Calhoun: The NPS Institutional Archive Theses and Dissertations Thesis and Dissertation Collection 1989-09 Optimizing ECM techniques against monopulse acquisition and tracking radars Kwon, Ki Hoon Monterey, California. Naval Postgraduate School - NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL Monterey , California THESIS K11 OPTIMIZING ECM TECHNIQUES AGAINST ACQUISITION MONOPULSE AND TRACKING RADARS by Kvvon, Ki I loon September 1989 Thesis Advisor Approved for public release; distribution R.L. Partelow is unlimited. A Unclassified ecunty classification of this page REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE a Report Security Classification Security Classification Authority la 3 Distribution Availability of Report Approved 2b Declassification Downgrading Schedule Performing Organization Report Number(s) Name 6a Naval Postgraduate School CA Monterey, 8a Name 5 (if applicable) is unlimited. Monitoring Organization Report Number(s) 7a 3 and ZIP code) 7b Address (city, slate, Monterev, 93943-5000 of Funding Sponsoring Organization for public release; distribution Name of Monitoring Organization Naval Postgraduate School 6b Office Symbol of Performing Organization 6c Address (city, state, Markings lb Restrictive Unclassified 8b Office Symbol CA and ZIP code) 93943-5000 9 Procurement Instrument Identification Number (if applicable) 8c Address ii Title (city, state, and ZIP code) 10 Source of Funding Numbers Program Element No Project No Task No Work Unit Accession No OPTIMIZING ECM TECHNIQUES AGAINST MONOPULSE ACQUISITION AND (include security classification) TRACKING RADARS Personal Author(s) Kwon. Ki Hoon 13a Type of Report 13b Time Covered Master's Thesis From 1<1 To Date of Report i year, month, day) 15 September 1989' Page Count 73 The views expressed in this thesis are those of the author and do not reflect the official policy or poof the Department of Defense or the U.S. Government. Supplementary Notation 16 sition Cosati Codes 18 Subject Group Field Subgroup Terms I continue on reverse if necessary and identify by block number) ECM.monopulse.monopulse radar continue on reverse if necessary and identify by block number) techniques against monopulse radars, which are generally employed in the Surface-to-Air Missile targeting system, ire presented and analyzed. Particularly, these techniques classified into five different categories, which are; denial lamming, deception jamming, passive countermeasures, decoys, and destructive countermeasures. The techniques are fully techniques are discussed. It was found difficult to quantize the jamming effectiveness of individual techniques, because nvolved with several complex parameters and they are usually entangled together. Therefore, the methodological approach tor optimizing techniques is based on purely conceptual analysis of the techniques. [19 Abstract i ECM ECM ECM ECM Distribution Availability of Abstract S la unclassified unlimited Nan? of O same 21 Abstract Security Classification as report DT1C Unclassified users 22b Telephone Responsible Individual D FORM 14"3.84 i include Area (408) 646-2726 l.L. Partelow MAR 83 APR edition may be used until exhausted code 22c Office Symbol 62PW security classification of this page All other editions are obsolete Unclassified T245265 Approved for public release; distribution Optimizing ECM is unlimited. Techniques Against Monopulse Acquisition and Tracking Radars by Kwon, Ki Hoon Major, Korean Air Force B.S., Korean Air Force Academy, 1980 Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE IN SYSTEMS ENGINEERING (ELECTRONIC WARFARE) from the NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL September 1989 ABSTRACT ECM techniques against monopulse radars, which are generally employed in the Surface-to-Air Missile targeting system, are presented and analyzed. ularly, these ECM techniques classified into five different categories, which are; denial jamming, deception jamming, passive countermeasures, decoys, structive countermeasures. difficult to ECM The techniques are fully discussed. It and de- was found quantize the jamming effectiveness of individual techniques, because techniques are involved with several complex parameters and they are usually entangled together. ing Partic- ECM techniques is Therefore, the methodological approach for optimiz- based on purely conceptual analysis of the techniques. 111 . C.l TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION I. A. B. C. II. 1 BACKGROUND 1 COMPARISON OF SEQUENTIAL AND MONOPULSE RADARS OVERVIEW MONOPULSE TRACKING RADAR SYSTEMS A. MONOPULSE CONCEPT B. TWO DISTINCTIVE CATEGORIES 1. Amplitude-Comparison Monopulse Radar 2. Phase-Comparison Monopulse Radar ECM TECHNIQUES AGAINST MONOPULSE RADARS DENTAL JAMMING A. III. C. 6 7 7 7 7 11 15 15 Swept Spot Jamming 16 2. Barrage Jamming 17 3. Blinking 17 1 B. 3 DECEPTION JAMMING 20 1. Range Gate Walkoff 21 2. Velocity Gate Walkoff 22 3. Skirt 4. Delta 5. Image Jamming 6. Cross-Polarization 7. Cross- Eye PASSIVE Frequency Jamming 23 Jamming 25 26 Jamming 28 Jamming 30 COUNTERMEASURES 38 1. Chaff 38 2. Radar Absorbing Material 40 3. Stealth 40 IV D. E. DECOYS 41 1. Expendable Jammer 41 2. Remotely Piloted Vehicle 42 DESTRUCTIVE COUNTERMEASURES 1. Anti-Radiation Missile 42 2. Wild Weasel Tactics 43 ANALYSIS OF ECM TECHNIQUES IV. A. DENIAL JAMMING C. D. E. 45 45 Swept Spot Jamming 46 2. Barrage Jamming 46 3. Blinking 47 1 B. 42 DECEPTION JAMMING 47 1. Range Gate Walkoff 48 2. Velocity Gate Walkoff 48 3. Skirt 4. Delta 5. Image Jamming 6. Cross-Polarization 7. Cross- Eye PASSIVE Frequency Jamming 48 Jamming 49 49 Jamming Jamming COUNTERMEASURES 49 49 50 1. Chaff 50 2. Radar Absorbing Material 51 3. Stealth 51 DECOYS 52 1 Expendable Jammer 52 2. Remotely Piloted Vehicle 52 DESTRUCTIVE COUNTERMEASURES 52 1. Anti-Radiation Missile 52 2. Wild Weasel Tactics 53 V. CONCLUSION LIST 54 OF REFERENCES 57 INITIAL DISTRIBUTION LIST 59 VI LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. Lobe switching antenna patterns in one dimension, (a) Polar form.(b) Rectangular form Figure 2. Two categories of sequential lobing. (a) tern in Figure 3. 3 two dimension, (b) Lobe switching beam pat- Conical scan with 8 beams per scan. Monopulse antenna patterns (Polar and Rectangular form) and 4. 5. 9 Block diagram of two-coordinate (azimuth and elevation) amplitude-comparison monopulse tracking radar Figure 6. Antenna beam radiation patterns in 10 phase-comparison monopulse radar Figure 7. er- Block diagram of amplitude-comparison monopulse radar (one angular coordinate) Figure 4 8 ror signal Figure . 12 Wavefront phase relationships in phase comparison monopulse radar 13 Figure S. Swept spot jamming 16 Figure 9. Barrage jamming 17 Figure 10. Figure 1 Figure 12. Block diagram of the Figure 13. Waveform Figure 14. Delta jamming block diagram 26 Figure 15. Image jamming block diagram and waveforms 27 Figure Block diagram of cross-polarization pulse repeater 28 Figure 17. Components of 29 Figure IS. Cross-eye concept applied to a radar Figure 19. Sum 1. 16. Blinking jamming waveforms 18 Blinking, synchronized multiaircraft skirt 19 frequency jamming of skirt frequency 24 jamming 25 polarization channels for monopulse receiver, 31 (a) One source, (b) Two sources Figure 20. 33 Difference channels for monopulse receiver, (a) Vll One source, (b) Two Figure 21. 34 sources Patterns of the difference channel divided by sum channel, (a) source, (b) Two Figure 22. Warped phase front Figure 23. Block diagram of basic repeater type cross-eye system Figure 24. Block diagram of cross-eye system using two separate repeater One sources 35 36 37 38 path Figure 25. Barrage jamming power vs bandwidth 46 Figure 26. Block diagram of integrated deception jammer 55 Vlll LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AAA AGC Automatic Gain Control ALARM Air Launched Anti-Radiation Missile AM ARM DECM Amplitude Modulation DINA Direct Noise Amplification ECCM ECM Electronic Counter Countermeasures EJ Expendable Jammer EW Electronic FM Frequency Modulation HARM High-speed Anti-Radiation Missile IF Intermediate Frequency INS Inertial IR Infra MTI Moving Target Indicator PRF Pulse Repetition Frequency P\Y Pulse RADAR RAdio Detection And Ranging RAM Radar Absorbing Material RAS RCS Radar Absorbing Structure RF Radio Frequency RGWO Range Gate Walkoff RPV Remotely Piloted Vehicle RWR SAM Radar Warning Receiver Anti-Aircraft Artillery Anti-Radiation Missile Deception (Deceptive) ECM Electronic Countermeasures Warfare Navigation System Red Width Radar Cross Section Surface-to-Air Missile IX SEAD SNR STAR Suppression of TWS TWT UK Track-While-Scan Traveling US United States USSR USAF Union of Soviet VGWO Velocity Gate Walkoff Enemy Air Defense Signal-to-Noise Ratio Supersonic Tactical Anti-Radiation Wave Tube United Kingdom Socialist Republics United States Air Force ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I am cordially thankful to Korean Air Force I sincerely God and I wish to express my appreciation to the for providing the opportunity to study. want to express my gratitude to my thesis advisor, Professor R.L. Partelow, for his patient guidance, dedicated lengthy counsel and consecutive support during the preparation of this thesis. Without his help my effort would never have been successful. I am corrects also very grateful to Professor E.B. my Finally, Rockower, who carefully reads and script. I thank to my wife, Nam Kyo, behalf. XI for the many sacrifices made on my INTRODUCTION I. A. BACKGROUND (EW) has been Electronic warfare seeking out enemy targets in either principally concerned with techniques for normal or countermeasure environments using enemy from such electronic systems as radio or radar or, for preventing the tecting friendly targets, using electronic countermeasures counter countermeasures tiveness of ECM. The interaction between (ECCM) development of radar and its Electronic represent techniques for reducing the effec- EW development of these enemy and (ECM). de- techniques was caused by the friendly electronic systems. This countermeasures which is a typical was true of the example of this interaction process. The word radar was acronym derived from a code name used by the phrase the US Navy in 1940, RAdio Detection And Ranging [Ref. and 1: is an p.l]. Before world war two, radar had been developed independently and simul- taneously in several countries. widespread due During world war two, the use of radar became to the increase of air attacks by the allies and the Germans. Since the advent of radar, air strikes have not obtained as good results. order to thwart the operation of radar systems, both sides employed which were made of thin aluminum extremely effective came designated in jamming as "chaff* or foil strips. "window" of electronic warfare were essentially the [Ref. 2: p.l 15 in same & devices technique was These objects be- p. 252]. 1950. the equipment and tactics as those of world war two. Nev- warfare was indispensable by the end of 1951. According to the official united states air force would have been ECM the radar systems of that time. During the Korean war which broke out ertheless, electronic This kind of ECM In (USAF) triple the actual losses without the use of electronic warfare [Ref. history, the aircraft during the 3]. last and crew losses two years of the war, In the (AAA) losses stalled Vietnam war, surface to air missiles campaign during the greatly impacted the air from the enemy ground threat, individual which were flexible threat [Ref. 2: p.253, Ref. In the Yom Israeli aircraft 3: searching for US were shot down by the new Egyptian new of air operations, it SAM systems which essential is in- countermeasure techniques or SAM 30% and of the prewar AAA systems systems. responses to changing threats, modern warfare, had "PODS" This war showed that old countermeasure tech- and familiar development pattern of radar new reduce the to the ever-changing radar Kippur war of October 1973, approximately is to nullify to destroy its countermeasures, apparent. utilize acquisition dars are major threats for hampering air operations. to fighters To pp.2-3]. niques were inadequate against the The now anti-aircraft artillery initial stages. jamming systems, adapted [Ref. 3: p. 3, Ref. 4: pp. 36-39]. In (SAM) and the them. and tracking ra- In order to achieve the goal SAM batteries When we using proper apply countermeasures radar system, we need an understanding of the various types of radar systems and Each type makes use of their principles of operations. a variety of different techniques that are vulnerable to varying degrees. The main pioneered topic of this thesis in the US in related to is the late 1940s monopulse radar. Monopulse radar, and early 1950s, tracking of targets for anti-aircraft missile systems, the USSR for the same function. It is intrinsically earlier conical scan type radars to deceptive type those ECM more precise being widely deployed by much less vulnerable than countermeasures, specifically techniques which generate spurious data on aircraft position in azimuth, elevation and range. Due to the several dars, the Soviets have been using increasing aircraft missile systems, both The is to provide advantages of monopulse numbers of them with ra- their anti- ground and ship based. objective of this thesis is to determine optimum ECM techniques which apply against the monopulse acquisition and tracking radars that are used for SAM targeting. COMPARISON OF SEQUENTIAL AND MONOPULSE RADARS B. According categories. (TWS) second, to angle tracking They radar. TWS method, tracking radars are the continuous tracking radar The first radar, fall into two distinct and the track-while-scan provides continuous tracking data on a single target, the provides near simultaneous tracking data on multiple targets. In continuous tracking radar, the by a antenna servomechanism actuated by an error is pointed at the selected target signal. Several techniques are used for the detection of target angular errors. One method ror is is of obtaining the direction and the magnitude of the angular er- lobe switching, also called sequential switching or sequential lobing, which done by alternatively changing the antenna beam between two method generates two overlapping beams which have in one coordinate as shown in Figure 1 positions. This a small angular separation [Ref. 5: pp. 153- 154]. Switchi ng axis Beam Beam position #1 position #2 Beam Beam position #1 position #2 # Target Angle (a) Figure 1. Lobe switching antenna patterns Rectangular form. (b) in one dimension, (a) Polar fonn.(b) In order for lobe switching to complete angle tracking in elevation requires a minimum This also true in azimuth, it Figure 2 (a). is of four successive monopulse, but beam it is shown positions as not successive and in beams but simultaneous beams. Rotation Azimuth «*, \ c o > 0) LU ^r (b) (a) Figure 2. Tmo categories of sequential lobing. (a) Lobe switching two dimension, Another method is (b) Conical scan with 8 conical scanning. switching technique. The beam around the crossover axis, rather discrete positions. It is For example, shown in if is logical extension of the is continuous lobe in conical scan, when each transmitted the scanning rate is pulse re- forty times per second, and 320 pulse per second, there are eight beam posi- Figure 2 and conical scan, are included scan. than stepwise motion of the beam between four Even though the beam motion the pulse repetition frequency tions per scan as a in rotates continuously in a circular path, centered the receiving target echo will be displayed only aches the target. beams per beam pattern in the (b). The above two methods, lobe switching general term, sequential lobing [Ref. 6: p. 5]. A methods principal source of error in these caused by fluctuating target cross section. is the fluctuation of echo signal Pulse-to-pulsc amplitude fluctuations of the echo signal can degrade the accuracy of the tracking radars which need many pulses to generate the error signal. Another disadvantage of sequential lobing with its required four minimum is the limitation on the data rate successive echo pulses for the complete angle tracking in azimuth and elevation. This can be a serious limitation in target There tracking of large angular accelerations. mechanical vibration makes it is the further disadvantage that hard to maintain accurate boresight alignment in conical scan radars. In order to eliminate these developed. Monopulse has and conical scan techniques Monopulse operation is and other problems, monopulse techniques were several advantages comparing with lobe switching [Ref. 6: pp. 6-7]. similar in concept to lobe switching, but instead of comparing the target echoes obtained from sequential beam positions, several target echoes simultaneously of a single pulse. receives and then makes the comparisons on the basis Therefore monopulse can provide a higher data rate than the other techniques because angle information Theoretically, it monopulse radars are is available from every received pulse. free of errors due to pulse-to-pulse fluc- tuations in target echo intensity because the fluctuations have no effect on the ratio of signals received simultaneously Assuming Ratio both less (SNRj in from opposing lobes during each pulse. that the other radar parameters are the same, the Signal-to-Noise is higher in monopulse since the sum beam is pointed at the target transmission and reception. This results in better detection capability and tracking error due to thermal noise. Monopulse has better stability of the boresight axis because this technique does not use the mechanical vibration of the feed or reflector. In sequential lobing techniques, scanning information unfriendly observer. which utilize It makes the radar vulnerable that information. during tracking. to is disclosed easily to an some countermeasures However, monopulse transmission has no scan In conical scan, the scan rate has an effect the beam direction between transmission certain limits. (PRF) Monopulse is cost. In addition, matched one another C. to track monopulse because pulse repetition frequency range in monopulse. the other techniques are complexity Monopulse requires multiple need only one. The maximum unambiguous The disadvantages of monopulse over and high is and reception must be the same within free of this restriction. the only factor limiting the is on tracking range. This receivers, while the other techniques receivers must be well designed and gain and phase. in OVERVIEW This thesis is composed of five chapters. Chapter one describes the differ- ences between sequential lobing and simultaneous lobing or monopulse tracking methods. cially Chapter two describes the basic principles of monopulse radars, espe- two distinctive categories; amplitude-comparison monopulse and phase- comparison monopulse. Chapter three contains various monopulse radars nial in accordance with the ECM techniques against five different categories. They are: de- jamming, deception jamming, passive jamming, decoys, and destructive methods. chapter Chapter four analyzes these five arrives at the techniques. ECM techniques conceptually. Finally, conclusions regarding the employment of the various MONOPULSE TRACKING RADAR SYSTEMS II. A. MONOPULSE CONCEPT Sequential-lobing techniques, including conical scan used earlier for target tracking, are found to be degraded in angle tracking accuracy target scintillation. precise direction To by the effects of eliminate this source of error, the technique for finding by comparing the return echo on two or more antenna lobes si- multaneously was developed. Sequential-lobing tracking radar including conical minimum scan require a of four pulses in order to extract the angle error signal. Monopulse tracking radar, however, needs one pulse. just Pulse-to-pulse amplitude fluctuations of the echo signal have no effect on tracking accuracy rather than if the angular many. There measurement are several be obtained with only a single pulse. multaneously in these is made on the basis of one pulse methods by which angle error data might More than one antenna beam used is si- methods, compared with the lobe-switching or conical scan tracker which use one antenna beam on a time-shared basis. The angle direction of the echo signal can be determined in a single pulse system by measuring the relative phase or the relative amplitude of the echo signal received The names simultaneous lobing and monopulse ing techniques in each beam. are used to describe those track- which extract angle error information on the basis of a single pulse. B. TWO 1. DISTINCTIVE CATEGORIES Amplitude-Comparison Monopulse Radar The basic amplitude-comparison two overlapping antenna beams the target displacement by These two beams may by two adjacent feeds. monopulse to obtain [Ref. 5: pp. 160- 164] utilizes an angle error signal. The radar senses comparing the amplitude of the received echo signals. be generated with a reflector or a lens antenna illuminated The basic amplitude-comparison monopulse system is shown in target is Figure Figure 3 3. deviated by an angle ceived from that side of the (a) shows the overlapping antenna patterns. from the equisignal boresight beam difference pattern. axis the signal re- pattern has a greater amplitude than that from Figure 3 (b) shows the the other side. If the The sum pattern is sum pattern and Figure 3 (c) shows the used for target amplitude detection and as a reference signal, while the difference patterns are used for angle discrimi- Signals received from the nation. sum and the difference patterns are amplified separately and combined in a phase detector to produce the error signal characteristic shown in Figure 3 (d). e (b) 1 Out of I { In . phase ""J (d) (c) Figure 3. Monopulse antenna patterns (Polar and Rectangular form) and error sig- nal. Amplitude-comparison monopulse radars may be implemented one or both angular coordinates. amplitude-comparison Figure 4 shows a monopulse radar for a in either block diagram single angular of the coordinate. The two adjacent antenna feeds are usually connected with electromagnetic comparison circuits such as a hybrid junction or The transmission channels. line phase reference information. tor. The The angle For example, minus sign the target error signal is has a only two provides range and generated by phase detec- is (up/down). in the case of azimuth, plus sign could mean and right-side mean up case of the elevation, opposite signs left-side. In or down. If located on boresight, the difference pattern produces zero magnitude of angular error. The plus out-phase, relative to the is sum channel It sign of the difference pattern points out the detected targets direction relative to boresight (left/right), signal connected to the "magic T". a field sum and minus signs actually mean in-phase and 180° The magnitude or reference channel. of angle error proportional to the angular error and the sign of angular error is pro- portional to the targets direction relative to boresight. These angular error signals control an antenna servo mechanism to perform automatic target tracking in an- gular coordinates. Transmitter Sum channel Duplexer S Mixer IF Range Amp Envelope signal detector magic Angle-error TEE Phase LO Mixer signal detector IF Amp Antenna feed horns Figure 4. Difference channel Block diagram of amplitude-comparison monopulse radar (one angular coordinate). Even though phase comparison is comparison monopulse radar, the angular error signal comparing the echo amplitudes from simultaneous lationship between the signals in the offset phase detector is part of amplitude- intrinsically a beams is offset is basically derived by The phase re- beams. not used. The purpose of the to conveniently provide the sign of the error signal. Transmitter Range AGC LO 9a e ' , £T Duplexer channel Elevation difference channel J F Envelope Mixer -e- amp detector Phase IF Mixer 4*- amp detector Video amp Range Elevation angle error Azimuth difference Mixer channel Figure 5. IF Phase amp detector Azimuth angle error Block diagram of two-coordinate (azimuth and elevation) amplitude- comparison monopulse tracking radar. Figure 5 shows a block diagram of an amplitude-comparison monopulse The radar with both elevation and azimuth error signals. makes four partially overlapping antenna beams. The feeds might be a parabolic reflector, Cassegrain antenna, or a lens. by all four feeds. The difference pattern in one plane of two adjacent feeds and subtracting this from the feeds. The cluster of four feeds The sum pattern is 10 is formed formed by taking the sum sum difference pattern in the orthogonal plane the differences q[ the orthogonal adjacent pairs. utilized with of the other two adjacent is obtained by combining Four hybrid junctions generate three channels which are the sum channel, elevation difference channel and azimuth difference channel. Three separate mixers and IF amplifiers are one for each channel. All three mixers operate from a single installed, local oscillator in order to maintain the phase relationships between the three channels. Two phase detectors extract the angle error information, one for azimuth, the other for elevation. Range information is extracted from the output of the sum channel after envelope detection. The monopulse antenna must generate and a sum pattern with high efficiency a difference pattern with a large value of slope at the crossover of the offset beams. The greater the SNR and the steeper the slope of the error signal in the measurement of angle. vicinity of zero angular error, the more accuracy in the Moreover, the sidelobes of both the sum and difference patterns must be low. The antenna must be capable of the desired bandwidth, and the patterns have the desired polarization characteristics. these properties simultaneously. It is must difficult to fully achieve of all Thus antenna design is an important part of good monopulse radar operation. Automatic gain control (AGC) required in order to keep a stable is closed-loop servo system for angle tracking. accomplished by employing a The AGC proportional voltage IF-amplifiers output in order to control the gain of The AGC results in all in a to monopulse radar the is sum channel three receiver channels. a constant angle sensitivity regardless of target size and range. 2. Phase-Comparison Monopulse Radar In this technique target angle signals received 5: pp. 165- 167] is sensed by comparing the phase of the by two separate antennas. is similar in many ways to Phase-comparison monopulse [Ref. amplitude-comparison monopulse. However, unlike the antennas of amplitude-comparison trackers, those used phase-comparison systems are not axis of the antennas are offset parallel. 11 from the axis. The in individual boresight Therefore, if the target is on the antenna boresight moves namely, exists phase difference which points out the angular phase. If the target is no phase off the antenna boresight axis, there shift, in axis, there error. l^ ^^ /** T^""^^^ 1 Distance between Antenna #1 /boresight axis antennas - Figure \ l^^^ \ Antenna [N. /boresight axis Antenna beam radiation patterns 6. in #2 phase-comparison monopulse radar. Figure 6 shows the antenna radiation pattern for a phase-comparison monopulse radar. Because the antennas radiate separate parallel beams, the amplitude of the target echo signals coming from far the same value, but the phases are not the field targets are same depending on tances from the target to each of the respective antennas, phase length differences. This situation The tion, as tenna 1, is the relative dis- i.e., path length or illustrated in Figure 7. of sight to the target makes an angle 6 to the equisignal direc- line shown is very nearly in Figure 7. R ] representing the distance to the target from an- : *i and the distance to the target R-4-smd from antenna 2 12 is: (2.1) R, The = R + 4-smd difference between these offsets (2.2) is AR = R 2 - R =dsmd (2.3) { This can be used to determine the phase difference A<p — = —— = - A where X is the wavelength, and d is a : sin (2.4) A distance between two antenna feed horns. Target Antenna #2 Antenna # Figure 7. Wavefront phase relationships 13 in phase comparison monopulse radar. For small angles where two antennas signals in the is sin 6^0, the phase difference between the echo : Atf>*-y-rf0 There error. It between phase difference and angular exists a linear relationship may (2.5) be used to position the antennas via a servo-control loop. phase-comparison principle, as applied In the phase difference between the signals in two to missile guidance, the fixed antennas is measured with a The servo loop servo-controlled phase shifter located in one of the arms. the phase shifter until the difference in phase between the two channels The amount of phase shift measure of the angular which has to be generated to make is adjusts a null. a null signal is a error. Both the amplitude-comparison monopulse and the phase-comparison monopulse trackers use two antenna beams for one coordinate tracking. measurements carried out by the two systems are different from each other. Therefore the characteristics of the antenna beams will be different, amplitude-comparison monopulse the two beams point The also. In the in slightly different di- rections because the antenna difference patterns are offset from the antenna boresight line. This type of pattern can be generated by using one reflector with two feed horns side by four feed horns. Any side. For two coordinate tracking, will require at least difference in the amplitudes between the two antenna out- puts in the amplitude-comparison system and not phase. it is amplitude a result of differences in phase-comparison monopulse measures In contrast with this the phase differences only and is not concerned with amplitude difference. Even though tracking radars based on the phase-comparison monopulse principle have been employed, this has not been widely used angle-tracking techniques. that the nas. sum The disadvantage of phase-comparison monopulse signal has higher sidelobes However, this compared with other due to the separation of the is two anten- problem can be reduced by overlapping the antenna apertures. 14 III. ECM TECHNIQUES AGAINST MONOPULSE RADARS DENIAL JAMMING A. Denial jamming ceiver so that used to its effective use denied is This terminology is also a noiselike signal radar receiver bandwidth. Maximum jamming power vices, [Ref. 7: p. 55]. jamming, which consists of transmitting illustrate noise in the victim's defined as the technique that effects a victim radar re- is power supply other components, limitation, output depends on the ratings of available de- power limitations of waveguides, antenna, For the jammer etc. to get the maximum power per unit bandwidth, the bandwidth should be made as narrow as possible and the quency spectrum matched to the victim fre- radar receiver. In the most cases, the de- jamming bandwidth should be greater than nial and allow for frequency set-on tolerances, drift of the victim receiver jammer bandwidth or receiver, or to jam to se- veral radar receivers simultaneously. Denial jamming is to also called noise is jamming. The objective of noise jamming obscure the true target echo by inserting the jammer noise signal into the victim radar receiver. Noise jamming RF and transmitting the carrier wave with noise, is generated by AM or FM modulating an result at the victim radar's fre- quency. The radar receiver detects relatively weak return signals from the target, therefore radar receivers must have very high the radar to be vulnerable to noise sensitivity. jamming because the This sensitivity causes jamming signal of far greater amplitude than a returning echo signal from a target. system can detect SNR SNR its target in a back ground of ambient must be much greater than one is one or less, due in from the target. 15 usually The radar However, the order to reliably detect the target. to the effects of noise to evaluate the skin return noise. is jamming, the radar will not If be able ! 1 Denial jamming is often classified according to the emission bandwidth of the jammer. The following techniques can be applied to the monopulse acquisition and tracking radar jamming. Swept Spot Jamming 1. Swept spot jamming quency is is swept across the band. Spot jamming ming power against one particular efficiently quency In order to sweep fre- capable of concentrating jam- cannot jam as it Nowadays, many radars use fre- counter against spot noise jamming. jam radar systems with both high power density and over wide frequency band, swept spot jamming jamming tunes is fixed radar frequency, but an entire radar frequency band. agile techniques to jamming where jamming a kind of denial the high power jamming is Swept spot nevertheless employed. signal across a wide frequency rates corresponding to the victim radars if a band with frequency. Thereby all pre- determined victim radars over the desired frequency band including frequency agile radars are affected by the jamming signal, as bandwidth of swept spot jamming thus bandwidth. This results in maximum Sweep Figure 8. " little in The 8. pp. 273-277]. 8: Agile radar signal spot ' 1 i!'r Figure bigger than the victim radar noise quality [Ref. .'II. /' a shown 1±LL . n Hi End End points points Swept spot jamming. 16 ' - f Barrage Jamming 2. Barrage jamming comprises the spreading of noiselike jamming energy over a wide frequency band, such that radar can be jammed many victim radars or a single over a whole radar band simultaneously. Barrage jamming with wide band noiselike jamming power many erated in broadband may be gen- ways. For example, various types of modulated electromagnetic waves can be used for the low-power sources, For high-power source devices rect noise amplification like like the traveling (DINA) is semiconductor wave tube (TWT) RF oscillators. are used. Di- produced by passing band-limited Gaussian noise from a low-power source through a high-power amplifier. There are several variations of barrage jamming depending on the jam- ming circuitry. Figure 9 shows basic barrage jamming. Jamming power density spectrum Victim radar signals Figure 3. - Barrage jamming. 9. Blinking Blinking jamming utilizes noise jamming whose spectrum covers the bandpass of the victim radar and the jamming signal alternately turns on and off at approximately a are shown in 50% Figure duty cycle [Ref. 10. 17 7: p.481]. Blinking jamming waveforms ' . ' CL => Spot or barrage noise o On-Off <D yyyvyvv O y y vvvvvvv /vy yyVyyv xxxx /yv yvy y vy y y v •. QOOO<XXX Q. >CxxVxx'x; w w yv y y VvVvVvV VvVvV y t v v v v v y v vvyyvvy cn c E E -.., v -.' - Off ratio = P2 / P 1 Sfe ' >!* ">.' VV On 03 —> Figure 10. Blinking jamming waveforms. In order to effectively should just exceed the time The jammer it jam a track-on-jam radar receiver, jammer on time takes the radar to go into off time should be just less than the time that reacquire the target. Good blinking jamming maintains track-on-jam mode. its it takes the radar to the radar either searching for the target or in the process of going into track-on-jam mode. Typical blink rates are in the low audio frequency range. For blinking to be most effective, two or more synchronized blinking jammers, which are angularly separated, are required. In the case of aircraft, they can be installed on two individual aircraft. These jammers are located within the radar antennas beam but The jammers at slightly different angles. are alter- nately turned on and off so that the victim radar receives the strong noise signal from alternate angles around radar off, will attempt to shift its a mid point. The antenna of tracking direction as the jammers are turned on and provided that the noise jamming is of sufficient strength. interaircraft control link, this technique can be classified as shown in Figure 1 a single target-tracking 1 18 by Depending on the five different classes, ) 1 Master Jamming ff ( H I RF ' j/lctifTJ Jamming & T ITH Iradar) I ass^ Slave t Jamming Aircr Aircraft navigation gatic II 1 > link. Slave ( '» • lin ks Viclin Iradar Jammlni Slave »- Master ( IN No ) t Jamming - t Victinj Iradarl link Jamming I3^*W"I "•"" Slave Him >> IV /< RF ) rime delay Jamming Victim link Iradar] Jamming 1 1 1 1 - Master t Jamming >> Sy Synchronized^ V digital A- — clockO^o -*- victim Iradarl Jammin Iffllll *- Figure 11. t link Blinking, synchronized multiaircraft. 19 t When blinking jamming source another to in the control of a missile is more may turn. This Otherwise the radar tracker lock. from one cause the radar tracker to break- have erroneous target information. Thus will difficult will track and a missile guided by the tracking radar miss the target due to the inaccurate target angle position information. will the working properly, the victim radar is maximum rate miss distance, the blinking rate must be considered. too high, the tracker will attenuate the jam signal. is missile will be able to home in B. Hertz [Ref. it the blinking too low, the is on one jammer by determining precisely the an- gular position of individual aircraft. to ten If If For Optimum blinking rates are from one half 9: p.3d-21]. DECEPTION JAMMING Denial jamming can deny range information, but and elevation information employed radar to a fire control at different locations simultaneously. if it may not deny azimuth jammers are not several denial Thus a missile may hit a target which has a denial jammer for own self-protection. However, deception jamming provides a little different method against control and missile guidance radars in order to decrease the aircraft bility by the missile. The objective of deception jamming is to kill fire proba- confuse or deceive the true target echo by inserting properly altered replicas of the true target echo into the victim radar systems. This technique will correct information ception jamming may be not only ming by providing many in impossible to get the in is on the display. De- the accuracy of tracking information able to degrade and elevation it realistic false targets range and velocity, but also related to azimuth make azimuth and elevation. implemented successfully, If angle jam- in general, it can cause the victim tracking radar to break lock. The tion with is basic form of deception jamming to reradiate time delay. repeater jamming. Its implementa- modified replicas of the received victim radar signal correlating The conspicuous characteristics coherently store the victim radar signal frequency is memory such as a TWT in the ECM combined with 2" of repeater set. This is jamming is done by using a delay line in a loop. to a The output is gated out of the loop at successively earlier or later time, simulating range walk. The technique employed to degrade the accuracy of the azimuth and vation tracking circuits depends on the tracking technique that radar. Therefore deceptive victim istics jamming must be matched is ele- used by the to the character- of the victim radar. jamming can be categorized Typically, deception on the radar parameter to be "deceived" such as; in three ways, depending The range, velocity and angle. range gate walkoff technique represents range deception, velocity gate walkoff technique represents doppler deception and several angle deception jamming techniques are applicable to either the monopulse or sequential lobing acquisition and tracking radars. Angle deception techniques against monopulse radars can The conveniently be divided into two kinds. advantage of the weaknesses single source jamming, image jamming, techniques utilize the example cross-eye ception 1. is category of angle jamming takes design of certain monopulse radar systems to Such techniques are cross-polarization, jammers. tort the electromagnetic in the first etc. The second one skirt frequency uses multiple sources which dis- wave's angle- of- arrival at the monopulse antenna. These weakness basic to all monopulse tracking systems. Typical jamming and cooperative repeater jamming techniques blinking. The various de- are introduced in the following sections. Range Gate Walkoff (RGWO) Range gate walkoff is defined as "a self screening ECM tech- nique for use against automatic range tracking radars that captures the victim radar's range gate, walks with no signal" [Ref. it off in range, 7: p.l 15]. and then turns off, leaving the range gate There are several other names for this technique: range gate capture, pulloff. grabber, grabbing, stealer, deception, dropping, dumping, selecting or confusion. This technique is a fundamental deception tomatic tracking radars which employ the target range. The gate width of gate is is swiftly controlled a range servo mechanism. varied according to the antenna modes. 21 technique against au- gate to measure and track the split by ECM In tracking The mode, the width of gate mode, the gate A tion. similar in size to the victim radar pulse width. is will be increased in length to several corollary function of the gate which are not within the is times the radar pulse dura- to reject spurious return The range gate gate. is technique exploits the characteristics of the range gate to produce range errors. implemented as follows: [Ref. (a) minimum The victim radar pulse is 7: RGWO True target received, amplified, and retransmitted with to the victim A radar receiver. strong "return'" causes the victim signal, the "skin return", is decreased (b) By then gradually strong repeater signal. This phase (c) is called the dwell. gradually walks off from the true target range. it As soon jammer reaches as the When the and must return The procedure is The walk off rate is walk the jammer turns limit, off. to the acquisition or it is turned This off. the radar has no target range search routine. repeated continuously by the jammer thereby con- tinually interrupting range tracking 2. is is called walk. the range gate racy. circuitry. increasing the time delay, the range gate tracks the Hence, called off or drop. (d) AGC gain and the range gate in captured by the strong jamming (beacon) signal. This phase in is pp. 786-787]. radar to decrease the overall receiver gain by the operation of is jamming time delay by the jammer. This provides a strong "return" signal, as a beacon would, phase echo signals accurately centered at the target RGWO return echo during normal radar operation. typically In acquisition in the and seriously degrading range tracking accu- range of 1 s \i sec for up to 10 seconds. Velocity Gate \\ alkoff Velocity gate walkoff (VGWO) is defined as "a self screening ECM technique for use against automatic velocity tracking radars, that captures the victim radar's velocity gate, walks velocity gate with it no signal" [Ref. off in velocity, 7: p. 145]. this technique: velocity gate capture, pulloff, tion, and then turns off, leaving the There are several other names for grabber, grabbing, stealer, decep- dropping, dumping, selecting or confusion. Some radars depend on the doppler shift of the target return echo der to get the target velocity information. ")-> in or- The measurement and tracking q[ accomplished by the velocity gate. VGWO exploits the charac- doppler shift teristics of the velocity gate, which tracks the frequency of a strong echo signal. is The frequency shift operation serrodyne technique using a of TWT. VGWO jammer can be achieved by the VGWO jamming can be implemented as fol- [Ref. 7: pp.937-941]. lows: (a) Victim radar signal is received, amplified coherently, and retransmit- ted to furnish a strong repeated signal, such as a beacon, to the victim radar re- The strong repeated ceiver. signal causes the radar receiver gain to decrease because of the activation of AGC. As a result of signal is AGC action, the real target echo suppressed and the repeater captures the velocity gate of the victim radar receiver. This step (b) is also called dwell period, as in The doppler frequency of RGWO. the repeated signal sequentially changed, is or walked, either in an increasing or decreasing direction. This will cause the vic- tim radar to track the doppler frequency of the jamming signal rather than that of the real target. (c) Upon This step is the walk phase. reaching the walk cause the victim radar to breaklock. mode and sition is may Above procedures VGWO must ECM it is turned This will off. victim radar then returns to the acquiIf falsely lock to a spurious the victim radar fails low level signal. This the off period. (d) and The repeater searches for the targets frequency again. to reacquire the real target, step limit, the be done in a are repeated through such VGWO cycle. RGWO coordinated manner for most efficient use of these techniques. 3. Skirt Frequency The Jamming definition of skirt jamming is that "skirt frequency jamming refers to jamming on the skirts of the frequency response curve of the radar receiver. effectiveness depends on unbalance between the sum and difference channels, these frequencies, where rapid phase shifts are present in each channel. it Its at Of course, can be effectively countered by careful design and construction of the radar" [Ref. 7: p. 843]. 23 Skirt frequency When signal the ECM the which ECM is jamming can also be used with pulse repeater set detects the victim offset radar signal, it will transmit a from the victim radars frequency. This produce a beat signal with the victim radar set will offset jamming. jamming frequency by local oscillator. The beat signal will appear on each side of the passband spectrum, or on the passband phase control of the victim radars phase detector skirts. Stable attain because of the necessary bandpass. rors translate into angle-tracking errors will be hard to Consequently, the phase-tracking er- by the radar. \/ 7 Pulser Detector Direc tional cou Dler i i \ rs TS_ WL/ T\A/ 1 Variable attenuator Mixer »- \s < y^ TV n> i U^ w fc L Figure Block diagram of the 12. skirt frequency jamming. Figure 12 shows the block diagram of skirt frequency jamming. tector provides the input signal to the pulser. frequency, / , When A the received victim radar fed into the balanced mixer, the balanced mixer generates sideband jamming signals alf t the victim radar and f is -f and/ + f where/ is two the center frequency of the local oscillator frequency of the 24 de- jammer. These jamming Figure signals 13. contain very The victim radar receiving little signal receiver will detect frequency where the receiver gain frequency, as shown jamming in signals at the skirt rolls off. Lower sideband jamming Upper sideband jamming >• Victim radar DC UJ passband spectrum -z. LU hZ> Q_ \- D o . fr-h Figure 4. 13. Waveform Delta Jamming Delta jamming of skirt frequency is 2 . radar. spacing of/ — f2 is RF ECM signals at technique that causes erroneous two different frequencies, f and x usually equal to the IF center frequency of the victim This frequency separation can be controlled so as to in the victim radar IF amplifier. control circuits can be There are +h jamming. a self-screening angle tracking by transmitting two f The fr >r t made several By forming false make false IF signals IF signals, the victim radar unstable or will have incorrect bias. other names IF-jamming, two-line delta, or RF/IF delta. 25 for this technique: dual-frequency, V Frequency offset t 1_ fi Set on circuit Q. f (/) Pulsei Detector Cv5 C Set on circuit CO Frequency () offset Figure 14. Delta jamming block diagram. Figure 14 shows a delta jamming block diagram for generating two frequencies. Two dars frequency. set-on oscillators are used to lock on to the received victim ra- Frequency jammer frequency quency. offset controls of both oscillators allow the locked 5. fre- synchronized operation of both power amplifiers, the In order to allow TWT by exact amounts from the victim radars to be displaced victim radar pulse detector circuit power RF is used. Each set-on amplifier and radiating antenna [Ref. 7: oscillator has its own high pp. 602-605]. Image Jamming Image jamming is a self-screenig ECM technique for use against tracking radars dependent on phase-sensing for angle tracking, as monopulse radar. The definition of image jamming is in phase-comparison as follows: "Image jamming occurs at the image frequency of the radar, depending on the fact that the phase angle at IF, between two signals (image frequency and local oscillator) verse of that which would appear frequencies of the receiver. at the IF if the two signals were is at the the re- normal Since the phase-comparison monopulse determines the direction of the error by the direction of the phase difference between 26 two signals, the image jamming causes the antenna jamming power exceeds V the signal to be driven power" [Ref. away from the target if 7: p. 703]. LO 2 IF t Band Stop Mixer for Filter f. Pulser Detector (a) o Upperside jamming signal Lowerside jamming signal en c "e E fr -2 if tLO f, /L0 fr +2 IF (b) Image jamming block diagram and waveforms. Figure 15. Figure 15 shows an image jamming block diagram and spectrum. is The amplified victim radar fed into a mixer jammer is RF TWT The RF an input signal for the pulser, which turns on the for every input frequency amplifier, signal detector. Local oscillator frequency of the equal to two times the victim radars IF frequency. tector provides TWT and an signal through the input its radar pulse. It is necessary to best operation. 27 know signal de- final pulsed the victim radars IF for In the case shown in Figure 15 (a), the band stop filter radar frequency,/, and then passes the lower sideband frequency,/ higher sideband frequency, / + 21 F, takes out the - 21 F and the which are used as the image jamming signals. Figure 15 (b) shows the frequency spectrum which has the two image jamming signals andfLO which represent the lower and upper sidebands, where/ represents the victim radar frequency and local oscillator frequency respectively As an [Ref. 7: pp. 702-704]. alternative, just one sideband, either the lower or the upper side of the image jamming high pass or low pass 6. is jamming technique which causes angular tracking radars, including monopulse. when Some monopulse the received signal receivi ng signal is radars provide erroneous polarized at right angles to the t\ / 7 180 phase TWT shifter chain Horizota lly polarized recei ving signal Variable/ a ttenuator 1/ 4 Vertically polarized transmitting signal \/ 71 TWT chain 16. simple error in Horizontally polarized transmitting signal Verticall y polarized Figure utilizing a Jamming a self-screening angular information can be generated by Filter. Cross-Polarization This signal, V A Block diagram of cross-polarization pulse repeater. 2S Cross-polarization of the radar transmitter. polarization jamming [Ref. 7: pp. 579-585] takes advantage of this characteristics of those radar systems. Figure 16 shows the repeater system employing two separated cross- The polarized receiving and transmitting antennas. is horizontally polarized signal radiated as a vertically polarized signal, and the vertically received signal phase shifted 180° and radiated as a horizontally polarized is signal. Received I / D° victim radar signal vertical component > Transmitted jamming signal component / / vertical Received victim radar signal \ \ > Effective transmitted jamming signal ^\ \j o \ ^\ Received 1 X victim radar signal horizontal component / Transmitted \. jamming signal horizontal component A o 270- , > 90 Transmitted 18 0° jamming signal horizontal component (Before reversal) Figure 17. Components of polarization. Figure 17 shows the polarization components of the signals. polarization components of the victim radar signal appearing at the The jamming platform are dark arrows. The horizontal polarization component of the received victim radar signal the jammer which is is used for producing the vertical polarization component of then retransmitted to the victim radar antenna through the 29 TWT amplifier chain without 180° phase shift. component of the received victim radar polarization the horizontal polarization which the 180° phase shifter direction change of the electric field vector. components are transmitted back a target The Figure 20 is due tortion a nulls ECM is after , TWT equivalent to a 180° is these modified polarization cross polarized to the skin echo. sum each side of boresight as on boresight, and null in Figure 19 technique that generates angular errors aircraft or other platform. ECM and (b) in monopulse ra- two to the interference shown ECM in beam ceive only antenna sets. the two The ECM cross eye to use is two between two jamming sources. of describing the cross-eye concept [Ref. 7: pp. 555-576]. is sources which have equal amplitudes and are 180° out of phase, Figure victim radars The concept of sources producing either nulls or phase front angular dis- One method IS. This figure shows the aircraft approaching normal to the direction. The antenna mounted on the nose section which provides the victim radar signal information received signal is is a re- to the two divided, amplified, and phase controlled so that sets reradiate repeater jamming signals that have the tude but are 180° out of phase with each other. make by 180° by radiating phase-controlled repeated pulses using separate antennas out-of-phase ECM shifted is (b). respectively. mounted on an as When effects are very similar to cross-eye with a This to use used for producing Cross-Eye Jamming 7. dars is to the victim radar antenna, they will super- echo signal which of difference pair signal component of the jammer and The function of amplifier chain. a the other hand, the vertical then retransmitted to the victim radar antenna through a second it is impose as On a null at the center of the victim radars 30 The two jamming antenna aperture. same amplisignals will « d/ 2 Transmit antenna Transmit antenna P z/180 p J jZ ol e \ |\ — Receive 4r^: c/sinGi \: i A : * : antenna • • • • Line of ->^9V<.: \ \ maximum ijamming effectiveness B A Radar Figure site Cross-eye concept applied to a radar. 18. The two transmitting antennas on each wing. Thus are installed the signal transmitted by the d left feet apart, typically wing antenna dsin 6 more than that by the right wing antenna, making the point on line AB. Line AB will travel right side null represents the fact that the radar doesn't have to be looking perpendicular to the nulls will occur first one jammer The baseline for cross-eye to be effective. whenever dsin 8 equals 31 n). where n is any integer and '/. is the radar wavelength. For finding the null positions, two equations can be derived as follows: n/. 5 For the 6 first null, = d sin 6 (3.1) = rtan0 (3.2) Solving for 6 and n should be one. s, (sin 6^ tan 6 = when small): is (33) "-"""(-jM iwfl where The As (3.4). two the is first null the null distance from the centerline r is the distance from moves is any other is cross-eye jamming steep spatial jamming s. r, aircraft to victim radar. and d can be explained from the equation closer to the radar site and or the distance between increased the spacing between nulls, which effectiveness, When (3.4) angle at the aircraft relationship between sets = r4 s is the aircraft ECM jamming or B rad null. is related to the decreased. jamming is operating, the victim radar receiver detects lobes of opposite polarity on either side of the centerline, These lobes are detectable because the jammer signal is stronger than the skin return and result in angular tracking errors (usually azimuth) of a few degrees The following is at figures most. show the relative signal voltage vs scan angle, which useful for the understanding of cross-eye jamming. 32 c/) O > -10 -20- LLI (a) zz -30" LU DC -40 A 50 5 , } , -10 -5 ^p Ar 5 10 15 10 15 SCAN ANGLE if) -10- tj O > (b) -20- LU > < _l LLI DC -30- -40" 4-5 -505 -10 9 e A 5 SCAN ANGLE Figure 19. Sum channels for monopulse receiver, (a) 33 One source, (b) Two sources. LLI (3 -10 < H -J o -20 > LLI (a) > -30 H < _J LU DC -40 50 5 -10 -5 5 10 15 10 15 SCAN ANGLE LU -10 o > (b) -20 LU > -30 ZZ < _i LU DC SCAN ANGLE Figure 20. Difference channels for monopulse receiver, (a) sources. 34 One source, (b) Tno 3 CO o > > < _l s 2 r - 1 I LLI (a) LLI Boresnght - / I -1 J CO -2 5 I i -10 -5 I I i 5 10 1 5 10 1 5 SCAN ANGLE Boresight 3-i >, CO A 2 \ /I o > i LLI (b) > < LLI / -1 J -2 5 -10 -5 e J o e 5 SCAN ANGLE Figure 21. Patterns of the difference channel divided by source, (b) Two sources. 35 sum channel, (a) One Figure 19 shows the boresight axis for one source boresight axis (b). sum (a), channel. There is no null point on the but two sources (cross eye) produce a null on the Figure 20 shows the difference channel. There is a null point on the boresight axis for one source. But two sources have two null points, each at the cross-eye angle (6 CE ) on both sides of the boresight the difference channel divided by the Figure 3 to (d). Figure 21 (b) is sum channel. Figure 21 shows axis. Figure 21 (a) the result of cross-eye so that the nulls each side of boresight. Thus the radar can track either null and Figure 21 (b). The angle corresponds to error (0 CE ) caused by cross-eye is in move, one Figure 20 (b) never large. Phase-front ECM souyteXT Pj , ^8c£ No n-jam Track direction Jam track direction Figure 22. Warped phase Another way Under front. to describe the cross-eye concept cross-eye conditions an interferometry pattern Figure 22. This concept utilizes the the is phase front distortion. is produced as shown in property of any radar tracking antenna 36 which is to be aligned with the face parallel (actually tangent) to the The of the signal being tracked. wave is tenna will align itself shown of n The The peaks in Therefore cross-eye is known also as re- phase Figure 18 correspond to path length differences and represent the phase front distortion shown -f- victim radar an- with the boresight normal to the distorted phase front, sulting in angular tracking error. front distortion. front distorted phase front of the electromagnetic interferometry pattern Figure 22. in the wave a in plan-view in Figure 22. A 180 phase power shifter splitter A Transmit antenna #1 Transmit antenna #2^ A Receive antenna Figure 23. A shown in Block diagram of basic repeater type cross-eye system. block diagram of a cross-eye system, which employs a repeater, Figure 23. The previous explanation. whose output power is A basic concept of the system operation center receive-only antenna feeds a split so as to drive in effects. TWT in intersect the radar site so as to Any maneuver incurring antenna 37 as the amplifier Figure 23 has a basic prob- that the perpendicular bisector of the line joining the two must continuously same two transmitting antennas with 180° out of phase signals. However, the system shown lem the is is yaw ECM antennas maximize cross-eve jamming will degrade the jamming effectiveness. In order to eliminate this problem, compensating repeater paths are used as of the in Figure 24. two transmit and receive antennas Thus compensations. the two separate, automatically result in The relative placements automatic path length two signals radiated by the jammers will remain 180° out of phase at the victim radar regardless of the angle of arrival of the victim radar signal at the jammers no yaw dependency. i.e., 180 phase shifter > > Traansmit Transmit antenna .antenna #2 Figure 24. C. Block, diagram of cross-eye system using two separate repeater path. PASSIVE COUNTERMEASURES 1. Chaff Chaff "window" in the is one UK. It of the is still earliest a radar ECM devices, also known very useful technique, applicable to nearly as all radars except some moving target indicator (MTI) radars. Chaff consists of resonant dipoles. used erate multiple echo effects and false targets to reradiate RF on the radar display. energy, to gen- According the electromagnetic theory of chaff, a piece of chaff acts like a dipole 3S to whose output terminals are short circuited. when reradiation occurs the RF incident In the dipole length energy [Ref. RF wavelength of a specified 9: the case of a the greatest approximately a half wavelength of is Therefore by cutting to a p.3L-3]. frequency, dipolc, maximum effect by the chaff half be will attained. Materials used for chaff are conducting or nonconducting fibers coated with a conducting material of aluminum like aluminum or silver-coated nylon thread, foil, ducting material. The thickness of a foil The general forms zinc. and are ribbons glass fiber coated with a con- should be as thin as possible, because the falling rate decreases the thinner the foil. Chaff length or wavelength wavelength is falling rate. is is proportional to the wavelength. short, chaff length should be short. long, chaff length should be long. Chaff band radars, rope is is not used If If the frequency the frequency Long chaff length is is high low or increases its cover B, C combination with other jamming techniques to much below 1GHz for this reason. To often used instead of chaff [Ref. 9: p.3L-7]. Chaff can be applied in upgrade the effectiveness of jamming. Various chaff missions are also possible. Representatively, these involve chaff corridor screening, chaff confusion and saturation, chaff deception, signal attenuation, and self-protection missions. Chaff corridor screening missions deny strike aircraft information inside the corridor to the victim radars. Chaff confusion and saturation missions over- load the victim radar scope with false echoes returned by the chaff. Thus the victim radar operator cannot discern the true targets on his radar display. Chaff deception missions create signals like true targets on the radar displays. To achieve this mission, chaff cloud size should be greater than the radar cross section (RCS) of individual targets by an amount equal provement factor of the victim radars. after MTI In this way to the expected effective returns MTI im- from the chaff processing should be similar to the returning echo signal from the air- craft targets. Signal attenuation missions reduce target detection ranges of the victim radars. To achieve this purpose, chaff clouds must have large chaff density per unit volume at the victim radar frequencies. 39 The result is the effect of a greatly increased propagation lose because of the intense back scattering of the radar forward energy. Self protection missions deploys chaff victim radars to break lock on will own when accompanied by be increased The aircraft. in order to cause the effectiveness of this technique a simultaneous evasive maneuver [Ref. 10]. 2. Radar Absorbing Material Radar absorbing material (RAM) is used to reduce the RCS by absorb- ing impinging electromagnetic energy. Thus, the reduced target size will appar- ently be decreased, along with the target detection range. One type of RAM surface of the vehicle. is The made by using a radar semitransparent layer on the and transmitted energy (50% each) recom- reflected bine destructively at the surface, resulting in good only narrow band due a in layer [Ref. 11: p. 101]. up 20dB RCS to reduction. to the fixed thickness of the (approximately This is semitransparent -H 4 Another type of wave electromagnetic another type of particles of an iron RCS [Ref. 7: RAM compound Such paint can be applied 3. a dissipator, p. 405]. to is which attenuates the incident This absorber can reduce the energy is It is an absorbent paint, containing microscopic Absorbent paint can give used for absorption mostly above 10 GHz. almost any aircraft surface but there is still a weight pp.49-50], 12: Stealth Stealth has been a highly classified technology untill now. RAM re- usually thicker. in the ferrite family. reductions of up to 20 dB. penalty [Ref. is wider frequency band, but flection over a Still RAM It combines techniques with others and can be applied to any kind of weapon system which can be detected by radar, including RCS is not the only concern aircraft. in stealth technology. The design concept of the stealth aircraft also includes avoidance of detection by infra red (IR) scanner, optical, acoustic, In reference to stealth aircraft is smoke and radar ECM. contrails [Ref. 13: p. 28]. however, the only interesting point of the related to detection evasion 40 bv enemy radar. For that reason, RCS reduction plays an important role in stealth aircraft. In order for stealth aircraft to reduce RAM, RCS, RAM and counter as discussed above, contributes to reflective RCS geometry can be employed. reduction by absorbing or atten- uating incident electromagnetic energy. In addition, radar absorbing structures (RAS) and radar transparent structures, which are constructed of composite materials, are used to reduce weight as well as RCS. Two geometric methods used to scatter the radar beam, rather than reflect stealth aircraft. reflection "One is to make from the surface of the it, the shape flat or rectilinear, concentrating the on one bearing, and reducing the tendency for concave surfaces function as retro reflectors over large ranges of angles of incidence. to scatter the wave with a carefully designed flection." [Ref. by the USAF. and the B-2. D. Two 14: p. 22]. a stealth The other to is concave curve of constantly chang- ing radius, so that each tiny part of the surface has recently are its own tiny main-lobe re- kinds of stealth aircraft have been introduced F-117A, a stealth fighter, based on the is first method, bomber, combines both methods. DECOYS Decoys are a support ECM techniques that utilize low cost vehicles equipped with different jamming augmentation systems. Decoys can be employed by a variety of techniques using different delivery vehicles employing jammers. Typical examples and remotely piloted ol^ vehicles. this tactics application are variety of expendable jammers These jamming techniques are not peculiar against monopulse radar systems, but are commonly applied 1. a to any radar. Expendable Jammer Expendable jammer (EJ) consists of the jammer and its delivery package, such as parachute, rocket, expendable drone and remotely piloted vehicle (RPV). Most EJ may and cheap. Output jamming power of one unit are small, light weight, not be adequate to jam a given radar, therefore, several EJs to achieve satisfactory for reuse. This is radar capture by decay. By definition, EJ quite different The most important tiveness. To be compared with a recoverable factor, therefore, in EJ cost effective, the life may is be required not recovered RPV. employment is cost effec- cvcle cost of EJs should be less than that of 41 the platform and alternate EJ employment are very ECM, which the EJs are protecting. flexible, lending to a variety of scenarios package and attached jammer. EJs are dispensed ploy them by using forward fired rockets, free towing. bility, When delivering EJs, if in several fall, ways. tactics of of delivery Aircraft de- parachute retarded or by the delivery package does not have flying capa- parachutes can be used to lengthen jamming time. Remotely Piloted Vehicle 2. This tactic and The confuse to utilizes a enemy drone radar. RPV RPVs ECM as support, to assist strike aircraft can perform various missions such as jam- ming, chaff dispensing and EJ delivery. RPV conflict EW effectiveness as a tool of between Israel and Syria in the was demonstrated during Bekaa Valley, even though not used use of RPV is RPVs and as decoys utilize small radio controlled drones. The very cheap compared with using The primary advantage of without loss the RPV is manned are small. aircraft RCS enhancement due 14: aircraft. use in a high threat environment of personnel and expensive aircraft. and shoot down than manned RPVs for p. 112] decoy delivery but for remotely controlled reconnaissance [Ref. aircraft simulation. the 1982 RPVs arc more difficult to detect Even though to the their small size. can be used to confuse or deceive enemy radar. E. DESTRUCTIVE COUNTERMEASURES I. Anti-Radiation Missile The effectiveness of get position informations. SAM For systems this reason, is mainly governed by the precise most SAM systems are required to have targeting radars. These radars greatly enhance the capability of Meanwhile. (ARM) SAM tar- SAM. systems become vulnerable targets of the anti-radiation missile by working as active emitter. In the case of high-speed anti-radiation missile cently developed ARM in the US. operation is diation signal either before or after launch. (HARM), by locking onto enemy radar Onboard RWR or the guidance section can detect the enemy radar signal, then the missile 4: the most re- is ra- missile locked on HARM and homes on the radar. bands from 2 to has a wideband seeker which covers GHz. and has an 40 HARM width (PW), PRF). In stand-off can be fired on a trajectory for range from high altitude. The highest-priority threat signal location HARM memorized. Then accurate is flexibility of tactical situation [Ref. 14: p.930]. HARM mode, radar extensive parameter threat library (pulse has three launch modes which provide employment, depending on the all to continue the attack even inertial selected and the navigation system (INS) allow the radar system if is maximum is turned off after the launch of missile. In target-of-opportunity can in the cockpit. Pilot select the mode, the received threat radar target. and indicates immediate threats detects, sorts, to the aircraft. Because of these characteristics, SAM (RWR) mode, the radar warning receiver In self-protection signals are displayed HARM is capable of coping with many radar threats. 2. Wild Weasel Tactics "Wild Weasel" nickname a is for an aircraft which performs special missions relating to destruction or suppression of Their primary mission is of mission, it air defense systems. to provide a safe corridor for the air strike forces using weapon systems. integrated enemy In order for the Wild Weasel to carry out this kind needs a sophisticated electronic equipment such as puter system, specialized radar warning and location system and a launch com- ARM or other destructive weapons. Wild Weasel aircraft ment of technology. The In the beginning of have been continuously updated by the improve- US Wild Weasel aircraft were F-lOOFs and F-105Gs. Vietnam war, F-lOOFs Wild Weasel aircraft were equipped with an unsophisticated radar warning system designed to intercept and on the SA-2 radar They had cated the in signal. to directly site, an effort to then It home in could only detect one target signal at any one time. in on the SAM radar site until the crew visually lo- come back again and drop conventional bombs on destrov the home SAM the area svstems. This tactic was extremelv dangerous 43 because the crew couldn't detect any other pp. 20-26]. However, low effective in devastating with shrike ARM level attack of the enemy SAM sites. sites near that the area [Ref. Wild Weasel In day was very in those 1966, Two-seat 15: F-105G aircraft replaced the old Wild Weasel. After Vietnam, F-4Gs, following F-4Cs, became the primary Weasel aircraft. The F-4G Wild Weasel aircraft For F-4G Wild Weasels, an airborne gun in the F-4E. This is RWR RWR can detect and SAM identify each threat such as selected target from outside craft as future Wild Weasels. or AAA lethal range. 44 a modified version of was sites. is enemy radar aircraft. 20mm nose emitters, and installed instead of locate the USAF F-4E Wild Weasel then attacks the considering F-15 or F-16 air- ANALYSIS OF ECM TECHNIQUES IV. DENIAL JAMMING A. Denial jamming or noise jamming is not the most efficient method to use against tracking radars because most tracking radars are able to maintain angle tracking by locking on to the noise to tracking radars may jamming source may The jamming increase the vulnerability of the act like a beacon signal [Ref. principal effect of the noise type deny the target range information. will A deny range information missile system utilizing effect a kill In 16: aircraft since the p. 138]. jamming against monopulse radar is to monopulse radar systems, denial jamming the jam-to-signal ratio if jamming jamming is equal or greater than one. monopulse radar guidance may or may not be able to without range information, depending on system performance spec- ifications or missile ground source. Applying noise type However, the operating effectiveness of the launch range. degraded without providing accurate range data, missile system will be even though modern missile guidance systems can operate with angle data only. The main advantage of victim radar system is noise jamming not required. and bandwidth of the victim radar ing, noise nial jamming is less efficient Thus deception jamming. The to The simpler and blinking, described may in to know only the center frequency perform denial jamming. Generally speak- than deceptive jamming methods because dethe parameters between the the circuitry for denial effectiveness of noise fectiveness that precise information about the One needs jamming does not accurately match the victim radar. is jamming is jammer and simpler than that for circuitry generally implies lower cost. jamming techniques such chapter three, is hard as swept spot, barrage to quantify. The jamming ef- be differently evaluated depending on the tactical situation and available information these kinds of noise about enemy weapon systems performance. jamming will at least effectively any radar against which they are employed. 45 However, degrade the performance of Swept Spot Jamming 1. The advantage of swept spot jamming that is it can concentrate the high jamming power on each victim radar while sweeping across band. The disadvantage time. This is that the jamming is wide frequency intermittent due to the sweeping drawback can be reduced by increasing jamming with a Swept spot the sweeping rate. sweeping rates produces approximately continuous jamming fast Again, the optimum rate corresponds to the victims bandwidth, inferred effects. from measurements of his pulse width. Barrage Jamming 2. The use of dars can be this type of jammed without jammer is attractive because frequency agile ra- readjusting the jamming frequency, cause a number of victim radar receivers can be jammed at the as same w ell r as be- time. Equal areas \ ^^ i ^ c <!> u'tf \ •.''.• *f ^o "•.' .-. 3-T3 :<">: mi mil i riiiiTii figft^B^^^I . Bandwidth domain Bandwidth domain :Radar power bandwidth product []x.x>| Figure 25. bandwidth product Barrage jamming power vs bandwidth. As shown in Figure 25 jamming power density width. Jammer power is the disadvantage of barrage jamming is that the diluted by being spread over a wide frequency band- The power density of barrage jamming 46 is inversely proportional to its bandwidth. The jamming effectiveness depends on jammer power density. jamming power power density is If constant, the wider the jammer's bandwidth the lower the [Ref. 17: pp. 52-54]. Blinking 3. This is ECM one of the most effective ECM techniques available to the designer for protecting a formation of aircraft, because it works against any type of tracker including the monopulse tracker. The disadvantage of blinking jamming optimum is blinking rate, even though the best rate the tracking servo bandwidth, or in the 0.1 to 10 B. is Hz undoubtedly on the order of range [Ref. 16: p. 156]. DECEPTION JAMMING Deception jamming ECM generally implemented in the form of the self-screening is mission in order to jam against missile guidance which utilizes tracking ra- dars [Ref. 16: ble the difficulty in determining the to p. 138]. Self-screening or self-protection jamming power and the attack aircraft due to the limitations on the noise jamming. This is the more applica- physical size less power to jam a radar compared because deception jamming uses a waveform matched to the victim radar. mament loading. In addition, lower small is jammer. Deception jamming requires significantly with jamming Small size is desirable to afford power more room availability requires the for ar- jammer to be size. Deception jamming techniques discussed jamming characteristics. tively efficient way to RGWO in chapter three have different as range deception technique is easy and rela- jam against monopulse radar because monopulse radars use a conventional range gate for measuring the distance from radar to target. VGWO as velocity deception technique frequency shift. As a result, the victim In general, angle deception is is a useful way to induce false doppler radar can get false range rate information. difficult to achieve against monopulse tracking ra- dars compared with sequential lobing radars. Monopulse techniques are inherently strong beams to against angle deception determine the target jamming because they use simultaneous position. 47 In order to enhance jamming effectiveness, deception is it imperative ECM (DECM) to combine these three categories of closely techniques with one another. Meanwhile, deception jamming systems employ complicated match the system ters jammed. characteristics of each type of system to be demand more will expenditure. To circuits Complexity of properly match the jamming parame- between the jammer and the victim radar systems, these techniques quire specific information about the victim radars. available, may it to If will re- such information is not greatly impact on the use of deception jammers. Range Gate Walkoff 1. False target range information in the missile guidance and tracking radar, such as ror. SAM targeting monopulse radar, can produce aiming-guidance However, target angle information good enough is still The radar can guide target angular position. er- to direct against the the semi-active missile with target angle information only. In RGWO, monopulse radar application of followed by dropping of the deceptive signal, the result can be a partial loss of information. ception is If angular de- not simultaneously used, the victim radar will reacquire the skin echo too fast. 2. Velocity Gate Walkoff VGWO itself may technique is RGWO very similar to not be effective against some radars which employ measurements because those radars constantly check the differentiating range data and comparing to technique. fects of 3. VGWO filtering. If the VGWO very should be combined with target velocity data by jamming RGWO signal by way of and angle deception ef- little. Skirt Frequency Jamming The jammer used in skirt jamming is a little dars frequency. Well designed monopulse radars this by target doppler victim radar doesn't exploit the doppler characteristics, the is jamming because RGWO measured target doppler data. In order for the victim radar not to reject the doppler But technique. (}o detuned from the victim not ha\e vulnerability to this technique basically uses the weakness 4v ra- in the design of the monopulse tracking systems. The tracking accuracy of some monopulse systems is degraded signal the receiver if lies in not properly tuned to the echo signal so that the echo the skirts of the IF Delta 4. is filter. Jamming Delta jamming technique needs high powered tennas each channel in bandpass filters in TWT amplifiers and high gain an- order to overcome the high losses by the mixers and of the monopulse victim radars. For effective jamming, the information on the victim radars IF bandwidth and IF control frequency are required. Image Jamming 5. This jamming fective the if 6. is not a dependable jamming technique because monopulse radar is equipped with an image rejection Cross-Polarization Jamming One advantage that the cross-polarization is ECM filter it is inef- or mixer. technique does not need special knowledge about the victim radar. This provides design freedom which important is in the rapidly changing field of enemy missile radar control technology. The critical huge jamming drawback of to signal ratios the cross-polarization approaching 20 to 40dB jamming is need for a This [Ref. 16: p. 123]. is because the wave guide components of the victim radar highly attenuate a cross polarized signal. sults in a ponent is jamming any deviation in the polarization of the component with normal polarization. If the normal polarization com- In addition, greater than the cross-polarization due to the attenuation, the signal will act as a It signal re- jamming good target beacon. has thus far been impractical to employ cross-polarization as the angle deception jamming technique against monopulse tracking radars. 7. Cross-Eye Jamming The magnitude of angular phase shift, and amplitude fectiveness can be obtained ratio of when error two the is determined by separation distance, ECM jamming 49 sources. Maximum jamming signals of the two ECM ef- sources are transmitted with 180° phase shift and at equal amplitudes. separation distances cause proportional angular error, to much span. effect it is Even though the difficult to on the jamming effectiveness because of the limited implement aircraft wing Separation has an extremely small value compared with the victim radar range. The disadvantage of cross-eye jamming, using one receiving antenna, dependency on the motion of the jamming aircraft. is The phenomena of warped phase front occurs near the interferometer peaks. Aircraft movement by yawing will shift the interferometer null pattern, therefore Although greatly degraded. this fault jamming effectiveness can be can be eliminated by using a cross-eye system which employs two separate repeaters with equal path lengths, nique is impractical due to cost, weight and complexity constraints. In order for cross-eye to be effective, high jamming-to-signal as much 20dB as at least antenna aperture [Ref. 16: p. 123]. This relatively small is Another major drawback is C. this tech- is required, partly because the victim radar compared with the is is null spacing. that the angle error produced by cross-eye generally very small. PASSIVE COUNTERMEASURES 1. Chaff Even though against chaff, chaff is MTI still radar systems can provide some countermeasures widely used jam wide bandwidth radars by using dispenser. Some proper length in in military different jamming systems. Chaff can lengths of chaff in the same chaff dispenser systems mounted on aircraft can cut chaff to the order to match detected victim radars frequency accomplished through use of RYVR. Another advantage of chaff entail high cost to DECM provides a very cost effective utilizing to angle monopulse cost effectiveness. employ compared with other paring chaff with the more susceptible is is techniques. When com- techniques against monopulse tracking radar, chaff ECM. DECM. more ECM Chaff doesn't usually Sequential lobing tracking techniques are However, the angle jamming of tracking radar difficult due 5d to the characteristics of the monopulse beam pattern. AM no The DECM modulation in the beam transmitting Therefore the DECM receiver provides jammer when to turn on and jamming 18: no information monopulse is when there is tracking. for directing the DECM DECM may accentuate the DECM angle deception, from a Sometimes the not as effective as two source jamming [Ref. pp.398-399]. On and the the other hand, chaff creates a wide spread echo signal monopulse tracking radar action of Monopulse trackers by off. of monopulse radars aircraft position to the victim radars. single source, against beam and receiver can sense only one steady is similar to will track the strongest re- any other tracking radars. echo signal, which may be produced Chaff can eventually defeat a monopulse tracking radar with proper chaff. deployments. Radar Absorbing Material 2. In order to use be considered. The RAM on the thickness of aircraft, the RAM weight and cost factors must depends on the frequency. The effect of attenuation per unit depth in absorbing material will be increased, as frequency is increased. Therefore the thickness of absorber can be decreased as frequency is increased. RAM coatings are not very practical at low frequencies. recent trends for the radar systems shows that the frequency creases up to the millimeter region. Therefore the use of However, band gradually in- RAM may become more prominent. It will probably be attended by high cost because of the newness and complexity of the technique. 3. Stealth In fact, even though sophisticated stealth techniques are employed, one cannot completely eradicate reflections SAM to a receiving antenna. acquisition and tracking radar can detect skin echoes to pending on the target range and the remaining RCS. stealth fighter against the SAM is The based on the fact that Accordingly, some effectiveness of the SAM radars have to acquire normal-sized targets just before the target aircraft reaches range, and SAM has a minimum range because 51 extent, de- SAM's lethal the missile has a required launch and acceleration time fighter. RCS SAM D. In the case of the stealth radar picks up the target at considerably shorter range due to reduction. range [Ref. to properly track the target. The attacker may therefore be located inside the minimum its firing 12: p. 66]. DECOYS Expendable Jammer 1. The use of EJs against a radar missile system can confuse operators. Frequently EJs are mistaken for airborne targets. tempt to shoot down Thus, they may at- EJs with expensive missiles. Remotely Piloted Vehicle 2. The primary advantage of without loss of the RPV is personnel and expensive aircraft. and shoot down than manned RPVs enemy radar are small, due aircraft RCS enhancement use in a high threat environment RPVs are more difficult to detect Even though to the their small size. to confuse or deceive enemy by homing on the radar radiation. ARM can be used radar. E. DESTRUCTIVE COUNTERMEASURES 1. Anti-Radiation Missile ARM directly attacks radars missiles can be installed against SAM on any type of A trade off radars. aircraft for the necessary since is purpose of ARMs utilize self protection weapon stations on the aircraft thereby reducing the loadout of other primary weapons. Therefore ARM suppression of enemy effectiveness of ARM air is usually delivered by specific aircraft which carry out defense against war and Iran Iraq war. (SEAD) SAM as, for example the Wild Weasel. The radars was fully proved during the Vietnam Several countries have developed and produced For example. Shrike, high-speed anti-radiation missile the US; air Armat. supersonic tactical anti-radiation launched anti-radiation missile The use o^ ARM (ALARM) for destroying (HARM) (STAR) and sidearm by missile by France and by England. SAM systems will probably increase because oi their standoff capability and reduced threat against own 52 ARM. aircraft. 2. Wild Weasel Tactics For the performance of navigation tactics. SAM threat is Low a successful mission, level flight will not only make Wild Weasel uses low level detection hard, but also the decreased due to the higher ground clutter. This allows Wild Weasel an increased element of surprise against recently developed ARM, which provides capability, and Wild Weasel pression of enemy SAM tactics SAM a longer sites. The combination of range and more flexible launch can contribute to greatly improved sup- activities. 53 CONCLUSION V. It is jam radars with one technique difficult to effectively Individual only. techniques cannot successfully achieve monopulse radar jamming. It may be impossible to jam the radar completely even under the multiple techniques con- Each dition. ECM to provide a partial technique jamming be integrated with each other It is is tailored for only a specific portion of the radar Therefore, several effect. ECM thus desirable to employ the various As techniques should order to completely jam the entire radar systems. in possible to enhance the overall ECM jamming illustrated in chapter four, techniques as simultaneously as effect. ECM some techniques against monopulse ra- dars are very impractical. Cross-polarization jamming and cross-eye jamming are also not good techniques for application to monopulse radars due ments of very high SNR. Image jamming is also not a to the require- dependable jamming technique without special knowledge of the victim radar. However, the other techniques that have been have covered a good effect on degradation of monopulse radar performance when combined with one another. Five different categories of ECM techniques against monopulse radar; denial jamming, deception jamming, passive countermeasures, decoys, and destructive countermeasures: should be well integrated to give the best result fectiveness. Denial jamming techniques have excellent jamming jamming can be employed by attacking standoff jamming aircraft. which are; range, velocity, repeater system, as very cost effective. pensing capability. In deception in effects. In addition. jamming RPV Denial usually achieved through and field. in the one With passive countermeasures, chaff is Fighter aircraft RAM ef- jamming, the three jamming techniques Figure 26. Most attack expendable drones or it is jamming and angle deception: should be integrated shown pact on the future radar aircraft, but in have self protection chaff dis- stealth techniques will certainly imIn decoy methods, the use of cheap will greatly increase the survivability of the future 54 When strike aircraft. is considering probability of theoretically proportional to the ated by decoys. number of the survivability of aircraft kill, targets including false targets cre- Destructive countermeasures can usually be performed by spe- cially dedicated aircraft equipped with special weapons, and attack the position of radar radiation sources. or Wild Weasel aircraft a top is ARMs, which can detect The employment of ARMs growth area, projected well into the next century. Received victim Transmitted radar signal jamming signal V TWT — Delay line Angle Velocity Range deception deception deception i i i AM Amplitude Frequency modulator modulator detector Audio-scan rate amplitude modulator i_ Figure 26. Time delay modulator Swept oscillator ________ ______ Block diagram of integrated deception jammer. In conclusion, these techniques should be properly integrated to optimize ECM techniques while conserving resources against monopulse radars. The fol- lowing combinations are recommended as a best approach for a strike force package. 55 Attacking aircraft need to be equipped with both passive countermeasures and integrated deception jammer. Denial jamming jamming relatively aircraft, jammers such confuse the which require as decoys can be carried enemy radar operators Finally, performed by the standoff on any of these or system. Wild Weasel type aircraft to additionally In relation with these ECM tech- complement the jamming aircraft destroying forward or high threat radar systems. 56 Expendable high output power. niques, evasive maneuvers have to be included to fectiveness. is with ARM take part ef- by LIST OF 1. REFERENCES Eaves, J.L., and Reedy, E.K., Principles of Modern Radar, Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, New 2. Price, A., Instrument of Darkness, Peninsula Publishing, Los Altos, 1987. 3. August, G. Jr., York, 1987. Radar Electronic Warfare, American and Astronautics, A Institute of Aeronautics Inc., 1987. Call from Wilderness, Air University Review, 1976. 4. Alberts, D.J., 5. Skolnik, M.I., Introduction to Radar Systems, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1980. 6. Sherman, S.M., Monopulse Principles and Techniques, Artech House, 1984. 7. Van Brunt, 8. Knorr. L.B.. Applied J.B., ECM Vol 1, EW Engineering, Inc., 1987. and Karantanas, D.T., Simulation Optimizes Noise Jammer Design, Microwave Journal, May, 1985. 9. Hoisington, D.B., Electronic Warfare, Naval Postgraduate School. 10. Wilson, L.A., Electronic Countermeasures Handout Chaff Section, Naval Postgraduate School. 11. Fitts, R.E., The Strategy of Electromagnetic Conflict, Peninsula Publishing, Los Altos, 1980. 57 12. Sweetman, B., Wholesalers, Stealth Aircraft, Motorbooks International Publishers Inc., 1986. B-2 Bomber for the 2 1st Century, Interavia, January 1989. 13. Sweetman, 14. Wanstall, B., 15. Allsup. D., Those Wild Wild Weasel, Airman, September 1984. 16. Schleher, D.C., Introduction to Electronic Warfare, Artech 17. Electronic B., Arms to stop Combat Force, Headquarters 18. & SAMs, Principle, US AE Interavia, September 1987. Inc., 1986. Pamphlet 51-3, Department of the Air Air Force, Washington Short. R.H., Chaff Conception House DC, 18 June 1985. and Misconception, International Counter- measure Handbook. 1985. 58 INITIAL DISTRIBUTION LIST No. Copies 1. Defense Technical Information Center Cameron Alexandria, VA 22304-6145 2. Library, Code 0142 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, CA 93943-5002 3. Chairman, Code 73 Department of Electronic Warfare Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, CA 93943-5000 4. 2 Station 2 1 Professor R. L. Partelow, Code 62PW Department of Electrical Engineering 1 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey. CA 93943-5000 5. Professor E. B. Rockower, Code 55RF Department of Operations Research 1 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey. CA 93943-5000 6. Personnel Management Office Air Force Headquarters 1 Nonsan-Gun, Chungnam-Do, Republic of Korea 7. Air Force Central Library 2 Chongwon-Gun. Chungbook-Do Republic of Korea 8. 3rd Department of Air Force College 1 Chongwon-Gun, Chungbook-Do Republic of Korea 9. Library of Air Force Academy 2 Chongwon-Gun. Chungbook-Do Republic of Korea 59 10. Kwon, Ki Hoon 10 RM407 BLDG124 SiYoung Seoul, Republic of 11. LTJG. Chia, Hua Kai #9, Lane 6. Apartment, Karak-Dong, Kangdong-Gu. Korea Shy Jain ROCN 1 Li, Chy Jin District, Kaohsiung, 80504 Taiwan, Republic of China 12. h Almetlaq, Issam P.O. Box 345 Suit, Jordan 1 /*? 60 * KAY 93 3 9 2 6 28 _ T no 1 K97 c.l r^ »»INTCOinu • » - Kwon Optimizing ECM techniques against monopulse acquisition and tracking radars. 41