JFET Biasing Lab: Self-Biasing Method

Electronics I - Laboratory 9
Biasing a JFET
I. Objectives
1. Understand the purpose of biasing a JFET.
2. Bias a JFET transistor to a selected quiescent point (Q-point) using the Self Biasing
II. Pre-Lab Requirements
1. Biasing a JFET
The term biasing a JFET means placing the operating point of a JFET used in an
amplifier at a desired location within the drain curve chart. This “operating point” is
referred to as the quiescent point or Q-point because this is the “operating point” when
the amplifier is “quiescent” (has no input applied). With input applied (in the dynamic
condition) the output current (ID) “operates” (increases and decreases) around the Qpoint as a function of the gate-to-source voltage (VGS). See Figure 1. If the Q-point shifts
during transistor operation, then the output current (ID) will not faithfully represent the
input voltage VGS and thus distortion will be introduced to the amplified signal.
In the previous lab, you developed the drain curves and transconductance curve for a
2N5459 JFET from empirical data. As with a bi-polar junction transistor’s characteristic
curves, the JFET’s drain curves provide a map of where to operate your particular
transistor. As is similar to the BJT, there are 3 areas where a JFET can operate; in the
cutoff region, in the Ohmic region, or in the constant current region.
a. In the cutoff region, the drain current (ID), which is the current flowing
through the channel (an n-channel in this case since this an n-channel JFET),
consists only of leakage current and therefore the voltage drop across the
drain-to-source (VDS) junction is equal (or very, very nearly equal) to the
supply voltage (VDD). When operating in the cutoff region, the JFET is
effectively an open switch. To be in the cutoff region, the gate-to-source
voltage (VGS) must be negative and equal or greater in magnitude to the
JFET’s cutoff voltage (VGS(off))
b. In the Ohmic region, the drain current (ID) varies with the drain-to-source
voltage (VDS) value in accordance with Ohm’s law. If the various drain curves
for a particular JFET are analyzed, it will be observed that the slope of the
curves in the Ohmic region (ΔID/ΔVDS) represents the conductance of the
JFET’s channel for the applied VGS. Remember, conductance is the inverse of
resistance so, if operated in the Ohmic region, a JFET could be used as a
voltage controlled resistor with VGS controlling the resistance. The Ohmic
region is defined by a VDS between VDS = 0 and VDS = pinch-off voltage (VP)
and ID = 0 and ID = IDSS.
c. In the constant current region and for a given negative gate-to-source
voltage (VGS), the drain current (ID) remain fairly constant for changing values
of VDS. If VDS were to increase beyond a level called the breakdown voltage,
ID would rise dramatically and possibly damage the JFET. When biasing a
JFET, generally you want to place its operating or Q point in the center of the
constant current region.
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Figure 1. Location of a Quiescent Point (Q-point)
2. Methodology for Biasing a JFET Using a Self Biasing Scheme.
In the previous lab, where the drain characteristic curves were developed for the
2N5459 transistor, a voltage source was used to control VGS and another voltage source
was use to control ID. The use of two separate voltage sources complicates design and
increases the component count for your circuit. A biasing method employing a single
voltage source is more desirable. Figure 2 shows a simple biasing scheme for the JFET
referred to as self biasing.
Figure 2. Self Biasing Scheme for a JFET
Determine VDD
In the self biasing scheme, the supply voltage (VDD) is the first parameter to be
determined. This is done by picking an appropriate voltage based on an analysis of
transistor’s limitations, circuit limitations, power supply limitations, and voltage gain
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Determine Q-Point
With the value of VDD determined, the location of the desired Q-point must now be
selected based on input and output considerations.
When you are using a JFET as an amplifier, the drain current, which is the output, is
controlled by the magnitude of the gate-to-source voltage which is the input. Your input
will generally be an alternating signal that will have some peak-to-peak value and your
goal is to reproduce that input signal, at the output, with gain and a reasonable degree
of fidelity. To do this, the full range of your input and output signals must remain
within the constant current region of the JFET’s operation. Therefore, when biasing for
an amplifier circuit design, you need to know or approximate what your input voltage
will be. When you have determined the input voltage range, i.e. the value the voltage
changes between the upper and lower limit, select half of this voltage swing. This
midpoint will be used to select your VGS bias value. Your VGS bias value must be
located such that upper excursions when VGS becomes less negative (when the input
signal becomes more positive) and the lower excursions when VGS becomes more
negative (when the input signal becomes more negative) stay in the constant current
operating region of the JFET. Since VGS is represented by an entire curve on your
plots, your next step is to select a single point on that VGS curve. This is done by
picking a drain-to-source voltage value. A general rule is to select a VDS value half
way between the planned VDD and the pinch-off voltage (VP) for VGS = 0. This places
the Q-point near the center of the constant current region.
Where the value of VDS (displayed on the Y-axis) and the value of VGS coincide is the
desired Q-point.
With the Q-point selected, the final step is to define the value of ID at the Q-point. To
do this, extend a horizontal line from the intersection of VDS and VGS (the Q-point)
through the Y-axis. The point of intersection of this line with the Y-axis is the value of
ID for the selected Q-point.
You should now have the Q-point values for the following parameters:
a. ID
b. VDS
c. VGS
Determining Values for RG, RD and RS
Source Resistor (RS)
To operate a n-channel JFET as an amplifier, the gate junction must be reversed biased
i.e. electrically negative in relation to the source. To negatively bias the gate-to- source
junction, a negative voltage source could be placed between the gate and ground;
however, this method is not generally used since it would require addition of another
voltage source to the circuit. A more efficient method to achieve a negative bias
between the gate-to-source junction is to electrically “raise” the source above ground.
Figure 3 illustrates this method. The JFET’s gate is maintained at ground level through
a resistor (RG) connected directly to ground. Despite the resistor between it and ground,
the gate stays at (or extremely close to) ground potential because the reversed biased
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drain-to-gate junction current is extremely low and can be considered non-existent,
therefore, no voltage develops across RG. As source current flows through RS from
source to ground, the source side of the resistor is raised above ground in accordance
with Ohm’s law. This action results in a negative bias between the gate which is at 0V
or ground potential and the source which is at (IS*RS) V. This self biasing provides the
negative bias for the gate-to-source junction that is required for the JFET to operate as
an amplifier.
Figure 3. Self Bias Voltages and Currents
To compute the value of the source resistor (RS), the values of VGS and ID at the desired
Q-point are applied to the equation below:
Drain Resistor (RD)
The drain resistor is used to set the value of the drain current. Since we know the value
of ID and VDS at the desired bias point, as well as the value of VDD, we can easily
compute the value of RD so that the desired bias point is achieved. The equation below
is germane:
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Gate Resistor (RG)
The gate resistor serves two purposes. First, it connects the gate to ground thus keeping
the gate voltage at 0V or ground potential and second, it provides a high resistance path
to ground for an input signal. One of the advantages of a JFET is its high input
impedance which results in negligible loading on the input signal source to a JFET
based circuit. Without utilizing a large resistance value for RG, the advantage of the
JFET’s high input resistance would be lost, since to the input signal the JFET circuit
would be seen as the high impedance JFET in parallel with much smaller resistance of
RG. The resultant of this parallel resistive combination would be an input resistance that
is less than the resistance of RG.
As a design rule of thumb use a 10MΩ resistor for RG.
3. DC Load Line.
When the JFET is biased for use as an amplifier and no input is provided the amplifier
will operate at its Q-point, which is the quiescent operating point lab. When an input is
provided; however, the operating point will move based on changes in VGS caused by
changes in the input signal. When this occurs, a unique thing happens. The operating
point slides up and down a line, called the DC. Load Line. This load line is shown in
Figure 4. The slope of this line is the reciprocal of the sum of the resistances in the
drain and source circuits with one end point defined as the drain-to-source voltage with
VDD applied when the JFET is cutoff and the other as the drain current with VDD
applied with the JFET is fully conducting. The Q-point, of course is located on that
Figure 4. JFET DC Load Line
III. Laboratory Requirements
1. Required Parts and Equipment
1 - DC power supplies
1 - Bench DMM
1 - Fluke hand-held DMMs
1 - Proto-Board (PB-103)
1 – 2N5459 JFET
Resistors as required by student’s design
Wires and leads for circuit connections.
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2. Required Information
A. Transistor Data Sheets
The following is a link to the specification sheet for the 2N5459:
B. 2N5459 Pinout
Figure 5 shows the pin orientation for the 2N5459
Figure 5. 2N5459 Pin Orientation
C. 2N5459 collector characteristic curves developed from Lab 4.
3. Laboratory Procedure
A. Self Biasing a 2N5459
In this experiment a 2N5459 JFET will be biased using a self biasing scheme in
order to place its Q-point at a predicted location within the constant region of the
drain s chart developed in Lab 8. The JFETS bias parameters will be measured to
verify compliance with the design parameters.
a. Design your biasing circuit and develop its schematic in PSpice.
b. Construct your designed circuit on a Protoboard.
c. Test your circuit and record the parameters in Table 1.
Parameter Measured Value Designed Value Simulation Value
Table 1. Parameter Table for Base Biased 2N5459
4. Data Reduction and Lab Report
This Lab submittal will be an informal report. Your report should be in Word with
graphics pasted in.
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A. For the 2N5459 self biasing circuit submit the following:
a. PSpice schematic of the circuit with all circuit components labeled.
b. A PSpice Bias Point analysis of each biasing circuit showing all pertinent
biasing parameters.
c. A populated parameters Table 1 for each biasing circuit.
d. An Excel plot of your 2N5459 drain curves showing the location of your
designed Q-point, your measured Q-point, and the DC load line.
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