Discovery Streaming WHAT IS DISCOVERY STREAMING? HOW DOES IT WORK? DISCOVERY STREAMING IN EDUCATION TOP 50 Ways to Integrate Discovery Streaming is an online library of streamed video content. It offers video clips, lesson plans and assessment options. There are over 7700 streamed curriculum related titles. As an added bonus, Discovery Streaming also offers flexible web-based professional development. Discovery Streaming makes online streamed video available through a simple search mechanism that is aligned with curriculum expectations. Discovery Streaming gives educators access to video clips that can enliven presentations, reinforce key concepts, and provide context for curricular lessons. Students can use the videos and images available in multimedia presentations. Discovery Streaming also offers a variety of professional development “learner videos” that can be completed on your own time and at your own pace. _To_Integrate.pdf This article highlights 50 ideas for integrating Discovery Streaming into your curriculum. Start with these 50 ideas and develop your own ways to integrate streaming media into your classroom. THE DISCOVERY EDUCATOR NETWORK Discovery Education about_den The Discovery Educator Network (DEN) is a global community of educators passionate about teaching with digital media, sharing resources, collaborating, and networking. With over 25,000 members providing professional development to over 250,000 educators worldwide, the DEN connects teachers both on-line and in-person. Discovery Educators have exclusive access to a ` Discovery Streaming HOW DO I REQUEST ACCESS TO DISCOVERY STREAMING? wide range of resources, professional development activities, networking opportunities, exclusive Discovery Educator events and more! To request access to Discovery Streaming: 1. Login to the ABEL website at 2. Select Tools 3. Launch ABEL Tools. 4. Choose Resources/Information from the left hand menu. 5. Select Discovery Education Streaming 6. Select request passcode 7. An email will be sent to your address with your passcode and or further instructions The Advanced Broadband Enabled Learning Program (ABEL) strives to improve results through its virtual community for sharing knowledge and collaboration and its professional learning program. Through both public and private sector partnerships, and a research based approach, ABEL integrates new and existing information communication technologies (ICT) in teaching and learning. The combination of its networks, partnerships and a focus on research results in innovative models for teaching and learning that drive institutional change and create new opportunities.