Ban Do Pho Co Hoi AN English A

Ha Noi Office
Office of the Representative to
the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam
United Nations
Educational, Scientific and
Cultural Organization
Tổ chức Giáo dục,
Khoa học và Văn hóa
của Liên Hợp Quốc
Văn phòng Hà Nội
Văn phòng Đại diện tại nước
Cộng hòa Xã hội Chủ nghĩa Việt Nam
Hoi An ancient town
Quang Nam &
Hoi An region
Travel responsibly
Please remember to travel responsibly when visiting the Hoi An
heritage region. You will have a more positive holiday when you:
• respect local customs by dressing and behaving appropriately;
• reduce water and energy consumption wherever possible ;
• ask permission before taking pictures of people or religious
• respect historical sites by not touching buildings and artifacts
unnecessarily and follow all local laws.
Your holiday here helps to generate increased income and
additional employment for local people. Eating in local restaurants and shopping in craft villages surrounding Hoi An adds an
extra special dimension to your holiday and is a great way to
directly benefit those who are in more need.
A great way to contribute to the preservation of the special
culture of Hoi An is to buy your Hoi An Entrance Ticket that
provides access to five of the 18 ticketed sites in town. This
small contribution helps fund a broad range of heritage conservation measures and guides you to some of the most important
and interesting sites in Hoi An.
Hoi An Tourism Information Office:
Address: 45 Le Loi street, Tel: +84 5103 910919
Hoi An Tourist Guide Office:
Address: 05 Hoang Dieu Street, Tel: +84 5103 861159
My Son Management Board:
Address: Duy Phu commune, Tel: +84 5103 731757
Ha Noi Office
Office of the Representative to
the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam
United Nations
Educational, Scientific and
Cultural Organization
Vn phòng Hà Ni
Vn phòng i din ti nc
Cng hòa Xã hi Ch ngha Vit Nam
T chc Giáo dc,
Khoa hc và Vn hóa
ca Liên Hp Quc
Publishing license No: 141-2011/CXB/32/02-01/VHTT
Toàn cnh ph c Hi An bên sông Hoài
Hoi An ancient town & nearby
My Son sanctuary
Cham island
Hoi An, with its 80,000 inhabitants, is a thriving living museum
that reflects the different cultures that have come to the bustling
trading port over the centuries. The town maintains a complex of
architectural structures in excellent condition with the streets laid
out in a chessboard pattern, a popular model of oriental mercantile cities in medieval times. A total of 1360 culturally significant
building and relics have been identified in Hoi An, including
houses, assembly halls, temples, pagodas, wells, a bridge,
family chapels, wharfs and markets.
Nearby the ancient town are many attractions that make your
holiday more enjoyable and memorable:
The most important religious center of Champa Kingdom, My Son
is in a beautiful valley surrounded by mountains.
Cua Dai beach is a great place to visit for a day or use of the
resorts as a base to explore Hoi An. The three kilometer beach
looks out to Cham Island and is lapped by gentle waves and
graced by coconut palms.
The predominant style of the architecture sculptures in the My
Son temples is derived directly from India. There is however
influence from North Vietnam, most significantly the boat shaped
roof visible on at least one building.
Cham Island is a cluster of eight islands, each breathtakingly
beautiful, and just off the coast of Hoi An. It was once one of the
most famous trading of the Champa kingdom. You can visit the
island on a day trip or choose to stay overnight at one of the
comfortable local homestays.
An Bang beach has more laid back local feel and is one of the
hidden gems of Hoi An.
The Japanese Bridge is one of the most famous landmarks in
Vietnam. The 18 meter long covered bridge with its arch-shaped
entrance is a clear illustration of the influence of three cultures in
Hoi An, the Japanese, Chinese and Vietnamese.
Hoi An was recognized a World Cultural Heritage by UNESCO in
Kim Bong woodwork village which locates on the southern side
of Thu Bon river, has been known for its most professional
carpenters since 16th century.
The history of My Son dates back to the 4th century when King
Bhadravaman had the first wooden temple built. From the 4th
-8th centuries., each subsequent king built a temple to worship
gods or had damaged temples restored. The My Son temples
were built over 10 centuries.
Tra Nhieu village is a great attraction to explore by bike and
experience an authenthic and beautiful Vietnamese village
My Son was incribed in the UNESCO’s World Cultural Heritage
list in 1999.
Thanh Ha pottery village is where visitors can witness pottery
being made on wheels turned by hand as it has for hundreds of
Cam Thanh water coconut village is a great place to cycle
around and you can take trips between the water coconuts in
row boats.
Attractions in the region
Danang, with the nearest airport to Hoi An, is a transit spot for many
visitors. It is blessed with beautiful beaches and is also home to the
excellent Danang Museum of Cham Sculpture, a great place to visit
in conjunction with a trip to My Son.
Cham Island has picturesque beaches and the highest marine
biodiversity in Vietnam including 300 species of coral, six of these
endemic to the Island. Together with the abundant fish life, the
reefs make Cham Island a great place for diving or snorkeling.
Cham Island and its surrounding areas, including Hoi An town was
recognized a World Biosphere Reserve under UNESCO’s Man
and the Biosphere Programme to promote sustainable development based on local community efforts and sound science.
Established as the capital of unified Viet Nam in 1802, Hue was not
only the political but also the cultural and religious centre under the
Nguyen dynasty until 1945. The Perfume River winds its way
through the Capital City, the Imperial City, the Forbidden Purple City
and the Inner City, giving this unique feudal capital a setting of great
natural beauty. The Hue Citadel was recognizes as a World
Heritage site in 1993.
Central Highlands and
Ho Chi Minh Trail
Visit western Quang
Nam to learn about the
rich culture and daily of
ethnic minority groups of
Co Tu, Gie Trieng, Cor
and Xe Dang. Also enjoy
the breathtaking mountain scenery and delve
into history by visiting
the legendary Ho Chi
Minh Trail, a complex
web of different jungle
troops to travel from
North Vietnam to the