MA 18.03, R05 SECOND ORDER ODEs 1. A second order differential equation is an equation of the form F (x, y, y 0 , y 00 ) = 0. A solution of the differential equation is a function y = y(x) that satisfies the equation. A differential equation has infinitely many solutions. They usually involve two undetermined constants. 2. An initial value problem consists of a differential equation and an initial conditions y(x0 ) = y0 , y 0 (x0 ) = y00 . It has a unique solution, which has to be a function (provided F doesn’t have problems at that point). 3. A boundary problem consists of a differential equation and conditions y(x0 ) = y0 , y(x1 ) = y1 ; y 0 (x0 ) = y00 , y(x1 ) = y1 ; y(x0 ) = y0 , y 0 (x1 ) = y10 ; y 0 (x0 ) = y00 , y 0 (x1 ) = y10 . or or or A. Homogeneous linear second order ODEs with constant coefficients mx00 + bx0 + kx = 0, m, b, k constants, m 6= 0 1. If the equation describes a physical spring–dashpot system, the coefficients m, b, k are non-negative. 2. An initial value problem consists of a differential equation and an initial condition x(t0 ) = A, x0 (t0 ) = B. How many solutions does it have? 3. The general solution is of the form x(t) = c1 x1 (t) + c2 x2 (t), where x1 and x2 are two linearly independent solutions (none of them can be written as a constant multiple of the other). 4. The characteristic polynomial of this equations is p(s) = ms2 + bs + k. 5. The exponential solutions of this equation are c1 er1 t and c2 er2 t , where r1 , r2 are the roots (real or complex) of the characteristic polynomial and c1 , c2 are arbitrary constants. If r1 = r2 = r, there is only one family of exponential solutions, namely cert . How to solve: 1. Write down the characteristic equation ms2 + bs + k = 0. 2. Compute its discriminant ∆ = b2 − 4mk. 1 MA 18.03, R05 3. There are three possible situations: • overdamped: If ∆ > 0, the quadratic equation has two distinct real solutions, r1 and r2 . Find them. (You might need to use the quadratic formula.) The general solution of the differential equation is x = C 1 e r1 t + C 2 e r2 t . • critically damped: If ∆ = 0, the quadratic equation has only one real root r. Find it. The general solution of the differential equation is x = C1 ert + C2 tert . • underdamped: If ∆ < 0, the quadratic equation does not have any real roots, √ it has |∆| b two complex conjugate roots r1,2 = α ± iβ, where α = − 2m and β = 2m . The general solution of the differential equation is x = C1 eαt cos(βt) + C2 eαt sin(βt) or x = Aeαt cos(βt − φ). In the second expression, A is any positive real number and φ any number in [0, 2π). 4. If it is an initial value problem or a boundary problem, plug in the given values and solve for C1 and C2 (or for A and φ). Don’t forget to take the derivative of x in the case of an initial value problem (chain rule!). B. Nonhomogeneous second order linear ODEs mx00 + bx0 + kx = f (t). We solve these by finding a particular solution xp of the given ODE and the solution xh to the corresponding homogeneous equation mx00 + bx0 + kx = 0. The general solution is given by x = xp + xh . Note: xh contains all the undetermined constants (denotes an infinite family of functions), while xp is one particular function. We have two ways of finding xp , namely ERF and undetermined coefficients. They are both explained below for linear equations of arbitrary order. Just apply them for your second order ODE. C. “Physical” notions For a sinusoidal function C cos(ωt − φ) the amplitude is |C|. Note that here C can be a complex number. the angular frequency is ω. the frequency is ω/(2π). the period is P = 2π/ω. For a damped sinusoidal Aert cos(ωd t − φ), we say that its pseudofrequency is ωd . 2 MA 18.03, R05 Stability: a system described by a homogeneous second order equation mx00 + bx0 + kx = 0 is stable if all solutions go to zero as t → ∞. This happens if the roots are real (maybe repeated) and negative or if the roots are complex with the real part negative. For a second order ODE with sinusoidal input mx00 + bx0 + kx = B cos ωt √ the natural frequency is k. B>0 1 . p(iω) It has this name because the periodic solution to the above ODE is (as given by ERF) the complex gain is the function ω 7→ W (iω) = xp = B cos ωt = W (iω)B cos(ωt) p(iw) the amplitude gain is the absolute value of the complex gain |W (iω)| = Think of it as 1 . |p(iω)| amplitude of the solution (output) . amplitude of the input phase lag: write the periodic solution in the form xp = A cos(ωt − φ) with A > 0 and 0 ≤ φ < 2π. The phase lag is φ. It can also be computed as φ = − Arg(W (iω)) = Arg(p(iω)). the time lag is t0 > 0 such that the periodic solution xp can be written in the form φ xp = A cos(ω(t − t0 )), again with A > 0. It can also be computed as t0 = . ω pure resonance is achieved in case b = 0 (no damping) for a frequency ω if p(iω) = 0. Then the equation has no periodic solution. (You need to apply ERF’ and the solution will contain a t cos term.) practical resonance is achieved in the case b 6= 0 (there is damping) for the values ω for which the amplitude of the periodic solution is maximal. That is those ω for which |p(iω)|2 = (k − mω 2 )2 + (bω)2 is minimal. Such an ω is called resonant frequency. 3 MA 18.03, R05 LINEAR ODEs AND LINEAR OPERATORS A. Linear operators Notation • D stands for the derivative of a function. For instance, if x is a function of t, Dx = x0 = dx/dt. If f is a function of x, then Df = f 0 = df /dx. • Dn stands for taking the n-th derivative. For instance D2 x = D(Dx) = D(x0 ) = x00 . • I is the identity operator that leaves functions alone, so I(f ) = f. • In general p(D) = an Dn + . . . + a1 D + a0 I applied to a function y means taking a linear combination of y and its first n derivatives, namely p(D)y = (an Dn + . . . + a1 D + a0 I)y = an y (n) + . . . + a1 y 0 + a0 y Writing p(D)y = f (t) provides an handy shorthand for the linear ODE an y (n) + . . . + a1 y 0 + a0 y = f (t) Properties • Linearity p(D)(af + bg) = ap(D)f + bp(D)g • Exponential shift formula p(D)(ert u) = ert p(D + rI)u Don’t forget that (D + rI)2 = D2 + 2rD + r2 I (and so forth). B. Homogeneous linear ODEs with constant coefficients an y (n) + . . . + a1 y 0 + a0 y = 0 This equation can be re-written as p(D)y = 0 with p(D) = an Dn + . . . + a1 D + a0 I. 1. Write down the characteristic polynomial p(s) = an sn + . . . + a1 s + a0 . 2. Find its n roots r1 , . . . , rn (counted with multiplicity) by solving an rn + . . . + a0 = 0. 3. The general solution is of the form x = c1 x1 + . . . + cn xn where each xj corresponds to the root rj as follows. • For each simple real root rj we obtain an exponential solution xj = erj t . • For each pair of simple complex conjugate roots rj,j+1 = a ± ib we get the pair of solutions xj = eat cos bt and xj+1 = eat sin bt. 4 MA 18.03, R05 • A repeated real root rj with multiplicity m, should have m corresponding solutions. Construct xj as above. The rest are txj , t2 xj , . . . , tm−1 xj . • For repeated pairs of complex roots the same principle applies, except now you have m pairs of corresponding solutions. C. Non-homogeneous linear ODEs an y (n) + . . . + a1 y 0 + a0 y = f (t) This equation can be re-written as p(D)y = f (t) with p(D) = an Dn + . . . + a1 D + a0 I. We solve these by finding a particular solution xp of the given ODE and the solution xh to the corresponding homogeneous equation an y (n) + . . . + a1 y 0 + a0 y = 0. The general solution is given by x = xp + xh . Note: xh contains all the undetermined constants (denotes an infinite family of functions), while xp is one particular function. We have two ways of finding xp , detailed below. Recall that if f (t) = f1 (t) + f2 (t), look for solutions xj (t) corresponding to fj (t), j = 1, 2, and then add them up to get xp = x1 + x2 . This is called superposition. Exponential response formulas: can be applied to an equation with exponential input p(D)x = Aekt , where k is any complex number. 1. Write down the characteristic polynomial p(s). 2. Compute p(k). If it is nonzero, then xp = Aekt is a solution. (ERF) p(k) 3. If p(k) = 0, compute p0 (k). If this in nonzero, then xp = Atekt is a solution. (ERF’) p0 (k) 4. Keep going. The idea is to compute p(k), p0 (k), p00 (k), . . . until you find the first nonzero guy amongst them. Say that happens to be p(m) (k). Then xp = is a solution. 5 Atm ekt p(m) (k) MA 18.03, R05 Undetermined coefficients method: the idea is to look for a solution of the same general form as the function f (t) on the RHS of our equation. If f (t) is of the form try aert Aert a cos ωt A cos ωt + B sin ωt a sin ωt A cos ωt + B sin ωt an tn + . . . + a0 An t n + . . . + A0 (an tn + . . . + a0 )ert (An tn + . . . + A0 )ert (an tn + . . . + a0 ) cos ωt (An tn + . . . + A0 )(B1 cos ωt + B2 sin ωt) (an tn + . . . + a0 ) sin ωt (An tn + . . . + A0 )(B1 cos ωt + B2 sin ωt) (an tn + . . . + a0 )ert cos ωt (An tn + . . . + A0 )ert (B1 cos ωt + B2 sin ωt) (an tn + . . . + a0 )ert sin ωt (An tn + . . . + A0 )ert (B1 cos ωt + B2 sin ωt) If the form indicated on the right does not work, try multiplying it by t. If that doesn’t work either, try multiplying it by t2 . Keep multiplying by higher and higher powers of t until it works. But the power should never be higher than the order of the ODE. If you passed this threshold, something is very, very wrong! 6