TITLE SERVICE BOX SECURITY FEATURES Mistakes can happen when tired workers come to pack away tools at the end of a hard day’s work. A prime PRODUCT BULLETINS PB - 0172_B TOOLBOX DOOR AJAR ALARM example would be not securing a service box door closed. The worker then climbs into the vehicle to drive away and the service box is left in the open position. Potentially causing, what could be an extremely costly accident. Minecorp’s door ajar alarm gives occupants of a vehicle and audible alarm signal when the key is turned in the ignition if the door of a service box has been left open or not closed properly. If no alarm sounds when the vehicle is started up the user knows that it is safe to continue and the service box have been securely closed. PRODUCT NUMBER •• M67000183S FEATURES •• Reminds the driver that the door is open keeping tools and equipment safe •• Audible in cabin door ajar alarm when vehicle ignition is on •• Compatible with 1400 & 1200 series service boxes PACKAGED WEIGHT •• 350G •• Fail safe design that prevents potentially costly accidents NET WEIGHT •• Full installation instructions provided •• 300G ! DRIVING VALUE & COMPLIANCE THROUGH QUALITY MODIFICATIONS AUS: 1300 922 881 INT: +61 7 3723 1000 E: sales@minecorp.com.au minecorp.com.au Member of RMA Group © Minecorp Australia 2015 YOUR FLEET FIT-OUT SPECIALISTS