DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports Origin/Author: John Walker Approved By: Glen Robe Date Approved: 28/07/2015 Status: Approved Prepared by: HMRC (CDIO (C&IT) - CHIEF Live Services) Dukes Court Duke Street Woking GU21 5XR 03000 577107 Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 Page 1 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports Contents 1. Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 5 1.1 Scope .............................................................................................................................................. 5 1.2 Relationship with Other TIS Documents .......................................................................................... 5 1.3 Conventions Used in the Message Definitions ................................................................................. 5 1.3.1 Data Element Tables ................................................................................................................ 5 1.3.2 Message Branching Diagrams.................................................................................................. 6 1.3.3 Message Specification Tables .................................................................................................. 6 2. Entry Related Requests ........................................................................................................................... 8 2.1 Request Transactions ...................................................................................................................... 8 2.1.1 Query Response (REQ) ........................................................................................................... 8 2.1.2 Cancel Request (XTC) ............................................................................................................. 9 2.1.3 Request SAD Copy 3 (CP3) ................................................................................................... 10 2.1.4 Request EAD (ACD) ............................................................................................................... 11 2.2 Request Message (04A CUSDEC) ................................................................................................ 11 2.2.1 Request Data Elements.......................................................................................................... 11 2.2.2 Request Message Branching Diagram ................................................................................... 12 2.2.3 Request Message Specification (04A CUSDEC) .................................................................... 12 2.3 Response Message (04A CUSRES) .............................................................................................. 13 2.3.1 Response Data Elements ....................................................................................................... 13 2.3.2 Branching Diagram................................................................................................................. 13 2.3.3 Message Specification............................................................................................................ 14 3. Enquiries and Responses ...................................................................................................................... 15 3.1 Display Transactions ..................................................................................................................... 15 3.1.1 Display Export Consignment (DEC)........................................................................................ 15 3.1.2 List Export Movements (LEM) ................................................................................................ 16 3.1.3 Display Export Version (DEV)................................................................................................. 16 3.1.4 Display Export Movement (DEM) ........................................................................................... 17 3.1.5 Display Licence Usage (DLU)................................................................................................. 17 3.2 Request Message (04A CUSDEC) ................................................................................................ 17 3.2.1 Request Data Elements.......................................................................................................... 17 3.2.2 Request Message Branching Diagram ................................................................................... 18 3.2.3 Request Message Specification (04A CUSDEC) .................................................................... 19 3.3 Entry Display Response (04A CUSDEC) ....................................................................................... 20 3.3.1 Entry Display Response Data Elements ................................................................................. 20 3.3.2 Entry Display Response Branching Diagram .......................................................................... 24 3.3.3 Entry Display Response Message Specification (04A CUSDEC) ........................................... 25 3.4 Display Consignment Responses .................................................................................................. 32 3.4.1 Response Data Elements for DEC ......................................................................................... 32 3.4.2 Display Export Consignment (DEC) Response Branching Diagram ....................................... 32 3.4.3 Display Export Consignment (DEC) Response Message Specification (UKCINV) .................. 33 3.5 Display Movement Responses ...................................................................................................... 34 3.5.1 Response Data Elements for LEM ......................................................................................... 34 3.5.2 List Movements (LEM) Response Branching Diagram ........................................................... 34 3.5.3 List Movements (LEM) Response Message Specification (UKCINV) ...................................... 35 3.6 Display Licence Usage Response ................................................................................................. 36 3.6.1 Response Data Elements for DLU .......................................................................................... 36 3.6.2 UKCINF – Display Licence Usage (DLU) Response Branching Diagram ............................... 36 Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 Page 2 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports 3.6.3 UKCINF – Display Licence Usage (DLU) Response Message Specification .......................... 37 4. Entry Report Handling ............................................................................................................................ 39 4.1 Overview ....................................................................................................................................... 39 4.2 Report Messages .......................................................................................................................... 39 4.3 Trader Control over Report Generation.......................................................................................... 39 4.4 Supplementary Declarations .......................................................................................................... 40 4.5 Report Output ................................................................................................................................ 41 5. Report Descriptions................................................................................................................................ 42 5.1 Customs Examination Advice (E1, X1) .......................................................................................... 42 5.2 Entry Pre-lodgement, Acceptance Advice (H2/E2, P2/X2) ............................................................. 42 5.3 Entry Reselection Advice (E5, X5) ................................................................................................. 43 5.4 Export Entry Progress Advice (X6) ................................................................................................ 44 5.5 Entry Amendment Advice (H7/E7, P7/X7)...................................................................................... 44 5.6 Supervising Office Report (E8, X8) ................................................................................................ 45 5.7 Accounting Rejection Advice (E9, X9) ........................................................................................... 45 5.8 Entry Exception Report (E0, X0) .................................................................................................... 45 5.9 Reprocessing Error Report (H3, P3) .............................................................................................. 46 5.10 Pre-lodgement Deletion Warning (P9) ........................................................................................... 47 5.11 System Deleted Pre-lodgement Advice (H5, P5) ........................................................................... 47 5.12 Exit Follow-up Advice (S0) ............................................................................................................. 47 5.13 System Deleted Stored Entry Advice (N1, S1) ............................................................................... 48 5.14 Entry Cancellation Refusal Advice (N3, S3) ................................................................................... 48 5.15 Entry Cancellation Approval Advice (N4, S4) ................................................................................. 48 5.16 Movement Arrival Advice (S5) ....................................................................................................... 49 5.17 Queried Entry Advice (N6, S6) ....................................................................................................... 49 5.18 Movement Departure Advice (S8) .................................................................................................. 49 5.19 Goods Disposal Advice (S9) .......................................................................................................... 50 5.20 SAD Copy 3 (Export) ..................................................................................................................... 50 5.21 Export Accompanying Document (EAD) ........................................................................................ 51 6. Report Messages ................................................................................................................................... 52 6.1 Report Message (04A CUSRES) ................................................................................................... 52 6.1.1 Branching Diagram................................................................................................................. 52 6.1.2 Message Specification............................................................................................................ 52 6.2 Amendment Report Message (04A UKCRES) ............................................................................... 58 6.2.1 Branching Diagram................................................................................................................. 58 6.2.2 Message Specification............................................................................................................ 58 6.3 SAD Copy 3 Report Message (04A CUSDEC) .............................................................................. 62 6.3.1 Branching Diagram................................................................................................................. 62 6.3.2 Message Specification............................................................................................................ 62 6.4 EAD Report Message (04A CUSDEC) .......................................................................................... 65 6.4.1 Branching Diagram................................................................................................................. 66 6.4.2 Message Specification............................................................................................................ 66 7. Recommended Report Layouts .............................................................................................................. 70 7.1 Approach ....................................................................................................................................... 70 7.2 Conventions used in the Report Layout Specifications .................................................................. 70 Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 Page 3 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports 7.3 Pre-lodgement/Entry Acceptance Advice (H2/E2, P2/X2) .............................................................. 72 7.4 Pre-lodged/Accepted Entry Amendment Advice (H7/E7, P7/X7) .................................................... 78 7.5 Supervising Office Report (E8, X8) ................................................................................................ 82 7.6 Accounting Rejection Advice (E9, X9) ........................................................................................... 84 7.7 Entry Exception Report (E0, X0, P3).............................................................................................. 86 7.8 Customs Action or Movement Advice (E1/5, N3/4/6, X1/5/6, S0/3/4/5/6/8/9) ................................. 88 7.9 System Deleted Stored Entry/Pre-lodgement Advice (H5, N1, P5, P9, S1) .................................... 91 7.10 Inventory Failure Report (E0)......................................................................................................... 93 7.11 Import Arrival Reprocessing Error Report (H3) .............................................................................. 94 7.12 SAD Copy 3 (Export) ..................................................................................................................... 95 8. Glossary and References ..................................................................................................................... 101 8.1 Glossary ...................................................................................................................................... 101 8.2 References .................................................................................................................................. 101 Document Control ....................................................................................................................................... 103 Statement of Confidentiality ........................................................................................................................ 104 Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 Page 4 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports 1. Introduction 1.1 Scope This document is part of the Technical Interface Specification (TIS) for Direct Trader Input (DTI) to CHIEF and for Inventory systems. It defines reports and common facilities that apply to both import and export entries. The trade reports are defined in terms both of the EDIFACT messages output by CHIEF and of the associated hardcopy presentations recommended by Customs. The structure of this document is: Section 2: Entry related requests; Section 3: Enquiries and responses; Section 4: Report handling; Section 5: Report descriptions; Section 6: Report messages; Section 7: Report layouts. 1.2 Relationship with Other TIS Documents The EDI Specification (see Reference [1]) describes the approach to EDI adopted by CHIEF, in particular the interactive use of EDIFACT within a session. The document includes the definition of EDIFACT segments, data elements and code lists. It also defines the messages used to report errors and to acknowledge receipt of a message (i.e. CUSRES, CONTRL and UKCTRL). The other TIS documents are: Imports (see Reference [2]) which gives an overview of Imports and defines the various declaration messages and the response messages; Exports (see Reference [3]) which gives an overview of Exports and defines the various declaration messages and the response messages; Consignment and Movement Control (see Reference [4]) which details the interface for consolidating consignments (exports only) and for the inventory interface for controlling movements; Data Definitions (see Reference [5]) which defines all the data elements that are used in the messages 1.3 Conventions Used in the Message Definitions The conventions defined in the following sub-sections apply to the message definitions in Sections 2, 3 and 6. The conventions used in the report layouts are defined in Section 7.2. 1.3.1 Data Element Tables The data requirement is shown for each transaction (e.g. cancellation request and query response) and for each report. The data element definitions are given in Reference [5]. The tables identify groups of elements and a group can contain another group, for example, a tax line within an item. Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 Page 5 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports The data requirement for each of the messages is indicated by means of the following abbreviations which apply at group and element level. For elements within a group the requirement is for the element within an occurrence of the group (e.g. an item, a consignor): M Mandatory. Blank Data is not required. O Data is optional; it may be omitted at declarant's discretion. Cn Data is conditional (e.g. required when other fields are supplied or as required by the CPC or commodity). The ‘n’ identifies a rule following the table where the nature of the condition is specified. C For the output messages a rule is not specified. Generally the presence of the element depends on whether the data or related data was declared or not. Notes are given where clarification is thought to be necessary. a Identifies a note following the table. (n) The “M”, “C” or “O” is followed by the maximum occurrences in brackets when more than 1. 1.3.2 Message Branching Diagrams The message diagrams follow the standard EDIFACT format and include the UNH/UNT service segments that bound each message. The unsolicited report messages are enclosed in UNB/UNZ segments to identifying the destination role and location. The UNB/UNZ segments are not shown on the branching diagrams. UNB/UNZ segments are not used for interactive messages exchanged within a user session. Segments can be mandatory or conditional, signified by M or C beneath the segment name; the number following gives the maximum occurrences possible for that segment. For mandatory segments the minimum number is one; for conditional it is zero. 1.3.3 Message Specification Tables The message specifications detail how the CHIEF data elements are mapped to the elements of an EDIFACT message. A given message specification can cover many variants with the data elements that can occur for a particular variant detailed in an associated data element table. The data elements are mapped onto standard EDIFACT segments identifying the specific data element, optionally within a composite and specifying any associated qualifier codes. The Responsible Agency (DE 3055) is only used when the coding is not as defined for the EU Harmonised SAD. The tables are defined in the order in which the segments occur within the message definition and the elements occur within the segments. The columns of the tables are used as follows: 1. The first column identifies the section of the message (i.e. H S - summary) and the segment group in which the segment occurs. 2. The ‘Data Element’ columns identify the EDIFACT Segment; the Composite/Simple Elements; and the Components of a compound element. 3. The ‘Value’ column gives the required literal value (in quotes) of an element (qualifier, code list, responsible agency) or the CHIEF data element name (see Reference [5]). Elements that are not used are identified by the null literal “”. Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 - header, D - detail, Page 6 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports 4. The ‘Notes’ column, as well as giving general information, is used to detail the presence (“M” if mandatory or “C” if conditional or optional) of standard elements that occur for all variants and are not detailed for each variant in the relevant data element table. It should be noted that: a. Elements and segments are omitted from a message when they do not contain data and are not required to support a subordinate segment. b. Occurrences of a segment may be transmitted in any order. c. Where data is mapped into a composite that can repeat within a segment (CST only), the composites have positional significance. END OF SECTION 1 Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 Page 7 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports 2. Entry Related Requests CHIEF provides a number of transactions for requesting actions relating to an entry. Several of these transactions have an EDI interface and are described here; the corresponding HCI interface is described in the appropriate CHIEF User Guide. Availability of the transactions is subject to CHIEF access security, according to the rules maintained by Customs. The entry related requests are: Message Code ACD CP3 REQ XTC Display Request Request EAD Request SAD Copy 3 Query Response Cancel Request The requests are described in Section 2.1. The requests are made with a 04A CUSDEC as defined in Section 2.2 with the particular request identified by the message code as defined above. A valid request is acknowledged with a 04A CUSRES as defined in Section 2.3. Any errors in the request are reported with a CUSRES(error) or a CONTRL as defined in Reference [1]. 2.1 Request Transactions 2.1.1 Query Response (REQ) Customs can query a declaration at any time from pre-lodgement until the entry is cleared (imports) or departed (exports). The submitting trader is informed of a Customs query with an N6/S6 report (see Section 5.17). a. For Imports A Customs query delays clearance until it has been resolved. Trader/Agent One of the following: 1. Amend declaration 2. Respond to query Msg Ref CUSRES(N6) CUSDEC CUSRES(err) CONTRL CUSRES CUSRES(X6) or inv message CUSRES(N6) b. CHIEF Customs queries the declaration. One of the following: 1. Error rejection. or 2. Declaration amended or response noted. Declaration can be pre-lodged or arrived as identified by ROE and, if pre-lodged, can subsequently arrive retaining . Depending on Customs action, followed by: a. Customs notify CHIEF that the query is resolved so the entry can clear. b. Another query. For Exports A Customs query delays clearance or granting permission to progress to an export movement but does not cause such permission to move the goods to be revoked. An export entry can be queried after clearance until departure from the UK has been notified or assumed and details have been sent to other government systems (e.g. RPA for CAP refunds). Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 Page 8 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports The trader can respond to a query either by amending the declaration with the reason for amendment explaining the action taken in response to the query, or by sending a Query response message. In both cases progress of the entry may be subject to Customs approval that the query has been resolved (SOE “4”). Trader/Agent Msg Ref CHIEF One of the following: CUSRES(N6/S6) CUSDEC(replace) or CUSDEC(REQ) CUSRES(err) or CONTRL CUSRES Customs queries the declaration. 1. Amend declaration 2. Respond to query One of the following: 1. Error rejection. 2. Declaration amended or response noted (SOE “4”). Declaration can be pre-lodged or arrived as identified by ROE and, if pre-lodged, can subsequently arrive retaining SOE “4”. Depending on Customs action, followed by: a. Permission to progress. CUSRES(X6) or inv message CUSRES(N6/S6) b. Another query. c. Approval (SOE returns to value before query unless other actions have happened in the meantime). Usually only when already permitted to progress from Office of Export – trader not informed. 2.1.2 Cancel Request (XTC) The submitting trader may request cancellation of a declaration. If the declaration is pre-lodged (i.e. has yet to come under Customs control) the submitting trader may freely cancel it providing it has not been subject to a Customs action (e.g. a query). Otherwise cancellation always requires Customs approval and cancellation may be refused. Cancellation does not make the Declaration UCR(part) available for reuse. a. For Imports Cancellation of an import entry can be requested until the entry has been finalised (i.e., cleared, cancelled or terminated). Trader/Agent Cancellation request Msg Ref CUSDEC(XTC) CUSRES(err) CONTRL CUSRES CUSRES CUSRES(S3) CUSRES(S4) Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 CHIEF One of the following: 1. Error rejection. or 2. Pre-lodged declaration – cancelled (ICS “92”). 3. Accepted declaration – cancellation requested (ICS “91”). Depending on Customs action, followed by: a. Cancellation refused (ICS “93”). b. Cancellation approved (ICS “92”). Page 9 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports b. For Exports For export entries cancellation may be allowed after clearance and even after departure from the UK has been notified so that, for example, damaged goods may be returned to the exporter or departure was recorded on CHIEF as part of a consolidation even though the consignment was actually removed and this was not reported in time. It is likely that a declaration that is in a consolidation will be disassociated before cancellation is requested. When a declaration that is in a consolidation is deleted or cancelled it will be disassociated from its current Master and any Declaration movements that are linked to a Master movement will be unlinked. Trader/Agent Msg Ref CHIEF Cancellation request CUSDEC CUSRES(err) CONTRL CUSRES CUSRES One of the following: CUSRES(S3) CUSRES(S4) 1. Error rejection. or 2. Pre-lodged declaration – cancelled (SOE “9”). 3. Accepted declaration – cancellation requested (SOE “5”). Depending on Customs action, followed by: a. Cancellation refused (SOE reset). b. Cancellation approved (SOE “9”). 2.1.3 Request SAD Copy 3 (CP3) The Request SAD Copy 3 transaction generates a report message (CUSDEC) containing the necessary details for formatting a SAD Copy 3 for an Export entry (pre-shipment advice or full declaration) identified by DUCR/part or Entry Reference. The message is specified in Section 6.3 and the layout is specified in Section 7.12. The SAD Copy 3 can be produced before clearance or even arrival at the Office of Export. While pre-lodged the Office of Export is identified from the EPU/EPS of the GDS-LOCN if declared else the EPU of declaration. Trader/Agent SAD copy 3 request Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 Msg Ref CUSDEC(CP3) CUSRES(err) or CONTRL CUSRES CHIEF CUSDEC(CP3) Followed by a message containing the SAD Copy 3 details for formatting and printing. One of the following: 1. Error rejection. 2. Accepted request. Page 10 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports 2.1.4 Request EAD (ACD) The Request EAD transaction generates a report message (CUSDEC) containing the necessary details for formatting an EAD for an Export entry (pre-shipment advice or full declaration) identified by DUCR/part, MRN or Entry Reference. The message is specified in Section 6.4 and the formatting guidance is given in the Tariff (Reference [8]). While an EAD should not be produced until the goods have been cleared from the Office of Export, HMRC allow the EAD to be produced before clearance or even arrival at the Office of Export. While pre-lodged the Office of Export is identified from the EPU/EPS of the GDS-LOCN if declared else the EPU of declaration. Trader/Agent EAD request Msg Ref CUSDEC(ACD) CUSRES(err) or CONTRL CUSRES CHIEF CUSDEC(ACD) Followed by a message containing the EAD details for formatting and printing. One of the following: 1. Error rejection. 2. Accepted request. 2.2 Request Message (04A CUSDEC) 2.2.1 Request Data Elements The table below identifies data requirement for each type of request by means of the abbreviations defined in Section 1.3.1. Data Element Name SAD BOX MESSAGE HMRC-ASG-CODE MESSAGE-CODE MSG-FUNCTION REQUEST-CRRN HEADER DECLN-PART-NO 44h DECLN-TYPE 1 DT-OF-ENT ENT-EPU-NO ENT-NO UCR 44h Reason REASON Cancel Req Query Resp SAD Copy 3 EAD “760” “XTC” “1” Oa “761” “REQ” “13” Oa “785” “CP3” “13” Oa “786” “ACD” “13” Oa O1 C1 C1 O1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 M(5) M C1 C1 M(5) M C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 C1 Note: a. REQUEST-CRRN is ignored. All response values are in the UK Customs currency (i.e. GBP). Rules: 1. The entry must be identified either by consignment reference (UCR with optional DECLN-PART-NO) or entry reference (ENT-EPU-NO/DT-OF-ENT/ENT-NO). When identifying a Supplementary Declaration by UCR/part, DECLN-TYPE must usually be supplied since the initial declaration will have the same UCR/part. ENT-NO /DT-OFENT must not be supplied for the cancellation of a Supplementary Declaration submitted by a frontier agent since the entry will not be found (the entry is at the CFSP trader’s EPU not the agent’s frontier EPU). Export entries can also be identified by MRN in the UCR element. Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 Page 11 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports 2.2.2 Request Message Branching Diagram The conventions used in the following branching diagram for the subset of the 04A CUSDEC used for request messages are described in Section 1.3.2. ________________________________________ | | | | | | | | | | UNH BGM CST LOC DTM FTX Gr.1 UNS UNS UNT M 1 M 1 C 1 C 1 C 1 C 1 M 2 M 1 M 1 M 1 RFF M 1 2.2.3 Request Message Specification (04A CUSDEC) The conventions used in the following request message specification are described in Section 1.3.3. Section Data Element Group UNH 0062 S009 0065 0052 0054 0051 0057 0068 H0 BGM C002 1001 1131 3055 1000 C106 1225 H0 CST 1496 C246 7361 H0 LOC 3227 C517 3225 1131 3055 H0 DTM C507 2005 2380 2379 H0 FTX 4451 4453 C107 C108 4440 4440 4440 4440 4440 H1 RFF C506 1153 1154 H1 RFF C506 1153 1154 1156 UNS 0081 UNS 0081 UNT 0074 0062 Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 Value Notes SYS-MRN “CUSDEC” “D” “04A” “UN” “109” + HMRC-ASG-CODE SYS-CAR MESSAGE-CODE ““ “109” REQUEST-CRRN “” MSG-FUNCTION “” DECLN-TYPE "44" ENT-EPU-NO “” “109” “7” DT-OF-ENT “102” “CUS” “” “” REASON REASON REASON REASON REASON “ABT” ENT-NO “ABO” UCR DECLN-PART-NO “D” “S” SEG-CNT SYS-MRN M M M M M M O Must be the first C246. M M M M Page 12 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports 2.3 Response Message (04A CUSRES) The 04A CUSRES message is used as the acknowledgement response to an entry related request. 2.3.1 Response Data Elements The table below identifies the data elements returned in CUSRES as the response to a request. The data requirement for each of the variants is indicated by means of the abbreviations defined in Section 1.3.1. Data Element Name MESSAGE HMRC-ASG-CODE MESSAGE-CODE MSG-FUNCTION RESPONSE-CRRN HEADER DECLN-PART-NO DECLN-UCR ENT-DTM ENT-EPU-NO ENT-NO ENT-VER-NO ICS MASTER-UCR SOE TDR-OWN-REF-ENT Cancel Req Query Resp SAD Copy 3 EAD “760” “XTC” “11” Ca “761” “REQ” “11” Ca “785” “CP3” “11” Ca “786” “ACD” “11” Ca M M M M M M M C Cb C M M M M M M M C Cb C M M M M M M M C M C M M M M M M M C M C Note: a. RESPONSE-CRRN is not output since output values are in the UK Customs currency (i.e. GBP) which is the default. b. SOE is only provided for Export entries. 2.3.2 Branching Diagram The conventions used in the following branching diagram for the subset of the 04A CUSRES used for the response message are described in Section 1.3.2. _____________________________ | | | | | | | UNH BGM DTM LOC Gr.3 Gr.6 UNT M 1 M 1 M 1 M 1 M 5 C 1 M 1 RFF DOC M 1 M 1 Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 Page 13 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports 2.3.3 Message Specification The conventions used in the following response message specification are described in Section 1.3.3. Section Data Element Value Notes SYS-MRN "CUSRES" "D" "04A" “UN” "109" + HMRC-ASG-CODE SYS-CAR MESSAGE-CODE ““ “109” RESPONSE-CRRN “” MSG-FUNCTION "7" ENT-DTM "203" "44" ENT-EPU-NO “” “109” "ABT" ENT-NO ENT-VER-NO "ABO" DECLN-UCR DECLN-PART-NO “UCN” MASTER-UCR “ABS” ICS “AHZ” SOE “960” TDR-OWN-REF-ENT SEG-CNT SYS-MRN M M M M M M O – value from CUSDEC if supplied Group UNH 0062 S009 BGM 0068 C002 H0 DTM C106 1225 C507 H0 LOC H0 3227 C517 H3 RFF C506 H3 RFF C506 H3 RFF C506 H3 RFF C506 H3 RFF C506 H6 DOC C002 C503 0074 0062 UNT 0065 0052 0054 0051 0057 1001 1131 3055 1000 2005 2380 2379 3225 1131 3055 1153 1154 1156 1153 1154 1156 1153 1154 1153 1154 1153 1154 1001 1004 M M END OF SECTION 2 Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 Page 14 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports 3. Enquiries and Responses CHIEF provides a number of transactions for accessing information relating to consignments, declarations and movements. Several of these transactions have an EDI interface and are specified in this section; the corresponding HCI interface is described in the appropriate CHIEF User Guide. Availability of the transactions is subject to CHIEF access security, according to the rules maintained by Customs reflecting the needs of the different trade organisations involved in the declaration and movement of goods for export. Access to individual declarations and movement details is also policed by CHIEF, recognizing both the commercial sensitivity of the information involved and the need of the several organisations involved in the handling of the consignment (e.g. exporter, agent, consolidator, carrier, inventory system). In particular, some declared information is only available to the submitting trader). Display requests are: Message Display Request Code Response Message DEC DEM DEV DLU LEM UKCINV (see 3.4) CUSDEC (see 3.3) CUSDEC (see 3.3) UKCINF (see 3.6) UKCINV (see 3.5) Display an Export consignment (Master or Declaration UCR) Display movement handling agent view of Entry Display a version of an Entry Display Licence Usage List export movements The requests are described in Section 3.1. The requests are made with a 04A CUSDEC as defined in Section 3.2 with the request identified by message code as defined above. Data is returned in a CUSDEC, UKCINF or UKCINV message as defined above. Any errors in the request are reported with a CUSRES or a CONTRL as defined in Reference [1]. 3.1 Display Transactions 3.1.1 Display Export Consignment (DEC) Depending upon its target, the Display Export Consignment transaction lists either the contents of a Master UCR or the parts of a Declaration UCR. The transaction is intended for consolidator and inventory roles. For a Declaration UCR, the transaction lists each type (ENTRY-TYPE – see Reference [5]) and part (DECLNPART-NO) declared for the UCR, identifying for each the latest (or only) location, route and status, and the current immediately superior Master UCR (if any). For a Master UCR, the transaction returns the current immediately superior Master UCR (if any) and lists all directly contained Master and Declaration UCRs, with the latter summarizing the declaration as above. Subsidiary Masters are not themselves expanded into lower levels of UCR; if required, the user may invoke the transaction again to achieve this. When there are too many consignments or part declarations to return in a single message, a reference to the next consignment is returned and this can be supplied in a subsequent display request. Trader/Agent Display Consignment request Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 Msg Ref CUSDEC(DEC) CUSRES(err) or CONTRL UKCINV CHIEF One of the following: 1. Error rejection. 2. Returns data. Page 15 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports 3.1.2 List Export Movements (LEM) The List Export Movements transaction summarizes the status of a consignment at each location. The transaction is intended to provide details of movements for inventory and agent roles. A restricted view of a movement is also available to the submitting trader for the associated declaration. The restricted view does not show the anticipated route or transport details (only applies for HCI since the details are never returned for EDI requests). It is intended that the agent can see the movements for which he notified anticipated or actual arrival, or for which he was nominated as the handling agent. The transaction accepts a UCR(part) as input and returns details of each movement that the user may see. The UCR may be that of a single declaration or of a consolidation. Trader/Agent Msg Ref CHIEF List Movements request CUSDEC(LEM) CUSRES(err) or CONTRL UKCINV One of the following: 1. Error rejection. 2. Returns data. 3.1.3 Display Export Version (DEV) The Display Export Version transaction is based upon its HCI counterpart (DEVD) returning declared and response data together with a summary of the current movement details. The transaction is intended for the submitting trader who has permission to view the declaration details. When invoked by an inventory role it returns the same subset of the declared data as DEM (see 3.1.4). The transaction accepts a Declaration UCR(part) with an optional date-time (DISPLAY-AT-DTM) or version (ENT-VER-NO), defaulting to ‘now’ or ‘latest’ and determining the values of the details returned. ENTRY-TYPE can be supplied when there are potentially different types of Entry for the same declaration UCR(part) (e.g. a Simplified Declaration such as a PSA and a Supplementary Declaration) - by default the Simplified Declaration details are returned if there is a choice. The movement details returned are those effective at the requested point. Only one movement is reported, with the details taken from the split most recently advised. As for DEVD at the HCI, the history of reasons (e.g. for amendment, query, cancellation request) are returned. Each reason is prefixed with a header line giving the date-time and type of action. Trader/Agent Msg Ref CHIEF Display Entry Version request CUSDEC(DEV) CUSRES(err) or CONTRL CUSDEC One of the following: Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 1. Error rejection. 2. Returns data. Page 16 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports 3.1.4 Display Export Movement (DEM) Display Export Movement is intended for users having a legitimate interest in a declaration by virtue of its movement at their location (e.g. inventory and agent roles) but not permitted to see the full set of declared data. The transaction accepts a MOVT-NO as input (typically learned from a previous List Export Movements transaction), and provided that the user is authorized (e.g. by virtue of arrival and nomination) returns a subset of the declared data. Trader/Agent Msg Ref CHIEF Display Movement request CUSDEC(DEM) CUSRES(err) or CONTRL CUSDEC One of the following: 1. Error rejection. 2. Returns data. 3.1.5 Display Licence Usage (DLU) Display Licence Usage is intended for agents or the holder to check the current balance on licence lines and for the licence holder, when identified by TURN, to check usage details for a particular licence line. An agent or the holder when identified by the issuing authority’s trader identifier only (e.g. see LI-TDR-ID in Reference [5]) must supply the licence holder’s trader identifier. For a line usage enquiry the response is limited to a maximum of 20 uses. Usage details are returned in reverse date-time order and the enquiry can optionally include a date-time for the latest usage to be returned in order to obtain more previous uses. Usage details are not available when the licence holder is only identified by an issuing authority’s trader identifier. Trader/Agent Msg Ref CHIEF Display Licence Usage request CUSDEC(DLU) CUSRES(err) or CONTRL UKCINF One of the following: 1. Error rejection. 2. Returns data. 3.2 Request Message (04A CUSDEC) 3.2.1 Request Data Elements The table below identifies data requirement for each type of request by means of the abbreviations defined in Section 1.3.1. Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 Page 17 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports Data Element Name SAD BOX MESSAGE HMRC-ASG-CODE MESSAGE-CODE MSG-FUNCTION REQUEST-CRRN HEADER DECLN-PART-NO 44h DECLN-TYPE 1 DISPLAY-AT-DTM DT-OF-ENT ENT-EPU-NO ENT-NO ENT-VER-NO LI-LINE-NO LI-REF LI-TDR-ID LI-TURN MOVT-NO NEXT-DTM NEXT-PART-NO NEXT-UCR UCR 44h Disp Req Movemt Cnsgmt Cnsgmt Licence Details Details Movmts Usage “780” “DEV” “13” Oa “781” “DEM” “13” Oa “782” “DEC” “13” Oa O1 C1 O C1 C1 C1 O “783” “LEM” “13” Oa “784” “DLU” “13” Oa C2 C2 C2 C2 C4 M C5 C5 M O C1 C6 C6 M3 C2 Note: a. REQUEST-CRRN is ignored. All response values are in the UK Customs currency (i.e. GBP). Rules: 1. The entry must be identified either by consignment reference (UCR with optional DECLN-PART-NO) or entry reference (ENT-EPU-NO/DT-OF-ENT/ENT-NO). When identifying a Supplementary Declaration by UCR/part, DECLN-TYPE must usually be supplied since the initial declaration will have the same UCR/part. ENT-NO /DT-OFENT must not be supplied for the cancellation of a Supplementary Declaration submitted by a frontier agent since the entry will not be found (the entry is at the CFSP trader’s EPU not the agent’s frontier EPU). Export entries can also be identified by MRN in the UCR element. 2. A Master level consignment is identified by UCR. A declaration level consignment is identified either by UCR and DECLN-PART-NO or by CHIEF entry reference (ENT-EPU-NO, DT-OF-ENT, ENT-NO). If both are supplied they must identify the same declaration. Export entries can also be identified by MRN in the UCR element. 3. If a Declaration UCR is supplied as the UCR then the declaration parts are returned. 4. Mandatory when usage details are to be returned. Note, for a single line licence LI-LINE-NO is set to 1. 5. When a trader who is not the licence holder makes the request, the licence holder must be identified by either LITDR-ID or LI-TURN. 6. When there are too many consignments or part declarations to return in a single message, more details can be obtained by supplying these elements with the values returned by the previous request. 3.2.2 Request Message Branching Diagram The conventions used in the following branching diagram for the subset of the 04A CUSDEC used for request messages are described in Section 1.3.2. _________________________________________ | | | | | | | | | | UNH BGM CST LOC DTM Gr.1 Gr.6 UNS UNS UNT M 1 M 1 C 1 C 1 C 2 M 2 C 1 M 1 M 1 M 1 RFF NAD M 1 M 1 Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 Page 18 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports 3.2.3 Request Message Specification (04A CUSDEC) The conventions used in the following request message specification are described in Section 1.3.3. Section Data Element Group UNH 0062 S009 0065 0052 0054 0051 0057 0068 H0 BGM C002 1001 1131 3055 1000 C106 1225 H0 CST 1496 C246 7361 H0 LOC 3227 C517 3225 1131 3055 H0 DTM C507 2005 2380 2379 H0 DTM C507 2005 2380 2379 H0 DTM C507 2005 2380 2379 H1 RFF C506 1153 1154 1156 H1 RFF C506 1153 1154 1156 H1 RFF C506 1153 1154 1156 H1 RFF C506 1153 1154 H1 RFF C506 1153 1154 1156 H1 RFF C506 1153 1154 H6 NAD 3035 C082 3039 1131 3055 UNS 0081 UNS 0081 UNT 0074 0062 Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 Value Notes SYS-MRN “CUSDEC” “D” “04A” “UN” “109” + HMRC-ASG-CODE SYS-CAR MESSAGE-CODE ““ “109” REQUEST-CRRN “” MSG-FUNCTION “” DECLN-TYPE "44" ENT-EPU-NO “” “109” “7” DT-OF-ENT “102” “183” DISPLAY-AT-DTM “203” “577” NEXT-DTM “203” “ABT” ENT-NO ENT-VER-NO “ABO” UCR DECLN-PART-NO “ACD” NEXT-UCR NEXT-PART-NO “AES” MOVT-NO “EX” LI-REF LI-LINE-NO “ASM” LI-TDR-ID “EX” LI-TURN “” “109” “D” “S” SEG-CNT SYS-MRN M M M M M M O Must be the first C246. M M M M Page 19 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports 3.3 Entry Display Response (04A CUSDEC) 3.3.1 Entry Display Response Data Elements The table below identifies the data elements returned for each type of entry. The data returned for each of the variants is indicated by means of the abbreviations defined in Section 1.3.1. Data Element Name MESSAGE HMRC-ASG-CODE MESSAGE-CODE MSG-FUNCTION RESPONSE-CRRN HEADER ACPTNC-DTM ACPTNC-EPS-ID ACPTNC-EPU-NO ATRPT-COST-AC CARRIER-NAME DECLN-CRRN DECLN-PART-NO DECLN-TYPE DECLN-UCR DECLT-REP DEF-TOT DEST-CNTRY DISP-CNTRY ENT-DTM ENT-EPS-ID ENT-EPU-NO ENT-NO ENT-VER-NO EU-ARR-LOCN-CODE EXIT-OFFICE FARP-CODE FIR-DAN FIR-DAN-PFX FRGT-APRT-CODE FRGT-CHGE-CRRN FRGT-CHGE-AC GCON-TURN GDS-ARR-DTM-INLD GDS-DEP-DT GDS-DEP-DTM-INLD GDS-LOCN-CODE ICS IMM-TOT INS-AMT-CRRN INS-AMT-AC INTD-ARR-DTM INV-CRRN INV-DAMT-CRRN INV-DAMT-AC INV-DPCT INV-TOT-AC MASTER-UCR MOVT-NO MRN OCD-CRRN OCD-AC PLA-LDG-CODE PLA-ULDG-CODE Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 Imports SAD C21 SFD BOX SDI/ SDW Full WRD Exports C21 PSA Supp Full Mvmt Dets “780” “DEV” “11” Ca “780” “DEV” “11” Ca “780” “DEV” “11” Ca “780” “DEV” “11” Ca “780” “DEV” “11” Ca “780” “DEV” “11” Ca “780” “DEV” “11” Ca “780” “DEV” “11” Ca “780” “DEV” “11” Ca “781” “DEM” “11” Ca C C M C C C M C M C C C C M C M C C C C C C C C M M M M C C C C C C M M M M C C C M C C M M M M C C C C C C C M M M M C C M M M M C C M M M M C M C M M M C C M C M M M C C M C M M M C M M M M C C C M C M M M C M M M M C M C M M M C M M M M C C C M C M M M C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C M M C C C M C C C M C C 62 44h 44h 1 44h 14 17a 15a M C M M M C 29 61 48 48 64 63 63 44h C M C M M M C C C C M M M M C M C M M M C C C C C M C M M M M 30 M M C M M C C C 66 66 22 65 65 65 22 44h M C C Cc Cc C C C C 67 67 C M C C C C C C C C Cc C C C M C C C C C C C C C C Cc C C C C M C C C C C C C C C Cc C C M M C C C M Cb Cb Cc Cc C C Cb Cc Cc Cb M Cc C Page 20 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports Data Element Name PROC-INST “ACC” PROC-INST “DSP” PROC-INST “DST” PROC-INST “FLG” PROC-INST “PRG” PROC-INST “RTF” RCNSGR-TURN RCNSGE-TURN REV-PAYBL ROE SCND-DAN SCND-DAN-PFX SOE TDR-OWN-REF-ENT TOT-CSTMS-VAL TOT-DUTY TOT-PKGS TOT-VAT TOT-VAT-VAL TRPT-CHGE-MOP TRPT-CNTRY TRPT-ID TRPT-ID-INLD TRPT-ID-INLD-LNG TRPT-MODE-CODE TRPT-MODE-INLD VAT-ADJT-CRRN VAT-ADJT-AC Consignee CNSGE-CITY CNSGE-CNTRY CNSGE-LNG CNSGE-NAME CNSGE-POSTCODE CNSGE-STREET CNSGE-TID Consignor CNSGR-CITY CNSGR-CNTRY CNSGR-LNG CNSGR-NAME CNSGR-POSTCODE CNSGR-STREET CNSGR-TID Declarant DECLT-CITY DECLT-CNTRY DECLT-LNG DECLT-NAME DECLT-POSTCODE DECLT-STREET DECLT-TID Premises PREM-CITY PREM-CNTRY PREM-ID PREM-NAME PREM-POSTCODE PREM-STREET SPOFF-CITY SPOFF-CNTRY SPOFF-NAME SPOFF-POSTCODE SPOFF-STREET Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 Imports SAD C21 SFD BOX C C C C SDI/ SDW Full WRD C C C C C C C C C C C C Mf C C C C Mf C C C C Mf C C C C C C C C C C C M C C C C C C C C M C C C C C C C C C C C 44h 44h 48 48 7 6 C Mf C C C C C M C C C 21 C 18 18 25 26 68 68 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 44h 44h 49 44h 44h 44h 44h 44h 44h 44h 44h Mf C M C C C C C C C C C C C C M C C C C C C M C C C C C C M C C C C C C M C C C C C C M C C C C C C M C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C M C C C C C C M C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C M C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C M C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C M C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C M C C C C C C C C C C C C M C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C Exports C21 PSA C C C C C C C C M C C C C C C M C C C C C C C M C C C C C C C C C C C Supp C Mvmt Dets C C C C C C C C C C C C C M C M M C C C M C C C C M C C Full C M C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C M C C C C C C C M C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C M C C C C C C C M C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C M C C C C C C C M C C C C C C C C C C C C M C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C M C C C C C C C M C C C C C C C C C C C C Page 21 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports Data Element Name Representative REPR-CITY REPR-NAME Notify Party NOTIFY-CITY NOTIFY-CNTRY NOTIFY-NAME NOTIFY-POSTCODE NOTIFY-STREET NOTIFY-TID Route ROUTE-CNTRY AI Statement HDR-AI-STMT HDR-AI-STMT-LNG HDR-AI-STMT-TXT Document HDR-DOC-CODE HDR-DOC-PART HDR-DOC-LNG HDR-DOC-QTY HDR-DOC-REF HDR-DOC-REASON HDR-DOC-STATUS Reason REASON Seal SEAL-ID SEAL-ID-LNG TAX TYPE / MOP TOTAL ENT-MOP-CODE ENT-TAX-REV ENT-TTY-CODE ITEM BASE-CMDTY-CODE CPC EC-SUPPLEMENT EC-SUPPLEMENT-2 GDS-DESC GDS-DESC-LNG ITEM-DEST-CNTRY ITEM-DISP-CNTRY ITEM-GROSS-MASS ITEM-NET-MASS ITEM-ORIG-CNTRY ITEM-PRC-AC ITEM-PROC-INST “DST” ITEM-PROC-INST “ORG” ITEM-PROC-INST “QV1” ITEM-PROC-INST “QV2” ITEM-STAT-VAL-DC ITEM-SUPP-UNITS ITEM-THRD-QTY ITEM-VAL-ADJT PREFERENCE QTA-NO TARIC-CMDTY-CODE UNDG-CODE VAL-ADJT-CODE VAL-MTHD-CODE Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 Imports SAD C21 SFD BOX SDI/ SDW Full WRD Exports C21 PSA 50 50 44h 44h 44h 44h 44h 44h 44h 44h 44h 44h 44h C C6 C6 C6 C6 C6 M C(9) M C(40) M C C6 C6 C6 C6 C6 M C(9) M C(40) M C(40) M C C6 C6 C6 C6 C6 M C(9) M C(40) M C(40) M C C(40) M C C C(40) M C C C(40) M C C C(40) M C C C(40) M C C C C C C(*) M C C C C C(*) M C C C C C(*) M C C C C C(*) M C C C C C(*) M C C6 C6 C6 C6 C6 C C(9) M C(40) M C C C(40) M C C C C C C C(*) M D D C(99) M M M M 33 37 M 33 33 31 M 31 17ai 15ai 35 38 34a 42 C(99) M M M M(99) M(99) C(99) M M M M(99) C(99) M M M M(99) C(99) M M M C C M M C C M M M M C C M C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C 46 41 44 45 36 39 33 C C 45 43 C C C C M M M C C Supp Full C M M C C6 C6 C6 C6 C6 C C(9) M C(40) M C C C(40) M C C C C C C C(*) M C(99) M C C M M C C6 C6 C6 C6 C6 C C(9) M C(40) C(40) M M C C C C C(40) C(40) M M C C C C C C C C C C C C C(*) C(*) M M C(99) C(99) M M C C C(99) C(99) M M M M M M M(99) M(99) M(99) C C C M M M C C C C C C M M C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C Mvmt Dets C M M C C6 C6 C6 C6 C6 C C(9) M C(40) M C C C(40) M C C C C C C C(99) M C C(99) M M M(99) C M C C M C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C Page 22 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports Data Element Name Per item – Consignee I-CNSGE-CITY I-CNSGE-CNTRY I-CNSGE-LNG I-CNSGE-NAME I-CNSGE-POSTCODE I-CNSGE-STREET I-CNSGE-TID Per item – Consignor I-CNSGR-CITY I-CNSGR-CNTRY I-CNSGR-LNG I-CNSGR-NAME I-CNSGR-POSTCODE I-CNSGR-STREET I-CNSGR-TID Per item – Supervising Office I-SPOFF-CITY I-SPOFF-CNTRY I-SPOFF-NAME I-SPOFF-POSTCODE I-SPOFF-STREET Per item – Package PKG-COUNT PKG-KIND PKG-MARKS PKG-MARKS-LNG Per item – Container CNTR-NO Per item – Route ITEM-ROUTE-CNTRY Per item – AI Statement ITEM-AI-STMT ITEM-AI-STMT-LNG ITEM-AI-STMT-TXT Per item – Document ITEM-DOC-CODE ITEM-DOC-PART ITEM-DOC-LNG ITEM-DOC-QTY ITEM-DOC-REF ITEM-DOC-REASON ITEM-DOC-STATUS Per item – Previous Doc PREV-DOC-CLASS PREV-DOC-LNG PREV-DOC-REF PREV-DOC-TYPE Per item – Tax line ITLN-BASE-AMT-DC ITLN-BASE-QTY MOP-CODE ITLN-DECL-TAX-DC TTY-CODE TAX-RATE-ID TTY-OVR-CODE Imports SAD C21 SFD BOX C 8i C 8i C 8i 8i C 8i C 8i C 8i M C 2i C 2i C 2i 2i C 2i C 2i C 2i C C 44 44 44 44 44 31 31 31 31 31 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 40 40 40 40 47b 47b 47e 47d 47a 47c 47c SDI/ SDW C C C Full WRD C C C C C C C C C M C C C C C C M C C C C C C M C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C M C C M(99) M(99) C C M M C C C C M C C M(99) C M C C C M C C M(99) C M C C C M C C M(99) C M C C(99) M C(99) M C(99) M C(99) M C(9) M C(99) M C(99) M C(99) M C(99) M C(9) M C(99) M C C(99) M C C C(99) M C C C(99) M C C C(99) M C C C(99) M C C C C C M(9) M C C C C M(9) M C C C C M(9) M C C C C M(9) M C C C C M(9) M C M C(10) C C C C M C M C M C(10) C C C C M C C C M C(10) C C C C M C C C M C(10) C C C C M C C C(99) M Exports C21 PSA C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C M C C C M C C M(99) M(99) C C M M C C C C C(99) C(99) M M C(9) M C(99) C(99) M M C C C C C(99) C(99) M M C C C C C C C C C C C C M(9) M(9) M M C C M M M M C(10) C C C C M Supp Full C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C M C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C M C C C M C C M(99) C M C C C(99) M C C M C C M(99) C M C C C(99) M C(9) M C(99) M C C C(99) M C C C C C C M(9) M C M M C(10) C C C C M C C C(99) M C C C(99) M C C C C C C M(9) M C M M C(10) C C C C M C C Mvmt Dets C C C C C C C M C C C M C C M(99) C M C C C(99) M C(9) M C(99) M C C C(99)e M C C C C C C M(9) M C M M C(10) C M C C * unlimited. Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 Page 23 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports Notes: a. RESPONSE-CRRN is not output since output values are in the UK Customs currency (i.e. GBP) which is the default. b. When present this identifies the latest master by which a movement has been arrived or, if never arrived by master, it is the declared MASTER-UCR. c. Present for Export entries submitted after ECS is enabled. d. Each Item is returned in sequence including DELeted items. e. Recipe Code, Supplementary Declarations and Ingredients are not returned. f. For Import Entries, the Combined Trade Route (see Reference [6]) is returned in Data Element ROE. 3.3.2 Entry Display Response Branching Diagram The conventions used in the following branching diagram for the subset of the 04A CUSDEC used for the Entry display response messages are described in Section 1.3.2. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | UNH BGM CST LOC DTM GEI SEL FTX Gr.1 Gr.4 Gr.5 Gr.6 Gr.7 Gr.8 UNS Gr10 Gr30 UNS CNT Gr49 UNT M 1 M 1 M 1 M17 M 6 C 6 C99 C99* M 9 C 2 C40 M 8 C 1 C 7 M 1 C 1 M99 M 1 C 1 *C50 M 1 RFF TDT DOC NAD TOD MOA DMS CST TAX M 1 M 1 M 1 M 1 M 1 M 1 M 1 M 1 M 1 | | | | DTM | | MOA C 1 | | M 1 __|_ | | | | Gr11 Gr19 | C 6 C 1 | MOA ALC | M 1 M 1 | _|_ | | | | MOA PCD | C 1 C 1 | ____________________________________|____ | | | | | | | | | | FTX LOC MEA NAD Gr31 Gr33 Gr35 Gr37 Gr40 Gr41 *C 9 C10 C 4 C 3 *C10 C 2 C102 *C25 C 5 C10 PAC MOA RFF DOC GEI TAX M 1 M 1 M 1 M 1 M 1 M 1 | | | | | Gr32 | DTM PCD | C 1 | C 1 C 1 | PCI Gr36 MOA M 1 C 1 C 2 IMD M 1 * The CUSDEC limit is shown but CHIEF may output more as follows: - FTX is unlimited; - 99 for Group 30 FTX; - 99 for Group 31 PAC; - 108 for Group 37 DOC; - 99 for Group 49. Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 Page 24 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports 3.3.3 Entry Display Response Message Specification (04A CUSDEC) The conventions used in the following response message specification are described in Section 1.3.3. Section Data Element Group UNH 0062 S009 0065 0052 0054 0051 0057 0068 H0 BGM C002 1001 1131 3055 1000 C106 1225 H0 CST 1496 C246 7361 C246 7361 H0 LOC 3227 C517 3225 1131 3055 C519 3223 H0 LOC C517 3227 3225 1131 3055 C519 3223 H0 LOC 3227 C517 3225 H0 LOC 3227 C517 3225 H0 LOC 3227 C517 3225 H0 LOC 3227 C517 3225 H0 LOC 3227 C517 3225 H0 LOC 3227 (9) C517 3225 H0 LOC 3227 C517 3225 1131 3055 H0 LOC 3227 C517 3225 1131 3055 H0 LOC 3227 C517 3225 H0 DTM C507 2005 2380 2379 H0 DTM C507 2005 2380 2379 H0 DTM C507 2005 2380 2379 H0 DTM C507 2005 2380 2379 Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 Value Notes SYS-MRN “CUSDEC” “D” “04A” “UN” “109” + HMRC-ASG-CODE SYS-CAR MESSAGE-CODE ““ “109” RESPONSE-CRRN “” MSG-FUNCTION “” DECLN-TYPE DECLT-REP "22" ACPTNC-EPU-NO "" “109” ACPTNC-EPS-ID "44" ENT-EPU-NO "" “109” ENT-EPS-ID “60” EU-ARR-LOCN-CODE “9” PLA-LDG-CODE “11” PLA-ULDG-CODE “36” DEST-CNTRY “35” DISP-CNTRY “49” ROUTE-CNTRY “76” FARP-CODE “” “3” “14” GDS-LOCN-CODE “” “109” “115” EXIT-OFFICE “7” ENT-DTM “203” “132” INTD-ARR-DTM “203” “148” ACPTNC-DTM “203” “189” GDS-DEP-DT “102” M M M M M M O Must be the first C246. Must be the second C246. Page 25 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports Section Data Element Group H0 DTM C507 2005 2380 2379 H0 DTM C507 2005 2380 2379 H0 GEI 9649 (5) C012 7365 1131 3055 H0 GEI 9649 C012 7365 1131 3055 H0 SEL 9308 (99) C215 4517 H0 FTX 4451 (40) 4453 C107 4441 C108 4440 3453 H0 FTX 4451 (*) 4453 C107 C108 4440 4440 4440 4440 4440 H1 RFF C506 1153 1154 1156 H1 RFF C506 1153 1154 1156 H1 RFF C506 1153 1154 H1 RFF C506 1153 1154 H1 RFF C506 1153 1154 H1 RFF C506 1153 1154 1156 H1 RFF C506 1153 1154 H1 RFF C506 1153 1154 1156 H1 RFF C506 1153 1154 1156 Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 Value “44” GDS-ARR-DTM-INLD “203” “136” GDS-DEP-DTM-INLD “203” “5” PROC-INST “PI” “109” “5” FRGT-APRT-CODE “FA” “109” SEAL-ID “” SEAL-ID-LNG “ACB” “” HDR-AI-STMT HDR-AI-STMT-TXT HDR-AI-STMT-LNG “CUS” “” “” REASON REASON REASON REASON REASON “ABT” ENT-NO ENT-VER-NO “ABO” DECLN-UCR DECLN-PART-NO “AAE” MRN “UCN” MASTER-UCR “ABS” ICS “AHZ” SOE ROE “AES” MOVT-NO “ABI” FIR-DAN FIR-DAN-PFX “DA” SCND-DAN SCND-DAN-PFX Notes * unlimited. Page 26 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports Section Data Element Group H4 TDT 8051 8028 C220 8067 C001 C040 3127 1131 3055 3128 8101 C401 C222 8213 1131 3055 8212 8453 H4 TDT 8051 8028 C220 8067 C001 C040 8101 C401 C222 8213 1131 3055 8212 8281 H5 DOC C002 1001 (40) 1131 3055 1000 C503 1004 1373 1366 3453 1056 DTM C507 2005 2380 H6 NAD 3035 C082 3039 C058 C080 3036 C059 3042 3164 C819 3229 3251 3207 H6 NAD 3035 C082 3039 C058 C080 3036 C059 3042 3164 C819 3229 3251 3207 H6 NAD 3035 C082 3039 C058 C080 3036 C059 3042 3164 C819 3229 3251 3207 Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 Value “13” “” TRPT-MODE-CODE “” “” “” “” CARRIER-NAME “” ”” “” “” “” TRPT-ID TRPT-CNTRY “1” “” TRPT-MODE-INLD “” “” “” “” “” “” “” TRPT-ID-INLD TRPT-ID-INLD-LNG “916” “” “” HDR-DOC-CODE HDR-DOC-REF HDR-DOC-STATUS HDR-DOC-REASON HDR-DOC-LNG HDR-DOC-PART “ZZZ” HDR-DOC-QTY “CZ” CNSGR-TID “” CNSGR-NAME CNSGR-STREET CNSGR-CITY CNSGR-LNG CNSGR-POSTCODE CNSGR-CNTRY “CN” CNSGE-TID “” CNSGE-NAME CNSGE-STREET CNSGE-CITY CNSGE-LNG CNSGE-POSTCODE CNSGE-CNTRY “DT” DECLT-TID “” DECLT-NAME DECLT-STREET DECLT-CITY DECLT-LNG DECLT-POSTCODE DECLT-CNTRY Notes stuffed not using UN code list stuffed stuffed stuffed Page 27 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports Section Data Element Group H6 NAD 3035 C082 3039 1131 3055 H6 NAD 3035 C082 3039 1131 3055 H6 NAD 3035 C082 3039 1131 3055 H6 NAD 3035 C082 3039 C058 C080 3036 C059 3042 3164 C819 3251 3207 H6 NAD 3035 C082 C058 C080 3036 C059 3164 H6 NAD 3035 C082 3039 C058 C080 3036 C059 3042 3164 C819 3251 3207 H6 NAD 3035 C082 C058 C080 3036 C059 3042 3164 C819 3251 3207 H7 TOD 4055 4215 H8 MOA C516 5025 5004 6345 H8 MOA C516 5025 5004 H8 MOA C516 5025 5004 H9 MOA C516 5025 5004 H9 MOA C516 5025 5004 H8 MOA C516 5025 5004 H8 MOA C516 5025 5004 H8 MOA C516 5025 5004 UNS 0081 D10 DMS C106 1004 Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 Value “PG” GCON-TURN “” “109” “LD” RCNSGR-TURN “” “109” “LC” RCNSGE-TURN “” “109” “NI” NOTIFY-TID “” NOTIFY-NAME NOTIFY-STREET NOTIFY-CITY “” NOTIFY-POSTCODE NOTIFY-CNTRY “AE” “” “” REPR-NAME “” REPR-CITY “WH” PREM-ID “” PREM-NAME PREM-STREET PREM-CITY “” PREM-POSTCODE PREM-CNTRY “CM” “” “” SPOFF-NAME SPOFF-STREET SPOFF-CITY “” SPOFF-POSTCODE SPOFF-CNTRY “” TRPT-CHGE-MOP “6” “” DECLN-CRRN "40" TOT-CSTMS-VAL "55" TOT-DUTY "1" TOT-VAT-VAL "150" TOT-VAT "9" DEF-TOT "74" IMM-TOT "176" REV-PAYBL “D” TDR-OWN-REF-ENT Notes M Page 28 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports Section Data Element Group D11 MOA C516 5025 5004 D11 MOA C516 5025 5004 6345 D11 MOA C516 5025 5004 6345 D11 MOA C516 5025 5004 6345 D11 MOA C516 5025 5004 6345 D11 MOA C516 5025 5004 6345 D19 ALC 5463 MOA C516 5025 5004 6345 PCD C501 5245 5482 D30 CST 1496 (99) C246 7361 C246 7361 C246 7361 C246 7361 C246 7361 D30 FTX 4451 (99) 4453 C107 4441 C108 4440 3453 D30 LOC 3227 C517 3225 D30 LOC 3227 C517 3225 D30 LOC 3227 C517 3225 D30 LOC 3227 (9) C517 3225 D30 MEA 6311 C502 C174 6411 6314 D30 MEA 6311 C502 C174 6411 6314 D30 MEA 6311 C502 C174 6411 6314 D30 MEA 6311 C502 C174 6411 6314 D30 NAD 3035 C082 3039 C058 C080 3036 C059 3042 3164 C819 3229 3251 3207 Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 Value “144” ATRPT-COST-AC “64” FRGT-CHGE-AC FRGT-CHGE-CRRN “70” INS-AMT-AC INS-AMT-CRRN “39” INV-TOT-AC INV-CRRN “103” OCD-AC OCD-CRRN “105” VAT-ADJT-AC VAT-ADJT-CRRN “A” “52” INV-DAMT-AC INV-DAMT-CRRN “12” INV-DPCT “” CPC base/taric-CMDTY-CODE EC-SUPPLEMENT EC-SUPPLEMENT-2 PREFERENCE “ACB” “” ITEM-AI-STMT ITEM-AI-STMT-TXT ITEM-AI-STMT-LNG “27” ITEM-ORIG-CNTRY “36” ITEM-DEST-CNTRY “35” ITEM-DISP-CNTRY “49” ITEM-ROUTE-CNTRY “AAH” “” “KGM” ITEM-GROSS-MASS “AAR” “” “KGM” ITEM-NET-MASS “AAS” “” “ZZZ” ITEM-SUPP-UNITS “AAT” “” “ZZZ” ITEM-THRD-QTY “CZ” I-CNSGR-TID “” I-CNSGR-NAME I-CNSGR-STREET I-CNSGR-CITY I-CNSGR-LNG I-CNSGR-POSTCODE I-CNSGR-CNTRY Notes Must be the first C246. Must be the second C246. Must be the third C246. Must be the fourth C246. Must be the fifth C246. Page 29 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports Section Data Element Group D30 NAD 3035 C082 C058 C080 C059 3164 C819 3251 3207 D30 NAD 3035 C082 C058 C080 C059 3164 C819 3251 3207 D31 PAC 7224 (99) C531 C202 D32 PCI 4233 C210 D33 MOA 8275 C516 D33 MOA C516 D35 C506 D35 RFF (99) RFF D35 RFF C506 D35 D36 RFF IMD C506 7077 C272 C273 D37 DOC (9) C506 C002 C503 D37 DOC (99) C002 C503 DTM Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 C507 Value 3039 3036 3042 3229 3036 3042 7065 7102 7102 5025 5004 5025 5004 1153 1154 1153 1154 1153 1154 1153 7009 1131 3055 7008 7008 3453 1001 1131 3055 1000 1004 1373 1366 3453 1056 1060 1001 1131 3055 1000 1004 1373 1366 3453 1056 2005 2380 “CN” I-CNSGE-TID “” I-CNSGE-NAME I-CNSGE-STREET I-CNSGE-CITY I-CNSGE-LNG I-CNSGE-POSTCODE I-CNSGE-CNTRY “CM” “” “” I-SPOFF-NAME I-SPOFF-STREET I-SPOFF-CITY “” I-SPOFF-POSTCODE I-SPOFF-CNTRY PKG-COUNT “” PKG-KIND “” PKG-MARKS(1-35) - continued (36-42) PKG-MARKS-LNG “123” ITEM-STAT-VAL-DC “38” ITEM-PRC-AC “AAQ” CNTR-NO “ABJ” QTA-NO “UN” UNDG-CODE “ZZZ” “” “” “” “” “” GDS-DESC(1-256) - continued (257-280) GDS-DESC-LNG “998” “” “” PREV-DOC-TYPE PREV-DOC-REF “” “” PREV-DOC-LNG “” PREV-DOC-CLASS “916” “” “” ITEM-DOC-CODE ITEM-DOC-REF ITEM-DOC-STATUS ITEM-DOC-REASON ITEM-DOC-LNG ITEM-DOC-PART “ZZZ” ITEM-DOC-QTY Notes stuffed for IMD stuffed stuffed stuffed not using UN code list stuffed stuffed stuffed Page 30 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports Section Data Element Group D40 GEI 9649 C012 7365 1131 3055 D40 GEI 9649 C012 7365 1131 3055 PCD C501 5245 5482 D40 GEI 9649 (3) C012 7365 1131 3055 D41 TAX 5283 (10) C241 5153 C533 5289 5286 C243 5279 1131 3055 5278 5273 1131 3055 MOA C516 5025 5004 MOA C516 5025 5004 UNS 0081 S0 CNT C270 6069 6066 S49 TAX 5283 (99) C241 5153 C533 5289 MOA C516 5025 5004 UNT 0074 0062 Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 Value “2” VAL-MTHD-CODE “VM” “109” “2” VAL-ADJT-CODE “VA” “109” “9” ITEM-VAL-ADJT “5” ITEM-PROC-INST “PI” “109” “1” TTY-CODE MOP-CODE ITLN-BASE-QTY TAX-RATE-ID “” “” “” TTY-OVR-CODE “” “109” “161” ITLN-DECL-TAX-DC “56” ITLN-BASE-AMT-DC “S” “11” TOT-PKGS “3” ENT-TTY-CODE ENT-MOP-CODE “161” ENT-TAX-REV SEG-CNT SYS-MRN Notes M M M Page 31 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports 3.4 Display Consignment Responses 3.4.1 Response Data Elements for DEC The table below identifies the data elements returned for each type of consignment by means of the abbreviations defined in Section 1.3.1. Data Element Name MESSAGE MESSAGE-CODE HEADER CUR-MASTER-UCR MASTER-OPEN-IND MASTER-UCR NEXT-PART-NO NEXT-UCR UCR Per Master UCR MASTER-UCR Per Declaration UCR(part) CUR-MASTER-UCR DECLN-PART-NO DECLN-UCR ENTRY-TYPE GDS-LOCN ICS ROE SHED-OP-ID SOE Master Consignment Declaration Consignment “DEC” “DEC” O M M C1 C1 Notes Current master of requested master. C1 M C(100) M C(100) C(100) M M M C2 M M O M O M M M C2/3 M M O M Requested master consignment. Next part if more to be displayed. Next UCR if more to be displayed. Requested declaration consignment. Current master. Rules: 1. A reference to the next consignment or part is returned if there are more to be displayed. The values can be supplied in a subsequent display request to obtain further details of the consignment. 2. GDS-LOCN may not be present for a pre-lodged declaration. 3. GDS-LOCN is not present for a Supplementary Declaration. 3.4.2 Display Export Consignment (DEC) Response Branching Diagram The conventions used in the following branching diagram for the subset of the 00A UKCINV used for the Display Export Consignment response messages are described in Section 1.3.2. _____________________________________________ | | | | | | | | | UNH BGM GEI RFF UNS RFF Gr.1 UNS UNT M 1 M 1 C 1 M 3 M 1 C100 C100 M 1 M 1 LOC M 1 |____ | | RFF GEI M 2 M 4 Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 Page 32 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports 3.4.3 Display Export Consignment (DEC) Response Message Specification (UKCINV) The conventions used in the following response message specification are described in Section 1.3.3. Section Segmen Group t UNH H0 BGM H0 GEI H0 RFF H0 RFF H0 RFF H0 RFF D0 UNS RFF D1 LOC D1 RFF D1 RFF D1 GEI D1 GEI D1 GEI D1 GEI UNS UNT Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 Element Value Note 0062 S009 0065 0052 0054 0051 0057 0068 C002 1001 1131 3055 9649 C012 7365 C506 1153 1154 C506 1153 1154 1156 C506 1153 1154 C506 1153 1154 0081 C506 1153 1154 3227 C517 3225 1131 3055 3224 C506 1153 1154 1156 C506 1153 1154 9649 C012 7365 9649 C012 7365 9649 C012 7365 9649 C012 7365 0081 0074 0062 SYS-MRN “UKCINV” “D” “00A” “UN” “109001” SYS-CAR MESSAGE-CODE “105” “109” “OPN” MASTER-OPEN-IND “ABO” UCR “ACD” NEXT-UCR NEXT-PART-NO “UCN” MASTER-UCR “FF” CUR-MASTER-UCR “D” “UCN” MASTER-UCR “14” GDS-LOCN “156” “109” SHED-OP-ID “ABO” DECLN-UCR DECLN-PART-NO “FF” CUR-MASTER-UCR “ICS” ICS “ROE” ROE “SOE” SOE “TYP” ENTRY-TYPE “S” Number of segments SYS-MRN M M M M M M O M M M M M M M Page 33 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports 3.5 Display Movement Responses 3.5.1 Response Data Elements for LEM The table below identifies the data elements returned for each type of movement by means of the abbreviations defined in Section 1.3.1. Data Element Name MESSAGE MESSAGE-CODE HEADER CUR-MASTER-UCR MASTER-UCR UCR-PART-NO UCR Per Movement AGENT-LOCN AGENT-ROLE ARR-MASTER-UCR EPS-ID EPU-NO GDS-ARR-DTM GDS-LOCN MOVT-NO MOVT-REF ROE SHED-OP-ID SOE Master Movements Declaration Movements “LEM” “LEM” M C(100) O O O M C2 M M O C1 O C1 O M C(100) O O O O M C2 M M O M O M Notes Current master of requested master. Requested master consignment. Requested part. Requested declaration consignment. Master by which arrived. Rules: 1. ROE and SOE may be null in exceptional circumstances such as the movements being listed during the background processing of a new arrival of the consolidation. 2. GDS-ARR-DTM is not returned for a movement that has been created to record a departure (i.e. was never arrived). 3.5.2 List Movements (LEM) Response Branching Diagram The conventions used in the following branching diagram for the subset of the UKCINV used for the List Movements response message are described in Section 1.3.2. __________________________________ | | | | | | | UNH BGM RFF UNS Gr.1 UNS UNT M 1 M 1 M 1 M 1 C100 M 1 M 1 LOC M 1 |______________ | | | | RFF GEI AUT DTM M 2 C 2 C 1 M 1 Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 Page 34 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports 3.5.3 List Movements (LEM) Response Message Specification (UKCINV) The conventions used in the following response message specification are described in Section 1.3.3. Section Segment Element Group UNH 0062 S009 0065 0052 0054 0051 0057 0068 H0 BGM C002 1001 1131 3055 H0 RFF C506 1153 1154 1156 H0 RFF C506 1153 1154 UNS 0081 D1 LOC 3227 C517 3225 1131 3055 3224 C519 3223 1131 3055 3222 D1 RFF C506 1153 1154 1156 4000 D1 RFF C506 1153 1154 D1 GEI 9649 C012 7365 D1 GEI 9649 C012 7365 D1 AUT 9280 9282 D1 DTM C507 2005 2380 2379 UNS 0081 UNT 0074 0062 Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 Value Note SYS-MRN “UKCINV” “D” “00A” “UN” “109001” SYS-CAR MESSAGE-CODE “105” “109” “ABO” UCR UCR-PART-NO “UCN” MASTER-UCR “D” “14” GDS-LOCN “156” “109” SHED-OP-ID EPU-NO “” “109” EPS-ID “AES” MOVT-REF “” MOVT-NO “UCN” ARR-MASTER-UCR “ROE” ROE “SOE” SOE AGENT-ROLE AGENT-LOCN “178” GDS-ARR-DTM “203” “S” Number of segments SYS-MRN M M M M M M O M M M M M M M Page 35 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports 3.6 Display Licence Usage Response 3.6.1 Response Data Elements for DLU The table below identifies the data elements returned for summary and line usage requests each by means of the abbreviations defined in Section 1.3.1. MESSAGE MESSAGE-CODE HEADER LI-END-DT LI-IMP-EXP LI-REF LI-START-DT LI-STATUS LI-TYPE NEXT-DTM Per Line CMGP-CODE EC-SUPPLEMENT EC-SUPPLEMENT-2 LI-CMDTY-CODE LI-CNTRL-BY LI-CRRN-CODE LI-LINE-NO LI-OGD-UOQ-DESC LI-UOQ-CODE LI-QTY-AVAIL LI-QTY-ISSUED LI-QTY-PENDING LI-QTY-USED LI-VAL-AVAIL LI-VAL-ISSUED LI-VAL-PENDING LI-VAL-USED Per Use DECLN-PART-NO DECLN-UCR LIABILITY-DTM LI-QTY LI-STATUS-DECLN LI-USAGE-CURR-IND LI-USAGE-TYPE LI-VAL Summary Line Usage Notes “DLU” “DLU” M M M M M M M M M M M M C M O O O O M O M O O O O O O O O O O C(20) M M M C C(9999) O O O O M O M O O O O M M M C Returned if there are more usage details available. Value and or quantity details are returned depending on how the licence line is controlled (see LI-CNTRL-BY). For Imports the entry reference is formatted as an UCR. Depends on how licence line is controlled (see LI-CNTRLBY). Depends on how licence line is controlled (see LI-CNTRLBY). 3.6.2 UKCINF – Display Licence Usage (DLU) Response Branching Diagram The Display Licence Usage Response is a bespoke message – UKCINF (information) – based on the 00A Directory. Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 Page 36 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports The conventions used in the following branching diagram are described in Section 1.3.2. ____________________________________________ | | | | | | | | | UNH BGM RFF GEI DTM UNS Gr.1 UNS UNT M 1 M 1 M 1 M 2 M 3 M 1 C9999 M 1 M 1 CST M 1 ____|_______________ | | | | | GEI FTX MEA MOA Gr.2 M 1 C 1 C 4 C 4 C 20 RFF M 1 ____|_________ | | | | GEI DTM MEA MOA M 3 M 1 C 1 C 1 3.6.3 UKCINF – Display Licence Usage (DLU) Response Message Specification The conventions used in the following response message specification are described in Section 1.3.3. Section Segmen Group t UNH H0 BGM H0 RFF H0 GEI H0 GEI H0 DTM H0 DTM H0 DTM D1 UNS CST Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 Element Value Note 0062 S009 0065 0052 0054 0051 0057 0068 C002 1001 1131 3055 C506 1153 1154 1156 4000 9649 C012 7365 9649 C012 7365 C507 2005 2380 2379 C507 2005 2380 2379 C507 2005 2380 2379 0081 1496 C246 7361 1131 C246 7361 1131 C246 7361 1131 C246 7361 1131 SYS-MRN “UKCINF” “D” “00A” “UK” “109001” SYS-CAR MESSAGE-CODE “105” “109” “EX” LI-REF “” LI-TYPE “IE” LI-IMP-EXP “STA” LI-STATUS “147” LI-END-DT “102” “157” LI-START-DT “102” “183” NEXT-DTM “203” “D” LI-LINE-NO LI-CMDTY-CODE “122” EC-SUPPLEMENT “G23” EC-SUPPLEMENT-2 “G35” CMGP-CODE “ZZZ” M M M M M M O M M M M Per licence line. Only 1 when usage returned. Page 37 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports Section Segmen Group t Element D1 GEI D1 FTX D1 MEA 9649 C012 4451 4453 C107 C108 6311 C502 C174 D1 MEA 6311 C502 C174 D1 MEA 6311 C502 C174 D1 MEA 6311 C502 C174 D1 MOA C516 D1 MOA C516 D1 MOA C516 D1 MOA C516 D2 RFF C506 D2 GEI D2 GEI D2 GEI D2 DTM 9649 C012 9649 C012 9649 C012 C507 D2 MEA 6311 C502 C174 D2 MOA C516 UNS UNT 0081 0074 0062 Value Note “CTL” 7365 LI-CNTRL-BY “AAX” “” 4441 LI-UOQ-CODE 4440 LI-OGD-UOQ-DESC “SV” “” 6411 “ZZ” 6314 LI-QTY-ISSUED “DV” “” 6411 “ZZ” 6314 LI-QTY-AVAIL “CT” “” 6411 “ZZ” 6314 LI-QTY-PENDING “AAK” “” 6411 “ZZ” 6314 LI-QTY-USED 5025 “260” 5004 LI-VAL-ISSUED 6345 LI-CRRN-CODE 5025 “344” 5004 LI-VAL-AVAIL 5025 “263” 5004 LI-VAL-PENDING 5025 “159” 5004 LI-VAL-USED 1153 “ABO” 1154 DECLN-UCR 1156 DECLN-PART-NO “STA” 7365 LI-STATUS-DECLN “TYP” 7365 LI-USAGE-TYPE “CUR” 7365 LI-USAGE-CURR-IND 2005 “202” 2380 LIABILITY-DTM 2379 “203” “AAK” “” 6411 “ZZ” 6314 LI-QTY 5025 “159” 5004 LI-VAL “S” Number of segments SYS-MRN Per usage. Usage details are only returned when the request is for a specific licence line. END OF SECTION 3 Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 Page 38 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports 4. Entry Report Handling 4.1 Overview The data for the reports defined by Customs for the Trade is sent by CHIEF except for some Import reports (E0 and P3) that are generated directly by an Inventory system. CHIEF delivers reports as unsolicited EDIFACT messages to a server for onward delivery to traders. The output servers are provided by the CSPs and by another Customs system (EDCS) for web users. Whilst some reports are required on paper for presentation to Customs, others inform the trader that some action is necessary. It may suit some traders to receive reports electronically; a server may therefore choose to deliver them in any of a number of ways as agreed with their traders: a. To the trader's printer as a formatted hardcopy document. b. To the trader at his VDU as a formatted electronic display. c. To a trade system as an electronic message for handling as required (hardcopy or electronically). The destination for delivery is identified by CHIEF as AGENT-ROLE and AGENT-LOCN. For Imports this is the role and location specified for the client session (Reference [1]) in which the associated Entry was submitted. For Exports it may alternatively be the agent identified on arrival at a location (see the destination specified for each report in Section 5). There is no provision for an Inventory system to originate a report for delivery to Customs via CHIEF. The reports are described in Section 5, the associated messages are defined in Section 6 and the recommended formats are specified in Section 7. 4.2 Report Messages Reports are sent as CUSRES messages where possible. A UK variant, UKCRES, is required for the amendment reports and CUSDEC is used where the report mainly contains declared data (e.g. for EAD). The messages are specified in Section 6. 4.3 Trader Control over Report Generation Traders can control the production of Acceptance Advices and, for Exports, the production of declaration progress reports. Acceptance Advices are not produced in addition to the response (CUSRES) to an insert or replace declaration (CUSDEC) unless requested by the submitting trader (see PROC-INST “ACC” in Reference [5]) or enforced by the path from the CSP (see REPORTS-CTRL in Reference [5]). For Exports, the submitting trader and the agent responsible for a movement can request declaration progress reports (see PROC-INST “PRG” and REPORTS-RQD in Reference [5]). The Import reports are only sent to the submitting trader. Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 Page 39 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports The Export reports can be sent to agents as well as the submitting trader. The Export reports are summarised in the following table, identifying in the ‘to’ column the trader to whom the report is sent as follows: ‘A’ ‘S’ ‘P’ agent responsible for the movement at a location; submitting trader; submitting trader or an authorised agent who has requested declaration progress reports. Report Title X0 Export Entry Error Report to S X1 Export Examination Advice A Note Used to report errors detected by other government systems while the entry is on Route 0. If no agent nominated report is sent to Submitting Trader. X2 Export Entry Acceptance Advice X5 Export Entry Reselection Advice X6 X7 X9 P2 P3 P5 P7 P9 S1 S3 S4 S5 S6 S8 S9 S A, P Reselection advice for the agent and a declaration progress report. Export Entry Progress Advice A, P Permission to progress advice for the agent responsible for a non-inventory linked movement and a declaration progress report. Export Entry Amendment Advice S Export Accounting Rejection S Advice Export Pre-lodgement Advice S Export Arrival Reprocessing Error S For Imports the H3 is produced by the Inventory System, with arrivals at the HCI allowing amendment Report of the declaration when required. For Exports the current Inventory system or role notifying arrival may have nothing to do with the role that owns the entry. CHIEF produces this report for reprocessing errors on arrival at the Office of Export. System Deleted Export Pre- S lodgement Advice Export Pre-lodgement S Amendment Advice Export Pre-lodgement Deletion S Warning System Deleted Stored Export S HCI stored entry only. Entry Export Cancellation Refusal S Advice Export Cancellation Approval S Advice Export Movement Arrival Advice P A declaration progress report. Queried Export Entry Advice S Export Movement Departure P A declaration progress report. Advice Export Goods Disposal Advice P A declaration progress report. 4.4 Supplementary Declarations It should be noted that no reports for the trade are generated by CHIEF for Supplementary Declarations. Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 Page 40 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports 4.5 Report Output Each report is output by CHIEF within a session (see Reference [1]) on the path to the output server. The report message (CUSRES/UKCRES/CUSDEC) is formatted within an EDIFACT interchange with the UNB segment identifying the trader to whom the report is to be onward delivered. The reply from the print server is UKCTRL (see Reference [1]). The transaction flow for the output of reports to the trade apply to both inventory controlled and non-inventory DTI entries. The transaction flow is generic for all report types - only the conditions under which the report is produced vary. End User Trade Output Server CHIEF Generate Report for Trader | | ----------- -<-CUSRES/UKCRES/CUSDEC | Secure report for subsequent delivery | |----------- ->-UKCTRL(ack) | | deliver by any means approved by Customs | <---------- ----------- END OF SECTION 4 Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 Page 41 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports 5. Report Descriptions 5.1 Customs Examination Advice (E1, X1) A Customs Examination Advice is delivered to the trader for presentation to Customs to identify the packages that are required for examination. For Exports, an X1 is not produced for goods at a trader’s premises. Event Route 2 selected Entry Type DTI Origination CHIEF EDI Message CUSRES Report Type DTI-E1, DTI-X1 Destination For Imports this is the submitting trader. For Exports, this is: the submitting trader when the goods are declared as arrived, or the agent nominated on the notifying arrival message, or if no agent is nominated, the submitting trader, the submitting trader for other (HCI) arrivals. 5.2 Entry Pre-lodgement, Acceptance Advice (H2/E2, P2/X2) A Pre-lodgement Advice is produced when the first valid, pre-lodged version of an entry is created. An H2AMD/P2-AMD is produced when a further pre-lodged version is created as the result of a valid amendment (including resetting the goods arrival declaration to not arrived when allowed). An H2 is required to pre-lodge with Customs the paperwork associated with the entry when this is required by the NCH. The output of H2s can be suppressed for an EPU on CHIEF (an ex-hold variant of the E2/X2 will still be produced on legal acceptance). An Entry Acceptance Advice is produced when a valid, goods arrived version of an entry is created. The report type identifies when the entry was previously pre-lodged (“-XH”), that the entry has been amended (“-AMD”) or that it is a reprint (“-R”). For Exports the “-XH” variant is produced on arrival at the first location; at subsequent locations an “-AR” variant is produced for Customs. Since the latter are not reported to the submitting trader, the “-AR” variant is not specified in the TIS. Event Pre-lodgement or legal acceptance of a DTI entry or amendment of an accepted entry or reprint request. Entry Type DTI Origination CHIEF EDI Message CUSRES Report Type DTI-H2, DTI-H2-AMD, DTI-P2, DTI-P2-AMD DTI-E2, DTI-E2-AMD, DTI-E2-XH, DTI-E2-R, DTI-E2-AMD-R, DTI-E2-XH-R DTI-X2, DTI-X2-AMD, DTI-X2-XH, DTI-X2-R Destination Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 The submitting trader. Page 42 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports The variants of the report types are identified with a suffix to the basic H2/E2, P2/X2 report types: H2/P2 The first report produced for the entry and the current version is pre-lodged (i.e. goods not arrived). E2/X2 The first report produced for the entry and the current version is accepted (i.e. goods arrived). The entry may have been pre-lodged but never credible and matched so an H2 was not produced. -XH The first report produced for an accepted entry for which an H2/P2 was previously produced. -AMD Amendment of an entry for which an H2/E2/P2/X2 or -XH has been previously produced. Valid sequences of reports for an entry are: - E2/X2; - E2/X2, E2/X2-AMD*; - H2/P2, E2/X2-XH; H2/P2, E2/X2-XH, E2/X2-AMD*; - H2/P2, H2/P2-AMD*, E2/X2-XH, E2/X2-AMD*; - E2, E2-AMD*, H2-AMD*, E2-XH, E2-AMD* (for non-inventory linked entries only). Where * indicates that the ‘AMD’ variant may repeat many (including zero) times. A duplicate of the previous E2/X2 report can be requested. For Imports, this produces the latest variant report type with “-R” suffix and the legend of 'DUPLICATE' printed under the <rep-type> field in the report heading. For Exports, this produces an X2-R in all cases and ‘DUPLICATE’ is not output. 5.3 Entry Reselection Advice (E5, X5) An Entry Reselection Advice is produced to inform traders that an arrived movement (legally accepted Import entry) has been reselected to another route of examination. It is not produced for an inventory linked Export movement or Import entry. For Exports, the report is not produced for goods at a trader’s premises since, in this case, the trader is not informed of the actual route or for any related movements when the Office of Export movement is reselected. Event Entry reselected to another route of examination. Entry Type DTI Origination CHIEF EDI Message CUSRES Report Type DTI-E5, DTI-X5 Destination 1. For non-inventory linked Import entries, the submitting trader. 2. For non-inventory linked Export movements, the report is sent to: the agent identified in the EAL message, or the role arriving the entry (i.e. owner of the movement). 3. (Exports only) The submitting trader and authorised agents who have requested declaration progress reports (see Section 4.3). Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 Page 43 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports 5.4 Export Entry Progress Advice (X6) An Export Entry Progress Advice is produced when permission to progress is granted to a non-inventory linked Export movement. The advice is produced on clearance of Route 1/2 movements by Customs and for Route 3/6 movements at inland premises when permission to progress is granted at the intended departure date-time. The advice is not produced for movements given Route 3/6 at frontier locations. The advice is also produced for the submitting trader and authorised agents who have requested declaration progress reports (see Section 4.3) when any movement for the declaration is granted permission to progress. The report is not produced for any related movements when the Office of Export movement is granted permission to progress. Event Permission to progress has been granted to a non-inventory linked Export movement other than for movements given Route 3/6 at frontier locations. Entry Type DTI Origination CHIEF EDI Message CUSRES Report Type DTI-X6 Destination 1. Trader notifying arrival of the Export entry at the non-inventory linked location (the submitting trader for an arrived declaration, an authorised agent at noninventory linked locations). 2. The submitting trader and authorised agents who have requested declaration progress reports (see Section 4.3). 5.5 Entry Amendment Advice (H7/E7, P7/X7) An Entry Amendment Advice is produced when a written reason for the amendment must be lodged with Customs. The report is generated when a pre-defined change to the revenue (or CAP refund amount) is exceeded as a result of the amendment. The maximum number of amendment changes that can be reported is 99 at Entry Header Level and 99 for each Entry Item. Should the amendment changes made exceed either of those limits, then only the first 99 changes identified by CHIEF in the affected category will be reported. Event Pre-lodged or arrived entry amendment results in a pre-defined change to the revenue being exceeded. Entry Type DTI Origination CHIEF EDI Message UKCRES Report Type DTI-H7, DTI-P7, DTI-E7, DTI-X7 Destination Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 The submitting trader. Page 44 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports 5.6 Supervising Office Report (E8, X8) A Supervising Office Report is produced for an Import entry when the use of a warehouse is initially declared or changed on amendment. Event Legal acceptance of an entry which specifies a warehouse. Entry Type DTI Origination CHIEF EDI Message CUSRES Report Type DTI-E8, DTI-X8 Destination The submitting trader. 5.7 Accounting Rejection Advice (E9, X9) An Accounting Rejection Advice is produced when there is an accounting failure on attempting to clear the entry. The entry can be amended and clearance attempted again. If (one of) the failure(s) is due to insufficient balance for payment from a FAS account, the entry goes into suspense and will re-attempt clearance when sufficient funds have been credited to the account, unless it is amended in the meantime. Event Accounting failure at clearance. Entry Type DTI Origination CHIEF EDI Message CUSRES Report Type DTI-E9, DTI-X9 Destination The submitting trader. 5.8 Entry Exception Report (E0, X0) A declaration must be valid as far as CHIEF is concerned before it is accepted but exceptions may subsequently be identified by other systems (e.g. refusal by an OGD). It should be noted that, for a pre-lodgement, the declaration may be invalid on arrival as a result of reference data changing on CHIEF. In this case an H3/P3 is output (see Section 5.9). For DTI inventory linked Import entries, an Inventory system generates an E0 as an Inventory Failure Report (see Section 7.10) when the Inventory system identifies a failure condition (non-zero IRC) that needs to be investigated - for example, a mis-match between an Import entry and the consignment. It is generated for both pre-lodged and accepted import entries. An Inventory system is only responsible for generating this report for DTI entries; CHIEF generates an equivalent report for CIE inventory linked entries. Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 Page 45 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports Event Invalid data or some other exception (e.g. refusal by an OGD) identified after a declaration has been accepted. Entry Type DTI Origination CHIEF except for an Inventory Failure Report which is produced by an Inventory system. EDI Message CUSRES Report Type DTI-E0, DTI-X0 Destination The submitting trader. 5.9 Reprocessing Error Report (H3, P3) Although a declaration must be valid before CHIEF accepts it, there are circumstances when errors may be identified later. For DTI Import entries, an Inventory system generates an Arrival Reprocessing Error Report (H3) when CHIEF reports a reprocessing error following a goods arrival notification by the Inventory system. For Exports, an Arrival Reprocessing Error Report (P3) is generated by CHIEF in the following circumstances: a. When a pre-lodged entry is first arrived at the Office of Export and is found to be invalid. The declaration will normally have to be amended because standing data has changed since the declaration was prelodged. b. When an arrived movement, which is awaiting a declaration, is reprocessed on receipt of the declaration and the arrival is not permitted at that time (e.g. the arrived movement is at the frontier but the declaration has been pre-lodged at a trader’s premises). Once the entry is in a suitable state, reprocessing of the original movement can be triggered either by repeating the arrival or by a null amendment to the declaration. Reprocessing errors will not normally occur for arrivals other than the first arrival at the Office of Export. Event Invalid data identified on reprocessing a pre-lodged declaration on arrival. Entry Type DTI. Origination H3 - Inventory system; P3 - CHIEF. EDI Message H3 – none (produced from locally available data); P3 – CUSRES. Report Type DTI-H3, DTI-P3 Destination Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 The submitting trader. Page 46 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports 5.10 Pre-lodgement Deletion Warning (P9) A Pre-lodgement Deletion Warning (P9) is produced for Exports after a period which can be defined for each location/shed. The text of the P9 explains what should be done and when the pre-lodgement will be deleted unless suitable action is taken. Event When the time since a pre-lodgement was submitted or last amended exceeds the period defined for the location/shed. Entry Type DTI Origination CHIEF EDI Message CUSRES Report Type DTI-P9 Destination The submitting trader. 5.11 System Deleted Pre-lodgement Advice (H5, P5) A System Deleted Pre-lodged Entry Advice (H5, P5) is produced when CHIEF automatically deletes a DTI prelodged entry after a pre-defined period. Event Automatic deletion of a pre-lodged entry. Entry Type DTI Origination CHIEF EDI Message CUSRES Report Type DTI-H5, DTI-P5 Destination The submitting trader. 5.12 Exit Follow-up Advice (S0) An Exit Follow-up Advice is produced for an indirect export entry if the Office of Exit has not notified that the goods have exited from the EU or been stopped within a timeout period after the goods were cleared from the Office of Export. Event A system defined period since clearance of an indirect export has passed without an exited or stopped notification from the Office of Exit. Entry Type DTI Origination CHIEF EDI Message CUSRES Report Type DTI-S0 Destination Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 The submitting trader. Page 47 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports 5.13 System Deleted Stored Entry Advice (N1, S1) A System Deleted Stored Entry Advice is produced when CHIEF automatically deletes a DTI stored declaration (i.e. a declaration that has never been valid) after a pre-defined period. Event Automatic deletion of a stored declaration. Entry Type DTI Origination CHIEF EDI Message CUSRES Report Type DTI-N1, DTI-S1 Destination The submitting trader. 5.14 Entry Cancellation Refusal Advice (N3, S3) An Entry Cancellation Refusal Advice is produced when Customs refuse to cancel an accepted entry following a cancellation request by the agent. Event Customs refusal to cancel an accepted entry. Entry Type DTI Origination CHIEF EDI Message CUSRES Report Type DTI-N3, DTI-S3 Destination The submitting trader. 5.15 Entry Cancellation Approval Advice (N4, S4) An Entry Cancellation Approval Advice is produced when Customs cancel an accepted entry. Event Customs cancellation of an accepted entry. Entry Type DTI Origination CHIEF EDI Message CUSRES Report Type DTI-N4, DTI-S4 Destination Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 The submitting trader. Page 48 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports 5.16 Movement Arrival Advice (S5) A Movement Arrival Advice is produced for the submitting trader and authorised agents who have requested declaration progress reports (see Section 4.3) when the goods are notified as arrived at a location. The report is not produced for the first arrival at the Office of Export (Office of Export movement) nor any movements which are related to the Office of Export movement, but is produced for each arrival at any other location. Note that for non-LCP Entries, the report is also produced for arrivals at the Office of Export after the Office of Export movement has been granted permission to progress. Event Notification of the arrival of goods at a location (Exports only). Entry Type DTI Origination CHIEF EDI Message CUSRES Report Type DTI-S5 Destination The submitting trader and authorised agents who have requested declaration progress reports (see Section 4.3). 5.17 Queried Entry Advice (N6, S6) A Queried Entry Advice is produced when Customs query an Entry. Event Customs query of an Entry. Entry Type DTI Origination CHIEF EDI Message CUSRES Report Type DTI-N6, DTI-S6 Destination The submitting trader. 5.18 Movement Departure Advice (S8) A Movement Departure Advice is produced for the submitting trader and authorised agents who have requested declaration progress reports (see Section 4.3) when goods are notified as departed from the UK or withdrawn from Export (no Place of Loading) or exited from the EU or stopped at the Office of Exit. Event Notification of the departure of goods from the UK. Entry Type DTI Origination CHIEF EDI Message CUSRES Report Type DTI-S8 Destination Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 The submitting trader and authorised agents who have requested declaration progress reports (see Section 4.3). Page 49 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports 5.19 Goods Disposal Advice (S9) A Goods Disposal Advice is produced for the submitting trader and authorised agents who have requested declaration progress reports (see Section 4.3) when Customs notify CHIEF that the goods have been Seized, Destroyed or Released to Queen’s warehouse. The report is not produced for any related movements when the Office of Export movement is terminated. Event Customs input to CHIEF identifying that the goods have been Seized, Destroyed or Released to Queen’s warehouse. Entry Type DTI Origination CHIEF EDI Message CUSRES Report Type DTI-S9 Destination The submitting trader and authorised agents who have requested declaration progress reports (see Section 4.3). 5.20 SAD Copy 3 (Export) SAD Copy 3 can be produced directly by trade software or may be requested by the trader who owns the entry by invoking the Request Copy 3 transaction that is available at the CHIEF HCI or via EDI (see 2.1.3). A SAD Copy 3 can be requested for full Export declarations and Pre-Shipment Advices. The transaction forwards the Copy 3 data as a report (in a CUSDEC message) to the requesting trader for formatting. Event Request Copy 3 transaction. Entry Type DTI Origination CHIEF EDI Message CUSDEC Report Type n/a Destination Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 The trader requesting a Copy 3 at the HCI (see Reference [7]) or via EDI (see 2.4.1). Page 50 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports 5.21 Export Accompanying Document (EAD) An EAD can be produced directly by trade software or may be requested by the trader who owns the entry by invoking the Request EAD transaction that is available at the CHIEF HCI or via EDI (see 2.1.4). An EAD can be requested for a pre-shipment advice or a full Export declaration. The transaction forwards the EAD data as a report (in a CUSDEC message) to the trader who submitted the related export declaration for formatting as an EAD. Event Request EAD transaction. Entry Type DTI Origination CHIEF EDI Message CUSDEC Report Type n/a Destination The trader who submitted the related export declaration. END OF SECTION 5 Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 Page 51 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports 6. Report Messages The report messages are based on the 04A CUSRES and CUSDEC messages. The reports are all supported by CUSRES except for the amendment reports (E7, X7, H7 and P7) which require a minor extension so a UK variant is specified, and the SAD Copy 3 and EAD which are based on the 04A CUSDEC. The reply from the print server is a UKCTRL message (see Reference [1]) both to acknowledge receipt and to report errors. The report messages are specified in this section. The presence of data elements in the various report messages are defined for each report type in Section 7. 6.1 Report Message (04A CUSRES) The 04A CUSRES message used for most of the Import and Export reports is defined in this section. 6.1.1 Branching Diagram The conventions used in the following branching diagram for the subset of the 04A CUSRES used for the report messages are described in Section 1.3.2. ________________________________________________________________ | | | | | | | | | | | | UNH BGM DTM FTX LOC GEI Gr.1 Gr.3 Gr.4 Gr.6 CNT UNT M 1 M 1 C 4 C 1*C 4 C 1 C 5 M10 C99 C 6 C 1 M 1 NAD RFF ERP DOC M 1 M 1 M 1 M 1 | | FTX | M 1 | ________|____________________ | | | | | | RFF LOC Gr.7 Gr.9 Gr11 Gr12 C 1 C 1 C 1 C12 C99 C99 NAD MOA TAX CST M 1 M 1 M 1 M 1 | | | Gr10 MOA Gr13 C 1 M 1 C11 CUX TAX M 1 M 1 | MOA M 5 * While text may still be output in 70 character lines rather than 512 character blocks the segment may repeat up to 6 times. 6.1.2 Message Specification The conventions used in the following report message specification are described in Section 1.3.3. Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 Page 52 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports Section Data Element Value Notes “UNOB” “2” “CHIEF” AGENT-ROLE “” AGENT-LOCN SYS-DATE SYS-TIME “DTICHIEFEDI” “” “” “” “” “” “1” SYS-MRN "CUSRES" "D" "04A" “UN” "109790” “RPA” ““ “109” REPORT-TYPE “” “6” "222" TDR-PRES-DTM "203" "148" ACPTNC-DTM "203" "178" GDS-ARR-DTM "203" "189" GDS-DEP-DT "102" “204” P2P-DTM “203” “CUS” “” “” REASON REASON REASON REASON REASON “14” GDS-LOCN-CODE “” “109” "22" ACPTNC-EPU-NO "" “109” ACPTNC-EPS-ID "43" GDS-EPU-NO "" “109” GDS-EPS-ID M M M M Group UNB S001 S002 S003 S004 UNH H0 BGM 0020 S005 0026 0029 0031 0032 0035 0062 S009 C002 H0 DTM C106 1225 C507 H0 DTM C507 H0 DTM C507 H0 DTM C507 H0 DTM C507 H0 FTX 4451 4453 C107 C108 H0 H0 H0 LOC LOC LOC 3227 C517 3227 C517 C519 3227 C517 C519 Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 0001 0002 0004 0010 0007 0014 0017 0019 0065 0052 0054 0051 0057 1001 1131 3055 1000 2005 2380 2379 2005 2380 2379 2005 2380 2379 2005 2380 2379 2005 2380 2379 4440 4440 4440 4440 4440 3225 1131 3055 3225 1131 3055 3223 3225 1131 3055 3223 M M M M C - only if the report is a 'Training Specimen'. M M M M M M M M M – standard field. M Page 53 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports Section Data Element Group H0 H0 H1 H1 LOC GEI NAD NAD 3227 C517 9649 C012 3035 C082 C058 C080 C059 3164 C819 3251 3207 3035 C082 C058 C080 C059 H1 NAD H1 NAD H1 H3 RFF 3035 C082 C058 C080 3035 C082 C058 C080 C506 H3 RFF C506 H3 RFF C506 H3 RFF C506 H3 RFF C506 H3 RFF C506 H3 RFF C506 H3 RFF C506 H1 NAD 3164 C819 3251 3207 3035 C082 3035 C082 NAD Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 Value 3225 1131 3055 7365 1131 3055 3039 3036 3042 3042 3042 3042 3039 1131 3055 3036 3042 3042 3042 3042 3039 3039 1131 3055 3039 3036 3039 3036 1153 1154 1156 1153 1154 1153 1154 1153 1154 1153 1154 1153 1154 1156 1153 1154 1153 1154 “76” FARP-CODE “” “3” “5” FRGT-APRT-CODE “FA” “109” “WH” PREM-ID “” PREM-NAME PREM-STREET PREM-STREET2 PREM-STREET3 PREM-STREET4 PREM-CITY “” PREM-POSTCODE PREM-CNTRY “CM” SPOFF-CODE “” “109” “” SPOFF-NAME SPOFF-STREET SPOFF-STREET2 SPOFF-STREET3 SPOFF-STREET4 SPOFF-CITY “” SPOFF-POSTCODE SPOFF-CNTRY “DT” DECLT-TID “PB” SUBMIT-TURN “” “109” “CN” CNSGE-TID “” CNSGE-NAME “CZ” CNSGR-TID “” CNSGR-NAME “ABT” ENT-REF ENT-VER-NO “ACD” ENT-TYPE “AFM” IE-KEY “ACF” INVY-SYS-ID “TN” USER-REF "ABO" DECLN-UCR DECLN-PART-NO “AAE” MRN “UCN” MASTER-UCR Notes Set to “Other – 00200” if declared at item level. Set to “Other – 00200” if declared at item level. M – standard field. Page 54 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports Section Data Element Group H1 RFF C506 H3 RFF C506 H3 RFF C506 H3 RFF C506 H4 ERP (99) FTX C701 H6 DOC 4451 4453 C107 C108 C002 C503 LOC H7 NAD 3227 C517 3035 C082 H9 MOA C516 H6 DOC (2) C002 C503 H7 RFF C506 NAD 3035 C082 Value 1153 1154 1153 1154 1153 1154 1156 1153 1154 1049 4440 1001 1131 3055 1004 1373 1366 3225 1131 3055 3039 1131 3055 5025 5004 1001 1131 3055 1004 1373 1366 1153 1154 3039 1131 3055 H9 MOA C516 5025 5004 H6 DOC C002 1001 (2) 1131 3055 C503 1004 1373 1366 RFF C506 1153 1154 1156 H9 MOA C516 5025 5004 Response to a single SAD H6 DOC C002 1001 C503 1004 H9 MOA C516 5025 5004 H9 MOA C516 5025 5004 H9 MOA C516 5025 5004 Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 Notes “FF” MOVT-REF “ABS” ICS “AHZ” SOE ROE “ABR” PREV-ROE “ANY” “AAO” “” “” ERROR-MSG “239” “” “109” “” FAS-RAR FAS-RAR-DESC "44" FAS-EPU-NO "" “109” “PB” FAS-TURN “” “109” “10” TAX-AMT-FAS “357” “” “109” “” SSCTY-RAR SSCTY-RAR-DESC “COF” SSCTY-LDGD-REF “PB” SCTY-TURN “” “109” “10” SCTY-AMT “461” “” “109” “” DAN-RAR DAN-RAR-DESC “ABI” DAN DAN-PFX “10” TAX-AMT-DEF “960” TDR-OWN-REF-ENT "9" DEF-TOT "74" IMM-TOT "176" REV-PAYBL Page 55 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports Section Data Element Group H9 MOA C516 H10 CUX H9 MOA C504 C504 5402 C516 H10 CUX H9 MOA C504 C504 5402 C516 H9 MOA C516 H9 MOA C516 H10 CUX H9 MOA C504 C504 5402 C516 H10 CUX H9 MOA H10 CUX H9 MOA H10 CUX H9 MOA H10 CUX C504 C504 5402 C516 C504 C504 5402 C516 C504 C504 5402 C516 Value 5025 5004 6345 5025 5004 6345 5025 5004 5025 5004 5025 5004 6345 5025 5004 6345 5025 5004 6345 5025 5004 6345 5025 5004 6345 C504 C504 5402 SAD Header Level Totals H11 TAX 5283 (99) C241 5153 C533 5289 MOA Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 C516 5025 5004 Notes “39” INV-TOT INV-CRRN “” “” INV-EXCH “6” “” DECLN-CRRN “” “” DECLN-EXCH “123” STAT-VAL “144” ATRPT-COST “64” FRGT-CHGE FRGT-CHGE-CRRN “” “” FRGT-CHGE-EXCH “52” INV-DAMT INV-DAMT-CRRN “” “” INV-DAMT-EXCH “70” INS-AMT INS-AMT-CRRN “” “” INS-AMT-EXCH “103” OCD OCD-CRRN “” “” OCD-EXCH “105” VAT-ADJT VAT-ADJT-CRRN “” “” VAT-ADJT-EXCH “3” ENT-TTY-CODE ENT-MOP-CODE “161” ENT-TAX-REV Page 56 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports Section Data Element Group Item Level Details H12 CST 1496 (99) H13 TAX 5283 MOA C516 H13 H0 MOA C516 MOA C516 MOA C516 MOA C516 TAX (11) MOA 5283 C241 C533 C516 CNT C270 UNT 0074 0062 0036 0020 UNZ Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 Value Notes ITEM-NO 5025 5004 5025 5004 5025 5004 5025 5004 5025 5004 5153 5289 5025 5004 6069 6066 “5” “159” ITEM-LCNC-VAL “40” ITEM-CSTMS-VAL “1” ITEM-VAT-VAL “123” ITEM-STAT-VAL “38” ITEM-PRC "1" TTY-CODE MOP-CODE "161" ITLN-CHGE-TAX “11” TOT-PKGS SEG-CNT SYS-MRN “1” “DTICHIEFEDI” M M M M Page 57 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports 6.2 Amendment Report Message (04A UKCRES) The 04A UKCRES message used for entry amendment reports is defined in this section. The message is an extension of the 04A CUSRES. 6.2.1 Branching Diagram The conventions used in the following branching diagram for the bespoke 04A UKCRES used for the report message are described in Section 1.3.2. ___________________________________________________________ | | | | | | | | | | UNH BGM DTM LOC Gr.1 Gr.3 Gr.4 Gr.6 CNT UNT M 1 M 1 M 1 C 3 M 3 M107 C99 M 1 C 1 M 1 NAD RFF ERP DOC M 1 M 1 M 1 M 1 | | _|_ ___|___ | | | | MEA FTX Gr11 Gr12 C 1 C 1 C99 C99 TAX CST M 1 M 1 | | MOA |______ M 2 | | Gr13 Gr14 C20 C99 TAX ERP M 1 M 1 | | MOA |___ C 2 | | MEA FTX C 1 C 1 6.2.2 Message Specification The conventions used in the following amendment report message specification are described in Section 1.3.3. Section Data Element Group UNB S001 0001 0002 S002 0004 S003 0010 0007 0014 S004 0017 0019 0020 S005 0026 0029 0031 0032 0035 UNH 0062 S009 0065 0052 0054 0051 0057 Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 Value Notes “UNOB” “2” “CHIEF” AGENT-ROLE “” AGENT-LOCN SYS-DATE SYS-TIME “DTICHIEFEDI” “” “” “” “” “” “1” SYS-MRN "UKCRES" "D" "04A" “UK” "109791" M M M M M M M M C - only if the report is a 'Training Specimen'. M M M M M M Page 58 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports Section Data Element Group H0 BGM C002 1001 1131 3055 1000 C106 1225 H0 DTM C507 2005 2380 2379 H0 LOC 3227 C517 3225 1131 3055 H0 LOC 3227 C517 3225 1131 3055 C519 3223 H0 LOC 3227 C517 3225 1131 3055 C519 3223 H1 NAD 3035 C082 3039 H1 NAD 3035 C082 3039 1131 3055 H1 NAD 3035 C082 3039 C058 C080 3036 H1 NAD 3035 C082 3039 C058 C080 3036 H3 RFF C506 1153 1154 1156 H3 RFF C506 1153 1154 H3 RFF C506 1153 1154 H3 RFF C506 1153 1154 H3 RFF C506 1153 1154 1156 H3 RFF C506 1153 1154 H3 RFF C506 1153 1154 H3 RFF C506 1153 1154 H3 RFF C506 1153 1154 1156 H3 RFF C506 1153 (98) 1154 H3 RFF C506 1153 (98) 1154 Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 Value Notes “RPB” ““ “109” REPORT-TYPE “” “6” "148" ACPTNC-DTM "203" “14” GDS-LOCN-CODE “” “109” "22" ACPTNC-EPU-NO "" “109” ACPTNC-EPS-ID "43" GDS-EPU-NO "" “109” GDS-EPS-ID “DT” DECLT-TID “PB” SUBMIT-TURN “” “109” “CN” CNSGE-TID “” CNSGE-NAME “CZ” CNSGR-TID “” CNSGR-NAME “ABT” ENT-REF ENT-VER-NO “ACD” ENT-TYPE “ACF” INVY-SYS-ID “TN” USER-REF "ABO" DECLN-UCR DECLN-PART-NO “AAE” MRN “UCN” MASTER-UCR “ABS” ICS “AHZ” “” ROE “AFD” ADD-ITEM-NO “ABX” DEL-ITEM-NO M M M – standard field. M Set to “Other – 00200” if more than one. Set to “Other – 00200” if more than one. M – standard field. Page 59 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports Section Data Element Value Group For each amended header element H4 ERP C701 1049 “8” (99) 1052 AMD-HDR-LABEL MEA 6311 “SV” C502 “” C174 6411 “” 6314 “” 6162 HDR-PREV-VAL 6152 HDR-CURR-VAL MEA 6311 “WT” C502 “” C174 6411 “” 6314 “” 6162 HDR-PREV-QTY 6152 HDR-CURR-QTY MEA 6311 “CT” C502 “” C174 6411 “” 6314 “” 6162 HDR-PREV-INTGR 6152 HDR-CURR-INTGR FTX 4451 “AAH” 4453 “” C107 “” C108 4440 HDR-PREV-CHARS 4440 HDR-CURR-CHARS Response to a single SAD H6 DOC C002 1001 “960” C503 1004 TDR-OWN-REF-ENT SAD Header Level Totals H11 TAX 5283 “3” (99) C241 5153 ENT-TTY-CODE C533 5289 ENT-MOP-CODE MOA C516 5025 “55” 5004 PREV-ENT-TOT-REV MOA C516 5025 “161” 5004 CURR-ENT-TOT-REV Item Level Details H12 CST 1496 ITEM-NO (99) H13 TAX 5283 “1” (10) C241 5153 PREV-TTY-CODE C533 5289 PREV-MOP-CODE 5286 PREV-BASE-QTY C243 5279 PREV-TAX-RATE-ID 1131 “” 3055 “” 5278 “” 5273 PREV-TTY-OVR-CD 1131 “” 3055 “109” MOA C516 5025 “161” 5004 PREV-REV-AMT MOA C516 5025 “56” 5004 PREV-BASE-AMT Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 Notes Page 60 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports Section Data Element Group H13 TAX 5283 (10) C241 5153 C533 5289 5286 C243 5279 1131 3055 5278 5273 1131 3055 MOA C516 5025 5004 MOA C516 5025 5004 For each amended item element H14 ERP C701 1049 (99) 1052 MEA 6311 C502 C174 6411 6314 6162 6152 MEA 6311 C502 C174 6411 6314 6162 6152 MEA 6311 C502 C174 6411 6314 6162 6152 FTX 4451 4453 C107 C108 4440 4440 H0 CNT C270 6069 6066 UNT 0074 0062 UNZ 0036 0020 Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 Value Notes “2” CURR-TTY-CODE CURR-MOP-CODE CURR-BASE-QTY CURR-TAX-RATE-ID “” “” “” CURR-TTY-OVR-CD “” “109” “161” CURR-REV-AMT “56” CURR-BASE-AMT “10” AMD-ITEM-LABEL “SV” “” “” “” ITEM-PREV-VAL ITEM-CURR-VAL “WT” “” “” “” ITEM-PREV-QTY ITEM-CURR-QTY “CT” “” “” “” ITEM-PREV-INTGR ITEM-CURR-INTGR “AAH” “” “” ITEM-PREV-CHARS ITEM-CURR-CHARS “11” TOT-PKGS SEG-CNT SYS-MRN “1” “DTICHIEFEDI” M M M M Page 61 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports 6.3 SAD Copy 3 Report Message (04A CUSDEC) The 04A CUSDEC used for the SAD Copy 3 report message is defined in this section. 6.3.1 Branching Diagram The conventions used in the following branching diagram for the SAD Copy 3 report message subset of the 04A CUSDEC are described in Section 1.3.2. ____________________________________________________________ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | UNH BGM CST LOC DTM FTX Gr.1 Gr.4 Gr.6 UNS Gr10 Gr30 UNS UNT M 1 M 1 M 1 C 3 M 1 C40 M 3 C 2 M 6 M 1 C 1 M99 M 1 M 1 RFF TDT NAD DMS CST M 1 M 1 M 1 M 1 M 1 | | | | ____________________|_____________ | | | | | | | FTX LOC MEA Gr31 Gr33 Gr35 Gr37 *C 9 C 1 C 4 *C10 C 1 C100 *C25 PAC MOA RFF DOC M 1 M 1 M 1 M 1 | | | Gr32 Gr36 DTM C 1 C 1 C 1 PCI IMD M 1 M 1 * The CUSDEC limit is shown but CHIEF will accept more as follows: - 99 for Group 30 FTX; - 99 for Group 31 PAC; - 108 for Group 37 DOC. 6.3.2 Message Specification The conventions used in the following report message specification are described in Section 1.3.3. Section Data Element Group UNB S001 0001 0002 S002 0004 S003 0010 0007 0014 S004 0017 0019 0020 S005 0026 0029 0031 0032 0035 UNH 0062 S009 0065 0052 0054 0051 0057 Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 Value Notes “UNOB” “2” “CHIEF” AGENT-ROLE “” AGENT-LOCN SYS-DATE SYS-TIME “DTICHIEFEDI” “” “” “” “” “” “1” SYS-MRN “CUSDEC” “D” “04A” “UN” “109792” M M M M M M M M C - only if the report is a 'Training Specimen'. M M M M M M Page 62 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports Section Data Element Group H0 BGM C002 1001 1131 3055 1000 C106 1225 H0 CST 1496 C246 7361 C246 7361 H0 LOC 3227 C517 3225 1131 3055 H0 LOC 3227 C517 3225 H0 LOC 3227 C517 3225 1131 3055 H0 DTM C507 2005 2380 2379 H0 FTX 4451 (40) 4453 C107 4441 C108 4440 H1 RFF C506 1153 1154 H1 RFF C506 1153 1154 1156 H1 RFF C506 1153 1154 H4 TDT 8051 8028 C220 8067 C001 C040 8101 C401 C222 8213 1131 3055 8212 8453 H4 TDT 8051 8028 C220 8067 H6 NAD 3035 C082 3039 C058 C080 3036 C059 3042 3164 C819 3229 3251 3207 H6 NAD 3035 C082 3039 C058 C080 3036 C059 3042 3164 C819 3229 3251 3207 Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 Value Notes “CP3” ““ “109” DECLN-CRRN “” “6” “” DECLN-TYPE DECLT-REP “14” GDS-LOCN-CODE “” “109” “36” DEST-CNTRY "44" ENT-EPU-NO "" “109” “7” DT-OF-ENT “102” “ACB” “” HDR-AI-STMT HDR-AI-STMT-TXT “ABT” ENT-NO “ABO” DECLN-UCR DECLN-PART-NO “UCN” MASTER-UCR “13” “” TRPT-MODE-CODE “” “” “” “” “” “” “” TRPT-ID TRPT-CNTRY “1” “” TRPT-MODE-INLD “CZ” CNSGR-TID “” CNSGR-NAME CNSGR-STREET CNSGR-CITY CNSGR-LNG CNSGR-POSTCODE CNSGR-CNTRY “DT” DECLT-TID “” DECLT-NAME DECLT-STREET DECLT-CITY DECLT-LNG DECLT-POSTCODE DECLT-CNTRY M M M M Must be the first C246. Must be the second C246. Page 63 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports Section Data Element Group H6 NAD 3035 C082 3039 1131 3055 H6 NAD 3035 C082 C058 C080 3036 H6 NAD 3035 C082 C058 C080 3036 C059 3164 H6 NAD 3035 C082 3039 UNS 0081 D10 DMS C106 1004 D30 CST 1496 (99) C246 7361 C246 7361 C246 7361 C246 7361 D30 FTX 4451 (99) 4453 C107 4441 C108 4440 3453 D30 LOC 3227 C517 3225 D30 MEA 6311 C502 C174 6411 6314 D30 MEA 6311 C502 C174 6411 6314 D30 MEA 6311 C502 C174 6411 6314 D30 MEA 6311 C502 C174 6411 6314 D31 PAC 7224 (99) C531 C202 7065 D32 PCI 4233 C210 7102 7102 8275 D33 MOA C516 5025 5004 D35 RFF C506 1153 (99) 1154 D35 RFF C506 D36 IMD 7077 C272 C273 7009 1131 3055 7008 7008 3453 Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 Value “LD” RCNSGR-TURN “” “109” “CM” ““ “” CSTUN-NM “AE” “” “” REPR-NAME “” REPR-CITY “WH” PREM-ID “D” TDR-OWN-REF-ENT “” CPC BASE-CMDTY-CODE EC-SUPPLEMENT EC-SUPPLEMENT-2 “ACB” “” ITEM-AI-STMT ITEM-AI-STMT-TXT ITEM-AI-STMT-LNG “27” ITEM-ORIG-CNTRY “AAH” “” “KGM” ITEM-GROSS-MASS “AAR” “” “KGM” ITEM-NET-MASS “AAS” “” “ZZZ” ITEM-SUPP-UNITS “AAT” “” “ZZZ” ITEM-THRD-QTY PKG-COUNT “” PKG-KIND “” PKG-MARKS(1-35) - continued (36-42) PKG-MARKS-LNG “123” ITEM-STAT-VAL-DC “AAQ” CNTR-NO “ZZZ” “” “” “” “” “” GDS-DESC(1-256) - continued (257-280) GDS-DESC-LNG Notes M Must be the first C246. Must be the second C246. Must be the third C246. Must be the fourth C246. stuffed for IMD Page 64 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports Section Data Element Group D37 DOC C002 1001 (9) 1131 3055 1000 C503 1004 1373 1366 3453 1056 1060 D37 DOC C002 1001 (99) 1131 3055 1000 C503 1004 1373 1366 3453 1056 DTM C507 2005 2380 UNS 0081 UNT 0074 0062 UNZ 0036 0020 Value “998” “” “” PREV-DOC-TYPE PREV-DOC-REF “” “” PREV-DOC-LNG “” PREV-DOC-CLASS “916” “” “” ITEM-DOC-CODE ITEM-DOC-REF ITEM-DOC-STATUS ITEM-DOC-REASON ITEM-DOC-LNG ITEM-DOC-PART “ZZZ” ITEM-DOC-QTY “S” SEG-CNT SYS-MRN “1” “DTICHIEFEDI” Notes stuffed stuffed stuffed not using UN code list stuffed stuffed stuffed M M M M M 6.4 EAD Report Message (04A CUSDEC) The 04A CUSDEC used for the EAD report message is defined in this section. The layout and formatting rules for the EAD are defined in the Tariff (Reference [8]). It should be noted that a plain paper layout is not available since the MRN must be printed as a barcode. Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 Page 65 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports 6.4.1 Branching Diagram The conventions used in the following branching diagram for the EAD report message subset of the 04A CUSDEC are described in Section 1.3.2. ____________________________________________________________________________ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | UNH BGM CST LOC DTM MEA SEL FTX Gr.1 Gr.4 Gr.6 Gr.7 UNS Gr30 UNS CNT UNT M 1 M 1 M 1 *M99 M 2 C 1 C99 M 1 M 4 C 2 M 4 C 1 M 1 M99 M 1 M 2 M 1 RFF TDT NAD TOD CST M 1 M 1 M 1 M 1 M 1 | __________________________|_________ | | | | | | | | | FTX LOC MEA NAD Gr31 Gr33 Gr35 Gr37 Gr38 *C 9 C 2 M 2 C 2 *M10 M 1 C101 *C25 C 1 PAC MOA RFF DOC TOD M 1 M 1 M 1 M 1 M 1 | | Gr32 Gr36 C 1 C 1 PCI IMD M 1 M 1 * The CUSDEC limit is shown but CHIEF may output more as follows: - 101 for LOC; - 99 for Group 30 FTX; - 99 for Group 31 PAC; - 108 for Group 37 DOC. 6.4.2 Message Specification The conventions used in the following EAD report message specification are described in Section 1.3.3. Section Group Data Element UNB S001 S002 S003 S004 UNH H0 BGM H0 CST H0 LOC Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 0020 S005 0026 0029 0031 0032 0035 0062 S009 C002 C106 1225 1496 C246 3227 C517 0001 0002 0004 0010 0007 0014 0017 0019 0065 0052 0054 0051 0057 1001 1131 3055 7361 3225 Value Notes “UNOB” “2” “CHIEF” AGENT-ROLE “” AGENT-LOCN SYS-DATE SYS-TIME “DTICHIEFEDI” “” “” “” “” “” “1” SYS-MRN “CUSDEC” “D” “04A” “UN” “109793” “ACD” “” “109” “” “6” “” DECLN-TYPE-ZONE “36” DEST-CNTRY M M M M M M M M C - only if the report is a 'Training Specimen'. M M M M M M M M M Must be the first C246. Page 66 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports Section Group H0 H0 H0 Data Element LOC LOC (99) LOC 3227 C517 3227 C517 3227 C517 H0 LOC H0 LOC H0 DTM 3227 C517 3227 C517 C507 H0 DTM C507 H0 MEA 6311 C502 C174 H0 SEL (99) H0 FTX H1 RFF 9308 C215 4517 4451 4453 C107 C506 H1 RFF C506 H1 RFF C506 H4 TDT H4 TDT 8051 8028 C220 8051 8028 C220 C001 C040 8101 C401 C222 H6 NAD Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 8281 3035 C082 C058 C080 C059 3164 C819 3251 3207 Value 3225 3225 3225 1131 3055 3225 3225 2005 2380 2379 2005 2380 2379 6411 6314 4441 1153 1154 1156 1153 1154 1153 1154 8067 8213 1131 3055 8212 3039 3036 3042 3229 Notes “35” DISP-CNTRY “49” ROUTE-CNTRY “14” GDS-LOCN-CODE “” “109” “114” EXPORT-OFFICE “115” EXIT-OFFICE “7” DT-OF-ENT “102” “268” LATEST-ARR-DT “102” “AAH” “” “KGM” ENT-GROSS-MASS SEAL-ID “” SEAL-ID-LNG “AJA” “” EXPORT-CNTRL-RES “ABO” DECLN-UCR DECLN-PART-NO “AAE” MRN “AJK” SP-CIRCUM-IND “13” “” TRPT-MODE-CODE “1” “” “” “” “” “” “” “” “” “” TRPT-ID-INLD TRPT-ID-INLD-LNG “CZ” CNSGR-TID “” CNSGR-NAME CNSGR-STREET CNSGR-CITY CNSGR-LNG CNSGR-POSTCODE CNSGR-CNTRY Page 67 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports Section Group H6 H6 H6 Data Element NAD NAD NAD H7 TOD D30 UNS CST (999) D30 FTX (99) D30 LOC D30 LOC D30 MEA D30 D30 MEA NAD Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 3035 C082 C058 C080 C059 3164 C819 3251 3207 3035 C082 C058 C080 C059 3164 C819 3251 3207 3035 C082 C058 C080 C059 3164 C819 3251 3207 4055 4215 0081 1496 C246 C246 C246 C246 4451 4453 C107 C108 3453 3227 C517 3227 C517 6311 C502 C174 6311 C502 C174 3035 C082 C058 C080 C059 3164 C819 3251 3207 Value 3039 3036 3042 3229 3039 3036 3042 3229 3039 3036 3042 3229 7361 7361 7361 7361 4441 4440 3225 3225 6411 6314 6411 6314 3039 3036 3042 3229 “CN” CNSGE-TID “” CNSGE-NAME CNSGE-STREET CNSGE-CITY CNSGE-LNG CNSGE-POSTCODE CNSGE-CNTRY “DT” DECLT-TID “” DECLT-NAME DECLT-STREET DECLT-CITY DECLT-LNG DECLT-POSTCODE DECLT-CNTRY “AE” REPR-TID “” REPR-NAME REPR-STREET REPR-CITY REPR-LNG REPR-POSTCODE REPR-CNTRY “” TRPT-CHGE-MOP “D” ITEM-NO CPC BASE-CMDTY-CODE EC-SUPPLEMENT EC-SUPPLEMENT-2 “ACB” “” ITEM-AI-STMT ITEM-AI-STMT-TXT ITEM-AI-STMT-LNG “36” ITEM-DEST-CNTRY “35” ITEM-DISP-CNTRY “AAH” “” “KGM” ITEM-GROSS-MASS “AAR” “” “KGM” ITEM-NET-MASS “CZ” I-CNSGR-TID “” I-CNSGR-NAME I-CNSGR-STREET I-CNSGR-CITY I-CNSGR-LNG I-CNSGR-POSTCODE I-CNSGR-CNTRY Notes M Must be the first C246. Must be the second C246. Must be the third C246. Must be the fourth C246. Page 68 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports Section Group D30 Data Element NAD D31 PAC (99) D32 PCI 3035 C082 C058 C080 C059 3164 C819 3251 3207 7224 C531 C202 4233 C210 8275 C516 D33 MOA D35 C506 D35 RFF (99) RFF D35 D36 RFF IMD C506 7077 C272 C273 D37 DOC (9) C506 C002 C503 D37 DOC (99) C002 C503 D38 TOD S0 UNS CNT 4055 4215 0081 C270 S0 CNT C270 UNT 0074 0062 0036 0020 UNZ Value 3039 3036 3042 3229 7065 7102 7102 5025 5004 6345 1153 1154 1153 1154 1153 7009 1131 3055 7008 7008 3453 1001 1131 3055 1000 1004 1373 1366 3453 1001 1131 3055 1000 1004 1373 1366 3453 6069 6066 6069 6066 Notes “CN” I-CNSGE-TID “” I-CNSGE-NAME I-CNSGE-STREET I-CNSGE-CITY I-CNSGE-LNG I-CNSGE-POSTCODE I-CNSGE-CNTRY PKG-COUNT “” PKG-KIND “” PKG-MARKS(1-35) - continued (36-42) PKG-MARKS-LNG “123” ITEM-STAT-VAL-DC DECLN-CRRN “AAQ” CNTR-NO “UN” UNDG-CODE “ZZZ” “” “” “” “” “” GDS-DESC(1-256) - continued (257-280) GDS-DESC-LNG “998” “” “” PREV-DOC-TYPE PREV-DOC-REF “” “” PREV-DOC-LNG “916” “” “” ITEM-DOC-CODE ITEM-DOC-REF “” “” ITEM-DOC-LNG “” I-TRPT-CHGE-MOP “S” “5” ITEM-CNT “16” SEAL-COUNT SEG-CNT SYS-MRN “1” “DTICHIEFEDI” stuffed for IMD stuffed stuffed M Qualifier as used by EU. M M M M END OF SECTION 6 Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 Page 69 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports 7. Recommended Report Layouts 7.1 Approach The layouts are for guidance, essentially identifying the approximate location for data and the associated backdrop text. Freight software may improve the presentations, for example, by the sensible use of different fonts. The specifications cover a number of report types including Import and Export variants. The layout identifies the position of a number of fields that depend on the report type (e.g. an ex-hold comment). The same report type can be used for different entry types. Where data is not present for a particular entry type (e.g. C21) the presentation block (header and field backdrop) is omitted from the output and subsequent blocks are moved up. Where data elements are null within a block the backdrop can be omitted. The conventions below identify how guidance is given for when the backdrop should be omitted (e.g. place of loading for an Import entry) and when it should be retained to highlight that the information was not declared (e.g. other charges in value build-up). 7.2 Conventions used in the Report Layout Specifications The presentations given in this section identify background text and the position of the fields for variable data which is either a data element from the report message or a ‘standard’ field. The field for a data element is identified by a character repeated to show the maximum space required for the item, for example, “aaaaaaa” is a value of up to seven characters. A table following the hardcopy layout identifies the data element associated with each field character and whether the data element is present for each report variant for which the presentation applies: M O C Blank always present; may be present; present depending on condition in Note column; never present. Additional information is included in a Note column. Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 Page 70 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports The ‘standard’ fields are identified by name within <> brackets with additional dots showing the maximum space the field can occupy (e.g. “<user-ref>..”). Some fields are part of the standard presentation, others display standard data from the report message, others are derived or defined for a particular presentation. The fields are identified in the following table: Field <comment> O <currency mark> M <footer> <page-no> <print reference> <report-title> <rep-type> M M O M M <user-ref> M Contents Text as defined for the presentation along with <report-title> for each <rep-type>. When REPORT-TYPE starts with “EUR “ or “GBP “, currency marks are to be output. <currency mark> is of the form: “*EUR*” / “*GBP*” The marks can be formatted on all reports but they are only shown on the reports where they are required. On reports where the mark is required, 4 marks must appear on each page (i.e. including when the “CONTINUED” footer is omitted). The marks can be in the page footer rather than the report footer (immediately follows text on the page). “END OF REPORT <rep-type>“ on last page; optionally, “CONTINUED” on other pages. Number of page in a report starting at “1”. Identifies the physical document (e.g. for local recovery or reprints). Text as defined for each <rep-type> using the presentation. REPORT-TYPE from report message with the currency (“GBP” or “EUR”) and following space removed for formatting as the <currency mark>. USER-REF as supplied in the report message. Each layout gives line numbers and column positions for a standard A4 page at 6 lines per inch and 10 characters per inch. A layout includes ‘blocks’ of information that may be omitted from some variants or may appear for each occurrence of the data present in the report message (e.g. for each item in the entry). The block layout may include backdrop that can be omitted when there is no field data; layout guidance is given in the right-hand column as follows: ‘h’ page header; ‘f’ page footer; ‘o’ optional; ‘-’ blank line between blocks; ‘bh’ block header; ‘b-’ blank line within a block; ‘bf’ backdrop to appear regardless of the presence of data the in the message; ‘bs’ the “Status” backdrop should only be shown when there is a SOE in the message (e.g. not shown for imports). SOE need not be output on a hardcopy of the report if it is not required by the trade. Other backdrop should appear on the hardcopy regardless of the presence of the data in the message; ‘bv’ backdrop to be omitted when the associated data is not present in the message and the line to be omitted if all fields are blank; ‘b’ formatting for further occurrences of data within the block. There should be 2 blank lines between blocks and a block should not be split across pages. The table following each report layout details the occurrence of the data elements in the associated report message for each report type. In these tables the data requirement for each of the report types is indicated by means of the abbreviations defined in Section 1.3.1. The first column in these tables identifies the character used to show the position of the field on the associated report layout. Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 Page 71 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports 7.3 Pre-lodgement/Entry Acceptance Advice (H2/E2, P2/X2) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 40 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 50 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 <currency mark>... ...<currency mark> CHIEF ..............<report-title>.............. at HH:MM <rep-type>.. on DD/MM/YYYY Entry: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bbbb version cc for <user-ref>.. Route dd at eeee status ff page <page-ref> __________________________________________________________________________ ENTRY ACCEPTANCE DETAILS <comment> Entry accepted Present to Customs by Declarant Id Declarant reference gg/gg/gggg at gg:gg Office hhhh ii/ii/iiii at ii:ii jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj Submitting TURN kkkkkkkkkkkk lllllllllllllllllllll CONSIGNMENT DETAILS Decln UCR MRN Consignee Consignor Master UCR Location mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm part mmmm nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn oooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp Inventory system qqqq sssssssssssssssss Status t Total Packages uuuuuuu ENTRY VALUE DETAILS Foreign airport Air transport costs AAA BBBBBBBBBB.BB Freight charges Discount Insurance Other VAT value adjust Invoice total Total Stat value Amount from Currency at Exchange Rate DDDDDDDDDD.DD DDD DDDDDDDDDDDDD EEEEEEEEEE.EE EEE EEEEEEEEEEEEE FFFFFFFFFF.FF FFF FFFFFFFFFFFFF GGGGGGGGGG.GG GGG GGGGGGGGGGGGG HHHHHHHHHH.HH HHH HHHHHHHHHHHHH IIIIIIIIII.II III IIIIIIIIIIIII JJJJJJJJJJ.JJ JJJ JJJJJJJJJJJJJ Freight apportion ind C ENTRY REVENUE TOTALS Tax Type Total Amount MOP KKK LLLLLLLLLL.LL M ... ............. . Tax Type Total Amount MOP ... ............. . ... ............. . Total deferred revenue NNNNNNNNNN.NN Total immediate revenue OOOOOOOOOO.OO Total revenue payable PPPPPPPPPP.PP <currency mark>... .........<footer>......... ...<currency mark> h h h h h bh bbv bbv bv bf bv bh bbf bv bv bv bf bs bh bbv bv bbf bv bv bv bv bv bv bv bh bbf bf b bbbv bv bv f Page 72 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports . . 9 70 o <print reference> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012 Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 Page 73 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 . . 9 70 <currency mark>... ...<currency mark> CHIEF ..............<report-title>.............. at HH:MM <rep-type> on DD/MM/YYYY Entry: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bbbb version cc for <user-ref>.. Route dd at eeee status ff page <page-ref> __________________________________________________________________________ h h h h h bh bbf bv bv bv bbv bv b bv bv bbf o ITEM DETAILS Item 111 Item Price Customs value Stat value 2222222222.22 3333333333.33 5555555555.55 VAT value Licence value Tax Type Total Amount MOP 777 8888888888.88 9 ... ............. . 4444444444.44 6666666666.66 Tax Type Total Amount MOP ... ............. . ... ............. . ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ ...................................................................... <currency mark>... .........<footer>......... ...<currency mark> <print reference> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012 Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 Page 74 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports Report type dependent fields (see table in Section 7.2 for other fields): <rep-type> DTI-E2 DTI-E2-AMD DTI-E2-XH DTI-E2-R DTI-E2-AMD-R DTI-E2-XH-R DTI-X2 DTI-X2-AMD DTI-X2-XH DTI-X2-R DTI-H2 DTI-H2-AMD DTI-P2 DTI-P2-AMD Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 <report-title> IMPORT ENTRY ACCEPTANCE ADVICE IMPORT ENTRY ACCEPTANCE ADVICE IMPORT ENTRY ACCEPTANCE ADVICE IMPORT ENTRY ACCEPTANCE ADVICE IMPORT ENTRY ACCEPTANCE ADVICE IMPORT ENTRY ACCEPTANCE ADVICE EXPORT ENTRY ACCEPTANCE ADVICE EXPORT ENTRY ACCEPTANCE ADVICE EXPORT ENTRY ACCEPTANCE ADVICE EXPORT ENTRY ACCEPTANCE ADVICE IMPORT PRELODGEMENT ADVICE IMPORT PRELODGEMENT ADVICE EXPORT PRELODGEMENT ADVICE EXPORT PRELODGEMENT ADVICE <comment> ENTRY ACCEPTED EX-HOLD – GOODS NOW ARRIVED ENTRY ACCEPTED EX-HOLD – GOODS NOW ARRIVED ENTRY ACCEPTED EX-HOLD – GOODS NOW ARRIVED ENTRY ENTRY ENTRY ENTRY DATA DATA DATA DATA HELD HELD HELD HELD PENDING PENDING PENDING PENDING GOODS GOODS GOODS GOODS ARRIVAL ARRIVAL ARRIVAL ARRIVAL Page 75 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports Data elements in CUSRES: Field Data Element a b c d e e f g h h i j k l m m n ENT-REF ENT-TYPE ENT-VER-NO ROE GDS-EPU-NO + GDS-EPS-ID ICS ACPTNC-DTM ACPTNC-EPU-NO + ACPTNC-EPS-ID TDR-PRES-DTM DECLT-TID SUBMIT-TURN TDR-OWN-REF-ENT DECLN-UCR + DECLN-PART-NO MRN o o o o p q s t u A B C D D D E E E F F F G G G H H H I I I J J J K L M CNSGE-TID CNSGE-NAME CNSGR-TID CNSGR-NAME MASTER-UCR INVY-SYS-ID GDS-LOCN-CODE SOE TOT-PKGS FARP-CODE ATRPT-COST FRGT-APRT-CODE FRGT-CHGE + FRGT-CHGE-CRRN + FRGT-CHGE-EXCH INV-DAMT + INV-DAMT-CRRN + INV-DAMT-EXCH INS-AMT + INS-AMT-CRRN + INS-AMT-EXCH OCD + OCD-CRRN + OCD-EXCH VAT-ADJT + VAT-ADJT-CRRN + VAT-ADJT-EXCH INV- TOT + INV- CRRN + INV-EXCH STAT-VAL +DECLN-CRRN +DECLN-EXCH ENT-TTY-CODE ENT-TAX-REV ENT-MOP-CODE Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 Imp SAD H2 E2 M M M M M M M M M M O O M M M M O O M M M M O O M M M M O O Imp C21 H2 E2 M M M M M M M M M M O O M M M M O O M M M M O O M M M M O C O O O O O O Exp PSA P2 X2 M M M M M M M M O M O O M M M M O Exp C21 P2 X2 M M M M M M M M M M O O M M M M O EXS P2 M M M M M O M M M O M M C M M O M M C M M O M M C M M O M M C M M O M M C M M O M M C M M M M M M M M M M O O O O O O M O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O M O O O O O O M O O O O O O M O O O O O O M O O O O O M O O O O O O O O M O O M O O O O O O O O M M O M M O M O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O M O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O M M M O O O O O M O O M O O M O O X2 M M M M M O M M M O Present for export entries submitted after ECS is enabled. O O O O O O O O M M O O Notes Exp Full P2 X2 M M M M M M M M O M O O M M M M O For each Tax Type/MOP. Page 76 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports Field Data Element N DEF-TOT O IMM-TOT P REV-PAYBL Z REASON For each Item 1 ITEM-NO 2 ITEM-PRC 3 ITEM-CSTMS-VAL 4 ITEM-VAT-VAL 5 ITEM-STAT-VAL 6 ITEM-LCNC-VAL 7 TTY-CODE 8 ITLN-CHGE-TAX 9 MOP-CODE Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 Imp SAD H2 E2 O O O O O O M O O O O O M O O M O O O O O M O O Imp C21 H2 E2 O O O O O O M O O O O O M O O M O O O O O M O O Exp Full Exp PSA P2 X2 P2 X2 O O O O O O O O Exp C21 EXS P2 X2 P2 X2 O O O O O O O M M M M M M O O O O M O O M O O M O O M O O M Notes Up to five 512 ch blocks. M For each tax line. Page 77 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports 7.4 Pre-lodged/Accepted Entry Amendment Advice (H7/E7, P7/X7) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 40 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 50 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 <currency mark>... ...<currency mark> CHIEF ..............<report-title>.............. at HH:MM <rep-type> on DD/MM/YYYY Entry: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bbbb version cc for <user-ref>.. Route dd at eeee status ff page <page-ref> __________________________________________________________________________ ENTRY ACCEPTANCE DETAILS <comment> Entry accepted Declarant Id Declarant reference gg/gg/gggg at gg:gg Office hhhh jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj Submitting TURN kkkkkkkkkkkk lllllllllllllllllllll CONSIGNMENT DETAILS Decln UCR MRN Consignee Consignor Master UCR Location mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm part mmmm nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn oooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp Inventory system qqqq sssssssssssssssss Total Packages ttttttt WRITTEN REASON FOR AMENDMENT MUST BE LODGED WITH CUSTOMS ITEM CHANGES Items added: AAA ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... Items deleted: BBB ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... REVENUE CHANGES FOR ENTRY Tax Type CCC ... MOP D . Previous Tax Amount EEEEEEEEEE.EE ............. Current Tax Amount FFFFFFFFFF.FF ............. CONSIGNMENT AMENDMENTS GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG from HHHHHHHHHHH.HHH HHHHHHHHHH.HH HHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ...................................................................... to IIIIIIIIIII.III IIIIIIIIII.II IIIIIIIII h h h h h bh bbv bbv bf bv bh bbf bv bv bv bf bf bf bh bbv bbv bh bbf bf b bh bbf bf bv bv bv bv b bf bv bv bv Page 78 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports 9 60 1 2 3 . . 9 70 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ...................................................................... <currency mark>... .........<footer>......... bv b f o ...<currency mark> <print reference> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 40 . . 9 70 <currency mark>... ...<currency mark> CHIEF ..............<report-title>.............. at HH:MM <rep-type> on DD/MM/YYYY Entry: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bbbb version cc for <user-ref>.. Route dd at eeee status ff page <page-ref> __________________________________________________________________________ h h h h h t b b b b b b b b b b bh bbf bf bv bv bv bv b bf bv bv bv bv b f o ITEM AMENDMENTS Item number JJJ Previous Tax Lines: Tax Type Base Amount KKK LLLLLLLLLL.LL ... ............. Base Quantity MMMMMMMMMMM.MMM ............... Tax Rate Tax Amount MOP NNNNNN OOOOOOOOOO.OO P ...... ............. . Current Tax Lines: Tax Type Base Amount QQQ RRRRRRRRRR.RR ... ............. Base Quantity SSSSSSSSSSS.SSS ............... Tax Rate Tax Amount MOP TTTTTT UUUUUUUUUU.UU V ...... ............. . Item Amendments WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW from XXXXXXXXXXX.XXX XXXXXXXXXX.XX XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ...................................................................... to YYYYYYYYYYY.YYY YYYYYYYYYY.YY YYYYYYYYY YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY ...................................................................... <currency mark>... .........<footer>......... ...<currency mark> <print reference> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012 Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 Page 79 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports Report type dependent fields (see table in Section 7.2 for other fields): <rep-type> <report-title> IMPORT ENTRY AMENDMENT ADVICE DTI-E7 EXPORT ENTRY AMENDMENT ADVICE DTI-X7 IMPORT PRELODGEMENT AMENDMENT ADVICE DTI-H7 EXPORT PRELODGEMENT AMENDMENT ADVICE DTI-P7 <comment> ENTRY DATA HELD PENDING GOODS ARRIVAL ENTRY DATA HELD PENDING GOODS ARRIVAL Data elements in UKCRES: Field Data Element a b c d e e f g h h j k l m m n ENT-REF ENT-TYPE ENT-VER-NO ROE GDS-EPU-NO + GDS-EPS-ID ICS ACPTNC-DTM ACPTNC-EPU-NO + ACPTNC-EPS-ID DECLT-TID SUBMIT-TURN TDR-OWN-REF-ENT DECLN-UCR + DECLN-PART-NO MRN o CNSGE-TID o CNSGE-NAME o CNSGR-TID o CNSGR-NAME p MASTER-UCR q INVY-SYS-ID s GDS-LOCN-CODE t TOT-PKGS A ADD-ITEM-NO B DEL-ITEM-NO C ENT-TTY-CODE D ENT-MOP-CODE E PREV-ENT-TOT-REV F CURR-ENT-TOT-REV G AMD-HDR-LABEL H HDR-PREV-QTY H HDR-PREV-VAL H HDR-PREV-INTGR H HDR-PREV-CHARS I HDR-CURR-QTY I HDR-CURR-VAL I HDR-CURR-INTGR I HDR-CURR-CHARS For each amended Item J ITEM-NO K PREV-TTY-CODE L PREV-BASE-AMT M PREV-BASE-QTY N PREV-TAX-RATE-ID Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 Imp SAD H7 E7 M M M M M M M M M M O O M M M M O M M M M O O M M M M O O Imp C21 H7 E7 M M M M M M M M M M O O M M M M O M M M M O O M M M M O O O O O O O O Exp Full P7 X7 M M M M M M M M O M O O M M M M O M M M M O O M M M M C C Exp PSA P7 X7 M M M M M M M M O M O O M M M M O M M M M O O M M M M C C Exp C21 P7 X7 M M M M M M M M M M O O M M M M O M M M M O O M M M M C C EXS P7 X7 M M M M M M M M M M O O M M M M O M M M M M M M M M M O O O O M M O O M O O O M O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O M O O O O M O O O O O M O O O O O M O O O O M O O M O O O M O O O O O O O O O O M O O O M O O O O O O O O M O O O M O O O O O O O O M O O O M O O O O O O O O M O O O O M O O O O M O O O O M O O O O M O O O O Notes Present for export entries submitted after ECS is enabled. O O O O O M O O M O O O M O O O O O O O O O O O M O O M O O O M O O O O O O O O M M O M M O O O M O O O O O O O O M O O O M O O O O O O O O O O O O O M O O M O O O M O O O O O O O O M O O O O M O O O O M O O O O M O O O O M O O O O M M O M Repeats for each tax type/method of payment on the entry. M O O O O O O O O M O O O O O O O O M M Repeats for each amended data element with a pair of previous and current fields (i.e. QTY or VAL or INTGR or CHARS). All previous tax lines are output first. Page 80 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports Field Data Element N O P Q R S T T U V W X X X X Y Y Y Y Imp SAD H7 E7 +PREV-TTY-OVR-CD O O PREV-REV-AMT O O PREV-MOP-CODE O O CURR-TTY-CODE O O CURR-BASE-AMT O O CURR-BASE-QTY O O CURR-TAX-RATE-ID O O +CURR-TTY-OVR-CD O O CURR-REV-AMT O O CURR-MOP-CODE O O AMD-ITEM-LABEL M M ITEM-PREV-QTY O O ITEM-PREV-VAL O O ITEM-PREV-INTGR O O ITEM-PREV-CHARS O O ITEM-CURR-QTY O O ITEM-CURR-VAL O O ITEM-CURR-INTGR O O ITEM-CURR-CHARS O O Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 Imp C21 H7 E7 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O M M O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O Exp Full P7 X7 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O M M O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O Exp PSA P7 X7 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O M M O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O Exp C21 P7 X7 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O M M O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O EXS P7 X7 Notes Followed by all current tax lines. M O O O O O O O O M O O O O O O O O Repeats for each amended data element with a pair of previous and current fields (i.e. QTY or VAL or INTGR or CHARS). Page 81 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports 7.5 Supervising Office Report (E8, X8) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012 1 . 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 40 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 . . 70 CHIEF ..............<report-title>.............. at HH:MM <rep-type> on DD/MM/YYYY Entry: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bbbb version cc for <user-ref>.. Route dd at eeee status ff page <page-ref> __________________________________________________________________________ h h h h h bh bbf bf bv bh bbf bv bv bv bf bs bh bbf bbf ENTRY ACCEPTANCE DETAILS Entry accepted Declarant Id Declarant reference gg/gg/gggg at gg:gg Office hhhh jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj Submitting TURN kkkkkkkkkkkk ggggggggggggggggggggg CONSIGNMENT DETAILS Decln UCR MRN Consignee Consignor Master UCR Location mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm part mmmm nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn oooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp Inventory system qqqq sssssssssssssssss Status t Total Packages uuuuuuu AUTHORISED PREMISES DETAILS Name AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Address CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC ................................... DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD EEEEEEEEE FF Id BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB bv bv bh bbf bbf SUPERVISING OFFICE DETAILS Name GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG Address JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ ................................... KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK LLLLLLLLL MM Customs Unit code HHHH bv bv f o <footer> <print reference> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012 Report type dependent fields (see table in Section 7.2 for other fields): <rep-type> <report-title> SUPERVISING OFFICE REPORT DTI-E8 SUPERVISING OFFICE REPORT DTI-X8 Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 Page 82 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports Data elements in CUSRES: Field a b c d e e f g h h j k l m m n Data Element ENT-REF ENT-TYPE ENT-VER-NO ROE GDS-EPU-NO + GDS-EPS-ID ICS ACPTNC-DTM ACPTNC-EPU-NO + ACPTNC-EPS-ID DECLT-TID SUBMIT-TURN TDR-OWN-REF-ENT DECLN-UCR + DECLN-PART-NO MRN E8 M M M M M O M M M O M M O M M O o o o o p q s t u A B C C C C D E F G H J J J J K L M CNSGE-TID CNSGE-NAME CNSGR-TID CNSGR-NAME MASTER-UCR INVY-SYS-ID GDS-LOCN-CODE SOE TOT-PKGS PREM-NAME PREM-ID PREM-STREET + PREM-STREET2 + PREM-STREET3 + PREM-STREET4 PREM-CITY PREM-POSTCODE PREM-CNTRY SPOFF-NAME SPOFF-CODE SPOFF-STREET + SPOFF-STREET2 + SPOFF-STREET3 + SPOFF-STREET4 SPOFF-CITY SPOFF-POSTCODE SPOFF-CNTRY O O Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 O O O M M M M O O O O O O M M M O O O O O O X8 M M M M M O M M M O M M O M M C Notes Present for export entries submitted after ECS is enabled. O O O O M O O M M M O O O O O O M M M O O O O O O Page 83 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports 7.6 Accounting Rejection Advice (E9, X9) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 40 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 50 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 CHIEF ..............<report-title>.............. at HH:MM <rep-type> on DD/MM/YYYY Entry: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bbbb version cc for <user-ref>.. Route dd at eeee status ff page <page-ref> __________________________________________________________________________ ENTRY ACCEPTANCE DETAILS Entry accepted Declarant Id Declarant reference gg/gg/gggg at gg:gg Office hhhh jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj Submitting TURN kkkkkkkkkkkk lllllllllllllllllllll CONSIGNMENT DETAILS Decln UCR MRN Consignee Consignor Master UCR Location mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm part mmmm nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn oooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp Inventory system qqqq sssssssssssssssss Status t Total Packages uuuuuuu CLEARANCE CANNOT BE GRANTED TO THIS ENTRY FAS TRANSACTION DETAILS Account EPU/TURN AAA/AAAAAAAAAAAA Reason for Accounting Rejection code Transaction amount BBBBBBBBBB.BB C DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD SECURITY TRANSACTION DETAILS TURN Security Reference JJJJJJJJJJJJ LLLLLLLLL Reason for Accounting Rejection code Transaction amount KKKKKKKKKK.KK M NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN DEFERMENT TRANSACTION DETAILS Deferment Approval Prefix Number S UUUUUUUU Reason for Accounting Rejection code Transaction amount TTTTTTTTTT.TT V WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW <footer> h h h h h bh bbf bf bv bh bbf bv bv bv bf bs bf bh bbf bbf bbf bh bbf bf bbf bbf bh bbf bf bbf bbf f Page 84 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports 8 9 . . 9 70 o <print reference> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012 Report type dependent fields (see table in Section 7.2 for other fields): <rep-type> <report-title> IMPORT ACCOUNTING REJECTION DTI-E9 ADVICE (E9) EXPORT ACCOUNTING REJECTION DTI-X9 ADVICE Data elements in CUSRES: Field a b c d e e f g h h j k l m m n Data Element ENT-REF ENT-TYPE ENT-VER-NO ROE GDS-EPU-NO + GDS-EPS-ID ICS ACPTNC-DTM ACPTNC-EPU-NO + ACPTNC-EPS-ID DECLT-TID SUBMIT-TURN TDR-OWN-REF-ENT DECLN-UCR + DECLN-PART-NO MRN CNSGE-TID o o CNSGE-NAME o CNSGR-TID o CNSGR-NAME MASTER-UCR p INVY-SYS-ID q GDS-LOCN-CODE s SOE t TOT-PKGS u FAS transaction block A FAS-EPU-NO A FAS-TURN B TAX-AMT-FAS C FAS-RAR D -RAR-DESC Security transaction block J SCTY-TURN K SCTY-AMT L SSCTY-LDGD-REF M SSCTY-RAR N SSCTY-RAR-DESC Deferment transaction block S DAN-PFX T TAX-AMT-DEF U DAN Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 E9 M M M M M O M M M O M M O M M O X9 M M M M M O M M M O M M O M M C Notes Present for export entries submitted after ECS is enabled. O O O O O M O(1) M M M M M O(2) M M M M M O(2) M M M O O O O M O O O(1) M M M M M O(2) M M M M M O(1) M M M Account owner can be Importer/Exporter or Declarant. Page 85 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports V W DAN-RAR DAN-RAR-DESC M M M M 7.7 Entry Exception Report (E0, X0, P3) For Imports, an E0 is currently produced as an Inventory Failure Report (see Section 7.10) by Inventory systems. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 . . 9 70 CHIEF ..............<report-title>.............. at HH:MM <rep-type> on DD/MM/YYYY Entry: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bbbb version cc for <user-ref>.. Route dd at eeee status ff page <page-ref> __________________________________________________________________________ h h h h h bh bbv bf bv bh bbf bv bv bv bf bs bv bh bbf b bf f o ENTRY ACCEPTANCE DETAILS Entry accepted Declarant Id Declarant reference gg/gg/gggg at gg:gg Office hhhh jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj Submitting TURN kkkkkkkkkkkk lllllllllllllllllllll CONSIGNMENT DETAILS Decln UCR MRN Consignee Consignor Master UCR Location mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm part mmmm nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn oooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp Inventory system qqqq sssssssssssssssss Status t Total Packages uuuuuuu Goods arrival notified at vv:vv on vv/vv/vvvv EXCEPTION DETAILS xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ...................................................................... <comment> <footer> <print reference> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012 Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 Page 86 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports Report type dependent fields (see table in Section 7.2 for other fields): <rep-type> <report-title> IMPORT ENTRY EXCEPTION REPORT DTI-E0 DTI-X0 DTI-P3 EXPORT ENTRY EXCEPTION REPORT EXPORT ARRIVAL REPROCESSING ERROR REPORT <comment> AMENDMENT OF ENTRY OR DETAILS IN ANOTHER SYSTEM REQUIRED ENTRY AMENDMENT REQUIRED ENTRY AMENDMENT REQUIRED Data elements in CUSRES: Field a b c d e e f g h h j k l m m n o o o o p q s t u v Data Element ENT-REF ENT-TYPE ENT-VER-NO ROE GDS-EPU-NO + GDS-EPS-ID ICS ACPTNC-DTM ACPTNC-EPU-NO + ACPTNC-EPS-ID DECLT-TID SUBMIT-TURN TDR-OWN-REF-ENT DECLN-UCR + DECLN-PART-NO MRN CNSGE-TID CNSGE-NAME CNSGR-TID CNSGR-NAME MASTER-UCR INVY-SYS-ID GDS-LOCN-CODE SOE TOT-PKGS GDS-ARR-DTM E0 M M M M M O M O O O M M O M M O O O x ERROR-MSG Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 X0 M M M M M O M O O O M M O M M C P3 M M M M M O M O O O M M O M M O O O O O O O O O O O O O O M M O O M M M O O O Notes Only on P3 if entry is reprocessed and errors can occur at locations visited after acceptance. Note: E0 and X0 can be generated while the entry is prelodged. Present for export entries submitted after ECS is enabled. Page 87 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports 7.8 Customs Action or Movement Advice (E1/5, N3/4/6, X1/5/6, S0/3/4/5/6/8/9) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 . . 9 70 CHIEF ..............<report-title>.............. at HH:MM <rep-type> on DD/MM/YYYY Entry: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bbbb version cc for <user-ref>.. Route dd at eeee status ff page <page-ref> __________________________________________________________________________ h h h h h bh bbv bf bv bh bbf bv bv bv bf bv bs bv bv bv bv bv bv b f o ENTRY ACCEPTANCE DETAILS Entry accepted Declarant Id Declarant reference gg/gg/gggg at gg:gg Office hhhh jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj Submitting TURN kkkkkkkkkkkk lllllllllllllllllllll CONSIGNMENT DETAILS Decln UCR MRN Consignee Consignor Master UCR Movmnt Ref Location Arrived mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm part mmmm nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn oooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp Inventory system qqqq rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr sssssssssssssssss Status t Total Packages uuuuuuu vv/vv/vvvv at vv:vv <comment> on ww/ww/wwww Entry reselected from Route xx from above location granted at yy:yy on yy/yy/yyyy zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ...................................................................... <footer> <print reference> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012 Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 Page 88 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports Report type dependent fields (see table in Section 7.2 for other fields): <rep-type> DTI-E1 <report-title> IMPORT EXAMINATION ADVICE DTI-E5 DTI-N3 DTI-N4 DTI-N6 DTI-X1 IMPORT ENTRY RESELECTION ADVICE IMPORT CANCELLATION REFUSAL ADVICE IMPORT CANCELLATION APPROVAL ADVICE QUERIED IMPORT ENTRY ADVICE EXPORT EXAMINATION ADVICE DTI-X5 DTI-X6 DTI-S0 EXPORT ENTRY RESELECTION ADVICE EXPORT ENTRY PROGRESS ADVICE EXIT FOLLOW-UP ADVICE DTI-S3 DTI-S4 DTI-S5 DTI-S6 DTI-S8 DTI-S9 EXPORT CANCELLATION REFUSAL ADVICE EXPORT CANCELLATION APPROVAL ADVICE EXPORT MOVEMENT ARRIVAL ADVICE QUERIED EXPORT ENTRY ADVICE EXPORT MOVEMENT DEPARTURE ADVICE EXPORT GOODS DISPOSAL ADVICE Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 <comment> PLEASE REFER TO CUSTOMS TO IDENTIFY GOODS FOR EXAMINATION ROUTE DETAILS CANCELLATION REFUSAL REASON ENTRY CANCELLATION APPROVED QUERY REASON PLEASE REFER TO CUSTOMS TO IDENTIFY GOODS FOR EXAMINATION ROUTE DETAILS PERMISSION TO PROGRESS EXIT NOTIFICATION HAS NOT BEEN RECEIVED FOR THIS INDIRECT EXPORT CANCELLATION REFUSAL REASON ENTRY CANCELLATION APPROVED GOODS ARRIVED AT ABOVE LOCATION QUERY REASON GOODS DEPARTED GOODS SEIZED / DESTROYED / RELEASED TO QUEENS WAREHOUSE Page 89 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports Data elements in CUSRES: Field A B C D E E F g h h j k l m m n Data Element ENT-REF ENT-TYPE ENT-VER-NO ROE GDS-EPU-NO + GDS-EPS-ID ICS ACPTNC-DTM ACPTNC-EPU-NO + ACPTNC-EPS-ID DECLT-TID SUBMIT-TURN TDR-OWN-REF-ENT DECLN-UCR + DECLN-PART-NO MRN E1 M M M M M O M M M O M M O M M O E5 M M M M M O M M M O M M O M M O N3 M M M M M O M O O O M M O M M O N4 M M M M M O M O O O M M O M M O N6 M M M M M O M O O O M M O M M O o o o o p q r s t u v w x y z CNSGE-TID CNSGE-NAME CNSGR-TID CNSGR-NAME MASTER-UCR INVY-SYS-ID MOVT-REF GDS-LOCN-CODE SOE TOT-PKGS GDS-ARR-DTM GDS-DEP-DT PREV-ROE P2P-DTM REASON O O O O O O O O O O Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O M M M M M M X1 M M M M M O M M M O M M O M M C X5 M M M M M O M M M O M M O M M C X6 M M M M M O M M M O M M O M M C S0 M M M M M O M O O O M M O M M M S3 M M M M M O M O O O M M O M M C S4 M M M M M O M O O O M M O M M C S5 M M M M M O M M M O M M O M M C S6 M M M M M O M O O O M M O M M C S8 M M M M M O M O O O M M O M M C S9 Notes M M M M M O M O O O M M O M M C Present for export entries submitted after ECS is enabled. O O O O O M O O M O O O O O M O O M O O O O O M O O M O O O O O C M O O O O O O C O O C O O O O O C O O C O O O O O M O O M O O O O O C O O C O O O O O C O O C M O O O O O C O O C If declared for a pre-lodgement. If arrived at GDS-LOCN-CODE. M M O M O M O M Note up to 512 ch blocks which may repeat up to 30 times while 70 character lines may still be output. Page 90 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports 7.9 System Deleted Stored Entry/Pre-lodgement Advice (H5, N1, P5, P9, S1) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 20 1 2 3 4 . . 9 70 CHIEF ..............<report-title>.............. <rep-type> at HH:MM on DD/MM/YYYY for <user-ref>.. page <page-ref> __________________________________________________________________________ Entry Reference Entry Key Entry Type aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa kkkkkkkk tttt Declaration UCR uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Declarant Reference xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Master UCR yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy part h h h h h bv bv bv bbv bbv bbv bv b f o vvvv zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ...................................................................... <footer> <print reference> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012 Report type dependent fields (see table in Section 7.2 for other fields): <rep-type> DTI-H5 DTI-N1 DTI-P5 DTI-P9 DTI-S1 <report-title> SYSTEM DELETED IMPORT PRELODGEMENT ADVICE SYSTEM DELETED STORED IMPORT ENTRY SYSTEM DELETED EXPORT PRELODGEMENT ADVICE EXPORT PRELODGEMENT DELETION WARNING SYSTEM DELETED STORED EXPORT ENTRY Data elements in CUSRES: Field Data Element H5 N1 P5 P9 a ENT-REF M M M k IE-KEY M t ENT-TYPE O M O O u DECLN-UCR O O M M v DECLN-PART-NO O O M M x TDR-OWN-REF-ENT O O O O y MASTER-UCR O O O O z REASON O M Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 S1 Notes M M O O O Note up to 512 ch blocks which may repeat up to 30 times while 70 character lines may still be output. Page 91 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 Page 92 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports 7.10 Inventory Failure Report (E0) The Inventory Failure Report (E0) is currently generated for Imports by Inventory systems. The E0 is also defined for use as an Entry Exception Report (see Section 7.7) for possible future generation by CHIEF. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 . . 9 70 CHIEF ..............<report-title>.............. at HH:MM <rep-type> on DD/MM/YYYY Entry: aaa-bbbbbbb-cc/cc/cccc dddd V ee for <user-ref>.. ffff Consignment: ggggggggggggggggggggggggg page <page-ref> __________________________________________________________________________ h h h h h bh bbf bbf bf bf bbf bbv bf f o ENTRY DETAILS Declarant reference hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Location of goods Place of unloading iii kkkkkkkk Import Clearance Status jj Number of packages lllllll INVENTORY FAILURE Inventory response nnn oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ENTRY AND CONSIGNMENT DO NOT MATCH - AMENDMENT INPUT REQUIRED <footer> <print reference> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012 Report type dependent fields (see table in Section 7.2 for other fields): <rep-type> <report-title> INVENTORY FAILURE REPORT DTI-E0 Data elements known to the Inventory system: Field a b c d e f g h i j k l n o Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 Data Element ENT-EPU-NO ENT-NO DT-OF-ENT ENT-TYPE ENT-VER-NO INVY-SYS-ID INVY-CNSGT-REF TDR-OWN-REF-ENT GDS-LOCN ICS PLA-ULDG TOT-PKGS IRC IRC-DESC E0 M M M O M M M O O M O M M M Notes Page 93 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports 7.11 Import Arrival Reprocessing Error Report (H3) The Import Arrival Reprocessing Error Report (H3) is currently generated by Inventory systems. The equivalent report for Exports (P3, see Section 7.7) is generated by CHIEF. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 20 1 2 3 4 . . 9 70 CHIEF ..............<report-title>.............. at HH:MM <rep-type> on DD/MM/YYYY Entry: aaa-bbbbbbb-cc/cc/cccc dddd V ee for <user-ref>.. ffff Consignment: ggggggggggggggggggggggggg page <page-ref> __________________________________________________________________________ h h h h h bh bbf bbf bf bf bf f o ENTRY DETAILS Declarant reference hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Location of goods Place of unloading iii kkkkkkkk Import Clearance Status jj Number of packages lllllll Goods arrival notified at nn:nn on nn/nn/nnnn ENTRY AMENDMENT AND GOODS ARRIVAL NOTIFICATION REQUIRED <footer> <print reference> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012 Report type dependent fields (see table in Section 7.2 for other fields): <rep-type> <report-title> IMPORT ARRIVAL REPROCESSING ERROR REPORT DTI-H3 Data elements known to the Inventory system: Field a b c d e f g h i j k l n Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 Data Element ENT-EPU-NO ENT-NO DT-OF-ENT ENT-TYPE ENT-VER-NO INVY-SYS-ID INVY-CNSGT-REF TDR-OWN-REF-ENT GDS-LOCN ICS PLA-ULDG TOT-PKGS GDS-ARR-DTM H3 Notes M M M O M M M O O M O M M Date and time supplied by trade system. Page 94 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports 7.12 SAD Copy 3 (Export) It should be noted that the layout in the current Tariff Volume 3 is definitive and may have superseded the one in this issue of the TIS. The layout on the following pages formally relates the field positions to the elements in the CUSDEC message using the SAD Copy 3 plain paper layout specified by HMRC. The message contains the raw data with the formatter generating the backdrop and some codes as required in Box 31 and Box 44. The line positions are fixed. Where there is more data in the message than fits in the space available it is truncated at an appropriate point (e.g. further AI Statements are omitted). The field positions are identified by the field character associated with the element in the message and, for variable length fields, with leading dots if the field is right aligned, trailing dots if it is left aligned and dots on both sides if it is centred. The layout in Box 31 and 44 is indicative with backdrop codes and formatting characters omitted when there is no corresponding data in the message and lines filled where sensible with several fields. Fields are separated by a new line or at least one space. Where a separate piece of data (e.g. the full details for a document) cannot be fully accommodated in Box 31 or 44 it is omitted. The separate pieces of data in Box 31 and 44 are shown in the order in which they are to be printed. Note that many of the pieces of data can be repeated and should be printed in the order in which they are sent in the message. If any Box 31 or 44 data is not in the message the related backdrop (e.g. “9DCR –”, “– RCONT”) is not to be printed. The backdrop is in Arial 8, 10 and 12 point. Courier New is used to indicate the position of the variable data although it can be output in Arial in which case more characters are likely to fit. The font for all variable data is Arial 10 point except for 12 point in the “office of export control”. Boxes 31 and 44 can use the full width of the lines with as many characters as the proportional font enables. Field details follow the layout on the following pages. Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 Page 95 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports EXPORT DECLARATION AUSFUHRANMELDUNG DECLARATION D’EXPORTATION UITVOERAANGIFTE DICHIAZIONE PER L’ESPORTAZIONE THIS DOCUMENT IS A SINGLE ADMINISTRATION DOCUMENT (SAD) COPY 3 EQUIVALENT CONTAINING INFORMATION DECLARED TO AND ACCEPTED BY UNITED KINGDOM CUSTOMS PROCESSING SYSTEM KNOWN AS CHIEF ON THE DATE SHOWN IN BOX A. THE REFERENCE NUMBER IN BOX A IS A CUSTOMS ALLOCATED UNIQUE NUMBER FOR THE DECLARATION. THE FORMAT OF THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN AGREED WITH ALL THE CUSTOMS AUTHORITIES OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITY IN ACCORDANCE WITH COMMISSION REGULATION 2454/93 ARTICLE 205.3 AND 288 A. Office of dispatch/export: a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. 2. 14. 32. 31. Consignor/Exporter f1 . f2 . . . . . . . . . . . f3 . . . . . . . . . . . f4 . . . . . . . . . . . f5 . . . . . . . f6 Declarant/Rep. j1 . [j] j2 . . . . . . . . . . . j3 . . . . . . . . . . . j4 . . . . . . . . . . . j6 . . . . . . . j5 Rep. r1 . . . . . . . . . . . r2 . . . . . . . . . . . Item no. . . # Description of goods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Number bbb ccccccc ddddddddd DECLARATION eee .@/.* 3. Forms 5. Items .£ 7. Ref. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17a. g 21. I Country of destination hh 25. Id and Nat of transport crossing border 26. k. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30. ll 49. Mode transport at border mm Inland mode of transport nn Location of goods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p Warehouse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . q 33. Comm code ssssssss tttt uuuu w. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34a. 37. 40. 41. Packages Number/Kind/Marks x . . . . /yy/z . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x . . . . /yy/z . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x . . . . /yy/z . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Container No(s) A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35. Gross mass (kg) Country origin code BB C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38. PROCEDURE DDDDDD . Net mass (kg) E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Summary declaration/Previous document F-GGG-H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46. Statistical value Supplementary units J . . . . . . . . . . . . . K. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 Page 96 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports 44. Additional information PPPPPPPPPPPP – RCONT Q . . . . . . . . . – THRDQ SSSSS NNN R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – SSSSS R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – SSSSS Documents/Certificates/Authorisations (Type – [Status] Ref/Part/Quantity) 9DCR – L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /M . . . 9MCR - v . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TTTT – [UU] V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /W . . . /X . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TTTT – [UU] V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /W . . . /X . . . . . . . . . TTTT – [UU] V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TTTT – [UU] V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /W . . . /X . . . . . . . . . office of exit control office of export control UK CHIEF ...... ....a.. ........ dddddddddd f1........... ...... –bbb ccccccc stamp/stempel/timbre/timbro Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 Page 97 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports CONTINUATION SHEET A. Office of dispatch/export: a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. Consignor/Exporter f1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32. 31. Item no. . . # Description of goods 3. 33. Number Forms bbb ccccccc ddddddddd .@/.* Comm code ssssssss tttt uuuu w. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Packages Number/Kind/Marks x . . . . /yy/z . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x . . . . /yy/z . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x . . . . /yy/z . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Container No(s) A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34a. Country origin code 35. Gross mass (kg) BB C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37. PROCEDURE 38. Net mass (kg) DDDDDD . E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40. Summary declaration/Previous document F-GGG-H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41. Supplementary units J . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46. Statistical value K. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44. Additional information Q . . . . . . . . . – THRDQ R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – SSSSS SSSSS R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – SSSSS R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – SSSSS Documents/Certificates/Authorisations (Type – [Status] Ref/Part/Quantity) TTTT – [UU] V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /W . . . /X . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TTTT – [UU] V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /W . . . /X . . . . . . . . . TTTT – [UU] V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TTTT – [UU] V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /W . . . /X . . . . . . . . . 32. 31. Item no. . . # Description of goods 33. Comm code ssssssss tttt uuuu w. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Packages Number/Kind/Marks x . . . . /yy/z . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x . . . . /yy/z . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x . . . . /yy/z . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Container No(s) A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34a. Country origin code 35. Gross mass (kg) BB C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37. PROCEDURE 38. DDDDDD . Net mass (kg) E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40. Summary declaration/Previous document F-GGG-H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41. Supplementary units J . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46. Statistical value K. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44. Additional information Q . . . . . . . . . – THRDQ R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – SSSSS SSSSS R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – SSSSS R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – SSSSS Documents/Certificates/Authorisations (Type – [Status] Ref/Part/Quantity) TTTT – [UU] V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /W . . . /X . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TTTT – [UU] V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /W . . . /X . . . . . . . . . TTTT – [UU] V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TTTT – [UU] V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /W . . . /X . . . . . . . . . 32. 31. Item no. . . # Description of goods 33. Comm code ssssssss tttt uuuu w. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Packages Number/Kind/Marks x . . . . /yy/z . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x . . . . /yy/z . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x . . . . /yy/z . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Container No(s) A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 Page 98 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports 35. Gross mass (kg) Country origin code BB C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38. Net mass (kg) PROCEDURE DDDDDD . E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Summary declaration/Previous document F-GGG-H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46. Statistical value Supplementary units J . . . . . . . . . . . . . K. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Additional information Q . . . . . . . . . – THRDQ R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – SSSSS SSSSS R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – SSSSS R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – SSSSS Documents/Certificates/Authorisations (Type – [Status] Ref/Part/Quantity) TTTT – [UU] V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /W . . . /X . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TTTT – [UU] V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /W . . . /X . . . . . . . . . TTTT – [UU] V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TTTT – [UU] V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . /W . . . /X . . . . . . . . . 34a. 37. 40. 41. 44. The following fields are not in the message but are generated by the formatter. Field Data Element Name @ page number SAD BOX 3 * £ # number of pages number of items item number 3 5 32 PSA Full Notes M M M M M M M M The number of the page (i.e. “1” for the header page with details for Item 1). The total number of pages. The total number of items. The sequence number of the item details in the message. The following table gives guidance on how to format the elements in the CUSDEC report message (see Section 6.3). The message contains some other elements (e.g. language codes) that are not output on the SAD Copy 3. Field Data Element Name SAD BOX PSA Full Notes This is the name of the EPU/EPS responsible for the location identified by GDS-LOCN-CODE if declared else the EPU of declaration. Format as much as possible in the space available. Note, also printed in the “office of export control” box. Note, also printed in the “office of export control” box. Note, also printed in the “office of export control” box. Note, data is sent as CCYYMMDD but is printed as DD-MM-CCYY. Note, also printed in the “office of export control” box. a HEADER CSTUN-NM A M M b c d ENT-EPU-NO ENT-NO DT-OF-ENT A A A M M M M M M e f1 DECLN-TYPE CNSGR-TID 1 2 C M C f2 CNSGR-NAME 2 M M f3 f4 f5 f6 g h CNSGR-STREET CNSGR-CITY CNSGR-POSTCODE CNSGR-CNTRY TDR-OWN-REF-ENT DEST-CNTRY 2 7 17a C O O O O M C O O O O M j j1 DECLT-REP DECLT-TID 14 14 M O M O j2 DECLT-NAME 14 O O j3 j4 j5 j6 k l m n DECLT-STREET DECLT-CITY DECLT-POSTCODE DECLT-CNTRY TRPT-ID TRPT-CNTRY TRPT-MODE-CODE TRPT-MODE-INLD 14 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 21 21 25 26 Note, also printed in the “office of export control” box if DECLT-TID is not supplied. Not supplied when consignors are declared at the item level. For a known trader this is the trader’s abbreviated name. If no CNSGR-TID (i.e. consignors are declared at the item level) the name is set to “Other – 00200”. Otherwise as declared. Only supplied with CNSGR-TID. For a known trader the address is as defined on CHIEF (street and city are the first and last address lines, postcode is supplied but not country). Otherwise the declared street, city, country and postcode are in the message. If destination countries are declared at the item level, CHIEF sets the element to the destination country declared for the first item. Only supplied if declared. Note, also printed in the “office of export control” box if supplied otherwise CNSGR-TID is printed in the box. For a known trader this is the trader’s abbreviated name. If no DECLTTID the name is set to “Consignor – 00300”. Otherwise as declared. Only supplied with DECLT-TID. For a known trader the address is as defined on CHIEF (street and city are the first and last address lines, postcode is supplied but not country). Otherwise the declared street, city, country and postcode are in the message. Page 99 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports Field Data Element Name p P q r1 r2 v L GDS-LOCN-CODE RCNSGR-TURN PREM-ID REPR-NAME REPR-CITY MASTER-UCR DECLN-UCR SAD BOX 30 44 49 50 50 44 44 M DECLN-PART-NO 44 C N 44 R DECLN-CRRN ITEM ITEM-ORIG-CNTRY ITEM-GROSS-MASS CPC ITEM-NET-MASS ITEM-SUPP-UNITS ITEM-STAT-VAL-DC ITEM-THRD-QTY BASE-CMDTY-CODE EC-SUPPLEMENT EC-SUPPLEMENT-2 GDS-DESC Per item – Package PREV-DOC-CLASS PREV-DOC-TYPE PREV-DOC-REF Per item – Package PKG-COUNT PKG-KIND PKG-MARKS Per item – Container CNTR-NO Header AI Statement HDR-AI-STMT-TXT 44 O O M(99) M(99) O O O M M O O O O O O O O O O O O O O M M M(9) M(9) M M M M M M M(99) M(99) O O M M O O O(99) O(99) M M O(40) O(40) O O S HDR-AI-STMT 44 M R Per item – AI Statement ITEM-AI-STMT-TXT 44 B C D E J K Q s t u w F G H x y z A S 34a 35 37 38 41 46 44 33 33 33 31 40 40 40 31 31 31 31 44 T ITEM-AI-STMT Per item – Document ITEM-DOC-CODE U V W X ITEM-DOC-STATUS ITEM-DOC-REF ITEM-DOC-PART ITEM-DOC-QTY 44 44 44 44 44 PSA Full O O O O O O C O O O O O O C C M Notes Formatted in Box 44 for Item 1 only followed by “ – RCONT”. Formatted in Box 44 as a document following “9MCR – ”. Only supplied if declared. Formatted in Box 44 as a document following “9DCR – ”. Supplied along with DECLN-UCR. Formatted after DECLN-UCR following “ /”. Formatted in Box 44 followed by “– THRDQ”. Formatted in Box 31. If more than 1 previous document is supplied, only the first need be output. Followed by “/”. Prefixed by “/”. Formatted for Item 1 before any Item 1 AI Statements. When supplied it is followed by “ – ” and HDR-AI-STMT otherwise HDR-AI-STMT is output by itself. For Pre-shipment Advices the AI Statement “Simplified exportation – 31000” is generated. O(99) O(99) O O When supplied it is followed by “ – ” and ITEM-AI-STMT otherwise ITEM-AI-STMT is output by itself. M M O(99) O(99) M M Some document codes are not generated by CHIEF (e.g. ingredients). Followed by “ – ” if there are further elements. M M Prefixed with “[“ and followed by “] ”. M M Followed by “ /” if there is a further element. O O O O Prefixed by “ /”. END OF SECTION 7 Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 Page 100 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports 8. Glossary and References 8.1 Glossary See USM 102 – CHIEF GLOSSARY AND ABBREVIATIONS 8.2 References Ref No. Title Document reference 1. TIS : ELECTRONIC DATA INTERCHANGE (EDI) SPECIFICATION DES 150 2. TIS : EDI FOR IMPORTS DES 205 3. TIS : EDI FOR EXPORTS DES 208 4. TIS : EDI FOR CONSIGNMENT AND MOVEMENT CONTROL DES 242 5. TIS : DATA ELEMENT DEFINITIONS DES 209 6 COMMON ENTRY TRADE USER GUIDE USM 239 7 EXPORT ENTRY TRADE USER GUIDE USM 305 8. INTEGRATED TARIFF OF THE UNITED KINGDOM HMRC END OF SECTION 8 Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 Page 101 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports APPENDICES Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 Page 102 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports Document Control Status: Author John Walker, CHIEF Design Status Approved Change Log: Version Date Change Reference Comments (please include names of approvers in this section) For previous history, see version 3.0 (Capgemini Crown Copyright template). 3.1 28/07/2015 Document content transferred to HMRC template. EARS 13803324 / RFC 26616536 Rationalisation of Report Titles. Storage: Master Copy DES222 Review Record DES222 Review Records Document Reviewer List: Reviewer Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 Role Page 103 of 104 DES222: TIS – EDI for Requests and Reports END OF DOCUMENT Statement of Confidentiality © HM Revenue & Customs 2015. All rights reserved. Filename: DES222 Version: 3.1 Page 104 of 104