The European School of the Future

The European School of the Future
Final Resolution adopted by the European School of the Future Committee at its
plenary meeting during the International Conference held in Canicattì at Palazzo
Stella , on 16 October 2015.
The European School of the Future Committee,
Realizing that a high number of initiatives taken against social exclusion at school have
proved inefficient and negative, concerningf the consequences in the social and economic
systems of our countries,
Aware of the massive number of disabled people attending school and concerned that there
aren’t enough qualified teachers to deal with them,
Having considered that schools don’t have enough funding,
Recognizing that bullying in schools is a worldwide problem that can have lifelong
negative consequences,
Fully aware of religious discrimination in our society due to the widespread ignorance
towards foreign cultures,
Believing that schools don’t give students enough opportunities in choosing the subjects they
prefer and teachers don’t give them enough motivation to improve their skills,
Recognizing that modern schools don’t allow students to learn both scientific and humanistic
subjects compelling them to make a choice at an early age,
1. Reaffirms the importance of promoting social integration using public resources wisely
with the aim of achieving an inclusive society for all, based on the promotion of nondiscrimination, tolerance, respect for diversity, equality of opportunity, solidarity and
participation of all people,
2. Requests better infrastructures for disabled (elevators, ramps, etc.) encouraging higher
funding to schools,
3. Supports the idea of having specialized teachers and psychologists to help students in
trouble and recommends raising funds to train teachers in order to improve their skills in
dealing with special cases,
4. Supports more frequent exchange opportunities among students from different countries,
involving more students in Erasmus + projects,
5. Suggests organizing cultural fairs and cooking classes to get to know the habits of
foreign countries,
6. Suggests
inviting witnesses of inclusion or exclusion in “social classes” where to
discuss about religious, social and political issues concerning the problem of becoming
good and active citizens.
7. Emphasizes the use of up-to-date technology in schools,
8. Recommends the increase of the number of sport activities,
9. Approves shorter lessons and more interesting topics,
10. Requests more than one teacher per class at the same time and a wider range of subjects
to choose freely according to one’s own attitudes,
11. Suggests the use of
a uniform at school, considering the problem of economic
The Commettee
Noemi Sagone
Martina Scilla
Giulia Vinci
Marius Sakalauskas
Borja Sexto Green
Savannah Reif
Gabriella Hill
Salvatore Carusotto
1. Geraldina Di Natali
2. Monica Sarnacchiaro,
3. Sonia Amato
4.Davide Li Calsi
5.Titas Servutas
6. Lisa BoggettI
7. Lucía Mata Pose
8. Benjamin Frigard
1.Claudia Muratore
2.Carla Di Natale
3. Davide Mulone,
4. Claudia Fantucchio,
5. Egidijus Tavoras
6. Julia Siegel
7. Mélina Zègre
1. Gaetano Ricottone
2. Gina Bellomo,
3.Antonella Giardina,
4. Carmelo Amato ,
5.Rokas Andrulis,
6.Theo Nguyen
7. Sara McNamee Freire
Gianluca Munna
Sara La Mattina
Ilaria Racalbuto
Lorenzo Farrugio
Matas Urbelis
Irene Díaz Rodríguez
Marie-France Lagorsse