SEN{CO Cons tr u cti o n, Inr CARI EDWARD IOCIE. .lR. 116 Vwrdham Drive wnter Har€n, FL 33884 EpucAnoN/IRATNING Universlty of Florida, B.S. - Sciool of EulBirU Construction - Graduate Univenity of Florirja, M.S. -&hoolof Euildin& Constructlon -Graduate - 1984 1990 EXPERTET{CE - 1986 Present SEMCO Constn ctlon, lnc.; Bartow, Pre$ldent FL ln chat8e of the day-today operatlrns as it ,elates to all prorect ard personnel related matteB. Also, malntains pftriect manager and estimator duties br larger commerchl and publh sector contracts. lnvoh/ed ln Construction Manatem€nt for var! ous public and priwte pmlcts, Actlrrcly irwolrred in the selliq, estimatin& aoquisition, and completion of all job6 as it relates to all dlents. 1985 - 1986 Hubbard Construcdoo Co.; Orlando, Ft Cnline€r/Project Mu.ter Supervised prorects up to 55 million and had dlrect supe Eory contrDl over 200 personnel and S30 million uorth of equig ment. Duties lncluded construction manatemen! materlal procurement, shop drawings review and approval, computerlzed sdEdulln& subcontractor and vendor relatbnt pay reguests, omputerlzed oost aontroL and bfllirEs. Abo, dir€cfly inrclved in writing of Hubbards inftial maln frame cost control softurare pa<ftage. 1976 - tg8/. SElt @ Co6trlctlon, lnci Banow, FL Prorect Manatcr/Estlmator SupeMsed projecE up to S5OO,m). Full tirle crene operetor and experlenced with varlous types of heayy aonstructton equipment Worted in commercial and resldential construction. Also, worked in and around the phosphate mines of polt County, UCENSES Florida @rtified Oass A General Contractor - CG @40492 Florida C€rtified Class A Roofing Contractor - CG @55927 Louisiana State Lhensed Building Contractor ctvtc Af FtuATtoNs Polk County Construction hdustry Licenting Board Polk State College Foundation - Member Bartow chamber Committee of 1fi) - Member Lake Wales Historic Preservatlon Board - Member Florida Historic Trust Foundation - Member 6race Lutheran Church - Eoard of Directors - Member Rob Pearce, a Greensboro, N. C. native, graduated from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill in 1959 with a Business Degree. Rob served in the U.S. Army lnfantry for two years attaining the rank of Sergeant after which he spent the next sixteen years rising to executive positions within the trucking industry. ln 1978 Rob and his wife Sylvia decided that sixteen years of moving was enough and chose to remain with their children in Lakeland. The last thirty one years, Rob has spent in the construction industry. As a State Certified Residential Contractor he has had projects in Hillsborough and Orange Counties as well as Polk County. Rob has been honored many times including Parade of Homes First Place, Polk County Builder Association Builder of the Year, and Polk Builders Association President. Rob has been on the Polk County Contractor's Licensing Board since 1995. This board is very stable and has created no backlash for the county even though some of the cases are emotional and potentially libelous. Rob wants to remain a board member.