Hints and Tips for Business Current Accounts

Hints and tips to reduce fees and service charges
Ever changing technology impacts on the way we all live and work. It has also changed the
way we operate and the way in which you can access and undertake your day to day
banking. The following hints and tips could potentially reduce the fees and service charges
on your account and you should consider these carefully.
You can also find out more information about the digital banking solutions
available to you on our website : www.danskebank.co.uk/busapp
For your ease of use we have separated these hints and tips into the different migrations,
which you can access using the links below :
Small Business to Large Business
Large Business to Small Business
Small Business to Large Business
Hint and Tip
Instead of sending a cheque to your supplier for a
payment, why not ask for their Bank details (sort
code and account number) and send them a payment
via Business eBanking
If you issue invoices, include your sort code and
account number on the invoice and ask to be paid
Pay your utility bills and other regular payments by
Direct Debit or Standing Order.
A cheque costs 82p while a Faster Payment
via Business eBanking costs 40p or 70p
You could reduce other costs, such as
postage and stationery
A lodgement costs 72p (with additional
charges for cash and cheques lodged) while
an automated credit costs 40p
Cleared funds will be paid directly to your
account improving your cash flow
A cheque costs 82p while Direct Debit and
Standing Order payments cost 40p
You could reduce other costs, such as
postage and stationery
Some utility providers offer discounts for
electronic payments
If you collect regular payments from your customers
you could establish your business as a Direct Debit
originator. (Lending criteria, set-up fees and terms
and conditions apply.)
If you withdraw small amounts of cash at our Branch
counters (such as for Petty Cash), why not use one of
our business debit cards at our cash machines. You
can also use this card to make payments at retailers
and online.
Cash withdrawal at a branch counter costs
82p plus £1.32 per £100 withdrawn while
cash machine withdrawals cost 40p
Use the cash drop facility at our branches when
lodging cash
Save time waiting at the branch counter
If you accept payments by cheque or cash why not
apply for Merchant Acquiring services to accept
payments by card. (Set-up fees and terms and
conditions apply.)
A lodgement costs 72p (with additional
charges for cash and cheques lodged) while
an automated credit costs 40p
Cleared funds will be paid directly to your
account improving your cash flow
Improved security with no cash being held on
your business premises
Using the Danske Mobile Business App* or Danske
Tablet Business App* while on the go, or using our
Business eBanking service.
(*You must be registered for Business eBanking to
use Danske Mobile Business App and Danske Tablet
Business App)
A lodgement costs 72p (with additional
charges for cash and cheques lodged) while
an automated credit costs 40p
Cleared funds will be paid directly to your
account improving your cash flow
Provides ease of access to your accounts
providing an overview and transaction details
Signing up to the notification service means
you could receive text or email alerts on your
balance, reducing costs associated with
contacting or visiting your branch
Large Business to Small Business
Hint and Tip
Instead of sending a cheque to your supplier for a
payment, why not ask for their Bank details (sort
code and account number) and send them a payment
via Business eBanking
If you issue invoices or receive regular subscriptions,
advise the payer of your sort code and account
number and ask to be paid electronically
Pay your utility bills and other regular payments by
Direct Debit or Standing Order.
A cheque costs 82p while a Faster Payment
via Business eBanking is free
You could reduce other costs, such as
postage and stationery
A lodgement costs 72p (with additional
charges for cash and cheques lodged) while
an automated credit is free
Cleared funds will be paid directly to your
account improving your cash flow
A cheque costs 82p while Direct Debit and
Standing Order payments are free
You could reduce other costs, such as
postage and stationery
Some utility providers offer discounts for
electronic payments
If you collect regular payments from your customers
you could establish your business as a Direct Debit
originator. (Lending criteria, set-up fees and terms
and conditions apply.)
If you withdraw small amounts of cash at our Branch
counters (such as for Petty Cash), why not use one of
our business debit cards at our cash machines. You
can also use this card to make payments at retailers
and online.
Cash withdrawal at a branch counter costs
82p plus £1.32 per £100 withdrawn while
cash machine withdrawals are free
Use the cash drop facility at our branches when
lodging cash
Cash lodged at a branch counter costs 82p
per £100 but costs 62p per £100 at a cash
drop ; Cheques lodged at a branch counter
cost 72p but cost 51p at a cash drop
Save time waiting at the branch counter
If you accept payments by cheque or cash why not
apply for Merchant Acquiring services to accept
payments by card. (Set-up fees and terms and
conditions apply.)
Using the Danske Mobile Business App* or Danske
Tablet, Business App* while on the go, or using our
Business eBanking service.
(*You must be registered for Business eBanking to
use Danske Mobile Business App and Danske
Tablet Business App)
A lodgement costs 72p (with additional
charges for cash and cheques lodged) while
an automated credit is free
Cleared funds will be paid directly to your
account improving your cash flow
A lodgement costs 72p (with additional
charges for cash and cheques lodged) while
an automated credit is free
Cleared funds will be paid directly to your
account improving your cash flow
Improved security with no cash being held on
your business premises
Provides ease of access to your accounts
providing an overview and transaction details
Signing up to the notification service means
you could receive text or email alerts on your
balance, reducing costs associated with
contacting or visiting your branch