Old Colony District - Scout College 2016 Upper Pittsgrove Twp School Saturday February 13 & February 27, 2016 8:30 AM-3:00 PM The Old Colony District, under the Garden State Boy Scout Council, is proudly offering the annual Scout College program to our scouts and leaders. Several new merit badges are being introduced this year which scouts can pick from as well as the old favorites. Not all programs will earn merit badges, for example Youth Leadership Training, but all programs will provide information to enhance the scouting experience in both the scout and adults. We encourage all troops that have Life scouts to encourage their scouts to take the Eagle Packet Planning to help them on their journey of earning the Eagle rank as they begin to plan their Eagle Project and the adults to consider Eagle Coach Training for Leaders so you have a better understanding of the process and will be more prepared to help and guide the scouts along the way. These classes are very informational to both scouts and leaders, but they tend to fill up quickly. Please take the time to read about the requirements, which period the classes will be offered and the registration information. Scout Program Age and/or rank requirements are in place for some merit badges along with some prerequisites that should be done prior to class, which you will find in the columns labeled pre-requisites and comments on the 2016 Merit Badge list. Like an actual college, class size is limited and some classes are only offered certain times during the day. If a class has very limited request for participation, it may be cancelled without notice. All scouts must pre-register and will have the opportunity to attend three classes. All blue cards with the Unit Leader signature’s are required and must be filled out neatly and legibly for each merit badge prior to the first Saturday in order to fulfill the badge requirements. Counselors will collect them at the beginning of each class, if they are not signed by the Unit Leader the counselor may ask the scout to leave class to get the blue card signed prior to the scout starting the merit badge. Partial completions are to be expected due to time limits on certain badges, for example Personal Fitness, may affect the completion of the badge at Scout College and scouts function at their individual pace. It is vital to understand that attendance is required but attendance does not mean the merit badge will be completed. Again when reviewing the list of merit badges please take special note of the comment section of each merit badge for the requirements that must be completed prior to the start of the program or a partial will be issued or depending on the merit badge you may not be able to take the class. Leader Programs The leadership programs will be offered again this year and can be found on the web site so all adults can register for classes they wish to take during Scout College, also take special notice on the website which Saturdays the classes will be offered. Eagle Coach/Merit Badge Counselor Training Scout Master 1-2-3 First Aid and CPR Commissioners Training Please note, some programs have special registration fees, for example, CPR is paid on the day of the class to the instructor, but you still must register on-line for the class to secure your spot. Walk-in registration may be accepted for CPR/First Aid if and only if there is room in the class, so we strongly recommend adults to register in advance. First Aid & CPR is provided by an outside agency and is a separate flat fee of $30.00 which covers both classes. (Note even if you take one class you pay the same price of $30.00) Registration and payment information will appear on the website. Additional programs may be added, check the web site for the up to date information. Chaperone Each troop is required to send one adult to assist with chaperone duties during Scout College and must be in attendance for both Saturdays. The Chaperone must register online during the registration period. Additional adults are welcome to the event but they need to register on-line as well with an additional charge of $15.00/person. Unfortunately, if the maximum capacity is reached, those adults may be notified that no room is available. (This has not occurred in the past but is a possibility) Program Cost and Fees The base cost is $25 per Scout which covers the cost for lunch, insurance and facility rental. Scouts or troops must pay online or a troop may approve payment from their Troop account at the Millville Office. We will not accept walk in registration or payment at the door will not be accepted. The one required adult, chaperone, is included in the above fees, each additional adult and any adult signing up for adult training must be added to the registration and a fee of $15.00/person is required to cover the lunch cost. Registration On-line registration will open on December 26th, 2015 at 12 pm and continue through the close on January 23rd, 2016 at 12 pm. All troops must complete the registration on-line and you should have an active charter prior to registration. **Please note all charters for year 2016 must be completed, handed into council and paid in full or your troop will not be able to attend the event per the Garden State Boy Scout Council guidelines.** Keep in mind some classes fill up quicker than others and once they are full the class/classes will be closed and we will not be able to accommodate any more scouts due to safety issues. Once registration closes we will not be able to add scouts or change classes, there will be no exceptions, so please be sure your scouts are comfortable with the merit badges they have selected and it is not one they have already completed. Each troop will control their own registration, a link will be provided to the Unit Leader or designee. We strongly suggest you register as a group rather than registering individually this will prevent confusion and duplicate registrations. If registering individually each person will need to pay by credit card upon completion of the individual registration or their spot will not be guaranteed. If a troop chooses to register as a group, a planning sheet is located at the end of this document. The troop can pay by credit card or pay out of their troop account but they must contact the Millville Office and approve the deduction of the cost from their troop account. (All payment must be made in full no later than January 23rd 2016 or you may lose your spot and will be opened to the first troop on the waiting list. Only the troop can pay by check and must be received within 15 days of the initial registration or no later than January 23rd 2016 whichever comes first or you will be in jeopardy of losing your spot and again will go to the first troop on the waiting list.) If for some reason the troop decides to back out or your charter is not completed and up to date after registering your troop, you will be charged a non-refundable fee of $15.00/scout and $15.00/adult. If your troop/or individual registration is accepted, that is the classes scouts are registered for, they should be encouraged to begin working on the merit badge pre-requisites if applicable. Walk-in registrations will not be accepted. Uniform This is a Boy Scout event and all scouts are expected to be in their Class A Uniform. Issues with uniforms are expected to be addressed by the troop leaders. Scout Store We will have a representative from the scout store present for both Saturdays, February 13th and 27th, giving scouts and leaders, chaperones and parents the opportunity to purchase items. The store will have the Merit Badge books for the Merit Badges which are being offered available for sale, along with other items such as shirts, leader guides, new scout handbooks, etc. Code of Conduct We are visitors to the Upper Pittsgrove School and all scouts are expected to represent themselves in accordance with the Scout Law. Any scout who cannot follow the guidelines of the Scout Law and act accordingly will be directed to their unit leader and he/she will address the situation immediately. If the problem continues to arise, then unfortunately we will have no other option but to remove the scout from the event and may not return for the second session. “The spirit is there in every boy; it has to be discovered and brought to light” … Sir Robert Baden-Powell Troop: __________ Scout Name Rank: S–Scout TF–Tenderfoot 2-Second Class 1-First Class ST-Star L-Life E-Eagle Youth Leadership Safety Robotics Personal Management Personal Fitness Nuclear Science Nature Law Landscape Architecture Home Repairs First Aid Fire Safety Fingerprinting Family Life Energy Emergency Preparedness Eagle Packet Planning Disability Awareness Digital Technology Crime Prevention Communication Citizenship in world Citizenship in Nation Chess Aviation Architecture Archeology 2016 Old Colony Scout College Planning Sheet This is NOT a Registration Form – Register On-line Please Troop: __________ Scout Name Rank: S–Scout TF–Tenderfoot 2-Second Class 1-First Class ST-Star L-Life E-Eagle Youth Leadership Safety Robotics Personal Management Personal Fitness Nuclear Science Nature Law Landscape Architecture Home Repairs First Aid Fire Safety Fingerprinting Family Life Energy Emergency Preparedness Eagle Packet Planning Disability Awareness Digital Technology Crime Prevention Communication Citizenship in world Citizenship in Nation Chess Aviation Architecture Archeology 2016 Old Colony Scout College Planning Sheet This is NOT a Registration Form – Register On-line Please Troop: __________ Scout Name Rank: S–Scout TF–Tenderfoot 2-Second Class 1-First Class ST-Star L-Life E-Eagle Youth Leadership Safety Robotics Personal Management Personal Fitness Nuclear Science Nature Law Landscape Architecture Home Repairs First Aid Fire Safety Fingerprinting Family Life Energy Emergency Preparedness Eagle Packet Planning Disability Awareness Digital Technology Crime Prevention Communication Citizenship in world Citizenship in Nation Chess Aviation Architecture Archeology 2016 Old Colony Scout College Planning Sheet This is NOT a Registration Form – Register On-line Please