SKS C 240 GDD 69/11 – A6A MA B1C Absolute maximum ratings Symbol Conditions IIN MAX Maximum permanent input current IOUT MAX Maximum permanent output current VIN MAX Maximum input voltage VOUT MAX Maximum output voltage VBUS MAX Maximum DC Bus voltage FIN MAX Inverter input frequency FOUT MAX Inverter output frequency FSW MAX Maximum switching frequency SKiiP stack Electrical characteristics Symbol Conditions AC phase Grid IOUT RATED Rated output current IOUT OVL Overload output current tOVL Overload duration TOVL SKiiPRACK® - Type 6A 4-Quadrant 3-phase IGBT converter Ordering No. 08800600 Description SKS C 240 GDD 69/11 – A6A MA B1C Features Designed in regard to EN50178 recommendations Designed for a 1200 x 600 x 2000 mm cabinet Embedded SKiiP® Technology 3 SKiiP 2403GB172-4DW, Trench 3 1700V IGBT, CAL3 diode Integrated current and temperature sensors Water cooling Time between 2 overloads VOUT POUT FSW FOUT Output voltage Rated output power Inverter switching frequency Output frequency PF Power factor Losses at rated current PLOSS INV2) 2) η Efficiency at rated current AC phase Generator IIN RATED IIN OVL tOVL TOVL Rated input current Overload input current Overload duration Time between 2 overloads VOUT POUT FSW FOUT Output voltage Rated output power Inverter switching frequency Output frequency Power factor Losses at rated current Efficiency at rated current PF PLOSS INV2) η 2) Values 2 400 2 400 760 760 1 200 100 100 5 Unit ARMS ARMS VAC VAC VDC Hz Hz kHz TAMBIENT = 40°C unless otherwise specified min VBUS = 1 100 VDC TINLET = 45°C, 50% glycol Flowrate = 12 L/min per cell TJ < 125°C Air extraction according to thermal data page 2 VBUS = 1 100 VDC TINLET = 45°C, 50% glycol Flowrate = 12 L/min per cell TJ < 125°C Air extraction according to thermal data page 2 620 620 typ 2 400 2 640 60 10 690 2 870 2 50 1 28 320 99 2 400 2 640 60 10 690 2 870 2 20 max Unit ARMS ARMS s 760 min VAC kW kHz Hz W % ARMS ARMS 760 100 -1 28 320 99 s min VAC kW kHz Hz W % Typical Applications DC Bus Wind generators (SG and DFIG) High power AC drives VBUS VBUS MAX τd5% CDC Footnotes LTE Rated DC voltage applied to the capacitor bank Max DC voltage applied to the caps bank (max 30% of LTE) Discharge time of the capacitors (VDC < 60 V) 1 100 1 200 6 27,0 100 Capacitor bank capacity Calculated LTE of the capacitors with forced air cooling VDC VDC min mF kh 1) Absolute maximum ratings are values not to be exceeded in any case and do not imply that the stack can operate in all these conditions taken together 2) fan consumption and losses in air included Stack Insulation Crd Cld Visol Minimum creepage distance Minimum clearance distance Chassis / Power stage AC/DC (insulation test voltage DC, 5 s) Visol12 dv/dt SKiiP driver only, output 1 / output 2 (AC, rms, 2 s) SKiiP driver only, secondary to primary side 8,7 7,1 -4 200 4 200 mm mm VDC 1 500 75 V kV/µs REMARKS This technical information specifies semiconductor devices but promises no characteristics. No warranty or guarantee, expressed or implied is made regarding delivery, performance or suitability. Before using the converter, please read carefully the SKiiPRACK® user manual. B6CI + B6CI © by SEMIKRON Rev. 0 - 03.06.2013 1 SKS C 240 GDD 69/11 – A6A MA B1C TAMBIENT=40°C unless otherwise specified Environmental conditions Characteristics Conditions Climatic Ambiant temperature 1) Humidity min typ max Unit IEC 60721-3, class 1K2 & 2K2 Storage & transportation -25 60 °C IEC 60721-3-3, class 3K3 extended In operation -20 55 °C 5 85 % 1 000 4 000 m IEC 60721-3-3, class 3K3 no condensation no icing Mechanical Installation altitude without derating Max. installation altitude Protection degree with derating IEC 60529 IEC 60721-3-2, storage & transportation, 1 cell IEC 60721-3-3, in operation, 1 cell EN 50178 Cell 4-Quadrant converter Vibrations & Shocks SKiiP stack Pollution degree Mass SKiiPRACK® - Type 6A 4-Quadrant 3-phase IGBT converter Thermal data ∆V/∆tWATER Water flow per cell Water flow per 4Q-converter ∆PWATER Ordering No. 08800600 Description SKS C 240 GDD 69/11 – A6A MA B1C Features Designed in regard to EN50178 recommendations Designed for a 1200 x 600 x 2000 mm cabinet Embedded SKiiP® Technology 3 SKiiP 2403GB172-4DW, Trench 3 1700V IGBT, CAL3 diode Integrated current and temperature sensors Water cooling Typical Applications Wind generators (SG and DFIG) High power AC drives Footnotes 1) the user shall ensure that the ambiant air is sufficiently ventilated to avoid hot spots. REMARKS This technical information specifies semiconductor devices but promises no characteristics. No warranty or guarantee, expressed or implied is made regarding delivery, performance or suitability. Before using the converter, please read carefully the SKiiPRACK® user manual. Water pressure Coolant type TINLET External cooling airflow VSUPPLY [fan] PFAN per fan LTE IP00 2M1 3M3 2 80 550 [fan] 8 48 12 72 24 144 m kg kg L/min L/min Pressure drop per cell with male and female connectors, 50% glycol, 12 L/min 150 mbar Pressure drop per 4Q converter with male and female connectors, 50% glycol, 72 L/min 150 mbar 3 50% Glycol / 50% water -20 45 60 1 18 24 28 3,6 65 bar °C Maximum water pressure permissible per cell Recommended coolant Cooling water inlet temperature Snubbers, required airflow direction bottom-top Capacitor DC fan operating voltage Fan power consumption at typical voltage supply Capacitor DC fan life time expectancy (L10 method) Gate Driver Characteristics Symbol Conditions Gate Driver / controler data VS2 supply voltage non stabilized IS2 VS2 = 13V - 30 V, FSW in kHz, IAC in A ViT+ input threshold voltage HIGH ViTinput threshold voltage LOW RIN Input resistance CIN Input capacitance Measurement & protection Analogue current signal HB_I HB_I (Ianalog OUT=10V) ITRIPSC over current trip level CMN_TMP Analogue temperature signal Th < 80°C CMN_TMP Analogue temperature signal Th > 80°C Ttrip Over temperature protection ms-1 VDC W kh TAMBIENT=25°C unless otherwise specified min typ max Unit 13 24 30 VDC 330 + 55×FSW + 0.00035×IAC2 12,3 4,6 10 1 245 2 450 250 2 500 mA VDC VDC kΩ nF 255 2 550 min 17 + 10,3×CMN_TMP 19 + 10,5×CMN_TMP typ 20 + 10,5×CMN_TMP max min 26 + 8,8×CMN_TMP 28 + 8,8×CMN_TMP typ 30 + 8,9×CMN_TMP max 110 115 120 A.V-1 APEAK °C °C °C °C °C °C °C B6CI + B6CI © by SEMIKRON Rev. 0 - 03.06.2013 2 SKS C 240 GDD 69/11 – A6A MA B1C Electrical connection Phase driver connectors DC BUS details DC+ DC- U1 W1 V1 L21 L31 L11 U2 W2 V2 L22 L32 DC BUS connection L12 Phase Driver connector assignment X1U••, X1V••, X1W••, X1L1••, X1L2••, X1L3•• Pin Signal 1 Shield 2 BOT IN (2) positive 15V CMOS logic; 10 kΩ impedance, don´t connect when using fiber optic 3 ERROR OUT (1) LOW = NO ERROR; open Collector Output; max. 30 V / 15 mA 4 TOP IN (2) Pin 14 Pin 13 Remark 5 Overtemp. OUT (1) 6 + 24 VDC IN 7 + 24 VDC IN don´t connect when using fiber optic, propagation delay 1 µs min. pulsewidth error-memory-reset 9 µs positive 15V CMOS logic; 10 kΩ impedance don´t connect when using fiber optic LOW = NO ERROR = ϑDCB < 115 + 5°C open collector Output; max. 30 V / 15 mA „low“ output voltage < 0,6 V „high“ output voltage max. 30 V 24 VDC supply 24 VDC supply supply voltage monitoring threshold 19,5 V Pin 2 Pin 1 HE10-14 male connector © by SEMIKRON 8 9 10 11 12 + 15 VDC OUT + 15 VDC OUT GND GND Temp. analog OUT 13 GND aux 14 I analog OUT max. 50 mA auxiliary power supply GND for power supply and GND for digital signals max output current 5mA reference for analog output signals SKiiP 3 with Al2O3 ceramic substrate current actual value 8,0 V ⇔ 100 % IC @ 25 °C overcurrent trip level 10 V ⇔ 125 % IC @ 25 °C current value > 0 ⇔ SKiiP system is source current value < 0 ⇔ SKiiP system is sink SKiiP 3 with AlN ceramic substrate: refer to corresponding datasheet 1) Open collector output, external pull up resistor necessary added signal to GND Rev. 0 - 03.06.2013 3 SKS C 240 GDD 69/11 – A6A MA B1C 1 2 3 4 LEFT SIDE VIEW Pin Designation 1 +24VDC 2 +24VDC 3 GND 4 GND DC FAN CONNECTION (6 times) Dimensions This technical information specifies semiconductor devices but promises no characteristics. No warranty or guarantee expressed or implied is made regarding delivery, performance or suitability. © by SEMIKRON Rev. 0 - 03.06.2013 4 SKS C 240 GDD 69/11 – A6A MA B1C View X FRONT VIEW REAR VIEW U, V, W are generator side converter phases L1, L2, L3 are grid side converter phases 2 SKiiPs in parallel cannot be on the same SKiiPRACK cell Dimensions This technical information specifies semiconductor devices but promises no characteristics. No warranty or guarantee expressed or implied is made regarding delivery, performance or suitability. © by SEMIKRON Rev. 0 - 03.06.2013 5 SKS C 240 GDD 69/11 – A6A MA B1C Details - View X Dimensions This technical information specifies semiconductor devices but promises no characteristics. No warranty or guarantee expressed or implied is made regarding delivery, performance or suitability. © by SEMIKRON Rev. 0 - 03.06.2013 6 SKS C 240 GDD 69/11 – A6A MA B1C 3000 0,014 Stack Rth 50% glycol (°C/W) 0,012 Stack Rth 10% glycol (°C/W) 2500 Output current (ARMS) Rth (°C/W) 0,01 0,008 0,006 2000 Cooling liquid 45°C Cooling liquid 60°C 1500 VBUS = 1 100 VDC VacIN/OUT = 690 VRMS FIN/OUT = 50 Hz fSW IN/OUT = 2 kHz cos ϕIN/OUT = 1 Flowrate = 12 L/min per cell Glycol/water ratio = 50% Altitude <1000 m 1000 0,004 500 0,002 0 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 30 35 35 3000 3000 2500 2500 2000 Cooling liquid 45°C, ambient 40°C Cooling liquid 60°C, ambient 55°C 1000 VBUS = 1 100 VDC VacIN/OUT = 690 VRMS FIN/OUT = 50 Hz fSW IN/OUT = 2 kHz cos ϕIN/OUT = 1 500 45 50 55 Permanent Output Current vs. Ambient Temperature Max current switched (A) Output current (ARMS) RthSINK-WATER(stack) vs. Liquid flow 1500 40 Ambient air temperature (°C) Flowrate per cell (L/min) Flowrate = 12 L/min per cell Glycol/water ratio = 50% Altitude <1000 m 2000 1500 1000 500 0 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 0 200 400 600 Altitude (m) 800 1000 1200 1400 DC bus voltage (V) Permanent Output Current vs. Altitude Safe Operating Area (per SKiiP) 2500 700 Pressure drop with 50% glycol Pressure drop without glycol (mbar) 2000 500 Output Current (ARMS) Pressure drop per SKiiPRACK cell (mbar) 600 400 300 1500 VBUS = 1 100 VDC VacIN/OUT = 690 VRMS fSW IN/OUT = 2 kHz cos ϕIN/OUT = 1 Water temperature = 45°C Flowrate = 12 L/min per cell Glycol/water ratio = 50% Air temperature = 40°C TJ = 125°C 1000 200 500 100 0 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 Pressure Drop vs. Flowrate (per cell) © by SEMIKRON 0 5 10 15 AC Fundamental Frequency (Hz) Flowrate (L/min) Output Current vs. Output Frequency Rev. 0 - 03.06.2013 7