Curriculum Overview Spring Term 2014 Foundation Stage 2 Communication and Language x Following instructions involving several ideas. x Answer “how” and “why” questions about their experiences and in response to stories or events. x Listening games - which Superhero is talking? x Take turns at talking, speaking in a clear voice. x Talking partners. x Make own Superhero stories. x Superhero role play x Describing words; how to describe a dinosaur. Literacy (reading and writing) x Explore different story formats. x Discuss the elements of a story, such as characters and sequence of events. x Discuss what might happen next? x Enjoy an increasing range of books, including more non-fiction books and learn about elements of information books contents pages, index. x Know that information can be found in books and from computers. x Throughout the term, children will continue to develop their skills in reading and spelling words using their phonic knowledge. x They will learn more tricky words (for example, said, was, so, are, all). x They will begin to read simple sentences. Mathematics x Use everyday language to talk about capacity, position, distance, time and money to compare and solve problems x Use plastic British coins in Chinese restaurant role play and begin to learn about their value x Extend knowledge of 2D and 3D shapes. x Which Superhero is the heaviest? Compare weights of different objects x Use the key words: heavy, light, heavier, lighter x Compare sizes of dinosaurs. Use the key words: bigger, smaller, taller, shorter, x Estimate weights; which would be the heaviest & lightest? Weigh toy dinosaurs to discover any differences. Understanding of the world x Find out about the culture of others and identify similarities & differences. x Constructing in a purposeful way; link to making a Superhero costume, cape, mask, belt and gadget. x Investigate materials: ice, water, sand x Find out about past events and how our planet has changed. Expressive Arts and Design x Superhero costumes, gadgets and vehicles x Experiment with musical instruments to make Superhero music. x Explore fast and slow rhythms and repeated rhythms x Role play Superhero den x Paintings of dinosaurs x Construct a dinosaur habitat x Role play dinosaur cave x x x x x x x x Physical development Personal, Social and Dragon dance, high and low movements. Dance to Chinese music. Picking up small items using chopsticks. Dance to Superhero music, explore different movements: running, jumping, creeping. Superhero obstacle course: use of small and large equipment. Dance to dinosaur music; explore different movements; plodding, small running steps. Explore how our movements change according to habitat. Throughout the term children will develop skills in handling tools with increasing control. They will hold a pencil effectively for writing and develop their scissor skills for cutting along lines and cutting out shapes. Emotional Development Websites to support learning Please log into the VLE every week for class newsletters, activities and games x Understand that their own & others cultures & beliefs need to be respected x Compare their own behaviour with that of a Superhero: caring, kind, looks after others x Understand their own feelings and those of others through facial expressions; compare the facial expressions of heroes and baddies x Take part in class challenges x Discuss the behaviour of dinosaurs; are there heroes and baddies in the animal kingdom? Would a Tyrannosaurus Rex be a hero or a baddie? x Observational skills – look at the different elements of a dinosaur body and explore how the body changes depending upon life style. x To be confident to try new activities and say why some activities are liked more than others. x Confident to speak in a familiar group and work as part of a group or class. Information for Parents x Topics this term (Topics will remain flexible to allow for children’s interests) x Superheroes x Dinosaurs x Parent/teacher meetings after half term br e a k