nam / Overview of Current Issues & Future Developments in Laboratory Management Systems in Vietnam Ts. Nguyễn Hữu Thiện, nguyên Tổng cục trưởng Tổng cục Tiêu chuẩn Đo lường Chất lượng, Bộ Khoa học và Công nghệ; Chủ tịch Hội các Phòng Thử nghiệm Việt Nam VINALAB / Dr. Nguyen Huu Thien, Former Director General, Directorate for Standards, Metrology and Quality, Ministry of Science and Technology; President of Vietnam Association of Testing Laboratories, VINALAB 1030 1130 Những thách thức và các biện pháp quản lý các Phòng thí nghiệm nhà nước liên ngành / Challenges and Issues in Managing Multi-sites Government Testing Laboratories (In English, Translated to Vietnamese) ThS. Chang Hon Fong, Phó Tổng Giám đốc Trung tâm Phân tích Hóa học Malaysia / Mr. Chang Hon Fong, Deputy Director-General, Department of Chemistry, Malaysia 1130 1300 Ăn trưa và tham quan Lab Việt Nam 2012 / Lunch and Visit to LabVietnam 2012 1300 1400 Thử nghiệm thành thạo – Ban Thử nghiệm thành thạo làm gì và các Phòng thí nghiệm tham gia làm gì / Proficiency Testing - What the Organizers Do and What the Participating Laboratories Should Do (In English, Translated to Vietnamese) Bà Nor Azian binti Abu Samah, Trưởng phòng Thử nghiệm thành thạo, Trung tâm Phân tích Hóa học Malaysia / Mdm. Nor Azian binti Abu Samah, Unit Head, Proficiency Testing Unit, Department of Chemistry, Malaysia 1400 1430 Về Chất lượng và Công nhận các Phòng thí nghiệm tại Việt Nam / Issues on Quality & Accreditation of Laboratories in Vietnam ThS. Vũ Xuân Thủy, Giám đốc Văn phòng Công nhận BoA, Bộ Khoa học & Công nghệ / Mr. Vu Xuan Thuy, Director, Bureau of Accreditation BoA, MOST Page 2 of 10 1430 - 1530 Quản lý Chương trình An toàn và Sức khỏe trong các Phòng thử nghiệm Hóa học – Kinh nghiệm của Trung tâm Phân tích Hóa học / Managing a Safety and Health Program In Chemical Testing Laboratories – The Department of Chemistry Experience (In English, Translated to Vietnamese) ThS. Chang Hon Fong, Phó Tổng Giám đốc Trung tâm Phân tích Hóa học Malaysia / Mr. Chang Hon Fong, Deputy Director-General, Department of Chemistry, Malaysia 1530 1630 An toàn và An ninh Hóa học – Tổng quan về những nguyên tắc và tổ chức / Chemical Safety and Security - An Overview of Principles and Organisation (In English, Translated to Vietnamese) Phó GS. Teh Geok Bee, Đại học Tunku Abdul Rahman, Maylaysia / Assoc. Prof. Dr. Teh Geok Bee – Tunku Abdul Rahman College, Malaysia 1630 1730 Độc chất Hóa học, các Tiêu chuẩn về mối nguy hại đến sức khỏe và giới hạn tối đa / Chemical Toxicity, Health Hazards & Exposure Standards (In English, Translated to Vietnamese) Phó GS. Teh Geok Bee, Đại học Tunku Abdul Rahman, Maylaysia / Assoc. Prof. Dr. Teh Geok Bee – Tunku Abdul Rahman College, Malaysia 1730 Kết thúc Hội thảo / End of Seminar Page 3 of 10 Báo cáo viên / Speakers DR. NGUYEN HUU THIEN Former Director General, Directorate for Standards, Metrology and Quality, Ministry ò Sciences and Technology; President, Viet Nam Association of Testing Laboratories VINALAB Dr. Thien, who is widely traveled, has attended numerous conferences, seminars and workshops in the areas of MSTQ, Instrumentation, SMEs Development and Productivity Movement held in many countries of the world. Under his leadership, Vietnam Delegation attended General Assembly of ISO, IEC, CODEX, ILAC, OIML, ASEAN (ACCSQ,), APEC (SCSC), APEC Specialist Regional Bodies (PASC, APMP, APLAC, APLMF), ASEM (TFAP), etc. He was • Member of: ISO Council from 1997-1998 and 2001- 2002; PASC Chair 2002- 2003, ACCSQ Chair 2002-2003, • APO (Asian Productivity Organization) Chair 2000 and APO Honorary Fellow since 2004, • VINALAB (Vietnam Testing Association) President (2003-2008 and re-elected for 2009-2014). • Vice-President, Viet Nam Accreditation Council (2012-2014), • Chair, VINALAB Proficiency Testing etc. DATUK DR. SOON TING KUEH Datuk Dr Soon Ting-Kueh is the President of Institut Kimia Malaysia (IKM) and he is also serving as the President of the Federation of Asian Chemical Societies (FACS) for 2007-09. Dr Soon graduated from University of Malaya with B. Sc. Hons (Chemistry) in 1972 and obtained his Ph. D. majoring in physical organic chemistry from the same university in 1975. He then joined the Tunku Abdul Rahman College as a Senior Lecturer and has served the College in various capacities. His areas of work and research include chemical education, physical organic chemistry and atmospheric chemistry. Recently, Dr Soon has been actively involved in promoting analytical chemistry education and research, particularly in the areas of monitoring atmospheric particulate matters and their trans-boundary movement. Under IKM, Dr Soon recently organized the 10th Asian Conference on Analytical Sciences (ASIANALYSIS X) with the establishment of the Asian Analytical Chemistry Network (AACN). Datuk Dr Soon Ting-Kueh is very active in promoting the advancement of chemistry in Malaysia and the world. He is a Fellow of the Malaysian Institute of Chemistry (FMIC), the Academy of Sciences Malaysia (F. A. Sc.) and also the Federation of Asian Chemical Societies (FFACS). Dr Soon is a member of the IUPAC International Year of Chemistry (IYC) 2011 Management Committee and he will serve as a Titular Member of the IUPAC CHEMRAWN Committee from 2010-13. soontk@ikm.org.my About IKM Institut Kimia Malaysia (IKM), or the Malaysian Institute of Chemistry, is a professional scientific organisation incorporated under the Chemists Act 1975 under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI). Inaugurated on 8th April 1967 with 27 Founding Members, IKM was registered with the Societies Act 1966 on 13th October 1967. The Institute was subsequently incorporated under the Chemists Act 1975 on 1st November 1977 with the following provisions: To regulate the practice of chemistry in Malaysia Page 4 of 10 To represent the profession of chemistry in Malaysia To promote public awareness and appreciation, and the advancement of chemistry in Malaysia IKM has grown in tandem with the rapid development of Malaysia to become a well established and strong professional organisation recognised both locally and internationally. Membership of IKM comes from both the manufacturing and service sectors, universities and other institutions of higher learning, research and development institutions, and, government and the education sectors. With a membership of 2,852 as at 1st January 2011, IKM enjoys a prominent place among the professional scientific organisations in Malaysia. The Institute is also playing a leading role in the development of chemistry in Malaysia. MR. CHANG HON FONG Mr Chang Hon Fong, (M.Sc. in Analytical Chemistry). He joined the Department of Chemistry Malaysia as a scientific officer in 1978 and since then has worked in the Food Laboratory, and the Research and Quality Assurance Division. He is currently the Director of Industry Division. Mr Chang is a Council Member of the Malaysia Institute of Chemistry and he is also an ISO 17025 Lead Assessor. About Department of Chemistry Malaysia – Jabatan Kimia Malaysia JKM (Ministry of Science, Technology & Innovation Malaysia) Kimia Malaysia is committed to excellence in providing scientific services to ensure the nation’s wealth and societal well being through innovative sciences in strategic and emerging areas. Kimia Malaysia’s goals are aligned to the needs of stakeholders and customers, taking into consideration the objectives of the government’s S&T policies. These goals are: Strengthening human capital development; Enhancing scientific excellence; and Meeting current and future expectations of stakeholders and customers The achievement of these goals is through innovation, strengthening capabilities by upgrading testing facilities, and improving efforts for human capital development. It requires the commitment, participation and cooperation of Kimia Malaysia’s staff as well as the support of the government’s central agencies, and its clients both from the public and private sectors. MDM. NOR AZIAN BINTI ABU SAMAH Bachelor of Science (Hons.) in Chemistry National University of Malaysia (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia) Head of Proficiency Tesing Unit, Department of Chemistry Malaysia Working Experiences: 1. Scientific Officer, Research and Quality Assurance Division (1998 – 2005): Analysis of pesticides, drug residue samples and opiates in urine using scientific instrumentation: LC-MS-MS, GC-MS, GC and HPLC 2. Head of Proficiency Testing Unit (2006 – to date): Planning and managing the yearly PT program including preparation of the PT samples, statistical evaluations on PT data and generate the PT reports. The PT program is currently includes various testing parameters in the field of water, environment, food and microbiology Page 5 of 10 About Proficiency Testing Unit (JKM PT) Participation in Proficiency Testing (PT) schemes is a prerequisite to quality assurance in the operation of a chemical testing laboratory. Jabatan Kimia Malaysia (Chemistry Department) provides PT services for chemical testing in the fields of water, environment, food, industry, microbiology and forensic analyses. The participation is mainly from chemical testing laboratories in Malaysia and some foreign countries. JKM PT programme is coordinated by the Proficiency Testing Unit of the Research and Quality Assurance Division with technical input from the various laboratories of the Department. MR. VU XUAN THUY Director of Bureau of Accreditation (BoA), Viet Nam. He is active in both domestic and international engagement on Conformity Assessment. Mr Thuy is currently Member of the Board of Management (BoM) of Asia-Pacific Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (APLAC). He is also a Member of the Executive Committee (EC) of the Pacific Accreditation Cooperation (PAC) and a Vice-Chair of the PAC Developing Program Committee. Mr Thuy is also active on Conformity Assessment in ASEAN as the Chair of the Working Group 2 on Accreditation and Conformity Assessment of the ASEAN Consultative Committee for Standards and Quality (ACCSQ). In Viet Nam he is currently Chair of Vietnam Technical Committee 176 for Development of Vietnamese National Standards (TCVN) on Conformity Assessment. . About The Bureau of Accreditation (BoA) The Bureau of Accreditation (BoA) was established in 1995 by the Minister of Science and Technology. BoA offers accreditation programs for Laboratories, Certification bodies and Inspection bodies. The BoA primary objectives are to contribute to increase the managerial and technical competence of conformity assessment bodies (CABs) based on the international standard; to provide confidence for customers and regulators in the market to the results of accredited CABs and to support for the state management in safety, and product quality. BoA vision is an accreditation body with regional status. BoA emphasizes the principles and values of independence, impartiality, service, quality and professionnism. All BoA accreditation programs operate in accordance with relevant international standards with the aim of getting these programs harmonized and recognised internationally. This will ultimately promote and increase the reputation and confidence of products and services provided by Vietnam business and thus facilitate the globalisation. DR. GEOK BEE TEH Geok Bee Teh received her M.Phil. and Ph.D. in Chemistry from University of Cambridge, United Kingdom in year 1998 and 2000, respectively. She received her first class honours degree from National University of Malaysia in year 1995. Formerly, she served one year as research executive with Standards and Industrial Research Institute of Malaysia (now Sirim Berhad) and six years in Tunku Abdul Rahman University in various capacities including holding administrative positions as Course Coordinator and Deputy Dean of Academic Affairs. Currently she holds an Associate Professorship at the School of Arts and Science, Tunku Abdul Rahman College, Kuala Lumpur. Page 6 of 10 For her research in the synthesis and characterization of functional magnetic oxide nanoparticles, she had been awarded with two Malaysian Science funds and a Malaysia Toray Science Foundation fund. She is the recipient of New Zealand ISAT Linkages Fund and the UNESCO-TWAS Associateship Scheme which enabled her involvement in international research collaborations. She is the Honorary Assistant Secretary of Malaysian Institute of Chemistry (IKM) and the Assistant Secretary-General of Malaysian Scientific Association. She represents IKM in the ISO/TC 229 Working Group 3, which is working towards ISO regulatory guidelines in “Health, Safety and the Environment Relevant to Nanotechnologies”. She is an Associate Fellow of the Academy of Sciences Malaysia since 2010 and is a taskforce committee member to the National Nanotechnology Directorate under the Malaysian Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation from 2011-2013. She is an appointed Malaysian Qualifications Agency assessor for the chemistry programme since 2008 and a Malaysian Laboratory Accreditation Scheme trainee technical assessor for ISO/IEC 17025 since 2011. Page 7 of 10 PHIẾU ĐĂNG KÝ THAM DỰ HỘI THẢO Quản lý toàn diện Phòng thí nghiệm Vietnam Total Laboratory Management Symposium (VTLMS) 2012 Thời gian: Ngày 06 tháng 11 năm 2012 Địa điểm: tại Trung tâm Hội chợ Triển lãm Việt Nam, 148 đường Giảng Võ, quận Ba Đình, Hà Nội Ngôn ngữ sử dụng: tiếng Việt Người đăng ký:.................................................................................................................... Chức vụ: ............................................................................................................................ Công ty: ............................................................................................................................ Địa chỉ: Điện thoại Email: ............................................................................................................................ :............................... ĐTDĐ ......................................................................... ............................................................................................................................ Gửi đến (chọn một trong các phương án) E-Mail: tamvinalab@gmail.com Fax : (04) 3793 0659 hoặc 04 3755 3415 Thư: Hội các Phòng Thử nghiệm VINALAB Số 3F Ngõ Tuổi Trẻ (Ngõ 477), Đường Hoàng Quốc Việt, Cầu Giấy, Hà Nội ..........., ngày … tháng … năm 2012 Ký tên: Ghi chú: Tham dự miễn phí, nhưng phải đăng ký và có xác nhận của Ban tổ chức. Nếu một đơn vị có nhiều người đăng ký thì ghi tên từng người, các mục khác chỉ cần ghi thông tin của người đại diện, hoặc đăng ký mỗi người một phiếu riêng. Cần thông tin thêm, xin vui lòng liên hệ: Chị Trần Thị Tâm: 0978 452 338 tamvinalab@gmail.com Page 8 of 10 GIỚI THIỆU TRIỂN LÃM QUỐC TẾ Date : 6th to 8th November 2012 Lab Vietnam 2012 Trade Fair will be held for the first time in Vietnam, is in the series of Lab exhibition which have been held after the successful organisation of Lab Indonesia (since 2010). Lab Vietnam serves as being the main regional platform for the Indo China market. This exhibition is to cater to the scientific industry such as professional chemist, biochemist, microbiologist, analyst, research and development researchers, lab managers, quality control and assurance managers. Lab Vietnam also looks after the needs and demands of South East Asia’s distributors and scientific dealers that are keen to take in new products to supply to the local market which acts as a support and conduit for their foreign principals. LabVietnam 2012 is a great event for you to make all these contacts and source for your equipments and service providers. http://www.lab-asia.com/index.php/lab-vietnam ECMI Trade Fairs S.E.A Sdn Bhd is one of Malaysia’s leading exhibition organisers and event managers, and among the fastest expanding companies in the industry within South East Asia. It has offices in Kuala Lumpur, Jakarta and Ho Chi Minh City, and 6 representative offices in Europe, China, Middle East, South Korea, Taiwan, and Singapore. The company is led by a strong management team with vast experience in organising international exhibitions - They have previously put together exhibitions for diverse industries and company focus is now on Lifestyle, Laboratory, scientific & reseach. http://www.ecmi.com.my/ Among ECMI’s portfolio of international, regional and local events are: 12th Asian Chemical Congress – Environment Tech Asia - Chemicals Instrumentation Asia, Kuala Lumpur - Lab Asia - Lab Indonesia -Cosmobeaute Asia, Kuala Lumpur - Cosmobeaute Indonesia - Cosmobeaute Vietnam - International Spa & Wellness Exhibition & Conference, Kuala Lumpur - Metal Indonesia - Autec Indonesia - Tools Indonesia - ICT Indonesia Page 9 of 10 The water and wastewater industry in Indochina is set to meet in Hanoi from 6 - 8 November 2012. It will be the 4th edition of Vietnam's No. 1 International Water, Wastewater and Industrial Wastewater Treatment & Purification Show. Held at the Vietnam Exhibition and Fair Centre (VEFAC) in the heart of Hanoi, VIETWATER is the preferred event where industry professionals get updated on the latest trends and developments, inspect new products, and build partnerships. It's where decision makers will find practical solutions to water and wastewater management. Since its inception in 2008, the VIETWATER Expo has grown to be one of Asia's most important and comprehensive water trade shows featuring innovative, products and services. Case studies will also be presented for a variety of industries. The 2012 Expo is projected to be the biggest yet with over 250 exhibiting companies from 30 countries and regions.The event will provide trade buyers and suppliers direct access to the Vietnamese market and the opportunity to meet over. http://www.vietwater.com/ Page 10 of 10