Year 1 Spring Term Feb 2013 Wk 1 Feb 25th Maths Addition and subtraction/ Links to number relationships recognise patterns add 10 to any number what do you notice. Immediate recall Use 100sq what do you notice? Report back to group class. H/A- what happens when you add 10 to a number? Numbers to 50. Using a 100 sq. ext- what happens when you take away 10? M/A-what happens when you add 10 to numbers? Numbers to be within 30. Using 100 sq. ext- Medium Term Weekly Plan Spring Term February 2013- Traditional Tales Wk 2 Wk 3 Wk 4 th March 4 March 11th March 18th Tues parents afternoon March 7th World Book day Dressing up day Green class assembly Problem solvingProblem solving-puzzles puzzles Doubling and Capacity link D and H Halving Length and the Gruffalo Odd and even numbers Money Money Adding even and even Addition and Shopping for food items numbers subtraction/ Doubling investigation Adding odd and odd Links to number Would you rather have numbers Questions What relationships 50p or 1p doubled each will happen if? Revisit patterns can the day. Introduce doubling and chn recognise that this halving is the same? Wk 5 March 25th 4 day week Easter Bonnet parade Reinforcement and extension from previous weeks linked to addition and subtraction Query investigational task what happens when we take away 10? L/A-pictorial addition using sticker/ drawing their recordings. LA/sen practical addition and subtraction using apparatus tied into LRRH English Sp and Listening LA/sen practical addition and subtraction using apparatus tied into LRRH LA/sen practical addition and subtraction using apparatus tied into money Time Practical telling of o clock and half past. Time games ind Time Making clock faces LA sen Recording o clock and half past different colour hands Data handling. Different colours in a smarties box Question to answer Tally Chart LA SEN sorting 1-1 correspondence Use information to fill in a bar chart. Time Time Making clock faces LA Time Problems 1 hour sen earlier /1hour later Recording o clock and 11/2 hour later earlier half past different colour hands Answering question Pose question for others From bar chart to answer. Think of your own Written questions. questions Little Red Riding Hood narrative story telling. Drama/ Act out different character roles Sequencing fairy Guided writing tales Character Introduce descriptions Writing story boards/ maps/ plans of the RRH Hot seat the wolf. Re write the story using a different character and an ending Guided writing Cinderella LA/sen practical addition and subtraction using apparatus linked to shopping and D and H The Gruffalo Act out different scenes from the story. Each group to act out a scene. Retelling the story, narrative, Pie Corbett Re write story using different characters. Change the character and describe in the style of the Gruffalo LA/sen practical addition and subtraction using apparatus linked to story of R Time Time Problems 1 hour earlier /1hour later 11/2 hour later earlier Do a tally chart and a bar chart for favourite trad tale character. HA to choose own criteria for tally chart.+LA /SEN could use sticky dots or use tokens. Rapunzel Read the story Chn to make a story plan with a good character and a bad character. Rewrite the story using the story plan Describe the setting – the woods. Describe your character and ending Write the story with a new character and a different ending. Describe the character and the setting Ma and LA describe setting ind Write the story HA Ind MA and LA with adult support. Ind writing Wanted poster for the wolf. Reading Reading Fairy tales Phonics ORT/ song birds book, library Sequencing fairy tales. Science Forces- pushes and pulls Recognising pushes and pulls Geography Visit to the play park Pushes and pulls Ramps and cars Measure how far they go and compare. Story maps of settings of fairy tales History Art Painting of fairy tales D/T R.E. Green class assembly Easter P.E. Gymnastics Games Using the apparatus pulling yourself Pushing Balancing and shape ICT PHSE RRR SEAL Circle Time Good to be me Road safety Fairy tale Castle ROLE PLAY Music outside Fairy tale Castle Singing – songs Fairy Tales Fairy Tale Trails Fairy tale Castle Fairy tale Castle