Academic Program Review (7-year) for the scHool., oF EARTH AND SPACE EXPLORATTON Arizona State Univercitv Self-study report Prepared by the Study Committee Ronald Greeley, Chair Ariel Anbar Ramon Anowsmith Ed Garnero James Rhoads Kip Hodges, ex fficio November 2010 (SESE) TABLE OF CONENTS Acknowledgements : following for their aid in the preparation ofthis report: Steve Beguin, Nicole Cassis, Rebecca DiaI, Lillie Glenn, Stephanie Holaday, Rebecca Polley, Teresa Robinette, and The Study Committee thanks with gratitude the Scott Smas. 1.0 OvERvrEw The School ofEarth and Space Exploration (SESE) is one ofthe fastest growing academic units in one of the fastest growing universities in the United States. SESE was formed to facilitate exploration and discovery while bridging the cultural gap between engineers and scientists. At Arizona State University, "schools" are enterprises that establish diverse communities to focus on specific research and educational themes from a transdisciplinary perspective. Established in July of 2006 through amalgamation of the former Department of Geological Sciences and the astronomy, astrophysics, and cosmology faculty ofthe former Department of Physics and Astronomy - now the Department of Physics - SESE focuses on the earth and space sciences and on the engineering of strategies and instruments to enable state-of-tle-art research in those sciences. Typically, schools like SESE are larger than traditional departments and considerably more varied; SESE, for example, includes faculty as diverse as theoretical physicists, systems biologists and biogeochemists, and electrical engineers. We offer a broad spectrum of undergraduate degree programs: astrobiology and biogeosciences; astrophysics; earth and space exploration systems design; and geological sciences. We also collaborate with our colleagues in the Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College on a secondary education degree in earth and space sciences. Despite this breadth, SESE does not comprise a set of departments or faculties; we function as a unit, and take special pride in our enthusiasm for collaborations that transcend conventional disciplinary boundaries. A basic organizational chart for the school is shown in Appendix I. The SESE community as of academic year 2010-2011 consists of40.5 full-time equivalent, tenured or tenure-track faculty members joint appointments in other academic units), thee research faculty members, one instructor, ll9 research scientists or non-research staff members, 105 graduate students, and 193 undergraduates majoring in SESE degree programs. This community is presently spread through seven buildings on the ASU Tempe campus, but the 2012 occupancy ofa new building now under construction (lnterdisciplinary Science and Technologr 4, or simply ISTB4) will enable greater collaborations ofour community. ISTB4 also will help accommodate SESE's rapid rate of growth as both a research and an educational enterprise (Table l). While it is standard practice for academic units at state universities to undergo heptennial scrutiny as (several have formal mandated by a Board ofRegents, this review is somewhat unusual inasmuch as SESE did not exist seven years ago. Extemal rankings by which undergraduate and graduate programs are measured are impossible to apply in any simple way to SESE because the program is so new and because it is so diverse. For example, the data used for the recent NRC (2010) Data-Based Assessment of Research-Doctorate Programs in the United States uses an erroneous subset of the data available for the old Department of Geological Sciences, none ofthe data on astronomy and astrophysics are available for the old Department ofPhysics and Astronomy, and - since the data were taken for the 2005-2006 academic year - it captures the teaching and research efforts of none of the 15 new faculty members hired as full or joint appointments in the school since that academic year. A more plausible 2010 ranking ofour doctoral program in Geofogical Sciences by ll.s. News and world Report is l7'h, up dramatically from Jl"t in the previous ranking. However, that ranking does not reflect the teaching and research efforts of our faculty in astronomy, astrophysics, and cosmology. Thus, we regard this ..heptennial,, review of SESE as a baseline for future comparisons. We spend few words in this self-study document looking backwards. In this review, we emphasize the current ecosystem of SESE, the vision for what it can become, our strategy for converting that vision to reality, and a discussion ofthe challenges that stand between us and our goals. Tablc l. Key SESE metrics 8nd aspirations 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Change (2006- Aspirational 2007 2008 2009 2010 201l Dresent) values FTE 33.25 32.25 35.75 36.75 40.5^ courses 549 539 537 573 627 '1'1 98 127 159 193 Undergraduate majors MS students 36 26 27 22 l8 54 66 71 67 87 PhD students 12.85 16.59 15.89 18.24 20.85" Total research expendituresb Research expenditures per FTE faculty" 386 514 444 496 515 Tenur€d./tenure-track faculty undergraduate FTEs in SESE + 22o/o + l4o/o + l5lo/o 500/o + 5lo/o + 5lyo + 33yo - 70 1000 500 30 150 45 643 includes faculty who will start in January 2011; "in millions of dollars, calculated for Fiscal Years 2007 (July 2006-June 2007), 2008, 2009, 2010; 'projeaed FY201l expenditures based on conparison of the of September oin hundteds of thowands of 2010 yearlo-date increase over the Seplember 2009 year+o-date performance; dollars, calculated for fiscal years. 2.0 MrssroN AND STRATEGIC DIRECTIoNS The School of Earth and Space Exploration (SESE) at Arizona State University is a bold new experiment. While the conventional academic disciplines of astronomy, astrophysics, cosmology, earth science, planetary science, and systems engineering figure prominently in the research and educational programs of SESE faculty, the school is far more than a mechanical mixture of these disciplines. We aspire to a transdisciplinary approach in which we invent a common conceptual framework for problem solving by borrowing the best modes of inquiry from all these disciplines. Thus, SESE strives for a completely unique organizational structure: one that is based on teams of professional and student researchers confronting some ofthe grandest intellectual challenges ofour era. They include: . . Understanding the origin, evolution, and future prospects of the Univene Understanding the origin of life, the nature and history ofbiological evolution, and the distribution of life in the Universe . Understanding the formation and evolution of galaxies, stars, the chemical elements, and planetary systems . Understanding the physical, chemical, and biological process interactions that define the evolution of Earth and potentially similar planets . . Understanding the co-evolution of Earth and human societies Designing and implementing strategies for the human and robotic exploration of Earth and space Exploration is the common thread that links all our activities. We are all explorers, but not just in the traditional sense ofthe word. We explore space from the subatomic scale to distances measured in light years. We explore time ranging from femtoseconds to billions ofyears. Through theory, we explore how these dimensions collapse into the manifold of spacetime. But most importantly of all, we explore another dirnension - possibility. The conventional disciplines of the earth and space sciences are predominately historical, but we aim to elevate both to predictive sciences so as to address questions such as: . . What is the ultimate fate of the Universe? How did the solar system form and evolve? . In what ways may life continue to evolve? . Are there altemative forms of life, as yet undetected? . How should we conduct planetary exploration? . How do we ensure ecological protection as we visit other worlds and potentially encounter life forms? . . . . What will be the regional and local irnpacts of climate change on human societies? How quickly will ecosystems respond - for better or worse - to changes in societal behavior? Can we deal more effectively with natural hazards through better Earth monitoring? Can we prolong the survival of our species through the colonization of other planets? Our intent to make the transition from historical to predictive earth, and space science grows from the realization that humanity has reached an important threshold in its intellectual evolution. We now have a basic conceptual understanding of complexity. We now have sufficiently powerful computing capability that we can simulate the dynamics of complex dynamical systems and thus can explore the possibility of their future evolution. We have the capacity to build and deploy massive spacebome and embedded sensor networks, as well as the theory to extract from the resulting data streams the information necessary to tune and validate our models of the future. By embracing these enabling technologies and by making their development an essential part ofthe SESE enterprise, we can explore space not just what was and what is, but also what ryril be. SESE Mission ' ' The School of Earth and Space Exploration is committed to the search for and the promotion of an understanding ofthe origins and evolution of the Universe, especially the planet we call home. Melding the creative strengths of both science and engineering, the research and educational actiyities of the school set the stage for a new era of exploration - of Earth, of space, and of the future. SESE Design Aspirations . Invent the future ofearth and space science research and education . Create an environment ofcollaboration across scientific and engineering disciplines . Build the world's preeminent worvorce for space exploration and the science of planetary stewardship . 2.1 Contribute to the development of a scientifically savvy citizenry Major r€search strengths Although the SESE research community is moderately large and growing rapidly, our scientific and engineering scope is very broad. Rather than try to maintain comprehensive research programs in all aspects of earth and space science and engineering, we are building a highly integrative research program with process-oriented foci consistent with our mission and design aspirations as well as those of the University. In a traditional sense, SESE researih falls into the broad categories: Astrophysics, Cosmologr, Earth System Sciences, Planetary Sciences, Science Education, and Systems Engineering. In Astrophysics and Cosmologl, areas of emphasis include: computational astrophysics, physics ofthe early universe and the formation of large-scale struOture, and the formation and evolution of galaxies, stars, and planetary systems. In Earth System Sciences, we have very active research progams in biogeoscience; continental tectonics and structural geolos/; geochemistry and environmental geochemistry; geophysics (including geodynamics and seismologl); petrolos/, mineralogl, mineral physics, and mineral resources; surface processes (including geomorphology and hydrology); and volcanologr and volcanic hazards. Planetary science themes include astrobiology; planetary geochemistry, mineralogy, and petrology; planetary dynamics; and planetary surface processes. SESE has an unusually strong program in earth science education research, which complements our efforts in K-12 education and informal education of the general public. The newest research themes especially the development in SESE are related to exploration systems engheering, of astronomical instruments, rnultispectral cameras and detectors, novel micro-electromechanical systems, and robotic devices. We play a principal role in the science operations of spacecraft orbiting Mars (Odyssey and Mars Express), Earth (Earth Obseming 1) and the Moon (Lunal Reconnaissance Orbiter), as well as the panchromatic cameras and thermal infrared sensor packages on NASA's Mars Exploration Rovers. We are eagerly anticipating the imminent insertion of the MESSENGER spacecraft into orbit around Mercury, and Co-Investigator Mark Robinson's major role in _ the analysis of data from the Mercury Dual Imaging System (MDIS). Our astronomical research makes heavy use of the Chandra X-Ray, SI{IFT, and Hubble Space Telescope, including acquisition of one the most famous Hubble images of ofall time, the "Pillan of Creation" astrophotograph ofthe Eagle Nebula - by emeritus faculty member Jeff Hester and current research faculty member Paul Scowen. Looking to the future, Ron Greeley and Rogier Windhorst have played central roles in the planning process for the Europa Jupiter System Mission and James l{ebb Space Telescope, respectively. Our research has a higlt impact. For example, since SESE's establishment in 2006, our faculty, research staq and students have authored 31 papers in Science,13 in Nature, and hundreds ofpapers in specialty joumals. Within individual disciplines represented in SESE, current research foci are in tune with those found to be ofhighest priority in all recent National Academy of Sciences, NASA and NSF surveys, and our hiring strategies are designed to enhance our capacity to contribute to recognized priorities. Central to SESE'S success is a growing emphasis on transdisciplinary collaboration in our research. One major focus is on the interplay ofbiological and chemical processes on Earth and on other worlds. Through our "Follow the Elements" resefich node ofthe NASA Astrobiology Institute, our astrophysics and geochemistry faculty trace the stellar origins and evolution of bioessential chemical elements in collaboration with colleagues from ASU's School of Life Sciences. The on-going search for a better understanding of the structure and dynamics of planetary systems and planets drive collaborations between SESE astrophysicists, cosmochemists, geochemists, geologists, geophysicists, planetary scientists, and systems engineers. A comprehensive prograrn to characterized and develop mitigation strategies for natural hazards research in Indonesia is bringing together SESE expertise in neotectonics, seismology, physical volcanolory, and the development of sensors and sensor networks. In cosmolog;r, SESE faculty work with particle physicists fiom the Department of Physics to elucidate the physics of the early universe. Unique collaborations among SESE field geologists, planetary scientists, and roboticists are helping to defme best practices for coordinated human and robotic exploration ofthe Moon, Mars, and near-earth asteroids. - 2.2 SESE teaching and senice SESE faculty and instructors pride themselves in their commitment to undergraduate teaching and graduate mentoring. All of our tenured and tenure-track faculty (including the Director) carry full teaching loads and many research faculty teach on a volunteer basis. Several have won prestigious teaching awards at ASU or at their previous home institutions, while six are Regents' Professors or hold named professorships. While SESE faculty are active in school and university service, of special note is their service on a number of scientific panels of national and intemational importance. An abbreviated list of recent activities includes: ' Chairs of the Physics Division of AAAS and the Planetary Science Subcommittee of the Science Committee of the NASA Advisory Council ' Board membership for the Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology (IRIS), the Federation of American Scientists. and the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists ' Membership on the Space Studies Board and four NRC committees (Astrobiologr Strategy for the Exploration of Mars, Challenges and Opportunities in Earth Surface Processes, Origin and Evolution of Life, and Seismology and Geodynamics) ' ' ' . Editorc ofnumerous joumals; chair of publications board for professional societies, such as AAS Chairs ofthe Geobiologr and Planetary Geology Division of the Geologicat Society of America. Membership on the Science Committee of the NASA Advisory Council or its Astrophysics or Planetary Science subcommittees; chairs ofseveral Planetary Assessment groups Executive or steering committee membership (or chairmanship) for NSF,s MARGINS program; the National Center for Airbome Laser Mapping; and the Consortium for Materials Properties Research in the Earth Sciences (COMPRES) ' Membership or chairs on the National Earthquake Prediction Evaluation Council; NASA's Science and rechnology committee ofthe Human Space Flight Review Team and many other NASA and NRC review groups; the U.S. National Committee for the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS); the IUGS Committee on Tectonics; and science and education planning committees for NSF's Earthscope program 2.3 Strategic research initiatives SESE is still at an early stage in what must be a sustained period ofrapid growth ifthe founding vision of the school is to be realized firlly (Table 1). We have set aggressive educational goals of at least 500 undergraduate majors (up from 193 currently), at least 180 graduate students (up fiom 105), and a neardoubling of our overall student credit hours over the next five years. In addition, the Senior Administration has challenged us to increase our annual volume of sponsored research (as measured by expenditures) to nearly thee times its current level. These goals must be supported by appropriate faculty growth. As noted later in this reporl we regard the steady-state number of tenured./tenure-track faculty needed as -70 FTE, which implies hiring -30 new faculty members beyond the projected number in 2011. Such a growth in faculty size permits SESE to explore exciting new opporhrnities to expand its intellectual base as well as maintain and nurture many ofour current research agendas. Through a senes of faculty retreats since 2006, SESE faculty committed to focusing the growth ofthe school over the next four years through five initiatives. I. The origin, evolution, and fate oJ lhe universe. In 2008, President Crow authorized a new research initiative in cosmology, led by professors Davies, Krauss, and Windhorst. Although this initiative will be centered in SESE, the Department of Physics, which itself hopes to grow in particle astrophysics, is a partner in the enterprise. This initiative embraces inherently transdisciplinary scientific questions. How did the Universe begin? What, if anything happened before the "Big Bang?" What is the Universe made ofl What is the ultimate fate of the cosmos? We live in an age when cosmological theory and both observational and experimental technologies are sufficiently advanced to finally offer a hope of answering such questions. Key research themes for this initiative include: . The nature and origin ofthe fundamental forces of nature . Dark energy and dark matter . The origin and co-evolution ofgalaxies and supermassive . Formation and distribution ofthe elements black holes II. The emergence and function of planetary bodies Through this initiative, we aim to better understand the form and function of planets and moons, with a special emphasis on habitable planetary bodies: those that either harbor or could harbor life. Of all the planets, we know our home world best, well enough to know that planets are complex dynamical systems. As such, their evolution is driven by the interactions - physical, chemical, and (at least on Earth) biological processes. A comprehensive understanding of these interactions is a profound scientific challenge and requires precisely the sort oftransdisciplinary research that lies at the heart ofthe SESE vision. Much of what is usually called planetary science - including earth science - emphasizes the physics and chemistry of the solid components of planets. However, research over the past decade compels a more holistic view of planets that recognizes a dynamical link between interior processes and surface processes - including the fluid envelopes of planets. This link represents one of the most rapidly developing research themes in modem earth and planetary sciences. By pursuing this theme and focusing on Earth and Earthlike planetary bodies within and outside of the Solar system we forge stronger ties among our cunent research efforts in earth science and astrophysics, and we set the stage for Initiatives III and IV, which emphasize human societies and life more generally. Key research themes in Initiative II among a wide variety of include: . . . . The physics and chemistry of planetary building blocks Relationships between the interior and surface dynamics of planets The emergence of plate tectonics The comparative evolution ofplanetary atrnospheres and oceans The origln, evolution, and distrihutton of tife. Ot all the processes that define the evolution of planetary systems, the most extraordinary is life itself. How did life begin? How does evolution work? ls life unique to our home planet? If it is, what are the prospects - and hazards - for life as it spreads beyond Earth in the coming era of space exploration? Such fundamental questions attract tremendous scientific interest but, as yet, have only seen rudimentary answels. Building on an understanding ofthe context for life through initiatives I and II, we will establish one of the world's greatest academic centers for IIL fundamental studies ofthe origin, evolution, and distribution of life. - An initiative of this kind naturally unites many units within ASU - including the Biodesign Institute, the School of Life Sciences, the Beyond Center, the Center for Bioenergr and Photosynthesis, the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, and the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering - but SESE provides a unique intellectual environment for transdisciplinary research on life. Genomic and metabolic research like that of new faculty member Jason Raymond plays a crucial role in such studies, but life is too complex to be understood through biological research alone. Chemistry plays a central role because life is largely a chemical process; the molecular building blocks of living things can be produced by nonbiological chemical reactions. Ashophysics plays a central role by revealing the origin of life's prebiotic chemistry and by allowing us to constrain the plausible dishibution of that chemistry throughout the Universe. Geologi plays a central role because the geologic record provides our best monitor of the process of evolution over sufficiently long timescales to understand the origin of species, and to understand the broad process of biological recovery after planetary-scale environmental apocalypse. Engineering plays a central role by enabling human and robotic exploration of space in search of past or present indicators of extraterrestrial life, opening the door to the possibility of a new science: the comparative evolutionary biology of other life-harboring planetary bodies. Integating across these disciplines, we foresee four key research themes in Initiative III: . The emergence of life . . . IV The mode and tempo of biological evolution The environmental limits to life Life beyond Earth The co-evolnion of Eanh's surlace envbonmenl and society. Although the origin of life may be one of the greatest questions in science, the grandest challenge facing society today is one of stewardship of Earth's surface environment - our life support system - in the face of climate, land use, and population change. Investment in climate science in recent decades has paid off tremendously: we know that global climate is changing, we have identified the root causes, and we have developed some predictive capability about the magnitude ofchanges to come. We now know that climate change is either driving or enhancing the severity of devastating weather worldwide. Population growth - and the pattem of that population gowth - is increasing our exposure to all forms of natural catastrophe. For example, population groxth has been so great in regions of high seismic hazard that more than 3lyo of the -1.3 rnillion known fatalities due to earthquakes since 1900 have occurred since 2004. ln addition to the increasing human and economic costs of natural hazards, global plans for a reinvestment in nuclear power place an even greater premium on natural and environmental hazards assessment. Initiative IV will seek to establish a firm scientific basis for global and regional stewardship through studies aimed at understanding the function of Earth's surface environment and predicting Earth's response to human activity. We will pursue three key research themes: . . . Feedback relationships among human societies and the natural environment Earth system response to rapid change Engineering strategies for carbon and nuclear waste sequestration Lifelong science and engineering educalion While substantively different from our other initiatives, this one speaks to a pressing need for greater science and engineering literacy in America. Ifour nation is to be strong technologically and economically in the global aren4 we must place greater emphasis on V. such issues. Many universities across America are energizing to meet this challenge, particularly at the K12 levels, but relatively few are concentrating on the integration of cutting-edge science and engineering with non-university science and engineering education. Typically, world-class centers for academic research in science and engineering are not involved in curriculum developmen! teacher research educatiorL and - especially - informal public education. SESE aims to establish a different model, one in which a center for lifelong leaming is embedded in a world-class research enterprise. Three themes will be emphasized: . . . Informal science and engineering education Transformational graduate and undergraduate education K-12 educational research 3.0 PEER AND ASPIRATIoNAL PEER TNSTITUTIoNS The following are identified as SESE peer institutions: University of Califomia-Los Angeles, University of Texas, University of Washinglon, University of Hawai'i, and Yale University. SESE aspirational peer institutions are University of Califomia-Berkeley, the Califomia Institute of Technology, Harvard University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Pennsylvania State University. We selected these institutions based on comparisons of academic sfenglhs and program size, supplemented by comparison with ASU's list of institutional peers and with the peer institution lists from prior Academic Program Reviews ofthe ASU Department ofGeological Sciences. 3,1 Scope of comparison SESE spans disciplines that are usually contained in two or more different academic units at our peer and aspirational peer institutions. Consequently, statistics are compiled from other institutions for units encompassing astronomy, astrophysics, cosmology, geology, geophysics, and planetary sciences, as ln some peer universities, SESE disciplines form a subset of another academic unit's purview. For example, astronomy and astrophysics are often within a departnent of physics. In these cases, we determined the fraction ofthe faculty members in that unit whose research would be conducted within SESE, if that faculty were at ASU. We then use this fraction to prorate that unit's extemal funding and support staff for comparison with SESE. For other metrics (e.g. students) it is possible to count by suffiiscipline and avoid the need to prorate the numbers. The fields we surveyed in our comparable institutions include the primary discipline for more than 80% of SESE faculty. Presently, is not practical or sensible to compare SESE's small cadre of engineering faculty to the engineering schools in our peer institutions, which typically include dozens offaculty. SESE was compared only to academic units at the peer institutions and not affiliated research units that are not part of their formal degree-granting programs, such as the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (which shares facilities with the astonomy departrnent at Harvard University) and the shown in Table 2. McDonald Observatory (managed by the University ofTexas, Austin). Dara gathefing, We used the recent National Research Council (2010) rcport Data-Based Assessment of Research-Doctorate Programs in the Llnited States for most information on graduate students and faculty sizes in Tsble 2. Other information, such as staff, undergraduates, and extemal funding, was drawn from department and university web sites, and personal contacts institutions. with colleagues and staff at our peer To compare faculty sizes (column 4 of Table 2), we have followed the NRC (2010) report of "Allocated Faculty" for each discipline, counting only partially those faculty members with joint appointnents in other units. For SESE, we use AY20l0-2011 FTE numbers in a rapidly growing progam. 3.2 Anatysis Table 2 shows SESE as a dynamic, growing unit, but one that remains smaller than its counterpart units at most ofour peer institutions. The SESE faculty is among the three smallest in the set of 1l universities. Nonetheless, SESE's undergraduate enrollment is above median for these universities, while graduate student enrollment is about median. Additionally, SESE's extramural research funding, when considered per faculty member, is above the median for our peer institutions. Thus, the SESE faculty as a whole is performing at or above par for our institutional peers, both in terms ofresearch funding and teaching. While the recent NRC (2010) report did rank progams in several broad areas, the application ofthose rankings in evaluating SESE is not straightforward. For example, the NRC report did not rank ASU or astrophysics. In Earth h ASU is ranked, but apparently the NRC did not have complete information on ASU's progmms. For example, they report the number of ASU earth sciences PhDs employed in academic careers as zero, which is incorrect (see Section 5.0). Moreover, the NRC report is based on data tlat precede the inception of SESE. astronomy Sciences, Table 2, Comparisons of SESE peer and aspir|tionrl peer institutions (Fall 2009) using combined statistics from astrophysics and geosciences (some data could not be obteined), Institution Undergrads Graduates Tenure faculty track FTE Staff Majors FTEI per faculty Extemal tunding (M$) FTE 35 ASU t93 r05 40.5 UCLA 140 U Texas U Washington U Hawaii Yale 350 5l 7l 2t7 63 155 110 76 65 9+geo 78 56 34 Harvard Berkeley Penn State Caltech UC 80 134 185 3l MIT <) Median 134 110 100 102 ll0 86 100 26.2 46 4.8 57 4.9 t2.2 30 83 rc.242 36 6.f,) 0.8 36 2.53 5l 1.6 39 59 48 3.4 J.l 0.65 46 5l Administrative and technical support stafr, FY20l0 qcDenditures. Astronomy only 4.0 UxupncnaouATE EDUCATToN 4.1 Undergraduate program overview The SESE undergraduate program trains students in the suite of SESE degree majors and minors and provides the university community with an introduction to earth, environmen! and space sciences. The SESE undergraduate BS degree in Earth and Space Exploration includes the option for four different concentrations (Table 3). This is a rigorous science degree with typical levels of calculus and physics offered in science major degrees at leading research universities. SESE also offers a BA in Earth and Environmental Studies, which has less math and physics requirements and is well-suited for students seeking science training on environmental issues with an earth science emphasis. In addition to degee tlan 4,000 non-SESE major undergraduates take lOOlevel geologr and each year to fulfill science requirements at ASU. programs, more courses astronomy SESE has undergraduate minors in Astronomy, Astrophysics, and Geological Sciences. SESE is also affrliated with the BAE in Earth and Space Education and the BSE in Aerospace Engineering. Additional information about SESE undergraduate degrees is available at and in Appendix II. Table 3. Undergradurte degrees in the School Degrees BS Earth and Space Exploration and Sprce Exploration Minors Astronomy Ashophysics Geological Sciences Astrophysics concenFation Astrobiolory and Biogeosciences concentraflon Exploration Systems Design concenhation Geological Sciences concentration BA Earth and Environrnental Studies ofErrth Afiliated Degrees BAE in Secondary Earth and Space Science Education BSE in Aerospace Engineering SESE no longer awards a BS in Geological Sciences (formerly offered by our Department of Geological Sciences). However some Geological Science majors are still in our program and are completing their degree under that classification. Students with interest in geological sciences now seek a BS in Earth and Space Exploration witlr the Geological Sciences concentration. The following subsections describe each undergraduate degree program, followed by the general University requirements, the College requirements, ald the requfuements for the major. 4.1.1 BS in Errth and Space Exploration. This degree offers students an integrated education across Earth sciences, planetary sciences, astrophysics and engineering. The degree incorporates strong quantitative preparation, a leaming community that includes both science and engineering students, and a year-long collaborative capstone senior exploration project. Last year, for example, the senior project was a groundbreaking inter-university collaboration, serving as the capstone for our Earth and Space Exploration degree as well as the Aerospace BSE degree offered by the Department of Aerospace Engineering at the University of Maryland. Students fiom both universities worked together on the prototyping of mobile robotics and scientific instrumentation for human-robotic geological exploration of and winning two major NASA design competitions along with way! Overall,'the progam prepares students for key roles in research and industry, environmental and geologic engineering earth the Moon - resources and exploration, and water and environmental policy. The BS in Earth and Space Exploration is available through four concentrations as follow: Asrrobiotogt and Biogeosciences concenfiatioz. This concentration offers a strong foundation for exploring the interaction of geological and biological processes, how such interactions sustain life on Earth, and how they might operate on other planets. This background is needed in the search for life on other planets and the exploration of extreme environments on Earth. It also provides training in the i0 SESE BS Gquired couFes SES 100 Introduction to Exploration (3), SES 101, 103 Earth, Solar System, and Universe | (Lecture & Laboratory) (3,1), SES l02, 104 Earth, Solar System, and Universe ll (Lecture & Laboratory) (3,1), SES 210 Engineering Systems (3), SES 310 Concepls of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Design (3), GLG 400 Geology Colloquium (1) h addifion, three of the toltowing branch courses must be f,,ken (9 unib) AST 321 lntro to Planetary and Stellar Astronomy (3), AST 322 Intro to Galactic and Extragalactic Astronomy (3) SES 311 Essentials of Astrobiology (3), SES 330 Praclical Engineering and Inst. Assembly (3), SES 405 Systems Eng. for Space Missions (3) GLG 310 Structural Geology (3), GLG 321 Minerslogy (3), cLG 418 ceophysics (3), GLG 424 Petrology (3), GLG 470 Hydrogeology (3) OR CEE 440 Engineering Hydrology (3), cLG 481 ceochemistry (3), GLG 490 Topics in Geology: Remote Sensing (3) UWer ctivision ate.tivss and 6 units ot capstone (12 uni's/ 2 Upper Division SES/AST/GLG/ Electives (6) SES 410 Senior Exploration Project | (3), SES 411 Senior Exploration Project ll (3) Requird courses in other rdatgd fietds include the followtng (A unib) CHM 'l14 General Chemistry for Engineers (4) MAT 265, 266, 267 Calculus for Engineers l, ll, lll (3, 3, 3), MAT 275 Modern Difierential Equations (3) PHY 121, 122 University Physics l: Mechanics (Lecture and Laboratory) (3, l) PHY 131, 133 University Physics ll: Electricity and Magnetism (Leclure and Laboratory) (3, 1) College and UniveEity required courBes Academic Success Class or First Year Seminar, 2 General Eleclives,4 Upper Division General El€c1jves,2 in Literacy and Critical Inquiry, 2 in CLAS Science and Society; Upper Division Humanities, Fine Arts & Design or Social Behavioral Sci; Historical Awareness, ENG 101 or 102: First-Year Composition or ENG 105: Advanced First-Year Composition or ENG 107 or 108; 2 fiom Humanities, Fine Arts & Design and Cultural Diversity in the US, Global Awareness, or English for Foreign Students; Humanities, Fine Arls & Design and Historical Awareness, if needed; 2 in Social& Behavioral Science and Cultural Diversity, Global Awareness, or Historical Awareness. interplay offorces that impact global change and requires a strong foundation in math, chemistry, physics, geology and biology, which permits specialization through advanced courses in geosciences, astrophysics and life sciences. Earth and Space Exploration undergraduates who major in the Astrobiologt and Biogeosciences concentration bring novel perspectives to the capstone exploration projects and complement the geological, astrophysics and engineering skills of other participating students. Astrobiology - Biosciencos concentration In addition to the SESE BS requirements, the foltolving must be completed: GLG 101-104 or AST 111-114 may be substituted for SES 101-104 with advisor approval, SES Astrobiology (3), GLG 321 Mineralogy (3), cLG 481 ceochemistry (3) 3'l'l Esseniiats of ln add6on, satden'js t',ke two upper clivision electives from AST/GLGISES and 6 units of caAstore SES 110/111 (3/3), Select trcm of fie fo owing or substitute with advisor approvat (12) SES 310 Concepts Elec. & Mech. Engin. Des. GLG 404 Fund. Of Ptanetary Sci GLG 430 Paleontology (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) GLG 490 Topics in GLG: Remote Sensing (3) cLG 490 Fietd Geo€hemistry (3) GLG 490/581 tsotope ceochemistry (3) AST 321 Intro ptanet. & Stelar Astro. (3) BtO 320 Fundamentats of Ecotogy (3) BtO g4O Generat Genetics (3) GLG 485 Meteorites & Cosmochemistry BtO 34b Organic Evotution (3) Regulrad courses in other rdatad fietcts include the fottowing (33 uni&,) BIO 181,182 General Biology l,ll (4,4), CHM 1't3,.t 16 cenerat Chemistry t,tt (4) GLG 435 Sedimentology GLG 460 Astrobiology GLG 461 Geomicrobiology (3) ll Astrophysics concenfiation. This concentration offers students a fundamental grounding in astronorny and astrophysics, with exposure to the related fields of geology, planetary science and engineering. Students emerge from this program with the skills to pursue a career in astrophysics, physics or related fields. The rigorous class load includes a combination of physics courses taught in SESE and the of Physics. Students from the program have the ability to compete at the national level on standardized physics exams. The tools of astronomical discovery are increasingly dependent on technology and students are required to learn basic engineering principles. Through the capstone project in the senior year, students gain valuable experience in translating science drivers into engineering specifics. Students acquire a strong background in the techniques of galactic and stellar astronomy, Departrnent extragalactic astronomy and cosmolog)r, and planetary sciences. Students emerge from the progmm with the scientific ability to solve complicated, real-world problems through experimental, observational, theoretical and computational techniques. Students graduating with a SESE BS in Astrophysics concentration have the background necessary to pursue scientific careers in industry, national laboratories, or an advanced research degree. They will also have an awareness of real-world engineering issues pertaining to Earth and space exploration. A3trophysica concentration ln addition to the SESE BS requiremenls, the follotring must be completed: AST 322 Intro to Galactic and Extragalactic Astrophysics (3) AST 421, 422 Astrophysics l,ll (3,3) Sfardgttts must arso choose one of tho totlowing options for 8 addMonal credit hours #t: SES 1Ol,l02 Earth / Solar System / Universe | (Lecture and Labotatory) (3,1), SES 103,104 Earlh / Solar Opton System / Universe ll (Lec{ure and Laboratory) (3,1) Option 42: ASf 11 1 Intro Solar System Astronomy (3), AST Astronomy Laboratory l,ll (1,1) 1 12 Intro Stars Galaxies & Cosmology (3), AST 1 13,'114 Oplion ,r3: At least 8 credit hrs of SES or AST upper division eleclives; these may include (but not limited to): AST 494 Astrophysics Seminar (1), SES 311 Essenlials of Astrobiology (3), AST/SES 498/598 Astronomical Instrumentation and Data Analysis (3) concenfiation" This concentration offers students a fundamental grounding in geologr, physics and astrophysics, while enabling them to design and build hardware and software to achieve specified earth and space exploration goals. The heart of the program is a grounding in the fundamentals of physics, mathematics and chemistry. Students leam hardware design, instrument Erylorotion Systerns Design assembly and ultimately how to knit these components together when addressing the requirements needed for specific projects. Students leam about how pmjects and missions are designed and planned, starting with the scientific drivers and defining engineering specifications. There are opportunities for individual specialization with additional electives in programming, practical electronics, robotics, numerical analysis methods, the astronomical sciences and scientific data reduction. Each student completes a senior project that takes a desired scientific measurement and realizes the technological solution to achieve the observation. Emphasis is placed on identifring challenging issues in project planning and solving the problem with the best and most cost effective approach. The students emerge from this prognm ready to tackle real-world technical problerns and to become the next generation of terrestrial and space-based exolorers. 12 nfl:::::,liil;*'"" In addirion ro the sEse es requirernEJtl];H SES 330 Prac{ical Elec{ronic and lnstrument Assembly (4), SES 405 Exploration Systems Engineering (3) tn addi$on,3 elective cou'ses must be .',ken (9 unifs). Suggested courses include SES 311 Essentials of Astrobiology (3), SES 394 Numerical Melhods (3), SES 490 Robotics for ESE (3), SES/AST 490/598 Ast. Inst. and Data Analysis (3), AST 321 Intro to Planetary and Stellar Astronomy (3), AST 322 Intro to Galactic and Extragalaclic Astronomy (3), GLG 321 Mineralogy (3), GLG404 Fundamentals of Planetary Geology (3), GLG 424 Petrology (3), CEE 440 Engineering Hydrology (3). ln addition, there are 6 unifs of capstons SES 410, 411 Senior Exploration Project | & ll (3,3) Geological Sciences concenfiation. Geological Sciences is the study of Earth and other planets with emphasis on the processes that have shaped them since the origin of the solar system, including the evolution of life, oceans, atrnosphere and climate systems, as recorded in rocks, soil, ice and isotopes. This concentration educates students in the fundamentals of the geological sciences, providing a background in chemistry, mathematics and physics, as well as interdisciplinary training in engineering, astronomy and planetary science. Sub-topics include biogeochemical cycles, earthquakes, exploration of tlte oceal and the ocean floor, paleontology, groundwater and the fate of environmental pollutants, mountain building, petroleum and ore deposits, planetary geology, and volcanoes. Students leam field methods, modem computing, remote 5sNing and instrumentation in order to study the natural environment and Earth's resources. Graduates can apply their knowledge for the benefit of Arizona, the nation, and society in general. Geological Sclences concentration In addition to the SESE BS requirements, the follo ring must be completed: GLG 3'10 Structural Geology (3), GLG 32'l Mineralogy (3), cLG 400 Geol. Colloquium (1), GLG 451 Field Geology I L . (3) Two ol the ,ollowing branch courses must be fsken (6 uni6) SES 310 Concepts of Elec. and Mech. Engin. Design (3), cLc 4lS.ceophysics (3), cLG 424 Petrotogy (3), GLG 435 Sedimentology (3), GLG 430 Paleontology (3), GLG 470 Hydrogeology (3), OR CEE 440 Engineering Hydrology (3), GLG 481 Gaochemistry (3) Two UWer ctivision GLG electives ancl 6 units of capstone must be tak6n (12 uni6) 2 GLG Electives (3) (300 or rtoo level and cannot include GLG 300 or 304), SES 410 (3), SES 411 (3) OR GLG 4S2 Field Geology ll L (3) 4.1.2 B'A. in Earth and Environmental Studies. This degree provides a foundational understanding of the evolution of the earth system with an emphasis on a planetary context for sustainable human societies. It includes broad training in the physical sciences, especially process-oriented geosciences that focus on Earth's life-sustaining surface environment. Advanced courses focus on topics including Earth's water, energy and material resources, climate change, the impacts of land-use change on human civilization, and the physical, chemical and biological process interactions that define Earth's evolution. The degree is designed as a liberal arts program with an emphasis on basic scientific literacy, not as a preparatory degree for graduate study in natural science. However, successful graduates will be prepared well for "green" professional careers in fields such as education, environmental reporting, public planning, environmental consulting and natural resource management. In addition, graduates can continue with graduate studies in education, joumalism, law, public policy and environmental management. l3 SESE BA Itaior rsquir€d couEa3 GLG 101,103 Introduction to Physical Geology | (Leclure and Laboratory) (3,1), GLG 305 Dynamic Earth (3), GLG 325 Oceanography (Oceans, Carbon and Climate) (3), GLG 327 Earth's CriticalZone (3) Plus, choose lwo from GLG 106 Habitable Worlds (4), GLG 108 Water Planet (4), GLG 110/111 Dangerous World (4) SupP'otting ttathe,',,atics and Rerated Science Courss (11 uni6) *MAT 170 Preoalculus (3) or MAT 210 Brief Calc (3) or MAT 251 Calc for Life Sci (3) Plus choose 2 from CHM 107/'108 or CHM 113 General Chem or 114 General Chem for Engrs (4); BIO 100 Intro Bio or BIO 181 General Biology | (4); PHY 101 or PHY 111/113 General Physics plus Lab (SQ) (4) or PHY 1211122', Note: MAT 265 or 27O, CHM 113, BIO 1811182, PHY 12'l required for some UD electives (Major can be completed without any of these 'intensive science" options by substitution from approved electives) Upper Division Hecfves (15 unifs) follor\r suggested tracks or develop personalized program of upper division electives, 2 al4oGlevel: 5 Upper division courses (wilh advisor approval). Example Tracks include: Climate and Environmenlal Science, Earth Resources, Environment and Policy, and Sustainability. Each includes -16 courses from which students selec{ 5. Capstone (3 units); GLG 464: Solving Environmental Problems (3) College and Univel3lty Rsquir€d CouBe3 Academic Success Class or First Year Seminar Class; 3 General Eledives; 3 Upper Division General Eleclives; 2 courses in a Second Language: 3 Literacl and Critical Inquiry; 2 CLAS Science and Society; Upp€r Division Humanities, Fine Arts & Design or Social Behavioral Science; ENG 101 or 102: First-Year Composition or ENG 105: Advanced First-Year Composition or ENG 107 or 108: English for Foreign Students; Humanities: Humanities and Cultural Oiversity Awareness or Historical Awareness; Social and Behavioral Science and Cultural Diversity Awareness or Hislorical Awareness; Computer/Statistics'/Quantitative Applications; Humanities, Fine Arls & Design and Hisiorical Awareness 4.2 Undergraduate program analysis Tables 4 to E document enrollments in primary SESE degree programs as measured in the fall semesters. (We do not analyze here the collaborative BAE degree program we share with the Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College.) Figures I and 2 shows that the last 7 years have been a period of rapid increase in enrollmen! particularly in the undergraduate program. This is principally due to the addition of the Earth and Space Exploration BS degree and concentrations; however, the gtaduation rate data are not yet available for these new degrees. Nonetheless, it is clear that the aggressive restructuring of the undergraduate BS and BA degrees has resulted in grcwth of undergaduate majon. There are no new degrees planned for the next two yeaxs. The percentage of women students (38%) is below the college average (55%). Our recruiting efforts are not gender biased and we anticipate this number will change. Because the SESE degree programs are new we have insufficient data to assess freshmen year persistence/retention pattems and areas of improvement for the six-year graduation pattems for entering freshmen. t4 Table 4. Current SESE undergradurte degree programs 2003 20M 2005 2004 2005 2006 BS (Earth & Headcount (Fall) Sr. headcount (Fall) Space Exploration) 2006 2007 2007 2008 5 32 2008 2009 59 l0 l3 I Degrees awardedr Graduation ratio2 BS (Geological Sciences) (Fall) 64 (Fall) 37 awardedl 2 73 2l 10.0% N/A Headcount Sr. headcount Degrees Graduation 2009 2010 ratio' Total degrees awardedfor academic year (summer, Percentage of degrees qwqrded/senior headcount 22 53 27 75 36 l0 14 59.5% 37o/o fall 72 39 t4 66 68 29 12 30 lt 86 3l t2 41.4% NIA 38.9o/o 35.9o/o 36.7Yo and spring semesters) Table 5. Students concurrently double majoring in SESE and other programs Undergraduate BS (Earth & Space 2003 2004 2005 2006 2001 200/. 2005 2006 2007 2008 degrees 2008 2009 2009 2010 Fall enrollrnent Exploration) BS (Geological Sciences) Fall enrollment Table 6. Other curricular initiatives Sewice courses Lower division undergrad student FTE Upper division undergrad student FTE 2005 332 26 340 334 t9 2003 2004 2004 2005 Minon Astronomy 2003 2004 2004 2005 Headcount 2006 30 2006 2007 200'7 2008 524 508 25 31 2008 2009 2009 2010 494 508 43 o) 2008 2009 200s 2006 2007 2006 2007 2008 5 awarded Geological Sciences 7 N/A Headcount 2 awarded '1 N/A l) Table 7. Undergraduate students by percentrge (enrollment in prrentheses) 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Total Undergrads (Fall) Percent women American Indian Asian American '5 'E Afiican American gl E Hispanic I t wtrite Unknown Percent Minority total Percent lntemational Percent retuming freshman to univenity.t Percent retuming freshman to departmenf Total Degrees awarded' 64 50.0 (32) 1.6 (l) 3.1 (2) 0.0 (0) 4.7 (3) 8s.9 (s5) 1.6 (l) 9.4 (6) 3.t (2) 66.7 (2) 66.7 77 98 44.2 M.9 (34) (44) 2.6 3.1 @ (3) 0.0 1.0 (0) (l) t.3 6.1 (l) (6) 1.3 4.1 (l) (4) 81.8 73.5 (63) Q2) 6.5 8.2 53 75 .4 49 .3 (23) Q7) 1.9 1.3 (l) (l) 3.8 1.3 (2) (l) 0.0 4.0 (0) (3) 3.8 1.3 @ (l) 8l.l 80.0 (43) (60) 5.7 6.7 (3) (5) 9.4 8.0 (5) (6) 3.8 5.3 @ (4) 100.0 66.7 (3) (6) 66.7 55.6 43 (2) (2) 22 l0 (s) s.2 t4 2009 127 40.2 (51) 2.4 (3) 3.9 (5) 4.7 (6) .t 7 (e) 70.1 (8e) 7.t (e) (8) l8.l (23) 4.7 (6) 81.8 (18) 50.0 14.3 (4) (14) 6.s 4.1 (5) (4) 90.9 81.3 (10) (13) 72.7 50.0 (8) (8) t4 1l (s) 2008 CLAS 2009 2010 2009 - 20t0 159 17,86',I 3s.8 (57) (98s2) 55.2 3.8 2.4 (6) (424) 4.4 (l (7) 1.9 6.3 130) 5.5 (3) (e82) 8.2 13) 74.8 (2838) (l le) (l l4l 15.9 ( 63.9 E) 2.5 4-6 (4) (82e) 18.2 30.1 Qe) (s374) 4.4 l.J (7) Q40) 58.8 (10) " N/A NiA N/A 15 N/A (l l) 13 Percentage ofJirst-time, full-time freshmen who returned to the universily for a second year Percentage oflirsttime, full-time fleshmen who returned to the department for a second year 3F , t J tTotal L^-i--i-^:-.L^ i-^L,)^a^ll and -.,-*^--) includes and ^-.1 spring semester degrees awardedfor the academic year beginning in the summer fall I 2 a (Jnoflicial count Table E: Six year gradurtion rates by entering freshman cohort 20Q4 2005 Dept. 6 year graduation rate ASU 6 year graduation rate' 2005 2006 (l) l1.l%(l) 66.7%(2) 22.2% (2) 33.3o/o 2006 2007 2007 2008 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (o) Percertage of/irst-tine, full-tine fleshman cohotts who grqduated within l6 6 years or less l' 2008 2009 2009 (0) 0.0% (0) N/A N/A 0.0olo l0 SESE Fall Studont En.ollm6nl ! Ito I 2@ioa I@a{s 2@5{5 :@lt? l@r.c 2@{9 2@tt0 tc[010 Ygar Fall Enrollmed Comoarcd lo Nstiooal Tronds F,o t sn ia 6. 5 Y6ar Figure l, (top) SESE yearly undergraduate students compared to all SESE students and SESE graduate students. Both populations have risen in the last 7 years. (bottom) Fall €nrollments compared to US national trends (American Geological Institute) as percent change since 2003. SESE undergraduate enrollments are far sbove the national trend, while grrduate students are slightly above the national trend since 2003. Student Fall Enrollmgnt by Maior 105 85 E !.t F4o5 1005.6 ,Tj"r rrt* 2ma.c) 2ooero tolo Figure 2, SESE yearly undergraduate students by major. Th€ BS in Geologicrl Sciences, as of 2009, is not rccepting new majors and hence is diminishing as mrjors graduate. New students with geolory int€rests now become BS majors with a conc€ntration in G€ological Sciences. The recent (2010) addition of the BA degree in Earth and Environm€ntal Studies is showing promise to grow. t7 4.2.1 Undergreduate student learning outcomes assessment. The BS in Earth and Space Exploration (ESE) offers students an integrated education across earth sciences, planetary sciences, astrophysics and engineering. The degree incorporates strong quantitative preparation, a leaming community that includes both science and engineering students, and a yearlong collaborative capstone senior exploration project. The leaming objectives for this degree are to (a) demonstrate mastery of the fundamental concepts in geosciences, astrophysics, and exploration systems engineering and communicate these concepts and (b) to synthesize earth and space science knowledge with a systems engineering approach to solve scientific and engineering problems and communicate results in written and oral formats. As yet, there have been no outcome assessments for the new SESE undergraduate degrees filed with the Office of University Evaluation since the last program review- Table 9 presents the percent of graduating seniors who indicate that the experiences at ASU contributed 'very much' or 'quite a bit' to knowledge, skills, and personal development. SESE has not uniformly offered degrees for sufficient time for assessment, while data for Geological Sciences were not collected. Nonetheless, data suggest a positive experience for graduating SESE seniors. These areas - will be tracked more closely in the future. Table 9: Undergraduate Student Satisfaction Survey' item 2003 2004 2OO5 2006 2OO7 2008 2O0g College 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2OO9-2O|O N/A 89o/o N/A 40% 670/o 53o/o 45o/o ' Speaking clearly & (9) (9) (15) (l (15) l) effectively N/A 78o/o NiA 80o/o 78% 67% 640/o Using computing & IT (e) (15) (e) (15) (l l) 'l8o/o N/A N/A 4'1o/o 89o/o 60% 64yo Writing clearly & (9) (15) (9) (ls) (l l) effectively N/A 560/o N/A Acquiring work-related 73% 78% 47Vo 64% (9) (15) (9) (15) (l l) knowledge and skills 100 N/A N/A 100% 100 8'1yo l00o/o Overall academic (9) (14) % (9) (15) (l l) experience in major N/A 89o/o N/A 73o/o 89% 80o/o 9lo/o Concem of faculty for (9) (l (15) (9) (15) l) individual students N/A 89o/o N/A College/Departrnent 73% 89o/o 7lo 73yo (9) (tl) (9) (t4) (15) advising on courses & Student satisfaction o/o requirements ofrequired 87o/o 78Vo 93o/o 9lo/o ' (1s) (9) (ls) (l l) courses 75o/o Availability --tFro- Gradu"lw Senlo, Repoit Card; students repofting satisfaclion N/A N/A (8) 'very much' or 'qtite a bit' (parentheses indicate number of respondents) 4.3. Strategic undergraduate directions courses .4.3.1 A new era. The SESE undergraduate program is new and we are in the process ofbuilding for the BA degree in Earth and Environmental Studies. There is the need to closely monitor all new SESE degrees to ensure that they effectively meet the curricular goals. We are presently focusing on identifing key teaching personnel and effective scheduling ofspace and class times. l8 - One of our greatest challenges is to assess progress toward SESE's goal to bridge the cultural gap between science and engineering. Our intention is that the undergraduate degree in Earth and Space Exploration with an Engineering concentration will enable ASU to prepare students for key roles in space research and technolog5r development, environmental and geologic engineering, earth resource exploration, and water and environment use policy. SESE will leverage its significant strengths in science, and engineering to address critical shortfalls in the national and regional training of the next generation of geoscientists, astronomers, and aerospace engineers. Arizona has an expanding space industry with major new investments and is prepared to engage new technologies to monitor and understand environmental issues in the state, the southwest, and throughout the world. SESE will actively engage the broader communify in its research, teaching and outreach projects, stressing SESE's role in integrating engineering, science, and technolory. Although we completely redesigned our undergraduate programs this past year, we are still exploring new majors. For example, discussions are underway with the Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College to develop a collaborative BAE in Elementary Education with a focus in the Natural Sciences, and with units within the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering to develop a collaborative, ABET-accredited BSE in Systems Engineering. 4.3,2 Student recruitment We are in the process of evaluating approaches for student recruitment at the undergraduate level. This includes local high school visits and recruiting from within ASU (especially the Barrett Honors College) and from local community colleges. Our program presently lacks great ethnic diversity, but the greater Phoenix metropolitan area is quite diverse. Opportunities will be taken to recruit from this pool as well as from student organizations representing minority groups. In the previous Department of Geological Sciences, local community colleges offered 100-level geology courses that transferred seamlessly to ASU for credit through a formal "articulation" program. This approach will continue and be expanded to the full scope of SESE courses to facilitate transfers of students to ASU. 4.3.3 Student retention and placement. With the new degrees, we will assess retention and placement with the help of student advisors/counselors. One factor is the course workload required by the various degrees. A clear challenge is balancing the breadth of courses to train students in exploration subjects and the depth of those topics. These courses must be taken in addition to basic physics, math, and chemistry, yet the number of courses must be kept reasonable so that students can succeed. In addition, we must balance SESE-oriented coursework with courses to meet College and University requirements. SESE's hands on and capstone courses help to engage students early, instilling pride of ownership in course content and their major. However, data are currently unavailable owing to the short time span of SESE to evaluate retention. On the other hand, SESE has significant undergraduate research activities with individual faculty, leading to senior theses, conference presentations, and publications. 4.3.4 Online courses. SESE is enhancing undergraduate course content through on-line activities, as well as creating stand-alone online courses. These enable more efficient teaching, greater access to data, and a better fit to cultural trends toward "life online." Most instructors effectively use various web tools (such as the University BlackBoard) to provide testing, assessing, and communicating with students in our large l00level courses. In addition, some courses are entirely online. For example, Astronomy (AST) l1l was offered successfirlly online for the Spring and Fall 2010 semestem. In each semester, the enrollment made l9 in SESE, with enrollment for the Fall 2010 semester at 280. In Spring 2011, we will pilot our first online lab class, AST 114. Other activities include building hybrid courses that are part online and part lecture, such as Geologic Disasters and the Environment. On another fiont, as an experiment in cyber-assisted learning, Dr. Anbar is developing the course "Habitable Worlds" for deployment online. This course will explore the science underlying the search for life beyond Earth and provide a broad introduction to science for non-science majors at the freshmen level to include satisfiing ASU's "quantitative science requirement." It also is an entry point to the new SESE BA program. "Habitable Worlds" is being built around interactive, online laboratory exercises. The course was offered to 25 students in a pilot format in Fall,2010. We intend to evolve it in subsequent semesters into a large-scale online course in partnership with "ASU Online," AST 1 1 1 online the largest lecture course which is expected to expand ASU's online enrolhnent in the coming years. Many feel that online courses are the wave ofthe future. The cunent "online" efforts within SESE are scattered, but growing. We are closely monitoring these experimental effofis, as they represent a tremendous opportunity to grow the number of students taking SESE classes, especially non-majors. 5.0 GRADUATE EDUCATIoN 5.1 Grrduste program overview The SESE Graduate Program includes the MS and PhD degrees in Astrophysics and Geological Sciences Clables 10 and l1). Information is derived from 1) data provided by the ASU Academic Program Office (most of the tables and the student listing), 2) The SESE Graduate Handbook (for most of the program descriptions), and 3) SESE faculty and staff (for sample programs of study and the employment status of of Geological Sciences and the Astrophysics portion of the Physics Department. The student numbers and record-keeping for Astrophysics are less complete than for Geological Sciences. In addition, we are cunently proposing a graduates). SESE'S core graduate program comes fiom the former Deparment PhD degree in Exploration Systems Design with three concentrations for initiation in Fall 201 l. Faculty service for student recruitment, mentoring, and oversight is accomplished by a 9-person faculty committee comprising two subcommittees (Graduate Recruitment and Graduate Oversight) and chaired by the SESE Associate Director for Graduate Studies. In addition, the full-time Academic Support Specialist position assists current students in adminishative issues, the subcommittees with their charges, and recruitment activities. Table 10. SESE graduat€ degree enrollment rnd d€gre€s Graduate Degrees MS (Asfophysics2) Degrees awardedl Fall enrollrnent Sciences) Degrees awardedr PhD (Geological Fall ernollment Degrees awarded' Fall enrollment Sciences) Degrees awardedr rTo-tal d"gr""t 2The 2009 2010 -2 Fall enrollnent MS (Geological PhD (Astrophysics2) 2003 2004 200s 2006 2007 2008 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 40 5 34 36 13 ;* JO 35 10 36 26 t0 l0 817t7 -l0l 46 49 4396 27 12 54 2010 20ll I 20 t7 5 18 26 49 6l orardedfor the academic year beginning in the summer followed by fall and sprrng semesters. offcial "Astrophysics" degrees. However, some students graduatinglron the ASU numbers reflect Physics program did work in Astrophysics, and are not included here, but are in the analyses below. z0 Trble ll. SESE graduate program summary 2003 2004 Undergraduate headcount (Fall) Master's headcount (Fall) Doctoral headcomt (Fall) o4 40 34 22 Undergrad degrees awarded Master's degrees awarded Doctoral degrees awarded 5 4r0 Total Student FTE 2004 2005 2006 2007 200s 2006 2007 2008 53 75 36 35 42 44 l0 t4 13 l0 36449 77 36 54 t4 l0 417 63s 98 26 66 lt r0 2009 Fall 2010 2010 159 t93 22 18 67 87 2008 2009 127 27 7l 13 l5 12 6 7 624 678 617 5.2 Learning objectives and curricular effectiveness This section provides an overview of SESE's graduate programs. Appendix III provides more detail for each program. Appendix IV includes sample programs of study, and Appendix V presents the PhD Comprehensive examination procedures. The degree programs are rigorous in their expectations, but also flexible in topic and in the coordination among faculty, enabling us to train our students effectively and prepare them for their diverse career paths. The common path of SESE graduate students is shown in Table 12. This includes balancing breadth and depth. Given the broad range of expertise necessary for the diverse research topics, no single prescription for achievement of breadth can be defined. Therefore, the onus is on the advisor and the Thesis Committee, as well as the student, to ensure that the specific knowledge and skills necessary for the degree are gained, and that the value of educational and experiential breadth in the longer term interest ofthe student is considered. Table 12. Graduat€ program elements snd general s€quence (see Appendices Ul to V) Element Sciences) Initial advising Identi! advisor Identifo research Required counes PhD MS (Astrophysics) MS (Geological Required Required Required Faculty Research Seminar Required Required (Asaophysics) Required Required PhD (Geological Sciences) Required Required Required Required Faculty Research Faculty Research Faculty Research Seminar Dissertation Dissertation and Required Thesis Seminar Thesis Seminar and Research Research Colloquium Colloquium Colloquium Colloquium Astrophysics Astrophysics Series: AST 521- Series: AST 521- 522-523 and AST 522-523 and AST 53r-s32-533 Semester hours 30 Concentrations Astrophysics and Cosmology Science Education Systems Engineering 30 Earth 531-532-533 Systems Sciences Planetary Sciences 84 Astrophysics 84 and Cosmology Earth Systems Sciences Science Education Planetary Sciences Science Education ScienceEducationEngineering Systems Systems Syst€ms Engineering Engineering PhD qualirying exam (see V) Culminatingexpreriences Technicalreview Required Required Technical review Dissertation Techlical review defense defense above and Appendix Thesis defense review Thesisdefense Technical 2l Dissertation PhD comprehensive extm procedures. This exam (detailed in Appendix Y) is designed to ensure that PhD candidates demonstrate sufficient preparation and breadth before continuing their programs in their fourth semester. It includes a written part and an oral part. The written component comprises summaries of two sufficiently different proposed projects. Judgment of suffrcient difference is made by the Graduate Oversight Subcornmittee to assess breadth in research topic, tools, and approach. Each project has separate supervisors, one of whom is typically the primary advisor. Students are expected to show the ability to propose a research project and to demonstrate the feasibility of the project with preliminary results. The three-hour oral examination includes short presentations ofthe two topics followed by broad ranging questions to probe the student's abilities and readiness for PhD candidacy. Technical review of thesis or dissertation. The Technical Review is convened when tlre student and the faculty advisor decide that the major results are near completion. They are held with the Supervisory committee at a suflicient time before the planned defense (at least 3 months for MS and 6 months for PhD) so that suggestions and requirements can be implemented. The purpose of this review is for the Supervisory Committee to establish whether an appropriate research project has been carried out and that the results are sufficiently sound to warrant preparation of a thesis. The technical review consists of an oral presentation ofthe results and appropriate interpretations. They typically last between 2 and 3 hours and include a 30-minute seminar-type presentation by the student. At the conclusion of the technical review, the Supervisory Committee will indicate any concems regarding the research and identif specific areas that need further investigation and/or consideration. The manner in which these issues are subsequently addressed by the student is subject to evaluation at the defense. Final Thesis/Dissertnion Defensa A final oral thesis/dissertation examination ofthe completed written tlesis or dissertation is required by the School of Earth and Space Exploration and the Graduate College. All ASU faculty members of the supervisory Committee must be present in person for the examination, unless there are extenuating circumstances. The extemal member ofthe dissertation Committee is to be strongly encouraged to participate in person, but participation via teleconferencing or videoconferencing is permitted. The defense includes a public presentation ofthe research results, questions from the audience, and an executive session with the supervisory Committee at which editorial review ofthe rritten document along with general questions about the research, its significance, and the future plans the student are discussed. The student, along with advisor(s) will then integate the edits of and comments their into the final thesis or dissertation manuscript. In general, students are strongly encouraged to write theses/dissertations as consecutive chapters representing manuscripts for scientific journal publication. 5.3 PhD in Exploration Systems Design This proposed gtaduate program is currently under review by the University. It is an innovative program that will bring SESE and the Fulton School ofEngineering (FSE) together and offer students an advanced systems approach for developing scientific exploration technologies in a wide variety of environments on Earth and other planets. An ernphasis is placed on a deep understanding of both the scienfific problems in exploration and the engineering techniques and challenges involved in providing solutions. Students enrolled in this progam will select a concentration il instTumentation, sensor networks, or systems engineering. SESE s and FSEs extensive research portfolios across many disciplines will allow students to specialize in one area or to explore interdisciplinary topics. Areas of research for the PhD in : Exploration Systems Design include, but are not limited to, Planetary Exploration, Astronomical Instrumentation, Sensor Networks, MicroA.lano Sensors, Robotics, and Systems Engineering. The program will have a similar structure to the SESE PhD in Geological Sciences. SESE Graduate couEe requirEments Faculty Research Seminar (AST/GLG 591) During the first fall semester in residence, all graduala students to take a one- hour weekly seminar by SESE faculty on their cunenl research. Thesis (AST/GLG 599) 6 hours of Thesis on an original research topic. The thesis is defended in a final oral examination. Disserlation (AST/GLG 799) and Research (AST/GLG 792) 12 hours of Dissertation taken in the semesters following the student's admission to candidacy. Additional hours of coursework and research are taken to fumfi the gradualion requirement of 84 hours. Colloquium (GLG 500) Complete t hour SESE weekly colloquium. A research paper may be required. For Astrophysics maiors: AST 52 1 -522-523 and AST 53 -532-533 (superscript 2 in table 'l 2) AST Stars and Interstellar Medium I Radiative transfer, atomic and molecular properties, stellar aimospheres, line profiles, nonlocal thermodynamic equilibrium, interstellar gas and dust, star formation. AST Stars and Interstellar Medium ll Stellar struclure, radiative lransport, boundary conditions, equations of stale, nuclear reactions, opacity, nucleosynthesis, chemical evolution of the galaxy, stellar evolution. AST Stars and Interstellar Medium lll Strudure of the interslellar medium, gaseous nebulae, recombination theory, ionization fronts and shock waves, galac{ic magnetic tields, magnetohydrodynamics, molecular clouds. AST Galaxies and Cosmology I Strudure and evolulion of the Milky Way, stellar properties, populations and associationvclusters, interslellar medium, dark matter. AST calaxies and Cosmology ll Struclure of galaxies and the nearby universe, Hubble sequence, fundamental plane, stellal 1 521 522 523 531 532 populations, active galaxies, galaxy environments. Galaxies and Cosmology lll AST 533 lssues in modem cosmology, lhe distance scale, cosmological parameters, cosmological tests, cosmic background radiation, early universe, galary formation and evolution. Graduate courses are numbered 500 or grealer, bul up to 6 credit hours of ,tOO level classes may be included. Coursework is designed to s€rve the individual needs of the student for breadth and depth of development. A cumulative GPA of 3.0 (MS) or 3.3 (PhD) or better must be maintained. 5.4 Student recruitment, retention, and placement 5.4.1 Overview. The SESE graduate program recruits, trains, and places ambitious and well-qualified students in many high-profile positions with very good career trajectories. This section describes the student community and their passage through our progpm. The descripion includes separale analyses the MS and PhD programs. of SESE has about 100 graduate students (Table 1). The PhD student numbers have increased from 34 to 88 between 2003-2004 and Fall 2010 while the MS numbers have decreased from 40 to 17 in the same period. These changes have occurred against the backdrop of the formation of SESE and the increase in SESE Faculty. Nationally, geoscience graduate enrollments decreased by 20-30o/o from 2003-2007. Total degrees awarded were about constant during that time for MS and phD. Between 2003 and Fall 2010, SESE and its predecessor components produced 7l MS and 52 phD degrees for which 28 different faculty were advisors. The average time to MS was 3.3+1.4 years and the 1'2 average for the PhD was 3), but the modes are - 5.}}1.6 years. Both time to degree histograms are skewed to the long side (Fig. 3 and 5 years respectively. 5.4,2 Student recruitment and admissions. SESE is extremely active in recruiting the best and brightest graduate students through a variety of methods, including individual faculty contacts and SESE websites. Many faculty are contacted directly by prospective graduate students through this method and recruit students at professional meetings and through personal contacts. Many prospective students visit the campus as organized by the Graduate Committee and prospective thesis advisors, with many visits supported by the Graduate College and SESE. University Graduate Fellowships (see below) are used to recruit top applicants. Over the 6 year study period ofthis report, 784 students applied, 268 were admitted (34% selectivity), and l4l enrolled (53% yield) in our graduate Fogram. The MS and PhD analyses below present details on application numbers and student yields (Tables 11 and 13). As SESE evolves, our need to recruit students who are interested in our transdisciplinary programs will increase. 5.4.3 Student pnogress toward degree and retention. SESE's rigorous recruiting admits students that we expect will succeed in their graduate careers and beyond. The graduate program is largely advisorcentric with students mentored usually by a single advisor. However, co-advising or active participation in research, teaching, and other activities not directly tied to the primary thesis or dissertation research is becoming more common (and required for the PhD). The current SESE Craduate degrees are traditional in their basic descriptions (section 5.1). The history ofcross-campus collaboration with the School of Life Sciences, the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, and the Fulton School of Engineering has led to degrees that are innovative and interdisciplinary. Joint advising occurs effectively within the SESE and as the faculty grows, the research directions will broaden and the SESE vision will be achieved. The transdisciplinary nature ofthe degrees will become more apparent and their topics even less traditional. It is rare for SESE students not to finish their degrees. Only one MS student every few years does not f[rish (<5%) while very few PhD students (less than a few percent) do not complete the PhD comprehensive exam, and <10% fail or do not go beyond the exam. Degree completion rates may be affected by the way admissions were conducted in the Department of Geological Sciences in which the identification of advisor was not required for admission. SESE now has a policy in which students must have a mentor and funding for admission, thus ensuring that students are able to start their programs quickly. In addition, the Graduate Oversight Subcommittee tracks student progress. All SESE graduate students are guaranteed funding with admission (2 years for MS and 4 years for PhD) and that includes tuition and health benefits. Typically, more than 2/3 of the graduate students are supported as Research Assistants/Associates on grants and fellowships, including NSF Graduate Fellowships, NASA Space Grant, NSF IGERT, and NSF Graduate Teaching Fellowships in the K-12 Education Program. This level of funding helps completion ofthe degree and the general quality oftheir education. The Graduate College provides funds for 3-4 University Graduate Fellowships with an increased stipend of several thousand dollars. Diligence at admission and continued careful oversight are the best tools for improving degree completion rates. We also recognize that some students are supported largely as Teaching Assistants but as resources diminish, teaching loads will increase and retard progess toward graduation. 1A 16 ! 12 E I 2 2a6 240 Years to PhD Years to MS Figure 3. Time to degree for MS (left) and PhD (right), including students entering with MS degree. 5.4.4 MS graduate student proliles and placement. The SESE MS progam develops students for successful careers in industry, consulting, and teaching as well as prepares tlem for PhD programs (Fig. 4). As shown in Table I and Figure l, the MS student numbers have declined in the last 7 years, but the program remains a viable and important degree. No policy change was implemented but the decrease is attributable to a change of culture among the faculty, especially Astrophysics, to favor PhD students and a decrease in available Teaching Assistantships, which enabled support ofnumerous MS students. Community College Instruclor Unknown Other 4o.h 7o/o Geoscience Consulting 7% Petroleum Industry 80h .150h P€troleum hdustry 110h Figure 4. SESE MS graduate €mplovment distribution (N=71). Figure 5. PhD employment (N=52). Research Faculty/Sci€ntist ar€ long term or permanent postions with higher levels of responsibility than Postdoctoral Scholars. 25 MS employment emphases include geoscience consulting, community colleges, and the petroleum industry. Demand for geoscience consulting correlates with economic growth. When groMh increases and regulatory trends develop, this important area of employment for our MS students will increase. Our alumni working in the local consulting industry have encouraged us in this regard. In addition, the Maricopa County Community College District (http://www.maricopa.edu4 is one of the largest in the United States and demand for teaching faculty is sustained. Moreover, a notable growth in demand for MS alumni is by the petroleum industry. This reflects changing employment trends in that industry, as well as our improved connections to recruiters and hiring staff. Despite these considerations, the number of MS admissions has decreased over the study period (Table 13). For example, in 2007-2008, only one of28 applicants was admitted. This does not reflect a decrease in quality of applicants or a change in standards, but a change in culture and funding, discussed above. The 2009-2010 8125 ratio is probably more representative of the longer term pattem of low but steady MS production. Our MS program includes 50olo women in 2009-2010, consistent with national trends for geoscrence (40-50%', http://www.asiweb.ors/workforce/reports.html). The minority population of 5-10% is notably lower than the average for the College which is about 20%. This probably reflects the overall low draw by geosciences and astrophysics to minority populations. Our recruitment of minority groups could be strengthened but we note that for geoscience nationally, minority involvement is <5o4. Table 13. Mast€r's student admissions and profile Master's proqrams :XXl zvu+ Applicants 64 Admissions 25 New students enrolled Selectivity'(%) Yiert (%) Average Verbal GRE Quantitative Headcount (Fall) 16 39.1 64.0 521 695 40 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 43 25 28 49 52 36 I 78683 20 t2 t4 ) 914 l0 7 32.0 16.3 28.6 8.5 33.3 3.6 62.5 75.0 100.0 57.1 50.0 50.0 540 508 587 496 563 700 588 692 687 616 22 26 27 36 35 36 3 2009-2010 1595 J)) 42-8 s2.0 524 599 819 48.lyo 50.0o/o 65 5O.OoA 47 2o/o 54.3% 58.3o/o 65 4% women (l3q) (201 (17) (le) (2t) (17) (13) (l l) "7'/" 0.070 (0) 0.0% (0) 0.0% (0) 1.7%(14) 0.0o/o 0.0% 0.06/o 0.06/" American % Ethnicity 7o lndian (0) Aslan American 2.5o/o Aiiican 0.0% (0) American Hispanic (l) 75% (3) W}lite 87 .50/o (3s) Unknown % Minority total o% 2.5% (l) 10.0% (4) Intemational 0.00/o Degrees awarded' 5 (0) (0) (0) 2.8Vo 2.90/0 (l) (1) 0.0o/o (0) (0) Q.lo/o 0.0% (0) (0) 83% rt.5o/o 0.0% 0.0Yo (0) (0) 5.6% 5.7% (2) (2) 88.9Vo 77.1% (32) (27) 2.8Yo ll.4o/o (l) (4) 8.3% 8.60/o (3) (3) 0.0Yo 2.9% (0) (l) l0 13 0.0% (0) (3) (3) (0) 0.0% (0) 7.4% (2) 0.0% 80.60/o 69.2% 81j% (0) 0.0% (0) 45% (t) 0.0% 3.1% Q.s) 3.t%(25) rt.t% (e l) 7'7.30/o 65.3% (s35) (17) (29) (18) \22) 8.3oh tl.59o 7.4o,o (2) l3.6oto 6.7q0(55) (3) (3) (3) l8.9yo 8.3o/o 'll.5o/o 7 .4% (2) 4 5% (l) (155) (3) (3) 2.8% '7;1% (2) 3.7%(t) 4.5o/o (t) 9.0o/o (74) (l) N/A NiA 10 lz l0 : % of (# 6nrolled students / # adnittbd sndents) tTotol d"griet ororded qnd includes fall and spring semester for the academic year beginning in the summer 2Yield 26 5.4.5 PhD gmduate student proliles and placement. The SESE PhD programs are well regarded given the faculty, formation ofSESE, and the achievements of alumni. The number ofapplicants to the program has varied substantially (Table 14) from a low of 5l in 2009-2010 to a high of 101 in 2007-2008. We. typically admit 2G30 new students each year. We attract the top student applicants with particularly strong yields in Planetary Geologr. The PhD program includes about 40% wornen (slightly lower than the College as a whole). Minority enrollment is low but increasing and in 2009-2010 is similar to that of the College. Notably, the intemational student population has increased substantially over the study period, reflecting the increasing diversity of SESE faculty. Table 14. Doctoral student admissions and profile 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 66 63 61 64 l0r 8l l8 28 26 30 30 26 6t3 12 l8 20 tt 27.3 44.4 42.6 46.9 29.7 32.1 33.3 46.4 46.2 60.0 oo./ +z.J 502 5r4 535 544 548 s82 668 6s7 700 706 7t5 7t2 34 42 44 54 66 7l Doctoral hograms Applicants Admissions New students enroll€d Selectivityr(%) Yield(%) Average GRE Verbal Quantitative Headcount (Fall) 9/o 35.30/0 women o/o Ethnicity (12) 0.0% (0) American Indian Asian American 2.9o/o (18) 0.0o/o (0) 0.V/o 40.q/o 40.7% O.Qo/o 0.0o/o (r8) Q2) (0) (0) 0.0o/o 3.7% (0) (2) 0.0% (0) (0) (l) (0) 0.0% 0.0% (0) (0) 0.0% 2.4o/o (0) (l) 2.30/o (l) 3.7o/o 94.1o/o 75.0o/o 66.70/o .7o/o 11 .1Yo African American Hispanic White 42.9yo (32) 0.0% (0) Unknown 78.60A O.QP/o (33) (33) 9.s% (4) 9 (4) (2) (36) (6) % Minority total 2-9o/o 2.4% 2.3o/o 7.4o/o o/o 2.9o/o 9.5o/o 13.6% t4.8yo (l) Intemational Degrees awarded3 'Selectivily t Yield = tTotal oZ : ok (l) 53 (l) (4) (l) (6) 64 (4) (8) 36.4% Q4\ (0) 0.0o/o 43.7o/o (31) 3.0o/o 0.0% (0) 4.2% 0.0o/o 0.0o/o 4,5o/o (0) 4.2% (3) 66.7% 73.20/o 70.60/o 2.8o/o (2) (0) (3) (44) (7) (3) (s2) Q) 7.60/o 8.5o/o (10) 15.50/o 5) t5.2% 49 (6) (l r) 2009 2010 College 2009-20t0 51 23 9 45.1 39.'t 516 672 67 41.8% (28) 2139 599 262 28.0 43.7 535 668 1498 51.9o/o (778) 1.5% 1.50/o 6.00/o (22) 33% (r) (4) 0.0% (o) (4e) 2.0Yo (30) 6.00/o (4) 67 .2Vo (45) 3-0o/o 59.7Vo 13.4o/o l4.lYo 16.40/o 23.60/o @ (e) (ll) 7 '1.3o/o (l l0) (8e4) 2.60/o (3e) Qn) (354) N/A / # applied studenti) / # admitted students) of (# adnitted sndents of (# enrolled students degrees awardedfor the academic year beginning in the summer and includes fall and spring semester Areas for improvement include increases in mentoring at all levels. In particular, as the diversity of topics and course work increases and becomes more transdisciplinary, gmduate oversight activity will be challenged to maintain consistent standards and procedures. It takes about 5-6 years to complete the PhD in SESE. we produce 5-10 per year, with that number likely to increase following our increasing enrollments. Less than l0% of the graduates do not remain in SESE-related fields (Figure t. Most of the graduates enter research positions as Postdoctoral scholars and Reseaxch Scientists. These are often prestigious positions, such as the SOEST Young Investigator at Hawaii, AAAS Fellow, and NASA Goddard, Ames, and Johnson Space Center as permanent research 27 scientist positions. Nine alumni from this period are tenure-track faculty at institutions such as University of Utah SUNY Stonybrook, University of Nevada Las Vegas, Nanjing University, Mesa Community College, and ASU's Barett Honors College. The reader should recall that these employment descriptions only apply to students who have gmduated in the last 6-7 years and so most are expected to be in orjust leaving Postdoctoral Scholar positions. 5.4.6 Graduate student satisfaction survey analysis. Tables 15 and 16 show the outcomes of graduate student satisfaction. Most students completing the survey considered their preparation to have been 'aery effective" and 'aery strong" and they were generally 'qvery satisfied" with the program. Graduate school is usually stressful as students leam, produce new knowledge, and establish themselves in their field and we expect some discontent. Table 15. Graduate student satisfaction survey qualityr. Percent ofgradurting graduate students who responded 'elfectively' vent s 6very effectively' or'strong' versrrs'very strong'when asked about their training in the following areas (oumbers in pNrenthcses are respondents). 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 20M 200s 2006 2007 2008 Preparation for flrther study in your field t0v/o Research skills and methods 7 Communication skills t00% l00o/o l00o/o 2009 2009 2010 84o/o N/A 2008 (7) (e) (6) (l e) 89o/o 620/o L000/o 560/o (8) (e) (7) (18) 7 5o/o 78o/o (16) 56% IOOVo 630/o (16) (7) (le) (3) 5Vo N/A N/A Knowledge ofcomputer applications in your field (8) 50% (8) (e) 33% (e) 47Yo 860/o 33o/o (ls) (?) (18) Writing skills 620/o 78o/o 620/o E6Vo 47o/o N/A (8) (e) (16) (7) 43o/o 33o/o 67% N/A (7) 88% (8) (1e) 50% (l s) (6) (18) 7 5o/o 67o/o 3lo/o 6'7o/o 630/o Ethical standaxds in the field Quantitative skills N/A N/A From Graduqte and Law Student Report Card Table 16. Graduate student sttisfaction survey quality. Perc.ent of gnduating graduate students who responded .satislied' or ,very satisfied' with r€spect to the following aspects ofth€ir experi€nce, Aspect Overall academic experience in major Quality of instuction 2003 2004 2005 2004 2005 2006 2006 2007 2007 2008 2008 2009 88% 89o/o 94o/o l00o/o 79o/o (e) (16) (7) lOV/. 88o/o 860/o (8) 75o/o (8) (e) (16) (7) '1000/o 93o/o courses 86% (7) (8) (l s) 86% (7) Advising on career options 67% 25Yo 4'1o/o l00o/o (6) (8) (ls) (6) 88o/o 89% 690/o 860/o (16) (7) Availability of required Concem of faculty for individual students (8) (e) From Graduote and Law Student Repolt Ca 28 2009 l0 N/A (le) 89o/o N/A (le) tIv/o N/A (15) 67Yo ( N/A l8) 680/o (1e) NiA The SESE graduate committee is structured to enhance the gladuate student experience. A common source of student concem is the lack of undentanding and explanation of the Graduate College policies and procedures. We strive to ensure that our students are following the Graduate College and SESE procedures to alleviate bureaucratic struggles for the students. The Graduate College has recently adopted major changes that should greatly improve student experiences. For example, there is now an automatic formatting tool for theses/dissertations. Moreover, the SESE Academic Support Specialist makes a positive difference for the graduate student experience. 6.0 tr'Acur,Ty SESE is the leading research unit at ASU as measured by sponsored research funding per investigator. SESE's sponsored research has grown steadily in the years since the school's inception, standing now at over $18 million per year. The faculty (Table 17, lE; Appendix research impact, as measured by publications and citations. VI) are correspondingly strong in their Table 17. Faculty prolile 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 26 Total faculty' Tenured./tenwe 2010 4l 43 33.2s 32.25 35.7s 36.7s 18.2 1l.l% 10.0o/o 10.5% 10.7% .5 2009 4l 15.0 17 2008 2009 46 College 2009-20t0 1069 650.1 track faculty FTE2 o/o Women 9.1% 8.lo/o 8.1% 33.60/o 9.1% 20.9o/o tenured,/tenure track facultyt % Minority tenured./tenure track 5.60/o S.Qo/o 5.3yo 7.lo tacultyt StudentFTEfaculty 26.6 16.l 30.2 21.4 2r.r 18.9 17.4 18.0 l8.l .6 33.6 .8 4t.s 30.3 t7 21.4 37.3 27 28.4 36.1 ',Totol factlty, to include professors. instructors, Iecturers qndfaaity assocides ".Employees FTE paidlrom stotefunds ar the end ofSepteuber 2010 (?) 3IW 16.20/o 2t.7 FTE ratio StaffFTE RA"/TA FTE3 13.5% 26.2 52.0 30.1 479.0 757.r from statefunds onty TA FTE paidfrom state, local, and sponsore|fuids qt the end of September 2010 (?) based on Arizona Board of Regents (ABOR) code 29 Table 18. SESE faculty summary Specialty Anbar Professor Anowsmith Professor Biochemistry, chemical evolution ofthe environment Active tectonics, structural geolory, geomorphology Behar Associate Professor Developing instruments; robotics in extreme conditions Bowman Assistant hofessor Radio astronomy, reionization Phase equilibria and crystal chemisty Professor Burt Electron microscopy ofminerals, meteorites, and aerosols Regents' hof€ssor Buseck Composition, properties, processes ofplanetary surfaces Christensen Regents' hofessor Associate Professor Explosive volcanic eruptions, behavior of multi-phase fluids Clarke Theoretical astrophysics, solar systems and planetary processes Associate hofessor Desch Geobiology, astrobiology, evolution ofEarth's biosphere Farmer Professor Geophysics, seismic imaging of crust and mantle structure Associate hofessor Fouch Geophysics, seismology Gamero hofessor Greeley Regents' Professor Planetary surface processes and geologic histories Experimental astrophysics, star and planet formation, inte$tellar Assistant Professor Groppi Biogeochemistry, geochemical, microbial, anthropogenic processes Professor Associate Hartnett Heimsath Associate Professor Field-base4 landscape processes and evolution Chemistry of Earth and extraterrestrial materials hofessor Hervig Orogenic systems, geochronology, planetary field geology Hodges Professor Geoscience education Johnson Lecturer Asrobiology, sedimentology Knauth Professor Krauss Foundation Professor Elementary particle physics, cosmology Malhotra Associate Professor Star-formation, interstellar medium, dust, galaxies r€ionization McNamara Associate hofessor Geodynamics, modeling of mantle conYection Sfiucture, tectonics, regional geology ofthe Southwest Reynolds Professor Rhoads Associate Professor Galaxy formation, evolution, reionzation of intergalactic hydrogen Origin, evolution, planetary crusts Robinson Professor Saripalli Assistant Professor Roboticist, robotic exploration, air and sPace, earth, planetary Theoretical astrophysics, galaxy, evolution ofthe elements Scannapieco Assitant Professor Scowen Associate Res. Professor Star formation, imaging detector and space mission development Semken Associate Professor Etbnogeologist, geoscience education Mineral reactions, phase transitions and deformation Professor Sharp Geochemical and microbial processes Professor Shock Starrfield Regents' Professor Computational astrophysics, stellar explosions Tectonics ofmountain belts Professor Stump Nuclear astrophysics, hydrodynamics, high performance computing Timmes Prof€ssor Chemical properties ofminerals, melts, and rocks, magma plocesses TyburczA Professor Associate Professor Hydrolory, ecohydrolory, surface processes Vivoni Cosmochemist, origin and evolution ofthe solar system Wadhwa Professor Geomorpholory, climate, tectonics, and surface processes Whipple Professor Chemical composition and structure of clay, sedimentary minerals hofessor Williams. L. Research chemistry of gases, style of eruptions Volcanolory, Professor S. Williams, Windhorst Regents' and Found. Prof. Galaxy assembly, supermassive black-hole growth young Stellar evolutioq supemovae, nucleoslmthesis, and computation Assistant Professor yu Development ofminiaturized portable platforms and instruments Assistant Professor Zolotov Assoc. Research hofessor Planetary geochemistry, chemical processes and mineralogies 6.1 Research funding and productivity The SESE faculty has pursued extemal research funding both aggressively and effectively. Research funding from 2008 to 2010 includes 365 awards, totaling nearly $108 million (see Appendix VII for details). This arnount is spread over 4-5 years, considering that a typical gant is active for 1 to 3 years and we examined all grants whose period of performance overlapp€d a two-year span. SESE cunently has 38.5 FTE tenured and tenure track faculty; thus, the mean extemal funding per faculty member per year is nearly $700 thousand. This approach is a reasonable compromise between an annual average (which is subject to year-to-year fluctuations in funding levels) and a long-term average (which is not appropriate for a growing unit). Research productivity is similarly robust, based on publications. The mean Hirsch index (H-index) of SESE faculty is 22.5, and the highest H-index in the group is 62 (meaning that a typical SESE faculty rnember has - 22 publications that have been cited at least 22 times each, and one has 62 papers cited at If Ieast 62 times each). we normalize the H-index by years since PhD to compensate for the cumulative "H per year" of 1.20, with a range up to 3.2. The mean number of citations per year (post-PhD) among the faculty is 94.5, urd the range is as high as 557. On average, nature of the index, we find a mean SESE faculty publications received 1.4 times more citations in 2009 than in 2006, reflecting the growing impact of our work. 6.2 Growth patterns SESE has hired at a moderate to fast rate since 2006, although the rate has been partly offset by retirements or loss offaculty to other institutions. 6.2.1 Prelude to SESE 2005-2006. In the year before SESE was established, while the Department of of Geological Sciences still existed, Dr. Greeley served as Interim Director of SESE. New hires were made in both departments in anticipation of development of Physics and Astronomy and the Department the new school. Sangeeta Malhotrq James Rhoads, Mark Robinson, and Meenakshi Wadhwa. These hires built on existing ASU strengths in observational cosmology and extragalactic astronomy (Malhotra, Rhoads), planetary science (Robinson), and meteoritics (Wadhwa). The selection of SESE's Founding Director, Kip Hodges, was made in early 2006. In addition to his role as director, Dr. Hodges active research programs include orogenic systems, noble gas geoohronolog5r and protocol development for planetary field geology. Dr. Kelin Whipple was also recruited in eaxly 2006, bringing research on the interaction of climate, tectonics, and surface processes; mechanics ofriver incision into bedrock; dynamics of channel and sedimentation processes on alluvial fans; and experimental and field study ofdebris-flow rheologies. His hire complements that of Dr. Hodges and their collaborative work now forms the foundation ofone ofSESE'S key research $oups. - current. Broad strategy decisions for the growth of SESE resulted form discussions among the Director and faculty at a series of "retreats." These retreats provided a venue to decide SESE focus areas. The hiring process usually begins with ad hoc faculty committees to draft ads and'"triage" the initial applicant pool to select the most appropriate candidates for detailed consideration by the full faculty. The faculty, acting as a committee ofthe whole, then suqgests applicants to interview and makes hiring recommendations to the Director. The Director leads negotiations between the University administration and the candidates. This process has worked well, in that hiring decisions are taken with ample opportunity for discussion. Faculty participation is high and the level of consensus in hiring 6.2.2 SESE 2006 decisions has been remarkable. SESE hires 2007. Fruncis Timmes and Patrick Young were hired to launch a major SESE effort to understand {rspects of stellar evolution, supemovae, and the nucleosynthetic processes therein, which produce the elements needed for planets and life. Their hires support the SESE research challenges 3l of characterizing the contents of the universe and the processes goveming the evolution of those contents through time. Evan Scannapieco was hired to bring a wide variety of theoretical astrophysics topics, addressing both the challenge to explain the large scale structure of the universe and to characterize the contents and evolution of the universe. Hongyu Yu was hired as the first SESE engineering faculty member, holding a joint appointment with the Fulton School of Engineering. His work addresses the SESE challenge to design and implement strategies for human and robotic exploration ofEarth and space. Arjun Heimsath's hire addresses two challenges: first, understanding the chemical, physical, and biological processes that define the evolution of the Earth, planets, and their satellites, and second, understanding the co-evolution of Earth and human societies. Paul Davies arrived as a College Professor. Although his appointment was at the University level and outside the SESE hiring process, Davies maintains an affiliation with SESE and is interested in aspects of astrobiology and cosmology, both areas ofactive research in SESE. SESE hires 2008. Chris Groppi arrived as a SESE engineering hire. He develops terahertz heterodyne instrumentation, with primary applications to the study of ions and molecules in astrophysical contexts. His work addresses the challenge to understand the formation of galaxies, stars, and planetary systems. Lawrence Krauss arrived as a targeted hire at the University level with a tenure home in SESE. He works on theoretical cosmology, addressing the SESE challenge of explaining the large-scale structure of the universe. He is also an author of popular books, addressing the top-level challenge to encourage greater scientifi c literacy. Srikanth Saripalli arrived as a SESE engineering hire, bringing expertise in robotics with particular emphasis on autonomous operations. His work addresses the challenge to design and implement optimal strategies for human and robotic exploration of Earth and space. hires 2009. Enrique Vivoni anived at the beginning of 2009. His work on hydrology addresses both the challenges of understanding and predicting the physical and ecological processes that define the evolution of the Earth, and of understanding the co-evolution of Earth ald human societies. He is jointly appointed with the School of Sustainable Engineering and the Built Env onment SESE SESE hires 2010. Alberto Behar arrived from NASA JPL, further augmenting SESE's strength in designing and implementing optimal strategies for human and robotic exploration of Earth and space. Judd Bowman anived as a Cosmology Initiative hire with tenure home in SESE. Bowman's work on the epoch of ionization and potential future work on dark energy addresses the large scale structure of the universe and the formation ofgalaxies, stars, and planetary systems. SESE incoming lrries. Also in 2010, SESE recruited Jason Raymond, whose work addresses the SESE challenge to understand the origin of life, the nature of biological evolution, and the distribution of life in the universe. Raymond has not yet moved to ASU, but is expected to do so during January 201 l. Jim Bell was a targeted hire and will arrive in January 201 l. He brings expertise in planetary geolory, especially tfuough imagin g experiments. - 6.2.3 SESE retirements. Offsetting SESE growth were the retirements between 2006 and 2009 of John Holloway, Anne Cowley, David Burstein, and JeffHester. 7.0 Pnocn*r RnsouRcEs To attain our programmatic goals, SESE receives financial support from the State of Arizona as salary for faculty, research staff, administrative staff, and instructional personnel, as well as a modest operations budget. SESE also generates direct and indirect support from extemal sources. Additional resources include physical space, technolos/ support and the library. 7.1 Financial and human resources SESE derives most of its finances from two sources, State funding and competitive federal grants (primarily NASA and NSF) to support personnel and research. 7.1.1 University support. State funds support the salaries of faculty, teaching assistants, administrative staff and some critical research and education staff Clable f9). Stajf positions include Academic Professionals, Classified Staff and Sentice Professionals. SESE currently has 29 state-funded staff positions, including 9 office personnel for administrative operations, a full-time instructor supporting Introductory Geology, 2 information technologists, a graphics expert, a librarian for the Space Photography Lab, a museum curator, a facilities supervisor, and 12 research support staff. A number of these support staff are partially funded by federal resources, directly or from the portion of indirect costs retumed to SESE (see Section 7.1.2). Table 19. Personnel (state funding) Professional Staff Faculty (FTE) Teaching Assistants 200'1 $3,300,603 (33.2J) 2008 s3 2009 s3,958,74s 2010 s4,001,34s 201| 94,613,23r l ,ss ,102 5, (35.75) (36.75) (40.50) (3 2.2 Academic Classified Professionals Staff Service Professionals $305,658 $436,854 92t4,046 s9s6,558 (NA) $1,459,291 (NA) 9354,977 s465,713 $465,713 s465,713 s465,713 Total Staff(FTE) S4't0,721 s424,201 ss64,369 W9,705 s396,327 s499,344 $1,345,376 $458,469 s365,452 $s49,344 $'r,373,265 (24) $378,475 $341,77 5 $638,213 $1,3s8,463 (23) (2' The current economic stress poses a substantial challenge to SESE staffing. Despite the increasing size of faculty and associated administrative needs, growth of external funding, and the complexity ofthe SESE mission, total staff support funding was cut by - from FY 08 to FY 09 and was essentially flat from FY 09 to FY I I at - $1.35 million/yr. In real terms, accounting for growth in costs, this flat budget results in a decrease ofone staffFTE per year from FY 09 to FY 11. Salary support for teaching assistants has also been flat since FY 08 at $465,713, supporting 27 PhD equivalents in FY I L However, the SESE undergraduate population has roughly doubled over this time, 7o/o in our undergraduate courses. Graduate stipends also increased in order to keep pace with peer institutions. Consequently, we are required to do more with less, leading us to experiment with as have enrollments online education and other instructional innovations that might deliver greater personnel efficiency (see Section 4). SESE has been fortunate to receive steady increases in faculty salary, rising from - $3.3 million in FY 07 to - $4.6 million in FY 11. This increase mostly reflects growth in faculty from 33.25 to 40.50 FTE. Hence, faculty salaries averaged per FTE have increased a total of l57o since FY 07, while the faculty salary pool has increased nearly 40o/o over this time. Accounting for inflation, growth in the average SESE faculty salary has been minimal. The limited funds available to adjust the salaries of existing faculty challenges SESE leadership because it exacerbates the "inversion" problem of faculty salaries (Fig. 6). Some Assistant and Associate is largely a consequence of rapid faculty expansion with new hires at the Assistant and Associate ranks, combined with the need to Professors have larger salaries than faculty at higher ranks. This problem offer these new hires competitive compensation. Prof Assoc. Prof oo oo oo o Asst. Prof o sFERR $1000 Fig. 6, Salary distribution by academic rrnk for tenure/tenure-track SESE facully. Modest state funds support general SESE business operations other than salary (Table 20). These funds were cut substantially in FY 09 and have been difficult to predict in the current stressed economy. Managing and adapting to this situation has been a difficult challenge for the entire SESE community. Tsble 20. SESE Op€ratiotrs Budget increase Modified FY Original budget FY s233,685 (decrease) budget expenses $0 s233,68s 523'1,112 $233,68s $240,041 07 FY 08 FY FY FY 09 t0 ll Budget $184,68s Operating $0 $233,68s ($51,000) $133,685 s0 $131,500 $0 s131,500 sI31,500 s131,500 S130,6s6 $ 132,361 $36,550' *Through l0/20/10 34 - Despite these frnancial stresses, ASU has committed resources to two novel strategic initiatives, ln Exploration Postdoctoral Fellowship Program, and a new Frontiers Project to aid in recruiting senior faculty candidates- The goal of the Exploration Fellowship Program is to provide opportunities for postdoctoral research on cutting-edge topics and to foster transdisciplinary collaboration. Potential research topics span the full range of SESE research interests. Up to two fellows are supported per year. The Frontiers Project is to establish SESE research teams that build on recently completed and upcoming NRC "decadal surveys" of emerging national research priorities. These teams will be led by newly hired senior faculty and typically will include newly hired junior faculty and technical staff as well as postdoctoral fellows, graduate students, and undergraduate students. They will be housed in new physical facilities (see Section 7.2). 7.1,2 Sponsored research support Extemal grant funds are used to support the research programs of SESE faculty, staff and students, as well as some education and outreach activities tied to sponsored research. In FY 10, SESE expenditures of external tunds totaled - $18 million (Table 21, Appendix YII), with - 64Yo coming from NASA, 34% from NSF, and the rest from agencies such as DOE, NIH and private foundations. Sponsored research funding has grown substantially since SESE began in FY 06, increasing most rapidly between FY 06 and FY 07 (- 40o/o), and then between FY 09 and FY l0 (34%). The first ofthese major increases can be attributed to the merger of Geological Sciences and Astronomy. However, the second major increase is a consequence of SESE research. Overall, the awarded funds doubled over the period FY 06 to FY 11. Research expenditures (i.e. direct costs expended) have also increased, rising by nearly 600/o from FY 06 to FY 10. Table 21. External grant support FY 2006 FY 2007 FY 2008 Proposed funds Proposal count s23,322,707 548,907,503 103 t42 $45,048,337 Awarded funds Awarded count sl1,222,490 $17,339,990 Funds/award Investigators Expenditures Award count $15,861,726 87 $t28,994 34 $l1,745,354 209 FY 20t0 FY 2009 $51,403,066 $r29,791,927 2tl 152 140 s 16,618,510 $22,37 |,232 13 135 t00 17 S140,369 s128,444 $166,185 s191,207 I 40 $12,854,138 243 43 $16,594,362 269 $15,885,617 317 $ 18,243,3 l8 2E4 growthfrom FY 06 - FY 08 includes the staged addition of Astophysics facalty If these trends can be sustained or enhanced, the future of SESE is very promising. Evidence that this is likely to be the case comes from the statistics on proposed research. The number ofproposals submitted increased by 40o/o from FY 09 to FY 10. Even more strikingly the funds proposed rose by l55ol0. Hence, even a success rate of 30%o, which is well below the historical norm for SESE, would lead to an increase ofnearly 500/o in awarded funds. 35 _l The statistics also suggest that SESE faculty are proposing more ambitious research, in accord with the SESE mission. This conclusion emerges, paradoxically, from a decline in proposal success rates. These rates were as high as 95% in FY 08 (135 awards vs. 142 proposals in the preceding FY), indicative ofa very conservative approach to proposal submission. This rate has fallen in subsequent yezrs even as awarded funding has increased, a pattem consistent with increased emphasis on more arnbitious proposal success. opportunities that carry geater risk of failure but proportionately higher rewards for Sponsored research funding not only supports SESE research activities, but can also provide flexibility in the form of Research Incentive Distribution (RID) funds. These funds are a small part of the indirect costs for extemal gants that are returned to SESE. RID funds can be used at the discretion of SESE leadership, subject to the standards and stipulations ofthe State ofArizona. They are typically used for strategic investments in meeting SESE's research and education missions. Most recently, to cope with the twin problems of an increased demand on our administrative staff and decrease in state funding for staff, we have used some RID funds to expand our staffing (Table 22). These funds were invested mostly in the SESE Research Advancement Office, which assists with proposal prepilration, submission and post-award processing. Table 22. RlD-subsidizrd/supported Staff Staff 34 37 28 29 27 Total FY07 FY 08 FY 09 FY l0 FYll (#) Unknown 5 6 3 4 RlD-subsidized R|D-support (FTE) Unknown 2.2 0.5 0.8 l-3 7.2 Physical resources 7.2.1 Physical space. l'he expanded faculty, research, teaching, and outreach missions of SESE require substantial growth in physical space. To this en4 SESE will be the prime occupant of a new building' Interdisciplinary Science and Technologt Building (ISTB) 4, occupancy of which will begin in 2012, while keeping existing space. As a result, the facilities in ISTB 4 will nearly double SESE space for research, teaching and outreach activities, fiom - I 10,000 d to - 200,000 ff (Table 23). 7.2.2 Field vehicles. The Southwest affords the opportunity for geologic field trips as an important aspect of SESE's cuniculum. SESE does not maintain an independent fleet of field vehicles for this purpose, nor does ASU maintain a motor pool. Instea4 rental vehicles are contracted to local agencies. However, ASU regulations prohibit renting full-size vans, a policy decision that reflects a well-intentioned concem for the safety of ASU students and staff in the wake of headline-generating accidents at other institutions. consequently, only "mini-vans" or suvs are allowed, limiting the number of passengers with field and camping gear to about 5 per vehicle. Moreover, the "mini-vans" have poor clearance and inadequate tires for use on back roads. This leads to more vehicles and more drivers being needed to support SESE field trips and projects, as well as eliminating some key field sites. The result is degraded ability for instructors to interact with students during lenglhy drives. 36 - Table 23. Physical space Current space Function Storage Classroom Lab B Classroom Lab B Service Classroom Lab C Computer lab Conference Room Corridor Display Dry Computational Lab Exhibition Exhibition Service Central Museum Observation Deck Ofiice Office Service/lvlail Optics Lab ISTB 4 I otal tl' 10,457 Auditorium Service 3,138 Conference Room 1,366 Exhibition 209 Lecture Hall |,120 Mail Room ! 5l O{fice 7'l Office Service 698 Reseaxcl/Nonclass Lab Svc 914 Research,/Nonclass Lab 201 Storage 2,27 Room Svc Lab Research/Nonclass Lab Research,t{onclass Storage Unit Storage Total I urctton 1,585 Auditorium 5 Total Tonl fl 3,553 372 315 1,342 1,380 221 30,294 440 6,290 41,665 1,790 87,6s2 4,320 20,324 |,692 416 9,087 50-328 74 76 108,502 7.3 Computing nesources and support The SESE Technical Support Office (TSO) assists or in some cases manages the computing resources in vadous research labs, including those of at least 18 faculty. Support includes desktop and server administration, network systems, peripherals specification, recommendations for procurement, web design and development, database design and developmenq systems and network security, data management, end user training, and some programming. TSO also supports classroom computer facilities, including - 35 Dell Optiplex PCs and associated networked printers and projectors in three computer classrooms (Table 24). Table 24. Instructional and student computing fscilities Room PSH456 9 PC (8 for students, I for ins[uctor) desktops of model Dell Optiplex 780 4cB/l60GB with 22" wide screen display purchased August of 2010; CAT3 (10Mbp) network; BAI networked laser printer; Epson projector (permanent mount). Room PSH457 I for instructor) desktops of model Dell Optiplex 780 4cB/l60GB with 22" wide screen display purchased August of 2010; CAT5 (capable of gigabit, but cunently tops at l0/l00Mbp) nerwork; B/W 9 PC (8 for students, networked laser printer; Epson projector (permanent mount). Room PSH46l t7 PCs, (16 for students, I for instructor) desktops of various vintages, all Dell Optiplex line, 8 are new July of 2010, Dell Optiplex GX380 2GB/320G8 with 22 wid€ screen displays; CAT5 (gigabit) network; BAV networted laser printer; Color networked laser printer; Epson projector (permanent mount). SESE is also a partner in ASU's Saguaro High Performance Computing Grid. We are guaranteed an allocation of -9 M cpu-hours/yr on this recently upgraded cluster to support intensive computational research, particularly in astrophysics and geophysics. Saguaro is the centerpiece of ASU's High Performance Computing Grid consisting of a 4,680 processor system comprised of Intel 64-bit Xeon EM64T CPUs manufactured by Intel coupled with Infiniband high speed interconnects. 7.4 Multi-user laboratories and other research facilities SESE houses leading-edge research facilities to support research. education and outreach activities. ASU Marc Space Flight Facilily. Housed in the Moeur Building on the main campus, this facility supports the operations of the Mars Observer Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES), Mars 2001 Odyssey Thermal Emission Imaging System (THEMIS), 2003 (2004) Mars Exploration Rovers Mini-Thermal Emission Spectrometer (Mini-TES), and the ASU Mars K-12 Education Progam. ln addition to office, computing and meeting space, and prominent displays for outreach, the facility contains a Nicolet Nexus 670 thermal emission spectrometer used for developing a spectral library for rocks, minerals, and meteorites. Contact Philip Christensen for more information. Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Canpra Science Opemtions Center (SOC) Housed in the Interdisciplinary A Building on the main campus, this facility supports the day{o-day operations ofthe Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera and receives over 400 GBits ofscience data from lunar orbit each day. Additionally, the SOC hosts the Lunar History Walk and the LROC Visitors Gallery, which play an integral role in SESE's education and outreach program. Contact Mark Robinson for more information. for Meteorlte Studies (CMS), The CMS is a research, education, and curation activity associated with studies of solar system materials. The CMS houses the largest student-accessible meteorite Center collection in the world, with over 1600 different meteorites. Because most meteorites come from asteroids and are "left over" pieces of the early solar system that formed even before the planets, they are unique witnesses to the "birth" of our solar system. CMS focuses on all areas of meteorite studies and cosmochemistry, especially encouraging the development of interdisciplinary collaborations among planetary scientists, geologists, astrobiologists, and astronomers. Contact Mini Wadhwa, or Laurence Garvie for more information. Secondary Ion Mass Spectrornetry (,SIMS). The ASU SIMS labs have been funded as a National Facility by NSF Earth Sciences (Instrumentation & Facilities) since January,2007. SlMS-associated instruments include a Cameca IMS 6f, a Cameca IMS 3t a SEM (with BSE, SEI, and EDX), and a time-of-flight SIMS. The lab combines the development ofnovel analytical techniques with routine analyses, conducts student workshops, and is known for the analysis of light element concentrations and their isotopes and for pushing the SIMS technique to its limits. Microanalyses of Earth and extraterrestrial materials are interspersed with study of experiment samples fiom petrologists and materials scientists. A new NanoSIMS instrument will be installed in the coming months to allow chemical and isotopic characterization of organic and inorganic materials at the submicron scale. The combination ofthe SIMS instruments makes ASU one of the more SlMS-intensive universities in the world. Contact Richard Hervig, Peter Williams or Lynda Williams for more information. 38 - The ll'. M. Keck Founddion Laboratory diverse researchers to for Envlrunmental Biogeochemistry. This laboratory allows analyze elemental and isotopic compositions of geologic, planetary and environmental materials. The aim is to catalyze research into how habitable environments and ecosystems originate, evolve, and are affected by human activities, Completed in 2005, the laboratory is home to two Thermo Neptune multiple-collector inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometers (MC-|CP-MS) for measuring stable and radiogenic isotopic variations of metallic elements, two Thermo X-Series quadrupole ICP-MS instruments for element concentration analyses, and two Thermo gas-source isotope ratio mass spectrometers (Delta and MAT 252) and associated peripherals for measuring stable isotopic ratios of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen. One of the Neptune instruments is dedicated to research of the CMS and one of the X-Series ICP-MS instruments is dedicated to research in chemical engineering. These instruments are complemented by two trace metal cleanlabs, optimized for environmental and cosmochemical research respectively. Contact Everett Shock, Ariel Anbar, or Meenakshi Wadhwa for additional information. (NG3L). These facilities support a wide range of geochronologic and isotopic tracer research by scientists from ASU and national and intemational collaborators. Nearing completion this year, NG3L house two aoAr/3eAr analytical systems built around Nu Instruments Noblesse magnetic sector, multicollector mass spectrometers. One features a Photon Machines ArF excimer laser subsystem and is built to be used exclusively for sAleAr laser microprobe dating of terrestrial and extraterrestrial materials. The other features both infrared laser and resistance fumace extraction subsystems and is used for more conventional Ar geochronolog;r. A third magnetic sector system (featuring a Thermo Electron Helix split flight tube instrument) is dedicated to noble gas isotope geochemistry in solids and fluids. With a New Wave Research ArF excimer laser subsystem, this system also is used extensively for (U-Th/He laser microprobe dating. A fourth system (ASI Alphachron) features a quadrupole mass spectrometer and is used exclusively for conventional (UTh/He dating. Contact Kip Hodges for additional information. The Noble Gas Geochronologt and Geochemistry Laboratories The Space Photography Laboraory gPL). One in a network of 17 Regional Planetary Image Facility (RPIF) data centers, SPL was established by NASA to archive planetary images for use by the scientific and educational communities. The facility supports the research of the ASU planetary science faculty, students, and staff, as well as the local and statewide education communities and the general public. SPL houses two million products within its collection. lmages and maps from all U.S. missions are in the collection, along with an extensive library of mission documents, scientific joumals, and Earth and planetary publications. A large set of aerial photographs of the Earth, including map indices and topogaphic maps, arc also part of the collection. Users of SPL have access to digital data stored on the ever-growing collection of Earth and planetary CD-ROMs, and to online catalogs for searching and retrieving image information. The facility also supports the user with work space, computer workstations, light tables, drafting tables, and Earth and planetary globes. Facility personnel are available to assist in the use ofthe collection and equipment. Contact Ronald Greeley for additional information. Asu Planetary Aeolian Laboratory (PAL). PAL at NASA-Ames Research center operated by ASU as a national facility. It is a unique laboratory used for conducting experiments and simulations of aeolian (windblown) processes under different planetary atmospheric environments, including Earth, Mars, and Titan. Research is canied out through a consortium ofNASA and University investigators and associated students. Current research includes martian aeolian processes, boundary layer flow, analyses ofthe Mars Exploration Rovers, and experimental investigation of martian dust devils. The facility consists of the 4000 m3 test-chamber and the control room-/office. Contained within the chamber are the Mars Surface Wind Tunnel, an open-circuit 1.3 m by 1.3 m by 13 m long atmospheric boundaryJayer wind tunnel capable of simulating aeolian processes under both martian and terrestrial conditions and the Titan Wind Tunnel: a closed-circuit, 6m by 3m atmospheric boundary-layer wind tunnel capable of simulating particle movement under Titan surface conditions. Contact Ronald Greeley for additional information. ASU OmniPresswe Laborutory (OPL), This facility houses equipment and provides assistance and temperatures. - training to perform earth, planetary and materials science research at elevated pressures aJrd It contains one-atmosphere gas-mixing fumaces, intemally-heated gas pressure vessels, piston-cylinder devices (all in the Depths of the Earth part of the facility), three multiple-anvil presses (in the Multiple Anvil Laboratory part), and diamond anvil cells. Associated sample preparation and analysis facilities are also available. Students, faculty, and researchers from SESE, Chemistry & Biochemistry, Materials Science, Physics, and other departments and from around the world come to the ASU OPL to perform experiments to determine the nature and physical properties of earth and planetary materials under conditions of the deep interior, to undentand the properties of all types of materials under extreme conditions, and to create new materials of potential societal benefit. Contacts: Gordon Moore (Lab Supervisor), Kurt Leinenweber (co-Lab Supervisor), James Tyburczy, or Thomas Sharp, for more information. John M. Cowley Center for High Resolution Electron Microscopy. High-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) is at the forefront of cunent mineralological research, and ASU is a world leader in HRTEM. ASU has numerous electron microscopes capable of imaging crystals at the atomic scale and performing chemical analysis at nanometer scales. Mineralological research has applications in areas such as environmental geologr, mineral physics, geochemistry, economic geology, astrobiology, meteorites, and planetary science. Contact Peter Buseck or Thomas Sharp for more information. ASIILaborutory for Astonomical Space Instrumentation (LASI).LASI is equipped to conduct accurate measurements of reflectivity and throughput for a variety of surfaces and filters, as well as to test detectors. The optical bench is equipped with a monochromator that can selectively illuminate fiorn 250nm up through 4 microns in 0.Inm steps to illuminate both a NlST-calibrated Hamamatsu Si photodiode that covers the full Sisensitive passband and a similarly calibrated NIR photodiode that covers from 800nm up to 4 microns. The bench includes a 5" dewar with full temp€rature control and a Leach controller for mounting and testing of CCD or CMOS detectors, as appropriate. The lab is equipped for post fabrication chemical treatment and etching of detectors, as well as the development of custom readout and control electronics in direct support of detector evaluation and production for the field. 7.5 Library resounces The ASU library supports research and education across campus. SESE-specific support includes access to the GeoRef and GeoScienceWorld databases, the "Web of Science," Applied Science and Technology and Envilonmental Policy indices. The library stores 10,000 geologic maps and thousands of books and on-site journals, allows use of the "Library One Search," which provides access relevant to geology and astronomy. to 1.7 million items The ASU Libraries are ranked 43rd by the Association of Research Libraries, an index that combines number of volumes with other factors such as number of volumes added in the previous fiscal year, total operating budget, and number of permanent staff members. This compares with ASU being one of the largest US universities. ASU ranked 18- for cunent serials purchased in 2008. Recently, the ASU Libraries shifted the focus of their collections in sciences to the acquisition of rnore electronic content. There has recently been an explosion of electronic materials available, and ASU has taken advantage of this fact. ASU ranked 43rd among ARL (Association for Research Libraries) universities, for exoenditures on electronic materials. Some major databas€s . . . Examples of elecbonic full tsxtjournal collections American Chemical Society Geobase Georef Astrophysics Data System Abstract Service (NASA) lsl Web of Science (SCl Expanded) . . SciFinder Scholar (Chemical Abstracts) . Knovel (Scientific and Engineering Databases) . Earthquake Engineering Abshacts . INSPEC (Physics, Electronics, Astrobiology, etc.) . Ei Compendex Web (Engineering, Geotechnicat, Environmental, etc.) . IEEE Xplore (lEL) . netLibrary . Applied Science and Engineering Abstracfs, General Science Abstracls Other electronic databas* of intet€st to geological scientists . Dissertation Abstrads Intemational . Monthly Catalog of US Govemment Pubtications . Environmental Policy Index . Earth Science Information . Geographical Resources . NTIS . . American Geophysical Union . American Institute of Physics . American Society of Civil Engineers . Annual Reviews . Bioone . Cambridge Online Journals . Eleclronic Joumal of Geotechnical Engineering . Elsevier Science Direcl . Institute of Physics . Kluwer Online . Nature . Royal Society of Chemislry Joumals . Science Online . Springer Link . Synergy . Wley Interscience Despite these electronic efforts, by most library measures ASU ranks well below where it should be in terms of size. For example, in terms of title counts, it ranks near the boftom, with only 51% of the holdings average of "Group A" universities. Compared to "aspirational institutions" (i.e., other targe srare universities), its holdings are only 480lo of the average. These statistics are in part caused by ASU's relatively recent rise as a university, and in part by continued low state funding. Federal (US Geological Survey, etc.) documents and maps related to geological sciences are in much better shape, inasmuch as they are available without cost through the Federal Depository Library Program. 41 8.0 SESE K-12 EDUCATIoN aND P{JBLIC OUTREACE 8.1 Goals and objectives The American work force urgently requires more of its members to be technically and scientifically proficient as well as socially aware, in order to sustain our national excellence in a future increasingly based on complex systems. SESE is driving the change to address this need by training the next generation of explorers as hybrid scientist-engineers, capable of asking the fundamental questions that lead to great discoveries and of designing the technologies to answer those questions. But it is not only the minds of our students that we seek to engage. A scientifically savly citizenry is required to endorse and support future exploration. This is accomplished through a variety of science education and outreach activities for the general public, educators and K-12 students, kno\rn collectively as Education and Public Outreach (EPO). SESE specifically seeks to: . Strengthen science, technologt, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) concepts and skills in K- 12 education (targeting high-need schools) . Lead broad-scale informal education programs aimed at the public Approach. SESE faculty and staff are committed to formal, informal, and pre-collegiate science education. Many are involved with developing outreach programs geared toward ensuring that future generations will possess the skills necessary to be successful in a technologically sophisticated world. Their efforts include numerous outreach activities, such as offering facility tours to school groups, running interactive student programs, speaking to groups, and leading field trips and workshops for K-12 teachers. Appendix VIII gives a full listing and description of SESE EPO activities and resources. 8.2 K-12 STEM education To strengthen STEM concepts and skills in K-12 education, SESE provides a suite of activities and programs that centers on advancing the spirit and understanding ofall types ofexploration - Earth, Space, and beyond. For K-12 students, we aim to translate tle excitement of scientific discovery into the classroom via integated, exploration-based activities. Some of these activities take place on site (i.e., Mars Student Imaging Project), while others are provided in local classrooms. Our Mars Education program is an intemationally recognized vehicle for engaging middle school to high school shrdents in the excitement of space exploration. Dr. Whipple, partnering with a local middle school teacher, developed a one-week, Gls-based geology exercise on the tectonics, topography, rock types, and climate for Sierra San Pedro M6rtir, Baja Califomia, MX. Although our focus is largely local and national, we also provide intemational opportunities. SESE was instrumental in orchestrating the China Youth Space Academy (CYSA), which was created to excite high school students from the U.S. and China about careers in space science and engineering and offered a cross-cultural component by partnering the visiting students with Arizona students on a Mars imaging project. 8.3 Reaching out to the public Engagement and immersion in the process of discovery is a key component to exciting explorers of any age. SESE engages the public in novel leaming environments with innovative tools, and offers unique opporhrnities for direct involvement in scientific discovery. Our efforts blur the boundaries "scientisf' and "citizen" to produce informed "citizen scientists'" between Aiming for a broad-scale educational impact, we give lectures th,roughout the world in addition to hosting local events. The annual Earth and Space Exploration Day each fall welcomes community members to partake of numerous, engaging interactive activities and exhibits from SESE research groups. Each year since 2002, the event has seen an average of about 1,000 young people and their families, and local citizens. A monthly astronomy open house, conducted by SESE gaduate students, aftracts 100-150 members of the public. Activities include telescope viewing, Planetarium shows, and public talks. Community outreach and education in the form of guest speaking and presenting at public lectures is another important vehicle for the school. SESE members speak at local schools and clubs (astronomy clubs and societies); help Boy Scouts eam badges in geology; and present at events such as Sally Ride, ASU Homecoming, school science nights, and lectures series at the Arizona Science Center and Challenge Space Center. Some faculty also led geologr hikes for the public. About five times per year Dr. Semken leads trips at Boyce Thompson Arboretum State Park near Superior, AZ. The audience, typically 10-25 people per hike, is diverse in all demographics. Similarly, Dr. Whipple holds public workshops integrating geology and biologr for an informal education center in Honduras. Dr. Knauth also usually offers a yearly rafting trip through Grand Canyon. Our professors and researchers also participate in national science programming for channels such as Discovery, National Geographic, etc. Several SESE professors devote many hours each semester to educating and informing the public, including talks at the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum. For example, Lawrence Krauss gives upward of 30 public lectures per year to diverse audiences, appea$ regularly on radio and television, writes for Scientifc American utd New Scientist, and contributes opinion pieces to newspapers including the ,lr'ew York Times, llall Street Journal, and Los Angeles Times. 8.4 Outlook and future plans Strengthening the EPO bonds between SESE and other organizations with similar EPO goals is a priority. We also will strengthen existing relationships with local schools and youth-oriented groups such as Boy/Girl Scouts, Boys and Girls Club of Americ4 4-H, and the yMCA. SESE EPO activities will be enhanced significantly by the space that will be provided in the new building, Interdisciplinary Science and Technologt Building IV, the largest research facility in the history of Arizona State University. As the new home ofSESE, ISTB-IV is designed in a novel way that reflects SESE's dedication to K-12 education and public outreach, The first and second floors of this 290,000-sq.ft. building are largely devoted to the integation of cutting-edge research in Earth and space sciences with integrated EPO. The first floor invites visitors to explore earth and space sciences thrcugh digital media" public lectures, 'Aisible laboratories", and interactive displays. A focal point ofthe building is the 250-seat theater for high-definition movies with earth and space science themes. The 4,300 sq. ft. Earth and Space Gallery boasts kiosk-style interactive exhibits and large-format, high-definition monitors displaying streaming video from earth-observing satellites and robotic probes of other worlds. The second floor hosts a variety of learning centers for K-12 students and educators. The Leaming Laboratory, a tecbnology-mediated classroom focuses on active learning, stimulates discovery and exploration of earth and space science concepts through hands-on experiments, and problem-solving exercises. The Educator's workshop, a 75-seat auditorium, facilitates the creation, prototyping, and propagation ofnew pedagogies to enhance K-12 science leaming. 43 44 APPENDIX I. SESE ORGANIZATION CHART School of Earth and Space Exploration Reporting Line Structure 45 46 APPENDIX II: UNDERGRADUATE EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS University core requirem€nts . . . Literacy and Critical Inquiry o o o o Literacy - competence in written and oral discourse Critical inquiry - gatlering, interpretation, and evaluation ofevidence 6 hours total; at least 3 upper division GLG45l and GLG452 satisb' the L requirement MA and CS: Mathematical Studies (6 credits total) o o o Computer Statistics Applies math to use of statistics/quantitative aralysis o in ESE), all concentrations, will take this course). Students in the BS in ESE and in the BA in Earth & Environmental Sciences (BA in EES) will me€t the MA requirement by taking math required for major Math competence in basic math above college algebra level SESl00 satisfies the CS requtemenu most students in the BS in Earth & Space Exploration (BS HU and SB: Humanities, Fine Arts & Design and Social & Behavioral Sciences o Hu-productions ofhuman thought and imagination; study ofaesthetic experiences and the processes of artistic creation o SB-scientific methods of inquiry and empirical knowledge about human behavior, within society and individually . o 6 credits in one area, 9 in the other; at least 3 must be upper division SQ and SG: Natural Sciences o The natural sciences help students appreciate the scope and limitations ofscience and its contributions to society by quantitative (SQ) and qualitative methods (SG) o o hous total; at least one course must be SQ BS in ESE and BA in EES majors will meet both natural science requirements by taking required 8 courses for major . Awareness Areas Cultual Diversity (C), Global (G) and Historical (H) Awareness Areas o The three Awareness Areas promote appreciation ofcultural diversity within the contemporary United States, the development ofan intemational perspective, and an understanding of current human events through study ofthe past o Students must complete courses that satisry the thee Awareness Areas. Courses can fulfill one Core and up to two Awarenesq Afga! a! on99 Colleg€ requirements . Science and Society o All BS degree students must take at least 6 credit hours of'Science & Society' cours€s and at least 3 credits must be upper division (300 or 400Jevel) o Only Q\! course may be used to meet the major requirements, major related fields, or minor fulfill this requirement cannot be used to fulfill other requirements in the major, related fields in the major, minor or the University General Studies except the literacy and critical inquiry (L) and the awareness areas (C, G, H). requirements; otherwise, courses taken to - o o o Students must receive a grade of"C" or above in both courses. See CLAS website for more details/guidelines on choosing your classes and to find the list of eligible classes for science and society: httD://,/scienceandsociew Note: SESE cunently offers one Science and Society course: SES294: Exploration the Human 47 Imperative. However, this course does not satisry the Science & Society requirement for the BS in ESE major b€caus€ the only area it could fulfill is the major elective, but by defmition the major elective must be upper division and SES294 is not upper division. . Foreign Language for the BA degree: Students pursuing bachelor ofart degrees in the College of Libeml Arts and Sciences must demonstrate intermediate proficiency in a second language by completing the courses specified below with a grade of"C" (2.00) or higher in each course. Second language course requirements consist of: o Completion of second language course work at the intermediate level (202 or equivalent those students completing this requirement in Ancient Greek must take both GRK 301 and 302; students completing the requirement in Portuguese or Romanian must complete POR 314 or ROM 3 14) OR o o A foreign language coune at the 300Jevel or higher taught in the forefun language and having 202 or its equivalent as a prerequisite OR Completion of secondary education at a school in which the language of instruction is not English OR o Completion ofSHS 202 American Sign Language IV or its equivalent. Additionrl Requirements . General Electives o Any college level course can count as a general elective. Therefore, any class offered at ASU can count as a general elective, . ESE Electives o ESE electives must be upper division couses in SESE (AST, GLG, or SES) or approved courses in other departments. . . . . . First-year Composition: ENG10l/102, ENG105 or ENCI07/ENGl08 At least 120 credits total o At least 45 credits ofupper division Mininum of 2.0 to graduate (some programs require higher) At least 30 credits eamed at ASU Required courses for majot EXAMPLE PROGRAMS OF STUDY Example: Bachelor of Arts in Earth and Enviornmental Studios and cumulative aemsster hou|8 or GLG 110/1'l'l: Dangerous World (choose one) (4) MAT 170 Precalculus (3) or MAT 210 Brief Calculus (3) or MAT 251 Calc for Life Sciences (3) (all MA) ENG 101 0|102: First-Year composition or ENG 105: Advanced First-Year Composition or ENG 107 or 108: English for Foreign Students (3) Second language (4) Term one: O-15 crcdit GLG 101: Introduction to Physical Geotogy GLG 103: Introduction io Physical Geology Lab &G) (1) (3) (SQ 4) 105: 108: MAT 1 17, if necessary, or Second Language (3 or ENG 1O'l or 102: First Year Composition or ENG Advanced First-Year Composition or ENG 107 or English for Foreign Students (3) Socialand Behavioral Scienc€ Academic Success Class or First Year Seminar (3) hourlg hou|l (1) Term two: 16-30 crudit CHM/BIO/ or PHY from list of approved courses GLG 106: Habitable World: GLG 108: Water Planet (4) 108 48 Tetm thrus: 31'{5 crcdit houB CHM/BlO/or PHY ftom list of approved courses (4) GLG 106: Habitable World OR GLG 108: Water Planet 108 OR GLG 110 and 11'l: Geologic Disasters and the Environment (4) Second language if proficiency not complete, else elective (4) Earth/Environmental Studies Upper Division Elective (see SES advisor for list) (3) Earth/Environmental Studies Upper Division Elec{ive (see SES advisor for list) (3) Upper Division General Elective (3) Upper Division Literacy and Critical Inquiry (3) General Elec{ive (3) Social and Behavioral Science and Cultural Diversity Awareness or Hislorical Awareness (3) Humanities (3) Term four: 46-60 cFdit houF GLG 305: The Dynamic Earth (3) GLG 327: The Critical Zone (3) Second language if proficiency not complete, else elective (4) Humanities and Cultural Diversity Awareness or Historical Awareness (3) Term aeven: 91-105 cr€dit houE Earth/Environmental Studies Upper Division Eleclive (see SES advisor for list) (3) Earth/Environmental Studies 400level Elective (see SES advisor for list) (3) Upper Division General Elective (3) Upper Division Humanities, Fine Arts & Design or Social & Behavioral Science (3) General Elective (3) Term five: 6t-75 credit hourg GLG 325: Oceanography (3) Computer/StatisticVQuantitative Applications (3) Literacy and Critical Inquiry (3) General Eleciive (3) Upper Division General Eleclive (3) Term six Tem eight: 106-120 cr€dit hou13 EartMEnvironmental Studies 4oGlevel Eleclive (see SES advisor for list) (3) GLG 4Af: Solving Environmenlal Problems (3) Upper Division General Elective (3) General Elective (3) 76-90 credit hours Students who complete this degree program may pursue the following careers. Advanced degrees or certifications may be required for academic or clinical positions. Career examples include but are not limited to the following: +growth Example Career Biofuels/Biodiesel Technology and Product Green Bright Outlook Biofuels/Biodiesel Technolory and Product Development Managers Brownfi eld Redevelopment Sp€cialists 6.160/o Brownfield Redevelopment Specialists and Site Managers 7 .320/o 6.160/o 7.32o/o *median salary $l t 7,000 $l l7,000 s92,600 s92,600 Climate Change Analysts Engineering Managers Environmental Engineers 27.860/o $61,010 6.160/o $l 17,000 30.620/o $77,040 Envlonmental Science and hotection Technicians, Including Health 28.91o/o 27.860/o M0,790 10.29o/o 10.29o/o s74,080 s74,080 12.98o/o sl13240 7 .32o/o s92,600 s74,080 s42,940 s56,600 Environmental Scientists and Specialists, Including Health Fire-Prevention and Protection Engineers Industrial Safety and Health Engineers Lawyers Managers, All Other Product Safety Engineers Recycling Coordinators Social and Community Service Managers 10.29% 3.64% 13.78% s6l,0l0 *Data obtainedfrom the Occupational Information Network (O*NET) under sponsorship of the U.S. Department of Labor/Employment and Training Administration (USDOL/ETA). Example: Bech€lor of Science in Ea h and Space Exploration and cumulatiye semester houF Term one: 0-15 credlt hours SES 100: Introduction to Exploration (3) SES 101: Earth, Solar System, and Universe | (3) SES 103: Earth, Solar System, and Universe Laboratory ENG 101 or '102: First-Year Comoosition or ENG '105: Advanced Firsl-Year ComDosition or ENG 107 or 108: English for Foreign Students (3) MAT 170 if needed or elective (3) General Elective (3) | (1) 49 (l) Upper Division CLAS Science and Society (3) Academic Success Class or First Year Seminar Term two: 16-30 crcdit CHM 1'14: General Chemistry for Engineers MAT 265: Calculus for Engineers | (MA) (3) SES 102: Earth, Solar System, and Universe ll (3) SES 'l 04: Earth, Solar System, and Universe ll ENG 101 0|102: First-Year Composition or ENG Advanced First-Year Composition or ENG 107 or English for Foreign Students Term thr€e: 3145 cr€dit PHY 121t'l.22: University Physics land Laboralory (3,1) MAT 266: Calculus for Engineers ll SES 210: Engineering Systems and houF Social& Behavioral Science and Cultural Diversity, (4) (1) (3) houl1E Global Awareness, or Historical Awareness (3) Laboratory '105: 108: (3) Experimental (3) SES 410: Senior Exploration Project | (3) Computer/Statistics,/Quantitative applications (3) Upper Division General Elective (3) GLG 400: Geology Colloquium (1) SES Branch Course in (3) houF (3) Tarm eight: 106-120 credit hours SES 411: Senior Exploration Poecl ll (3) Upper division Humanities, Fine tuts & Design or Social Behavioral Science (3) Upper division General Elective (3) Upper division General Eleciive (3) Upper division General Eleclive (2) Term four: 46-60 cledit Humanities, Fine Arts & Design and Cultural Diversity the US, Global Awareness, or Historical Awareness PHY l3l: University Physics l: Mechanics PHY 123: University Physics Laboratory I MAT 267: Calculus for Engineers lll CLAS Science and Society Literacy and Critical Inquiry (3) (3) Term five:61-75 cr€dit (3) (3) (1) (3) SES/GLG/AST Upper Division Elective SES Branch course (3) Social and Behavioral Science (3) Upper division Literacy and Critical Inguiry (3) in (3) hou€ SES/GLG/AST Upper Division Elective (3) SES Branch Course (3) SES 310: ConceDts of Eleclrical & Mechanical Engineering Design (3) Students who complete this degree prognm are prepared for the following careen. Advanced degrees or certifications might be requircd for academic or clinical positions. Careers include but are not limited to the following: rgro*th Example Career +median salary 1039% .03o/o 6.160/o Geoscientists, Except Hydrologists and Geographers 17.52o/o 18.25o/o Hydrologists 15.45o/o Natural Sciences Managers Green Astronomers Engineering Managers Aerospace Engineers 16 $94,780 Sl04 ,'120 S117,000 S81220 9'13,6'10 S114,560 *Data obtainedfrom the Ocaearional Infornation Network (O*NET) under sponsorship of the U.S- Depqrtment of Labor/Employment and Training Administrdion ruSDOUET - Tom seven: 9l-'105 crcdit houB Design Humanities, Fine Arts & Design and Cultural Diversity the US, Global Awareness, or Historical Awareness General Elective (3) Term six: 76-90 cr€dit hou1B MAT 275: Modem Differential Equations (3) . 50 - III. APPENDIX DETAILED GRADUATE PROGRAM DESCRIPTIONS MS , ASTROPHYSICS Core/breadth Given the broad range ofexpertise necessary for the diverse research topics in SESE, no single program can be defined. Thus, the advisor, thesis committee, and student, must ensure that the knowledge and skills necessary for the degree are met and that the educational and experiential breadth in the longer term interest ofthe student is considered. The student must complete at least 30 semester hours ofgraduate coursework credit. Graduate courses are numbered 500 or greater, but up to 6 credit hours of400 level classes may be included. Twenty hours or more consist of coursework other than Research and Thesis. Coursework is designed to serve the individual needs ofthe student, with due aftention to breadth and depth ofdevelopment. A cumulative average GPA of 3.0 or better must be maintained in coursework. The following courses are required for Astrophysics MS students: l. Faculw Research Seminar (AST/GLG 591) Dudng the first fall semester in residence, all entering graduate students take this weekly one-hour seminar by ASU faculty on their current research. 2. Thesis (ASf/GL,G 599) Students must complete 6 hours ofThesis, which involves the preparation ofa written thesis on an original research topic, which is defended in a final oral examination. 3. Colloquium (GLG 500) All graduate students take the SESE colloquium for at least one semester. A research paper may be required as pan ofthis course. 4. Astrophysics Series: AST 521-522:521-q!daSTl3L532 A student involved in interdisciplinary research may petition the Graduate Committee to be excused fiom some ofthese courses. Concer|trations ' Astrophysics ard Cosmology - Computational Astrophysics - Cosmology, Dark Matter, and Dark Energy - Star Formation and Evolution - Galaxy Formation and Evolution - Formation and Evolution ofPlanets and Other Solid Bodies . . Science Education - University-Level Formal Science Education - K-12 Formal Science Education - Informal Science Education Systems Engineering - Engineering for Scientific Exploration - Astronomical Instrumentation Culminating experience - Technical review When t}le student and the faculty advisor decide that the major results are near completion, the student will convene their Thesis Committee for a technical review ofthe research results. The technical review must be held at least 3 months in advance ofthe fnal defense date. A majority ofthe Thesis Committee must be present in person for the technical review. tfa majority is not available, the technical review must be rescheduled. The purpose ofthis review is for the Thesis Committee to establish whether an appropriate research project has been carried out and that the results are sufficiently sound to warrant preparation ofa thesis. The technical review consists of an oral presentation ofthe results and interpretations. It typically lasts 2 to 3 hours and includes a 30-minute seminar-type presentation by the student. The student and research advisor will work closely to help the student understand the purpose and flow ofthe technical review. Outside members ofthe Thesis Committee, SESE Graduate Committee representatives, and other faculty may attend. The student will provide the Thesis Committee an extended abstract and outlin€ ofthe thesis research at least on€ week before the oral presentation. At the conclusion of will indicate any concems regarding the research. Committee members may identi$, specific areas that need further investigation. The manner in which these are subsequently treated by the student is subject to evaluation at the defense. Comments are transmitted to the student using the Technical Review Report from the Committee. the technical review, the committee Dqense A final oral defense ofthe thesis is conducted by the thesis committee, all ofwhom must be present for the defense 5l unless there are €xtenuating circunstances. The defense typically is 2 to 3 hours and includes a 3o-minute presentation by the student. The completed thesis must be submitted to the thesis committee at least 2 we€ks prior to the exarnination. Failure to provide the comrnittee with sufficient review time may result in cancellation of the defense. MS. GEOLOGICAL SCIENCES Core/breadth Given the broad range of expertise necessary for the divene SESE research topics no single program can be defined. Thus, the advisor, the thesis committee, and the student must ensure that the knowledg€ and skills necessary for the degree are met and that the value of educational and experiential breadth in the longer term inter€st of the student is considered. The student must complete at least 30 semester hours of graduate coursework credit. Craduate courses are numbered will consist of the individual needs ofthe student, 500 or greater, but up to 6 credit hows of400 level classes may be included. Twenty hours or more coursework other than Research and Thesis. Coursework should be designed to serve with due attention to breadth and depth ofdevelopment. A cumulative average GPA of 3.0 or better must be maintained in coursework. The following courses are required ofGeological Sciences MS students: l. Faculw Reseaxch Seminar (AST/GLG 591) During the fiISt fall semester in residence, all entering graduate 2. students are required to take this weekly one-hour seminar by ASU faculty on their current research. Thesis {AST/GLG 599) Study, students must complete 6 hours ofThesis, which involves the preparation 3. written thesis on an original research topic, which is defended in a final oral examination. Colloquju$]cl,G :500) All graduate students are required to take the SESE colloquium for at least one ofa semester. A research paper may be required as part of this course. Concentrations . Earth Systems Sciences ' - Bioscience - Continental Tectonics and Structural Geology Processes Geochemistry and Environmental Geochemistry - Geophysics: Geodynamics and Seismolory - Hydrology, echohdrology and hydrometeorology - Petrologl, Mineralogy, Mineral Physics and - - Earth Surface . . Planetary Sciences - - Astrobiology Cosmochemistry, Planetary Geochemistry, and Planetary Mineralogy Planetary Geoscience Science Education - University-Level Formal Science Education - K-12 Formal Science Education - Informal Science Education Systems Engineering - Engineering for Scientific Exploration Mineral Resources Volcanologr and Volcanic Hazards Culminsting experience Technlcd review When the student and the faculty advisor decide that the major results are near completion, the student will convene their Thesis Committee for a technical review ofthe research results- The technical review must be held at least 3 months in advance ofthe final defense date. A majority ofthe Thesis Committee must be present in p€rson for the technical review. Ifa majority is not available, the technical review must be rescheduled. The purpose ofthis review is for the Thesis Committee to establish whether an appropriate research project has been carried out and that the results are sufficiently sound to warrant preparation of a thesis. The technical review consists of an oral presentation ofthe results and interpretations. It typically lasts 2 to 3 hours and includes a 30-minute seminar-type presentation by the student. The student and research advisor will work closely to help the student understand the purpose and flow ofthe technical review. Outside members ofthe Thesis Committee, SESE Graduate Committee representatives, and other faculty may att€nd. The student will provide the Thesis Committee an extended abstract and outline oJthe thesis research at least one week before the oral presentation. At the conclusion of 52 the tecbnical review, the committee will indicaie any concems regarding the research. Committee members may identi! specific areas that need further investigation. The manner in which these are subsequently teated by the student is subject to evaluation at the defense. Comments are transmitted to the student using the Technical Review Report from the Committee. Defense A final oral defense ofthe thesis is conducted by the thesis committee, all ofwhom must be present for the defense unless there are extenuating circumstances. The defense typically is 2 to 3 hours and includes a 30-minute presentation by the student. The completed thesis must be submitted to the thesis committee at least 2 weeks prior to the examination. Failure to provide the committee witl sufficient review time may result in cancellation of the defense. PhD - ASTROPHYSICS Core/bresdth Given the broad range of expertise necessary for the diverse SESE research topics no single program can be defmed. Thus, the advisor, the thesis committee, and the student must ensue that the knowledge and skills necessary for the degree are met and that the value ofeducational and experiential breadth in the longer term interest ofthe student is considered. The student will complete at least 84 hous ofgraduate credit. A maximum of30 credits from a previously awarded MS degree can be applied toward this requirement. Graduate courses are numbered 500 or greater, but up to 6 credit hours of400 level classes may be included. At least 25 hours ofthis total work from needs a will consist of formal course work. Course previously awarded MS degree can count towards these 25 credits. Courses should serve the individual ofthe student, with due attention to breadth and depth of development. A cumulative average GPA of3.33 or better must be maintained in graduate courseworlg excluding Research and Dissertation credits. The following courses are required ofAstrophysics PhD students: l. Faculw Research Seminar (AST/GLG59l): All graduate students are required to attend this weekly one-hour seminar by ASU faculty on their curent research. This seminar should be taken during the first fall semester in residence. 2. Dissertation (AST/GLG 799) and Research (AST/GLG 792): 12 hours of Dissertation, which includes the preparation ofa written dissertation, must be taken in the s€mesters following the student's admission to candidacy (i.e., the semesters following the oral comprehensive examination). Additional coursework and research will be taken to complete 84 hours. 3. Colloquium (GLG 500): All graduate students to take the SESE colloquium for at least one semester. A 4. Astrophysics series: AST 521-522-523 and AST 531-532-533 A student involved in interdisciplinary research may petition the Graduate Committee to be excused from some oftlese courses. research paper may be required as part ofthis course. Concentrations . . Astophysics and Cosmology - Computational Astrophysics Cosmology, Dark Matter, and Dark Energy Star Formation and Evolution Galaxy Fomation and Evolution Formation and Evolution ofPlanets and Other Solid Bodies . Science Education - Univenity-Level Formal Science Education K-12 Formal Science Education Informal Science Education Systems Engineering - Engineering for Scientific Exploration - Ashonomical Instrumentation Culminating experietrce Technical revietg when the student and the faculty advisor decide that the major results are near compl€tion and that it is time to begin writing the results and interpretation sections ofthe dissertation, the student will conven€ theb Dissertation Committee for a technical review ofthe research results. The purpose ofthis review is for the Dissertation Committee to establish whether an appropriate research project has been carried out and that the results are sufficiently sound to warrant preparation of the dissertation. The technical review consists of a thorough oral presentation of results and interpretations (typically a 3O-minute seminar-type presentation). The student and research advisor will work closely to help the student understand the purpose and flow ofthe tecbnical review. A majority ofthe Dissertation Committee must b€ present in person for the technical review. Ifa majority is not present, the technical review must be rescheduled. The extemal mernber ofthe Committee must participate either in penon or through teleconferencing or videoconferencing. Other faculty, members ofthe Dissertation Committee, Graduate Committee and representatives may attend. The student must provide the Dissertation Committee an extended abstsact and an outline ofthe research results at least one week before the review. At the conclusion ofthe technical review, the Disseftation Comnittee research. Committee members may identif specific will indicate any concems regarding the areas that need furtller investigation. The manner in which these areas are subsequently treated by the student is subject to evaluation at the dissertation defense. These comments will be transmitted to the student using the Technical Review Report from the Dissertation Committee. Students are to be advised that recommendations ofthe committee may require additional research activities. Consequ€ntly, the review must be held at least 6 months in advance ofthe final defense date to accommodate committee recommendations. The Craduate Committee must approve shorter tim€ intervals between the technical review and final defense. The student is urged to schedule the technical review as soon as possible after the major research results are available to ensure that advisor, student, and Dissertation Committee are in agreement that an appropriate research effort will be completed. Ifthe topic of a student's dissertation changes after the completion ofa technical review, a new technical review on the new topic must be conducted. Ifthe dissertation is not defended within one year ofthe tecbnical review, an additional review meeting with the Dissertation Committee is required. Defense A final oral defense ofthe dissertation is required. All faculty members ofthe Dissertation Committee must be present in penon for the examination, unless there are extenuating clcumstances. The extemal member ofthe Committee is encouraged to participate in person, but teleconferencing or videoconferencing is p€rmitted. Ifall memben are not present, the defense must be rescheduled. The cornpleted dissertation must be submitted to the Dissertation Committee at least two weeks prior to the defense. It is the student's responsibility to consult the Graduate College calendar for when the defens€s must be held relative to the sraduation date. PhD - GEOLOGICAL SCIENCES Core/breadth Given the broad range of expertise necessary for the diverse SESE research topics no single program can be defired. Thus, the advisor, the thesis committee, and the student must ensu€ that the knowledge and skills necessary for the degree are met and that the value ofeducational and experiential breadtl in the longer term interest ofthe student is considered. The student will complete at least 84 credit hours ofgraduate credit. A maximum of30 credits from a previously awarded MS degree can be applied towaxd this requirement. Graduate courses are numbered 500 or greater, but up to 6 credit hous of400 level classes may be included. At least 25 hours ofthis total will consist of formal course work. Cogrse work from a previously awarded MS degree can count towards these 25 credits. Courses should serve the individual needs ofthe student, with due attention to breadth and depth ofdevelopment. A cumulative average GPA of 3.33 or better must be maintained in graduate coursework, excluding Research and Dissertation credits. The following courses are required ofAstrophysics PhD students: l. Faculty Research Seminar (ASTiGLG5gl): All graduate students are required to attend this weekly one-hour seminu by ASU faculty on their current research. This seminar should be taken dudng the first fall semester in 54 - residence. 2. Dissertation (AST/GLG 799) and Research (AST/GLG 792): Exactly l2 hours ofDissertation, which includes the preparation ofa written dissertation, must be taken in the semesters following the student's admission to candidacy (i.e., tle semesters following the oral comprehensive examination). Additional coursework and research 3. will be taken to complete 84 hours. Colloquium (GLG 500): All graduate students take the SESE colloquium for at least one semester. A research paper may be required as part ofthis course. Concentrations . . Earth Systems Sciences - Bioscience - Continental Tectonics and Structural - Planetary Sciences - Geolory Earth Surface Processes Geochemistry ard Environmental Geochemistry Ceophysics: Geodynamics and Seismolory . Hydrolory, echohdrolory and hydrometeorolory Petrolory, Mineralogy, Mineral Physics and Mineral Resources Volcanolory and Volcanic Hazards . Astrobiology Cosmochemistry, Planetary Geochemistry, and Planetary Mineralory Planetary Geoscience Science Education - University-Level Formal Science Education K-12 Formal Science Education Idormal Science Education Systems Engineering - - - Engineering for Scientific Exploration Culminating experience Technlcol review When the student and the faculty advisor decide that the major results are near completion and that it is time to begin writing the results and interpretation sections ofthe dissertation, the student will convene their Dissertation Committee for a technical review ofthe research results. The purpose ofthis review is for the Dissertation Comnittee to establish whether an appropriate research project has been carried out and that the results are sufficiently sound to warrant preparation of the dissertation. The tecbnical review consists ofa thorough oral presentation ofresults and interpretations (typically a 30-minute seminar'q?e presentation). The student and research advisor will work closely to help the student understand the purpose and flow ofthe technical review. A majority ofthe Dissertation Committee must be present in Frerson for the technical review. Ifa majority is not present, the technical review must be rescheduled. The extemal member ofthe Committee must participate either in person or through teleconferencing or videoconferencing. Other faculty, members ofthe Dissertation Committee, Graduat€ Committee and represontatives may attend. The student must provide the Dissertation Committee an extended abshact and an outline ofthe research results at least one week betbre the review. At the conclusion ofthe technical review, the Dissertation Committee will indicate any concerns regarding the research. Committee memben may identi! specific areas that need lilther investigation. The manner in which these areas are subsequently treated by the student is subject to evaluation at the dissertation defense. These comments will be transmitted to the student using the Technical Review Report from the Dissertation Committee. Students are to be advised that recommendations ofthe committee may require additional research activities. Consequently, the review must be held at least 6 months in advance ofthe final defens€ date to accommodate committee recommendations. The Gmduate Committee must approve shorter time intervals between the technical review and final defense The student is urged to schedule the technical review as soon as possible after the major research results are available to ensure that advisor, student, and Dissertation Committee are in agreement that an appropriate research effort will be completed. Ifthe topic ofa student's dissertation changes after the completion ofa technical review, a new technical review on the new topic must be conducted. If the dissertation is not defended within one year ofthe technical review, an additional review meeting with the Dissertation Committee is required. )) Defense A final oral defense ofthe dissertation is required. All faculty members ofthe Dissertation Committee must be present in penon for the examination, unless there are extenuating circumstances. The extemal member ofthe Committee is encouraged to participate in person, but teleconferencing or videoconferencing is permitted. Ifall members are not present, th€ defense must be rescheduled. The completed dissertation must be submitted to the Dissertation Committee at least two weeks prior to the defense. lt is the student's responsibility to consult the Graduate College calendar for when the defenses must be held relative to the sraduation date. 56 APPENDD( IV. EXAMPLE PROGRAMS OF STUDY FOR SESE GRADUATE DEGREES Example: Geological Sciences (MS) -Masters in Passing (MIP) Minimum llours Required 30.00 Term Fall Fall Fall Fall 2008 Spring 2008 Spring 2008 Spring Course GLG 500 GLG 598 GLG 598 GLG 598 GLG 598 GLG 598 200E 2008 2008 2008 2008 CLG GLC GLC GLG GLG 2007 2007 2007 2007 Summer Summer Fall Fall Fall cLG 592 592 592 Title Credit Hours Research Methods: Geology Colloquium ST: Fundamentals of Planetary Geol ST: Meteorites and Cosmochemistr, 1.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 ST: Geofluids Special Topics ST: Advanced Field Ceolory 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 Research Research Research 1.00 598 Seminar: Faculty Research Seminar Special Topics: Analytical Instruments 3.00 592 Research 5.00 591 1.00 Total Credit Hours 30.00 Example: Geological Sciences (MS) Minimum Hours Required 30.00 Term 2008 2008 2008 2009 2009 2009 2009 Fall Fall Fall Spring Spring Spring Spring 2009 Fall 2009 Fall 2009 Fall 2010 Spring Course GLG 5OO GLG 591 GLG 598 GLG 590 GLG 592 GLG 598 GLG 598 Bro 598 CLG 598 GLG 598 GLG 599 Title Credit Hours Research Methods: Geolory Colloquium Seminar: Faculty Research Seminar Special Topics: Analltical Instruments Reading and Conference Research Special Topics: Geochemistry Special Topics: Advanced Field Geolory 1.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 6.00 Geomicrobiolory Astrobiology Special Topics: Geologr of Mars Thesis Total Credit Hours 30.00 Example: Geological Sciences (PhD) Minimum Hours Required 84.00 Term Course 2004 Fall cLG 598 2004 Fall cl-c 598 2004 Fall cLG 598 2004 Fall GLG 598 2005 Spring cLG 500 2005 Spring cLG 598 2005 Spring cLG 792 2005 2005 Summer GLG792 Summer GLc792 2005 2005 cLG 510 cLG 192 cLG 598 Fall Fall 2006 Spring Title Special Special Special Special Credit Hours Topics: Topics: Topics: Topics: ST:Anlytcl Instnnnts ST:Geodynamics ST:Remote Sensing ST:Mthds in Geosci Tchng 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 Geolory Colloquium: Geology Colloquium Special Topics: ST:Adv Remote Sensing 1.00 3.00 Research Research Research 4.00 Advanced Structural Geology Research Special Topics: ST:Cordilleran Regional Geolory 57 1.00 1.00 3.00 5.00 3.00 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2007 2007 2007 2007 2008 2009 Spring Spring Summer Summer Fall Spring Summer Summer Fall Spring Fall GLG 792 MAE 404 GLG 792 GLG 792 GLG 792 Research 6.00 3.00 Finite Elements in Engineering 1.00 1.00 Research Research Research cLG 598 Special Topics 8.00 3.00 GLG GLG GLG GLG Research Research Research Research 1.00 8.00 9.00 792 792 792 792 GLG 799 1.00 Dissertation 12.00 Total Credit Hours 84.00 Example: Astropbysics (PHD) Minimum Hours Required 84.00 Tifle Course Term 2006 2006 2006 2006 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2008 2008 2008 2008 Fall Fall Fall Fall Spring Spring Spring Spring Fall Fall AST 522 AST 53I GLG 59I Fall Fall Spring Spring Spring Spring 2008 Summer 2008 Summer 2008 Fall 2008 2009 2009 2010 2010 201 Fall Spring FaU Spring Fall I Spring GLG 598 AST 532 AST 59I PHY 54I PHY 57I AST 523 AST 59I Stars Cr€dit Hours & Inte$tellar Medium II 3.00 3.00 Galaxies and Cosmolory I Seminar: Faculty Research Seminar Special Topics Galaxies and Cosmolory ll Seminar: Astronomy/Astro- Physics Statistical Physics Quantum Physics 1.00 3.00 3.00 1.00 3.00 3.00 Stars/Interstellar Medium IU 3.00 Seminar 1.00 AST 792 Research 2.00 PHY 53I AST 52I AST 533 AST 59I AST 792 AST 792 AST 792 AST 59I AST 792 AST 792 AST 792 AST 792 AST 799 AST 799 Advanced Elecfi icity/Magnetism Stars and lnterstellar Medium 3.00 3.00 3.00 Galaxies and Cosmolory Seminar III 1.00 4.00 Research Research Research 2.00 1.00 1.00 Seminar: Astrophysics 7.00 Research Research Research Research 7.00 7.00 7.00 6.00 6.00 Dissertation Dissertation Tot l Credit Hours 58 84.00 APPENDIX V. I'HD COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION PROCEDURES The following information is fiom the SESE Graduate Student Handbook. Success on this exam enables passage into PhD candidacy. The comprehensive exam is typically administered in the fourth semester. Its purpose is to assess the suitability ofa student to continue working toward a PhD, broaden students' scientific vision before they focus on the details oftheir dissertation research, and better prepare students for scientific reseaxch. PhD candidacy is eamed on the basis ofa written and an oral component. The written portion ofthe comprehensive exam is in the form of two written research reports, The oral portion ofthe comprehensive exam consists ofan oral defense ofthe two projects. 1. Proiect Selection: a. The two projects must be carded out with fwo different faculty advisors who are members ofthe SESE graduate faculty authorized to chair or co-chair disseiation committees. Primary and secondary advisors must be b. identified for each project. Students admitted with an MS degree may, upon successful petition to the Graduate Committee, base one of their projects on work related to their MS thesis. c. d. ofthe two projects is to lead to dissertation research. Presentation ofboth projects must include some preliminary research results (e.g., new data, results ofmodel At least one runs, or new analysis of data, etc.). Significant progress on both projects is expected. e. f. g. h. The projects must use substantially different methodologies and involve work in substantially different fields. Al least one project should be experimental or observational (i.e., "hands on") in nature. Project titles and a I paragraph abstract ofthe project will be submifted to the Graduate Committee for approval by March I ofthe 2nd semester in residence for Fall admissions or the 3'd semester in residence for Snrinp Admissions. Each title/abstract must carry the signature ofthe primary, project advisor. Project reports will be submitted to the Craduate Committee for approval by March I ofthe 4rh semester in residence for Fall admissions or the 5- semester in residence for Spring Admissions. Each report must be approved by the primary advisor. Failure to submit signed r€ports for the projects will result in the student discussing the issue with the Graduate Committee. i. j. At the time ofproject report submission, each student must confirm that they have an approved Plogam of Study (POS) hled with the Graduate College, which is required for the Comprehensive Exam. Each project report should be the final version intended for the Comprehensive Exam. The report should be detailed and concise. It should be a minimum of4 pages, single spaced, 12 pt font, include an abstract, sufficient background material that demonstrates familiarity with the subject, relevant equations and figures, a discussion ofthe work completed to date, a description ofthe work necessary to complete the project, and references. Manuscripts submitted to or published in joumals may be used as long as appropriate background material is included. k. Once the project reports are approved by the Graduate Committ€e, the student should expect to take their Comprehensive Examination between April I'r and the end of Spring semester. ln extenuating circumstances (e.9., reports not approved by Graduate Committee), th€ Comprehensive Exam may be taken in the following Fall semester 15'h semester in residence for Fall Admissions or the 6'h Semester in residence for Spring Admissions). However, the student should plan to take their exam as soon as possible after the project reports are approved by the Graduate Committee. 2. Project Format and Scooq a. At least one project report will be written and formatted following the style ofa manuscript being submitted to a professional joumal in the field relevant to the research. b. The second project report may be written in the style ofa manuscript as above or as a research proposal following the style ofa funding program (e.g., NSF, NASA, DOE, etc.) that includes the results ofthe project to seed the motivation for proposed future work. Note that details such as a budget, CV, funding history, etc., so which are necessary for a proposal to a fimding program, are not necessary for the project report. c. The two written reports must be submitted to thc student's Comprehensive Exam Committee at least two weeks in advance ofthe oral Examination. d. Work on both ofthe projects should consume a substantial portion ofthe student's effort during the 2 years prior to the oral examination. Students will normally register for 3 hours ofresearch in addition to courses (maximum of 12 hours total) in their 2"d and 3d semesters to allow them to focus on their projects. e. It is expected that one ofthe projects will lead to dissertation research. The second project should be ofthe student's design ard carri€d out independently. 3. Comprehensive Exam Comm a. In addition to the project faculty mentor, students will be expected to discuss each project with a second faculty member or academic professional working in a related field, who should be a member ofthe SESE Graduate Faculty. This secondary mentor will provide an independent check on the suitability ofthe work for a student project, and agree to be available to discuss the project with the student during the course ofthe research. b. The members ofthe Committee consist ofthe primary faculty menton for each ofthe 2 projects, the secondary advisors for both project reports, and a frfth member appointed by the Graduate Committee. An Exam Committee member who is not one ofthe student's two primary advisors on the two projects chairs the Examination Committee. 4. Tirneline: a. b. By the end oftheir first sem€ster, students should talk with faculty memben about possible projects, and begin work on one ofthe projects eaxly in thefu second semester. project titles and a paragraph-absfact will be submitted to the Craduate Committee for approval by March I of the 2nd semester in residence for Fall admissions or the 3'd semester in residence for Spring Admissions. Each title/abstract must carry the signatue ofthe primary advisor for that project. c. d. Work on the projecs should be carried out during the student's second and third semester, and the sumrner between their first and second years. Students should discuss summer support with faculty mentors. project reports will be submitted to the Graduate Committee for approval by March I ofthe 4' semester in - residence for Fall admissions or the 56 semester in residence for Spring Admissions. Each report must carry the e. signatue ofthe primary advisor for that project. The Graduate Committee will review the project reports and possibly iterate with the student to finalize the two project repors by March 15. f. The two project reports will be submitted to the student's Comprehensive Examination Committee at least two weeks in advance ofthe oral examination. g. lt is the student's responsibility to schedule the oral examination with their Comprehensive Examination Committee. The student has until the end ofthe 5s semester in residence for Fall admissions, or the 6d semester in residence for Spring admissions, to take the Comprehensive Exam. However, the student should plan to take their exam as soon as possible after the Graduate committee has approved the project reports. h. Following successful defense ofthe projects, the Exam Cornmittee may elect to approve the student's Dissertation Work Plan by signing the Report ofDoctoral Comprehensive Examinations form and tlle Results of the Doctoral Dissertation Proposayhospectus form. The Dissertation Work Plan summarizes the student project for their dissertation research. This plan is not a formal contract, but is an indication that the student has worked with their advisor to develop a general plan for efficient and effective progress toward their degree. In some cases one or both ofthe project reports, supported by the candidate's oral presentation, may satisry the Exam Committee that a clear work plan has been established. However, if &e Exam Committee elects not to approve a Dissertation Work Plan, then it is the student's responsibility to submit a plan to their SuPervisory Committee wiftin I month after the successful defense oftheir projects. The work plan should have a statement of initial research projects to be performed and an estimated timeline that culminates in the dissertation defense. i. Upon successful compl€tion ofth€ Comprehensive Examination and approval ofthe dissertation work plan, it is 60 - the student's responsibility to file the appropriate paperwork with the Graduate College to obtain official status as a PhD Candidate. This step makes the student eligible for pay at the PhD Candidate rate. 5. Comprehensive Examinaiion: a. Following review ofthe project reports by tlle Graduate Committee, the reports are submitted to the b. In the exam, the student will present a lo-minute overview of each project. A typical exam consists ofi Comprehensive Exam Committee at least two weeks before the oral examination. presentation by the student ofthe l) lst report; 2) questions fiom the Exam Comrnittee regarding the lst report and related topics; 3) presentation by the student ofthe 2nd report; 4) questions fiom the Exam Committee regarding the 2ld report and related topicsj and 5) a final round ofquestions fiom the Exam Comrnittee. c. The Comprehensive Exam Committee reviews the projects in a manner similar to a review of a paper or research proposal, and the student is expected to defend the projects at that level. This includes an ability by the student to discuss the scientific underpinnings ofthe work presented. d. Topics discussed during the exam should not be limited to formal coursework taken by the student. In its assessment, however, the Comprehensive Exam Committee should be cognizant ofthe formal training ofthe student. e. Within I month of passing their Comprehensive Examination, the student must submit their written research projects to th€ir Dissertation Committe€. The student's Dissertation Committee Chat must sign the dissertation work plan. The Dissertation Committee might not approve the dissertation topic until this work plan has been approved. 6. Evaluation of Comprehensive Examination: A Comprehensive Exarnination Committee member who is not one ofthe student's advisors on the projects chairs the Comprehensive Exarnination Committee. Immediately following the Examination, the Committee discusses the student's performance and completes an Exam Evaluation. The committee chair tallys numerical scores (0 to 5 scale) assigned by each committee member to detemrine an average score. Based on the value ofthe average score, one ofthe following recommendations are made: a. b. Pass (score of5.0 3.5): The student is recommended for admission to candidacy for the PhD degree. (score Deferred Decision of3.4 -2.5): The Examination Comrnittee may find that tle examination is not - satisfactory because ofdeficiencies in project reports, exarn preparation, or background knowledge. In the case ofa deferred decision, the Commitiee will discuss the deficiencies with the student and specify conditions for continuation in the PhD program. This discussion will be reflected in the Exam Evaluation documentation. The Committee will require one of the following: i. Continuation of exam The examination may be continued foltowing additional preparation by the student. ln most cases, the student should complete the exam within 6 months ofthe initial exam date, but additional time may be specified by the Examination Committee. Only one defened decision is allowed. ii. Other Conditions The Examination Committee may require coursework, completion or presentation ofa project or projects, or otler actions to rectiry the student's deficiencies. The conditions will be specified on the Comprehensive Exam Report along with a date by which the specified actions must be completed. iii. Transfer to the MS degree proqram For students who do not already hold an MS degree, the Examination Committee may require that the student complete an MS degree before attempting to advance to candidacy in the PhD program. After completion ofthe MS degree, the student must apply for admission to the PhD program. If re-admitted to the PhD program, the student b€gins with a "clean slate" with respect to the comprehensive exam. c. Fail: Ootion to Retake (score of2.4 - 1.5): The Examination Committee may find that the examination is not satisfactory because ofdeficiencies in project reports, exam preparation, or background knowledge. In the case ofa conditional fail, the Committee will discuss the deficiencies with the student and speciff conditions for continuation in the PhD program. This discussion will be reflected in the Exam Evaluation documentation. The Committee will require one of the following: 6l i. Re-examination The examination may be retaken after close consultation with the mernbers ofthe Examination Committee, and witl approval ofthe SESE Associate Director for Graduate Education and the Dean ofthe Graduate College. The ASU Graduate College requires that the re-exarnination take place no sooner than 3 months and no later than I year from the date ofthe original examination. Only one re examination is permitted. The Examination Committee will inform the student ofthe requirements ofthe second examination, but in general the student should follow the same procedure as for the first examination. ii. Transfer to the MS deeree program For students who do not already hold an MS degree, the Examination Committee may require that the student complete an MS degree before attempting to advance to candidacy in the PhD program. After completion ofthe MS degree, the student must apply for admission to the PhD program. If re-admitted to the PhD progmm, the student begins with tie comprehensive exam. (score of less than I .5 on the first examination or less than Fail a "clean slate" with respect to d. 3 .5 on the second examination): Students may be failed without opportunity for re-examination. For students who do not already hold a MS degree, a terminal MS may be recommended pending successful completion ofthe MS degree requirements. Funding supPorting the student may b€ withdrawn at the end ofthe semester. 62 APPENDD( \'I. Ariel Anbar, Professor Fall'09: CHM 302 (Env. Chemistry) Spring'10: Ariel Anbar is a FACULTY AREAS OF EXPERTISE worlds (GLG 106) and fuhlre evolution ofthe Earth as a habitable planet and how Release to develop Habitable biogeochemist interested in the past this knowledge informs the search for inhabited worlds beyond Earth. His current r€search focuses on the chemical evolution ofthe environment, especially changes in ocean oxygenation though time, and its consequences for life. Between 8i2008 to 8/20 I 0, his research was supported by I 9 grants totaling $3 .6 million, predominantly from NASA and the NSF but also including grants from the University ofCincinnati, University ofArizona, the Agouron Institute, and tle Canille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation. J. Ramon Arrowsmith, Professor Sabbatical Fall 2009-Spring 2010; GLGI l0 Geologic disasters and the environment Fall20l0 J. Ram6n Arrowsmith conducts research in active tectonics, quantitative structural geology and geomorphology. These include paleoseismology, earthquake geology, theoretical studies of faulting and hillslope development, and Quatemary Geology and desert surface processes. Active areas ofgeographic concentration include the San Andreas Fault system, Arizona, central Asi4 Xinjiang Chin4 Baja Califomia, and the Afar region of Ethiopia (for the geologic context ofpaleoanthropologic studies). He also develops geoinformatics tools for cyberinfrastructure in the geosciences emphasizing high resolution topography derived from LiDAR technology. Between 8/2008 to 8/20 I 0, his research was supported by 18 grants totaling S2.3 million, from sources including the NSF, the US Civilian Research and Development Foundation, the Southem California Earthquake Center, USC, UCSD, Unavco, and the Arizona Geological Survey. Alberto Behar, Associate Professor New arrival surnrner 2010; no teaching 2009-2010 Before coming to SESE, Alb€rto spent 18 years at NASA/JPL operating, designing, building, testing and deploying scientific instruments and robotics in extreme environments (e.g. Antarctica, Greenland, Alaska, Deep Se4 Inter and Sub-Glacial, Reduced Gravity, Hi-Altitude, Mojave Desert, Volcano, Space/Planetary/Asteroid, Space Station). His primary interests are developing, testing and deploying architectures for future planetary surface spacecraft in remote extreme envhonments on Earth. Judd Bowman, Assistant Professor New arrival summer 2010; no teaching 2009-2010 Judd Bowman is an expert on radio astronomy, and in particular on using radio experiments to study the epoch of reionization through the redshifted 2l cm line ofneutral hydrogen. Bowman's research is supported by grants from the NSF, totaling at least $500 thousand. Donald Burt. Professor GLG 102 Historical Geology (Fa11,2009); GLG 102 Historical Geolory (Spring,2010); cLG 441/598 Ore Deposits (Spring,20l0); GLG l0l Physical Geology (Summer,2010). Don Burt explores multicomponent phase equilibria and crystal chemistry in natual rocks. This approach involves fieldwork in a variety ofpetrologic settings in order to determine mineral compatibilities and element partitioning under wide range ofphysical and chemical conditions. Other interests involve oxidation-reduction, acid-base, ion exchange processes, ore deposits, and the Moon and Mars. In addition to his academic research activity, Bun conducts external a consulting related to mining. 63 Pet€r R Buseck Regents' Professor cl-c 400/500 SESE Colloquium (l) crystal structues and defecs in minerals at the atomic level using high(2) the geochemistry and mineralogy ofvarious qpes ofmeteorites resolution transmission electron microscopy; (carbonaceous chondrites, enstatite chondrites, pallasites, etc.); and (3) the nature ofaerosol particles such as airbome Peter R. Buseck conducts research on: minerals, soot, and other small grains, their chemical and physical reactions (e.g., deliquescence, e{florescence) in the atmosphere, and their effects on air quality ard climate change. Between 8/2008 to 8/2010, his research was supported by l3 grants totaling over $4 million, mostly from the NSF and NASA. Philip Christens€n, Regents' Professor, Ed and Helen Korrick Professor GLG 406/598: Geolory of Man; (Spring 2010 off?) Philip Christensen focuses on the composition, physical properties and processes, and morphology ofplanetary surfaces, with an emphasis on Mars and the Earth. A major element ofhis research has been the design and development of spacecraft infrared remote sensing instruments. His research uses infrared spectroscopy, radiometry, laboratory spectroscopic measurements, field observations, and numerical modeling, in a wide range offield sites and these tools are used to study environmental and uban development problems on Earth. Between 8/2008 to 8/2010, his research was supported by 20 grants, totding S46 million, predominantly from NASA but also the U.S. Geological Survey, and the Barringer Crater Company. Amanda B. Clsrke, Associate Professor Amanda Clarke studies the nature and causes ofexplosive volcanic eruptions, with special interest in understanding the behavior ofmulti-phase fluids. She gathers data about complex natural syst€ms by observing and monitoring eruptions, and performing strati$aphic and sarnple analysis. She uses laboratory experiments and numerical models to gain a general physical undersanding ofreal volcanoes, which ultimately aids volcano hazard assessment. Between 8/2008 and 8/20 I 0, her research was supported by five g?nts, totaling over $900 thousand, from the NSF and NASA. Steven Desch, Associate Professor Steve Desch is a theoretical astrophysicist who models the formation ofsolar systems and planetary processes. His modeling draws on his expertise in magnetohydrodynamics, radiative transfer, dust microphysics, meteoritics, and other astrophysics, as well as numerical computing. His research interests include: chondrule formation; origin ofthe Solar system's short-lived radionuclides; star formation and protoplanetary disk evolution; astromineralogy; Martian dust devils; and cryovolcanism on Kuiper Belt Objects. Steve Desch is the 2003 recipient ofthe Meteoritical Society's Alfied O. Nier Prize. Between 8/2008 and 8/2010, his research was supported by six grants fiom NASA and the NSF, totaling over $600 thousand. Jack D. Farmer, Professor GLG 430: Principles ofPaleontology; SES 3l l: Essentials of Astrobiolory; GLG 494: Advanced Paleontology Research in geobiolory and astrobiolory with a focus on evolution of Earth's biosphere, based on the fossil record, the microbial mediation ofsedimentary processes in hydrothentral, evaporitic and other exteme environments, development of strategies and instrumentation for exploring Mars and other bodies in the Solar systern for evidence ofa past or present biosphere. Between 8/2008 and 8/2010, his reseaxch was supported by nine grants from NASA, totaling $1.6 million. Mrtthew Fouch, Associate Professor cLc494/591 EarthScope Seminar; GLG4I0: Computers in Earth and Space Exploration; GLG101: lntroduction to Physical Geology o+ Matt Fouch is a geophysicist whose primary resefich interests are seismic imaging of crust and mantle structure and dynamics over a broad range of spatial scales. He also collaborates with engin€ers on the development of innovative seismic sensors and data collection methods for Earth and other terrestrial planets. He is particularly interested in multidisciplinary approaches to constrain these images by providing context to complementary disciplines, including geology, geodynamics, mineral physics, and geochemistry. He has been heavily involved in the deploym€nt ofa number ofbroadband seismic arrays targeting regions of specific geologic interest, and in the past decade has led or significantly participated in 2 ofthe largest broadband seismic installations in the world. He brings expertise in seismic array deployments, a host of seismic imaging techniques, and s€ismic instrumentation. He is also deeply involved with the NsF-fl.nded Earthscope program, the Eaxth Sciences €quivalent to the Hubble Space Telescope. Between 8/2008 and 8/2010, his research was supported by seven grants totaling about $1.35 million, from the NSF, NASA, the Arizona Geological Survey, and the University ofArizona. Edward Garnero, Professor GLG494l59l: Earthscope Seminar; GLG4I0: Computers in Earth and Space Exploration; GLG4|8: Geophysics Edward Garnero is a geophysicist using seismology to study inaccessible regions of Earth's interior - fiom the uppermost mantle to the innermost core. His tools include seismic wave travel time and waveform modeling, and seismic array methods. The boundary between silicate mantle rock and the liquid outer core shows a region as fascinating in its structural and dynamic diversity as Earth's surface, and has been a focus area for the Gamero research team. This region may play a crucial role in the birth of mantle plumes that give rise to hot-spot volcanism, as well as the resting place for ancient oceanic crust and lithosphere material, as it falls into the interior. Between 8/2008 and 8/2010, his research was supported by eight grants, totaling about $900 thousan4 from the NSF, NASA, and the University ofArizona. Ronald Greeley, Regents' Professor GLG 4941598: Fundamentals of Planetary Geology (Fall 2009); GLG 404/59E: Geology ofOuter Planet Moons (Spring 20r 0) Ronald Greeley has been involved in lunax and planetary studies since 1967. Current research is on Mars through the Maxs Exploration Rovers and as a Co-I on Mars Express his focus is on understanding planetary surface processes and geologic histories, through a combination of spacecraft data analysis, laboratory experiments, and geologic field studies on Earth offeatures analogous to those observed on the planets. He is the founder and PI ofthe Planetary Aeolian Laboratory, a national facility at NASA-Ames Research Center used to simulate geological processes. A similar facility at ASU compl€ments the Ames lab by running experim€nts for Eartl conditions. Between 8/2008 and 8/2010, his research was supported by 14 grants totaling $3.7 million from NASA. Christopher Groppi, Assistant Professor GLG59l, ASTI I I Cbristopher Groppi is an experimental astrophysicist interested in the process ofstar and planet formation and the evolution and structure ofthe interstellar medium. His current research focuses on the design and construction ofstate of the art terahertz receiver systems optimized to detect the light emitted by molecules and atoms in molecular clouds, the birthplace of stars. Development of multi-pixel imaging arrays of terahertz spectrometers is a key technology for the advancement of astrophysics in this wavelength regime. Dr. Groppi is participating in several research efforts to develop advanced terahertz imaging arrays for ground based and suborbital telescopes. He also applies terahertz technology developed for astrophysics to a wide range ofother applications including Earth and planetary science remote sensing, hazardous materials detection and applied physics. Since his recent arrival at ASU, he has been supported by two gmnts totaling S225 thousand" from the NSF and from Caltech. 65 Hihiry Hartnett, Associate Professor Fall 2009 - Oceanography (GLG/CHM/BIO 325); Spr 2010 - Geochemistry (GLG/CHM 481, GLC/CHM 598) Hilairy Hartnett conducts research in biogeochemistry, focusing on how geochernical, microbial, and anthropogenic processes affect elemental cycles in environments that range from arid terrestrial systems, to rivers and lakes, to marine s€diments. She uses both experimental fieldwork and cutting-edge analytical techniques to investigate the transfer of elements (particularly carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorous) and energy between different geological pools. Her research between 8/2008 and 8/2010 has been supported by five grants, totaling $565 thousand, Aom the NSF and from tle Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation. Arjun Heimsath, Associate Professor Fall 2009 - cl-c l0l : lntro to Geolory, GLG 591: Seminar (with Kelin Whipple) Spring 2010 - GLG 591: Geomorphology Seminar (with Kelin Whipple) Summer 2010: NONE Arjun Heimsath's research projects and interests build upon tle fundamental need for a field-based mechanistic, and quantitative understanding of landscap€ processes and evolution. This understanding builds primarily on determining erosion rates and processes from a wide-variety oflandscapes under different tectonic, climatic, and lithologic conditions. His research aims to answer important scientific questions in a way that will also help solve important and related environmental, social, and resource management related problems. His research between 8/2008 and 8/2010 has been supported by two grants ffom the NSF, toraling about 5250 thousand. Richrrd Hervig, Professor Fall 2009: GLG 424l5g8Petrology Spring 2009: Sabbatical Richard Hervig uses the chemistry of Earth and extraterrestrial materials to determine their origin and evolution. These materials include samples from volcanic eruptions, igneous intrusions, low to medium temperature metarnorphi" rocks, sediments, and the solid run products from experiments. The primary tool used to explore these samples is the secondary ion mass spectrometer (SIMS, or ion microprobe). SIMS is a microanalgical technique with applications to geochemistry, cosmochemistry, and materials science. His research between 8/2008 and 8/2010 has been supported by l l grants totaling about $2.1 million, mostly from the NSF but also including funding from DoE, NASA, and the US- Israel Binational Science Foundation. Kip Hodges, Professor SES2l0: Engineering Systems and Experimental Design; GLG494/598: Thermal Processes in the Evolution of Orogenic Systems; GLG598: Tectonic Evolution ofthe Himalayan-Tibetan Orogenic System Kip Hodges'research follows four themes: l) exploring the interactions among deformational, climatic, and surface processes in the evolution of orogenic systems; 2) elucidating the kinetics ofnoble gasses in geologic materials, with a special emphasis on the use ofradiogenic and cosmogenic noble gas isotopes for geochronolory; 3) the geochronologl ofmeteorite impact processes in the inner Solar system; and 4) the development of advanced protocols for planetary field geology. Between 8/2008 and 8/2010, his research has been supported by a total of I I grants, totaling over $l million, mostly from NASA and the NSF but also including firnding from the Arizona Board of Regents and the Florida Institut€ for Humar and Machine Cognition. Julia Johnson, Lecturer Intro to Geolory, GLG 103: Intro to Geolory - Lab Spring 2010 - GLG l0l: Into to Geolory GLG 103 Intro to ceology Lab GLG 455/598: Advanced Field Geology (with Stephen Reynolds) Summer2010: NONE Julia Johnson is interested in geoscience-education, focusing on using student- and instructor-generated sketches for leaming, teaching, and assessment in college geolory classes. Julia teaches lntroduction to Geology (physical geolory) Fall 2009: GLG l0l: to 450 students per semester and supervises the associated introductory geolory labs. She also coordinates the introductory geology teaching efforts ofthe departrnent, helping other instructors incorporate active leaming into large 66 _ lecture classes. Julia is recognized as one ofthe best teachers in the School ofEarft and Space Exploration, receiving student-nominated teaching honors and very high teaching evaluations. She coauthored Exploring Geology, an innovative college geology textbook based on cognitive and education research, and Observing and Interpreting Geolory, a Laboratory Manual for Introduction to Geolory, which is used at ASU and Northem Arizona University. She has also authored and coauthored several publications on geology and science-education research. She develops websites used by geology students around the world, such as the Visualizing Topography and Biosphere 3D websites. Her research between 8/2008 and 8/2010 has been supported by a $6 thousand grant from the Arimna Board of Regents. Psul Knauth, Professor Fall 2009: GLG 460: Astrobiolory Spring 20t0: GLG 435: Sedimentology Summer 2010: NONE ofthe gnns from NASA and supported by three Knauth's research deals with sedimentary processes and materials and consideration of similar aspects geological history ofthe martian surface. During 8/2008 - 8/2010 has been the NSF, totaling over M00 thousand. Lawrence Krauss, Formdation Professor Fall 2009: NONE Spring 2010: SES 394: Topic - Scientific Frontier Summer 2010: NONE The Scientific Frontier: Origins, from the Big Bang to Life on Earth and Beyond. Research interests include the interface between elementary particle physics and cosmology, including the early universe, the nature of dark matter, g€neral relativity and neutrino astrophysics. He is also interested in eschatology and he investigates questions ranging from the nature of exploding stars to issues ofthe origin ofall mass in the universe. Between 8/2008 and 8/2010, his research has been supported by a $200 thousard gant fiom the DoE. Ssngeeta l{alhotra, Associate Professor Fall 2009 - AST 523: Stars and Interstellar medium Spring 2010 - AST 1 12 Intro course on stars, Galaxies and Cosmolog5r for non-sp€cialists Summer 2010: NONE Sangeeta Malhotra's research ranges from properties ofdust and gas in the (relatively nearty) interstellar medium to some ofthe farthest known galaxies. During the past few y€ars she has been working on furding and characterizing galaxies when the universe was very young (less than 10% of its present age). Her research between 8/2008 and 8/2010 has been supported by 12 grants totaling $680 thousand, from NASA, the NSF, and the National Optical Ashonomy Observatory. Allen McNamara, Associate Professor Fall2009 - GLG l0l: Intro to Geolory, Spring 2010 - GLG 480/598: Topic: Numerical Methods, GLG 591: Topic: Introduction to Scientific Programming Summer 2010: NONE Allen McNamara is geodynamicist with research interests in 3-dimensional modeling of mantle convection, seismic anisotropy in the lower mantle, the structue ofthe mantle and stability of lower mantle rnodels, paleogeography, a paleomagnetism, and rheologic control on mantle plumes. McNamara's research between 8/2008 and 8/2010 has been supported by four research grants from the NSF, totaling near $420 thousand. Stephen Reynolds, Professor l0l: Intro to Geology, cLG 310: Structural ceolory Spring 2010: GLG 455/598: Topic: Advanced Field Geolog (with Julia Johnson) Summer 2010: NONE Fall 2009: GLG Stephen Reynolds focuses most ofhis geologic research on the structure, tectonics, and regional geolory ofthe Southwest, working mostly in Arizon4 Californi4 and Mexico. Much ofhis research has been directed toward understanding how structural geometries and processes of the crust vary as a function of depth. His research currently focuses on the evolution ofthe Maria fold and thrust belt, metamorphic core complexes, and structural control ofgold mineralization in Mexico. He has authored or edited nearly 200 geologic maps, articles, ard reports, including the 866- 67 page "Geologic Evolution ofArizona" and the "Geologic Map ofArizona". He also coauthored "Structural Geolory of Rocks and Regions", one ofthe most widely used Structural Geology textbook. Steve also does science-education research on student leaming in college geology courses, especially the role ofvisualization. As part ofhis scienceeducation prograrn, Steve recently published "Exploring Geology", an innovalive college textbook designed from cognitive and educational research. Steve is known for his enthusiasm for teaching and his innovative teaching metlods, has received numerous teaching awards, and has an award-winning website. As a National Association ofGeoscience Teachen (NAGT) distinguished speaker, he traveled across the country presenting talks and workshops on how to infuse active leaming and inquiry into large inhoductory geology classes. Rel.nolds' research between 8/2008 and 8/2010 has been supported by two grants, from the NSF and from the Arizona Board of Regents, totaling over $150 thousand. James Rhosds, Associate Professor AST 533: Galaxies and Cosmolory III; AST 322: lntroduction to Galactic and Extragalactic Astrophysics James Rhoads studies galaxy formation, galaxy evolution, the reionization of intergalactic hydrogen by early galaxies. He also studies the nature of gamma-ray bunters through the physics and phenomenologr oftheir long wavelength afterglow emission. His studies of distant galaxies include surveys to identiry Lyman-alpha emitting galaxies tbrough narrowband imaging, and to study their physical nature, using ground-based telescopes in Arizona and Chile, along with the Hubble Space Telescope and Chandra X-ray Observatory. Rhoads's research between 8/2008 and 8/2010 has been supported by I I research grants, totaling over $660 thousand, from NASA, the NSF, and the National Optical Astronomy Observatory. Mark Robinson, Professor Fall 2009 - Spring 2010 - SES 100: Intro to Exploration Mark Robinson's research interests are currently focused on the origin and evolution ofplanetary crusts, including volcanism, tectonism, and regolith development. Investigations are approached using a variety of remote sensing techniques: multispectral imaging, spectroscopy, stereo analysis, photoclinometry, and geomorpholory utilizing datasets from Apollo, Lunar Orbiter, Clementine, Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, NEA& Lunar hospector, Mariner 10, and MESSENGER. His research between 812007 and 8D010 was supported by a total of I 5 research grants, totaling $ I 5 million, mostly directly from NASA but also including NASA fimding fiom the Johns Hopkins University, and Carnegie lnstitution of Washington. Srikanth Sariptlli, Assistant hofessor 4l l; Senior ExPloration Project II with research interests in unmanned systems in general and aerial vehicles in is a Roboticist Saripalli Srikanth particulax. His reseaxch focuses on robotic exploration: particularly in air and space and necessary foundations in SES 410: Senior Exploration Project I; SES perception, plaruring and control for this domain. His work spans algorithmic design and implementation to field exp€rimentation of aerial robots that explore difficult, dang€rous and usually inaccessible places on earth and other planetary bodies to fi[ther scientific knowledge. Evan Scannapieco, Assistant Professor Fall 2009 - AST I I l: Intro to Solar Systems and Astronomy, Spring 2010 - AST 521: Stars and lnterstellar Medium, Summer 2010 - NONE theoretical astrophysicist who studies galaxy and structure fomation and the cosmological evolution of the elements. His group uses techniques ranging from paper and pencil to massively parallel computations, closely tying their work with observations by collaborating with observers at ASU, throughout the US, and abroad. Evan Scannapieco is a Current focus areas include the impact ofblack holes on galaxy formation, R?e la supemovae and gzlmma ray bursts in a cosmological context, high-redshift galaxy formation and the search for primordial stars, and the numerical modeling of turbulentmixingduringthecosmicriseoftheelements.Hisresearchhasbeensupportedbetween8/2008and8/20l0by two reseaxch grants, totaling over $400 thousand, fiom the NSF and NASA. 68 - Paul Scowen, Associaie Research Professor Paul Scowen studies the interplay b€tween massive stars and star forrnation in the surrounding environment\ The intent is to use the microphysics we have leamed about in nearby star formation regions to tell us more about how larger systems propagate star formation and ultimately affect global modes. Scowen also works on Space Mission Development with faculty at ASU and elsewhere, and in technological partnership with JPL. This development extends to SFO/SFC, the Star Formation Observatory/Camer4 a NAsA-selected mission concept study, ofwhich he is PI; Orion, a MIDEX-class opticayuv observatory proposal for which he is PI; and HORUS, an Origins Probe concept study conducted in 2004-2005 and revised in 2009 at the request ofthe NRC ofthe NAS. Scowen is also involved in Instrumentation Development for both ground-based and space-based applications. He provides managerial support for the Laboratory for Astronomical Space Instrumentation (LASI) at ASU. The current project involves development of detectors for orion and SFO/SFC, and most immediately for a suborbital flight in 201l. Scowen has also been involved in the development of facilities and exercises at ASU for undergraduate education in astronomy, at both the non-science major and science major levels. His work between 8/2008 and 8/2010 has been supported by three grants from NASA, totaling near $200 thousand. Steven Semken, Associate Professor Fall 2009 - Sabbatical, Spring 2010 - GLG 451 Field Geolory I, Summer 2010 - cLG 452 Field Geology II (with Thomas Sharp) Steven Semken is an ethnogeologist and geoscience education researcher whose work focuses on ways that place, cultue, and affect influence modes of scientific inquiry and teaching and leaming in the Earth system sciences. He has studied and worted extensively in Native American and Hispanic communities across the Southwest United States. His current interests include place-based education and the function ofsense ofplace; Indigenous ethnogeolory and science education; strategic K-12 STEM teacher recruiunent, education, and professional development; informal geoscience education in National Parks; divenity in the geoscience cornmunity; and regional and environmental geology ofthe Southwest. He is also involved with the NSF-funded EarthScope Program. Semken is a regular advisor to Native American schools, agencies, and programs across the USA and a Past-President ofthe National Association of Geoscience Teachen. His research between 8/2008 and 8/2010 has b€en supported by seven resefich grants totaling over $930 thousand, from the NSF, NASA, and the Arizona Board of Regents. Tbomas Sharp, Professor Fall 2009 - GLG 490: Topics in Geolory (with James Tyburc q) cLc 492: Hor,ors Directed Study, cLG 598: Topic: Advanced Mineralory and Mineml Physics (with James Tyburcry), Spring 2010 - GLG 492: Honors Directed Study, Summer 2010 - cLG 452: Field Geology II (with Stephen Semken) Thomas Sharp is a mineralogist interested in mineral reactions, phase transitions and deformation and how these can be used to understand processes that occur within and on the surface of Earth and other planetary bodies. This research combines experimental mineraloey and petrology with detailed physical and chemical characterization ofrocks and minerals with transmission and scanning electron microscopy, SIMS, thermal emission infrared spectroscopy and other techniques. Applications include: Phase transitions in Earth's deep mantle; High-pressure minerals in meteorites as indicators of impact history; and Chemical weathering ofbasalt and its implications for the remote sensing of Mars. In addition to his researcb, Dr. Sharp is the ASU Associate Dircctor ofthe NASA Arizona Space Grant Consortium. This program provides undergraduate intemships and graduate fellowships for ASU students to participate in NASA related research and outreach. His research between 8/200E and 8/2010 has been supported by 12 research grants from NASA, the NSF, SUNY Stony Brook, the University ofArizon4 and the Arimna Board of Regents, with total fimding over $2.6 million. 69 Everett ShoclL Professor Fall 2009 - GLG 490/598: Topic: Weathering, Diagenesis, & Al, GLG 400: Geology Colloquium' Spring 2010 - GLG 494: Topic: Thermodynamics ofNatural Systerns, GLG 591: Topic: Hydrothermal Ecosystems, Summer 2010 - NONE Everett Shock and members ofhis research group divide their time between building algorithms to estimate thermodynamic data; analyzing wat€r, sediment, rock and biological samples; integrating analytical and thermodynamic data in models ofgeochemical and microbial processes; and testing ideas about the fansport ofwater and solutes through the environrnent, the biogeochemical process of subsurface biosphere, and the potential for life on other planets His research between 8/2008 and 8/2010 has been supported by 16 grants, from NASA, the NSF, and the Dreyfus foundation, with total funding over $ I .3 million. Sumner Starrlield, Regents' Professor on sabbatical S. Starrfield is a computational astrophysicist who has been doing studies of stellar explosions (Classical Novae, Recurrent Novae, X-ray bursts, and Supernova Ia progenitors) for more than 40 years. His code, NOVA, is continuously being updated and includes the latest physics. He is now doing calculations ofthe accretion ofmaterial at high rates onto white dwarfs ofvarious masses and luminosities and exploring the effects of additional nuclear reaction rates (such as the pep reaction which was not included in previous studies) on the resulting explosions. H is also studying helium accretion on low luminosity white dwarfs in order to better understand the 2000 outburst of Vzl45 I\p. He uses ground based optical and infiared telescop€s and space based telescopes at all available wavelength regimes (Compton, Integral' Rosat, Swift, XMM-Newton, CHANDRA, HST, FUSE, IUE, Spitzer). He is currently a member of the Science team for Publications Board a new concept X-ray mission being led by Neil Gehrels at GSFC. He has served as Chair ofthe AAS and as a member of the Users Committee for the IUE (Chair also), FUSE, and INTEGRAL satellites' He is currently using the Hubble Space Telescope to obtain new images ofthe V838 Mon light echo in order to obtain a three dimensional model of the circum stellar dust surrounding the central star. He is using SWIFT to obtain X-ray spectra of a number ofnovae and am a member oftheir CV working group. Starrfield's research has been supported between 8/2008 and 8/20 I 0 by a toral of 2 I grants totaling over $970 thousand, from NASA, the NSF, the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, and Los Alamos National Laboratory. Edmund Stump, Professor Fall 2009, SES l01i 103, Spring 2010, SES 102/104, SES 294, Summer, GLG 101/103 Edmund Stump is a geologist whose research focuses on the tectonics of mountain belts. His main field area has been tle Transantarctic Mountains with emphasis on the late Precambrian-early Paleozoic' Francis X. Timmes, Professor Introduction to Solar Systems Astronomy, AST I I I lntroduction to Stars, Galaxies, and Cosmology, AST I 12 Numerical Techniques in Earth and Space Sciences, SES 592 in Frank Timmes is an ashophysicist interested in the univers€'s evolving composition and its implications for life Present the universe. His current research focuses on nuclear asrophysics, especially slnthesis ofthe periodic table' of all efforts include the physics and modeling ofreactive fluid flows in stellar environments, supemovae and explosions involves analytical research sorts, cosmic chemical evolution, and gamma-ray emission from radioactive isotopes. This or models, desktop calculations, large-scale parallel computations, comparison with existing high{uality observations B€tween experiments, and creating testable predictions. He serves as a Scientific Editor for the Astrophysical JoumalNotre 8/2010, his research has been supported by eight grants from NASA, the NSF, DoE, and University of 3/2008 and Dame, totaling over $1.24 million. 70 James Tyburczy, Professor Fall2009: GLG 490/598 Advanced Mineralogy and Mineral Physics, LIA 194 Intro to Liberal Arts & Sciences. Spring 2010: GLG l0l Introduction to Geolory I (Physical) James Tyburczy is a mineral physicist studying the physical and chemical properties ofminerals, melts, and rocks. The results are applied to understanding the mechanisms ofmagma genemtion and ascent and tle temperature, mineralogy and physical state of matter at depth in the earth. This work involves high pressure experimental studies of geological materials. Laboratory investigations ofdifftrsivity and electrical conductivity ofrocks and minerals place important constraints on temperatures and conditions such as volatile content ofthe upper mantle and on rates processes occurring at dept}. of An interdisciplinary approach is applied to the interpretation ofgeophysical results. He also studies the effects ofshock on volatile-containing materials and the implications for early planetary evolution and for the stability of these materials at very high pressure. In addition, Tyburczy is involved in environmental geophysics, using gravity and other methods to study groundwater and land subsidence. His work has been supported between 8/2008 and 8/2010 by five grants totaling over $650 thousand, from the NSF, the State University ofNew York at Stony Brook, and the Arizona Board of Reeents. Enrique Vivoni, Associate Professor CEE 440: Hydrology; GLG 598 Ecohydrology of Semiaxid Landscap€s Enrique Vivoni is a hydrologist who is interested in the interactions ofwater in the lithosphere, biosphere and atmosphere. His current research focuses on land surface ecohydrological processes in the semiarid southwestem United States and northwestem Mexico, in particular during the summer monsoon sq$on. In these studies, field observations and remot€ sensing data are used in conjunction with a distributed model to explore the underlying hydrological mechanisms and provide relevant predictions at the watershed scale. His work at ASU between 8/2008 and 8/20 I 0 has been supported by at least 7 grants, totaling over $750 thousand, from the Army Research Office, NASA, NOAA, University of Arizon4 and University of lllinois. Meenakshi Wadhwa, Professor Fall 2009 - NONE, Spring 2010 - GLG 485/598: Meteorites and Cosmochemisfy, Summer 2010 - NONE Meenakshi Wadhwa is a cosmochemist interested in deciphering the origin and evolution ofthe Solar system and planetary bodies through geochemical and isotopic means. She uses high-precision mass specfometric techniques to investigate a wide range of Solar system materials. These include meteorites ofasteroidal and martian origin, Moon rocks (from the Apollo missions and lunar meteorites), and other samples retumed by spacecraft missions such as Genesis and Stardust. Her research focuses on understanding their formation processes (using trace- and minor-element distributions and stable-isotope systematics) and time scales (using various radiogenic isotope chronometers). As Director ofthe Center for Meteorite Studies, she oversees the curation ofone ofthe largest university-based meteorite collections, as well as a variety ofresearch and educational activities conducted in the Center. Her research fiom 8/2008 to 8/2010 has been supported by six grants from NASA, totaling over $940 thousand. Kelin Whipple, Professor Fall 2009 - GLG 3621598: ceomorpholory, cLG 591: Seminar, Spring 2010 - GLG l0l: Intro to Geolory, GLC 591: Topic: Geomorphology Seminar, Summer 2010 - NONE Kelin Whipple's research focuses on the interaction of climate, tectonics, and surface processes in the sculpting the Earth's surface; mechanics ofriver of incision into bedrock; dynamics ofchannel and sedimentation processes on alluvial fans; experinental and field study ofdebris-flow rheologies. His research from 8/2008 to 8/2010 has been supported by seven gants totaling neaxly $900 thousand, primarily from the NSF but also including funding from the Ar,izona Board of Reeents. 7l Lynda Williams, Research hofessor Lynda Williams' research focuses on tie chemical composition and structure of clay and related sedimentaxy minerals in order to interpret the environmental conditions under which they formed and to use that information for exploration ofgeologic processes in the Earth's crust. Understanding crystal growth mechanisms is at the heart of mineral chemistry and is critical to the interpretation of isotope exchange. fluid compositional changes, organic adsorption and catalysis, and ultimately to understanding mineral effects on microbial sustainability. Williams' research examines chemical d)mamics al the nanoscale in order to derive a fimdamental understanding ofmegascale processes. Her research program includes experimental simulation ofclay mineral - organic interactions, with primary interest in the areas ofbasin scale petoleum migration, hydrothermal origins ofbiomolecules in the evolution oflife, and medicinal applications of minerals. Her research between 8/2008 and 8/2010 has been supported by five research grants from the DoE, NIH, NASA, and the NSF, totaling nearly $900 thousand. Strnley Willirms, Professor Fall 2009 - GLG I l0: Geological Disasters and the Environment, GLG I I Volcanology, Spring 2010 - GLG l0l: l: Geological Disasters Lab, GLG 490/598: Intro to Geologl, Summer 2010 - NONE Stanley Williams studies volcanoes in a wide range of environments. He has focused on determining changes in the chemistry ofgases emitted from active volcanoes in an attempt to understand the timing and sfyle (intensity and hazard) oferuptions. Rogier Windhorst, Regents' and Foundation Professor AST I l3 Ashonomy Lab, AST 494 Undergraduate Joumal Club, AST I 14 Astronomy Lab II, AST 591 Graduate Joumal Club Rogier Windhorst research focus is on the process ofgalaxy assembly and supermassive black-hole growth over cosmic time. For this, he has used all instruments onboard the Hubble Space Telescope h the last 20 years, and some large ground-based telescopes. Since 1998, he has overseen NASA's design, fabrication and testing ofHubble's Wide Field Camera 3, which was successfully launched by the Space Shuttle astronauts into Hubble in May 2009, and has opened new frontier studies of the cosmic reionization epoch and the process of star-formation over cosmic time. Since 2002, he is Interdisciplinary Scientist for NASA's new Flagship mission, the James Webb Space Telescope, which is planned for launch mid-decade and will penetrate into the epoch of First Light and help revolutionize studies ofthe earliest objects in the universe. Further details on research projects led by Dr. Windhorst at ASU are in his CV on: From 8/2008 to 8/2010, he has been supported by 13 reseaxch grants, totaling $1.15 million, mostly fiom NASA, and also including funding from the National Optical Astronomy Observatory. Patrick Young. Assistant Professor AST 321 lntro to Stellar & Planetary Astrophysics, AST l 12 Stars, Galaxies, & Cosmology Patrick Young is a theoretical astrophysicist interested in the evolution and dynamics ofstars, their interaction with their environment, and their production ofthe chemical elements. His current research involves computational hydrodynamics simulations ofstellar interiors, supemovae and gamma-ray bwsts (the most energetic explosive events in the univene), and the synthesis and ejection ofelements by nuclear fusion in stars and stellar explosions. The impact of tle evolution ofgalaxies, to the interaction of stellar winds with local environments, to the enrichment of forming solar systems witl the elements needed for life. His research between 8/2008 and 8/2010 has these processes range from included a $256 thousand grant finded by the NSF. Honryu Yu, Assistant Professor SES 394: Concepts of Electrical & Mechanical Engr Design; EEE598: MEMS for Earth and Space Exploration Honryu Yu's research focus on development of miniaturized portable platforms and instruments for Eafih and Space scientists to explore variety of missions and projects, such as seismology, biogeochemisfy, volcanology, astrobiology on 72 Earth and other planeta4/ systems. Current projects include: miniature seismometers for planetary exploration, flexible and stretchable shear shess sensor for astrobiology and biomedical applications, wireless UV and IR sensing, 3D MEMS,NEMS manufacturing and acoustic transducers for ultrasound imaging and gene therapy. His research between 8/2008 and 8/2010 has included three grants from the NSF, NASA, and the Univenity ofArizona, totaling over $150 thousand. Mikhail Zolotov, Associate Research Professor Misha Zolotov is a planetary g€ochemist. He uses theoretical physical-chemical methods to understand chemical processes ard mineralogical transformations in past and present solar system environments. He investigates the behavior ofvolatiles (O, H, C, N, S, Cl) and oxidation-reduction processes at surfaces of Mars and Venus, on satellites ofJupiter and Satum, in planetary volcanic gases, and in aqueously processed asteroids. Between 8/2008 and 8/2010, his research has been supported by seven grants from the NSF and NASA, totaling over $1.2 million. 74 APPENDTX VII. SESE FUNDING lrw.tdgtlo. Aw.d I Tl!. Anbsr Anb€r Anbar Anb€r Anb€r Anbar Anbsr Anb€r Anb5. Pl !a Prbpodtl io. InLrim Cu.aton ol ADP Dritl Cor€3 16266 18345 NASA-Amd Ro.earch C€nt.r coll.bordiv. Rlllanh: hv6ligEtonot F€ and Mo t.oto96 NAsa-NsF.DiGctor.!! Coll€bo.atv. R.loafthi Middle and Upp€r O.vo.tbn abck Univ€.lity d Cindnnad for c{ Collab..alivo Relearch: Tr.rutlon M.tirt tlotope Fbdiona! NsF-Oimdrr.i6 ior c€oldefi local €tld gbbal p€lGorador ,bb of (h.p vat6c Agouo.r trutrtine Aiogooch€mir|'} or oo!.ri Crud Communito3r Olgrnic Csr NsF-Otr€do.al6 ior Gooldon Tochnicim suppoi: lcP-Ms R6.€.rch in tle wM. Ksd( Fo NsFotncb..b for c,€o!d6rr Collabo€ltv. R.$erch: Conpsatiw Goo.hamidy dr h€ t NSFOavidm ot E ft Sd6nc6 Mlar D€ped€nr llorop Fmclonriion or aioe$€r iat .nd Onylw (Crmitb e H€flry) For Suit imU€ tt v€lop|mnt ol Criiical E .ih Mabial. NsF-univantt ofArizo.t€ Radd M€all|lmon|l ot bon6 ro€s rdn! U!c.d€!! Ca ilot NAsA-t-yndon A. Johnson S0: CR: E amhhg o\orulion of baolph€nc oqg.mtion in L NSFOT€ctorat€ io. Good€nr coll R63r ocatn'1o R.dor E\/olution at tie o6rn slAnhat Lift NsFoiviJon of E.rh sd$.. Collds-atvr R.3oaft,t: Sy3ten€ltca ol z'r and Cu t.otop€! NsF-Oivinon of Oc6€n Sd6nc h S€rrfi of 65ry oxyg€ni Invsstgdoo o( r6dox !! r NAS -Cd5d Sp.c. Friqri ( Acquiliiion ot I N€noSlMS 5OL tmaoing $condlry aon maa NsFoivinio or Ch€milry collabdslive R€s€ar'l: Atno.pnodc Foc€lJng of iron - (k NsF-Di|€ tor croo!.jsrr Uranium |rolopor h Cadonaro S€dim.nta Als€arin! a No NSF-Dt|!c!0.!t' tor cGosd€rr NASA-Am$ R.loarch C60t€r Colltborali€ R€!.r€h: N.oloclonica AcD!3 an Actls Obti NsFoir6ctoral€ ioi c.o{i.rx Sludy of R€c.nt T6cto.tica €d S*mlc Ooiormatio.r in ti. I U.S. Civitian R$6.rch rnd O€ P5l.o3€isnololical ch.mdorEdion of Erdhqud€. at Prd Dot-G€otolicat suls, frxrng $'€ 10363 1&t83 23686 2112A 23308 23557 21421 Ci€o-Eshlcop. L|OAR Pmj6c1 Comp€mtl/€ ddy ot pr€c€rioudy b€tanc6<t rcck3: qeomoq Cdtiomis EafiCusk coll Ro8: Slip-f|€rcv.nt ruturo hiato.y st u|s $n And€aa t NSF-OiliEm ot Esdh S.i.ric6 Gooinbmaltca GEoN 2.0 a Data Int ltlton Fa.ifty br Ea NsF-univ.€ity of crtitornir€ T.donic G.ono.pholoqy ot Calro.ntds .ctive f.utb taom ht Univlnrv or SMh€m Catibn L!nd-U!6 end L€ndlcap€ Sodo€cotogy in bB t\t€diron't6: NsFOttlio.r of 8lologlcat & C c€nt'alarizon€ Pho€nb( LTER: Pha.e 2 NsFoiT€ctorsts lor Btotogical cdraborar'v€ R€loarcn: F.driry support tuitdinq th€ tNTEtNsFotvdon or Ea.t| sd€no€ Roaoarch FIAPID: AilbonE U&r Scan ot t1. NsF.Dil6ctor.l€ io. c.o!d.m IGERT UREAN ECOIOGY NsF€irlcbrut€ io. Edr.tion s€irnic tlsard updab lor t'e stlb ol An:onr G€otogicd 6ury€y Coll.R63r l! th€ Horoc€rb Srip Ralr Alon! u15 Atyn F. NsF-Di|lcb.rb tor G€olds.r Fadli9 S'.ppod: Op€n Topography - A Nstior|d Hub tor Higt NsF-Dividon ot E€rh Sd.oc6 Ruptuo History at lis S€n AndGa Fault in tr€ Canizo Ptan Sol/th€rn Caltomie E rtrru€k tuEona B€ll 8€ll Esll BoI Belf Bu!.ck 8rF6d( aw€d( 8u6.{* Bu.€ck Aul€d 8!!od Bu!€ci( Bus€d( au$ck Bu3.d Bu!€d Au$.k chid€i!.n Chri{€n!€n chrisl6ft.n Chn$eru.n Chid.r8€n Chrlstan!€n Chrir!8m€n chdsrom6n 17056 17345 16759 220f3 20830 2n2a 16136 17056 2oooa 23509 20104 20500 22073 20430 2137 2U1A 23553 16!E2 21155 17553 15105 13167 1592a 19900 12437 16453 12326 20793 ChtuLn!€n 2S6a Chistonaon 19204 A Collaboraiivo PO€d : Comp..ilon .nd Vdldauon ot Ll lsotopo Studia8 of Man0. X6notih! Frc.n ths SW Ea.t Udv€fl{v or South€m Catibn US,q NsFoividon ot E fi &tanc€ Min6relo9y a.d LiG€oct'€mi3ty ot Pimt!\6 Mor€orite. NASA-Godd.d Sp€ Ftbn ( Waril.r in D.moid and Kmb.dno! Unibd Sbtl}l!.aol gmlo.rel€cal€ Min€r.lollcat and Li t3oioF StJdl$ ot Mot€ori NASA-Gr'dd6d Spa.6 Ftight ( Lighl €l.mgt stundanco. .r'd iloroF €ompo9tioN or mr NASA4oddad Sp.c€ Ftight ( Ptlbing itro lourco$nd early .votution or iimb€dtts: a sFt NsFoitlim ot Elrth sd€nc6 Solld Slrl6 Gaocl'.rnirfy: High-Relotuton Elgcton Mi.rD€( NSFOnEdorab for c6old.ft u rsolop€ studa€s of lvlenue x.notihs F un f|o sw u$q NsFoiviEoi of Ea s.isnc€ Min.ralogy .nd ti G€och€mtdry of pnmiw€ M.t orit s NASA€odd€d Sps Ftoht ( El.clron miso€copy ltudy of sutt t€ 8nd o0l€r co.ting! on I NSFruC R Ch5trd€dzlton ot d€t6d 6n€Oy l.v!l! (nlo to A3, Co, and NsF-c6obido!! A lor T.mF AcquFllion oi a!. Ffd€. ditfradomelaf ior lno NsF-oir€cbrat iorMath€mst llolo9ic lrw63ii9atim3 ot Mo|oonb3 l\|As\-Godded Spac8 Fligt ( Micro-Scll€ Min rarogicar rld li tlotopo Srrdi€! ot M.t.ori MsA-Goddlrd Spac. Flght ( lc'itr Higntr€*err! Trsrufl$lion Etoctron Micros.ogy OE NsFotvislon or E rh Sda.o. Lig oldnanl abund$c$ and iloioF compo!{ioN ot Mr NAsA-codd€rd Sp€ Ftight ( up{tad€ oru|€ Mufij-anvil High-Prllr]ro F jttty at Ad:ona NsF-Racor€ry Ad Ro66erch { Micto{h€ralogy .nd co€rmd.nEty ot €'lsbtt chon&iir NASA-Godd.nt Sp!.. Ftight ( colllboraliv€ Rer€.rEh: TEM studi€! ot root, ooanic matt6 NsF-oivaon ot atno€ph€rtc s Fiotd, taloratory, and UEor.tic€t 3tudy of loot aoro3ot NsF4holphric Chgntt'y Acquidlion sr a n€w €t€dtln nir!9ro!. dt Arizon std. u NsF{st| sd€rlc€! Inrtrum€t Sudrca Slop. Cherad€rtllcs trom Thonnd EmBion St6c UAS.A-MSA-JoI prooutdon !, INVESIIGATION OF RAPTO URaANZATION PROCEqSE| NASA€odd..d Sp.o. Ft,gln( M.l€oriloa on ohsr Ptan€b: Lilnur T.rting th€ Madian En N^sa-G6ddsr! spac. Ftight ( MER GEOMORPHIC AND SEDIMENTOIOG|GAT INVESTINASA-MSA.$I PrcpUFIon L ASU Mar! Kn2 r|d Puuic Ourrsach progran NASA-MSArrst prcputdo.r L Lorff Crabr. India: sp.cF.t .natog br shocr.d ba!€I on tv T116 ading€f cralor comp.n: PLANFTARY IMAGING AND AMLYSIS FACILmY ANo Ao NA'q-MsA-jot Prooullon !, Oa€lopmdn or t|€ M€.! Taryorjng Tool (MrD Lry€r io. rt€ MSA-|\|ASA-J61 prcp{,tlion L. THEMIS PHASE E AUOGET MS,q-|lAS\J.i Pmplrnion L th€ lJl.tysb ot pta. N^slA-Godd.d sp€ Ftight ( Dsvdopnonr or 3 Microlopic afttyli! thomd Enis{ron q MsA-Godd€nt space Fflght ( oov€lop.n6nt o( curiojum and F.rogram a!!o{j€Ld sil|| t| MsA-codd.r! spa.6 Ftigt{ ( Glob.l A!!€s$€nt ot G€otogtc Ploc6.r€B Udng THEMTS r Mgq-coddad Sprc€ Ftigft ( OSlRl$REx Ttmel Emt$lor| Sp€ctron Ms,A-Univ66itv otArizma L€boratory Moasn€msnts and appticatim to Martian su,ta Ms^-Goddrftl s9sc. F[ght ( trborabry vibralionrl sp€cto..opy ior lsr(OrES) t) o{ Plt 4096 35% 5096 30% 50% 139i 25% 50r 2OX 16ta 5o9a 97,03a 80,500 10,779 &,022 54,000 50,613 56,2a9 37,259 2:1,000 7.755 535,502 5096 ?|a,€05 30x 137,674 50% 327,7@ 596 163,370 25% 55,€0 33% 121,620 60% !,73r,E94 1oo% 1q,',152 100% 13,800 t00% €,000 100% r:O,r!rl 1@9t 29,035 r@9i 158,387 100% 68,ir49 1@96 5!t,503 1594 228,599 1@% 180,E40 100% t12,3Al 5096 10096 roo% 22,nf 195,:19:l 203,516 85,991 1@% 1@% 39,000 20% 50,000 25% 01,@O 34% 16,524 25% 25,@O 12% 37,€60 259i 28,58A 50r 2ao.(b0 2096 50.0@ 25% 91,000 50% 1a9,?E.r 509i 21,1a7 7 20,720 9i6 113,900 25% 25,000 50% 7:1.960 12% 37.60 16% 20,11a 50% zl,Egt 5096 5096 265.525 219,727 rox 66,500 1@% 119.310 1@9a 567,545 r00% 60,000 57% 3a5,812 t@t6 260,716 r@% 3,&0 1@* 0.09a,790 1()0% 7@,447 at R.c.l.v.d andcb.t d 97,038 242,029 E0,5@ 23o,00o 2a2,O29 230,000 121,620 3€8.544 36a,5:14 10,29 2r,s56 21,558 &.tW 300,07:1 300,074 54,e0 10€,0@ 1@,000 50,613 3@,33,t 389,334 56,249 224,&1 221,W4 37,259 71,517 71,5.17 21,W t20,000 120,@0 7,795 ,€,7r9 4,719 535,562 r,071,123 1.071,123 24.€6E 61,671 6r.671 €,605 97,20e 97,2@ 137,474 45€,912 458,912 327,78 E55,579 655,579 103,379 3,267,5S 3,267,5A6 55,060 220.28 220,2* 4,145,61 2,8€6,4S0 0,909,7E6 164,152 164,152 1U,152 ,3.8@ 13,8@ 13,800 ,{3,m0 €,0@ €,000 150.{41 150,a41 150,441 29,935 29,A35 29,635 15a,3a7 158,387 102,005 6€,,149 15€,3a7 102,605 53,503 1,s23,9€6 a.919,942 53,503 53,503 228,509 r.523,€96 147,588 4,919.942 t6,8,lo 1a6,840 16A,8.10 1t2,91 112,381 t12,3at 499,505 3,234,5€6 3,8a7,063 2z@7 rr5,61zt a5,614 195,494 r95,a9a 195,494 307,42 203,516 3!7,1A2 85,991 85,001 85,991 39,000 39,0@ 39,000 50,000 250,000 250,0@ 91 ,000 364,0@ 3er,ooo 10.eao €,800 €,0€o 25,000 100,000 so,4a7 315,.t97 26,5€a 114,351 240,0@ 4€0,@o 50,0@ 250,0@ 91,000 364,000 189,441 37a,t62 24,147 48,374 N,7m 2e0,0@ 113,9@ 1,245,000 1@,@o 120,72A 11a,351 480,000 250,000 3€4,@O 37A,92 8.371 296,000 1,245,0@ 25,0@ 00,OOO 1@,000 1 1:!,103 149,919 50,447 315,497 20,1,16 125,t13 224.891 149,781 245,525 531,049 249,727 489,,153 06,5@ 6A5,0@ 119,310 119.310 547.545 5€7,545 @,0@ 60,000 385,912 675,e12 M,714 2@,718 300.205 420,72A 125,913 449,7a1 531,049 40€,453 665,@0 119,310 587,545 60.000 675,912 260,716 3,8€O 3,660 3,860 q092t,791 f&,4f 7&,a47 78'.447 9,094,791 €,094,790 1@% 27.8.aE5 29,379,251 27,O5€'85 2t379,25r r00% 100% 392,897 1,a11,146 r(X)% 122,89 1(,96 211,@2 t(,096 44,997 r@% 293,3a9 392,897 392,817 392,897 1,4fi,146 1,a11,1rtti 122,389 12,& 122,99 1,411,146 214,62 214,62 41,997 41.67 203,389 293,3a9 211,@2 4,E97 293,3a0 lnv*tb.ror Award, Tltl. Chrislensen 2135o clarre ctarke Clarke clarre Osscn D6sch O6scn o6sch Desch Oesch Fouch 19641 18340 2@76 2263€ 2c624 17529 17262 22145 23"490 21421 21722 PIT NESSF: Mod€ inE Glscier Flor on Ascraeus {!lons, Mars 14 MINI-TES SCIENCE THEMlS{€riv€d Themral heftla and TempeEllre Mo63ica o€valotmont ol th6 Jsve Mapprng and Anarysis for Rsmots Mappino of Acldalia Pl€nilia, MaF hv€stigaling Characlerislic B€droms df Bas€ Surq3 D€pos cottaborativ€ Research: The cALrPSo Project-lmagino h€ RaBd D@hpresion ot Presnzed Maoma, and Latorally The oynamrcs ol Shon Duralion, Unsteady Volenic Etuplic Acaligtion ol maging Equipm€rn b Undersland lh6 Dynar ThB 6.aciing BsNoltron-$ar systam Th6 star Formgiion obs€rvatory (sFo) Missron to stldy cc Mod€1ing ol lh6 Charging and TEnsport of Dust n Manian i Transi€nt N€ating ol Prolopranelary oisk Mat€na by shock Sup3Fova njeclion inro Form ng Planetary Chondrul€ tormsl on n solar nebua sh@ks Pfobin! thscc NASA-Goddard Space Flishl ( NASA-Com6ll Univ€rsity NAS,A-NASA-Ja1 Propulsion L NAs,a-NAsA-J.r Prcpursion L DO -GeologcalSld€y - Flsq! NAS,A4oddad S9a@ Flisht ( NsF-Dir€.toEte lor Ge$je.i NsF-Ditsion of Esnh scisne NSF-DiVslon ol Ea{h Sdence NsF-Division of Eanh Sciene NASA-Goddad Spa@ Flicht ( NAsa-Goddad spa@ Flight ( NASA-Goddsrd S@c€ Flioht ( NAga.Goddard sp€ce Flighl ( NsF-Oivision of Mathemali@l NASA-Goddard Space Fighl ( NASA-Ames Research C€nt€r Micfo lmaglng sp€ctrom€try lor Fisld Geo oqy and astbbiol NASA.Jd Propllson Laborai( Geomicrob ology 6nd Fo$i Biosignatlres olCold-Spnng C NAgA-Goddard Spa@ Flight( NASA-Goddard Spac€ Flight ( Mlltiso€clra H3nd L6ns and Field M cDs@De Min€€rogy and Microron!€r RoreFbaed Demmslrslron c NASA-Goddard Spac€ Flight ( Oqanic Bioms*ers: Com'nunily Di!€rs y and Prss€rvalior NASA-Ames Re*arch cflte' NESSF Mimraloqy Micoten!€s and Mic.obial AioeonalLl NASA-Goddard Spa@ Fl€ht( INTEGMTEO STUOIES OF SURFACE GEOLOGY & MINE NASA.JSI PTOPUISiON LAbO€I' ch€Mm:An x-Ray Diilraction - x-Ray FlouEsd@ In$tufi NAsA-Jd Pmpulson Laborat( NASA-Am.S Res€arch C€nter Flight R€adin6ss D6v6lopment ol Minialure Lunar seismom NA9a-univ€n ity olAnzona Acqulsirion ote Linux PC cllscr for joint g€odynamic€land NsF-Oivisron ol Earth Sclene CAREER: Integraling Multidisciplinary G6ophys 6lSlud €s NsF-Orectorale ior G€osde.r Anzona G6olo9i@l Survey S€ismic Hazard Updale for lhe Staie ot Anzona Collaborsllv€ F€s€arch UndeFlanding the Causos ot Conl NsF-Oireclorale for Gescien' NsF-Diroclorsl€ for Gsoscienr Pfobing lho Eanhs olrtsr core for a stratined MEMS.bas6d Lightw€ ght, s€nsrbv€, Aulo.omols Lonar se NAsA-Goddard spac€ Flight ( F n€-Sca 6 Struclur6 ol th6 Upp6r Mantl€ Using Anay T€chr NsF-Dirsclorale forG6oscienr Collaboral ve R€soarch: Hrqh Resolulion lmaqinq ol D€€p l\ NsF-Dirocloral€ tor Geosclen( Flighl R65din€ss Dgvelopment ol Miniatle Lhars€ismom NAsA-universily ol anzona Acq! silon ol a Linu PC cluster ror joinl leodynamical and NsF-Division of Scjence HrOh Resolution S€ismic Expenhents Aimed al Mappinq Dy NsF-Divi.ion of Earth Science NsF-Direclorate for Geo*lenr Probing th. Earlhs Ouier Coc for a Siralified cR Hioh R€sotutron hagno of Dep Man esvlc$rs€nd NSF-DiMsion of Earlh s.iene MEMS-b6s6d Lightw.ioht, ssnsrt!€, Autonomous Lunar s€ MsA-Goddard st€ce Fliohl ( oaEnic Mai€r s6q!€strarion and Procoseno in clays on MsA-Goddard spac€ Flighl ( A€olian Sedim€nt Mov€Mt on Tnan: VMnd Tunn€l Exp & I' NASA-SETI hslill]te MSA-Ames Rsssarcn C€n!€? Plan.tary Asloan Labo.atory (PAL) NASA-Goddard Spacs Flight ( Sludi6s ol Mart6n Aeolian Geology Quanlilativs s&d €s ot R4kabEsion on Eanh and Mars NA9A-J6i Propulsion Laborai( A€ollan S€d menl Movem€nt under Titan conditions Wnd NASA-UniveBitv of Tennese( D6iecling Tr6nsi6nl surlace F6atur6s va Dynam c Lrndm€ NAsA-J6t Pmpulson Laboral( Onboard 6vent and f€ar!6 dotedion to €nhanc€ sci€n€ to NASA-J€I P.oplls on Laborsl( NASA-Goddard Spac€ Floht ( Regiona Plan6bry lmag6 Facllily NASA-Goddard Spa@ Flqht ( Planelary A€olian Laboratory (PAL) MARS EXPLORATION ROVER: STUDY OFAEOLIAN FEANASA-J€I PTOPUIS|ON LAbOTAK catarog of Tharsis pDvinesd volcsn c vents (MoAP) NASA-Godda.d Spac€ Flrohl ( A€olian Sallalion Under'lltan Conditions: Wnd TunnelExp{ NASA-Un versity ol Tsnn€ss€t NASA-J9I Populsion Laborsk MARS EXPRESS: CO-|NVES1GA1oN oN NAsA-Goddad spa@ Fliqhl ( a€oliBn P6tt6ms snd oeposils Rerated to small NASA-Ames Rss€arctr C€nter Utra.Hioh Precison Micrcmachinq for coh€.6n1Aruy R€c€ Califomia Inslitute of Technolo A Pathfinder hstrumern for Kjlopixel H6lorcdyn€ turay R6c. NsF-Di6cteate tor Mathemat Biogeoddistry qt Desed Crust Communit6s: O@anic Cs' NsF-Oire.lorete for Gdscjn' NsF-Dr€dorate ror Bioloqical contrat Arizona Ph@n r LTER: Phase Mass clEo€ndent lsotoo€ Fraclidalion ot Biosss€nlral and Dreytus (Camille & Henry) FoL ETBC Oraanic Goodomlcal Translomarions and lhb D64 NsF-Divison ol Ocean Scienc CAREER: Translomalion and Ifansporl ofOEanicCalbor NsF-Drvison of Sclene Carc€r: QlanltyinO Erclional Proc€ss€s on Up and Landg NSF-D vis on ol Esnh Sosn@ CR: Tectronics and Topooraphy in th6 T6nsv€.s€ Rangss NSF-ovision of Earth Scionc€ A Stt',4S STU oY OF THE CHEM CAL DYNAi,IICS OF ORG/ OOE-U S Deparlm6rn oi En6l MARG NS Posl.Doctoral F€ lo$ship - JeEmy Boyc€ Expo NsF-Oirscloral6 for Geosd6nr Fluodns in NominallyAnhydous Min€rals trom lhe ljppsf M NsF"Directoral€ ior Gsoscienr NsF-Divsion ol Earth soenc€ L sotops studi€s oi Mantle xenoliihs Fmm ths sw Delinlng th6 Bydrous P€lrog€nsli. Gdd' Expenmgnlalcons NsF-DirsdoEte for Geosclenr Unit€d Stal€elsael Binational Volalilss n Oiamond and Klmbedites l x0535{68 Syslsms Lay6r Gamerc 24192 Gamoro 23556 Garvie Grsel€y 20510 G€eley Gr6€l€y Gr6€l€y G66r€y Layer 2o31J2 1761)2 19672 22099 2t&25 GEeley GBeley G€eley 13035 22142 GEeley Gngsby G.oppi G.oppi 23371 21421 233€7 23294 23743 t HRSC crators 2 Hartn€n Harln€tt 21020 22604 Heinsath Herug Herug H€rv g Hervig H6ruig HeMg 2c667 14429 17264 18383 17056 17673 16759 usA 76 10044 100% 90 000 3,820604 70% 140,706 100% 446376 r00% 37.939 100% 24,000 100% 165,064 100% 240,056 100% 304 678 '100% 175 590 50% 5 oo0 10% 15 5a7 6A% 128038 66% 1220uJ 50% 154,042 100% 133,000 2% 57,730 100% 50,000 50% 199,573 fi.A 15,034 100% 457.859 100% 71,410 1oo% 90,000 100% 639,540 100% 13,124 3% 86,595 5% 3,494 25o/a 18,750 870a 499,852 50% 22,407 100% 751,578 100 14.427 200,4 31.353 50% 66 357 100% 2167T4 5% 3494 25% 18 750 100% 2703€6 90% 165,844 100% 140,075 10% 15,676 100% 75,345 100% 7,100 1N% 1X7,U7 100% 269,040 100% 6,000 100% 8,057 100% 120,000 1000,4 50,000 100% 305,550 100% 430.886 100% 870565 100% 40 000 100% 20 856 98% 947 262 100% 96 000 3% 86 5S5 1@.,6 33.33 1()0% 191,527 25'* 97,33 0% 16,,100 10% 12,@0 10% 152,859 50% 286,774 1000 94,136 1000,4 50% 100% 50% 20% 20% 33% 153,106 2@,127 207,970 74 885 50 000 60108 16 03A 90,000 000 90 000 604 3,820604 706 201 450 ,446 376 ,458 483 37.939 78186 84,0m 24,W 165.064 165 068 240,0'fi 2a0,056 90 3,320 141,508 200 3820,604 I 45€,4A3 7A,186 84,000 165,06a 24A.O8 1 304,678 304.678 175,590 175.590 304,678 175,590 5,000 10 o0o 10.000 15,587 155865 155865 12S.038 1aa72A 188 720 122,000 165 000 185 000 323,490 308164 646 940 416.000 133 000 416 000 138195 2,886 490 6,909768 50000 50 000 50 o00 399,146 199 573 399 1{6 15034 30,067 30,067 457 S59 457,a59 457,859 109,6a4 71,410 109,644 90,000 90.000 90,000 639,540 639,5,10 639,540 48,876 6,S09,768 48,A76 43,42a 207,293 2,8A6,490 3,494 69,A72 18,750 75,W 499,a52 573,A12 22,81)7 45,614 751,578 751,574 1A,427 1U,271 49,472 75,000 573,812 45,614 751,578 1U,271 17A,64a 156,764 66,357 132,113 216,770 216.770 893,228 132,713 216,7T0 69,472 75.000 270.366 1U 271 140.075 AS322A 75,365 7,100 3,494 69.872 1A.750 75,Cr00 270.M 270,366 165.8:t4 1U,271 140.075 14A,O75 a9,323 156,764 75.365 7.100 '137.U7 269 040 6 0@ 6 057 120 000 50 000 315000 430 8€6 75.365 7100 137.047 269.0110 6 a 120 50 305 oo0 057 000 000 550 430,886 870,565 870.565 60,000 40.000 64,471 20,856 947.262 $7,262 137,U7 269,040 6,000 8,057 120,000 50,000 315,000 430,886 870,565 60,000 U.471 410,022 96,000 967.262 110.Q22 773,2AO 191,527 f73.2ao 207.293 2,S86,490 6,909768 33,333 . 33,333 33,333 97.334 3a9,33 16.400 4,919,942 349,334 4,919,942 oO0 120,000 120 000 859 1.528,5€0 1,528,590 26774 573,5{a 5rc s,aa 94136 94 136 94 136 153106 153 1m 153 106 200127 4aA254 444,254 207 97A 2A7,970 2AT,970 74,885 149.769 149,749 50,000 250,000 250,000 60,108 300,539 300 539 16.190 4a,600 49.060 12 152 Invo.llg.tor Aw|nt H€ru19 H6M9 H6Mq Hedig H6Mg 20109 20830 H€c€r rlEslor tlodg63 Hodg$ Hodg$ Hodg63 Hodg$ Ho<rg€6 Ho<rs€s Hodg€3 Hodgar HodSs! Hodg€s 10429 19528 1s528 Holfo,*€y Johnson Kondall Klug Knau& Knruth Kmunr KrEU3s 23908 18120 23308 20OS 19747 14382 229E,! 14727 18979 23624 22474 21810 22451 21020 19528 23684 195e7 UAOT 20E42 22003 22444 Leshin 16977 Mslholr8 m352 Mslholls 19353 Malhoira Malholra Malholra Malhot|a M6lhola M3lholra M€lhot€ 29221 22071 17395 20443 21049 22€a1 236a1 Mcnam.ra 22224 Mcnamara 20192 Reynold3 19528 Rsynoldr Rhoads 20926 20352 Rhoa6 Rho.6 19353 Rhoads 29224 20624 Rhoads Rhosds Rhoa6 21049 23€8r'' 22354 Rics 21156 Rica Rounson 13ta7 Robil'son 18387 21274 t Ptlaoa a3 Tlllr H! Tot.l Toi.l R.c.lvrd Anlclp.t d R.c.l.v.d Anliclpdld Msbnab 25% 25% NsF-Dividon of Eanh sci6r'c€ Deuterium-Hydrog6n hlfititudon in Man0e €l€m€nt .bund6noas and irolop6 @mposilions or Mar NASA-Goddaftl Spac€ Flig|n 10096 Fsdlity supflon: Th. Arizona stats univ€ft{y slMS labora NsF-oivision of Esih scl€n Fajlity Suppofl llroA.izona Stdo Univocity SIMS Latora NSF-Dit*n of E th Sci€n€ Acquisitjon or a NenoSlMS 50! imaging $coid.ry ion mas NSF Diviltm or NASA-SdEer Sde@ C€nior GLTMPSE YSO6 in H rr Dmahics of tho Pobnze$on Sirudore ol the Crab Nobula NASA-Sp€.a Tol€scQ€ R€<bsign of r||3 couB€ GlG 101 huo !o c*orogt I to asu arizom ao€rd of R€dedgn ol th€ colJrs. Gl-G 10r Inro lo G€ology I ro Asu Arizon€ Bo€d of Uplifr Hislory ofih€ Cordlllore Ocridonlgl, Soulh€m P€ru, tri NsF-Di€ctorat€for GeGci€n( Mjssion coniing6nci$ for T€am (A3tronaut - Robot - Mi33io NAsA-J€t Propullton Collalo€tiv€ Rossarchr G.omorpnic-@odynamic Coupllnl NsF'Dlrscloraie for G€o8ci€rx NAsa-Flodda hstjlute for Hun NASA lnnove0on Conc€pt3lof ExploElion- Blue ostrital Minoral Th3rmochromlogy ol ti€ rndus Molass€, N( NSF-DIvrsion or Eadh Sdonc. Ensn{ional F€ult Sylr€m3 jn 0l€Ama onme Range, Soutx NsF-oi6ion or Eadh Sdonca K Ydmg: Un.l€r3lsMlno ill.€ion Planning ard Fi€klT$lin! NAsA€radual€ Slud€nt R€€. Enablinq itE (U-ThyN6 lbolaichronoindldr No Dittu3loi in NSF-OivBbn ot E€fi Sj.ancs Ejpfofi.g th€ E ly History ot f'€ soub rbsbn Fadt syst€l NsF-oir€doEte for G€or.i€.x hp.oving Pramtary sudrco sd€nce Retum: Robouc Fono\ Nr($\€o(kia.d spaca Fligtn Th€orsti€l Gooch€rnEty ol PLn.l.ry Vol€dc for EIac: org€nic G€od€mlcal TranrbmsUons at|d rh€ D.€F NsF-olvEion or ct ean s<i€nc Ihe SLr Fomalion Obstuatory (SFO) Mi.lton lo Sluct Cc NAS,A€oddad Spaca Fligltt Cycle 16 AR-1125a "R6moving lhe h6ning-bon6 palt€m noi NAS,ASP@ Telescopo S.lon R€d€sign ot lho CouE€ GLG 101 Inlm lo Goology I lo ASU Arlzona Board of cRr Exrmining lh6 ovoluton of biGpnencorygomtion in t NsF-Dlrocloralelor G.os<tofi leaminq lh,ough Engln€3ing Design and PEctico: Using o NSF-Olr.clo€16 lor Educatlon rsotopic Pal.olamp€fEturs! rt KsyIim€s in the E€iy Hasror NAs €.ddad space Flight Climalic Tsnp€rltlro Hi3lo.y ot t'e E€rh €r'd lt3 Po&ibl€ E NAS,A&dad Sp.c6 Flight Ssardfo. EadieC NsF-Ovision ofEardr S.i6nc€ Th€orsrical R€s€s.ri sr tl€ Hign En€av Frcnns: cosmdo oOE-U.S. o€patu€nt ot A N6* Del€rminrtio.r ot ltre oplical coisr.nls ol N NASArlohn Hopkins univ€.rt trd Prcpos.l ior Inr€.im Curalon oIAOP Oarr NAS,A-Amss R€sgarch MoQhorogical ansrylb o'l zd.7 Lymsn Arpha sourc€s in th. NASA-Space ldescops gptmizing DESTINY NAAA-N€liffil Oplical Simulaling DESTli,tY Sp.clrolcopic Obs€ NA9\-NaliomloplicalAslrcn' Du3l Enhancom€nl i,f lh6 Lyman Equivabnl wldlh st z..a 5 NAsa-spaco T6l63cop6 16: Th€ Physicll Alpha Cycl€ N6tur€ and Age of Lyman G€ NA$q.,al PrcpuBion L€bo€t( Cycl€ 16i Th6 Phylical Natl|s and Ag€ ot Lyman Alpha Gs NASA-Spacs T€l€s.oF Knemalics & mst3lfidlio3 ol Z+3.1 NAgA-J6l Propulsion Lsbor€k Prcbinq Evolution and Roioniztton Sp€clroscrprcally (PEAIllAsq-Spaca T€le€cop€ WFPC2 TrdalTail Sur'/€yr Probing Slll ClusbrFomalon orflAsq-Spacs T€ls6cDp€ UringlymanAlpha Galari€3!o Un.lordand G€rary Formaii NsF-oi!6ion ot^.rdomicd Ma0allicilt€sand Kin€maltcs otLymandprE Galari€s atFt NA$qrr€l F,l!flrEo.r Labodt( sp€cdDsc.pic Follow{p ot Lynan Apna Emis{'ion n ar Ra M$q-l.l ProFirtm L€boEt( An lnws0galton into ThomoctEmic€l Pib6 aon€alh altic€ I NsF-oir€cbEle for G€o6ci6fi lllh Inl€malibffil work$op on t'6 Modeling orManlla Con NsF-Olvidon of Eadh Scbnca Acquisilion or r Linux PC cl$l$lbrFlnr g€odynamlcaland NsF-Orvidon ot Eadh An invesrigation inlo compodrlonllly helarcgen€our prum6 NsF-Drrocrolararorc.o3cro R€d€Eign ottho CouB€ GLG 101 lntF 1o Geolosy l lo ASU Adzona Bo€rd G€o€paiial NsF-OlrEctorste for Goo€clefi Opliminng DESTINY NAgA-Naiionar Oplic5lAdrcfl ( € foht 42,397 78,874 289,451 100% 710.62 Ch€mbty 10r 326,759 10O% 9O,04O R.giom Sci6n 50% A1 ,&4 Rq|€nrs 12% 6,39 R6g€nb 1696 8,466 50% 10,456 taboral. 33% 24,7& 100% 100,367 sky 100% 70,&E 100% 233,400 85% 249,w 1003o,0@ 50% 99,251 100% 1a4,471 ( 100% 10,000 Mt0rom€l 5% ll ,484 G53€s 10* 152,859 ( 30% 46,7@ 100% 179,935 R6g€nts 12% 0,349 20% 12,3u aoA 86,399 ( 100% 280,665 ( 100% 99,s79 lblazo€ru 100* 21,332 Emr 50% 200,000 ld t00% a,217 Cor€s C€ri3r 20% 47,953 sdon r00% 9,730 &lron fO% 9,173 Ob$rvalionE aliom 50% 12,983 scl6n 50% 18,067 50% 27 ,2fi Sd3n 50% 64,019 100% 16,000 C'alsrios Sd.n E59t 323,995 S*n 100% 18,255 I 1|{l% 158,95a 100% 16,750 50* 8,500 l(|0% 199,942 100% 20,0@ Scllno 50% 37,500 l00% 1s9,60o orR€s€nts 12% 6,349 Vilualizelion 100% 147,7u Ob3€wstiom 50% 9,173 SimulalingDEsT|tlYsp€.doscopicobs€rvations NA$q{aiiondopiic8lAdrom 50% 12,983 DGI Enhan€roni ot h. Lyman Eqrj€lsfil Wdth st:.,a.5 NASA€paco l6l6€€opo Sdon 50* 1a,067 Ths Srtr Fomarion Ob!€tvabry (SFO) Ms.sid to Srudy Cc NAs,A€oddard Sp€ca Frigtr ( 10% 15,547 Cycf€ 16: Th6 Pnysical Nalut€ and A9€ ot Lyman Alpha G€ NASAabt ProF*ion Lrbonk 50% 27 ,2* Plloins f|€ Suroundlng! ot a Highly Luminous R€drni O.l NASASpaca Tde€@p€ Sdrn 5096 43,332 Cycl€ 16: Tho PhFlc€l Nrlur. .nd A9€ or Lym€nAlph€ G€ NAS 'spacot€lescop€ S.isn 5064,019 Prebing Evolution and R.ionizstlon Sp€cuoscopic€tty (PEA NASA-Spaca T€t6s.op€ *ien 7596 150,000 Using LymanAlpha G€|oft3 to rJrxbrdrnd G6r6ry Fomari NsF-Orvision or AstrDnooic€t | €O% 23A,$7 Speclroscopic Follow-up ol lymEn Alpha Enission near Ra NASA-let Proputlton taboEk 50% a,500 spiEor Lyman alphe sury€y NAsa.J6t Prcputsion Laborak 100% 77,320 larlding Sit€Analysl3 comblned wtth THEMTS SFt€mic MorNAS,A,Jot Prcpltsion taboEk 1@% 122,116 HumaFRobolic GeologicTravo.3€ Plannins€3lort NAsA€oddard Spacs Flaght ( 100% 34,40s Analylt8 of Lsysrgd T6nain3 Near Ma'Nnh vdlis: compsi& NAsa-sprco sd€nc6 hsiitlts 100% 16,:t10 MERGEOMORPHICANOSEOIMENTOLOGTCALrNvESTrNASAri.tProouttonlaborat( 43% 290.000 ChandrayaanlMini RF Erp6dnbnt NASA{hns Hookm Untvor3it 10096 65,904 Miggioi conlingBftr€3 to. Toam (Astronad - Robot - Miisio NAsa-Jol Prcputsth Lrbodk 33% 21,7fi Amtsis or Lunerand M€rsrrlan Rogofin5 (PGG) NASA4o<Had Space Fright ( 100% 78,494 Compacl R€co.mai$sncs hrging Sp€<tronr€t€rlorMARS NASA-John ttopkans Univ€rsit 10096 170.2@ Intorm.rion T.chnorogy suppon rr €graring P€nicipating s. NAsA-Goddad sp*€ Frighr ( 10096 199,999 Multisp€dral tund L6na 6nd Fi6ld Microscop€ NASA-Goddad Sp€.€ Flign ( 50% 5,034 Digikr S€nningArchive ofApollo HandHeld Panoramic ar NAsA-lyndon B. Johnson Sp! 100% 517.239 Flighf R€adin6.6 Dovoloph.nt of MiniatJl€ Lunar $l3mom NASA-UniveFity ortuizona 5% 3.494 1 , 77 82,397 329,588 t05,ta2 315,497 269,451 249451 329,588 420,724 289.451 710.62 710,062 71qW 326,759 3,267,5E6 3,267.586 90,040 90,040 90,0.10 41,s4 162,529 162,929 €,349 52.911 52,911 8,.{€6 52,911 52,911 10,85€ 21,712 2l,712 24,750 75,000 75,000 100,3€7 100,367 100,367 70,(NE 70,043 70,048 23,400 233,400 233,400 219,92 291,@2 291,62 30,000 30,{m 30,000 99,251 198,502 !9A,fO2 279,717 1U.47 1 279,717 30,000 10,000 30,0@ ,81 229,684 229,W 11 152,859 1,528,5€0 1,528,590 155,665 179,935 179,935 52,911 61,671 1,079,9a5 1,079,985 46,760 155,€65 179,936 6,349 52,911 12,334 €1,071 86,399 280,€65 2E0,065 2EO,€05 99,979 99,979 90,979 21,92 21,332 21,332 300,@0 400,0@ 6@,0@ 4,217 a,217 A,217 217,953 212,029 242,V29 9,730 9,730 9,730 9,173 18,345 14,345 12,9E3 25,965 25,965 18,067 36,133 36,133 27,250 54,:{O 54,500 64,019 128,038 128,038 16,000 16,000 16,000 323,995 379,495 379,:195 1€.255 16.255 16,255 158,954 397.395 397,395 16,750 16,750 16,750 8,500 17.000 17,0@ 109,et2 199,942 t9€,942 20,@0 20,000 20,0@ 37,500 75.000 75,000 247,U5 159,?40 247,645 6,349 52,911 52,911 147,784 117.7U 147,7U 9,173 18,345 18,345 12,983 25,965 25.965 18,67 36,133 36,133 15,587 155,865 155,865 27,250 54,5@ 54,500 €,332 6,664 86,664 64,019 t2a,036 12E.038 150,@0 2@,0@ 2@,000 242,4s9 170,:!60 190,999 199,!09 242,139 2?8/37 397,3S5 397,395 8,500 17,000 t7,@0 7t ,320 77 ,320 77 320 1UA10 122,418 122.416 34,1105 34,405 34,405 25,111 16,410 25,111 2S0,m0 675,912 675.912 $4.645 65,904 334,645 21,79 75,0m 75,m0 76,4U 7a,40zt 7a,49:l 190,999 15,034 30,067 30,067 517,239 517,239 517,239 3,494 89,A72 69,A72 Inv..tlgrlor Amrd I TtlL Pl !a ot Pls 70% 225,OOO 67% rt0,000 NASA-John Hopkine Uni\raBit Robin3on 21389 tusA.Ctm€gi€ Insdr'nion of \ 1@9t 946,0@ MS,A€.orF C l'raEhall Sp. 100!6 104,000 Rob'nen 2&9 1@% 39,999 acqirat6 D€i6rminatjon of A8t€{oid sudac. Mine.alogy NAs,a.l{etoml a€roriadica & Roumoo 2527 ChaEd€rizi.g the Oisntt of Pndin€ Lunat Highlan6 Indi Ms,q€odlhd Sps Flight ( 10094 1@,192 ( NAs,q€od.lad Spacs Flig 10% 15,676 Rolinsoi 23661 MEMS.6r56d L6rrts€i9hr, Sonlitw, Auronomow Lunar S. 40% 120,216 Definin! th6 rtdrD$ P€t'ogonstic aFnmental con3 NsF-oir6cto€t€ for Geoscion Roggon6€ck 17673 50% 102,342 Rogg€ns€ci( 21914 Und66tsndin! lhs volstil. .lolulion ol alE magmas: Allslh NsF-Olreclo€16 for G€osclsnt 100% 75,771 CollaboraliE Re*grch: Odgin! ol local vandions in 6ubdu NsF-Olr€clorat€ for Goolci€rx Roggon$ck m361 50% 66,357 Fln+Sc!16 Slruclurs ot th€ lJppor Mantle Using AnEy T6<t1r NsF-olroclomto for Goo8cienr Rosr 15489 ManmEing Mani-TES: Rsinho iho Do[til3 6nd Expanding ll NASA-Goddard SPac6 Flight ( 100i4 272,631 19464 Rufi 50% 8,025 Tn€ Galaiy Maio. Merg6. Rsto .t 2>3: Const_aints on Gab NASq-Speco Talos.op€ Sdon Ryrn 21496 2% 7,000 Sarcwitz 17572 Fsdng ih€ chdl€ng€s otJ.aruhlmark n: Religion, s.iancr M.lan.ru3 lnslituts 396 164,404 SarlYrts 18209 NSEC: C6d€r br Nanot€.r'nology in Sod€9 at Adons S! NsF-Oir6c{o.rte for social. B€ 5096 250,630 coGtitning ooijue o€gon r.t Mdg..swit' obsN.riofl NsF-oivisio.r olAsfonomacsl: 50% 157,832 S€lf-Enrichment of Pnmddi.l .nd Pr636nl{at Shr Clult€n NASA€odd.d Spaco Flig ( a796 12.59! Mulliwawl.ngth Analylti3 oi tho Sttr Formaton Pl!o933 in i NASA€pa.€ Tolss.opo &isn ( 4096 62,34 Ths srar Fomaton ob..v.tory (sFo) Milsion to strdy cc NAs'aGoddad spac6 Flighl (MlC) 80,144 NASA-JoI Pop{lsion Laborat( 100% Oev6lopln€nt or a Prckttp€ Modul.r haging Cell S€mk€n 1a$S Sillaling Eadh Sden@ ar*l Mathomatcs in Supsior Oulc( NsF-Dir€clorat€ ror G6o$i6n( 100% 49,821 129i 6,349 S6mk6n 19aa R€d$lgn or tho Coulsa GLG 101 Intro lo Geology I to ASU Aitom Bo€d or R69€at3 S€mt€n 17s24 Collabor8livs Rss€arch: Th€ T€ll ol Tims: A G€ffd€nce Er NsF.Diroda.ato for Educ€lion 100% 272,909 S€mken 19302 ColllboEtive R63: Evalualing Stud€nl Loaming in G€os.i€r NsF.Oi€doral€ lor Educaton 100% 64,449 2% 106,711€n 21257 Proj€.l Paltu€ys: Op€ning Rout* 10 Mall and S.i6nc. Su NsF-Dil€do.ei6 ror Education 36% 3m,742 S€mien 2143 Sd.nco T€€ctl€|E in ArEom - Rac.uitnonl and RConlion (S NSF-OivBion ot 4% 115,4@ R€$arch MS nn.s Cdt€( S€mr6n 21421 8% 56.354 12973 CONSORTIUM FOR MATERIAT PROPERTY RESEARCH INSF.SUNY-SIONy BrcOK ShaA 12% 6,349 R€d€dqn ot $6 Coullo GLG 101 hto to G€obgy I lo ASU A.i2ona aoard ol Reg€nl5 19524 Sharp Robh3on 14224 ShalP 17339 17816 ShalP Shalp 19823 15961 Shalp ShalP 20506 19362 ShaF Sns'? 22437 2lu4 sh6rp Shal? 22085 2287 Sharp 1u92 Sho.k 10569 Shod 16116 shoci Shoct 19061 16583 Shod( Shod( 15475 l8gO7 Sho.k 20194 Shod( 20065 Shod 1E919 stro.t( 19434 Sho.k 23095 Sho€* Shoc* 21O2o 23308 shod 22401 Shock 21421 Shock srrnfiord 19103 St.rliald 19955 sbnndd 18356 slarfi€ld 20090 starf€td 18494 18718 stnffi€ld 16481 Strrfi€ld 1s633 sranfisrd 1798€ Sfsrfield 18692 stqfinetd 14771 Siarll.ld 19315 strfifi€ld 19317 Srarfold 21354 slnrfi€td 20440 stanf€td m211 Starrfidd 22451 Lunar Olbiler Las€rAliimel€r (LOLA) Sci€nc€ T€am Pdldr !un6r R6conaBsanc€ orbit€r cam.fa (tRoc) co.rra.l Ctur'dEyaan/Mini RF Exparim6 . (Now conlracl osliablbh{ Sd€n€ Tosn Support rff uro TIESSENGER Mi$im LROC/LiIMP T€m Collabo.slio.r Proc6.sirig LROC daia$ NASA4od&d Spac€ Flighl ( NASA€odd€d Spac€ Flighl ( Shock M€tsmo,phis.n in M.teorilo3 Comtraining Shod Co NASA-Goddad Spac€ Flight ( Min.ralogy and Mi@structuro ol Balalt Wbath.dng Rin& | NASA-Goddad Spac. Flig ( COMPRES: Community Fecilili63 end InLastructur€ Dowk NSF-SUNY-Stony Bmok NAsA-Unlverslly ofArizom Aizona Spaco Granl Coftodum Cycl€ 4 (Annual - Yr NASA-Goddard Spac€ Fllghl ( llotoplc Inv.stgBlions of Meloorlt EllscE or S€cond,ary Siricat ! on R.mols Sensins Me*ur. NASA-Lyndon B JohnsM Sp. Upglgd€ otnr€ Muhi-Anvil High-Pr.!5urc Fadlily attuizon NsF-Ro.ovoryAct Res€€rch { MRI: Acqui.nion ol an abo.ra0m comct€d high r€€olulion I NsF-Dividon of Mat€ritls Ro3 condr€injng th€ impad hidory ol m.bofib p€r€rn bodi€€ rr NAsa€odd€rd sPac. Flign ( Th. sn€d ot hace amount! of 82O o.r lhs rab3 .nd m€da NSF-R.cov€ry Ad ReeaEh I NAs,a€oddad spac€ Fligm ( Hydothormal EcosysLmr in r solar sydorn collsbordive R€s€lrEhr EcoPhysiology ot D€€ply-a€nchint NsF-or.dorsl€ fof G€o3ci6n( NsF-oir€ctorule fa. Mstlemd l]1.or€iicat G€ochgmisuy ot Planotary volcanic Ttsocticll Min€Elogry orAqu.ousAltoralion in Chonddtls NAS.A-Goddad Spac€ Flig ( T€chnldan suoooft lcP-Ms Re8€arch in lh€ wM. K€d( Fo NsF-olr€clorala fo. Gao*i6nr NsF-olrodorsla fo. Biololioal c€n!'at Arizona Pho€ni{ LTER: Phaso Mai! Dop€nd€nt rlotooo Fn|clionarion ot Bio*s€nrrat and Drlyfus (camilr6 & H€nry) Fo! pow&t fd MatrFmtt br lh6!3 hum.purposs diradomel6. AcqrJililion of a NSF-OiVao.i or Oc6an Sd6rc O€€9 Aio9hor€ CrustAnoralion and NorHac.mic amho aci& in mot!'o !'!:A ga|Jg€ for aqooo! NASA€od&d Sp€c6 Flighi ( Th€oEtical G€o.h€mi.W ot M.rlian Aqtj@s Ent.oYn€nt NASA€oddad Spscs Frig ( Pl.n€iary Odgins ot Ch€mic5l Oi!.quilib.ia CaPeble or Supt NASA€odda.d SP@ Fligr ( ETEC: Orc€nic G66ch6mic€l TEnslomatjois and u|o D€6f NsF'Division of oc€an sdoic Acqui.irion ot a NanoslMs 5oL im.ghg !€condsry ion maa NsF-Divi3lon ot ch€misty RIOGE:Tipping Pointsin ih6 Evolutlon of Submarin€ Hydm NsF-Oivldon or Oean Sd6nc NASA-Am63 R.$ardr Csntor NSF-Lo3 Alamos Nalional L6b Prog€nnols ot TyP€ b sup.movro NsF-Smihsdian Aslrophysic A Gl.tins Sp€ctrurn ol s Brilit Nove in NAs.A-Soac. T€lcs@r. S.i6n Tho Ught Echo€s Alodd va38 Mono..mlis ( V83E Mon: A S€€tlh lor X{ay! tom . P66siu€ St llar M€n NAsA€oddaftt Spac8 Flaglt Am! NASq-SPaca Tgl63.op6 Sdon of Rs A r4idy svolvirE sNR In€ 2006 o$urst oph: RS Oph: Explodng lh€ S s of . R.qrn6nt Symltotc Now t NsF-Smihlfiian AstoPhFa Hilh-R.lolution x-Ray Sp6ctro!.oPy of Clas3j€l Nov6€ an NsF_Smihlort$ &tmfavttc Llghr Echo8 edrnd v838 Monoc€rsli. {Cyd6 r6co-1121 7) NASA€p€c. Teloscor€ sd€n NASA-J€I Pmpulsion Labof ak SptE r obs€rvarioru ofadol€&onl Nova. NAS,A-J6I PmAjsion Labor6t ToO IRS Ob$tu8lions or Nov€3 sp8co Flight ( of a NAs.a€odd.d Th6 2006 ourblBr or RS Oprliuchi: swin obwaiions NASA-J6| Pmpulsion Labor€k SplEsr Obso atiorc ol lho pod€ru9lion or nova€ NASAJ.i Pmpulsion Labo.ak SolEor Ob:€rvaioB of the Sl6llar En4cams MuIiw.v€ldgth studies olTro Bngltl Novao in OulturBl NASA-Goddaftl Sgaca Flight ( NRA/Ro.6ardr Oppo.tunitjo3 in Spa€. and Eantr S.jenco! NASA€odd.d Space Flight ( 1) . conbn Gs$3 2 ti. Non-LTE Sl€ltsr Arrno€ph€ro Ansly!€3 of st p6r sdn x{ay t NAsA-smif'$nian Astopnysi Th6 Lig €ch€s around va3a Monoc.fotjs: cyd6 16DD (( NASArsp3o6 Tol€€coF Sdon 78 nt Adclp.t d 225,000 322,997 r00% r7,$1,363 17,9€1,3E3 17,961,363 100% 10cl% 25% 217,0@ 248,565 07,511 982,556 10096 1896 221,1@ 90,000 10096 16!a 7% 100% 10096 20,1,16 229,113 182,0@ 293,851 25* 123,425 50% 20,156 5% 11,44 10% 17,100 17% 34,249 0% 16,400 10% 12,000 7% 20,720 5096 141,939 1396 qAO 10* 20411 50% 262,252 10% 152,459 5% 163,379 50% 260,938 2% 57,730 100% 16,000 100% 7,500 10016 6,840 10094 10,000 1009{ 23257 l@9a 28,810 07* 177.540 10096 23,112 100% 5,000 100% 15,908 100% 47,044 100% 15,875 100% 5,300 100% 63,6@ 5096 229,531 1@* 55,003 10o% 25,176 32.,997 17,961,363 191,831 60,000 946,000 946,000 25A,113 198,0@ 247,78 ct6,@0 81,e99 39,999 254,1t3 81,999 89,323 156,764 493224 165,259 106,:192 120,214 3@,539 102,342 204,643 165,259 300,539 204,683 75,771 132,713 272,431 18,049 350,000 5,712,483 501,260 474,137 75,771 75771 66,357 132,713 272,831 272,631 8,025 16,049 7,0@ 350,000 168,aoa 5,712,4a3 250.630 501,2@ 237.21e 315,664 12,594 91,594 91,594 155,865 a9,148 89,148 ag,l48 49A21 49,421 19.521 €,349 52,911 52,911 272W9 272,909 272,99 64,8aS 6,1,889 64,849 62,346 155.a65 105,7a1 5,2a7,058 5,287,006 495,704 6,909,768 320,782 895,704 276,391 2,886,400 56,358 742,339 712.339 6,349 52i911 52,911 217,000 217,W 2\7,OOO 244,5'65 2€,565 21a,565 125,000 270,42 500,000 982,55€ Sa2,556 221,100 1,245,000 982,55€ 1,245,0@ 90,000 €0,000 90,000 20,18 125,913 125,913 29.413 3,277,7q 3,277,fg 277.@0 182,000 zn,w 293,E51 293,851 123,425 a03,700 20,15a 40,311 293.451 4S,700 40,311 11,484 229,6A8 229,988 17,100 171,000 171,000 3E,249 221,994 224,e54 16,400 4,S19,942 4,919,942 120,000 296,000 281.A77 243,477 12,0@ 120,0@ 20,720 296,@0 141,939 12,@o e4,00o 96,000 204,139 a\252 524,503 52493 20,111 20a,139 152,859 1,52E,590 103,37S 3,267,586 1,520,510 3,267,5€6 138,195 2,886,490 6,909,768 16,000 7,500 8,880 1o,oo0 23,257 260,938 521,A75 521875 16,000 16,000 7,5@ 7,500 8,980 8.8AO 10,0@ 10,000 23,257 23.257 28,010 28,810 24,810 177,580 265,508 65,508 23,412 23,112 23,412 5,0@ 5,000 5,000 15,90a 15,908 15,908 a7 ,044 a7 ,u4 ,U4 15,675 15,875 15,875 5,3@ 5,300 5,300 63,600 63,600 63,600 229,531 1159,061 459,061 55,003 5'5,003 55,003 25,176 25,176 25.176 A7 Ptrof Inrc!|lg.rbr Aw.d I Id. s|arfiord sraftllord sianllotd staflfdd Isyfor Tlmm€s Timm€s Timmes Immo6 TJmm€6 Timm€s 1&155 19236 2lt0o 22927 ?279s 214€0 20444 2loo1 210@ 21927 TybuEy Tybu,czy Tybucy Tyblr.zy 21821 12973 19524 19823 20169 Soer,t 22476 Vsn van vlvoni 23695 z2a7a Mvoni 22922 vNoni 22u& Tngonometic Calibtttion ol fra O3ltnca Scdo Lr Clesst3 ilASASp€ca T€l€€cop€ Sd€. Collaboraliv6 R$e€rcll Mu|nd*rr6n hydrcdynamic at NSF-Dtsio.r ot&toncrnical : Dust abufitanc*. and lh6 Evoluiion of No€6 MSA-Jol PropLlsion LaboBt( Th. Lighl Ecles a@nd V038 Mono.srolis NASASoacs Tdsscaoo Sci€n hoy.lion hrcosh ln tituliond € (3): Th€ Mod€llr NSFOitr$n ol U.d€Oradual Making ln6 stridsRt c€ndl6: a 3rudy ol h4 rh6 Fog€nitor DoE-u s. o€padn€nt d En€r NRA/R€56afth Oppotunlt€8 in Splc€ and Eanh Sd€no€! NASA4oddad Spaoe Fliqht ( Tho Turbulont Gigin .nd hj€dion of the El€m€nb NsF.oii3im of A3Londnrcal I Coftt'aidn! Odd€ D6!€n€d€ M€r!€G N,ih Ob!€rvaridl, NSFOivir$n ol A6tl.|anrcar : Nucl€arAltlphyrtB: Sup€oo'.a€ and Cll€r$c.l Eyolullon NSF-Unav.Gity ol Nolro Dafl€ solt-Enric,lm€rn of Pdmofdlal and Pr$€nl-day stff cluslon NAsA€odilard spsc6 Flighl ( Sup€fi'ova Inl€clion inlo Formiry Planolary NSF-Dt3ion of Mationatic€l Foltaw th€ tl,Asq-Ama R€s€arct C€n!a, CONSORTIUI, FOR MATERIAL PROPERTY RESEARCH r NSFSUNYSiony Allok Rodesign ol $6 Cou$ GLG 101 h|m lo Goology I to ASU Arizom Bord ot R.g.nt. COMPRES Commudty Fscilili€l and Inhastudur€ D€vlk NSFSUNY€iony &!ok D€ule.nm.Hydrog€i hl€difilton in Manla NsF-Division of Earth S.trn € UpgEd€ ol tt€ Mufii-Anvil HighPrBlrrs Fdllv rl Arizonr NsFRacov.ry Acl R€€€adr ! Enablinc lho (u-ThyN3 Th.m.hronomst€r No Diftu6id in NsF-Divllon of Eanh sci€@ Th€ n€n dop in unrav€llinq tE Eanh's lmprct hbtoryt (U-T NsF,€ ior G6s.ieni STAHFLA Su3ta|ntbllty ot Smi-Arid Hydology and Rttaaan NsF,Univ.6ity otArizoia CR: Eioltc ali.ratd ol ldl nydolo{ic pr.p€rtio: end f€€db NsF-Univqtty of tttinoB.Cia. CZO] Iraftfonnriiw B€n€Nior of \ in€r, Ensrlt & Calbon i NsF-Univ€rdty of Artzma lmproved HydmmoboElogic€l For€casling lhrollgh Physic€ Doc-Natond Oc€anlc & Atmr lmproled softorld slr€a|nllo* Fd€ca3te in th. Rio sonoft ooc-NcrAA-llstion€l ctimalic hlEtgaiion ot t'€ sc€llng Pr.o€f0o. of Ten€atiat Hydoto NAsA€odd.d sps.o Ftght ( Elleds il Sla!.r|el Lgld Sulf6.6 Conditons on Hydrcn€t6( DOD.tuny Eady Solar Syllem PrccoEE€s snd Time Scal6! rmm botop NAsq4oddard Spac€ Ftioht ( NESSF 09: Pdog€.rsdr an6 Chronoloqy or th! Angd€!: tr NAsA4oddard Spacs Ftisht ( Analyds of tl. Mg rsotopb Coinp<l€dton ot tt€ Sobr Wnd S NASA+yndon A Johruo.r Sp( lrolopa hv63ltgarid3 of MsA€odd€fd Spa.. FtidM ( €lement abundanc€. €nd isotop€ c.rnpo8iiiois of Ma, NAsA€oddad spa6 Ftight ( dd l Etol?l€nb Mstrtats u0 \ aiio 23695 wnippr€ Whipple WllE ns, \Nllitnt, Wllams, L/lliins, wlirns, O O r L L 20696 2574 15960 2477 1€420 21020 2330€ W.dio.Et Z$4 YourE 21()01 Yu 23370 Yu 22650 Yu 23661 zolotov lu92 zoblov 16110 zolotcv 190€t Zolotov 19434 Zobtc'v 2W Zobtc'v 23490 Zok{ov 2M Sylbms M6ls.i!3! 1009t 100% 100% 100% 1@% 50% 50% 50% r@% 50% 5@d 2% 4AS '12% 25% 71,% 16% 50% 50% 50% 509i 50% 50% 50% 5096 03% 1@Vo 100% tm% 18% 25% Nr€A+m$ R€G€arch C€nlol 1% hisbryr (U-Tr NSF-Dillck ato io. c€ocderi 50% ColleboEtv. R6€€rch: hvesrigatiqlot F€ and Mo |roto!6 NsFoi.lctofsle to. c.o6.ier|r 30% Collabondvs Relesrch: Transition M€tEt tsotop€ FEcdm€t NSF-Di.scloEte tor c€o€denr Collaboradv. Regrchr SFlamatlc! of Zn and Cu tsoroo€! NsF-Otvtlion ot Oc6sn S{im Rsd€6i9n ot t'€ cotlrl. GLG ro1 Inro ro G€dogy I to asu Aiuon€ Eoard of Rog6.rrs 1 ErF€.in€ntrl Flume sllldy of 8€drod( trlciiion by Ab€6ion: NsF€ivi.ion of Esin s,j€ncs 100% Upm Hisiory of lhe Codi0€€ Clcdd€nirl, Soirth€m P€ru, ln NsF-Dir€cio€b for c€osd€n 50% Collabordiv€ Res€adr: T€clonid .nd Topo!.aphy in lh6 Tr NsF-Divilion ot Earh glonc€ t@% ErGrEionrl Fault Systhr in lh€ Am6 Dim€ Rano., Soull. NSF-Dvi.ion cd Earth Scbnc€ 15% Abr$ion oy a€dbed and sBp€r'd€d Lod: bo€rim€.nd s NsFoiv{*xr of Ea|tl scionc€ t@96 auiniting Climslic Contol of Emliond Encisicy NSFOiWirn ol Eadh Sci€nc€ 100% Glob8l G€ologlc€l Mspdng or lo MsA€oddsnl Spr6 Flisit ( 100% Gedoqic ilapdng of lo: Gls Elaraba!. and R69io.Et Macpi MsA€oddrd sprc6 Ftight ( 100% G€dogic m€pdng ortr OympG Mons !bt.rrb, itrs ttAsA€oddard Spac6 Friqhr( 100% ASIMS STUOY OF IHE CHEMICA! OYMMTCS OF ORG/ DOE-U S. O6paftn6nt ot En€l 50% A$6sinO a Clay Mh€r3l Altonatw Antiuotic Trosfn€rn b HHS-NtH-NCCAMJ]atond Cr 35% Msl€.rilo or!6nics: Trac€6 of mot.oular asyrnm€try in co.n NASA€oddad Sr€.€ FtiOht ( W6 ETaC: OQsnic G€odsnlcd lranltornatids snd h€ O6q NSF-Dtidm ot O€.an Scierr 209,. Acquiltlion of a NanoSlMS 50L im.ging s€condary ioi ma! NSFOiVtion ot Ch€mbiiy 5% The un€8olvod sbllar Porutatoft ot Gata{€s ln th6 HUD| NASA-spaco TelolcoD€ sci€.r 100% A Multi-Mb.imArcl val S|lldy ot $€ St€ita4 Popqbtion pq NAsA€oddard Spac€ Ftight ( 100% A Muhi-! av.l.figth St'dy of Ne€rby Lat€-IyF6 G.taxia: & ftAsA€o4taftt Sp6c. niqn ( 1@% oprimizing Photornehc R.dshm Rdtabit.ty tor oEsItNy sc NAsA-N.lonet op|icst A5troft 100% Furdamnl€l Limitation! in O€sp HST Ftoldar Suftce Bigh NASA€pac€ T€r€scop€ Sci€n 100% App,Eiaring Hubble 6t Hyp€.*p€.d NASASoac. T€l$coo€ Sd€n 50% Th€ Slar Fdrneton Ob!€rvatory (SFO) t i3sjoo to Srtxt C. NASA€oddad Ftighl ( 10% Ths Garary Mrior M€A€r R€ts st 2>3: Cdstrdntr on Gata NASA-Sp€C€ Tste6coDo *id| 5096 Ac€nsls of lyma Arpha abb6 alz-0.6 NAsA-codd€rd Spac€ Ftigft( 1OO% Pendrcmatc VIFC3 3ury€y of gabn€! 6t intemsdlato z: I MSA-Sp6c.Td€3coD6 Sd6n 1OO% A Mulli{av€lorEihbst ol s€yirt Gat xy uninca0on ad tft MsA4odd.ft, spaco Ftigan( 10096 S€arch t6 \bry High-! c€taxie3 wirh wFC3 purD paEl€t MSA€o5c€ Tde€cooa Sci6n l@% NEXT GEN€MTION FRONTIER STUOIES OF GATIXY F NASA€OddAd SOSCE FIIOhI ( 55% Th€Turbul6ntodgin and Iniedion ofth6 Et6msnt! NsF-Dvtaion ofastonomtcstr 5o% Ffigt R€adirEs Dev€lopment ot Ministur€ tumr Sdsnpm ftAs^-Univ€.lilv ofAri.m€ 43% IDR lrafirl'adtring Functomt Lantnd€d CrmpGita Ssud NsF.orlldorEre tor Engn.€fl 35% MEMS+a!€d Liohtw.€ft, Sensiriv€, Autonornols Lunar S€ ftAsA-Goddad Spac€ Ftight ( 30% Hydrof|onndl Ecocystoms in a sotar sysrem contsxl Msa_Goddard spac€ Ftighr ( 50% Thoor€ltcal Geoch€mlstry of Pl.nstry Vdc€nic cls€s NsF-Di|€dorat€ tor M.themr 80% Thoo.Elical ilinsdogy ot&rEollAtrllaiion in Cll€ndns! r,tAsA€oddard S*rc6 Ftsht ( OO% Th€oretc€l G€oclisnialry of Uartian Aqrds Envmrmont NAsA€oddard Space Ftiqhr ( eO% Alm6ph€r€-Sudaco Int€.€ctioB ln Wnus History NASA€oddad Space Ftight ( 1OO% Fluid Chqnbty otAquaous Ansnton in Chdddtss NAsA€oddard Spac€ Ftigt( ( 1OO% MSA+m.. R€6€lrdr C€rn€r 11% Ths n€n sr.p jn imriv€ring tte Eadl 6 jmp* 79 ai Pr, 56.644 72.5S9 20,000 24.356 78,18a 29,564 56,6.€ 72,599 20,000 24,356 99,594 29,fi4 229,531 256,S79 250,630 229.531 256,979 250,630 206,637 107,1n 157,E32 154,082 237,219 323,4W 37,79 13a,195 314,412 6,349 6,349 314,412 67,511 125,000 247.191 247,191 20,15 20,t45 89,251 99,251 1$,242 153,282 11,n1 11,771 6,74 m,927 2A.3ztti 2€34€ 80,041 80,081 8E.337 88,337 €,264 €,268 490,789 211,477 a32,971 211,677 59,785 342,000 59,785 u2,M 221,16 221,16 74,s71 105,142 28,865 69,098 1$,2e2 153,2& 09,000 69,0@ tm.03o 120,030 183,565 183,565 6.349 6,349 56,6{8 72,599 20,@0 24,356 9f7,352 56,6aa 2,599 20,0@ 2438 1,244,972 n,&4 n,g 459,06t rt59,061 513,954 501,260 107,177 315,€64 304,104 513,954 5012@ 266.637 474,137 646,980 6,909,768 712,339 2,8€4,:|90 742,t39 52,911 270,U2 329,584 125,913 104.502 306 564 23.541 13.:179 52.@r 160,162 176,674 52,911 500,000 329,5aa 125,913 19€,502 306,504 23,91 41,854 52,691 160,162 176,671 86,536 6,536 999,28a 211,6n 2116n 59,785 59 785 509,578 342,000 342,000 1,245,000 315,497 420,724 2,886,490 6,909,768 r,24s.0@ 306,5ri4 230,000 36,564 220,735 220,735 ?34,@2 12a,671 365,a97 230,000 106,641 10,856 @,074 3@,074 4{t0,912 45€,912 52,911 5C.911 106,8|1 16,641 21,712 21,712 i4,100 220,735 44,100 294,@2 f07,6@ 12A.674 365.a97 212,422 384,657 141,711 10e,641 10,E5r6 220,735 124,674 365,897 212,422 344.657 2@.127 152,956 54,000 305,7ta 163,379 50,000 2@,127 154,833 54,000 305.718 163,379 50,000 77.@7 77.@7 @,2?7 69,237 26,400 26,40 65,348 85,348 24,950 24,950 15,587 15,a87 4,025 8,025 20,000 20.000 199,974 161.174 29.133 3€7,692 256,979 30,045 i69,974 324,2n 05,000 384,657 161,711 :r(n,254 M,251 /|33,eq€ 438,970 10a,oo0 1,528,500 1@,0@ 1.528,590 3,67,580 3,267,56 50,000 50,000 n,@7 n,67 69,237 6E237 8,@ 26,400 45,3.€ 85,34€ 49,900 49,€OO 155,865 155,865 16,0rt!t !6,049 20,000 20,@0 199,974 269,97.{ 324,277 387,692 256,979 30.045 709,095 513,954 709,095 246,850 183,750 136,a00 493,700 €3,700 229,688 29,W n,092 n.ov ,@9 267,96A 317,514 212,U2 161,!7E 56,66 47 246.a50 183,750 134,600 163,311 12E,199 124,674 365,897 212,422 344,657 107,649 163,311 194,950 105,m0 7@.074 28.,t33 56.S0 513,9t8 @,672 69,872 20,2i3 22!'263 1f€7u @322A 171,W 24,139 124,199 65,@0 171,000 204,139 194,950 195.0@ 2,885,490 6.$9.768 80 APPENDD( VIII. SESE K-12 EDUCATION AND PUBLIC OUTREACH Astronomy Open llouse Graduate students manag€ the monthly SESE Astronomy Open House, offering visitom the opportunity astronomy by in gazng through telescopes and participating to explore physics demonstrations. The school's planetarium coordinator also offered Tempe Town Lake Telescope Sessions on nights/days of astronomical interest to encourage visitors to peek through telescopes and ask the "experts" questions. ASU Mars Educatiotr Program Tlte Arizona Mars K-|2 Education Program was founded in l99l as an education and outreach effort by Dr. Christensen and graduate student Ken Edgett. The Fogr:rm grew in staff, projects and ftnding (-$700K/yr) and became the formal education arm of the NASA Mars Prograrn for NASA'S Mars missions. The program name changed to ASU Mors Edrcation Progrqm to reflect the national reach of the program, which continu€s to be a leader in E/PO in NASA's Science Mission Directorate. Cunently, the ASU Man Program has five FTEs (seven employees). The ASU Mars Education Program primarily serves K-20 educators a.nd students. Secondary focus audiences are informal educaton and the public. The ASU Mars Education Program provides hands-on, immersive STEM activities using Mars exploration as the engagement theme. The program also provides professional development and appropriate curicular materials for K-12 and college and university educators. Additionally, the program creates opportunities to engage schools, informal groups, and the public in participatory exploration by providing Mars mission updates, providing instruction on how to use scientific tools (e.9., JMARS), and providing access to Mars exploration data sets for personal exploration. The program provides the following services: ' K-20 Educator Professional Development - Hands-on educator tsaining in STEM content ranging from I day to 3 days in length, nationwide sites, . Mars Student knaging Program (MSIP): Immersive, 3 week to 6 month, inquiry-based student experience that allows teams of students to formulate a question about Mars and target the THEMIS Mars camera to obtain an image for their research (authentic research for grades 5- I 4); . . Mars Exploration Student Data Teams (MESDT) - High school student t€arns work as a virtual distributed science team for a year on projects with mission instument teams to provide added science retum; Curicular Materials Developm€nl - Curricular materials are produced to help teachers and students who participate in the ASU Mars Education projects; ' Student/Public Tours at the ASU Mars Space Flight Facility for K-20 students and the public through a working NASA-funded laboratory including highlights on Mars exploration; ' Rock Around the world - Students and the public fiom around the world contribute to the ASU Mars Earth spectral Library by sending rock samples. Each contributor receives a certificate and each specimen is run through the Thermal Emission Spectrometer to "un-mix" the contents of the rock. The results are posted on-line and the rocks are added to the ASU Mars Earth Spectral Library research collection; ' ASU/School of Earth and Space Exploration Event Support materials; - ' National and Intemational Education and Public Outreach ASU Mars provides education and outreach support for - ASU Mars proyides gmphics, hands-on activities and national and intemational venues. Within this reporting period (2003-2010), ASU Mars Education Program accomplishments include: . . . K-20 Educator Professional Development - Mars Student Imaging Program (MSIP) 16,475 students - 3475 educators trained MaIs Exploration Student Data Teams (MESDT) - 460 students 8l . . . Curricular modules lhat were developed, validated by NASA and published - MSIP, MESDT, Question Mars, Maxs Uncovered, Marsbound, Mapping the Surface of a Planet, Finding Spirit StudenvPublic Tours at the ASU Mars Space Flight Faciliry- 16,800 students Rock Around the World - I1,578 rocks received from around the world, I 1,533 spectra taken, I 1,578 certificates provided to participants . ASU Event Support - ASU Mars provided hands-on activity and graphic and logistic support for ASU Earth and Space Day, ASU Homecoming event, ASU VIP Events (e.g., Mars Rover Landing event), special Mars-related speaker events, NASA HQ events . National/lntemational Outreach - National presentations and support at the National Science Teachers Association meetings, Geological Society of America conference, American Geophysical Union conference, National Space Day, Smithsonian Air and Space Museum presentations and teacher workshops, Hispanic Science Engineering and Technology (HESTEC) conference, NASA and the Navajo Nation community outreach events, and The Planetary Society's Planetfest. ApFoximately 38,000 people attended the national events. Intemational presentations and/or displays occurred at the Beijing Science and Technology Week, Beijing Planetarium Agency, Moscow, Russia. Approximately 20,000 p€ople attended the international events. in China; Russian Space Center for Meteorite Studies (CMS) Home to the world's largest university-based meteorite collection, Ihe Center for Meteorite Studies (CMS) creates new knowledge about the origin of our planetary system through the study of meteorites. CMS panicipates in a wide variety of on- and off-campus EPO activities for students, educators and the public about meteorites and planetary science using the largest university-based collection of meteorites in the world. CMS pe$onnel routinely visit schools, clubs and community goups to present talks on meteorites and/or the science conducted in the CMS. More than 350 people have attended such talks thus far in 2010. CMS offers free tours of its museum and meteorite vault. The museum provides examples of each meteorite type, explains the importance ofmeteorites to understanding the formation ofthe Solar system, and contains displays featuring Arizona meteorites and meteorites with fascinating histories. Guided tours of the museum include a variety of touch specimens for hands-on learning. Through the first l0 months of 2010, CMS hosted tours for more than 700 people, including multiple groups ofstudents underrepresented in the sciences. CMS has a hands-on, traveling meteorite display containing examples of all the major meteorite types and a "meteorite dig" activity where visitors can collect fragments of the meteorite that formed Meteor Crater. The touchable meteorite specimens and dig activity travel to outreach events such as the Sally Ride Science Festival, the Intemational Year of Astronomy event at the Arizona Science Center, the ASU Homecoming Block Party, and Eaxth and Space Exploration Day and Astronomy Open Houses. In 2010, CMS bas so far reached more than 2000 students, educators and members ofthe public with these activities. CMS offers a meteorite identification service for the public. Over the last several years, CMS has averaged 200 mailed in specimens per year, but ftequent appearances of CMS on television raised the 2010 numbers to 315 specimens. CMS also fields hundreds of phone, email, and walk-in inquiries regarding possible meteorites each year. Due to the growing number of such inquiries and the limitations of personnel time and resources, CMS plans to replace the public meteorite identification service with a student-only program in 201l. CMS maintains a strong multimedia presence in the public. Recently, CMS researchers and the collection have been prominently featured in the Science Channel program "Meteodte Men", as well as in on the History and Discovery Channels and in PBS programs. CMS'S internet focal point is its website (b!@lhglgslilgsdsll9du), which acts as a clearinghouse of meteodte and meteorite identification information, educational materials for teachers, and announcements involving meteodte news and events. The website receives over 2500 unique visits per month CMS is averages 100 visits per month. The CMS YouTube channel listed Google Places, where on it ( highlights research and collections and has been viewed over 1000 times since its inception in March 2010. CMS also produces a biannual print newsletter sent to 300 readers. 82 - Parmership with the successful ASU Mars Education Program has placed CMS materials and activities within teacher professional development workshops and rnany of the Mars Student Inaging Project (MSIP) programs. A new, important paxt of the CMS-Mars Education partnership is the development of loanable education modules, targeted at students and educators in Grades 5-12, which use authentic data and specimens to inspire the next generation of explorers and scientists. The modules, entitled "Mars-Earth Comparison" and "Rocks ffom Space: Origins of Meteorites", include high-quality meteorite and terrestrial rock specimens, standards-aligned lesson plans developed by cuniculum specialists at the CMS and the Mars Education Program, 3D models, and several other educational resources (DVDs, posters, books). Educators request the modules on the CMS website. Borrowers complete a post-use survey to help CMS improve the module content and implementation of the module loan program. China Youth Space Academy (CYSA) The Space Academy program was created to excite high school students from the U.S. and China about careers in space science and engineering. The overarching goal ofthis event is to educate the next generation of space explorers while simultaneously educating students, their parents and the public on the importance of scientific research and exploration. This intemational collaboration in public service was designed also to promote inter-cultural communication between the U.S. and China, especially involving younger generations. About l8 Chinese students participated. Earth and Space Exploration Day Building on the ASU-NASA Space Photogaphy Laboratory Open Houses, which were initiated in 1982 for local K-12 students and teachers, Earth and Space Exploration Day is a flee arnual event hosted by SESE on campus. Orchesrated by Dr. Sharp, the SESE community comes together to offer special science-related activities €xploring Earth and space alongside SESE scientists. Visitors can explore Tempe Butte on a guided field trip, pan for gold or gemstones, dig for meteorites, simulate earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, fly a balloon-mounted camera, leam to use maps, consfiucr model spacecraft, walk a geologic timeline, hear informal lectures and watch videos on Earth and space science topics, tour the Dietz Museum, and bring favorite rock specimens for "Dr. Rock" to identiry. We provide students with a "passport" that is stamped upon completion of an activity. After the event, the "passports" are collected and awards given to individuals based upon the number/types of passport stamps. Teachers are especially encouraged to attend and receive educator packets, hand-outs, and posters, as well as contacts for outreach and other interactions with ASU scientists and students. Each year attendance has grown, with 2009 seeing about I 100 attendees. EarthScope Interpretive Workshops Drs. Semken and Arrowsmith and their students are co-planners for the Earthscope Interpretive lltorkshop seies ( envisioned and implemented by the Earthscope E&O program at Oregon State University. In this series of workshops, interpretive rangers and education specialists from the National park Sewice, U.S For€st Service, Bureau of Land Management, state parks, museums, and other agencies work with prominent research scientists to learn about lhe scientific discoveries and societal implications of the EarthScope program. Participants leam how Earthscope seismic and GPS measurements monitor the ever-changing landscape of the United States, and work with the scientists to design interpretive programs that educate the public about earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions. As of fall 2010, there have been six workshops. Participant evaluation data provided to us by the current ESNO E&O program for the first five workshops (post-workshop Likert-scale suweys; N = I 14 participants) clearly showed that participants were uniformly satisfied with the content and organization of the workshops, the expertise of the presenters, and the relevance of the workshops to their own activities in intemretation and informal education. Earth Science Outreach to Native American Communities An Earthscope outreach project was led by Dr. Semken, Fouch, and Garnero in collaboration with peterson Zah. head of American Indian Affairs at ASU. This NSF program initiated collaboration between EarthScope and Native American 83 communities in Arizona and adjoining states in order to facilitate USArray instrument deployment with a workshop at ASU in 2005 for decision-makers and experts in cultural resources and education fron these Native nations that would be affected. EarthScope researchers and project staff provided tribal representatives with an introduction to the scientific and educational components of the project, while the Native American participants shared critical information on relevant cultural and jurisdictional issues. The project facilitated the creation of an EarthScope EPO network across southwestem Indian country, which maintains communication between Tribal K-14 educators and EarthScope reseaxchers at ASU and other institutions. This network convened in Flagtaff, Ariz., in 2009 for an Earth science professional-development workshop for teachers, Explofing Smthwest Geolog) and Geophysics lhrough the Earthscope Program. We maintain communication with this outreach network while investigating funding sources for future workshops. Earthwstch Student Cballenge Awrd Program Under the guidance of Dr. Young and Timmes, SESE has offered a sponsored Earthwatch program titted Southwestem Earth and Skies Through Time (2009, 2010). High school students attended a two-week program at ASU and at various locations around the state. Geologr and Erploration Museum The R.S. Dietz Museum of Geology houses minerals, gems, fossils from Arizona and around the world. It also has a six- story Foucault pendulum, local fossils including real dinosaun, several large meteorites from the ASU Center for Meteorite Studies, ore minerals and crystals from the many Arizona open-pit and underground mines, a gemstone exhibit and a 6-foot tall amethyst geode at the museum entrance' Other exhibits include: Volcanologr; Mineralogy, Geology of Arizona; Rocks ofthe Grand Canyon and Arizona s qploration State Fossil: Triassic fossil wood from PetriJied Forest. Neul interaclive exhibits on lunar and planetary cyberlearning teclnologt are cutently under development, The Museum is a popular tow vemte for school groups using and also provides space for othet SESE outreach gatherings. Lunar Reconnaissince Orbiter Camerr (LROC) Operations Center the PI for the SESE is playing a pivotal role in NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) mission. Dr. Robinson is LROC Ounar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera), which is controlled and managed from ASU. The Science Operations behind Center (SOC) handles the planning, targeting and data processing activities associated with the camera. Enclosed Walk," a glass walls, the SOC allows visitors to see scienc€ in action. Supplementing the SOC is "The Lunar History Education hallway exhibit popular with touring school groups and public visiton. Building on the successes ofthe MaIs hogtam, the Lunar Sndenr Imaging Projecr (LSIP) provides students with the opportunity to conduct authentic research of the Moon by utilizing the LRo camera. Mars Space Flight Fscility to the ASU Mars Education Program, are using research by the instruments on and around Mars to explore the Red Planet. The facility was designed to accommodate for Kprofessional scientific community, education from tlle 5th grade to post-doc levels, and professional development Scientists and researche$ at the Mars Space Flight Facility, hor.ile l2 teachers. Tours are popular and include the full-size Man rover model, which dominates the building's lobby. The Origins Proiect public, T\e Origins Project, overseen by Dr. Klauss, hosts a wide variety of events and lectuIes for students and the public including lie Great Debate at ASU Carnmage that brings together renowned scientists, philosophers, and the interaction of intellectuals to discuss provocative questions, and the Science and Culnre Festival tha;t explores ofthe public in for 12 hours science and cultwe, ln April 2009 Origins hosted a public event that brought 5000 members are available to K-12 symposium discussions by well-known scientists and intellectuals. DvDs of the of lectures and 84 teachers. The Origins hoject employs a full time Education and Outreach coordinator whose job is to increase in ASU projects and research through workshops, lectures, and events. Planetarium The SESE Planetarium is a unique educational experience for the young and old alike. With seating for 50, the planetarium offers shows for school groups and the public. lf the weather allows, viewing through ASU telescopes follows each show for evening programs. The Space Photography Laboratory (SPL) SPL is one of NASA facilities for planetary image research and archiving. Holding more than 2 million 40 Earth and planetary missions, the laboratory is open to the public and news media as a resource for 17 world-wide images from some understanding and illustrating geologic surface features on the planets and satellites of the solar system. Pre-college activities include hosting high-school science clubs for research projects, Earth watch activities, and the development of on'line leaming programs for planetary exploration in cooperation with local community colleges. SPL hosts numerous EPO visits throughout the year, including university "sneaker tours" for visiting dignitaries and visits by school groups of all ages, averaging 1,250 participants per year. Trail of Time The Trail of Time Exhibition is an int€rpretive walking timeline tail at the Grand Canyon to guide visitors to ponder, explore, and understand the magnitude ofgeologic time and the stories encoded by Grand Canyon rocks and landscapes. Dr. Sernken is a co-PI on this NSF-funded Informal Science Education program in cooperation with the National park Service. The 4.6 km trail is marked as a geologic time-line. Each meter on tlre trail signifies one million years of geologic history with bronze maxkers at one meter intervals. Every tenth marker is labeled in millions ofyears. These are contextualized by wayside interpretive signs and large, prominently displayed specimens ofall rock units exposed in and near Grand Canyon. The geoscience content was designed to be culturally responsive and broadly engaging. 85