8. Power of single-phase load AE1B38EMA 8. POWER AND POWER FACTOR MEASUREMENT FOR SINGLE PHASE LOAD Tasks of the measurement 1. Measure active power, power factor and apparent power consumption of the singlephase load. Use universal clamp digital meter for the measurement. Active power should be measured also using analogue wattmeter and current instrument transformer (CT). Evaluate B-type expanded uncertainty (k = 2) of active power measurement for both cases. Compensate methodical error in case of measurement by means of analogue meter. Current transformer transformation error is negligible. Find whether the difference of the measurement results corresponds to their reported accuracy. 2. Measure the voltage on the secondary winding of the current transformer and check if the transformer is not overloaded. Measurement hints - Use the power supply of 120 V, 50 Hz (voltage between any two terminals of the 3 ×120 V power line system at the switchboard). - Since the load current is higher than 5 A at 120 V, a current instrument transformer (CT) has to be used. - Do not leave the load connected to the source for more than 2 minutes. It is not designed for permanent usage. - The secondary winding of the current transformer cannot be left open if primary winding is connected to measured current. For connections of primary and secondary windings of the CT, the thick wires with connection clips are to be used to assure minimal transition resistance. Schematic diagram 120 V/50 Hz LOAD I1 KL V COM Fig.1 Active power, power factor and apparent power measurements using universal clamp meter 1 of 6 8. Power of single-phase load AE1B38EMA I 1 CT K k L l U kl 120 V, 50 Hz V3 V1 U1 Z A I2 W Fig. .2 Schematic diagram for measurement of active power consumption using analogue wattmeter List of the equipment used KL A V1 W CT 120 V Z - universal digital clamp meter PK 430.1; - iron-vane ammeter, accuracy class. ..., measurement range used ...; - PMMC voltmeter with rectifier, accuracy class ..., measurement range used ..., input resistance ...; - electrodynamic wattmeter, accuracy class ..., voltage measurement range ... V, current measurement range ... A, voltage coil resistance ... - instrument current transformer, transformation ratio ..., accuracy class ...; - AC power supply - switch board; - measured load Theoretical background and measurement steps Power consumption or energy measurements are based on knowledge of nominal voltage of the source and approximate current going through the load. If an universal clamp meter is used, the correspondence of its voltage and current ranges to those before-mentioned values must be checked. In case of analogue (electrodynamic) wattmeter utilisation, the measurement range is limited by its current range. Instrument current transformer (CT) with suitable transformation factor must be used for measurements where the current going through the load is higher that the current measurement range of the wattmeter. In our case, the load current is measured by clamp meter according the Fig. 1. Measurement using universal clamp meter The values of current I 1 , active power P, power factor cos and apparent power S can be measured as shown in the Fig. 8.1 by means of universal digital clamp meter PK 430.1. Its technical parameters are given in the introductory part of this textbook, Chap. 0. The device is switched on by the setting of the rotary switch to the position where the yellow mark on the switch points to symbol of the measured parameter. After switching the device on, short autotest runs. During this time all the display segments are activated. Auto-calibration follows (the display shows “CAL“). During auto-calibration (cca 15 s) the clamp magnetic circuit is 2 of 6 8. Power of single-phase load AE1B38EMA compensated for residual magnetic field. The clamp must not be attached around any (powered) wire during this period. The device is set to automatic range selection mode after auto-calibration and “AUTO” is shown on the display. True RMS measurements (TRMS) in case of current or voltage measurements are indicated by means of symbol “AC + DC“. If the measured value cannot be read immediately form the display, the function “HOLD” can be used (which freezes the displayed value until its next push). Should the measured value appear outside the measurement range, the L L L L L symbols are displayed. Current measurement is performed after the calibration is finished. The rotary switch must be set to “A” position and the clamp must be put around the wire where the measured current flows. The sign of the reading will be correct if the current enters the clamp magnetic circuit in the direction indicated inside the clamp by arrow. The device sensitivity can be increased by winding the wire with the measured current around the magnetic clamp. True current value is then calculated by dividing the reading by number of turns. During voltage measurements, the rotary switch is in the position “V” and measured voltage is connected to the inputs “V“ and “COM”. For active or apparent power consumption measurements, the rotary switch must be set to “kW” or “kVA” position, respectively. If the voltage input „V“ is connected in the right way with respect to the wire going through the clamp and if the current flows through the clamp in the direction that corresponds to the arrow (see arrows in Fig. 1), the displayed value will be positive if the energy is consumed and negative if the energy is delivered (generated). If one of the inputs (voltage or current) will be reverted, also the reading will have the opposite sign. Also in this case the device sensitivity can be increased by winding the current wire around the clamp. In this case the reading must be divided by number of turns. In case of power factor measurement, the switch is to be set to “cos “ position and the device is connected in the same way as for power measurements (Fig. 1). The positive sign will correspond to energy consumption and negative sign will correspond to energy generation again (in case of the same connection as described above). The symbols L or C in the last display position mean inductive or capacity load character. Considering the fact that power factor is measured for currents higher than 40 A, more turns of wire carrying the load current are to be used. The number of turns multiplied by the measured current should be than higher than 40 A. Active power measurement uncertainty evaluation Considering the fact that the meter reading is affected by relative error P R (%) of the measurement range P R (W) only, and expecting uniform error distribution, the standard uncertainty of active power can be expressed in the form uP PR PR 100 3 (W) (1) and expanded uncertainty (coverage factor k = 2) in the form U P k u P 2u P (W) (2) The value of the measured active power can be expressed as PS PM U P (W) (3) Active power measurement using analog wattmeter 3 of 6 8. Power of single-phase load AE1B38EMA It is obvious from previous clamp meter measurements that the load current is higher than the current range of the analogue wattmeter available. Therefore, it is necessary to utilise instrument current transformer (CT) according the Fig. 2. Rules for usage of instrument current transformer The accuracy class of the CT or corresponding transformation error (sometimes called current error) and phase error (sometimes called angle error) shown on the device label are valid only in case that nominal values of apparent power S j on the secondary transformer winding does not exceed a certain value that is also shown on the transformer label and usually ranges in 5 to 30 VA. The value of S j is given as S j U klj I 2j Z 2 j I j2 (VA; V, A, , A) (4) where I 2j U klj is nominal value of current in the secondary winding of the CT (usually 5 A), is voltage drop on k - l outputs of CT (see Fig. 2) that corresponds on consumed current I 2j and nominal impedance Z 2j connected to the secondary winding of the CT. The true value of the constant load Z 2 can be calculated from the voltage drop U kl on the secondary winding of the CT its current I 2 . There is Z2 where Z 2 U kl I2 Sj U kl 2 I2 I2j (; V, A; VA, A) (5) is the impedance of serial connection of current coil of the watt-meter and ammeter connected to the secondary winding of the CT is voltage drop on k - l outputs of the CT corresponding to the I 2 , measured value of the current of the secondary winding of the CT. Rules of correct CT connection that must be followed: a) Secondary CT circuit must not be disconnected if current goes through its primary winding. b) Secondary CT circuit must be connected by means of wires with suitably high diameters and clips assuring minimal transition resistances. The wires must not increase significantly the CT load Z 2 . c) The beginning of primary winding (labelled "K") is to be connected to the power supply, the beginning of the secondary winding (labelled "k") is to be connected to the beginning of the current coil of the wattmeter, usually labelled by arrowhead. Active power measurements Active power P m (Fig. 8.2) can be calculated using the equation Pm U 1 I 1 cos PW p I k W p I (W; V, A, -; W/d, -) (6) where P W is wattmeter reading (W); kW wattmeter constant (W/division); wattmeter deflection (division); 4 of 6 8. Power of single-phase load pI I1 j I2j I 1j , I 2j AE1B38EMA is transformation factor of the CT; are nominal values of primary and secondary windings of the CT (-). The value of P m is affected by methodical error – the power consumption of parallel combination of wattmeter voltage coil and voltmeter. It is possible to compensate for this error by the formula PK Pm where P k Pm U1 R nW RV U 12 RnW RV (W; W, V, ) RnW RV (7) is compensated active power consumed by the load (W), measured power (W), load voltage (V), resistance of the wattmeter voltage coil (, voltmeter resistance (. The voltage drop U kl on the secondary winding of the CT is checked by V 3 to keep the total CT load within range defined by (8.5). Measurement uncertainty evaluation After compensating for methodical error, the measurement uncertainty depends only on wattmeter and CT accuracy classes. We neglect the phase error (in the range of one to tens of angle minutes) and we expect that only transformation error p I (called also current error) affects the current transformation. The compensating part of the (7) is not considered when evaluating measurement uncertainty due to the fact that its value is significantly lower than the measured power P m . Measurement uncertainty of the power consumed by load can be calculated using the equation Pm PW p I (W; W, -) where Pm PW pI (8) is a power consumption of the load (W), wattmeter reading (W), CT transformation, defined in (8.6) (-). The standard measurement uncertainty according to (8.8) can be evaluated using the equation 2 u Pm where u Pm u PW AC W MW Pm P u PW m u pI PW p I u PW AC W M W 100 3 ; 2 u pI p I u PW 2 PW u pI 2 AC CT p I 100 3 (9) (10) is standard measurement uncertainty of the active power (W), standard uncertainty of the wattmeter reading (W), wattmeter accuracy class (%), wattmeter measurement range (W), 5 of 6 8. Power of single-phase load u pI AC CT pI AE1B38EMA CT transformation uncertainty (-), CT accuracy class (%), CT transformation (-). The true value of the measured power can be expressed as (for coverage factor k = 2) Ps Pk 2u Pm (W) (11) Comparison of active power measurement results obtained by clamp meter and analogue wattmeter The active power measurements can be considered as correct and uncertainties as relevant if the results of (3) and (11) overlap. 6 of 6