TSA VEX Robotics Competitions: FAQs & Event Details

TSA VEX Robotics Competitions
Frequently Asked Questions
Which organizations manage the TSA VEX Robotics Competitions?
A. The Technology Student Association (TSA), VEX Robotics (VEX), and the Robotics
Education & Competition Foundation (REC Foundation) manage the TSA VEX Robotics
Are the TSA VEX Robotics Competitions (VRC and VEX IQ) official TSA events?
A. Absolutely! The TSA VEX Robotics Competitions are open to affiliated TSA chapter
members across the country. VEX Robotics is a sponsor of the TSA signature event, the
TSA VEX Robotics Championship, at the national TSA conference. The high school and
middle school events (VRC and VEX IQ, respectively) are available in TSA competitive
event format.
What is VEX?
A. VEX Robotics is a subsidiary of Innovation First International (IFI). Innovation First
International and its subsidiaries (VEX Robotics, Inc.; RackSolutions, Inc.; and Innovation
First Labs, Inc.) are the undisputed leader in designing and supplying control systems to the
largest educational robotics competitions worldwide. The VEX Robotics Design System is
the leading classroom robotics platform designed to nurture creative advancement in
robotics and knowledge of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM)
What is the role of the REC Foundation in TSA VEX Robotics Competitions?
A. The REC Foundation operates the www.RoboticsEducation.org and www.RobotEvents.com
websites to help support robotics and other STEM activities that aim to inspire and motivate
students. It also oversees and produces signature events, including the TSA VEX Robotics
Competitions and the VEX Robotics World Championship.
The REC Foundations seeks to increase student interest and involvement in STEM areas by
engaging students in hands-on sustainable and affordable curriculum-based robotics
engineering programs across the U.S. and internationally. The REC Foundation develops
partnerships with K-12 education, higher education, government, industry, and the non-profit
community to achieve this goal. The REC Foundation’s vision is to change the world by
inspiring young people in all communities to pursue degrees and careers in STEM fields
TSA VEX Frequently Asked Questions
© REC Foundation 2014
October 2014
through access to high-quality programs. Currently, the regional staff utilizes its online
resources, curriculum, and program offerings to support robotics and technology events and
initiatives that focus on inspiring and motivating students to excel in STEM education. In
addition to operating and supporting competitions for some of the world’s leading robotics
platforms and organizations, including VEX, TSA, and BEST Robotics, the foundation also
provides program support and workshops on technology and professional development for
educators. The REC Foundation is a U.S.-registered 501(c)(3) non-profit educational
What is the history of TSA VEX Robotics Competition?
A. VEX Robotics and TSA established their first TSA VEX Robotics Competition national event
in 2010 in Baltimore, MD, as a combined event for middle and high school teams. The event
has grown from about 50 teams in 2010 to almost 100 teams in National Harbor, MD, in
What is the future of TSA VEX Robotics Competition?
A. Going forward, the TSA VEX Robotics Competition will have two events, one for middle
school teams and one for high school teams. In 2015, high school teams will compete in
VRC and middle school teams will compete in the VEX IQ Challenge. Middle school VRC
teams may compete, if they wish, in the high school event. This is consistent with many
non-TSA VEX Robotics events.
Why is the TSA VEX Robotics Competition format different than the traditional VEX
Robotics Competition (VRC)?
A. TSA offers over 30 events in each of its two divisions (middle school and high school). A
traditional VRC competition with 100 teams at the national TSA conference typically requires
two full days of competition. This can make it difficult for TSA VEX teams to compete in
other TSA events. To provide balance for participants, the TSA VEX Robotics Competition is
modified to accommodate the number of teams and still provide competition in key areas:
Programming Skills, Robot Skills, and Head-to-Head Competition.
How do interested students register to compete in TSA VEX Robotics Competition
A. Annual fees/registration and event registration are required for TSA VEX Robotics
 Annual fees/registration for TSA students and TSA VEX Robotics teams:
o Each student on a TSA VEX team must be a member of an affiliated TSA
chapter. Go to www.tsaweb.org for chapter affiliation information.
o Each TSA VEX team must register each year with the REC Foundation using
www.RobotEvents.com in order to compete.
 National TSA Conference and the VEX event:
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October 2014
TSA students must be registered for the national TSA conference in order to
compete in TSA VEX Robotics Championship event.
TSA VEX teams must be registered for the national TSA conference VEX event
via www.RobotEvents.com.
How many teams can compete at each TSA VEX Robotics Competition?
A. The number of teams that can compete at a TSA VEX Robotics Competition depends on the
 Local TSA VEX Robotics Competitions – determined by the local event partner.
 State TSA VEX Robotics Competitions – determined by the local event partner; most
events allow up to two teams per chapter.
 National TSA VEX Robotics Competition – requires State Advisor approval; participants
are limited to two teams per chapter.
How does the TSA State Advisor determine which teams advance to the VEX event at the
national TSA conference?
A. TSA VEX Robotics teams must compete in official state TSA VEX Robotics Competitions in
order to qualify for the national TSA conference. If no TSA state conference is held in a
state, or if there is no TSA VEX Robotics Competition held at a state conference, then the
TSA state advisor may select teams from other official VEX Robotics Competitions in the
What is the TSA VRC format that will be used at the national TSA conference?
A. The TSA VEX Robotics Competition (VRC) format for the national TSA conference includes
the following:
 Programming Skills Challenge
 Robot Skills Challenge
 Head-to-Head Elimination Tournament
 Design Award – Notebook and Interview
 Excellence Award
TSA VEX qualifications for the Head-to-Head Elimination Tournament are determined by the
combined scores for the Programming Skills Challenge and the Robot Skills Challenge. The
event coordinator determines how many teams advance (as few as eight teams or up to all
entered teams). Head-to-Head Elimination Tournament alliances are one robot versus one
robot. The Head-to-Head Elimination Tournament may include single elimination and/or double
elimination brackets. The Design Award is a judged event for which students are interviewed
and present their engineering notebook. The Excellence Award is the highest award presented
in the VEX Robotics Competition. The recipient of this award is a team that exemplifies overall
excellence in building a well-rounded VEX robotics program, excels in many areas, and is a
shining example of dedication, devotion, hard work, and teamwork. As a strong contender in
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October 2014
numerous award categories, this team deserves to be recognized for building a quality robot
and being a "team" committed to quality in everything that it does.
What is the TSA VEX IQ format that will be used at the national TSA conference?
A. The TSA VEX IQ competition for the national TSA conference includes the following:
 Programming Skills Challenge
 Robot Skills Challenge
 Teamwork Challenge Finals (two-team cooperative alliances)
 Design Award – Notebook and Interview
 STEM Research Project Award
 Excellence Award
Qualifications for Teamwork Challenge semifinalists are determined by combined scores for the
Programming Skills Challenge and the Robot Skills Challenge. The event coordinator
determines how many teams advance (as few as eight teams or up to all entered teams).
Teamwork Challenge Finals include two-team cooperative alliances; two teams compete
together to score more points than other alliances. The Design Award is a judged event for
which students are interviewed and present their engineering notebook. The STEM Research
Project Award is a judged event for which students present their solution to the current year’s
theme. In 2015, the theme is Engineering. The Excellence Award is the highest award
presented in the VEX IQ competition. The recipient of this award is a team that exemplifies
overall excellence in building a well-rounded VEX robotics program. This team excels in many
areas and is a shining example of dedication, devotion, hard work, and teamwork. As a strong
contender in numerous award categories, this team deserves to be recognized for building a
quality robot and being a "team" committed to quality in everything it does.
Should local or state TSA events use the TSA VEX national TSA conference competition
A. Local and state events should prepare TSA VEX teams for national competition. Changing
the rules for TSA VEX Robotics Competitions is similar to changing the rules for Dragster or
Chapter Team at the regional and local level. TSA VEX robotics events should follow TSA
VEX Robotics Competition format to help teams be competitive at the national TSA
conference. Due to limited space, time, or resources, some local or state events may be
modified as needed; for example, states may elect to run only Skills Challenges. However,
the set should be the current year’s game, which in the 2014-2015 is Skyrise (VRC) and
Highrise (VEX IQ). The format and advancement criteria at modified state or local
competitions should be approved by the TSA state advisor.
What if my local and/or state events do not require VEX Robotics team registration?
A. If teams are not registered with www.RobotEvents.com, any scores accrued at an event are
deemed unofficial. Such results cannot be used to qualify for VEX Robotics Competitions,
the TSA VEX Robotics Championship event at the national TSA conference, or VEX
national or world competitions.
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October 2014
Why are the TSA VEX Competitions not included in the TSA competitive event guide?
A. TSA VEX Robotics Competitions are signature events and, therefore, are not included in the
competitive events guide. However, VEX competition guidelines are available in the TSA
competitive events format.
a. TSA VRC competitive event guidelines
b. TSA VEX IQ competitive event guidelines
Is the TSA VEX Robotics curriculum aligned with the Common Core State Standards
A. VEX Robotics offers curriculum aligned with Common Core State Standards. For more
information regarding robotics curriculum, click on this link: www.roboticseducation.org/forparticipants/educators/
Are there TSA VEX Robotics college scholarships?
A. There are over 100 VEX Robotics scholarships offered to students who compete on VEX
teams. For more information regarding scholarships, click on this link:
Are TSA VEX Robotics Competitions pre-qualifiers for VEX Robotics state, national, or
world competitions?
A. TSA VEX Robotics Competitions are classified as closed events, because only affiliated
TSA chapters and members may compete in them. Closed events are not qualifiers for VEX
Robotics Competitions at state, national, or VEX World Championship events. Skills
Challenge scores for TSA VEX events are posted to the VEX Global Rankings and may be
used to advance teams to VEX state, national, and world championship events - providing
the TSA VEX event takes place and results are finalized and posted before the applicable
event deadlines.
How do I register a TSA VEX Robotics team?
A. Go to www.RobotEvents.com.
How do I register for a TSA VEX or VEX Robotics Competition event?
A. All official VEX and TSA VEX Robotics Competitions are listed on www.RobotEvents.com.
Note: there are separate listings for VEX Robotics Competitions and TSA VEX Robotics
Competitions. Be sure to click on the appropriate box.
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October 2014
How do I register for the 2015 National TSA VEX Championship event?
A. To qualify to advance to the national TSA VEX event, a team must compete and qualify at
the state level. If a state does not have a TSA VEX state event, then the TSA state advisor
may select the top teams from other VEX Robotics Competition events. All teams selected
to compete at the national TSA conference must be registered with both TSA and VEX in
order to compete.
How do I register my chapter and students for TSA?
A. Go to www.tsaweb.org and click on Join TSA.
What other events are offered by TSA?
A. Go to www.tsaweb.org and click on “Competitions” on the main menu bar. Select either high
school or middle school competitions to see overviews of the competitive events.
How do I volunteer for to assist with TSA VEX Robotics Competitions?
A. Volunteering to assist at TSA VEX Robotics competition events is an excellent way to learn
more about robotics and meet people in your community. Community service certificates are
available for student volunteers. New and experienced volunteers are always welcome.
Most volunteer positions require 15–30 minutes of individual prep time via videos or
documentation for background information, and then a short 15-minute hands-on training
session at an event. The REC Foundation also offers monthly volunteer training calls.
To volunteer, please enroll online with our National Volunteer Management System:
To view volunteer training information:
How do I start designing and building a robot?
A. The VEX Robotics Design System is versatile, affordable, and accessible. It provides an
ideal platform for student robotics competitions at the high school and middle school levels.
VEX Robotics Competition (VRC) robot bundles start at $499.99. Find one that best suits
your team’s budget and needs, and start building! VEX IQ robot bundles start at $249.99
and will be used for middle school competitions beginning in 2014. Check out VEX IQ
Robotics kits, game objects, and fields!
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October 2014
What is included with the annual VEX Robotics registration fee?
A. The annual registration fee of $100 ($50 for additional teams from the same school)
provides a team with a welcome kit and the ability to register for any VEX Robotics
Competition event. The team welcome kit includes two competition elements, a team
nameplate, as well other items to help your team get started for the competition season.
Who should I contact if I have more questions regarding the TSA VEX Robotics
Competition events?
Hillary Lee, TSA
Martha Proulx, Robotics Education & Competition Foundation
TSA VEX Frequently Asked Questions
© REC Foundation 2014
October 2014