TERMS OF REFERENCE INDIVIDUAL NATIONAL CONSULTANT SUPPORT IN PREPARING AMENDMENTS TO LAW No. 7/1996 for CADASTRE AND LAND REGISTRATION 1. Project Background The objective of the Complementing EU Support for Agricultural Restructuring project is to facilitate market-based farm restructuring through enhancing the ability of farmers, farm family members and farm workers to manage their assets and income. Under this overarching objective, the project will assist the Government of Romania (GOR) in completing the property title registration of land assets in rural areas to improve the security of land property rights and reduce transaction costs on rural land markets. The project is amongst other to: Assist the GOR in improving the delivery of guidance services that enable the agricultural population to more sustainably manage its income and assets and thus contribute to the absorption of available national and EU support programs, Improve the property rights security, Endow owners and users of rural land with legal proof of ownership or operatorship, Contribute to an enhanced functioning of rural land markets, Standardize the processes for sporadic and property rights systematic (mass) registration. Within this framework, and after observing the international trends in the sector, the Government of Romania decided in June 2004 to merge the cadastre and land book functions into a single, self-financing national agency called the National Agency for Cadastre and Land Registration, hereinafter ANCPI, subordinated to the Ministry of Administration and Interior. The main law ruling the cadastre and land registration field is the Law No. 7/1996. In the new mentioned framework and considering the ANCPI intention to start the systematic registration process of all real estates in Romania, we have identified several situations that are not covered by this law as it is now. We take also into consideration the entry into force of the new Civil Code, which brings significant changes to the legislation in the field of cadastre and land registration. Therefore, the intention is to amend Law No. 7/1996 for addressing these situations by: - establishing the title adjudication process as an administrative process, - resolving complaints and dealing with objections, including the introduction of administrative and judicial steps for both sporadic and systematic property registration, - regulating the new electronic land book resulting from the systematic registration. For the implementation of the envisaged changes regarding the systematic registration process, a working group from the Land Registration and Cadastre Departments was created to elaborate the amendments to Law no.7/1996 for cadastre and land registration, in order to sustain the above highlighted issues. 2. Objectives The main objective of the assignment is to support ANCPI in preparing the amendments of Law No. 7/1996, of cadastre and land registration and support in promoting these amendments in order to facilitate the process of sporadic and systematic registration of immovable properties and considering the modifications required by the new Civil Code. I. The purpose for amending the current Law No. 7/1996 of cadastre and land registration is to establish: - principles and procedures for sporadic and systematic registration of immovable properties; - registration of owners in the process of systematic registration through an administrative/judicial or mixt procedure, the legal effects of ownership registration, the regime of acts under private signature; - registration of property rights for the immovable properties located in the former non-cooperativized areas; - legal regime for dealing with differences in land area resulting from the comparison of deed area with (cadastral) surveyed area; - the organizational arrangements, including human resources, required for the process of systematic registration of immovable properties; - procedures for the commissions established to solve the complaints and claims as an administrative process; - the general rules for transferring the information related to immovable and ownership rights from three property evidence systems (old land book system, transcriptions and inscriptions registers and the property titles registers) to the new unified system of cadastre and land book by updating it at the same time in accordance with the existing situation found after completion of the cadastral work for systematic registration of property rights; - modalities to terminate the effects of the registration in the real estate records (transcriptions- inscriptions registers, ancient land books, etc.) and to terminate the effects of earlier plans of achieving the systematic registration of immovable properties; - clarify the legal effect of the registration based on the systematic registration system and sporadic registration system, in light of new regulations of the Civil Code. II. Identifying and reporting of any changes or additions that are needed for implementing the proposed amendments, in the Regulation of organization and operation of the cadastre and land registration bureaus, approved by Order of general director of ANCPI, no. 633/2006, with subsequent amendments and completions. These changes will harmonize the amendments proposed for modifying and completing the Law no. 7/1996, with the provisions of Regulation. This TOR requests the services of a national lawyer/national legal expert, hereinafter called the Consultant, selected based on professional and expert criteria to support ANCPI to develop an efficient project to amend the Law no. 7/1996 of cadastre and land registration and to identify and mark up the needed changes in the Regulation for organizing and functioning the cadastre and land registration bureaus, as a result of implementing the proposed amendments of law. The Expert should support ANCPI in the process of harmonising the subsequent legislation with the new Civil Code, as well as promoting the proposed amendments. 3. Scope of Work and Tasks The Consultant will focus on preparing the necessary amendments to Law No. 7/1996 of cadastre and land registration, in order to correlate the legal framework in the field of cadastre and land registration with the requirements of the new Civil Code as well as sustaining these amendments in the administrative and legal procedures to their adoption. In order to accomplish the above scope of work, the Consultant will follow the following steps: 3.1. Elaborate recommendations During Phase 1 of this assignment the Consultant will provide recommendations regarding the necessary changes to be made to the Law No. 7/1996 of cadastre and land registration, with particular attention to: • establish the principles and procedures processes that will govern the systematic and sporadic registration processes; • develop proposals for registration of possessors in the process of systematic registration through an administrative procedure, establishing the legal effects of registration of possession as well as the regime of acts under private signature; • develop proposals for registration of property rights for the immovable properties located in the non-cooperativizate areas; • formulate solutions for legal regime of differences in land area resulted from comparison of deed area with (cadastral) surveyed area; • establish the responsibilities of the authorities involved in the systematic registration process (public authorities, institutions/authorities holding public ownership, contractors, etc.); • regulate the first registration of properties in case of systematic registration, establishing of a legal procedure for resolution of the appeals, setting up the composition and competence of Appeals Committee; • develop a simple procedure for registration of property titles issued under the laws of property, indicating the administrative and legal steps for sporadic and systematic registration; • develop the proposals for termination the effects of the registration in the real estate records (transcriptions- inscriptions registers, old land books, old cadastre plans etc.). At the end of this stage the Consultant will be required to make a presentation to ANCPI in order to sustain the proposals and recommendations formulated. The ANCPI will analyse these proposals and provide written comments to the Consultant within five working days after presentation. 3.2. Elaborate the amendments to the Law no. 7/1996 of cadastre and land registration Phase 2 will consist of preparing the draft law of amending Law No. 7/1996 of cadastre and land registration according to necessity of change identified in the previous phase, in order to create a viable legal framework for systematic and sporadic registration of immovable properties. 3.2.1. Elaborating amendments to the Law No. 7/1996 of cadastre and land registration A workshop will be organized by ANCPI to discuss the first draft of amendments to the Law No. 7/1996 of cadastre and land registration. During this workshop the Consultant will present his proposed amendments to the Law No. 7/1996 of cadastre and land registration. Within ten working days following the workshop, the Consultant will submit to the Project Manager the second draft of amendments to the Law No. 7/1996 of cadastre and land registration. The ANCPI will provide comments within five working days to the proposed draft. These comments should be included in the final version of draft amendments to the Law No. 7/1996 of cadastre and land registration. 3.2.2. Identifying and reporting of provisions of Regulation for organization and operation of the cadastre and land registration bureaus, which are to be change, addition, update or repeal, according to the New Civil Cod provisions (Law no. 287/2009) and with those included in the draft law for changing, modifying and updating the Law no. 7/1996. The Consultant will identify and report the changes and amendments to be made in the Regulation for organization and operation of the cadastre and land registration bureaus, needed for implementing the amendments of Law no. 7/1996. 3.3. Promoting and reporting actions During the contract period the Consultant will support ANCPI in promoting the proposed amendments to the Law No. 7/1996 of cadastre and land registration and amendments to the regulations of General Director of ANCPI, to the civil society, public institutions and collaborators (UNNPR, ARB, UNEJR, CNADNR, etc.). To that purpose he will attend up to two conferences or public debates initiated and organized by ANCPI within an agreed timetable. The first of these debates will be held prior to Phase 1. The Consultant also undertakes to support and promote amendments made by ANCPI to the Law No. 7/1996 of cadastre and land registration with materials prepared for publication. At the end of his assignment, the Consultant will prepare and submit a final report summarizing his findings, actions and recommendations. The ANCPI will provide comments within five working days, which must be included into the final version of the final report. The final report should be produced in both Romanian and English. 4. Language Official language for the assignment shall be Romanian. All materials and reports produced by the consultant under this contract shall be made available to the Client in Romanian in hard copy and digitally in MS Word format. The final report will be produced in both Romanian and English. 5. Work Products 5.1. The Consultant will be required to present a short program of work to be agreed with the client at the start of the consultancy. 5.2. Phase 1 will result in a guideline document referring to principles, entities for registration and other major issues to be taken into consideration when elaborating the draft for the amending the Law No. 7/1996 of cadastre and land registration and for amending the Regulation of organization and operation the cadastre and land registration bureaus. The Consultant will be required to make a presentation to ANCPI at the conclusion of the first phase under above Scope of works. The ANCPI will comment on the presentation and provide written feedback to the consultant within five working days after presentation. 5.3. Phase 2 will produce the final draft of law for amending the Law No. 7/1996 of cadastre and land registration and the proposals for amending the Regulation for organization and operation of the cadastre and land registration bureaus, within the scope of work. 5.4. Phase 3: the Consultant will be considered to have accomplished this phase after attending a public conference organized by the ANCPI, after adoption by the Government of the law amending and supplementing Law no. 7/1996, republished, with subsequent changes. The Consultant will also produce a final report summarizing his findings, actions and recommendations. 6. Period of Performance The work will have to be completed within maximum 70 working days over a period of 7 calendar months. Task Task description Allocated Delivery deadline working days Within 7 calendar days Preparation of the guideline document, 3.1 5 after signing the including proposed working program contract Within 70 calendar days Preparation the draft amendments of 3.2.1 30 after submission of work Law no. 7/1996 program Identifying and reporting of provisions to be changed in Regulation of Within 100 calendar organization and operation the 3.2.2 25 days after submission of cadastre and land registration bureaus, work program needed for implementing the amendments of Law no. 7/1996. 3.3 Promoting actions and final report 10 Within 7 calendar months after submission of work program 7. Professional Expertise Required In order to achieve the assignment it is necessary to hire the services of a senior lawyer who should meet the following requirements: • • • • • Legal education (Master degree or higher); Good knowledge of Romanian land administration system: at least 5 years of experience with Romanian property rights/real estates/land administration process (as a judge, lawyer, notary, registrar, etc.); Prior experience in developing or amending legal frameworks; Academic experience regarding the real estates laws and land registration laws: published materials in these fields of Romanian law; Knowledge of various land administration systems and of modern land administration practices would be an advantage. 8. Client Project Manager: Mr. Victor Grigorescu, Director Projects Management Department will act as Project Coordinator on behalf of the client, and all reports must be submitted to him. The Project Manager will review and approve the reports and also submit them for being reviewed and approved by the Mr. Marcel Grigore, Deputy General Director. Client’s counterparts for the Consultant: • Mrs. Eugenia Sas, Land Book specialist, Projects Management Department 2. Reports and deadlines for submissions Reports under WORK PRODUCTS above will be submitted to the Project Coordinator according to the deadlines mentioned under above point 6 – Period of Performance. Reports will be delivered in one hard copy and one electronic copy. They will be commented on by ANCPI within five working days of their reception. 3. Place of the Mission National Agency for Cadastre and Land Registration (ANCPI), Bucharest, Romania. 4. Other provisions Office space, telephone and Internet access will be provided by ANCPI, upon Consultant’s request.