Ohio Grade 5 Achievement Test for Science – May 2007

Ohio Grade 5 Achievement Test for Science – May 2007
Annotated Item 33
Standard and Benchmark Assessed:
Physical Sciences
E. Trace how electrical energy flows through a simple electrical circuit and
describe how the electrical energy can produce thermal energy, light, sound
and magnetic forces.
Multiple Choice Question:
Electric energy flows through the wire filament in a light bulb. The energy flow causes
the wire to glow and give off light.
Which type of energy produces this light?
Source: Ohio Department of Education
August 07
Ohio Grade 5 Achievement Test for Science – May 2007
Annotated Item 33
This multiple choice question asks students to recognize the type of energy that makes a light
bulb filament glow and produce light. Students should observe the diagram showing a circuit
with a battery and a light bulb. Students must understand that electric energy flows through a
circuit and know that it can produce thermal energy, light, sound, or magnetic forces. Students
should recognize that the glowing filament of the light bulb indicates that the filament is being
heated producing both light energy and thermal energy. Student may also remember that an
incandescent light bulb feels hot to the touch when it is producing light. Answer choice C is
correct because thermal energy is produced by the light. Answer choice A is incorrect because
there is no evidence that sound energy is produced. Answer choice B is incorrect because
gravity is not a form of energy. Answer choice D is incorrect because (electro)magnetic energy
is generated but is not responsible for producing the light.
This question is classified as Recalling/Identifying Accurate Science because the task requires
students to know that electric current in a circuit can produce thermal energy, light sound and/or
magnetic forces and to identify which form of energy is responsible for producing light from a
light bulb.
Performance Data:
The percent of public school students selecting answer choice C for question 33 on the May
2007 Ohio Grade 5 Achievement Test for Science was 59%.
thermal energy, battery, electricity, circuit, light energy
Source: Ohio Department of Education
August 07