JFET BIASING 4 types of biasing circuit will be studied in this course: (i). (ii). (iii). (iv). Fixed biasing Self biasing Mid-point biasing Voltage division biasing Before analyzing the respective biasing circuitries, Q point and load line need to be known. 1. Load line and Q-point A load line connects 2 points on the drain characteristic. One point is on the ID axis and the other is on the VDS axis. For a known VGS, the intercept point between the load line and the drain curve can determine the operating/quiescent (Q) point and consequently, the IDQ and VDSQ. ID Load line (determined from the circuit) IDSS VGS =0 -1V IDQ Q-point VDS(sat) = Vp VDSQ 25 -2 V( VGSQ ) -3 V -4 V VDS VGS(off) 2. Fixed biasing RD ID RG VDD VDS VGG ID To determine the Q-point (IDQ and VDSQ), the relationship between the ID and VDS needs to be known. Looking at the characteristic): output loop (Loop 1 - drain -VDD +IDRD +VDS =0 ID = VDD - VDS =- 1 VDS + VDD RD RD RD This expression is in the form of y = mx + c. Slope is - 1 and c = VDD . RD RD If ID = 0, VDS = VDD. Hence, the load line intersects the ID axis at VDD and the VDS axis at VDD. RD 26 Slope is - 1 and c = VDD . At ID = 0, VDS = VDD. RD RD Hence, the load line intersects the ID axis at VDD and RD the VDS axis at VDD. Once VGSQ is known, IDQ and VDSQ can be determined. ID VDD RD Load line with a slope of - 1 RD IDSS IDQ VGS =0 Q-point Vp VDSQ VDD 3. VGS1 VGSQ VGS2 VGS3 VDS VGS(off) Self-biasing In order to operate in the saturation region (hence, as an amplifier), G-S of the JFET needs to be reverse biased. To obtain this condition, the VGS has to be negative for the n-channel JFET and positive for the p-channel JFET. The following topologies will enable the mentioned condition to be achieved without the need of an external voltage to be connected to the G. Due to this capability, this topology is called selfbiasing circuit. 27 RD ID RD ID VDD RG VDD VSD VDS ID RG RS ID RS In Cct. A: -VDD + IDRD + VDS + IDRS = 0. IDRD + VDS + IDRS = VDD. VS = IDRS is positive. Since IG ≈ 0, then VRG ≈ 0. Hence, VG = 0. Since VG = 0 and VS is positive, VGS=VG-VS= negative. So, the n-channel is properly biased as an amplifier. VGS= -VS = - IDRS. RS = VS / ID. In Cct. B: IDRS + VSD + IDRD - VDD = 0. IDRS + VSD + IDRD = VDD. Since IDRS is positive and 0 - VS = IDRS , VS = - IDRS. Therefore, VS is negative. Since IG ≈ 0, then VRG ≈ 0. Hence, VG = 0. Since VG = 0 and VS is negative, VGS=VG-VS= positive. So, the p-channel is properly biased as an amplifier. VGS= -VS = IDRS. RS = VGS / ID. For both n- and p-channel JFET, RS = |VGS| / ID. 28 RD ID RD ID VDD ID RG VDD VSD VDS ID RG RS RS In the JFET, majority carriers are moving from S to D. In the n-channel JFET, VDD is positive to attract the electrons to move from S to D. Conventional current flow is opposite to the flow of electron. Hence, the direction of current is from D to S. In the p-channel JFET, VDD is negative to attract the holes to move from S to D. Conventional current flow is the same as the flow of holes. Hence, the direction of current is from S to D. Determining the operational point of the self-biasing JFET 2 ways: 1. 2. graphical method, i.e. from the transfer and drain characteristic DSS from calculation, i.e. using ID =I 29 1- VGS VGS(off) 2 Example 1 Determine the RS that is needed to self bias an nchannel JFET that has the transfer characteristic curve as shown below at VGS = -5 V. ID (mA) RD IDSS ID VDS RG ID RS -VGS(V) VGS(off) Solution From the graph, at VGS = -5 V, ID = 6.25 mA. RS = |VGS | / ID = 5 / 6.25 m = 800 Ω 30 VDD Example 2 Determine VDS and VGS. Given ID = 5 mA. 10 V RD =1kΩ RG D ID G +V - DS S ID RS =500 Ω Solution: VG = 0 V (criteria of the self-biased circuit). VS = IDRS = 5m x 500 = 2.5 V VGS = - VS VGS = -2.5 V VDD = IDRD + VDS + IDRS VRD = IDRD = 5m x 1k = 5 V VRS = IDRS = VS = 2.5 V VDS = 10 – 5 – 2.5 = 2.5 V 31 4. Mid-point biasing The JFET is typically biased near the mid-point of the drain characteristic curve to achieve maximum signal swing at the input. The purpose is to obtain maximum undistorted ouput signal. ID IDSS VGS =0 -1V IDQ VGSQ -4 V Vp VDSQ VDS Steps to obtain the Q-point 1. Mid-point biasing enables maximum drain current swing between IDSS and 0. Hence, IDQ = IDSS . 2 DSS ID =I V GSQ 1VGS(off) 2 From 3. VGS(off) . 3.4 To set the drain voltage at mid-point, VD = VDD . 2 Choose large RG to prevent loading effect. RG = 1 M Ω VGSQ ≈ 4. 32 and when IDQ = IDSS , 2 2. Example 3 Determine the resistors to be implemented in the following circuit for mid-point biasing. The parameters for the JFET are: IDSS = 15 mA and VGS(off) = -8 V. 12 V RD RG D ID G +V - DS S ID RS Solution IDQ = IDSS =7.5 mA 2 V VGSQ = GS(off) = -8 =-2.35 V 3.4 3.4 VDQ = VDD = 12 =6 V 2 2 RG = 1 M Ω VGSQ = - VS VSQ = 2.35 V = IDQRS RS = VSQ / IDQ = 2.35 /7.5 m = 313 Ω RD = VDD - VDQ / IDQ = 12 - 6 /7.5 m = 800 Ω 33 5. Voltage division biasing VDD RD R1 R2 D ID G +V - DS S ID RS VS has to be more positive than VG to maintain the requirement of a reverse biased G-S. VS = IDRS VG = R 2 VDD R1 + R 2 34 Example 4 Determine ID and VGS for the following voltage division biased JFET. Given VDD = 12 V, VD = 7 V, RD = 3.3 kΩ, RS = 1.8 kΩ, R1 = 6.8 MΩ and R2 = 1 MΩ. VDD RD R1 ID VDS ID RS R2 Solution: ID = VDD - VD = 12 -7 =1.52 mA RD 3.3 k 1M 12 =1.54 V VG = R 2 VDD = R + R 6.8 M + 1M 1 2 VS = IDRS = 1.52 m x 1.8 k = 2.74 V VGS = VG – VS = 1.54 – 2.74 = -1.2 V 35