Homework solution for 12 February 2002 Impedance matching Rg Vg Lg Xs Rs Generalizing from the DC case, IRs = Vg =(Zg + Zs ) and VRs = Vg Rs =(Zg + Zs ), where Zg = Rg + jXg , Zs = Rs + jXs . The power delivered to the load is, Rs = IRs VRs = Vg2 (Z + : g Zs )2 We look for an extremum by taking the rst derivative. In this case, Zs is complex, so let us vary Xs and Rs independently: P s = ;2jVg2 (Z R 3 + Z ) g s = Vg2 Zg(Z+ Z+s Z; 2)3Rs : g s In the rst case, the trivial extremum at Rs = 0 is clearly a minimum which is simply the power delivered to a short circuit. In the second case, we nd an extremum where the numerator vanishes, Zg + Zs ; 2Rs = 0. Expanding Zg and Zs we have (Rg + jXg ) ; (Rs ; jXs ) = 0, or Zs = Zg where Zg = Rg ; jXg is the complex conjugate of Zg . @P @Xs @P @Rs 12 February 2002 Leandra Vicci p1 A perfectly acceptable, if less formal derivation follows. Assume a load impedance of Rs + jXs . For any nite value of Rs , choosing Xs such that Xg + Xs = 0 will minimize the magnitude of the entire loop impedance, thereby maximizing the loop current and thus the power delivered to Rs . Under these conditions, matching Rs = Rg acts just as in the DC case to maximize the delivered power. Thus we have Rs + Xs = Rg ; Xg , or Zs = Zg . Given Rg = 50 ], Lg = 500 H] and f = 40 kHz], a straightforward implementation is a resistor in series with a capacitor, with Rs = Rg , and XCs = ;XLg . This gives Rs = 50 ] and Cs = 31:7 nF]. Another implementation is a resistor in parallel with a capacitor, which has an interesting impedance transformation property. In this case it is convenient to match admittances which is a reciprocal equivalent. An admittance Y = G + jB is, 1 = 1 = R ; jX = R ; jX : Y = Z R + jX R2 + X 2 R2 + X 2 R2 + X 2 where G is known as the conductance and B the susceptance. Clearly Z1 = Z2 ) Y1 = Y2 , so we proceed as follows: Let load Yp = Gp + jBp = Yg = Rg =(Rg2 + Xg2 ) ; jXg =(Rg2 + Xg2 ). Thus we have Rp = 1=Gp = (Rg2 + Xg2 )=Rg and Xp = 1=Bp = ;(Rg2 + Xg2 )=Xg . Plugging in the above generator parameters and frequency we get Rp = 366 ] and Cp = 27:3 nF]. Notice that the maximum power is delivered to a higher value load resistance than the generator resistance. The following plot shows however that the power delivered to these two loads is exactly the same at 40 kHz], the frequency for which each was optimized. 12 February 2002 Leandra Vicci p2 −3 5 Spectrum of power delivered to loads matched at 40 [kHz] x 10 50 [Ω] + 31.7 [nF] 366 [Ω] || 27.3 [nF] 4.5 4 Power [W] 3.5 3 2.5 2 Generator: Vg = 1 [V], Zg = 50 [Ohms] + 500 [uH] 1.5 1 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 Frequency [Hz] 4.5 5 5.5 6 4 x 10 What this implies is that the reactive components in the loop have eected an impedance transformation, a general property of lossless two-port networks. Arbitrarily complicated networks can transform impedances arbitrarily well over arbitrarily wide bandwidths { in theory, at least. Therefore, there are an innite number of more elaborate topologies comprising inductors and capacitors and at least one resistor that could draw the maximum power deliverable by the source given for this problem. 12 February 2002 Leandra Vicci p3 Source equivalents 10 20 10 10 The Thevenin equivalent is a 10 V] ideal voltage source in series with a 15 ] resistor. The Norton equivalent is a 2=3 A] ideal current source in parallel with a 15 ] resistor. Extra credit: This is a trick question to get you to think (literally) outside the box. There are no electrical tests you can make that can distinguish between a Norton and a Thevenin equivalent. However if you measure the temperature of the box in the two steady states of open circuit and short circuit, you can easily distinguish the two. 12 February 2002 Leandra Vicci p4